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so today's video is going to be another solved true crime case today we're going to be talking about one of the biggest cases in australian true crime history i've wanted to cover this case for so long literally since i started my channel but i've put it off for so long so i knew it was gonna be a long one and it is a long one this is actually gonna be a two-parter so this is part one part two will be out in the next few days make sure you subscribe make sure you got the bell notification on so you don't miss when i post part two but before we get into this video i just want to thank our sponsors for making this video possible best fiends best fiends is a free adventure puzzle game where you get to solve thousands of puzzles and collect a cute little team of mates called fiends you guys know me by now i am absolutely obsessed with mobile games and best fiends is my newest obsession i'm never off that game i've actually had it for years i've played it for years and recently you just cannot pull me away from that game i just love the cute little bug characters man i love the fiends and even the villains so the point of the game is that you defeat the slugs who are supposed to be like the evil villains but even they're cute man i kind of like them it's a super chill game so i love to play it when i'm in bed on a night trying to wind down or if i take a break from my research during the day sometimes i take a little bit of a longer break than anticipated because i've got to defeat all the slugs i even got editor jack into playing the game as well and we're getting really competitive about it like we message each other at least once a day like i'm on level 35 now what are you on no no obviously i'm winning of course i am there'll be a link down below in the description to download best fiends for free and if you do go through my link then you'll get five dollars worth of gold and diamonds if you beat level five i know you can do it i know you can beat level five try and beat me try and beat me i think i'm on level 36 at the moment so try it thanks again to best fiends for sponsoring this video now before we get into it i just want to give my usual disclaimer that i mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone that i talk about in this video this video is for educational purposes and everything that i'm about to say is just information that i have found on the internet and i'm compiling into one video just a couple of warnings before we get into this case these warnings do span across part one and part two i can't remember which part has what kind of content in it but throughout this case there will be mentions of sexual violence rather graphic sexual violence as well very graphic details of injuries as well as talk of suicidal thoughts at points and depression and everything that goes along with that so if that is something that you don't want to hear right now feel free to click out this video i'm sure i'm sure i can see you again sometime with another case that's probably a bit better fit for you but all of that being said let's just get into the case anita lorraine lynch was a 26 year old woman born on november 2nd 1959 to parents grace and gary she was born in sydney australia but she was actually raised about 40 kilometers away from sydney in a place called blacktown now blacktown did have relatively high crime rates especially among young people things like robberies theft burglaries drug charges things like that were quite high but at the same time it was the kind of stuff where if you just didn't get involved in that lifestyle then it was unlikely to affect you it was in the same circles that a lot of this crime was happening there weren't nicer parts of blacktown so that's the area that we're talking about anywhere and that was the place where anita cobby grew up along with her younger sister catherine and catherine was anita's absolute mini-me she was just she was anita but smaller you know she copied everything she did she idolized her older sister she wanted to be just like anita they were very close as they were growing up and even into adulthood they remained like best friends before they were sisters you know they used to go out all the time they loved going to the city together shopping catherine said that anita had very expensive taste and she loved to shop with her sister anita's family described her as beautiful in mind body and soul she was very compassionate very caring very empathetic one particular thing that her friends said about anita that really stuck with me was that she was such a good listener like when you were in a conversation with anita you knew she was listening and taking in every single word you were saying she would like lean into the conversation she would like rest her chin on her hand as you were talking to her you were all she was focused on in that moment and i just think that's something so beautiful to be remembered by like something so small but so big at the same time like that tells you a lot about the kind of woman she was anita cobby was very into music she loved all the kind of typical 80s bands you know being a woman in her 20s in the 80s she loved it she loved eurythmics the police she loved simply red specifically the simply read song holding back the years her sister-in-law later said that that song was anita's song like whenever she hears that song out in public kind of brings a tear to her eye because that was anita but one thing anita was very much known for and one thing that's talked about a lot in relation to this case is her looks her physical looks she was she was so stunning she was beautiful she was always very well dressed her hair was always big and bouncy these big 80s curls in her late teens and her early 20s anita decided to make the most of the good looks that she was blessed with and she entered a lot of like beauty pageant type things she even won like quite a few of them she was told time and time again that she could get a career in this kind of thing like if she wanted to be a model she so could she had the looks she had just it to be a model but anita wasn't that interested in that kind of thing she wanted to do something with a lot more meaning to her like she was an incredibly kind-hearted nurturing compassionate person and she knew that she wanted a job in that kind of field she wanted a job where she could help people she often looked up to her mother grace who was a nurse and when it eventually came to the point of anita's life where she was picking a career path she decided to follow in her mother's footsteps and take up some kind of nurse training so anita went off to get a degree and then she went to work at a hospital to be like a trainee nurse but along the way she got swept off her feet by an older man named john cobby the two of them met because he was also a trainee nurse at this same hospital that anita was he'd been there a couple years longer than she had he was a few years older than her few years deeper into the course he was 23 she was 20. he was kind of showing other ups and he fell head over heels for anita their personalities contrasted each other quite nicely like anita was quite a grounding energy for john and john was kind of all over the place he was the fun life of the party and they kind of brought each other to a nice level he brought anita up and made a you know a bit more confident and lively and she kept him in check john cobby was very much like a class clown type figure he was always you know playing pranks on people he was mischievous he was he was just fun he was just a fun energy to be around and he said that when he first saw anita he just thought she was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen he actually had a girlfriend at the time and he ended up splitting up with his girlfriend because i don't know because a new girl came to work and he started fancying her he said he never thought he could get a woman like anita like she was just way out of his league and he wasn't good enough for her he wasn't attractive enough for her but luckily for him anita was the one that made the first move they kind of bumped into each other in the corridor she made conversation and in that moment he thought oh my god like maybe she likes me so he asked her out for a meal they went out they spent hours and hours talking and then the next night they went out for another meal and then you know they just clicked and they formed this relationship so he was thinking all of these things about anita that she was too good for him but she was thinking the same thing in her mind she was thinking wow this guy's so like cool and carefree and he's just fun and she thought he was so handsome it was just a beautiful relationship from what i read about these two their families said that they just radiated happiness when they were together so they met and started dating in 1980 and by 1981 they were actually engaged john cobby said that he just fell so in love with this woman that he he didn't want to do the rest of his life without her so why not just put a ring on it in 1982 the couple got married and anita lynch became anita cobby a couple of months into this marriage anita fell pregnant and the two of them were you know they were kind of caught off guard by it it wasn't planned but at the same time they were happy they just got married they were gonna start their little family however just nine weeks later anita actually miscarried she lost the baby and this was a very crushing moment for the two of them as unexpected as this pregnancy had been they'd prepared themselves in their brain they were gonna be parents they were gonna have a baby they were gonna start this family you know they supported each other through it and they agreed that when the time was right they would try again but for now they were just going to enjoy their 20s they weren't going to worry about it too much in the meantime the two of them got two dogs and they would take these dogs everywhere they were literally like their children they would take them out on boat rides because the two of them john and anita love to sail boats at one point john cobby actually won a lot of money betting on the horses and with this money he decided that he was gonna do something for his beautiful wife anita it was anita's dream to travel the world to go to loads of different countries to see loads of different cultures specifically rome she'd always told john that rome she thought rome was the most romantic country in the whole world and he always promised her that when they got chance he was going to take a bear so with this money that's exactly what they did they went traveling for like a full year they were happy they were carefree they were loving it and then when they returned from this trip john approached anita and he said look i think we're ready again now i think we're ready to try for a baby again and you know build up our little family however anita kind of wasn't on that wavelength at this point in her life she was just enjoying being young in her mid-20s she was carefree she was meeting her friends she was traveling you know she had no responsibilities and she didn't really feel like getting any responsibilities either and this along with some other issues in the relationship started driving a wedge between john and anita eventually in 1986 they'd been married almost three years and the two of them decided that they just needed some time apart to figure out what they wanted they were gonna go on a break they weren't gonna break up they weren't gonna divorce they weren't separated they just needed some time apart from each other just because they just i don't know we really don't know what was going on in their relationship behind closed doors all we know is that they kind of wanted different things at this point in their life anita wanted to do a lot like she was thinking about taking on another degree she was thinking about taking like spanish classes things like that like she was still in the in the development stage of her own life she wasn't ready to have children and settle down and everything yet so for the time being anita moved back to blacktown from sydney so she'd moved to sydney to work in this hospital with john and now she was moving back to blacktown she was going to move back in with her parents they were going to have about six weeks apart just to clear their heads and kind of work on themselves for a while she was still working as a nurse but she was just kind of focused in on her life outside of john so she was working on a social life she had a great group of friends great family life she was debating picking up a degree in the arts she signed up for those spanish classes that she always wanted to sign up for she enrolled she paid for them however anita cobby would never get to go to those spanish classes around six weeks into their separation anita and john met up once again to kind of discuss what was going on like where they were going to take this because they were still married they just kind of weren't together at that time they booked a romantic getaway on the coast in order to kind of rekindle their romance and john said it worked like a charm he felt like this was their honeymoon all over again he said anita told him she loved him so many times on this trip and he said it back to her every single time and they even discussed on this trip that when they got home they were going to start looking for houses to buy and to move in together and start their little family on february 1st 1986 it was a saturday anita and john went for dinner at his parents house and john's sister was there and they announced to the family that they were going to go house hunting the following monday so in two days time they were going to go out and find their forever home the family said that they seemed so excited they were so ready for this they were just so happy they were in love they were ready for this next step but anita would never make those plans to go house hunting the next day was a sunday february 2nd 1986 and it was the same as any other work day for anita she got up she went for her morning shift at the hospital it was about an hour-long train journey to sydney from blacktown so she went all the way there she did her shift and then at the end she had plans to meet up with some co-workers and go for dinner so it was three of them that went out for this dinner at a local city called red fern they had a few bottles of wine they had a really nice time and then around 8 p.m 8 30 they set off back home one of the friends dropped anita off at central railway station so that she could catch her train back to blacktown which she did she safely got on her train at that railway station and she arrived at blacktown train station but it was there that things didn't go to plan usually when anita would get off the train in blacktown she would go to one of the pay phones and she would call her father to come to the station and pick her up and take her back to her parents house but when anita walked over to one of the pay phones it was out of order something had happened with like vandalism and every single pair of fun in that whole train station was out of use and this was the 1980s you know mobile phones were not a big thing yet so this was kind of anita's only way of getting home was to be able to contact her father she did walk to the local taxi rank but there were no taxis available and so she thought well it's not that far it was about a two mile walk just less than a two mile walk i mean it was about 10 p.m now it was dark it wasn't safe for her to be walking but she thought it's not that far so she just set off the next morning anita's parents woke up and they realized that anita never came home the night before her father checked his phone and saw that he never even got a missed call from her to say that she'd arrived at blacktown train station so they just kind of assumed that maybe she never came back to blacktown they knew who she was going out with and they knew that they were her co-workers in sydney so they thought well maybe she just stayed at one of her friends houses in sydney she had her work clothes her it kind of made sense maybe after a few drinks she just didn't feel like getting the hour-long train all the way back to blacktown so they kind of explained it away in their head her parents just went about her day they weren't too worried i mean their daughter was 26 years old she's a fully grown adult you know if she wants to stay over at a friend's house she doesn't really need to tell her parents so they went about their day they weren't too worried until they received a phone call from one of anita's co-workers one of those friends that she went out with the night before asking where she was and if she was okay as they were talking both parties in this phone call kind of had this realization that they each thought that anita was with the other person her parents thought she'd stayed with her friends and her friends obviously thought that she'd got home to her parents because they dropped her off at the train station and when they realized that no one knew where she was that was when this panic set in anita's father wasted no time reporting her missing he went straight down to the police station and told them that his daughter hadn't arrived home that night meanwhile her mother stayed at home and she was calling round everyone anita knew literally every single one of her friends every single one of her co-workers but none of them had seen anita none of them had heard from her they hadn't got a call or a text and of course included in all of these calls that her mother was making was john cobby her husband obviously he still lived and worked in sydney and he said that he hadn't seen her hadn't heard from her she hadn't come to his house and he was incredibly concerned so he decided to jump on the train and go down to blacktown take that hour-long train so that he could be with anita's family at this time but john cobby didn't have the best relationship with anita's parents i don't think they really liked him at this point because the two of them had been arguing a little bit i mean at this point they had reconciled and they were looking at getting back together and everything obviously they had their like honeymoon trip to the coast so things were looking up but at the same time john said that he just got this feeling when he was at the house that he just wasn't welcome there they just didn't really want him there john said that he and anita's father got into a couple of arguments that did literally the day that anita went missing because they both felt like the other person wasn't doing enough it was like john would ask these questions like oh did you call this person and gary would be like of course i have like it's my daughter i know who her friends are i've called that person and they don't know where she is they were both just very stressed obviously this was a very overwhelming very scary situation and they were just kind of snapping at each other and so john decided it was probably for the best in order to maintain relationships and cause as little stress as he possibly could at this time so he decided to go back home to sydney so her parents were trying everything they possibly could in blacktown john cobby and anita's co-workers and friends were trying everything they could in sydney and they just couldn't find her they continued all the way into the night and then into the next morning and still there was no sign of anita she hadn't contacted anyone so this is day two that she's been missing at this point and around 9 30 that morning police got a call from a local farmer this farmer had gone out that morning to go and check on his cows as he did every single day and he noticed that they were all kind of congregated in one corner of the field and he thought it was a little bit weird but you know cows are cows so he just kind of left him to it so he went somewhere else maybe checked on some other kind of animal i don't know and then he came back to the cows and they were all still there and he thought well they must be you know looking at something there must be something going on over there maybe there was an animal on the floor or something so he decided to get on his little quad bike and go up and check what was going on with these cows as he was kind of driving up on this on this quad bike he noticed that there was something on the floor in the middle of all the cows and as he got closer he noticed that that thing on the floor was a dead human body it was the body of a woman she was laying naked face down in the dirt and this farmer said that as soon as he saw this body he just knew that whatever this woman had been through it must have been a horrific ordeal literally just from the look of her body she looked tortured so he called the police the body was taken for an autopsy and due to the fact that anita had been reported missing literally just the day before police kind of already connected this in their minds they didn't even need a formal identification there was only one woman missing in the whole town and a woman's body had just been found so they called anita's family to come down to the police station so that they could show them the jewelry that was found on this woman there were a couple of rings especially a ring that kind of looked like a wedding ring it was very unique it was like two different bands crossed over so they called her family down and they showed her this ring and as soon as john cobby saw that ring he just knew that the woman that they'd found that body that they'd found it had to be his anita even though they'd separated at the time she always wore her wedding ring through that six weeks that they technically weren't together she wore it non-stop she never took it off and even in death you know she was wearing it the night that she died but anita's sister catherine saw this ring and she said hang on no that can't be anita's because this ring's all rusty and dirty you know anita never let her jewelry get like that and that was when one of the detectives actually had to step in and say actually that's not rust that's dried blood and it was when the detective said that that her family realized that anita probably didn't have an easy death you know the fact that there was blood on her wedding ring they were just kind of preparing themselves to hear about the horrific ordeal that she must have been through so the police were pretty sure that the body that they had was anita cobbies i mean they'd kind of identified her through jewelry but at the same time as much as police didn't want her family to have to see her they kind of needed them to in order to formally identify her body john cobby was originally asked obviously being her husband and he said that he just couldn't do it he just couldn't see his wife like that you know he didn't know what had happened to her just yet but he just knew he couldn't see her dead body he couldn't see her if she'd had a brutal death you know it it just ruined him mentally and so her parents stood up and they said well i guess we're gonna have to do it and that was when detectives decided to intervene and they told grace anita's mother that they were not gonna let her go in there and see her daughter they said that they just could not let a woman a mother see her child in that way they just weren't going to allow it and so that left only gary so anita's father gary walked into this room alone and he said that as soon as he saw the table in the middle of the room even the cover was pulled over her he couldn't even see her yet but he said that he just felt sick and when that sheet was pulled back and gary saw his daughter's lifeless face just laying on this table in front of him gary lynch just collapsed to the ground just a warning that the following part of this video will be quite graphic there'll be a timed stamp on screen if you don't want to listen to this but we will be going into all of the injuries that anita's sustained so if you don't want to watch that skip to this time so it was very clear just from looking at anita's body that she had been tortured in her final moments she was brutally beaten she had two big black swollen eyes her nose was broken her cheek cheekbones were broken both of them she had scrapes and abrasions just all over every single part of her body shoulders arms legs her breasts had quite a few on them it seemed as though her breasts were specifically targeted she also had small lacerations like slash wounds all over her body again they didn't seem to be like stab wounds they were more just like whoever had done them to her was just doing it just to hurt her there were self-defense wounds lining her hands her arms her wrists one of her fingers was like fully cut open all the way down it from where she tried to defend herself from this knife attack a few of her fingers on that same hand were fractured and then on her other hand three of her fingers were almost completely severed this suggested that maybe she tried to defend herself from this knife attack maybe she'd grab the knife or you know if a knife was held to her throat maybe she'd tried to get her fingers behind it and push it away but in doing that she almost severed her fingers one of her ears was completely severed as well again a completely unnecessary injury it seemed her killer was just doing a lot of things just just for the fun of it she'd clearly been repeatedly violently sexually assaulted and sodomized some reports even say that her genitals were slightly mutilated in some kind of way and these were all just injuries that she'd sustained while she was alive anita cobby's final cause of death was from a huge slash wound to the side of her neck her throat had been slit so deeply that anita cobby was almost entirely decapitated one final note in the autopsy was that the coroner noticed that there were already parasites feeding off her body in certain wounds people that saw anita's body so like the farmer and different police officers coroners pathologists they say that when she died when she was found her eyes were still open and you could see the look of sheer terror she had agony in this woman's eyes even after death the look in her eyes was still there gary lynch took one look at anita's body on the table and said i wish i could say that's not my daughter but then it would be somebody else's daughter and they'd be going through what i'm going through now so the body was finally identified as that of 26 year old anita cobby and police knew now that they had to do everything in their power to solve this murder as fast as they possibly could not even just for anita and her family that had just gone through all of this but also for every other woman for every other person in blacktown because the person or people that were capable of brutalizing this woman so much they were still at large they were still out there they could strike again so one of the first things they did was they went back to that farmer that found anita's body in his field and they questioned him about that night and if he'd seen anything heard anything the farmer said that he hadn't seen anything but thinking back to the night that anita went missing on the sunday night he did recall hearing some female screams in the fields outside of his house the farmer didn't think too much of it at the time because he actually had quite an issue with teenagers coming around to his fields and using them as just you know a place to hang out i suppose he said he always just heard people in his fields shouting screaming having fun together and stuff so he just kind of assumed it was that he never heard the screams and thought someone is being murdered in my field he just kind of assumed it was kids so police decided to interview a few of the other people that lived kind of near this farm there weren't many but a couple of other people that lived close by said that they also heard a scream on that sunday night so it seemed that these screams on the sunday night were obviously coming from anita cobby which told police that she was still alive when she was brought to that field they initially thought that maybe her body was just dumped there maybe this had happened elsewhere but now it was very clear that a lot of this ordeal probably took place in that field so was she kidnapped as well police had a search around those fields around the crime scene where the body was found and they really didn't find anything there were no leads to go off there was no weapons there was nothing that the killer left they didn't have anything to go off at this point so police decided to go and speak to those that knew anita best you know her friends her family her husband and they were kind of asking if anyone might want to do this to anita like was she specifically targeted for any particular reason at first they spoke to gary and grace lynch they were the first people interviewed and they told the police that anita had recently split from her husband now in police's eyes this was a huge red flag in most murder cases the first place police look is the partner it's the husband it's the wife it's the boyfriend and especially when there's a recent separation you know could john cobby have killed his wife out of anger or jealousy in his first interview with police john cobby seemed absolutely devastated he was in bits as he was identifying that ring they saw him do that and he told them that he blamed himself for this he said he wished he'd been there that night you know if he was just with her then none of this would have happened you know no one would have come and attacked her he could have protected her so he seemed really really emotional about this whole thing he seemed absolutely distraught at the loss of his wife and so police were asking him you know the ins and outs of their marriage why they separated you know what was really going on and eventually they asked him for his alibi on the sunday night on the night that anita disappeared and was probably murdered he said that on that sunday night he was just at home he he'd come home from work in sydney and he was just at home chilling and then the following morning he went back to work at the hospital and then that evening he went out with his father i believe and his brother so detectives are already raising an eyebrow at this like he didn't have that solid vanilla by what do you mean you were just at home by yourself you know no one can confirm that so they were a little bit suspicious at this point so they kept asking questions you know about the split any arguments leading up to this point because police actually knew from other people from anita's friends her co-workers they knew that he was obsessed with her to put it bluntly he always had been you know and for the most part this was in a good way you know he was obsessed with his wife who doesn't want their partner to be obsessed with them but towards the end especially during this split he would be calling her constantly at work you know when she was trying to have dinner with her friends you'd be texting calling he would ask for her back literally like every single day and she wasn't ready to take him back for a very long time and here police saw a motive you know if she didn't fully want to get back with him then maybe his thought process was like if i can't have you no one can the investigation continued until one of the detectives just out and out said it did you kill anita john cobby denied it and he said from that point on you know everything was just foggy in his brain it was like in that moment he just got so overwhelmed that he was being accused of this it was like his vision was blurry his head was just spinning and police were getting more and more frustrated with him they were saying you did it you did it just say you did it and eventually this interview this questioning that he was having with police went into an enhanced interrogation if you don't know what an enhanced enhanced interrogation is that's where police get physical with the suspect john cobby alleges that police began shoving him like pushing his shoulders back and just saying just admit you did it you killed anita they're demanding that he answers these questions and he's just not you know at this point he's quite like he's quite out of it and they're just getting more and more physical with him they're pushing him against the wall they're throwing him to the ground slamming his head back into the wall and they're saying to him you killed her didn't you like they're telling him that he did this like you killed her you killed your wife and this wore john down so much and his mental state was already struggling in this interrogation and it got to the point where he just looked up at these offices and he said yeah i i did it i must have done it police had a confession from john cobby that he had killed his wife but for some reason even though this was you know exactly what detectives wanted they were telling him just confess you've killed it you know they were they were pulling this out of him for so long when they eventually got it they weren't satisfied with the answer it was almost like they knew they'd forced him into it and it wasn't genuine and it wasn't what they wanted so they went back to the autopsy report to try to you know just confirm in their heads that it was john and as they were reading through all of the autopsy reports and things they were saying to each other they were like man it can't just be one person like these injuries they were all very different and they looked like they were inflicted by different people with different things you know different objects different weapons there were different techniques they were you know it seemed very clear on this second look at the autopsy report that perhaps anita cobby had multiple killers multiple attackers there were just little inconsistencies between you know john cobby's life i suppose even though he did seem quite suspicious didn't have a solid alibi they just didn't they didn't think that he killed her anymore they kind of changed their mind and they were like never mind we don't want your confession and they decided that they hadn't found anita cobby's killer yet and so john cobby was ruled out as a suspect even though they wore him down to the point where he gave a false confession john cobby following this he really really really mentally struggled in the aftermath of his wife's murder as i'm sure you can imagine his life was just never the same again it was never fully happy again he'd lost the light of his life the woman that he saw the rest of his future with to try to cope with this loss john began drinking very heavily he started taking heroin for the first time in his whole life three days after anita cobby's body was found he started injecting heroin before long he'd developed dependencies on these drugs he was addicted to a lot of things and it was entirely changing him as a person like he was a completely different guy his family his friends anita's family people just didn't recognize the person that he'd become even at anita's funeral he was so off his face on all these drugs and he was so drunk that he couldn't even stand up he was stumbling everywhere and there was one point at the funeral where john became disruptive and he started screaming as they were taking anita's coffin out of the room he was screaming saying no don't take her away from me don't take her away from me and it got to the point where two grown men i think his father and someone else had to physically drag john cobby out of the funeral hall because he was just so distraught he was screaming he was crying everyone knew he was intoxicated and he looks back on that funeral with so much regret he wished he never acted like that but at the same time everyone understood his pain he had lost his whole future in that woman john cobby said that he took the amount of drugs that he did all of that heroin all of that alcohol because he believed at that time he was trying to kill himself maybe not directly but he was just kind of hoping that he would accidentally take too much one day and just not wake up in his words he said he was trying to kill himself but he just didn't have the guts to just do it so he was just trying to overdose meanwhile police carried on looking into other suspects at this point john cobby completely cleared as a suspect they were back to square one they didn't have anyone in particular so instead police decided to look into a lot of people that might have a motive or access to anita that night so they looked into local sex offenders people that lived close by the train station and on anita's route home that she would have walked that night people that had a history of sex crimes or violent crimes against women they looked into a few people but eventually ruled them out you know there was no one too promising they interviewed pretty much every single taxi driver in the whole area especially that taxi rank that was closed by the train station because if she was to get a taxi it would have been one of those every single one brought into the station interviewed every single one let go none of them was suspicious and it was at this point that one of the police officers remembered a phone call that they'd taken on the night that anita disappeared of course when they took this phone call anita hadn't yet been reported missing so they were never connected until this point but this call was made from literally two streets away from blacktown train station so now this guy was starting to think oh god these are connected a teenage boy and his mother had been sat at home that night on the night that anita disappeared they were just watching tv in the living room when they heard a woman's scream coming from outside the home and this was a long scream as well the boy said it was like at least 30 seconds long so he knew immediately that this was a terrified scream this woman was trying to make noise it wasn't just a playful scream it wasn't just teenagers out on the street this was a woman in shia terror it was around 9 45 p.m the boy heard this scream looked at his mother said what the hell was that and as he's looking at his mother the scream's continuing and in his brain he's thinking i've got to go and see what this is so he ran straight outside the front door ran to the end of his garden and there he saw a car this car had its lights off it was kind of parked on the side of the street and as soon as he got there this car did a huge u-turn and drove down the street kind of towards him even when it started driving the car never turned its lights on and immediately this guy thought that's very weird bear in mind it was dark it was now night time obviously nearly 10 p.m no normal driver would drive around in the dark without their lights on this car was trying to hide itself as the car drove by him he noticed inside there were a group of boys there was particularly one in the back seat that locked eyes with this teenage boy and stared at him the whole way the car was going down the street like from there he was looking at him as he went past and then when the car carried on down the street this guy turned his head to look behind him and keep an eye on this teenage boy and the boy noticed something quite odd about this guy that was sat in the back he was ducking his head like he was sat quite high in the chair and it was like his head was touching the ceiling so he had to duck it it seemed as though this guy was sat on something in the back seat sat on something that was pushing him higher that meant he didn't kind of fit in the car anymore and when paired with the woman's scream that led him outside in the first place this boy feared that he might have just witnessed a kidnapping in that exact moment this boy's neighbor arrived home in his car and he jumped in his neighbor's car and he said right i know you've just come home but follow that car they drove to the end of the road to try and chase after this car but when they got there they'd already lost them so these two men they just decided to drive around for another 10 15 20 minutes just to see if they could see that car anywhere this boy that had witnessed it he had the image of that car imprinted in his brain he would know that car if he saw it they were driving around for a while they didn't see anything until they got onto this kind of country farm lane and there the boy saw the car the car that he'd just seen these guys kidnapped this woman in so the men got out of their car to go and investigate this car that they thought was the kidnapping car they grabbed a flashlight they went over and they shot it inside and there was nothing in there there was no one in there nothing seemed to miss and they just thought oh well maybe it's just a different car i don't know just to make sure they took their flashlights and they shunned them in the surrounding fields to see if anyone was in there if anything was going on but they didn't see or hear anything so they just got back in their car and they drove back home so this guy called the police about what he'd seen and now about three four five days into the anita cobby investigation police called him back into the station to talk about that thing that he witnessed he said he couldn't really describe the men in the car because it was very dark the only reason he could see that the guy in the back was looking at him was because they drove underneath a street light and it lit this guy's face up so he could see that his eyes were looking at him but he couldn't so much remember what the guy looked like but the boy did describe the car to the police that he'd seen these men driving in so at least they had a little bit of a lead to go off so police went and conducted interviews all up and down that street of all the other neighbors to see if anyone else might have seen or heard this car and this group of men and other people actually had another two people two teenagers two siblings had also witnessed what they believed to be the kidnapping but they'd actually caught this incident sooner than the other guy had so they'd actually seen part of the actual kidnapping they said they saw these men bundling a dark-haired woman into the back of that car so now police were pretty sure that this was anita cobby's kidnapping that these people had witnessed and this was you know a huge revelation in this case so they started working with these witnesses interviewing them and kind of getting as much information as they possibly could because now they could pinpoint where this had happened and potentially who had done it and that is where i'm gonna leave part one of this case thank you for watching part two will be out in like two days promise make sure you subscribed with my notifications on because you don't wanna miss when i post part two thanks again to best fiends for sponsoring this video remember if you want to download the game for free you can do so using the link down below in my description and if you do download through my link you'll get five dollars worth of gold and diamonds for free if you pass level five i know you can do it come on try and beat me huge thank you to all of my channel members for helping me decide the cases that i cover especially my tier 2 members whose names are all on screen right now if you want to become a channel member you can just click the join button on a desktop or there'll be a link in the description of this video but yeah thank you so so much for watching this video if you enjoyed please leave a thumbs up down below that really helps me out if you want to subscribe you can click this link right here make sure you do so you don't miss part two if you want to subscribe to my second channel the link to do so is right here and if you want to watch another true crime video there'll be a playlist on screen right now bye
Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 693,877
Rating: 4.9652085 out of 5
Keywords: eleanor, neale, eleanor neale, eleanor neale true crime, mystery, unsolved, unsolved mystery, true crime, solved, documentary, killer, murder, serial killer, buzzfeed, buzzfeed unsolved, podcast, true crime podcast, netflix, dateline, interview, news, creepypasta, horror, anita cobby, anita, cobby, anita cobby murder, australia, sydney, gary murphy, les murphy, michael murdoch, john travers, travers, travis, traves, gang, abduction, abducted, kidnapped, kidnapping, 2021
Id: bLeVjiNoJVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 3sec (2583 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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