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so today's video is going to be another true crime video today we're gonna be talking about the solved case of Hannah Hill quickly before I get into this video I just want to apologize for my true crime videos being kind of all over the place at the moment I haven't had a set up load schedule but yeah I just want to let you know that we should be back on track now and let's get into the videos so quickly before I get into it I just want to give my usual disclaimer that I mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone that I talk about in this video this is all just information that I have found on the internet and I'm compiling into one video so Hannah Hill was an 18 year old girl born in May of 1981 in Akron Ohio in the US Hannah was an only child who lived with both of her parents and she had actually just graduated from high school so she was really excited to just kind of get out on her own and like live her life during the summer she'd gotten herself a part-time job working as a secretary she'd bought herself her own car and she was gonna start college after the summer Hannah was a popular girl she had a lot of friends and she was actually crowned the winter queen at one of her school dances she would just come over to my house and we'd sit there and watch movies play on the computer talk but on the weekends we went out a lot she also had a boyfriend 19 year old Brad Urban who she actually lived with for a short period of time before moving back in with her parents Hanna's friend said that Hannah and Brad would argue a lot and at times Brad could even be physically abusive to our Tanner which is why she ultimately moved out of their living situation together and moved back in with her parents but despite not living together they were still in a relationship on Wednesday in May 19 1999 Hannah got home from work as usual in the afternoon and got changed into a pyjamas which is usually a telltale sign that you kind of done for the day you're not going back out again around 9:00 p.m. Hannah called her friend Jennifer just to like see what her plans were for the night and then Hannah told Jennifer that she was just gonna stay in Hanna made a few more phone calls then she got changed out of her pajamas and told her mother Kimberly that she was going out and so she left the house at 10 p.m. that night her mother said that Hannah appeared to be disturbed she appeared to be bothered she left the house and said she would see her later the following morning Hannah's parents woke up and realized that Hannah never came home they just kind of assumed that maybe she'd stayed over at a friend's house but then had boss called saying that she hadn't turned up for work either I knew something was wrong then when nobody heard from her Hannah just wasn't the type of person to ditch a job that evening on May 20th Hannah's mother Kimberly decided to file a missing-persons report with the Akron Police the missing-persons report also included a description of Hannah's car that she drove and never came back home in a 1996 gia prison for reasons that remain unclear to this day police took absolutely no immediate action on Hannah's missing-persons case and when they were called out on it years later they just said that Hannah was 18 18 year-olds go missing all the time and turn back up and that was the reason why they didn't really try to look for her but had his friends and family knew that she wasn't the type to just go off alone and go missing for 24 hours and so we've very little help from the police her family began going around like all the friends everyone that Hannah knew just asking them where she might be Hannah's friend Jennifer was right at the front of the kind of family investigation so she decided to go and speak to Hannah's boyfriend Brad Earl on who said that he hadn't seen her hadn't heard from her and he was equally just as in the dark as the rest of the family so then Jennifer searched through a bunch of other kind of mutual friends including 20 year old Danny Ross yeah so Danny Hannah's missing nobody can find her nobody knows where she is have you seen her he said no I haven't seen her so two days passed and there was still absolutely no sign of Hannah there were no leads nothing and that was when police got a call about an abandoned Geo Prizm that had been parked on the side of the road for a few days now and it was just a few miles away from Hannah's home however at this point Hannah's missing-persons report hadn't yet been put on the police system and so the person that took this call about this abandoned gia prism didn't know that there was a missing girl who were owned a Geo Prizm and so he just sent someone else put a parking ticket on it not knowing that this was actually Hannah Hills car the next day Brad drove on Hannah's boyfriend went to the police station to try and urge them to look for Hannah quicker and that was when they realized that he had scratches all over him so they asked him about it and he just said that him and Hannah and had an argument a few days before her disappearance and she'd scratched him in this argument that it wasn't anything too serious obviously police were a little bit suspicious but without any kind of evidence to link him to Hannah's disappearance they couldn't do anything they couldn't arrest him or anything police then released information about Hannah's disappearance kiss to the media in hopes that someone might read an article on it and come forward with another lead in response a number of people called the police station to said that there was an abandoned Geo Prizm on the side of the world a few miles away from Hannah's arm just like that previous call at least two of the people that called to report this car were told to call back tomorrow if it was still there even though they were sure that this was Hannah Hills car the next morning on May the 26th a full week after Hannah's disappearance police dispatched some officers to go and check out this car finally 7:30 a.m. officers arrived at this abandoned car and nothing really seemed amiss like it wasn't broken injure it just seemed like a normal parked car and so they tried to get into it police managed to open the boot of the car and there they found Hannah Hills body in the trunk of her own car on the news episode it might possibly be her body you know but when they said that you know I knew I mean who else the body is gonna be in the trunk of his car I just broke down and I was hysterical I didn't believe it I didn't believe whatsoever she was naked from the waist down she had her jumper and her bra pulled up to her neck she was also posed in a very sexually suggestive we're suggesting that there was probably a sexual assault aspect to this crime she was absolutely covered in bruises cuts scratches all over her body arms all over her face which suggested that there was a real struggle in this matter we had a girl who was badly beat up who was bruised in the back and bruised in the face so if you have sex and you have a beating that eventually leads to a death that is how you get the rape obviously local residents were really disturbed that it taken police so long to find this body that they kept reporting to them the body of a missing 18 year old girl that everyone had been worried sick searching for for a whole week her body had just been on the roadside and these local residents had been reporting it and reporting it and even though it would have only taken police like 10 minutes to check this car they didn't and who knows Hannah could have possibly been saved who knows if she was dead or alive when she was originally put into the boot of her car police didn't know that and maybe if they'd had got there sooner she could have possibly been saved immediately there were tons of officers assigned to this case because it was obviously a murder this was no natural death someone did this and put her in the boot of her car and so an autopsy was also done on Hannah's body her cause of death was found to be strangulation and an unidentified white substance was found on her lip and also a bite mark was found on one of her arms they also found that she'd had sex shortly before her death and well obviously we can't know for sure if it was consensual or not the evidence points towards it not being consensual but like I said the way that Hannah's body was found it all just points towards this being a sexual attack she was naked from the waist down her shirt was pulled up and she was posed with her legs spread open like it was clear that this attacker didn't value and dignity and it all just punished was it being a sexual attack immediately police focused in on one suspect in particular Hannah's boyfriend 19-year old Brad urban like I said Brad had abused Hannah in the past and her friends could vouch for that and he had scratches all over him at the time and that doesn't look good the day that Hannah's body was found police began interviewing Brad Rubin in connection with her murder and not of the kind of details of this question and have ever been released to the public and for an unknown reason police decided to drop him as a suspect and didn't look into him anymore so we have no idea what was said in that questioning but police determined that it couldn't have been Brad her bond and so they began looking into different kind of suspects police recovered Hannah's mobile phone and found that she'd called several different friends on the night of her disappearance including one friend in particular 20 year old Denny broths Hannah and Denny went close by any means well that's what her friends thought obviously none of us know but Jennifer said that she wasn't very close to Denny she just kind of attended a few parties at his house Denny's house was the party house because there was no adults he had his own place and you can do anything you wanted seriously you can do anything it didn't matter and bending care who's that young immature having fun and hadn't settled down yet daddy Ross was known kind of as a player not a very trustworthy individual either as a friend or as a romantic partner and hadn't knew that and she told her friends ah she told me that Danny was a real nice guy but she told me to watch out for him too she said he's aggressive like if he wants something he'll try and go after it until he gets it Danny had actually been in trouble with police before just two months before this he was caught trying to sell $500 worth of cocaine just two days before Hanna's disappearance Danny pled guilty to cook and trafficking and receive two years of probation on May 26 the same did that Hanna's body was found the same day the police ruled out her boyfriend as a suspect they went to go see Danny Ross at his apartment not necessarily as a suspect but just to kind of see if he knew anything he was one of the last people that hunter spoke to that night on the phone so maybe he knew something that police didn't when police got there they saw that one of Danny's arms was broken and in a cast and he told police that he'd broken it in a fight a couple of weeks prior during his questioning Danny told police that khana had come to his house at 11:00 p.m. on the night of her disappearance something he had previously not told any of his friends not told police as part of Hanna's missing-persons investigation obviously this is a huge piece of information because Hannah had been missing for a week before they knew that she was murdered and so Danny was one of the last people to see her on the last day that she was seen so unless he was guilty why wouldn't he come forward to police and try and help so police obviously found this pretty suspicious that he hadn't told them before now and so they took Danny Ross into the police station for questioning during his questioning Danny told them that Hannah wasn't and happy in her relationship with Brad Obon and that was what they were talking about that night when she disappeared that she wasn't happy Danny said that the two of them him and Hana kissed that night but nothing more happened and then she just left his house after midnight so obviously it's very suspicious like I said that Denny spent a significant amount of time with Hanna on the last night that she was singing and just never told anyone like not even his friends he just never told anyone that this interaction took place I guess the big concern is if everybody in the world is looking for this girl and if this girl is a friend of yours why have you never said anything to anyone why have you never called the police and said wait that girl you're looking for let me try to help you out that same night police thought that jenny was so suspicious that they decided that there needed to get a search warrant as soon as possible and so on the early hours of May the 27th fifteen officers turned up to Danny Ross's second-floor apartment as seen in this police videotape detectives found what appeared to be spots of blood on the walls was just throughout the apartment on the shades on the walls I want to say on his sheets blood all over the place outside Danny's apartment in line with one of his windows one of the officers found a garbage bag underneath a bush the officer that spotted the bag thought that he saw a shoe kind of object hook it out and so that's why they retrieved it and had a look inside inside it was a pair of woman's pants covered in blood and feces women's underwear shoes a purse and it was all quickly identified as that of Hanna he'll immediately within 24 hours of finding Hanna Hills body Danny Ross was arrested on suspicion of aggravated murder but then he never admitted to killing Hanna he has maintained his innocence ever since day one and his family believed in Danny's father Alan Ross quickly put together a team of top defense lawyers to represent him and they quickly began going over all the kind of evidence that was going to be presented in trial the evidence obviously included that bag of Hanna's clothes but there was also semen found in Hanna's underwear and it was DNA matched to Danny Ross if you remember when Hanna's body was found there was that unidentified white residue found on her lip which now seemed to match the exact material that Danny Ross's cast was made of and that bite mark on Hannah's arms seemed to perfectly match to Danny Russ's teeth obviously a very solid kids against any Ross but his defense lawyers claimed that there could find holes in this they claimed that the state rushed to charge Danny and that they didn't look into enough other people before quickly charging him obviously because it taken them so long to find Hanna's body when they could have easily found it within a day of her going missing they really wanted to charge someone really quickly just to kind of make up for their poor police work in finding Hanna's body and so Danny's team argued that they'd just kind of saw Jenny they saw some evidence and just rushed to charge him and they didn't look into enough other people first and like I said Danny Rob's was charged with aggravated murder not just murder because he was believed to have raped Hanna as well an aggravated murder is actually a capital offense meaning that Danny Roth could possibly face the death sentence I believe it Danny Ross is responsible that I don't know if he did it alone or he had help but I believe Danny did kill him like I said Danny's defenses main argument was that police rushed to charge Danny without looking into enough other people first on the day that Hanna's body was found her boyfriend brought her bond was their main prime suspect and they really believed that it was him and then after a couple of hours of questioning they just dropped him without in public explanation and Danny's defense didn't like that there was nothing there was no evidence that pointed toward him there's a lot of innuendo well geez no they had a rough relationship well that's not really evidence Brad lowborn also took a lie-detector test and passed it completely and I know I've said before that lie detector tests are not 100% accurate they shouldn't be used in car all that however when they already have a huge case as to why Brad didn't do it it's just another way it's on that case that Brad is innocent but Danny Ross's defense felt that there were so many of the leads that police just didn't look into Danny Ross's apartment was adjacent to an adult bookstore and presumably there could have been some mischief there as well I'm gonna be real I don't really know what they were getting at with that point which is why I just put the whole interview clip in but they think that the adult book star was a lead that the police didn't look into enough there were also several different fast-food wrappers found in Hannah's car obviously like she'd eaten loads different restaurants in the run up to her disappearance and murder and Denny's defense didn't think that the police looked into that enough like maybe the person that Hannah went to these fast-food restaurants with could have been a suspect like maybe something weird happened while they were eating like police just never tried to find out any of this police never went to speak to any of the employees at these restaurants however the first kind of decent thing that Denny's defense found was that even though the world these kind of different blood spatters around Eddie's apartment none of them were Hannah Hills no one knows why there was blood in Denny's apartment maybe he'd had a fight with someone who knows but it wasn't Hannah Hills blood and so that does kind of take a little bit of the edge off of the argument that Denney killed her there was also absolutely no evidence to link Denny to hannah Hills car obviously whoever killed Hannah or someone put her in the boot of the car and drove this car out somewhere but there were no fibers no DNA no has absolutely nothing to link Jenni to Hannah's car but also to Hannah's body there was nothing on Hannah's body either now you have a man with a broken left hand living in a second-floor apartment it takes the corpse drags it down the stairs deposits it in this vehicle of hers drove it a mile and a half away and then removed her pants and her panties with feces on them puts it in the bag and takes it home where he stores it for eight days so there was no actual like forensic evidence in this case it was all just more circumstantial like she did happen to be at his house that night and they did find that bag of her clothes however nothing directly linked the tube forensically so at this point there's a few different possibilities and I'm just gonna let you decide what you think at this point in the case there's the possibility that Denny could have been framed so like I said there was no forensics linking him and Hannah the only real thing that linked them was the fact that there was that bag of clothes on his property but maybe someone else might have put it there maybe they saw Hannah leave that night then attacked her and then knew that they could easily plant it on Denny another possibility is that maybe someone helped him do it maybe someone did the actual murder however it was possible a member Denny's idea Denny's just happened to be a bit place where they were keeping the back of clubs maybe he wasn't alone in it and then the third possibility is that maybe Jenny did do it maybe he did murder Hannah and maybe he was just very forensic ly looking or very careful however it would be very very hard to murder someone and not get any kind of fibers DNA hair anything anywhere near the body or in the car that he would have drove her out in so maybe he was just very lucky or very careful anyway Danny Ross's trial began on October 17 2000 I'm sure you will agree how does best friend Jennifer Edwards was called up to the stand to testify that Danny Roth's had repeatedly lied to her through the week that Hannah was just known as missing saying that he hadn't seen her that night when we know for a fact that he had he sat there and looked me straight in my eyes I did not see any remorse and he sorry anything in that boy's eyes at all they laid the groundwork I think for a good prosecution case that you're we know handheld gone to his house because he later admitted it so why would he be denying it to his friends repeatedly four five six seven days the police that searched Jenny told him that day were also called up to testify and they said that they actually heard a noise like something hitting the ground as they were on their way up to his second-floor apartment none of them went to go and check out this noise none of them saw what made the noise however in retrospect it could have possibly been Danny throwing this bag of clothes out of his window like I said the bag was found in line with his window but Danny's defense said that it would be stupid for Danny Ross to keep this bag of Hannah's clothes that would incriminate him in his house for a week after measuring her when he knew that police were on his case the defense argument was they planted it and where they found it I don't know or whom it may not have been the police it may have been the actual person who committed the murder that put it there knowing that she had left there if it was planted that by someone this would explain why there was absolutely no forensics linking Denny to have his body or to a car and maybe there was reason for the police to want to plan Hannah's clothes on someone to be able to arrest someone for this murder because it had taken them so long to find Hannah's body when it was right there in front of them it was such bad police work that maybe they just wanted to plant this on someone and get it over with and just arrest someone so that they could be seen to be doing their jobs properly and so that is what Denny's defense said that they did to Denny they just targeted him they planted this bag of clothes on his property so that they could arrest him for the murder of Hannah so that it looked like the police were doing their jobs the state so homicide not Dennis I'd tried to argue that Hannah had been ripped before she was murdered by Denny Ross obviously we have definitive proof that she had sex before she was killed that is forensic however the only person that can definitively tell us whether it was consensual or not is no longer here she was murdered by someone and that looks like the Tewa possibly linked to the fact that she had sex just hours before she was brutally murdered looks like the two were probably linked along with that her body was beaten severely if you remember she had bruises cuts scratches all over her body she was naked when she was left in the boot she was posed and all of that just says to me that it was ripped that it wasn't consensual Denny's defense tried to argue that the two of them had had consensual sex that before Honda left his house and then she left and then she got murdered because there was no actual semen inside Hanna's body it was just in her underwear and Hanna's autopsy also assured that there was no actual physical damage done to that area of Hanna and usually the casing rip is that there's usually some form of tearing are just some damage done because the attacker doesn't care for the comfort of the victim which wouldn't be the case in consensual sex however it doesn't always a hundred percent of the time result in physical damage to the victim like it can happen either way so I don't know how solid that piece of evidence is but like I said the only person that can tell us definitively if it was consensual or not was murdered and stuffed in the boot of her own car naked battered and I just think that says something in itself so if you remember Hanna had that white residue on her lip which was thought to have been from Denny's cast on his arm that he was wearing at this point it hadn't actually been like confirmed that it was but Denny's defense hired a chemist who said that the fibers found on Hannah's lip weren't necessarily from Denny's cast that material is also found for example in the materials that they make the liners for car trunks it's just a very very common element that you find in many things so now the jury had a few options they could find any guilty of rape and murder which could possibly result in him get in the death penalty or they could find him guilty of just murder and not guilty of rape which would mean he would get a long sentence but he wouldn't get the death penalty initially the jury was very divided especially when it came to that big piece of evidence the bag of Hannah's clothes many of the jury believed that he had the bag of clothes he was keeping it in his and for some sadistic reason he saw the police come in and so he just threw them out of the window but all the members of the jury couldn't understand why he would keep this bag of clubs around that would incriminate him and so they just didn't believe that that could be true the bag wasn't tied in any way it was just crinkled at the top and dropped it supposedly dropped if this was dropped from the second-story window and it wasn't tied how could it stay closed and a lot of these members of the jury thought that he possibly had been framed be it by a policeman via by the real murderer who knows but they thought that Danny Ross could have been friend this point the jury came to the conclusion that there wasn't enough evidence to conclusively say that Danny Ross raped hadn't held that night which meant that the aggravated murder charge and the death penalty were out of the window some of them didn't think he was guilty of anything some of them thought that he was set up however a lot of them think he was guilty of just the murder portion and so they went back to deliberate a few minutes into this further deliberation someone came into the room and told the jury to stop to stop talking about this case and just pause for a second a couple of minutes early and the judge had been slipped a note that said that one of the members of the jury had been read in news reports on the Hanna Hill case and when you're in a juror in court you're not supposed to look at any outside information you were only supposed to base your decision on what you hear in court and this meant that if one member of the jury had been looking at other information that wasn't given to them in court this meant that the jury was now biased and what this particular juror that had been looking at the news saw was that brad girl bond had taken a lie-detector test and passed it and so to this juror he thought that if Brad was innocent Danny Ross had to be guilty and obviously that would affect how he felt about this trial this outside information has changed his opinion which can't happen in court so the trial would have to be redone but because they'd already signed the papers to say that Danny Ross was not guilty of rape this would break double jeopardy double jeopardy means that once someone has been decided guilty or not guilty they cannot be tried again for that same charge and because the jury had already decided that Danny Ross was not guilty of rape he couldn't be tried again for his aggravated murder charge because aggravated murder is rip and murder in this case and so Danny Ross couldn't be tried again so because this one particular jury had to be thrown out because it was unfair and Danny Ross couldn't be tried again he was let free and so he wasn't definitively guilty or not guilty of the murder of Hanna Hill he was just let free he was put onto probation because obviously they're not going to just let a potentially dangerous person just completely free so he was put onto probation in 2004 four years after his trial Danny Ross was sentenced to 25 years in prison for raping a woman in Akron and if that doesn't give some weight to the rip charge in the Hanna Hill case then I don't know what does finally in September of 2012 an exception was made and a retrial was done in to the murder of Hanna Hill 13 years after Hannah's murder Danny Ross was found guilty of murder assault tampering with evidence and abuse of a corpse he was sentenced to life in prison with eligibility for parole in 19 years when he will be 67 years old but yeah that completes this case finally after 13 years Hanna Hill got some justice and the case is solved I'm so glad that they did find that exception and retrial him like it would have been so heartbreaking if they had in don't get me wrong this case is heartbreaking enough as it is but if all of this would have happened and still there was no justice it would have been all the more heartbreaking but yeah let me know what you think of this case let me know if you do think that Danny rocks was guilty or wasn't guilty because I mean yes he's been sentenced and yeses official in the eyes of the law however who knows because there was no specific like forensic link so let me know what you think I personally have no idea like I want to think that he was guilty of this like I don't want to think that he's been wrongly sentenced but the thing that gets me every time is the fact that there was no evidence linking him to her body or to the car other than the fact that then had sex however like I said we don't know if the donut consensually before she was murdered who knows like I genuinely just don't know what to think in this case I think I do believe that he was guilty honestly because I just think the bag of clothes and then the fact that they'd had sex and then the fact that he never told anyone the whole time that she was missing that he'd seen her that night and just think it all kind of adds up in that way I just think that he was probably very lucky or very careful with the kind of forensics I I really want to know what you think have nothing the comments below make sure you leave a big thumbs up on this video if you enjoyed it and subscribe down below if you want to see some more from me so I'm gonna start uploading these videos a lot more often than I have been but yeah thank you so so much for watching and I will see you in the next one bye
Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 2,786,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2018, abducted, abduction, bella fiori, crime watch daily, disappearance, documentary, eleanor neale, found, interview, kendall rae, kidnapped, kidnapping, killer, lisbug, missing, murder, murder mystery, mystery, now, rob dyke, serial killer, solved, solved disappearance, solved mystery, true crime, unsolved, unsolved disappearance, unsolved mystery, where is, hannah hill, denny ross
Id: DkCdvUJmtbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 21sec (2001 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 05 2018
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