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so today's video is going to be another solved true crime case and yes this is the case that you've been seeing all over your tick tock volume page for the last two weeks today we're going to be talking about anatoly moskvin and his house of human dolls you guys requests for this case have been through the roof for the past few weeks i started researching this quite a while ago but it's not going to go up for a couple of weeks so i hope it's still something you guys want to see but this tick tock actually came up on my for you page and i was like wow the true crime lady has never heard of that one she gotta get on it also just before we jump into it this is gonna be a two-parter two three two parties in a row i'm sorry i don't know how it's ended up like that with these cases i just research and research and research and i have no idea how long it's going to be until i get right to the very end because i don't know how much information i'm going to be able to find on a particular case and it just so happens that i found three really long ones all in a row so i'm sorry about that the next one is gonna be part two of this case so keep an eye out for that but before we get into it i just wanna thank our sponsors for making this video possible wondershare filmora 10. wondershare filmora 10 is an affordable video editing software perfect for both experienced users and also beginners because it's so easy to use and the best part is that you can test it out completely free and it's packed full of amazing features that all of your favorite youtubers use like motion tracking key framing color matching and my personal favorite which helps me a lot with my videos is audio ducking where you can make sure that the audio levels in a video are all consistent because you guys know sometimes i get a little bit shouty in these videos and sometimes i get a little bit quieter it helps to kind of make everything a lot more smoother so i'm not shouting in your ear one minute and then too 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the plunge and get the full thing bear in mind though the free version does have a watermark on the finished product so it is kind of just to download it and test it out and see how you like the software but filmora are giving one of you guys the chance to win a free year's license for wondershare filmora 10. all you have to do is reply to my pinned comment on this video and let me know what you would use the editing software for would you start a youtube channel just post your comment with the hashtag createwithfilmora and they'll pick one of you guys to win a year's free license which is brilliant thanks again to wondershare filmora 10 for sponsoring this video now let's get into it and before we get into this video i just want to give my usual disclaimer that i mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone that i talk about in this video this video is for educational purposes and everything that i'm about to say is just information that i have found on the internet and i am compiling into one video just a quick warning before we get into this video that this does involve children and some brief themes of sexual assault right in the beginning um so if that's something that you don't want to watch then feel free to click out of this video and i'll see you again hopefully soon for a different case so this case takes place in soviet russia where anatoly yujevich moskvan was born on september 1st 1966 an only child to parents yuri and elvira he was born in an area named nizhny novgorod and his childhood was the same as any other child it was happy his parents loved and supported him school was going well actually really well in fact moskvin was literally one of the most intelligent kids his school had ever seen although he did struggle with the social side of school making friends speaking to people he was quite an awkward boy but his parents just put this down to his high intelligence you know they thought that he was too mature to get on with the other kids he just couldn't relate to them so he didn't want to talk to them and so instead of hanging out with kids his own age or you know anyone for that matter he spent all of his free time reading and learning alone while all the other kids were playing out and developing their social skills and making friends he was reading books at home and i suppose this is probably why he was so intelligent because he was just constantly learning he supposedly self-taught himself a bunch of different languages while he was still a pre-teen imagine knowing so many different languages just because you'd sat and read books at home when you were a kid but he was seemingly happy with his life it wasn't like he looked at the other kids and he was like oh i wish i could do that i wish i could socialize he was happy being at home and reading his book however his happiness was very short-lived because when he was very young he would go through quite a traumatic event that would then change the rest of his life and this traumatic event would be the first of several of a whole streak of equally awful and psychologically damaging things that would happen to moskvin throughout his life moskvin remembered returning home from school one day and looking at his arms and his legs and his torso just covered in bruises because that day he'd been violently raped by a much older man on his way to school and he was just in the third grade at this point i don't believe he told his parents about this i think this was something that he literally kept to himself up until he was in his 50s i think that was the first time he ever told anyone about this now the second of these traumatic events that would happen to moskvin came a few years later when he was 12 years old this one happened on march 4th 1979 when moskvin was actually at school but they weren't at school they were on this kind of like trip in the local village now for some background for this section soviet russia at the time had this like government launched scheme to help get rid of all the rubbish on the streets and they were holding a competition between all of the schools in in the whole country i think to see who could clean up and recycle the most rubbish from the streets and of course the winning school i think would get some kind of prize or you know increased funding so the country's plan to increase recycling was to get the kids to do it and that's what musk finn's class was doing on this particular day so he was at school but they weren't at school they were actually just walking around the streets collecting rubbish and now this part of the story isn't exactly clear a lot of different sources say a lot of different things at this point so i'm just gonna skip to what is fact somehow on this recycling collection trip muskvin found himself in the company of a group of men some sources said that this group of men seemed super culty like they were wearing big long black rubs they were holding candles that were lit however other sources said that they were just just a group of men but either way on this day when moskvin encountered this group of men he found himself being convinced or forced to attend a funeral that these men were attending they brought this young child that they didn't know along to a funeral with them the funeral turned out to be that of an 11 year old girl named natasha petrova she'd actually died from accidental electrocution when she was having a bath in her home and there were some faulty wires nearby i don't know exactly what happened but she was electrocuted now moskvin recalls going over to the casket or being taken to the casket by these men and looking at this lifeless 11 year old girl who was just one year younger than he was this must have been so scary meanwhile everyone around him that is attending this funeral are all singing hymns in a language that he doesn't understand as well and it was then that the mother of this dead child came over to moskvin and told him to kiss her dead daughter now muskvin even just at the thought of doing this at the thought of kissing this dead girl he was already traumatized and he began crying he was refusing to do it but the girl's parents insisted that he did it and actually physically pushed his head down to their dead daughter's head and waited and held it there until he kissed her on the forehead three times the girl's mother then took her hand away from moskvin's head he stood back up again and the mother kissed him on the forehead and gave him an apple now in his subconscious mind probably not his conscious mind but his subconscious psychological mind that was a reward for what he'd just done he'd just been given a reward in the form of an apple for kissing a dead girl and then natasha's mother reached into her pocket and produced two brass rings she gave one to moskvin and put one on the finger of her daughter in the coffin and then when they did she looked at moskvin and declared that the two of them were married she then gave him some money and some more fruit and sent him on his way and 12 year old moskvin then walked home from this funeral that he just attended this traumatic event that he was forced into thinking that he was married to a dead girl he returned home that night and when he fell asleep he actually had a nightmare about natasha petrova about this girl he dreamt that she was visiting him in his dream it wasn't like it was just a bad dream and she was just a character in it it was like she physically came to him in his dream and was speaking to him bear in mind anatoly moskvin is 12 years old he doesn't understand how marriage actually works you know it's got to be officiated you've got to sign papers things like that this wasn't an official marriage as far as he was aware of course it was you know they both had rings he thought he genuinely had a dead wife so that night he dreamt about this dead girl and then he woke up and he thought oh my god that was an awful dream but he moved on with it and then the next night he went to bed and that same dream happened again that same nightmare when natasha petrova came to him he woke up again the next morning terrified but again that night he fell asleep and she visited him again and this became a recurring nightmare that happened every single night from that point on he said that every night she would be saying the exact same thing to him that muskman should return to the place where he married her where he kissed her to the village where this funeral took place and he should practice black magic she would teach him to do it and he needed to go and carry this out and moskvin was against this he refused to learn he refused to do this at first however every time he turned her down natasha's ghost would only get more and more angry with him until eventually moskvin just gave in and said that he would go to the place that he kissed her cops so the next morning moskvin got ready and he walked all the way to that village and he even walked past the exact building that the funeral took place in now thinking that he had completed the quest of sorts that natasha gave to him he returned home fell asleep that night and for the first time in weeks he didn't dream of natasha petrova she didn't come to him in his dream his dreams were peaceful for a few nights following him visiting the village until eventually natasha's ghost returned to his dreams still demanding that he learned black magic and carried it out performed these rituals for her the next morning he woke up the first time that natasha had come back to him after he'd gone to the funeral place and he just felt hopeless he felt like no matter what he did he wasn't gonna get rid of these recurring nightmares and so he went and confided in his parents about these dreams that he was having so muskvan's parents got him an appointment with a child psychologist thinking that this was some kind of mental issue he was now refusing to sleep he was too scared to fall asleep in case he had these dreams again so they got him in with this doctor and he prescribed him some kind of sleeping medication to actually get him asleep because he couldn't sleep he was too scared to sleep however as for the dreams themselves the psychologist didn't think that there was any mental illness or any actual you know issue with moskvin's psychological state but he just thought that they were simply bad dreams a lot of people especially children and teenagers who are just learning all of these dark things about the world that they live in they're learning all these scary things they are going to have bad dreams it's a way of their brain processing what they're learning about the world around them and so most people in their lives will experience some kind of recurring nightmare about a topic that their brain is trying to comprehend so maybe when moskvin experienced death for the first time this scared him that he saw a girl pretty much his age laying dead in front of him in his mind up until this point death had been something that happens to other people not to people his age and so him seeing it firsthand maybe that scared him and maybe that's what's giving him the recurring nightmares they didn't think it was an underlying psychological issue it was just a bad dream the doctor told his parents that the dreams would probably pass as moskvin got older he just kind of needed to ride them out it was just his brain dealing with things and so that night moskvin went home and again natasha came to see him in his dreams but this time it was almost as if natasha knew that she wasn't welcome there she knew that something had gone on during the day that meant that musk finn was trying to get rid of her so she told moskvin that if he wanted to get rid of her there was only one way to do that and that was to carry out these black magic rituals that she kept telling him to do she said that if he completed this specific ritual successfully she would leave him alone and she would pass on to another person now this time this was the first time that musk finn hadn't turned down her often now he was interested now that he knew how to get rid of her so she told him that all he had to do was go out and find the tooth of another young boy he had to take it and bring it back to her and then with that she could then be transferred to this other boy's nightmares instead of moskvins and so he was like okay i'm doing it i have no idea how he found another young boy's tooth but he did and he put it under his pillow one night and from that night on the nightmare stopped natasha petrova was gone but this whole situation had left moskvin with a very deep interest of death and the afterlife he grew to have an obsession with all things dark even black magic the thing that he was so opposed to in the beginning and it was this interest in death that led him to start going for walks in cemeteries and graveyards alone in the dark that was another one of his pastimes up until now it had just been reading books but now it was reading books and chilling in cemeteries and even though he was so scared by these dreams when natasha would visit him he would now go to the specific cemetery where he knew natasha was buried and he would go and visit her grave the grave of his dead why he described this interest in cemeteries almost like he was magnetized to them he felt called to them pulled to them the only time he felt true comfort and peace was when he was in a cemetery that was the only time he felt like himself and these graveyard trips became more and more frequent until they were pretty much daily throughout his teenage years so now this is another thing that he's trying to balance with his you know school work and his family life and i mean he didn't really have a social life but now he's got to fit in a few hours every day to go to a graveyard but you know he did he was he was balancing a normal life and eventually he went to university he attended the philological faculty of moscow state university he was studying history and languages both of which he excelled in and by this point in his life he was actually well into studying and carrying out black magic rituals which is something he was so against when natasha tried to make him do these things in his dreams but now he was well into it it was like his hobby and when he joined the university out of curiosity muskfin joined a luciferian group which i think is essentially a satanic group forgive me if i'm wrong i think that's what it is and they all did rituals and they did literal animal sacrifices like he was going all out in this new interest it wasn't just a little bit of black magic it was a whole lot of sacrificing and because of this newfound interest moskvin actually grew to regret pushing away natasha petrova when he was just 12 years old because now looking back he saw her visits in his dreams much differently at the time of course he was scared he didn't want them but now he saw her as a valuable teacher he felt like he wasted an opportunity to have someone teaching him black magic literally in his dreams and when he told the other people in his luciferian group and in his kind of black magic community when he told these other people about his experiences with natasha petrova and his marriage that he still believed was a marriage they all thought that he was really cool they saw him as gifted and special for having such experiences with the dead and it made well-respected luciferians and well-respected you know people in the in this community want to speak with anatoly moskvin whereas you know new recruits newcomers the big people the really respected ones don't ever really want to associate with them they all associate with each other but when they found out about moskvin they wanted to speak with him they wanted to you know help him because they felt like he had the gift so as part of this new religion i don't think it's a religion should i call it religion as part of this new luciferian lifestyle that musk ben took on who is also abstaining from sex alcohol smirking all that kind of stuff he eventually graduated from university of course with the absolute best grades anyone could get and as an adult moskvin was a very well respected and well-known academic he knew over 10 languages i think it was maybe 13 languages that he could speak almost fluently some of them were fluent some of them were a bit more like he could read and write and maybe say a few like things but like he knew a lot of languages he particularly specialized in celtic history and folklore he would present lectures in the top russian universities all across the country but even still following him into his professional adult life was this and obsession with death and the afterlife he was still going for graveyard walks every day he was proper into the occult and you know all things dark now it wasn't just graveyards it was like everything and he was so interested in the concept of death that this actually led him to pick up another career on top of the one that he already had as a lecturer and an academic he now wanted to be a journalist so moskvin began writing for and helping out with the obituaries in the newspaper which is like you know all about the local deaths saying who's died what they died of when they died and this meant that he had an excuse to hang around the cemeteries that he so loved you know it was part of his job now it wasn't just a hobby no one could say anything about it no one could tell him anything no one could say it was weird it was his job muskvin actually labeled himself a necropolis which i don't think is a real word but he's basically just saying that he's an expert on graves cemeteries but no one thought that he was weird no one thought that it was weird that he got a job in this field no one thought that it was weird that he spent a lot of time in cemeteries because after all this man was a very very highly respected academic and he'd already mastered all of these different career paths so it made sense that he was gonna go one step further he was a historian of course he was interested in death and things that's all a part of history so now not only was he a professor a lecturer a historian a translator as well with all the languages that he knew he was also a grave expert now he was actually also an author he started writing books as well he wrote a multitude of different books in his lifetime a lot of them about history because that was like one of his main passions he also wrote in english to russian and russian to english dictionary he wrote a dictionary i find it so much like you think about dictionaries and you never think that someone actually has to write the dictionary or like translation books but he wrote one at home moskvin had a book collection of over 60 000 different books or documents or papers you know things that he would read on a regular basis and these were on a huge range of topics as well not just the ones that he specialized in but he liked to be knowledgeable on absolutely everything that he possibly could be even if he wasn't necessarily interested in the topic he wanted to know a lot about it now his work colleagues in all of his different career endeavors they all thought that anatoly moskvin was kind of a weird guy he was hard to talk to he was hard to get along with because he was quite stubborn he was quite abrupt quite blunt they used the word eccentric a lot as well he was just kind of weird but their descriptions weren't all negative you know he was kind of a normal guy he was very intelligent a lot of them used the word genius to describe him they say that it was just clear that he struggled to socialize it wasn't like he was being intentionally rude but he was just you know he just struggled to socialize but he was very hardworking he was good at his jobs you know now in 2003 when anatoly moskvin was 37 years old he found a woman that fit him perfectly and this was the first woman he's ever really given any time to in a romantic sense he'd never had a girlfriend never had a wife he was 37 years old never had sex never you know anything he never got on a date nothing he just wasn't interested in relationships he was more you just like to work but this woman was perfect for him she was spiritual and intelligent her spiritual beliefs differed quite a lot from musk fins which you would think was an issue but not to him because he liked to debate so he liked that she had different opinions because she could challenge him and he could challenge her and they could debate and discuss and he liked it her name was julia granova and she accepted that moskvin wanted a non-sexual relationship she was perfectly happy to go forward on those terms however one thing she did want was a child which obviously goes against their relationship agreement slightly that they can't conceive a child so their only option really was adoption which they applied for however this was going to be a little bit tricky because a lot of adoption agencies at least in 2003 i don't really know what they're like right now but a lot of them do require the parents of the child to be married which moskvin and yulia were not and they didn't want to be musk finn didn't want to marry her so they were going to struggle a little bit moskvan also didn't really have a stable job at this point in his life he'd actually quit working for a particular university that he was hired by due to some disagreements with other staff like i said he was quite abrupt maybe not intentionally he wasn't necessarily a rude person but it caused a lot of friction in his workplace and so he stopped lecturing so now he was just living off of the royalties from his books and from his newspaper obituary things it wasn't a very high amount of money he was also still living with his parents still at the age of 37 and he wasn't living with yulia and so all of these different things all at once to the adoption agency they they just didn't think that moskvin and julia should have a child and so their application was denied meanwhile like i said he was still living at home with his parents and they weren't very happy with the way that their son's life was going he was nearly 40 years old he hadn't moved out he wasn't married he wasn't having a child and this wasn't the way that they expected his life to go that wasn't the way that their life had gone they'd married very young had his parents and they'd had him rather young and so that's kind of what they expected him to do but he was just doing all the opposites so they weren't very happy they also disapproved of moskvin's use of black magic now i don't know if they actually knew the extent of it i don't think they knew that he was going out and sacrificing animals in his luciferian group i think they knew that he had books on it and that he practiced a little bit but i don't think they knew quite how serious it was but either way they still disapproved of it they didn't like that their son was into all that and they also disapproved of the adoption that he tried to get because after all he was living under their roof and they actually had to support him financially still because he was living off the royalties of his books he wasn't earning enough money and they were saying well we don't even really want to be paying for you so why are you then bringing another human being into the family that we have to pay for when it's not even our child now the strain on all of his relationships and you know the inability to adopt a child eventually led to him and julia splitting up so now he's single again however this would be a blessing in disguise for musk ben kind of because a few months later he was actually offered his dream job traveling around the whole of russia and now that he didn't have any responsibilities at home like a girlfriend or an adopted child you could take this job traveling around russia now what was this job i hear you ask he was commissioned to travel on foot by the way walk around russia not public transport not car no hotels he was going around foot analyzing and researching and studying different cemeteries almost 800 cemeteries on foot so he would be sleeping outdoors and just chilling in cemeteries literally for like a year basically this guy that had hired him to do this was making a book and he needed all this kind of information of all these cemeteries around russia and so that's what muskvin was going out to do and he was essentially paid to go and write down all the names all the birthdays all the death dates and any other information that he could find from the headstones of all these people in these graveyards so if they were a mother if they had brothers or sisters and how many they had sometimes these graves that he was supposed to be going and researching and studying they would be so overgrown and dirty that he would physically have to clean them himself so he would take cleaning products like a scraper to scrape all the dirt and moss off them moskvin would walk almost 20 miles a day as part of this research and sometimes he would be so far away from his home without food or water but he said that he used to drink from puddles on the ground to stay hydrated and then even at the end of the day after all of that he wouldn't even go home most nights he would find somewhere outside to sleep whether that was a hair stack an abandoned farm most of the time he would actually sleep in the cemeteries themselves on top of the graves he says that one time he even got lucky when he found a coffin in the graveyard somehow that was due to be used the next day and it was just being left out and so he decided to get in this coffin and sleep in there but even though the way i'm describing this sounds like hell which it probably would be to me or you but to him he was in his element he was loving every second of this he didn't have to go home he could just stay at cemeteries all day every day he was loving it he liked that he was sleeping there moskvin was stopped by police a couple of times on his travels during this job because as i'm sure you can imagine a weird guy walking around cemetery sleeping on graves that does look a bit suspicious but he said that as soon as he explained his job and his credentials and kind of what he did for a living to these police they would be like oh okay and just leave him on his way although it wasn't actually the police that moskvin should have been worrying about on these travels because it turned out to be just normal civilians that were just in these graveyards that would prove a lot more hassle for him he was stopped a number of times by different people often misunderstanding the reasons for him being there and they would threaten to beat him up if he didn't leave moskvin was reported to police so many times on this job he was robbed he was even actually once abducted okay these men put him in their car and drove him to the edge of the town and dropped him off and told him to never come back into their town again i presume this is because as part of this research he's looking at maybe their loved one's grave although this wasn't everyone's reactions to moskvin a lot of the reactions that he would get once he would explain why he was there to people that questioned it they would actually be really generous once he explained that he didn't really get to sleep anywhere or he didn't really get to buy food or eat or drink there was a lot of people that would give him money for public transport or even offered to take him to his next location to his next cemetery once he was done in that one people would buy him food buying water you know he did he did come across a lot of nice people but all in all this was a very stressful a very overwhelming and exhausting job the moskvin as i'm sure you can imagine if you didn't have anywhere to go and sleep and if you barely had any food and you were just constantly sleeping in your workplace then i'm sure everyone would get like that and towards the end of it and after this job actually finished he was very mentally unwell so much so that when the job was over and he went back home he actually became a recluse he barely left the house he only left to go and buy food that was literally the only reason he would just stay in there sleep read books write the occasional article for the newspaper i think he had about two articles that he would write for the newspaper every month on this contract and that was his only form of income at this point as well so that was anatoly moskvin's life now skip forward to 2011 racism and anti-muslim propaganda in russia was rife at this time there was some serious attacks going on most notably one at moscow airport that was huge and you know there was just general xenophobia on the streets and racism and this was becoming a whole country-wide issue and this included a lot of muslim grave desecrations russian people were going to muslim graves and vandalizing them sometimes even digging up the bodies in those graves entirely and those people were long gone like what what had those people done to the russian people absolutely nothing they were trying to prove a point by taking innocent people out of their resting place now when all of this started to happen eyes immediately turned to anatoly moskvin because something that i haven't told you up until now is that moskvin had a lot of horrific views and he made his beliefs and views very very clear in a lot of the articles that he wrote for the newspaper and stuff like everyone knew his stances moskvin was a fascist he maintained a lot of nazi beliefs too and he was very open about all of this in his books that he'd written previously it was no secret and a lot of these muslim graves that were being vandalized and desecrated were very local to moskvin so put two and two together who is the grave expert that spends all of his time in graveyards that also has a lot of hate for these particular groups you know of course it's him so police went to anatoly moskvin's home to arrest him question him you know potentially collect any evidence that they could find to say that it was him that did all of these grave desecrations however when they got there they found something entirely different something out of a nightmare what police found were actually life-sized dolls all over moskvin's apartment some of them were sitting on the surface some of them were up on shelves some of them were standing leaning against the walls now there was a lot of clutter in his apartment as well so there were some that were literally just thrown on the top of heaps of rubbish and heaps of clothes and just random things that he had there were some that were even stored in the garage of the property that weren't out on display as well they were all dressed up in dresses bonnets stockings they all seemed to have makeup on there were about 26 of these life-sized dolls in turtle ranging in size from about child size to probably about four foot tall like bordering on like adult human size and while this was insanely creepy this wasn't exactly what police were there for it was none of their business really what someone has in their house so moskvin was taken to the police station for questioning in relation to all of these grave desecrations meanwhile a lot of the officers stayed back at his apartment to search for any kind of documents or writings or any kind of evidence to prove that he was the one that did all of these grave desecrations so as they were looking through literally all of this clutter in his apartment it was such a mess they had to move a lot of these dolls to be able to get to certain paperworks and things like that and as one of the officers lifted up one of these dolls and moved it he heard something rattling inside it so they all looked at each other and they thought oh god what's he hiding inside these dolls this looked a little bit incriminating now if he's hiding things inside dolls so they made the decision that they were gonna have to open up these dolls to look what was inside see if it was any evidence that they could use against him in this case but they opened one up and what they found inside was not documents it wasn't evidence what they found inside was much more horrific and that is where i'm going to end part one i'm so sorry that is literally the worst cliffhanger i've ever given you guys and i'm so sorry make sure you've got my notifications on because i will be back in the next couple of days with part two so you don't want to miss that one thanks again to wondershare filmora 10 for sponsoring this video if you want to download a free version and test out the software you can do so using the link down below in the description and remember filmora are giving one of you guys the chance to win a 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Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 1,022,985
Rating: 4.9535871 out of 5
Keywords: eleanor, neale, eleanor neale, eleanor neale true crime, mystery, unsolved, unsolved mystery, true crime, solved, documentary, killer, murder, serial killer, buzzfeed, buzzfeed unsolved, podcast, true crime podcast, bbc, itv, netflix, storytime, forensic files, 2020, dateline, interview, news, creepypasta, horror, anatoly moskvin, anatoly, moskvin, house of dolls, dolls, horror story, scary, human dolls, human, life size, dollhouse, annabelle, house of human dolls, true crime daily, tiktok, tiktok killer
Id: rL8RfYZfp9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 2sec (2222 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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