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so today's video is going to be another solved true crime case today we're going to be talking about the case of Becky Watts but yeah I'm gonna keep this intro pretty sharp because I feel like this is gonna be a super super long video and for that reason the camera angle might keep changing throughout the video because I might have to take breaks while I'm filming this quickly before I get into it I just want to give my usual disclaimer that I mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone that I talked about in this video this is all just information that I have found on the internet and I'm compiling into one video so Rebecca Marie Watts better known as Becky Watts to friends and family was a 16 year old girl born on June the 3rd 1998 she lived in Bristol with her father Darren and her stepmother Angie who had actually been her stepmother or her dad's girlfriend since Becky was only 2 years old and sir Angie was pretty much like a mother to Becky Becky's biological mother was called Tanya and due to different financial problems and social services problems she'd always lived with her dad Darren Becky also had an older biological brother named Daniel watts who was two years older than her and he actually did live with Becky and Aaron and Angie for a long part of his life until he was a little bit older and he finally moved in with his biological mother Tanya and as well as that Becky also had a stepbrother who was Angie's son to a previous marriage he was called Nathan Matthews and was 10 years older than Becky so quite a big age gap due to financial problems at the start of his life Nathan lived with his grandmother saw Angie's mother and then finally when the financial situations were sorted out Nathan didn't really want to leave his grandma's house because his friends without his school was there and so he would just come over and see Angie Darren and Becky on weekends they were like brother and sister and they acted like it as well we was a little family doing that weren't right we'd be a little dysfunctional work because we're all from you know your different parents and partners and that sort of thing but um no we all we all linked together we've quite a strong loyal unit okay so I understand that quite a lot of information to give you all in one go so I'm just going to kind of summarize the family tree so there was Becky who lived at home with her father Darren and her stepmother Angie her stepmother had a son named Nathan who would see Becky on weekends however he didn't live with them during the week and Becky also had a biological brother Danny who she didn't really see as much because he lived with his mother Becky absolutely loved her older brothers she was that kind of annoying little sister that would follow them around want to play their video games and she was only like two or three years old so it's not like she could rarely join in but she looked them so much she wanted to play with them all the time and when she was two years old her first clear word was actually Nathan however Nathan didn't quite share the same love and appreciation for Becky as she did for him he was very protective over his mother very kind of selfish in the way that he didn't want to share her love and so when two new step-siblings came in he didn't like that all and you've got to remember that he was ten years older than Becky so they don't really have anything in common yeah and they can't really play it together and so he just kind of didn't really like her he was a bit easier on Becky's older brother Danielle because he was four years old when he met him and so he could kind of join in on the video again some things however Becky was just far too young and he just kind of found her a bit annoying when Becky was 11 years old she moved up to high school and immediately she was targeted by bullies pretty badly they would make fun of everything they possibly could about Becky her looks her wit especially seem to be a particular topic that they would bully her about and they even once stole her jacket straight out of her hands and Becky as you can imagine was really rarely affected by the bullying to the point where she would come home every single day crying saying that she wanted to lose weight and hopefully that might stop the bullying I don't think Becky was even a little bit over where I think she was a completely healthy where however Daron and Angie wanted to try and make her feel a little bit better and so they brought in some diet foods and things because if losing weight made Becky feel a little bit happier and they'd do it and quickly Becky lost a lot of weight and her family started noticing that she was throwing away food leaving a lot of food on her plate at meal times and she was just kind of wasting away in front of them eventually it got to a point where Becky was so thin that Darren and Angie took her to the doctors and at just 12 years old Becky was diagnosed with anorexia and almost hospitalized because she was that underwear but still the bullying only really got worse and Becky starts keeping school for multiple reasons obviously in part due to the bullying but also because she was so underweight because she was soem and nourished she was always ill she was always dizzy whenever she tried to do things so she was missing a lot of school to the point where Becky's family were getting legal threats if she didn't start attending school and on top of that Becky was also being bullied at home not just at school by her stepbrother Nathan Matthews who would call a fad he would say that she needed to lose weight even though she was dangerously underweight he was just making the situation ten times worse and at this point Nathan had just turned 23 and he was bullying a twelve-year-old girl and not just any twelve-year-old girl whose stepsister which he'd grown up with for the past ten years by the age of thirteen Becky was recovered physically from her anorexia she was back to a healthy weight she was eating normally obviously it was going to take a little bit longer to help her mental state because anorexia is a mental illness before it affects your kind of physical health but she seemed a lot happier she was a lot healthier and things seemed to be going really well for Becky when Becky was around 15 years old her stepmother angie was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis also known as MS which as you can imagine was hard on all of the kids and if you know what ms is like if you've ever seen anyone go through that then you'll know just how hard it is to watch someone deteriorate in front of you and that was Becky's mother figure her whole life so it was really hard on her as well as her eating disorder Becky also suffered with anxiety and the occasional depressive episode which possibly could stem from her anorexia which came first and despite her kind of rough relationship with her step in the Nathan make his relationships with the rest of her family seemed to be pretty good she loved her dad she loved his stepmom they all got on quite well so in that context she was pretty happy Becky and her father Darren did have the odd fight but I mean what daughter and father don't I mean that's pretty normal however during one of these arguments that Becky and her father had Darren actually kicked Becky out of the house and she was forced to go and stay with a friend for a while Becky was a very shy girl probably in part due to her anxiety disorder however her father just said that ever since she was younger she was always very clingy very shy it was just kind of in her nature she had tons of confidence with us she felt secure and safe but a minute she went I hope for that front door she was completely amazing and because of this he had few but close friends who she was in contact with every single day she didn't have like a huge group by any means there were just a few close friends that she felt comfortable with and she would talk to them all the time but on Thursday February 29th 2015 Becky Watts suddenly went very quiet on social media and she stopped replying to her friends texts and messages her friends were obviously a little bit worried but there's so many different explanations for this maybe have fun died maybe she was busy like people go quiet on social media for a day all the time so like I said it was a Thursday when Becky went quiet on social media however her family had actually seen her since Tuesday and night because on the Wednesday she was out with friends all day and then on the Wednesday night she slept over at a friend's house and so when Becky never returned home on Thursday the 19th of February her stepmother Angie just kind of thought that she was staying over at her friend's again it was halftime and they did have sleepovers quite often she couldn't get hold of Becky either she wasn't answering a text she wasn't answering her calls and obviously Angie was worried but you always come up with a kind of reasonable explanation for stuff like that like I said it was the holidays she was I'm she thought she was with a friend and so she might have been having a lot of fun have fun might have died she just might be too busy to answer a phone but still the next morning on Friday the 20th of February 2015 no one had seen Becky for three days no one in Becky's family and seeing it for three days anyway and so at this point it was really worrying because she still wasn't answering her phone and no one had seen her for three days thank you still wasn't person on social media and I don't actually think she had a family on social media I don't know and so her friends were the only people that noticed she wasn't person on social media and she also wasn't replying to her friends texts and her friends then realized that something was really wrong when she hadn't been replying to them for two whole days at this point and so they decided to go to a house in case anything was wrong and so Becky's friends arrived at a house after where she was and her stepmother Angie this whole time had assumed that she was just with her friends and so when all of Becky's close friends turned up without Becky this immediately sent Angie into panic mode she rang Darren at work and she realized that something was really wrong and as you can imagine this was really kind of out of character for Becky walls like I said she had anxiety she had a general just kind of timid nature she didn't like going anywhere alone armed unless she was with someone that she was comfortable with and since everyone that she was kind of close to uncomfortable with were all in the same position none of them knew where she where none of them were whether this kind of surgery said that maybe becky wasn't gone off around a card I remember just being so confused as to where she was she wasn't the type of person that would go somewhere and not tell people where she was going she wasn't the kind of person to stay out late she'd always go to bed really early so like I said Becky stepmother Angie plunge Darren her father while he was at work and so when it kind of clicked in his head that he hadn't seen her since Tuesday no one knew where she was he realized how serious it was and so he came home from work early this is so for her character there was no way she has done this someone has happened and I don't know where she is and we need to find her and we need to find her fast so Darren said Becky's friendz upstairs to go and have a look through a room see if anything was gone maybe she'd run away and taken things with her or if anything was just kind of a bit different and that was when they realized that her phone her tablet and her laptop had all gone as if she'd kind of taken them and run away but none of Becky's clothes were missing none of her makeup was missing she wore makeup every day she hadn't taken any money with her and obviously she hasn't told any of her friends or family where she was going or even that she was going which again was really out of character for Becky and so obviously all of this worried Becky's family so much that they called the police at four o'clock on the 20th of February I reported Becky as missing um a pair of my daughter's got missing no one has seen her no no we phoned Rome the family or her friends have contacted us and asking where she is and none of them know what you mean Rebecca wants so at this point at the point where Becky was reported as missing she hadn't been actually seen by anyone in 48 hours and if you familiar with disappearance cases 48 hours is a dangerously long amount of time to wait to report someone missing obviously her family haven't known until then so there was nothing that could really do however 48 hours meant that the chances of finding Becky alive were really really slim if the child isn't found within the first six hours of the disappearance the chances of finding them alive are halfed and then after 12 hours the chances are halved again after 24 hours it's hard again and so at 48 hours you can only imagine the chances of finding Becky Watts alive and it's just a shame that there wasn't any like communication in this case because obviously they've reported a missing as soon as they realize she was missing however you you just do make excuses as to maybe why they're not posting on Facebook or maybe why they're not answering the texts and it's just really unfortunate so like I said Becky Watts was reported missing on Friday at 4 p.m. however even though she was a child she was 16 years old and the police knew she'd been missing for 48 hours at this time it still took them two and a half hours to respond to that they didn't get to Becky's house until half past 6:00 p.m. that day so the police arrived and obviously all Becky's friends and family were telling him everything they knew up until the last time that they saw her and that was when Shauna Becky's stepbrother Nathan's girlfriend said that she actually knew something that no one else did Shauna said that she believed that Becky was in the house the morning before so on the Thursday morning she said that she thought that Becky was in the house because Shauna was also in the house she never actually saw Becky with her own eyes however you know when you just in the house and you just kind of know that someone else is there because of noises and things like that she just thought that Becky was in the house on the Thursday morning before okay so let me set up a kind of timeline for you because I know that this can be quite confusing so the last time that Becky was definitely seen was on the Tuesday and night by her father Darren and then the following day on the she spent the whole day with friends and instead of a friend's house on the Wednesday and night which I believe did happen I believe all that did happen and so she just wasn't seen by any family since Tuesday and then up until now we believed that no one had seen her since then since she left her friend's house on the Thursday morning no one had seen her on the Thursday and no one had seen her on the Friday and that's why she was reported missing however now Shawn and Nathan's girlfriend was adding the fact that Becky had been in her own house on that Thursday morning meaning that she was still around on Thursday morning she hadn't actually disappeared yet however like I said Shawna didn't actually see Becky she just kind of heard noises and thought Becky was there the specific noises that Shawna heard she said that she heard stomping down the steps and then the front door slamming and so she just kind of assumed that that was Becky leaving the house and that takes us to the Friday when she was finally reported missing no one had physically seen Becky waltz since the Thursday morning when she left her friend's house initially police just kind of brushed it off they felt that Becky maybe had gone off on her own she was 16 years old after all teenagers just go off mix in all the time and then they turn back up however Becky's family knew her like I said she had anxiety she was very shy she wouldn't go out alone she wouldn't go out unless she was with someone she was comfortable with and they knew that there was more to this than just Becky going off on her own so quickly a social media campaign was set up called hashtag find Becky where her face was shared her name was shared and overall this hashtag was seen by over 2 million people and that night Becky's father Darren stayed up all night he didn't get any sleep because he was constantly calling Becky's phone hoping that she was answering he was leaving voicemail after voicemail and she just wasn't picking up so the two main theories in the investigation at this point were kidnapped and run away so during the public appeals where her family would go on TV they would appeal for both things so they would do an appeal straight to Becky just in case she run away and she was watching the news that said come home and they would also appeal to a possible kidnapper or someone that was just kind of keeping Becky maybe if she had run away and they were letting her stay at the house they were appealing to those people as well thanks for watching this please come thank you so much and stuff that won't let us shout you but if you could see this getting cool attack and if anyone out there know someone just tell us spring I'm safe if you've got then put somewhere we can find it searches were done in the kind of surrounding area obviously for Becky but also for any evidence are the belongings that she took with her her laptop phone tablet and there were hundreds of officers put onto this case along with hundreds of volunteers from the public the searchers focused primarily on kind of houses in the local area one in case Becky was being kidnapped and held somewhere or two in case this was a runaway and someone was just letting her stay at their house or the places that we searched included woods lakes parks bodies of water just in case they could find anything any kind of evidence but absolutely nothing was coming up from these searchers so at this point police thought it might be useful to interview the people that Becky was close to not a suspect but just to kind of get to know them and get to know Becky a little bit more get to know her routine because obviously up until now they've been thinking this was a runaway and that wasn't like Becky at all so clearly police didn't know it very well we were able to look for any things that didn't fit with the norm so patterns that didn't fit with a normal week or accounts from what had happened in the critical day that again didn't didn't seem right and also police said that they did this so that they could get to know the people they were questioning get to know a dad stepmom for that everyone like that just in case maybe it was an inside thing because let's be honest things like this do happen within families there are domestic murders there's cases such as the shallow Matthews case which I covet where her own mother was holding her captive somewhere like this could have been an inside thing but the days were just passing by the searches were going on and still nothing absolutely nothing was coming up and so police thought it might be important to check her friends and family's alibis from that day and these questioning is mainly focused on Becky's step for the Nathan and his girlfriend Shana because like I said there were kind of the less people to be with her on Thursday morning like they didn't see her but there were the last people to be in a house with her a furniture with really only two people that we interviewed that were actually difficult to pin down just that raised a red flag with you of course if you've got a witnesses or people that are within your investigation that don't appear to want to meet you it's always gonna cause you some concerns the officer that was questioned in Shawna hall said that she was very kind of giggly very light hearted despite the severity and the seriousness of the questioning which in fairness as someone who has a really bad nervous laugh and a really bad nervous smile I can understand how that could be the case but then you have to question why she's still nervous yes it could possibly be just the situation of being questioned by police in a formal setting that's enough to make anyone nervous oh is it because she is guilty of something and she is nervous that she's gonna reveal something in this questioning who knows Nathan Matthews on the other hand came across as very kind of chilled very relaxed almost to the point where he was kind of unbothered by the fact that his little sister was missing they were really consistent in their accounts however the detectives idea brain was also saying they fit together really conveniently and really really neatly even the best witnesses will provide accounts which are factually incorrect in this case is slotted together very very neatly they indicates to me collusion talk to each other they've got their stories straight even though they both seemed relatively suspicious from the question and it wasn't evidence it was just kind of suspicions and so police couldn't really do anything about it six days after Becky's disappearance her father Darren and her mother Angie were moved out of the house where they lived with Becky so that it could be forensic searched because obviously that was where Becky lived it was the last place she was seen and so it just made sense to Firenze Becki hadn't been seen by any neighbors leaving the house off walking around the kind of general area in the days of her disappearance she wasn't seen by any of the general public even though her face was all over the news she also wasn't caught on any kind of CCTV cameras in the area anything and so all of that suggested to police that maybe she never actually left her house forensic teams found what they believed to have been blood some red staining on the door frame of Becky's bedroom and alongside these kind of possible bloodstains was also some fingerprints which were both huge clues that would take enough to be analyzed it's very very difficult to see with the naked eye some of it was done very low some of it was about waist height and some of it was a proximately shoulder height so the three different heights did seem to strike a chord in terms of how why you know had there been a struggle partly because they claimed to have been the last people to see Becky on that day and also partly because of their strange behavior in the last question Nathan in particular was asked about his kind of relationship with Becky and the answers that he gave were quite concerning Chucky talked to her but I'm saying I don't particularly like it and I've seen what annoys me is where she speaks like my mom sometimes she'd be kind of like rude or anything of an actual sceptic time so now police were aware that Nathan didn't really like Becky and this does add to the suspicion but at the same time it's not really evidence like people don't get on all the time it's not evidence to say that he had a hand in her disappearance so the following day the results of the forensic testing came back and it was found that the fingerprint in the blood belonged to none other than Nathan Matthews Becky's Deborah that everything needs to be put in context the context here was Nathan and Becky didn't appear to get on so how could that blood been with his fingerprint in upstairs on the first floor a location that we don't think Nathan went frequently so that's the first real but the DNA test on the blood itself to find out whose blood that is was gonna take a little bit longer to come back if it was Becky's blood that Nathan's fingerprint was found in then yeah that's enough evidence to say that he is guilty that he had something to do with her disappearance but if the results came back and it was Nathan's own blood and it was his own fingerprint in his own blood it makes a little bit more sense obviously we don't know what happened but maybe it like had an accident cut himself downstairs and went upstairs to maybe sought it out it just make a lot more sense and it wouldn't be evidence to say that he had anything to do with Becky's disappearance but then the results of the blood tests came back and it was found to have been Becky Wallace's blood so 10 days after Becky was last seen police immediately started to track down Nathan and Shana and went to arrest them both at the home the reason I come here just making the rest of yourself okay to do is explain everything here there were both initially arrested for kidnap because even other words blood Becky could still be alive somewhere this doesn't mean that she's dead so it doesn't mean that it's murder have you got any concerns or suspicions that Nathan or any other member of your family or extended family might be responsible for her disappearance why you so sure because police at this point in Shona halls questioning were almost certain that she was lying they didn't quite know about what but they just they didn't feel like she was telling the truth and obviously police in that situation have been through questioning and stuff before they've seen people tell the truth and they've seen people lie and so I feel like they're pretty good judges of character and now that she was being questioned as a suspect rather than just a family member this meant that they could really start like grilling her and picking apart her answers is that anything that happened that could be significant in the disappearance of Rebecca yeah absolutely sure I know you've got something to tell us I can see it in your face I'm just making sure there's nothing like a weird significant thing that I heard the walls well the same straightforward tactic that they used on Shana didn't really work on Nathan he's the kind of person that when he's faced with confrontation he will completely just block you out and act really moody and uncooperative we want to find her where is she I don't know where she is she's safe I didn't rush it so I want to know do you know she's alive no have you hurt her no I'm here to Nathan and Shawna were living together at the time in their own home just over a mile away from where Becky lived with Darren and Angie and so while the two of them were being questioned by police the house was also being searched for evidence entering the house opening front door alone is very challenging it doesn't open properly because of the extent the stuff behind the door - fridge freezers behind the door there's two steps of stairs must be a hallway living area each room is jam-packed with material particularly the lounge particularly the kitchen the rooms of the house as you just saw in that clip were completely just covered in clutter it's a wonder how those two navigated the way around the house like there was barely any room to move and it was so cluttered to the point where the police that were searching the house didn't even realize that there was an upstairs bathroom because there was that much crap in front of the door but as police searched through the whole house there was kind of no sign of beckon like yes it was a mess but none of the mess was Becky's there weren't any kind of signs that it was disrupted like it just seemed like this was the way that they lived and Becky wasn't there that was until they found the upstairs bathroom and they had a look inside so I go upstairs turn right into the bathroom then there's a cooker there's a microwave you can barely see the sink the baths on the right hand side is extremely clean to the point where it is very very shiny so that is what sticks in your mind immediately it's out of place in context with the rest of the address search teams also found two receipts hidden away in some kind of cabinet in the upstairs both of which dated from the day that Becky went missing on the 19th February both receipts were from a kind of home where DIY store in the UK called B&Q which just sell loads of like tools and DIY things and the receipts showed that someone had bought a circular saw some goggles some gloves and some face masks and police immediately just thought of the worst case scenario that they'd been embarked on this equipment to be able to dismember a body and when the CCTV footage of that specific being kill was checked on the day of Becky's disappearance the 19th of February they found Nathan Matthew was walking around the B&Q store picking out a circular saw just doing the shopping on these receipts so now police decided to officially treat this as a murder inquiry and sir Shana and Matthew were both re-arrested for me your whole world folds in on itself they told me this is a murder inquiry I know I know all you started shouting at that point is but no no no no no you're wrong she's gotta be alive meanwhile Annette's and Matthews questioning he had no idea that they were searching his house well I'm guessing he knew that they weren't gonna search his house at one point but he didn't know it was right then and there and so he had no idea that they'd found the bathroom like that he had no idea what was going on and so the police decided to use this tactic play in his questioning they decided to kind of feed him that information to see if he'd just own up because if he knew that the police was searching his house and they were gonna find the receipts they were going to find the bathroom so clean like maybe he would just give himself up and it would be so much easier for police and that is exactly what happened he went and spoke to his lawyer for a while and then at 10:00 p.m. he returned and he had this massive long written statement that his lawyer then read out to the police do I have to actually listen to and I put my fingers in my ears so I'm just gonna read the statement out in full and I'm gonna put like pictures and video clips over the top i Nathan Charles Matthews except that I am responsible for the death of Rebecca walks on the 19th of February 2015 I attended Crown Hill son George in Bristol with my girlfriend Sean aha in my car I had a large stun device handcuffs tip and a mask I developed an idea to scare Rebecca by kidnapping her I wanted to scare her and teach her a lesson I believe that she was selfish and have heavier towards my mother was a risk to her health a few minutes after arriving Shona said that she wanted a cigarette and went out into the garden I went to the boot of my car took out a bag that contained the items and went upstairs to the London before knocking on Rebecca's door she replied what oh hello and I said can I see you a minute I cannot be sure in which order things happened but I used the items I had to subdue Rebecca during the short struggle my mask slipped Rebecca was able to see my face this caused me to panic and I strangled her while she was partially in the bag so that's the end of the written statement but then Nathan Matthews there went on to verbally confessed that he had dismembered Becky's body in the bathroom with that circular saw they bar he then admitted to wrapping up each separate body part and putting them into boxes bags and suitcases and hiding them in a shed the nature of the find is is horrific and shocking I've never dealt with anything like this and it'll still stay with me throughout my service it'll stay with me probably throughout my life [Music] 12 days after Becky Watts was reported missing her body parts were recovered from a shed her body was taken to a morgue where she could be formally identified by her family to be Becky Watts when we seen her in the morgue and not dust when it really held and that I mean they they did for a police award they did their best to cover up her where they'd car up and things like that but I could still see where Lee decapitated her and no no parent should have to see that he's actual cause of death was found to have been suffocation believed to have happened inside her own bedroom but Becky put up a good fight she sustained a lot of injuries to her body cuts bruises a lot of bruises scratches all sorts all over her body particularly on her face and on her head the autopsy also found that after Becky's death her body sustained over 14 stab wounds and a lot more other injuries and that was after she died her body was cut up into eight different pieces including a decapitation each piece was wrapped in cling film and put into different bags her body parts were also packed with cat litter to absorb any moisture and salt crystals to avoid any odor Nathan later admitted to taping over Becky's eyes and her mouth while repeatedly punching her before she died which to me doesn't really fit with the kind of accident story liner he was going with so now police have to investigate Nathan's written statement because even though he's confessed they can't just take it for face value they can't just believe in 100% for a start it was a very kind of innocent until it went wrong kind of situation which is a story that a lot of criminals create when they're trying to lower their sentence as much as they possibly can obviously if they just came out and just said frankly I'm a cold-blooded murderer they're never gonna be let out of prison again however if they try and spin it as if it was an accident then they'd have a better chance of getting parole at one day he also if you notice didn't drag Shana into it once he said that she was outside the whole time she had no idea what was going on inside which is very hard to believe and police found it hard to believe as well that she had no idea that this was going on she had no idea that Becky was dead they just thought that that there was no way that that was the case police just thought that there was no way that she was outside the whole time and had no idea that this was going on upstairs in the house and on top of that they will have put Becky's body into their car and then from their car into their house again there was nowhere that Shana didn't know that that was going on and then obviously Nelson dismembered her body in the bath the will have been a mess there will have been a lot of noise and unless he did it while Shana was out of the house and cleaned it up really fast and packaged all the body parts up really fast there is no way that she didn't know that that was going on and if Shana had so much as witnessed even a little bit of this murder whether she watched the actual medigap on whether she knew that they were taking the body back to the house whether she had a part in the dismemberment whether she even knew about a little bit she could have been done for perverting the course of justice and so police think that Nathan was just trying to protect Shana by saying that it was all him she had no idea at all so that Shana wouldn't get prison time he's trying to take the heat away from her it was almost like there was an agreed path or they were going to walk that they were going to lie to a certain point if he came on top Nathan would accept a culpability so police then used the same tactic on Shana trying to feed her a little bit of information to see if she will admit to anything Shana was being questioned while Nathan was admitting to this murder and so the people questioning her decided to tell her that Nathan had just admitted to murdering dismembering and hiding his stepsisters body what's your knowledge of him come back found out yesterday morning we find that yesterday morning prior to that I had no idea I had any involvement in anything at all so now that Nathan had actually admitted to doing this and killing Becky police decided to ask more questions about how he did it and like why you did it partially to give Becky's family some kind of peace to give them answers so that they knew how she died but also partly to see if he would trip over his own star ray and contradict anything that he admitted to miss Becky stood up Nathan whilst he was strangling her no comment to what degree was she incapacitated then no comment was she conscious at the time that you strangled her no comment but he was still saying that Shana had no idea that he'd murdered Becky or hidden Becky or dismembered Becky the whole time Shana was completely clueless to him police questioned the couple for the maximum of 96 hours as allowed by the UK law and then at the end of that there charged Nathan Matthews with the murder of Becky watts however police still didn't have that kind of solid link between Shana and Becky yes they had a link from Shana to Nathan and from Nathan to Becky however there was nothing between Shana and Becky that said she had anything to do with that it took police two whole months but they finally found some evidence to say that Shana maybe wasn't as innocent as she was making out they looked through Nathan and Shauna's phones which obviously they'd done right at the beginning however they hadn't looked at the deleted content off the phones just yet because that takes a lot longer to get to hence why it took further two months but they found some deleted text between Nathan and Shana that showed the real motive for the murder and possible involvement on Shawna's behalf so it showed into the internet searching of pornographic material around Becky's age but it also showed some text messaging between the two of them where they were talking about young females potentially abducting a young female and taking them back to their home address and putting them in in their loft so Shana was questioned again but now about the sexual motive of the murder so one of the messages from Nathan to Shana said bring me back to pretty schoolgirls and Shana replied well yeah I'll just kidnap them from school in another instance Shana Texan earth insane just went to Costco chat and saw a pretty petite girl almost knocked her out to bring harm lalla xoxo and that's a common thing in these two texts they would say these horrible things and then they'd put like a lull on the end or an xoxo and it's just so creepy like gives me the shivers it's disgusting and so Nathan replied to that text from Shana about knocking that girl out at the shop saying don't you almost mean now [ __ ] do it [ __ ] with four X's on the end and that last bit that [ __ ] do it [ __ ] within capitals so Shana replied LMFAO yeah I'll just go back in time when I saw her time travel with her to our attic wall xoxo and there were a bunch of other text conversations which I'm just going to summarize because there's far too many for me to be able to read out like that in this video and it was honestly like creeping me out to be saying those words out loud but basically a lot of these conversations just kind of centered around kidnapping a young petite girl that was underage and keeping her in the Attic to use as a sex slave all the conversations revolved around specific girls that Nathan had like scouted on Facebook Nathan had actually been planning on messaging this one particular girl and Nathan actually worked in a takeaway restaurant at the time and one day this girl came into the shop and Nathan text Shana saying that he was sad because he couldn't flirt with her while he was at work and this girl was 16 at the time and Nathan was 27 years old and it was at this point that everything started to click into place in Darren's mind in Becky's father's mind he had been seen these warning signs from Nathan all his life ever since he met him when he was 12 he'd been seeing warning signs that this was coming for so long but yeah I'll get into those kind of warning signs a little bit later I've got some interviews of Darren talking about these specific instances that he had with Nathan and I'll talk about those at the end I just wanted to let you know that it was then when it all kind of clicked for him however these texts obviously kind of contradict Shawna having no involvement in the murders because it shows that she is on the same kind of wavelength is him and obviously police believe that he didn't do it by accident police believe that he was trying to kidnap Becky and take him back to their house whether he intended on murdering around not that's a different story however he did intend on kidnapping her and obviously now that we know his intentions and we know that Shawna was on the same wavelength it's hard to believe that Shawna didn't have anything to do with it anything to do with the planning or the actual carrying out and it was then when all these texts were bein analyzed that forensic teams actually also found Shauna's DNA on one of the masks that was hidden in the shed what did that suggest Shawna had been doing suggested that she'd been involved in the dismemberment in the packaging of Becky after she'd been killed and again a really significant moment because that's the first time we could tie Shawna in directly to what had gone on after Becky had died so before we get into the kind of trial and sentencing and stuff I just want to talk about these kind of warning signs that the family then picked up on after this so like I said Nathan never liked Becky well Darren and Angie always just kind of put it down to a sibling rivalry he was like jealous of Becky because she was two years old and so she was getting more attention from Angie and that's just kind of what they put it down to and he always used to like bully Becky about her wear about her looks he was 23 years old and he was bullying a twelve-year-old girl and that showed the real lack of empathy he also said that Becky would talk to Angie like she was nothing and she would like Aguilar that and stuff like that even though everyone that was close to Nathan said that he did the exact same thing to his mother he spoke the exact same way to a DJ and honestly I really don't think it was as bad as Nathan makes out between Angie and Becky because no one else realized it was that bad it was only him that realized that their relationship was that bad so I think it's possible in more likely an exaggeration on his part since there's no other witnesses to any of these things that Becky did to Angie he would just find any reason to bully Becky and take out his aggression on Becky because she was a young vulnerable target like even to the point where he would have to make things up to be able to bully her about things because he ran out of things to bully her about like he would say that she was being mean to Angie he would say that she's fat even though she's underweight like he really just wanted to make Becky's life a misery and psychologists have since looked at this relationship between Nathan and Becky this constant need to bully her and make a life of misery because that's not a normal brother-sister relationships so they believe there must have been something something else there and one of the theories is that because of Nathan's attraction to young petite girls that were Becky's age maybe he had a subconscious attraction to Becky and maybe he knew in his conscious mind that it was wrong to feel that way about Becky and so he would just take his aggression out on her and another theory very similar to that one is that maybe he didn't have a specific attraction towards Becky maybe he just saw her as a representation for all young women that he should not feel this way about and so if he sees someone that is a representation of the group that he is not allowed to be attracted towards maybe that is why he took his aggression out on Becky specifically so like I said before Becky had a lot of kind of mental illness problems she had anxiety depressive episodes each in disorder and so she would see a counselor quite often and in one of her counseling sessions when she was just 12 years old she expressed to the counselor that she was actually scared of her older brother Nathan who was 23 at the time she said she'd feel safe with Nathan if her dad and her stepmom with that but the minute were left alone together she felt unsafe and I don't know for what reason I couldn't find for what reason whether she was scared of him acting out on physical violence with her or maybe he would make sexual advances I don't know I don't know why she was scared in particular but she was scared of her on step for that so the counselor thought it was important to express this to her father since she'd never told her father that she was scared of her stepbrother before so the counselor told Darin who sat Becky down and just said there's nothing to be scared of he's not gonna hurt ya and Becky's father Darren says that to this dear that conversation that he had with Becky still haunts him and he just wonders why she felt like that because he never really grilled her about it too much halfway through this conversation that they had about Becky being scared Nathan Becky made a joke about Darren being old and so they started laughing and joking with each other and then it turned into a normal conversation and so Darren didn't really griller on it too much after that conversation that was all they really said on the matter and so he never knew why Becky felt so scared of Nathan she he never knew what Nathan did to her to make her feel scared of him and no one will ever know and Nathan also had a past with underage girls we obviously know this now that the texts have come out and everything but his family knew for a long time the first of which happened when he was just 19 years old so this was almost 10 years before Becky's murder well these young girls they didn't look anymore in 12th in Beckett's car four of them and he pulled up he got a car he was grinning and they started to get out the car when we're doing Nathan no they ain't even get past me Kate let alone go any eggs so they come back to wherever you find them and as a parent your water you just take them back now because this aint funny that's all see this is this is over like pedophilia do you wish though that you had gone further with that that you do know yeah when in Holland so yeah there was a lot of what we called warnings now and I've been beating myself up for over a year Matthew was brought home for twelve-year-old girls in his car and that was his family's first kind of insight into this weird attraction that he had to young girls and then at 21 years old Nathan got into a relationship with Sean aha who was really young at the time yeah he tried telling me she was linting kind of weren't born yesterday sir put her back in the car and sold off I am not having someone like that in this thing Nathan told his family that Shawna was 19 at the time but in Darrin's words she looked no older than 14 and the whole family just felt really uncomfortable with her being witness and but obviously there's nothing that they can do other than bar her from coming to the house which is exactly what they did Angie said until this girl brings me her birth certificate and proves that she is of the legal age of consent she's not coming in the house and this was in 2008 and the two of them continued seeing each other but they never brought that birth certificate to Angie and then in 2010 two years later they returned back to the house Seana with her birth certificate that said that she was 16 years old and so that just proves that she was 14 at the time when Nathan was 21 but now even though it was super uncomfortable that their 23-year old son was dead in a 16 year old girl and had been since she was 14 there was nothing they could do about it because it was legal but one of the first warning signs that Nathan exhibited was during his first have a serious relationship when he was 18 years old and this relationship only lasted for a few months Nathan was insecure and jealous all the way through the relationship which is not great but it's not a sign of them becoming a murderer however when they broke up it only got 10 times worse he would hang around this girl's house just outside her house but hours at a time night and day to the point where he actually had to be removed by police several times because his ex-girlfriend feared for her safety Darren also thought about how Nathan would play these like practical jokes on Becky where he would jump out and scare her and stuff which in itself is just a practical joke however he would do it really frequently and he knew how scared Becky was because if you remember she was genuinely scared she told her counselor that and so she wasn't laughing during these practical jokes she was genuinely scared and Nathan saw that and still didn't stop and I know I keep saying there's so many times during this video but he was 10 years older than her and the only reason I just want to keep drilling that in it's because siblings play pranks on each other all the time they call each other names all the time however he was no longer a teenager and she wasn't even a teenager yet so there was a huge age gap it wasn't like they were both a couple years apart and they were just can joke in between siblings this was a fully grown man bullying a child and this kind of making Becky jump thing is even more eerie when you look at other serial killers it seems to be a pattern with serial killers and murderers they want to provoke fear in people just for amusement for no other reason than to just entertain themselves and like I said Becky wasn't in on these jokes she was genuinely scared of him and he could tell that and that's why I continued because he liked to see you in this fear in Becky obviously at the time the family didn't really think much of it because people play pranks on each other all the time but obviously in retrospect now it seems so much of a bigger one inside than it would have at the time but it wasn't just Becky's dad Darren who was now realizing all these warning signs had been there the whole time Becky's best friend Courtney also recalled her saying that she was scared of Nathan Becky told Courtney that Nathan had described to her in detail a few times like modern once of the different ways that he could kill her one of which included a sledgehammer obviously at the time Becky's best friend can't he just start on us just a brother trainer scarer however looking when it that is just so dark and it was more than once as well so that just shows that it's like on his mind quite a lot it also came out around the time that Nathan and Shawna were being held that Nathan was sometimes physically abusive toward Shawna all of which Shawna claims was consensual however from like an outside point you can see that it is abuse some of it was like a sexual thing some of it was just a power thing she enjoyed being kind of a submissive person in the relationship wasn't always sexual but she said that it was always consensual he'd do things like pull her hair make her beg for food he wouldn't give her money he would kind of strangle her for seconds at a time and none of it was like in an angry way it was just a kind of power thing it was never during an argument it was just a power thing in their relationship and it just kind of reminds me of what he would do to Becky just scare people and belittle people just to feel more powerful and just for his own entertainment obviously Shawna claimed that it wasn't abuse that it was consensual which if that is true then that's completely fine like no one can tell two consenting adults how to have their relationship however you do have to think that they'd been together for seven years at this pine was it consensual in the fact that they were on the same wavelength and they were both just equally consensual in this or was it the fact that Nathan had brainwashed Shawna so much to make her think that she was consensual in this abuse maybe it was genuine abuse that maybe Shawna wouldn't be so consensual towards unless she hadn't been brainwashed obviously none of us know what was actually going on in their relationship what actually went on in their relationship and so I don't really think we can see much about that point I just thought it was kind of interesting to add in that among the rest of the points and I suppose you can just take that how you want to take it whether it was consensual and they were on this wavelength or maybe he did burn washer who knows however there were kind of times when there would be emotional abuse in their relationship and she said that that was a real thing the physical abuse was consensual but the emotional abuse was kind of real there'd be times when Shauna would tell Nathan that she's gonna leave him even though she had no intention of leaving him she just wanted to see how he would react which in itself is very abusive and the way that Nathan would react to this react Shauna's abuse is with even more abuse towards hair he would just hurt himself he stabbed his hand with a fork once he would scratch his face like it was just a very abusive toxic relationship that they had anyway those were all the kind of warning signs some of them might not be warning signs to you personally but these are just the things that the family have thought about in the aftermath of it all and thought should have really noticed that as it was going on and like I said you can decide what you think is a real one inside on what you think is just normal human behavior that's completely up to you what I'm not here to tell you what to feel about these cases anyway back to the actual timeline Nathan and Shawna have just been charged with murder and perverting the course of justice a further four people were also arrested on suspicion of assisting an offender these people were Donovan Demetrius Carl Demetrius judean Parsons and James Island all four of which were accused of trying to hide Becky's body parts for Nathan and Shawna then there was supposedly the people that took these body parts to the shed and the reason that police thought this and the reason that they were actually arrested is because they found in texts from Nathan and Shana to these four people that Nathan and Shana said that they would give them a five-figure sum of money if they would hide something for them only Cal Demetrius and Jaden Parsons were found guilty of assisting an offender Demetrius was sentenced to two years and G for just 16 months both Cal Demetrius and Jayden Parsons both argued that they didn't know that they were hiding a human body they thought they were actually hiding cannabis they said that that's just what they thought and they didn't really care too much to ask because obviously it's a very under-the-table sort of deal they needed the money they were just gonna they were gonna do it and get this five figures up but anyway they were sentenced and everything so now on to Nathan and Shana that trial began in October of 2015 obviously Shauna's side mentioned that she did absolutely nothing wrong she didn't even know that this was going on she was just outside in the garden having a cigarette while all this was going on in the house she had no idea Becky was murdered and Nathan's side were also sticking to their kind of it was an accident until it went wrong kind of storyline it came out in the trial that after Nathan had killed Becky he put her body in his car either him alone on him with Shana that hasn't been confirmed completely but her body was put into the boot of Nathan's car and the two of them Nathan and Shaun and just went and sat back in the living room of Becky's home and just waited for the rest of the family to come home one by one they would walk past this car where Becky's body was being hidden into the house later that evening the two of them drove Hahn they took Becky's body from the car into the house and laid her in the bath and then they went back downstairs they watch TV they ordered a takeaway and they played Monopoly the following morning Nathan and Shana watched and laughed along to a parody of the frozen song do you want to build a snowman called do you want to hide a body and then the day after Becky's murder Nathan went to B&Q he bought the saw he bought the gloves the mask the goggles and then Kim Hyung and dismembered Becky's body in the bath into eight pieces including a decapitation and unwrapped of each singular piece in cling film salt crystals and cat litter so Nathan admitted to killing Becky however he said that it was an accident it wasn't murder it was manslaughter and he was just trying to fix hid' nap Becky just kind of teach her a lesson and then the struggle got out of hand and he suffocated her by accident and he still maintained that Shauna had absolutely no idea that this was going on she was outside the whole time he was killing her she had no idea that Becky's body was in the boot of the car on their way home she had no idea that he was dismembered in Becky's body in the bath upstairs which I found so hard to believe one how could she not hear the saw two did she not go in the bathroom at all for 24 hours because Becky wasn't dismembered until the following day and her body was just there in the bath so how she wouldn't have known that Becky's body was there is beyond me the prosecution claimed that these texts between Nathan and Shauna showed that the couple shared an unnatural interest in attractive teenage females it also came out that on the 19th of February the day of Becky's murder before the couple actually made it to Becky's house they went shopping together and were caught on CCTV together buying batteries for the stun gun that they were going to use on Becky on the day after Becky's murder on the 20th obviously there was that CCTV footage of Nathan going and buying those things in being cute but also there was CCTV footage of the couple together inside a different shop buy in tons of different cleaning products presumably to clean out the bath after Becky's dismemberment and if that in itself still isn't enough evidence as to why Shauna did it her DNA was also found on the face masks and the banks that Becky's body was found in finally after a very short deliberation Nathan Matthews was found guilty of murder and Shauna Hart guilty of manslaughter they were both also charged with conspiracy to kidnap perverting the course of justice preventing a lawful burial by dismemberment of a body and possession of two stone guns and like I said although Nathan said that the reason for Becky's murder wasn't actually a murder it was an accident he was going kidnapper to train teacher a lesson and then let go and he just got out of hand the judge on the other hand believes that this was intentional whether he meant to kidnap Becky and take her back to his house and keep her in the Attic for him and Shana or whether he movie just did mean to kill Becky on that day Nathan Matthews was sentenced to life in prison with a minimum of 33 years whereas Shana Hall was sentenced to 17 years 7 months later in June of 2016 both NIF and and Shana tried to appeal their sentences to try and maybe get lower sentences however both of them were rejected because their sentences were completely justified but yeah that completes this case let me know I am really interested to know if you think Shana had a complete part in this murder or whether she is just guilty of manslaughter obviously Shana had some part in it and the court sees that she's been sentenced to 17 years however not as much as Nathan's been sanctioned still and I just want to know if you guys I just want to know what you think completely do you think this was an intentional murder do you think they went to her house that day with the intention of killing her or do you think it was maybe a kidnap gone wrong for whatever the reason the kidnap was whether it was to teach her a lesson or whether to take her to their house do you think it was a kidnap gone wrong or do you think it was just a flat-out murder and as well do you think Shana had a bigger part in it done she's been sentenced for because obviously she's only been sentenced to 17 years in prison whereas Nathan's got life in prison so obviously I think he did a lot more than she did so yeah I'm really interested to know what you guys personally think I'm not gonna give my opinion on it because Becky was very young and I don't like giving my opinions on such sensitive cases involving children I just feel uncomfortable doing that stuff I'm not gonna give my own personal opinions on that however I have been kind of sprinkling them throughout this video I'm sorry about that quickly before I go I just want to tell you something I don't know if you've noticed but I filmed this video on three separate days and I don't know if you noticed that I hope the video around a smear as it possibly could I've tried to do my main cook the same every single time but this has actually been filmed in three separate chunks on three separate days I've had to try and do my makeup as similar as I possibly can because there's just been like a lot of different problems while I've been trying to film this obviously this is a very very long case I don't know how long this video has been but it's been a long one to research and a long one to film so I knew that was possibly gonna be some breaks in it but I didn't realize it was gonna go across the span of three days so I hope it ran smoothly I hope you couldn't tell too much but yet despite that I hope this video has been watchable I hope you enjoyed this video if you did make sure you leave a big thumbs up on it because that really helps me out in the algorithm I don't know if I say that weird right but everyone else says it so the algorithm subscribe and tell you post notifications on if you want to see some more like this from me because I upload true crime videos all the time along with makeup videos along with Q&A is just a lot of stuff goes on on this channel and we would love to have you a part of it but yeah thank you so so much for watching and I will see you in the next one I
Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 4,655,152
Rating: 4.9310966 out of 5
Keywords: 2018, abducted, abduction, bella fiori, crime watch daily, disappearance, documentary, eleanor neale, found, interview, kendall rae, missing, murder mystery, mystery, now, serial killer, solved, solved disappearance, solved mystery, true crime, unsolved, unsolved disappearance, unsolved mystery, becky watts, watts, rebecca watts, nathan matthews, becky watts documentary, shauna hoare, becky, milly dowler, shannon matthews, sarah payne, solved true crime, solved case, where is
Id: jJ3Csa7Ltkg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 27sec (3807 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 20 2018
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