The Helldivers 2 Stratagem Tier List

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if you're like me then you're kind of semi sort of Addicted To Hell divers too some people love it for the Democracy some people love it for the cool weapons and others just love hanging out with their friends but the one thing we all have in common is that we love the strategems but not all the strategems are built equally so today I thought it'd be a really fun idea to put all of the hell divers 2 strategems in a tier list from F tier to S tier now I'm not going to pretend that I'm a professional hell divers 2 player while I love spreading democracy I'm also terrified of level S 8 and N missions but I'm no longer a noob so this tier list is here to help all the noobs out there figure out which strategems are worth buying and which ones are kind of worth ignoring for a bit per usual this is just my opinion so if you disagree feel free to leave a comment but please just keep it polite you guys have to really stop talking about how stupid my mustache looks okay that's just like not fair so without further Ado let's start this tier list shall we starting with tier is reserved for the strategy that are completely useless thankfully there's only one strategy that I personally find to fit in this category and that strategy is the ballistic shield backpack what can I say about this it's not good versus bugs in fact it completely doesn't work versus bugs it's okay I guess versus the automatons but seeing as it takes away your backpack slot can only be used with a secondary or a one-handed weapon which means you can't use some of the better weapons in this game and it's a glitchy glitchy mess anytime you stem or pick up anything or just do anything you're just stuck te- posing it's so stupid but in spite of these glitches I just don't see why you would run the ballistic shield backpack there are better Shields and better backpacks these strategy are all kind of bad or are just completely outclassed and you'll either want to avoid them or if they're early strategems use them until you don't have to anymore and at the bottom of D tier we have unfortunately the machine gun it's your first weapon strategy you ever get and while it's not completely useless it's just not worth a strategy spot over so many other great weapons at your disposal especially once you try the higher difficulties where this will feel like a peashooter also its reload time is abysmal its damage does not justify having to stand still to reload I know that for everybody this is their first gun but let's be honest you haven't used it since you started next up in D tier we have the Tesla Tower in theory this is one of the most broken defensive strategems but in reality it kills your teammates more than it kills the enemies and it's not even consistently good at killing enemies if it works correctly it's busted but in practice you'll kill your teammates and yourself 90% of the time next up we have two strategems that I'm putting in the same category which is Eagle smokes and the orbital smokes while the smokes in theory are great for Blitz modes and just speedrunning missions most of the time you would rather have a strategy that kills the enemies and destroys things while yes the smokes can disorient the enemies it's not that good at doing that I think if you're going for a stealth strategy these can work but objectively it's just not worth it over so many better orbital and Eagle strategems next we have the anti-personnel Minefield if you put this in the right spot you'll get tons of kills but a lot of the time the enemies won't even trigger them or even die and sometimes they just won't even cross the mind's path then your team is stuck with these mindes blocking Pathways and potentially putting them in danger it's just not worth it it next is orbital gas orbital gas will cover the area in this CTIC type of gas that is pretty decent against most enemy types but to be completely honest it really doesn't do enough damage to be worth using in your orbital slot on the bright side it does have a short cooldown so that does make it a little bit more desirable but yeah there are better orbital strikes trust me then we have the HMG imp placement it's a great turret but you're forced to be inside of it which limits your Firepower in this game there are so many great turrets that don't require you to be inside of them so why would you choose this turret over them I think it's pretty obvious why this is in D tier then we have the laser cannon this Weapon It's bait don't buy it it may look powerful and theoretically it can have unlimited ammo but it's just so weak compared to other weapons and I know it got a buff but even with the buff it doesn't really feel like it does much more so while it looks cool as hell you'll look like a dork trying to use it to kill Chargers I just don't see why you would use it over much better weapons in this game then we have the machine gun Sentry it's a little turret look at it go this turret isn't even that bad it's just completely outclassed by another much better turret and it has like no ammo it comes in kills three things and leaves it's really not worth it but if it's all you can afford don't buy it save up for the Gatling turret it's not even that much more expensive then we have another machine gun and it's the stalwart while it's not as strong as the machine gun it's honestly better than it since you can move while we're loading and that's a big deal because if you have to stand still you'll die however I don't really think you will want your weapon strategy spot to go to a glorified primary weapon that is honestly worse than some of the Primary Weapons you get without using a strategy in the early difficulties it's awesome but once you grow up you'll grow out of it fast you'll be like Andy not wanting to play with Woody anymore and at the top of D tier we have the orbital EMS I think the orbital EMS is a bit underrated by a lot of people I think most people are just using it incorrectly the ability to slow down enemies especially automatons it does with the smoke screen wants to do but better because it will actually help you escape however just like smokes you would much rather have a strike that will actually clear the enemies over stunning them and if you want EMS effects there's a better version of that in the centuries which we'll talk about later seats here are all strategems that are okay they can be good in very specific niches or they're just slightly outclassed by better strategems at the bottom C tier we have the Eagle strafing Run early game this will feel like a beast of a strategy but it's really really outclassed very quickly by much more useful and better strikes plus it really doesn't do much versus heavy armored enemies which is what you want the strikes to do so if you want to play in the big leagues drop this for some of the better boys in the higher tiers then we have the eagle 110 mm rocket pods one of the cool things about this is that it does lock onto the biggest enemy but I just don't think it does enough it either doesn't have a big enough radius or it just completely misses a lot of the time it's really not worth it as other strikes will deal with the biggest threat or more enemies better than this one ever could then we have the orbital 120 and 380 I put them together because I feel like they do similar things just one is a little bit bigger than the other they are great for just creating tons of sporadic and random damage but that's just its main issue it's inconsistent and can straight up miss the target you were going for in the first place which honestly makes it not worth it immediately not to mention it's very easy to kill you because it's so Random maybe I'm just using them wrong but I don't know why anyone would use these over much better orb and Eagle strikes I could also just be stupid that is never out of the question up next is the antimaterial rifle while sniping is fun and this does have a semi armor-piercing effect I do think there are better weapons that do more with less however against automatons this is kind of a beast if you can land head shot you're going to be able to put in some work so in the medium and even the challenging difficulties it's not bad but you have way better toys to play with in the higher tiers next up we have the orbital Gatling strike the orbital Gatling strike targets one area and only that area over and over and over again it's not explosive so you're not going to blow up buildings but any enemies in there will most likely die but it won't really do that much against heavily armored enemies so it really begs the question as to why you would use such a narrowly focused weapon when you could use something that's probably a little bit more accurate and a lot stronger and next we have the orbital air burst I feel like the orbital airburst does what the orbital Gatling wants to do but like better but even saying that it's just not that good of an orbital either trust me this isn't me just hating on orbitals as we get later into the list the orbitals become insane you don't want to have to use these orbitals that can completely miss or whiff or do nothing you want orbitals that are going to guarantee a hit on some of the strongest enemies in this game next we have the guardog not to be mistaken with the guardog Rover that one's a good boy this guard dog technically does a little bit more damage with a huge trade-off of having to reload all the time seriously it gets like three kills and then goes back in your back it's just not as efficient as its better older brother and you unlock both of the guard dogs at around the same time so there's clearly one that is objectively better which we'll talk about later next is the jump pack the jump pack is so good in one specific Niche and that is in missions where you need to get in and get out real quick like the blitz missions otherwise the jump pack is more or less used the same way you would use any other Shield as a tool to survive however I don't think it's as good midf fight and it's just better to run away I get it we've all been there we all want to look like Boba Fett I'm not going to stop you I'm not your dad next is incendiary mines these are just better versions of the regular mines as they leave a trail of fire that have the potential to kill enemies even after they explode which is great but just like the other mines it has the same issues even in early levels the strategy feels kind of worse than other defensive strategems so it's really not worth it hopefully in the future they buff both of the mines by maybe increasing the amount of mines or making the cool down shorter because otherwise you're going to want to use a turret next is The Shield generator relay while this Shield protects your team it just doesn't feel like it does enough I think it loses its Health a bit too quickly which will definitely make it feel a bit underwhelming in some situations it can be a lifesaver but if you just want a shield there is a better option it's a little more selfish but it's more consistent than this then we have the Expendable anti-tank this strategy is one of the best early game answers to big bosses tanks Chargers whatever you need to kill you can do it however you only have one shot and then you just discard it the cool down for the stratum is rather quick so you kind of end up with the rocket launcher on command if you play it right it can be very good even in the higher levels but honestly there are better rocket launchers just don't discount it next is the orbital Walkin barrage this might be the most slept on orbital I can see it becoming more and more relevant in The Meta because it is the most unique in that it attacks in a linear fashion but but besides that I just don't feel like it does enough you'll get your kills here and there but it's so specific and situational I can't justify running it over other much better orbitals and at the top of seats here we have the Eagle napom Strike bugs hate fire this creates a lot of fire so against a big wave of bugs the Napal strike is great for crowd control and it can also get rid of bug nests but I think what holds it back from being a little bit higher tier is how the napom doesn't really do enough fire damage to a lot of the heavier enemies if they buffed it to make it initial impact A Little Bit Stronger I actually think this could be a high tier Eagle Strike B tier are good strategems in the right circumstances these strategems are high tier but they're held back by some key weaknesses that don't make them as strong as other higher tier strategems first up is the eagle cluster strike the eagle cluster strike is crowd control it has an extremely wide radius kills almost everything in sight does decent damage on even the heavier targets and if you Max upgrade your Eagle strikes you get five of them which is a lot sure you noobs are probably going to kill your friends more than you kill enemies with them but if you know it's trajectory you can definitely secure tons and tons of kills with this cluster strike then we have the flamethrower after its buff this weapon can kill Chargers a lot easier and it's all around insanely good versus bugs it's basically an S tier weapon against bugs but it's very bad versus automatons and one of the biggest issues that I have with it is that you'll definitely set yourself on fire in my opinion it's really not worth the hassle but yes it is fun and in the right hands it can be a beast so I can't stop you from burning yourself alive but don't say I didn't warn you then we have the rocket Sentry this turret has the potential to be insanely good but you need upgrades for it to see its maximum power it's a bit too slow and also fires too slow but its damage output is great and can be exactly what you need to secure democracy but I do think if you want an explosive Sentry there's a better choice later in the list then we have have the EMS mortar turret one of the biggest issues I have with the other turrets is how short they last or how inaccurate they feel not the mortars they shoot enemies by shooting into the air and then it comes back and then boom they also seem to last forever it feels like they never run out of ammo and this one has the EMS effect which is actually great to pair with other strategen it's also great on defensive missions I just love that you can place it safely away from the main fight and get a ton of value especially on robot missions it is just completely outclassed by the other better version of of itself the other mortar but still it's a solid pick especially when combined with other turrets just watch out don't get too close to the enemies whenever any mortar is out it's dangerous so play at a little bit of a distance then we have the orbital Precision strike this is one of the original strategems that you get and honestly in the right hands it's amazing sure its radius is not that big but if you can land it it will kill everything and I mean everything so that's really its only downside you have to be a a little bit more accurate which is honestly pretty hard to do against faster moving targets like the charger but considering that its cooldown isn't too crazy it's honestly not a bad choice then we have the Gatling sentury the Gatling sentury is really good in the early game but it becomes increasingly worse as the difficulty spikes as it really doesn't do much versus stronger heavily armored enemies that being said on defense missions it still goes ham and is definitely great when paired with other turrets so while I do think it's just outclassed there's some missions where I don't mind it and it's also definitely just an upgrade to the machine gun turret don't use that please this is the one you should use this one it's all around better then we have the ark thrower I might be overrating this weapon a bit forgive me but my god it feels so good to play with unlimited ammo in a game where ammo can at times be scarce is a huge deal but also the fact that this weapon does very good damage to multiple enemies at a time is huge pair this with some solid orbitals and Eagle strikes and you could seriously wipe out hundreds of enemies easily and not waste any ammo it also can kill teammates rather easily which is you know kind of a problem but I think good players can learn its radius and sweet spot and get a ton of value with it it's not the best versus big bosses though but if your team can compensate for that you can be the cleaner of the group for sure and at the top of Beats here we have the recoiless rifle this weapon is a great answer to the bosses and big threats while you do need a backpack to reload it it's worth it for the damage you will put out and also you do have the ability to reload it for your teammates which can give it a higher rate of fire and make it even more deadly I think it's an all-around solid option for most players trying to climb to the higher levels and defeat stronger foes but I do find it's extremely slow reload time to be a bit of a reason why it can't be an a tier these are great strategems the only reason these strategems aren't an S tier is because they're not outright broken they have flaws but in the right hands they are all you need to survive first up is the spear it's the best weapon to call down to kill a tank period and that's really enough reason for it to be an a tier However the fact that it has to lock on is a bit annoying and it does make it very niche as you can't use it on smaller enemy clusters which does hamper its versatility but come on if the only thing you got to worry about is little dudes you're fine then we have the autoc cannon Sentry if you place this right it will shred through most enemies including the Chargers and big robots but the issue is that it gets trampled and destroyed by enemies a little too easily you have to place it high and far so it has time to kill the big baddies it also feels like the turret that kills me the most but the high risk is worth the high reward of this turret it's a turret that requires a bit more finessing skill if used correctly it's great then we have the supply pack the supply pack is so good in the higher difficulties you run out of ammo you run out of Sims you run out of grenades you run out of everything really fast having one friend be that support guy can be the difference in whether or not your team succeeds yes I know you can call resupplies but sometimes you don't have time for that and sometimes you just need the ammo now hot take I think every team should have at least one Supply pack guy okay that's my hot take next up is the grenade launcher the grenade launcher is one of the best early game weapons and it honestly stays good even in the higher levels it destroys bugs nests easily it bullies robots and mediumsized enemies it plows through swarms like nothing I love it the only downside it has is that it's not the greatest versus heavy enemies but against everything else it's very good do not pass up on the grenade launcher especially if you're new then we have the AO Cannon this is an allaround great weapon while it does also require a backpack to reload it has tons of ammo a great fire rate solid damage and it's not even that hard to use and land shots it's a little bit forgiving honestly especially when your friend is reloading for you you can even kill bigger enemies with it if aimed correctly so really practice it I personally love this weapon and I think most people will too give it a try if you haven't already then at the top of eight here we have the eagle air strike it may seem crazy but this simple Eagle air strike is good against bugs it's good against tanks it's good against buildings it's good against Bug nests it's good against everything it also doesn't have that long of a cooldown which means that you're going to have it more often this in my opinion is one of the most underrated air strikes you don't really need anything fancy when you have something this consistent consistency is key in this game s tier belong to the stratums that do something that no other straty can do they are the best versions of every single type of thing out there and at the bottom of s tier we have the rail gun the rail gun is the best strategy weapon in the game yes even after the Nerf it's strong enough to deal with chargers and bigger robots while also having the versatility of not needing a bpack to reload it's just too good but thankfully it's not a requirement anymore as the Nerf really did hurt it and now it takes a bit longer to kill stronger enemies but let's be honest nothing else in this game really consistently kills enemies anyway so what other strateg and weapon were we going to use I think good players will still find that even after it's Nerf it's still great it will just require a bit more patience and Precision in the right hands if you charge it long enough it can and will kill anything it's just not a free kill like it used to be now it's more like a skill Kill by the way all the noobs out there make sure you put it on unsafe mode I know you can kill yourself but it's worth it to get that damage and Destroy charger legs and Destroy armored enemies does does that make sense next is the 500 kg bomb it's a nuke simple as that up next in s tier we have the orbital laser okay so while the 500 kg bomb are great for just clearing out an area I feel like what the laser does is more more generally useful the fact that it tracks the enemy is great it leaves a trail of fire even after it's done killing the bigger enemy it will go for other enemies I think that's what makes it really versatile versus the 500 kg bomb the laser can kill an entire swarm if you let it maybe I'm a little bit biased but I love the laser then we have the energy Shield backpack this also received a Nerf pretty recently where its cooldown is a little bit longer in spite of that it's still the best shield in the game you can tank hits from everything and in the higher difficulties it's like a second life life there's a reason that they nerfed it and trust me there's a reason why everyone's still using it up next is the guard dog Rover because the energy Shield backpack got nerfed people are realizing the power of the guard dog Rover it technically has to cool down whenever it overheats but it never really overheats like ever which is insane so it can get 10 20 30 40 50 100 kills and then it's like oh I need to cool down so much better than the regular guard dog you pair the guard dog with any good weapon and you can kill almost anything maybe not like B hide ends and tanks but everything else the guard dog can deal with it who's a good boy who's a good boy then we have the mortar Century this is the most useful Sentry of them all especially in the missions where you need to kill a bunch of enemies yes I know it kills civilians and yourself but if you place it right and you place it early tomaton and bugs will never even get close to the civilians its ability to shoot enemies without even being in line of sight is huge as it allows for more tactical placement and its damage is insanely high with solid Splash damage so it kills even little things really easily it also just feels like it never runs out of ammo it just stays there menacingly killing everything yeah obviously in more offensive missions it's not the best but even then it's still pretty useful it's just the best Sentry as it crushes all of the defensive missions with ease it's a must pick in those defensive missions and it's not even that expensive so if you're still new pick it up then we got our newest strategy the Patriot exo suit I would describe this as a get out of jail free card you can have three main strategems that will keep you alive and then your four stratum is this Patriot exit suit just ready to be called so that you can last minute save the day it has 1,000 bullets to mow down enemies and it has a ton of rockets that are very strong for killing Chargers tanks and biot Titans save the rockets for the big boys use the gun for the small boys and you will kill everything in sight yes you can kill yourself pretty easily with it if you're stupid like me cuz I'm pretty dumb and I know when it runs out of MMO I want to cry a little bit but when you have it it's a beautiful time and finally at the top of s tier we have the orbital rail Cannon this is the best orbital in the game you call it in it targets the strongest enemy in the area which will most likely be a tank a biot Titan or a charger and then bada bing bada boom it's gone just like that one of the main reasons why I put it on top though is that unlike the orbital laser you can use this unlimited amount of times yes it takes a long time for it to come back but when it does Boom everybody and their mother should be using this it's pretty obvious why it's the best thing for killing the biggest threats and it's so satisfying when you call it out bada bing bada boom so there you have it that is my hell divers 2 stratum tier list because the developers really care about this game I know for a fact that this tier list will be obsolete in like a month because they're going to buff some things and Nerf other things so if you're watching this way after it came out understand this was in March okay but what do you think do you agree with my tier list do you disagree with it if so let me know in the comments down below what you think is the worst strategy and what you think is the best strategy the beauty of Hell divers is that it's about expressing yourself through killing bugs and automatons so I would love to hear what your favorite setup is in the comments down below okay guys I'm pretty addicted to this game so uh I'll catch you [Music] later
Channel: Macro
Views: 174,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers tier list, helldivers 2 strategem tier list, best strategem, worst strategem, best loadout, worst loadout, railgun, buff, nerf, orbital, eagle, helldivers 2 tier list, helldivers strategem tier list, ranking all the strategems, macro, the macro show, funny moments, sentry, best sentry, best eagle, best orbital, orbital laser, orbital railcannon, automatons, terminids, bugs, robots, gameplay, review, for noobs, makes no sense, mech, guard dog, backpack, supply pack, patch notes
Id: uIcg45wK9cU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 54sec (1374 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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