MAUGA ... For Noobs

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macro the science bro macro science bro ma ma macro the science bro hello boys and girls I am Dr macro once again here to explain the most important questions that you've asked me why does roadhog and now BGA not need armor what allows for their skin to withstand bullets answer is simple have you ever heard of Dwayne The Rock Johnson and if you've ever watched The Rock in WWE you'll know that his skin was nigh indestructible the rock and all of his friends cannot die and Dwayne The Rock Johnson just so happens to be a Samoan and what is malga Samoan and what is roadhog related kind of similarly to those islands let's cut the difference and say he's like somewhere around here and because of this and ancestral upbringing their skin is Rock Solid and if you think that what I'm saying is offensive to the Samoan people remember that OverWatch designed the characters this way why are there two island people with no armor that's not my choice I didn't design the characters macro the science [Music] bris over line trauma that control my life more than I control my life damn near mortified I just got Dem moralize I don't know purp might as malga is the 39th hero in OverWatch 2 39 Oh my God this roster has gotten crazy huge and speaking of crazy huge this man is outrageously big but he wasn't always this big back in the day malga was a regularized dude I mean for Samoan and he was a mercenary and while on a mission he was wounded in a gunfight but his life was saved and he was operated on by an unknown party he woke up not only healed but augmented to be huge like like Reinhardt sized but without the armor that big eventually his talents caught the attention of Talon and he worked with them for years where he met batist the two became BFFs and performed numerous extractions together all over the world however on a mission in Monte Cristo they were ordered to kill everybody in town which disgusted batist who tried to flee on a boat but as he was about to leave he was confronted by malga malga told batist that there aren't any good people so we should just have fun but batist was like bro mass murder isn't Fun so MAA let him go and never told his higher-ups where batist went so they wouldn't go after him and try to kill him but now batist Ed MAA a favor if it ever came up in the future that day arrived on the mission in Haiti malga confronted batist and threatened him to help him on a mission to find Sinclair but after finding Sinclair batist managed to escape and now MAA and batist two former besties had a big shootout and ultimately batist won and Mala was killed in an explosion or so he thought but little did he know malga is back and ready to tear it up and while he comes off super menacing in the comics and in his backstory in game he's just this goofy guy sure he commits mass murder on a regular basis but he's fun and friendly he's like Jason Mamoa in the Fast and the Furious movie what's not to love and also it's MAA not mauga that sounds like a song deep inside of now technically comes out December 5th when the new season drops but I was lucky enough to find a little time to play him so you know I'm going to explain him to you noobs out there so now that you know who MAA is let's learn how to play him shall we maa's weapons are named gny and Chacha they are hit scan weapons that deal 4.5 damage per shot with damage fallof after 25 M gunny will light enemies on fire and Chacha will deal critical damage to burn enemies so the goal is to fire them one at a time to maximize damage and not just go firing both all the time although I mean sometimes both just kind of works also when fired individually they're more accurate than they would be if they're fired together so when you're not super close range you definitely should fire them one at a time but either way for a tank you're going to be doing so much damage it's ridiculous but landing Critical Hits is super important for his passive Berserker Berserker lets you gain a little bit of temporary extra Health up to 150 Health every single time you land a crit so try and go for the head and really be smart when switching between kcha and gunny because trust me you need as much sustain as possible so burn them all his first ability is cardiac overdrive for 15 seconds in a radius of 30 m you and any Ally in the radius will have the ability to convert 60% of the damage dealt into healing and since MAA does insane amounts of damage when this ability is active he does insane amounts of healing you can put out enough damage to survive some of the craziest scenarios it's actually ridiculous and the radius around you is pretty big so your teammates really benefit from being right next to you and just spraying into the enemy team his final ability is overrun he runs Stupid Fast for up to 30 m knocking back anyone in his path and ending on a slam that can damage bounce enemies in the air and even stun enemies if you land directly on them it does 20 damage if you just Collide and 40 damage if you bounce them in the air and a whopping 80 damage if you land directly on them it's a great ability to quickly get out of Spawn or even use it if your whole team is dead and you just need to escape okay I'm getting out oh oh I'm getting out I'm getting out with my life I got out it can be the right move when you need to finish off weakened enemies trying to escape your guns also you can outcharge a Reinhardt in a 1 V1 scenario which just further proves that blizzard hates [Music] Reinhardt and finally his ultimate is cage fight you deploy a barrier that traps yourself and any enemy caught in it and it grants you unlimited ammo for 10 seconds or Until It Breaks the barrier itself has 1500 health so it can be broken but it'll take a bit from the enemies you and enemies will see the word trapped on the screen when they're inside and all movement abilities are disabled and flying enemies will be put on the ground any enemy who walks into it after it's been deployed will also be stuck so Mercy's Reviving their teammates will be punished for it however if you don't trap anyone you'll still be stuck in the ultimate which still has unlimited ammo so it's not even that bad but if you need to you can cancel the ultimate early I love chasing down people with your charge ability then slamming on them then locking them in a cage it's just so much fun and if timed right with support from the team you can easily get play of the game with this ultimate it's that strong oh my God oh my get stck in my cage they're with the tree he tried P back down oh my God that was play the game spraying I'm [Music] spraying oh I told you I told you oh oh oh hi YouTube hi look at this I slopped his ass I'm somewhat of a scientist myself so you can trust me when I say that I know malga really well so listen to these Pro tips number one malga pairs well with healers who will pocket him and save him constantly because he has no Shields and no real defense he's a sponge so kico souu will keep you from being anti batiste's immortality will keep you alive and batist and Anna's ultimates pair very well with his extreme DPS output but in general being a Healer from MAA is so stressful the amount of energy you have to put in to keep this man alive is unfair fish I need you on KIRO again cuz you you went off I think I need all the suzu I need anti I need I need so make sure that you thank your healers each time you get play of the game my f oh my God no YouTube is back he's done it again once again YouTube it's been a long time but YouTu YouTube Hello yall miss me greetings you all know who you YouTube and YouTube adjacent number two MAA hard counters a lot of the tanks as he can shred people easily in close range so roadhog ratra Hammond these dudes need to keep their distance from you as you will put a ton of damage into them every time he's so good in close range even Reaper can struggle versus him but if you're good with Feathering the weapons you can be a pretty accurate hit scan character which means that you can counter pharah at times and every now and then you'll kill Pharaoh without even realizing it you also pair very well with Heroes who can make your cage match deadlier like torbjorn you can cage everybody in and he can goop all over them it's narsty dude oh it worked it worked number three his biggest counter by far is Anna however he's also countered by Sombra and Diva Anna's anti just makes you a sponge that will die fast and you're also really easy to sleep you have no real way to stop the sleep from happening so enjoy the nap sombra's hack also makes you a Sitting Duck and easy to kill for a short period on top of the fact that her EMP will break your ultimate and Diva with a defense Matrix up you can't deal damage which means you can't heal and even if you whip out an ultimate Diva Can ult in your cage and you're just going to die this you think I'm locked in here with you you no you're locked in here with me number four while the cage match stops enemies from leaving there are some exceptions here are all the characters that can escape your cage [Music] match oh that's it well I'll be [Music] damned MAA is so fun to play but I know that my supports hated playing with me on their team as as he doesn't tank as well without them and while his damage is immense he's easily countered by a lot of things so honestly he probably should get a slight buff to his healing or something because at high levels he is really just another roadhog just feeding enemies ultimates but how is he for noobs for noobs I would say he's honestly hard to play you need to be good and accurate with two different weapons and know when to move and use your cooldowns correctly to actually survive I think a lot of newer players will struggle with him initially but at lower levels you can get away with just like spamming both left and right click like you don't have to think at all but what do you think do you think malga is easy to play do you think he's hard to play do you think he's overpowered and needs nerves or underpowered and needs Buffs let me know in the comments down below okay everybody I got to go teach a class on rockology so uh I'll catch you later yeah [Music] no [Music]
Channel: Macro
Views: 430,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mauga for noobs, mauga gameplay, mauga guide, mauga release date, mauga new hero, new hero, overwatch, overwatch 2, ow2, new overwatch, season, new season, macro, the macro show, for noobs, guide, beginners guide, noob guide, funny moments, samoa, maui, how to mauga, baptiste, mauga story, mauga ultimate, mauga abilities, mauga overwatch 2, new tank, tank, new ow2, how to play mauga, play of the game, genji, reinhardt, roadhog, the rock, you're welcome, moana, lore, salty phish
Id: VO0JEuAde98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 16 2023
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