Helldivers 2 Ultimate Enemy Tier List

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since my last hell divers 2 tier list was a massive success and everyone only had nice things to say about me I figured it might be fun to do a tier list for the enemies that you fight in Hell divers and I just want to say this right now this is based off of my own opinions and experience so if I anger you in any sort of way just know that you're entitled to your opinion as well but go ahead and leave it in the comment section down below but let's go ahead and Jump Right In kicking things off is the acid scavenger this is a more evolved version of the basic bug that you fight and these things normally die to one to two shots based off of any weapon that's going to hit them you can even melee them and they go down they're really not tough to kill but what is a little frustrating about them is that they spit at you and if you get hit by them it slows you down especially if you're not using a shield and once they slow you down well basically you become a prime target for everything else around you it makes them super annoying so actually I'm going to go ahead and plop them in the pesky tier they would normally be fodder but they're super annoying so I'm going to put them in pesky up next we have the Berserker this is an automaton that has no ranged abilities but has two chainsaws for hands I call them meat men but you're free to call I call them meat men but you're free to call them whenever you want obviously the key to taking them down is at range or using explosives or other sorts of strategems but if they get up close to you well these things will pack a punch and it's never one at a time it's usually like five six sometimes even 10 of them charging at you and when they start charging at you and you have other ranged automatons coming after you well things can get pretty dicey pretty quick not only that but they can also take some punishment shooting them in torso or the head of course is the way to take him down but they take a lot of punishment so because of that I'm going to put them in the might hurt you category up next we have a bile spewer now these big fat bugs can sometimes be a problem especially when there is a lot of them if they spit at you they are going to slow you down and of course do damage and similar to the Berserker there's always like three plus of them which can be a little annoying but you can easily outmaneuver them and they are pretty slow and the bile they spew is easily dodgeable obviously don't get hit by them but their weakness is also just blowing them up I love just throwing a grenade or using the autoc cannon and just watching them explode once you know their attack patterns they definitely come off as a nuisance but these things are really just annoying at best so I'm going to throw them also in the pesky category moving on on we have the biot Titan and right away some of you might think that this guy is going in the death category but no no no do not fear the biot Titan well if you're a low level and you haven't had things unlocked then definitely fear the biot Titan cuz there's no way you're taking them out without a drop pod but once you have the rail gun unlock the orbital rail strike or the 500 kgam bomb a biot Titan is a Chum but once there's multiple of them and you've used a lot of your strategy well things can get a little bit dicey they move relatively slow and of course they have the range attack where they can throw up all over you and kill you instantly and if you're unfortunate enough to get in their path they can smash you into the ground in a one shot however these guys are easily dodgeable you can shoot them in the underneath weak points and even when they open their mouth to shoot at you well a nice well-placed rail gun shot can actually on-shot them if you're good at it especially if you're using the rail gun in unsafe mode not to mention that if you decide to just blow yourself up and come back in a Hell pod you can one-hot these dudes obviously that's not the best strategy cuz you will run out of respawns but still a great way of taking them out and also why not call supplies on them from up ahead and do the safe way and just squish them like that once you've understood the biot Titan there's no need to be afraid of them however these guys might actually hurt you so for that we're going to put them in the might hurt category up next we have The Brood Commander these brood commanders basically run at you and can also summon additional enemies from the ground which can be annoying especially if you're already fighting a bunch of things at once and sometimes you can think you've killed them just by shooting their heads off but no no no once you shoot their heads off these things are still very much alive in fact it almost seems to piss them off even more they just charge right at you and try to take you down and if they headbutt you with the armor it can actually de your character and making your screen all blurry but thank goodness their weakness is really just shooting off their appendages which is so fun to do and watch them crawl around like the filth that it is so it's really not that much to worry about although they do take a lot of your ammo so that can be a little bit frustrating but pretty much every weapon can do damage to this thing they can be a little bit annoying but honestly I'm going to put these things in the pesky category up next we have the charger now the charger of course can be super annoying on its own but once there's multiple Chargers and you are ill equipped well that's almost a death sentence fortunately though we have things like the rail gun orbital laser orbital rail Cannon 500 kg bomb and of course some turrets to take care of them but these heavily armored fat bugs can Slaughter you especially if you not used to their running animations and attack patterns you think you're going to outrun them but it turns randomly and just knocks you unconscious sometimes you'll quickly find yourself going through stems fighting these ones especially as the smaller ads start attacking you while you're focused on the charger although the charger definitely has some glaring weaknesses once you know them they can still be a huge pain and if you're carrying samples on you I would definitely drop them off at the extraction Point first before you fight These Guys these things can run through your defenses break turrets break structures and for that I'm going to put them in the good by samples category up next we have the commissar the commissar has a mid-range weapon as well as a close range weapon obviously but the most annoying thing that the commissars do is shoot a flare into the sky and call in a bot drop if you're playing on anything suicide plus and you see this commissar kill it right away do not let them shoot off their flare gun however there are many times where you don't even see them and they shoot it off in the distance in it of itself these guys are pretty much nothing they are almost fodder but because they can call in such powerful drop ships I'm definitely putting them in the pesy category make sure you deal with them the second you see them moving on we have the Devastator this Devastator is pretty well armored but they don't have a lot of Firepower they almost seem like a Super Battle Droid from Star Wars you could pretty much one-hot this thing in the head with powerful weapons and with lighter arms fire almost two shot them in the head and not have to worry about them to be honest when I see them I just think yes I'm destroying this one and I really can't even find a Time honestly now where I die to them especially if you just shoot off both of their arms and just leave them there to suffer I guess yeah they'll walk towards you and try to kick you or headbutt you but I really don't even have to worry about them to be honest they're not even pesky I would just put them in the fodder category moving on we have the elite bile spewer now this one I'm going to shake things up a little bit similar to the normal bile spewer you would think that this one would be pretty pesky right well you would be wrong this thing for some reason shoots their little bile way faster than the normal bile spew you will literally hell dive either to the left or right but that's just a death sentence because they will turn while they're throwing up and hit you basically killing you not only does this slow you down but it does so much damage and the worst part is these things explode if you're not careful if you blow up that butt yes that will do damage to its friends around it but it will also do damage to you and your friends I know a lot of you might say skill issue right now but I do find myself still dying to Elite bile spewers and although I think they definitely might hurt you I'm going to upgrade this one to goodbye samples just because they are that annoying up next we have the flame Hulk the flame Hulk is arguably one of the most devastating enemies that you are going to fight although they do have a glaring weakness of course there is that big exhaust on their back but that big glowing eye can be two- shotted sometimes one-shotted with the rail Cannon also things like the autoc cannon and seal missile can really obliterate these things however that flamethrower has range on it you think you're safe and then you're burnt especially if there's multiple of them and if you're fortunate enough to dive underneath that flamethrower well it has a chainsaw arm also now much more experienced hell dius can probably no longer fear the flame Hulk as well sometimes even welcoming the fight but for most of us out there a flame Hulk is a pure death sentence moving on we have the hive guard now this bug is just straight up annoying the these things are armored from the front so even things that do light armor penetration Just Bounce right off of it however you can easily get around it while it's trying to block itself and just shoot it in the meaty zones you can hit With Grenades flamethrowers other orbital stuff they block things honestly I would almost put them as cannon fodder similar to the Devastator because they're so easy to deal with but because they have that front armor it can get a little frustrating when you're not able to flank them and you're out of strategem so because of that I'm I'm going to throw them into the pesky category they definitely deserve the fodder one but because of that armor we'll give them pesky moving on we have the Hulk now unlike the flame Hulk this guy doesn't really pursue you that well he's just basically an out of shape automaton although it does have a machine gun and can also fire Rockets from range this thing is not very accurate or smart you could basically hide behind almost anything get your rail gun out or your autoc Cannon or whatever the hell else you're going to use on it and blow this thing up of course of course when there's other things with it it is more dangerous but on its own this thing is honestly kind of a joke if you know how to deal with it I would say it's definitely above pesky now some of you might throw it into death or possibly even good by samples but to be honest they're super manageable so don't fear these things trust me take them on you can win just be warned because these things might hurt moving on we have the hunter now the hunter is an enormous piece of garbage they die relatively quickly but they never come in just once these these things job are to get as close to you as possible and slash you and once you're slashed they slow you down oh my God why do they slow you down if they didn't slow you down they would be further down on this list but because they're an enormous piece of garbage they definitely might hurt you in fact you might even lose all of your samples because of these guys and I'm torn for where to put it they're really not strong you can take them down with almost anything but once they get on you you're basically dead it's basically a death sentence so I'm struggl here to be honest with you I'm going to put them in the might hurt category but I want to hear your opinions do you think they deserve to be higher on this one or hell do you even think they deserve to be lower if you think they deserve to be lower you're just a hell diver God I realized I missed the elite Trooper so I'm going to go back and fix that right now so the elite Trooper is an automaton that has a machine gun and they are pretty annoying they can also call in a bot drop so similar to the commissar you need to take these pieces of garbage out relatively quickly but if you do get hit by their machine gun it throws you off balance so they can be pretty annoying similar to the commissar They Don't Really pose too much of a threat but if they're doing their job and they're poking you while you're doing other things or they're calling in bot drops they can be extremely annoying so let's put them in pesky up next we have the jetpack Trooper the jetpack Trooper is pretty much fodder especially because they explode however if you're not careful these things jump right on top of you and even if you shoot them and win the duel they're blowing up right on you and when they do blow up on you you're going to probably smash your keyboard in half or throw the controller against the wall be careful of these ones make sure you take them out at range or make sure your turret can really deal with them just be super careful of these ones although they are super annoying you will scream when it happens so be careful because these things might hurt if they jump on you moving on we have the Dual swordy man now the Dual swordy man is pretty much the jetpack trooper that can't jump or fly towards you they run at you with two saw blades honestly they're not much they pretty much go down in like one to three shots do not fear them they're pretty garbage I guess if there's a lot of them they'll take you out but honestly they're straight up C and fter moving on we have the rocket Devastator what else can I say about the rocket Devastator these things are my most hated thing in the game to be honest they hide in the backgrounds in the shadow when you don't expect them and you think you're safe you're getting hit by a rocket from a rocket Devastator once you do know that they are there they can be super easy to deal with basically one shot in the head from a rail gun or an auto gun can take them out even a marksman rifle from a distance reeks Havoc not only that you could also blow up the rocket pods on the top making them well pretty much useless they'll still try to fire their little laser gun at you but once it's blown up they basically have nothing although these things kill me every single day I hate rocket Devastators they need to be sent to automaton hell for their crimes so be careful of the rocket Devastator they are de moving on we have the rocket Trooper now the rocket Trooper is pretty much an automaton that is just completely complely blind I've seen them be directly behind me and fire and completely miss their shot now that isn't to say that they won't get lucky from time to time and when they do you're like how did that happen they're basically cannona they don't do much I mean even sometimes they kill themselves and their friends with that rocket but when they do hit you oh my goodness is that super annoying they're basically Cannon fod I'm not even going to upgrade them to pesky straight up Canon fter but they'll get lucky trust me moving on we have the basic scavenger these things have one job and that's to run at you and bite at you and swipe your ankles and stuff even when swarmed you can pretty much take them out so they're not much they're like the definition of fodder up next we have the shield Devastator now the shield Devastator has obviously a shield but a giant minigun for an arm that shoots so many lasers at you and when you're hit by these lasers it throws you off balance and it's hard to get back without getting into cover they are easy to take out you can throw some grenades especially impact grenades hit them with orbitals and fun stuff but these things can even beam you from so far away when you least expect it be careful yes they can definitely hurt you and when there's multile of them you really need to strategize especially if they have rocket Devastators around the corner but much like a lot of these other ones that are super hard once you know how to deal with them you can completely obliterate them however I don't know about you guys this might be controversial I'm going to put these ones in goodbye samples because they just do some random kills out of nowhere they could be downgraded to might hurt once you really know how to deal with them but right now goodbye samples up next we have the shooty tank now the shooty tank doesn't have any explosives it is a tank but it has these four little turrets on it that fire like so many lasers at you that do a decent amount of damage and it can rotate much faster than the normal tank but because it's a tank well it gets stuck on a lot of things and exposes its weakness a lot if you're a solo player you will have to like outmaneuver them and pretend you're somewhere else you can hit them in in their weakness but honestly I don't fear these things like at all you have plenty of things in Your Arsenal to deal with them but if you're not too careful they can definitely do some damage to you so these things might hurt moving on we have the small Hunter these things jump right at you and can also slash you and slow you down they're similar to the hunter in that way but just smaller and now they can jump and they dance around making you miss shots and you feel embarrassed you get even more agitated at them so you unload into them and still miss all your shots they defin might hurt you but once you're shooting at them they have absolutely no defense and you can even melee them offer you just do not get swarmed cuz they can still surprise you and murder you they're annoying and they're pesky up next we have the stalker if you see a stalker you must kill the stalker then once you've killed the stalker you must find that stalker nest and destroy it because these things are horrible they can cloak themselves and nearly go invisible especially if you're playing on a level that has a blue hue to it these things basically vanish and they can take so much damage when you're shooting at them they're so annoying I die to them all the time honestly for me they're similar to the rocket Devastators I hate them so much I'm putting the stalker at death they technically could be in good by samples but because they always surprise you and kill you when you least expect it they are going to the death category moving on we have the Strider the sters have pretty good range they're fast they do have a melee attack but you can easily outmaneuver them you can even just hit him directly in the face with an impact grenade and kill them instantly a lot of things take out the Striders but they are very strong if they do manage to hit you so be careful of that they can be annoying but easily dealt with I'm putting them in the pesky category up next we have the tank now this is a tank that just has a big laser blast that explodes and one- shot you you'll be surprised sometimes you won't even see the tank and they'll shoot you from so far away and that's primarily their main job to do and I mean you also can technically get run over by them but that's not going to happen you can also drop pod and land right on it and blow it up with a one shot however by the time you get out of your drop pod this will explode and kill you as well so it's really not the best way to take them out the best way I find is just get behind them with your auto Cannon and they die in like three to four shots similar to the shooty tank these things might hurt you look out for them but you know don't be afraid moving on is the trooper what can I say about the trooper they have a gun they're a robot they're like a basic dude they shoot at you from a distance they're not that accurate they suck they are fun to kill I think they could also call in a bot trop I don't really remember seeing these guys it's basically target practice they're super easy to kill I'm not too worried about them they're definitely fodder our penultimate entry is the warrior these are basically upgraded scavengers they take a little bit more damage you could shoot them in the head you could shoot them anywhere and take them out they're really not hard to deal with to be honest they can do some damage to you but never am I like oh no I bunch of Warriors I'm screwed so honestly the more I think about it I was going to put them in the pesky category but they basically just come off as fodder to me the last two things we're going to look at are actually stationary things they're not technically enemies but I'm going to classify them as such the first one is the laser cannon Tower this thing just like moves and will shoot you with a big Laser cannon you can get sniped from literally across the map with this one so be careful of that however it's always showing its weakness and has glaring problems with it so smart players can take these things down with ease however if it sees you and you're already in a fight and chose not to destroy them from afar and didn't want to waste ammo these things cause so many problems be careful out there CU these things definitely might hurt you and finally there is the mortar tower now the mortar Tower is really just an objective but it shoots you from enormous distances and if you're really just standing still well you're dead so anytime that you hear that you're in range with a mortar Sentry Tower find that base and take it out it's really not hard to do it couple of grenades take them out an eagle air strike they're super easy to deal with but they can be super annoyed so that's why they're being put finally in the pesky category and there we have it that is all the enemies currently that you can fight in Hell divers 2 put to where I think that they should be in level of well how they're going to murder you but let me know what you guys think in the comment section down below I want to hear your opinions on this one and as always if you choose to disagree go ahead and leave your comment just make sure you are respectful about it but anyway this is the tier list or it could just be aom on [Music] propaganda
Channel: Downloadable Content
Views: 90,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: j6LN2VPdYnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 36sec (1176 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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