Demonic Ritual In Enchanted Forest (GONE WRONG)

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yeah so most of you guys probably know something pretty bad happened to us the other night something that could have cost us our lives we were put in a pretty pretty dangerous situation and we just don't know if it's worth it anymore to keep keep doing this with that being said obviously we're not dead we're okay it was just too close of a call and there's just been so many things in the last you know a couple weeks of months that we just really don't know if it's worth it we do have some footage to show you to explain sort of what we're talking about however the rest of the story we're not gonna able to talk about reason for that is we've been talking to our family and our team about what happened the other night and just what has been happening recently and they just think that you know until we know we're gonna do until we can figure out this whole situation that we just take a break for a second even last week we just posted a video saying how crazy things have been getting whether it's paranormal or putting our lives in actual danger so it's just like we're at this point where it's we have to start thinking about ourselves and not be stupid about it because it's we want to continue making videos is just not smart considering like what we just went through so yeah what that means is we're going to show you what happened to us the other night but until further notice this will be our last YouTube video we don't know exactly when we're going to be coming back it all kind just depends how we figure out how to deal with the situation and what we're going to end up doing with this channel so I guess all that's left is to show you the footage of what we have gonna miss you guys like we really do enjoy posting on YouTube but we just we have to take a break from like mental health so I hope you guys understand and we know you do cuz you guys are awesome but here's a little ya you oh let me come here enough for what you know we excited I'm excited what's on your head I got a penguin on my head why because if somebody attacks us they're just gonna think I'm a penguin then I got attack a penguin they're gonna be like who's this man oh there's no Penguins in the woods there are now I feel pretty bad exactly what's up Colby today we are back at the ritual tunnel in the enchanted land third time with Elton and Matt aka penguin boy what why you Haiti this is more strategy than anything in life from a battle-axe to a penguin hat because the battle-ax did not work Colby got attacked last time and I just filmed it cuz you know viral video yeah film first as you know this is the Haunted Cobb estate there's a very long hike and we are going back to the ritual tunnel like we did last people pulling up right now I'm scared god there's a lot of people here what time is it it's oh it's almost 10:00 almost what are your thoughts we've done this a lot are you used to it now are you good but I've never done a ritual you guys yeah we have done a ritual with all the other group this place is called ritual tunnel we're doing rain ritual and there is even a ritual performed last time remember there's like tiki huts and like yeah they have those like yeah there's torches and gasoline everywhere is a third time going third time's the charm man so third time is the finale I don't think there's anything more we can do at the caucus state so the question why are we all ready to go and these guys are freaking getting dressed for this video look look I need my camouflage okay oh my god you know happy feets over here he does kind of look like a penguin right now because I'm a black and white on the inside challenge where he can't make a reference about his ethnicity once can we have a video where Elton can not look like a furry pimp what do you like super hot last time yeah and you're still gonna work yeah you do rows we're doing the exact same Ike yeah and you chose to continue to wear this yeah well I can't wear this to bond just give me three seconds to load this bathroom you're really not gonna let the guy who looks like he's in Game of Thrones shoot a bow and arrow i'ma go like a little fart all right no no head shots ready nobody shot three two what was that you know you shoot the bow and arrow Elton all right did you kiss god oh god oh god how come he always goes like right straight for the rectus is that how they do prostate exams now if he's dressed like Elton probably oh yeah cave already they all have some sick outfits but I think you have the coolest one never mind I can't see with that teamwork over here I figured if I was gonna get attacked it would have happened by now so I got that out of the way I get the job the cob is state enchanted forest finale here we go I'm more scared of them but I am honestly a hundred percent what is that sexy outfit you're wearing bro this new merch out today right now the Gold Edition this I'm you're gonna shoot me huh oh the Gold Edition protects you from everything we have merge coming out soon first coming out today actually Lincoln bio gold edition check it out got some gold stripes as X PLR it's gonna be our new staple hoodie so we're gonna keep it around forever eat it right now baby oh god we should take that away from good morning all right there's a lot of people here there's a lot of people but there was always a lot of people like right when we first start behind we've done this hike two times now obviously you guys don't need to see that again however while we're hiking we're gonna give you a little recap of what happened before and for those of you never seen any of these videos a little bit of research about why this place is haunted all right you'll see you when we get further in the hike a lot of horrible things happen there and a lot of bad people hang out there the ritual tunnel is where these animal sacrifices crazy demonic rituals how Apes and like murders the worst possible thing you could do is do this trail at night did she just say help she just screams help me arguing next to a freaking satanic cult right there Yoga actually look like you want to go in there if people actually might be here right now they actually down to come back into a virtual Samuel I don't know if you remember this I'm sure you do but this right here was where the actual Kaaba state was aka the most haunted part of this entire little park I know but I think as soon as we keep hiking and once we get past like the main part and go on that tiny trail nobody's gonna go to that cave no this is where the girl like screamed out help me all those s are chasing us and like being like get back here and like bout to yeah yeah I would bust out at the end of the day though whether or not they were joking why did that girl leave her glasses and like Bobby pens and stuff and her backpack I remember at the stairs that stuff you don't need no if you give that up on the camera that wouldn't have been one of those groups who you saw here's our families well a lot of times I'm girls scream you just sounds like a loose I'm sure that it's so wet I can't tell now it sounds like it's going over there I don't know the creek Oh have I been drinking see yeah I don't know what that is I don't think that's I think it's a waste or something anyway guys are about halfway up this is the reservoir thing we're about to go into the actual like forest area so it's gonna be rough or hurt you can see we're all sweating he's taking off his fish should only have 15 minutes left in the tank now yeah we're close [Music] there's only about two blowing out of all of them all the ones up top and none of them are blowing like is that going like a science like there's a little breeze right now but you would think it would glow every single week all of them will blow the same that's what you call a sign Houston where did your jaga go through it off a long time ago we're all one it's like at least ten degrees hotter else injured your beards like Melissa man that's differently it's kind of hot I feel oh oh what is that coming from the actual cave I really hope it didn't rain as much no no no it's coming from the right look like but that mannequins missing man what oh is that the mannequin right there it's farther up oh yeah let's see it right there one thing to notice we showed everyone last time how to get here so there's probably been a bunch of like people that watched our videos that I've gone in there probably you know there might be people like set up are like weird don't say that come on the stand behind okay Oh God oh man I need a piece I need a pee - no I'm gonna pee beforehand man I need I can't we're about to summon subdued I did not summon and defender alright guys everyone's done peeing and we are ready to go summon some demons a miracle that I could actually pee all right who wants to go on a scary hole what I don't think you should be allowed weapons while we're doing a ritual what if a demon possesses you and it shoots us in the face Oh God yeah that's like money pretty dull that's not happier than a worst fear oh god you're getting possessed with the bow and arrow great handle their they'll overrun Oh God mort's near that what mannequin is in there no no way no way to go next okay all the candles yo you're right no sticks - right there see there oh no that's definitely not here why did this be the video interview like this videos are scary yes I'm like knee-deep right now that was I'm sure something like should we do the ritual on the left side of the right side oh so we went that way last time that's where all like torches and stuff we're right you want to see if a bunch of people came in here and did rituals sure that's where you go to the back that's the long way yeah yeah I'm still here oh yeah all the TV stuff Victorian look they set up oh my god one handle two three four oh five this one's my remember this thing was over here last time yeah this is perfect are not perfect right but two TVs all the candles surrounding a steak really something on top you know I really want to stay in here for long I feel like we should just skip the ritual no I like Howard actually help me go first because he has the freaking era just setting us so cool though look at that is it [ __ ] up again yes it's fogging up every like two seconds please tell me that one of you guys that breathe scared wait what I got no game plan for risk quick yeah the other ones really far but it's definitely deeper hole so we want to be able to go for it so let's go mid way back in there I think we should go we're on Elton strangled man geez okay guys we made it to about the same spot that we did last time when we promised that we'd come back into a ritual you know I wasn't part of that promise where did you go by the way I still think we should go all the way no I know I was just making a statement of like we were here three weeks ago problem oh that's your boots ha oh my god and all her be scared when you here yeah let's go back and do this ritual that all the viewers wanted uh and by the way we're not blaming you guys we wanted to come back it's only fair stupidity I guess yeah don't you got plans I forgot how actually long this is dude so far this is probably two football fields do you want to just do it in the middle I mean it doesn't do it now I'm just saying it's like what's the difference said the ending will has a lot of water too we need to have put it over the purse are my manners those first officers directly what happens if I hit them then everyone needs to go so I get that every day okay the next rice thought we see what's this doing here caustic Obon again yet yeah like almost like a fish oh oh oh look at this this looks crazy it's just or it's not Alton do we need to take that from you look we do this stuff oh my god that actually stuck scaring me yeah you're too good at that guy's how we doing is like a like a normal sales type thing where we just set up and volution that's it I think so we'll figure it out okay let's set it up exactly like another person day yeah okay like just candles all around right here and do it Elton candles galore we got the good smelling can too all the demons are gonna love that it smells like laundry so I'm gonna start a panic yeah the cat with the bow and arrow and - not serious about this I feel like if we're trying to summon something worth know we need to let your necklace so we got to be serious we actually actually got to like focus if we want this to happen [Music] [Music] I think it's the cost of Soviet we're gonna do this just like the last two videos let's say we just like really try to focus our energy we're all kind of in a circle here and see if anything's happened happens if we like to call out for something obviously works best for all would like to try to make something happen I know there's a lot but if we just all I can think yep this place is haunted and people do rituals here all the time to try to contact actually it might actually go to the contact something so we all gotta like actually be serious let's take 10 seconds and just like give them mode so just feel like just think about being serious and like what you would say if you actually look like contacts [Music] yeah I just got a call we're late underground yeah I Lin read it says no service it's a no 5 minutes ago if there's any thing in here or any spirit that wants to talk to us communicate with us in any way we invite you to use our energy and make yourself present there is any spirit here or there was any spirit here that wants to talk to us that can all that came from that way dude there's nothing that way no I know that came from down there dude their caper time if there is anything in here any spirit that wants to contact us please let us know by showing us a sound or a sign why do you think the other people did all the rituals after that how long do you think that wouldn't look where people even do it I really think so I thought we feel like dark tunnel yet the scary arrested it yeah if there's any experience that would like to contact us make yourself known just go deep breaths did that just was that because of a drama because that was no troubles okay okay so might not like this really liked it again or should we just say how are you I'll get that I can you stand up okay I said we keep trying to make this is what no way did that hit yet yeah I stand to let's say if there's a spirit here show us a sign that's not possible it's not hopeful for a car to be back here that is not possible wait they're all different you can hide where I hid last time in the back yeah I hope they do it so they walk past the way you want it oh let's go there's one wait this is it that was not as long [Music] I'm saying okay closer do know and to just chill people that are here for the same reasons we are either they're a little unstable and maybe they see a nice camera they want to take it or whatever else we'd have upon us or three they're here to do something really weird yeah like you mean like a legit annoying [Music] guys
Channel: Sam and Colby
Views: 5,505,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sam golbach, colby brock, exploring, sam and colby final video, this is why we are leaving youtube, sam and colby quitting youtube, sam and colby last video, sam and colby ritual tunnel, sam and colby elton matt, dangmattsmith scary, elton castee scary, tfil scary, sam and colby overnight, tfil overnight, sam and colby haunted, cobb estate, haunted caves, exploring haunted forest, exploring mansion, la haunted, california haunted, abandoned, xplr
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 43sec (1963 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2019
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