CHASED by CULT at Enchanted Forest | Cobb Estate

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a lot of horrible things happen there and a lot of bad people hang out there did she just say help she just screamed help me skirt go get a car all right guys we are almost here thank you this is it up ahead actually right here okay so we're in the middle of this creepy neighborhood oh my God look at that that used to literally be to someone's mansions we have to go up there in that creepy forest perfect and look the gate is wide open there's no who's ready for the scariest night of their lives are you not gonna start out with what's ampersand Kolby what's up everybody its Kolby and Sam here how's it going what's up guys the same cold today we are here with Elton and Matt dang Smith yeah guess what guys the very second actually exploring video we ever did on our channel was with these guys you guys don't remember we got attacked by coyotes we saw a demonic weird-looking face in a cave it was just a horrible night so we're bringing the gang back the original another sam and colby 2.0 video to a haunted in transid for a haunted haunted you said real I said enchanted forest which one sounds better I think mine alright so anyway guys this is actually called the Kaaba estate this used to be some dudes mansion but there's just giant hiking trail in front of it and we just go up there and see why it was haunted we don't really know this is gonna be another paranormal investigation video so maybe something will happen maybe something won't we're just gonna go find out we've heard a lot about this place we've actually been here before so about a year ago and then took us up here and pranked us oh yes he pranked us and it was terrifying but we never even like explored it really we just kind of like walked around and got pranked so we wanted to come back here and he hides it up like it was super haunted and then just scared us and then we walked out so we're here to debunk if it's actually haunt or not are you ready are you skeptical of ghosts yes are you skeptical of ghosts or do you believe Hey look thank you I believe you guys to that for us so let's get started I'm gonna need you not to litter if you ever come pounds in dollars thousand dollars what about that guy he's speeding around the corner yeah so don't I think we just need to take a statement about Elton's jacket for two seconds this is a hundred percent real Cambodian camel but speaking of black things Matt is wearing some sexy X Lincoln bye we actually got these hats - you're cold like us go get that you guys think they should make Explorer capes next we literally have a giant new line that just dropped of all this stuff so you guys gotta go check it out link in BIOS has got accessories anything but a different no why are there so many like there's that one that has not stopped having its headlights on it's freaking me out a National Forest is this your trail saying what is this what Sam's before we go in here guys we did a little bit of research back at the crib so check it out check it out we need to do some research on this place because although we have been here before it is haunted but we have absolutely no idea why all I know at the end of the trail there was some mansion or estate so that's called Cove estate that was destroyed into ruins so like everyone also says that it's super haunted especially at night to be forest so that surrounds this trailhead is actually called the enchanted forest hmm I don't know why that's not a good thing though enchanted enchanted ship is like a good thing right it's like fairies and yeah yeah well there's definitely gonna be fairies there tonight guys anyway okay so it says on here people report negative feelings being washed or even touch strange lights laughter screams along with tales of satanic rituals and KKK gatherings know who's gonna die first but I mean like okay okay all right well you know wait that literally and every single thing is something that someone else is like watching over like there's like other entities there yes it doesn't sound really like it's haunted it just sounds like a lot of horrible things happen there and a lot of bad people hang out there walking through the spooky main gates we were immediately surrounded by the deep black of the forest at night whoa the Enchanted Forest it became apparent that we were not alone there were some kids with a stereo and a tambourine and the sound was audible throughout the entire estate amber so these guys ghostly noises said that they did an EVP session at the actual main house estate so the whole place is obviously this giant driveway up to this nice place but they were on the actual house doing the session and it said they heard footsteps approaching they said they caught multiple noises they even said they saw a figure at the estate's probably whoever lived there mister club mister absolutely nothing bad happened to the guy who owned this place until his final like you know when he died obviously whatever caused him to die was the worst thing I ever happened to his life which makes sense wait it says literally right there that Charles Cobb can be seen wandering around by some groups of people like it's a superstition or something like that the reason why it's called The Haunted Woods is because the ghosts were found behind his house so we're going boys all right so basically what we got out of that is it's not necessarily known for the paranormal except at his house but throughout the entire enchanted woods it's more known for our weird gatherings and people watching you this might be a whole different type of creepy maybe we'll see mr. Cobb himself if we're lucky [Applause] it's a little nippy oh really I feel great oh oh you know are you warm and then I like open the inside of a bear right oh geez what's wrong with you didn't no one else hear that I thought someone scream yo what's going out of focus on your face guys we literally walked four steps this happened last video we're freaking out screams and weird focused problems I'll definitely say about this giant light you have anything attacks me from your side I'm dead situation right here just you blind on this so this is what they call the enchanted forest day I don't see that many trees to be honest the first tender day okay no no no did she just say help she just screamed help me I feel okay is there actually like some like the Colts going on right now to her I'm only here to be the voice of reason so that these other guys won't do anything too stupid okay seriously he's a group of people over there is a group everything multiple people shall we get out of here like you know I wanna see so the door was open I anybody could be in here right now it's probably just like a group of children did you see what yeah well we just read online that like satanic rituals happen here that's that group it could be but I can't see them on camera but yeah we should get here let's get out the flashlights and if we need to let's let's break up what we're just scared already two flashlights in there what about them just in case we need to part ways hard way with you we did that once before Harry oh I grab you by your sweatshirt I was wearing skinny jeans okay so guys you know when you're doing next to a freaking satanic cult right there well you know what I'm tired of hearing it don't ask excuses that when he dies tonight he's gonna blame an entire no I'm blame it on my race okay let's go you're like a big black stick yeah it's only right because you know I'm the most responsible and then what you do is what you want do do I actually turn out you've missed it right put it right on the Explorer and then oh my god Explorer Murch turns people on noted hey size does not matter okay figure out how to turn mine on actually size does matter I want this to be lost conversation now before I do you guys say what the deep wood he's teaching us how you know it's battle the diamond capers temperature change - yeah well we aren't going higher but is getting air and merrily are like yeah it's getting crazy bark old I've seen that scary movies where they say it's a whole lot colder when the spirits in here let's just say we've been cold that sounded like someone getting killed guys guys I think it sounds like there's like sounds like crazy people having the purge yeah literally like sounds like insane people they're down there let's go let's get away from the Oh God you guys split in the road you got the big flashlight I think it's good too so three and one still split good luck stereotypes exist for Lisa I'm gonna be the first one to be good in real like talk though there are people here with us what are we actually gonna do are we staying here right now what is going on no they're coming right there look at them they're actually coming go go go go this is serious they're getting closer on fights real close go what what's going on guys what is actually going on there right there guys can you see those lights that's them let's go fight what I was saying we were about to approach them get in get in get a car actually they're sitting down there's two people look it looks the people that were in the car ahead of us they're staring at us right now yeah I can't I can't turn this is Kellis just got a three girl yeah it's been a few minutes we'll watch two cars leave as they're walking out so I don't think they saw us and they left so we talked about it and we're gonna go back to see if we can get to the actual State I know there's a lot of people complaining that when we do these explorer everybody else we get too scared so we're trying to grab our balls especially with our uncle here we're trying coming up our - we're going back going back you ready Matt what once your vlog II never go back but for some reason I'm going back he's gone [Music] no but we got so much hate for leaving early last time that we are going to grab our little boys and go little boys I mean you two don't get a dirty mind Elton just don't use that phrase at all okay what little boys like Gigi okay we're gonna have to cut that bird we're on our way back in and our main goal we want to get to the actual mansion because there isn't a state and we've been near it before but we have to see behind it but very close last time you ran like a half mile back to the car that's where everything happened you were really close let's just actually make it happen please Wow way to be optimistic last time we went right so what happened so let's go this way the same for the viewers that's left now go right so you know because a lot of people are gonna hate it I'm sorry guys don't hit me in the comment we heard the group of people about 200 feet that way because we were up in those hills so we might run into somebody else but hopefully that was the only group up here has seen any lights up here should be good oh yeah it said on the on the website that was very reasons we got chased out when we were on that path that went to the behind the house we were behind now so you guys didn't even tell me where we just started running from yeah back there what that means we got to go back over there because I want to remember this whole place because apparently this is the most haunted right here maybe it was just satanic cults and you know that's not that bad yeah so in a state that's like a mansion right in a state what's with them at a mansion but with a ton of property this used to be where is actually like built but the back over there is where it was haunted I don't know why though because why would in the front of the house or in the house be haunted you know I feel like right where we're standing would be the most haunted crazy stuff happened was like behind the house so nobody can see so where was that road Oh Oh Bobby hair or Bobby pan or whatever for the hair a girl was here that was okay that's actually really freaky dude wait desert those are like new this is not like something that's just been placed there it's brand new no scratches or anything hey TIFF something actually here or was here I was gonna say about to find Dorothy shoes over here really we're not in Kansas City Marty oh yeah yeah yeah this is the we literally just saw someone on this path like we were we weren't even this far eluded Lee where we're standing this is where we got chased out and the most haunted place I was standing here yeah and we heard a girls voice from there that's right where the glasses were but okay what was that that yeah okay let's look in our lights in the back because apparently this is the most haunted place so let's just give that like 30 seconds maybe the paranormal parts the BS but the fact that it's like it's the groups of people yeah how can your cult sister what's that I'm just kidding all right well so what do we need a are we calling it or are we going to continue on the hike have we done what the viewers want is my question came here did we look for spirits we couldn't find anything we got chased out even though away we're here trying to investigate some paranormal stuff and then got chased out by like people we're going back all right guys oh this is supposedly most paranormal part of the entire state and we didn't find anything so it's like the first video we don't we've ran out and there wasn't for like go sir yeah well every time with them we frickin get run out of someplace mister blame it on us blame it on blame blame it on the blackout what what go ahead would like to blame it on him I don't know I think this the group is this bad luck just never fun with them again yeah that sounds like a plan well I would say this place isn't as enchanted or haunted but more so just a place for a bunch of weird creepy people at night don't go at night what happened to us and probably happen to you with that being said huge thanks to Elton for coming out for this you look comfy Matt Smith guys we just did a video on his channel so go subscribe to him and go like the video cuz it's another it's a scary video you guys gotta go do it it's in the description I also got a call Matt Matt his beautiful expression just got read you just got it you just got it it's all good so go check it out are clinking bio as well good god quick dude it's freaking me boy that being said I hope you guys are enjoying these salmon Colby 2.0 content we're gonna keep it coming what does that thing know I'm gonna keep like two point one and we'll have another video for you next Sundays and I subscribe to us I'll see you next week [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Sam and Colby
Views: 8,101,623
Rating: 4.9402514 out of 5
Keywords: sam golbach, colby brock, exploring, abandoned, dangmattsmith scary, tfil scary, tfil overnight, sam and colby overnight, sam and colby haunted, sam colby elton matt, exploring cobb estate, exploring haunted trail, exploring enchanted forest, sam and colby paranormal investigation, exploring haunted forest, sam and colby forest, overnight in haunted forest, sam and colby dangmattsmith, haunted mansion, xplr haunted, sam golbach scary videos, colby brock scary videos
Id: vp_9bDHw2yQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 2sec (1382 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 17 2019
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