The Night We Talked To Demons. | REAL Conjuring House

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Yooo i watched this video and it was scary AFFF TOO REAL

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/bigg_bird101 📅︎︎ Jul 26 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] like i can already feel this place something about this place just isn't right whatever was down there with us is something stronger than i have ever come across in my entire life this could be one of the scariest sciences we ever do this is why we do youtube i don't we've never caught anything on the thermal thing but that is a clear ass picture two eyes nose mouth haircut like that swooped over from the people that lived through it they said it was actually 10 times worse in real life than the movie was really what yes literally going to cry i actually saw that i was a little kid i don't know that wasn't a little boy [Music] what's up guys it's sam colby today we are going to be going to the conjuring house we decided because that is so demonic and scary we had to you know start off a little more we're having some fun it's kind of [ __ ] scary it didn't go fast guys this looks like we're going straight into a modern day horror movie i was going to say they made a movie that came out like three weeks ago i can already feel this place like i'm starting to sweat something about this place just isn't right private property no trespassing oh my god this is it who is that is that a ghost dude it doesn't want to be so scary oh this isn't a bad house nice to meet you how did you guys buy the place two years ago this past monday really okay you're lucky so far yeah yeah it's the roller coaster it took us like four months to sleep in the house yeah really all in one room for like before we start this video just kind of wanted to give a little disclaimer that what we experienced in the conjuring house was no joke we're usually used to dealing with things like spirits or or ghosts um but this was this was something else it was we think we think we were dealing with demons again just like the queen mary we kind of threw these guys in the deep end um straight demonic stuff and i think it went a little bit too far um you'll see later in the video we kind of push our limits on this one because of that we've been talking non-stop about this for what two weeks now and because this did like kind of actually affect us being so new back into haunted again and being completely new to hana stuff we just wanted to to say this is gonna get real i remember like after we left the house you know driving i didn't say a word i didn't say anything i was like shocked because i i saw something that i never imagined i would see in my life and it was so real like i want to cry thinking about it because i like you guys know i talked to you guys about it like i couldn't sleep for so long even now like i close my eyes and i see that image of you know that figure and it it's just terrifying not a day has gone by where we haven't talked about it yeah we've talked about this every single day since we left i keep thinking of the feeling that i had when i was in that house keep replaying it in my head it's just like really terrifying conjuring stuff they were movies but this house is for real and we definitely captured that to an extent we weren't really prepared for this is the most we've ever captured in a video ever and that's saying a lot we've been doing this for five years so with that being said i hope you enjoy our conjuring experience i don't really get scared for hot places usually i was very very scared to come to this place i'm yeah i'm not kidding i felt nerves like coming here for sure throw up right now well guys we made it the real actual conjuring house if you've seen those movies obviously they are not real but they're based on an actual thing that happened here at this house by the way guys we are here with the three lovely ladies cat stars and amanda amanda can actually speak to the dead so they bring me here you guys my name is amanda ray and for those of you who don't know me uh i'm a medium which means that i can see and speak to people who have passed on this has been something that i've been doing since before i was able to speak so we're going to see if we can contact anything see if she picks up on any spirit any demon whatever could be here in the history of this horrifying place yeah okay well let's go take a tour and uh first impressions everything let's do it yeah all like the people that have been here before yep there's exploring with josh right there he's [ __ ] douche really he is such a liar you gotta say josh spoke so right here that's my bro just in case you like get possessed what what was that is there like a priest around here just in case a waiver just basically if you get scared and jump out the window you'll pay for your own medical bill and replace window okay violence spiritual attacks is uh number 12 on here demonic possession violent spiritual attacks electrical shock i think i've ever been more scared to sign something jeez take up enough room why don't you explore sticker all right so we signed the wall it's tour time we're going to take a look around and uh hear some stories from these different rooms let's go let's do it oh wow okay oh geez get all the oh my creepy posters everywhere oh my god that's horrifying i cannot sleep in a house like that my camera just turned itself off did it yeah like it's gonna be bad what really what do you mean when it starts sucking energy like that yeah i know yeah when it starts like they're already draining batteries and stuff you'll have a good night i just went to the lizzie borden house and drained three batteries in two hours you ever had any mediums come here what are your experiences with that i mean it's a mixed bag i mean some feel something some don't you know um the female mediums usually have a harder time here because there is a male presence they say there's a male entity he's very very old school whenever they present themselves to him he's like why are you talking to me where's where's the men before we get started on this tour could you uh please just like introduce yourself for fans and followers and stuff like that no okay my name is corey heinzen i'm the co-owner of the conjuring house and investigating for about 12 years i like long walks on the beach and super sized my value meals yeah and if you have any stores in specific rooms that would be awesome as well if there's like one time this table flipped over okay where we said the first four months that we lived here that room in this room we lived in i mean we did use the other rooms but we stayed in these two rooms for a reason we just wanted to give them space yeah and not invade on it that makes sense yeah the day we moved in we had doors opening maddie heard growling the first night that we left this open we actually had a full body shadow figure standing here looking at us what both me and jen saw it which was awesome because that's a personal experience we didn't get it on film but we both experienced it at the same time whoa and we both can describe it did it do anything or just like stand there like it just stood there and like i knew i saw it and i've seen shadow figures before just not as well defined as this i'm sitting there staring at it and jen's like what the hell is that she said it out loud and as soon as she said something it just zipped out of the way real quick they move really really quick i mean this is why we're here we're investigators this is what we want the main story the actual true story that's not like the movies is a hundred percent way scarier we're going to tell you what we know about that right now cause we did some research this was called the arnold estate it was a farmhouse the same family grew up here generations came here died came here died since 1680. now fast forward to the 1900s the perrin family who we're going to reference often bought this house and when they got the keys from the previous owner the owner literally was like yo keep the lights on at night like it gets scary by the time that they moved out the parent family describe it as a portal secretly disguised as a farmhouse but the main haunt to the parent family was based on bathsheba sherman bathsheba was a witch in all these movies and a lot of people think she's not real she is a real person she lived at one point it was in the 1800s she lived right down the street she was their neighbor now obviously there's rumors as to if she is a actual witch or not but three of her kids never made it to age seven bathsheba sherman was watching me babysitting this child and in her presence a child died the child died from convulsions that was all because there was a puncture wound on the back of this child's head like a little sewing needle obviously everyone broke out was like oh god this bathsheba girl is a murderer she went to trial but she got acquitted but the entire town like ended up hating her they're like what the heck similar to kind of the lizzie borden case the two most famous ghost hunters in the world ed and lorraine warren came here to investigate and this is their most famous case ever ever so think about that the two most famous ghost hunters in the world they basically started paranormal investigating actually like we should like thank them for our youtube channel right now because they are the original og investigators like lorraine had a psychic medium power they came here because of all the crazy hauntings they were saying there's horrible things happening beds shaking like shadow figures movies don't give it justice for how insane this house has been with hauntings edda and lorraine warren came here to this room right here the seance room they got carolyn perrin she had been having a lot of struggles a lot of things she thought that she was possessed ended up doing a full-on exorcism in this room while they were doing this exorcism she ended up getting a ton of scratch marks bruises speaking tongues and levitating levitating she was levitated and thrown all the way across the parents got so fed up with that because they're like so scared of what is happening to the wife that they kicked and lorraine out even went as far to like punch them in the face yeah that's correct that's insane but overall and lorraine warren said that this house is haunted by a malevolent spirit and they think that it was bathsheba sherman who at the time was considered a witch why because the mom carolyn also experienced little tiny puncture wounds in her legs that were like the size of a sewing needle which is what was rumored that the shiva used to kill that baby corey said is not only a bathsheba sherman haunts this place but there is also a male malevolent spirit i think the scariest part is that in the rain they weren't our normal investigators they were demonologists oh there's a huge difference guys like this place like it might not be spirits here let's go uh catch some demons i mean ghosts okay this isn't the real handle though just so you guys know oh could you imagine oh my it's not the real one it's just something somebody made for us that's right but that is horrifying yeah just casual like devil hanger right there this room was actually uh what they call the baking room whoa that's sick when the parents lived here this was actually their living room oh [ __ ] okay raise my door this door started opening a lot on its own when this door started opening on its own they said like the paranormal activity increased on this floor so they made this into the family room because nobody was in here by themselves this room right here if you want to open this door and present yourself this is usually where that guy hangs out you have people report a lot of children here yes there's children back there too yeah they uh you'll usually they're more prevalent upstairs you know um but you'll hear them skittering and running around and stuff they will talk out loud sometimes they're like behind the door they keep you peeking around the corner what oh my god you guys are like agreeing on this you're dead on which is awesome what are you feeling go for it yeah there's two children in here one of them is so so shy and the other one is like you come chase me you know like come up to me so that's why i was like should i go after them and that's why i was trying to like give back here but that one that's so shy just walked up the stairs and the one that's like come with me is going back here huh wow now you now this is the oldest part of the house this was like a really happy place in the home when they lived here i love it in here really yeah i do now if you notice you're probably feeling happy because of all this stuff that's hanging up and all wars off even frankincense murr sleigh bells and stuff like that that's why a lot of people just use this room as a command center if you will because they feel fine in this room it's like the reaching out and like talking to spirits is there any like rules you don't want us to like break or can we reach out and like oh absolutely okay no absolutely the only be respectful that's the biggest thing a lot of people have the inkling that you know just if nothing's happening be like hey you know just not thumping their chat and it's like dude you might get something but it's not going to be what you want you provoke something in here and it gets pissed off you guys leave and i'm like well thanks yeah yeah oh these are steep stairs oh my god so that's why we signed the waiver wow i just hit my head not as much activity in this room as the middle bedroom the middle bedroom is where like all the hell breaks those usually what does that mean it's the most active if you read in the book i was the darkness house of light that andrea wrote her sister cindy she got tormented the worst by the spirits bed would levitate um she'd get scratched she'd get pulled out of bed on one occasion the bed was levitating she was told there was seven dead soldiers bearing wall this is horsehair plaster you ain't gonna put a body in there unless you put it in the blender pour it in um so that's kind of curious after we purchased the house roger perrin came here and he said i feel if you look on the back wall there is actually a retaining wall back he's like look back there because it didn't have to be inside the house so what we did was we brought ground penetrating radar and did the entire ground including the basement and over here see the green markers outside yeah so we came up with anomalies down there eight feet wide six feet deep six feet deep caskets exactly anyways fast forward to the fall time we were doing our live stream with nick groff nick got all excited and he was like gotta get another round radar team here to look into it and just focus on that area and they did and they came up with five grave shafts one bodies in the backyard yes right next to the wall so she was right just randomly oh my god that is crazy the king phillips war was huge around here 1674 to 1676. per capita the bloodiest war that was ever fought on american soil and it was just that immense bloodshed stigmatizes ground so that's what you're dealing with so not only the scary spirits in here but also just the bloodshed of war that looks like a little boy imprint and she just saw a little kid up here so i was just telling him when i came in here i hate it in here that's what i was saying where was this room is horrible it freaks me out i i'm just horrified to go in here too yeah i didn't want to walk in i grew up in a very dark home and this reminds me a lot of that place yeah like i can't breathe yeah i kind of feel like a like a stuffy this is the room that we get the most activity this room and the room down right below it these are the two most active rooms to this day yes oh wow this is where we get a lot of shadow figures if you can lay down on the bed let your eyes get used to the dark you'll actually see these shadow figures start to form they're in here now are they yeah who the little kids yes i was looking at them standing on the bed right before you said that a little further back is where i was seeing them um what is this that's a cat ball something taps it or something like that it'll go off that whole i feel like i'm being watched the hair stands up yeah stuff like that that's actually your sixth sentence cavemen had it because they used to get hunted we don't get hunted anymore so you don't see oh my god as you just said look at my oh no don't use this hair all of my hair's worn oh my god you guys are whistling in here all the time we have that's not like literally was like this is the birthing room the birthing room oh just watch your head if you go in there i read about this the reason they had their kids in there is because right here was fireplace so it would stay warm in the winter time oh gotcha dude how are you feeling are you good because i'm actually scared i mean i get scared sometimes with these places but this is like a whole other level of uncomfortable like that chair is completely blurry is that the shadow behind it it's a shadow yeah it looks so crazy it looks like there's a blur effect this room like i don't love it but i can breathe in it that really felt like somebody was like i couldn't expand my lungs to breathe yeah i also felt sick in there too this one's not nearly as bad but yeah well do you hear that what what was that did you hear the knocking i thought yeah i thought that was just their footsteps did you it was over here really exactly yeah that's so that's over here in this bed that's where i said that i was seeing people it feels like a man but i can't tell if it's a man or if it's a woman but it's just a shadow figure you know how people describe that yeah but i can always tell what they are when i'm like with shadow figures yeah that makes sense and this one's just like just like watching us oh god okay what do you guys hear down here no it just said hey sam what no well that came from behind it did over here sounded like um like a man almost yeah so you're saying a man's voice just said it's hey sam yeah [ __ ] it projected from down here it was like it whispered but it was so loud when it said it like does that make sense almost do you hear that i feel sick actually now this is the area that you'll get a lot of activity that's where someone died that's back here huh yes wow what this is insane my camera won't focus at all is it because you got all this stuff here though it's everywhere down here oh my god just completely out of focus everywhere you're this cute snake skin right there oh my god it's rattle snakes we're sleeping in a haunted house with snakes you have serpents a lot of people associate that with like the devil right yeah do you ever use prayer to like help fight against the demons no i did help with an exorcism one time and were they trying to like hurt people like no no what i noticed was physical changes in the person i didn't know this but like say sam and kobe are doing a ouija board session and they don't close the session out properly and something actually comes through if it is an inhuman spirit demonic what have you it can jump between the two so it can be on him if he's getting help for it it can just leave and go to him i wasn't aware of that okay so passed into it not knowing it it was a boyfriend girlfriend kind of thing he was a geek she was a very attractive young lady and he he made a deal with something and he's like you know you can have my soul as long as you know she'll stay with me but i was sitting with the girlfriend all of a sudden she started reacting to it like her feet started swelling up she had scratches and bruising appearing her eyes were rolling back what are you wearing like looking at it yeah her mom was sitting there with me i'm like i i didn't know what to expect is this considered the sales room no seance room actually sorry we walked right through it so this is the seance room warren's performed the seance uh october 30th of 1973 and went bad and carolyn perrin was the one that paid the ultimate price what happened was the warren showed up along with a priest another psychic and perform the seance obviously the conduit is supposed to be the psychic that's conjuring up whatever it is and instead of it attaching to the psychic it jumped to carol apparent she started speaking in tongues writhing around and all this and that it culminated with her getting thrown into the next room so she hit with so much force they didn't know whether she was alive or dead roger perrin got up to check on her egg got in between them said she can't touch her she's possessed you become possessed and he ended up punching head in the face oh and they kicked the worms out so is that the last time the warrens were welcome here yep people reported a woman in a nightgown here a white nightgown yep just saw what oh my god what the [ __ ] no you said a nightgown it was not maybe when i thought it's a dress it's a yeah like a white dress wavy dress a little flowy at the end it had nice little lace like it was a nice dress it had a collar that came up to here she had like darker hair see no i did we couldn't make that out all i know was it was white yeah and it moved so fast it was outside this thing went across the porch and just stayed at the same height and she was tall too yeah she was standing right here watching and when i looked up i like fully noticed her and we kind of just like stared at each other for a second and then she just walked this way left so she saw you like she made it yeah like you like just like you and i are looking at each other right now we were looking at each other and then she stopped looked the other way never looked at me again and left but she knows i can see her yeah spirits often do though i call spirits that were people spirits and i call the other ones entities or demons because i believe that's what they are but oftentimes when i see spirits it's kind of like weird to say but they're selfish they always have something to say they want to get a message across she didn't she looked at me she knew i could see her which probably doesn't happen too often she acknowledged me and then she left like she didn't need anything from me this was roger and carolyn's bedroom right underneath the middle bedroom oh wow so we got a lot of activity in both rooms i see you get a lot of activating here like books flying across and yeah we've had the same book fall off the we've caught it on camera twice moral relativity this book right here same book again and what's weird is if you look most of these books have like pieces of paper in them you open them up a lot of them been highlighted have notes in them and stuff this book hasn't been touched it was almost like something was telling us to read it but nope what's like your guys's opinion about the conjuring movies comparatively to like what actually happened i think it's a bad thing that they made all those movies and all that stuff or is it good overall because it's completely different yo whoa what's going what's going on are you all good well it just flew into my face oh oh my [ __ ] god that's good wait that just flew into my face you okay i didn't know what's happening you like freaking yeah there's nothing touching you but you're making me very nervous oh my god that was scary are you okay i was like okay you went completely [Applause] too soon what was the question conjuring the conjuring yeah do you think that's like a decently accurate representation or do you not like it honestly like i personally like the movie um as far as accuracy from the people that lived through it they said it's about half accurate if you read the books that andrea wrote it was actually 10 times worse in real life than the movie was really what she actually gave a copy of her books to the screenwriters and the screenwriters like we can't put this in the theater we can't get an r rating on it if we were trying to capture something what would be like you think the best plan of action for us to go about at night if you can go by yourself i know i know it's hard but that's when you're most vulnerable and that's when they like to make contact all right sam so uh why it's always me always be recording not only on that but like voice recorders stuff like that because they will talk you seeing something over there yeah outside they just keep walking by and walking by and walking oh what keeps walking back there's three men outside can you tell all the dressed they're all wearing the same thing it's like it's not white it's a beige they all have hats on but one of them has a different hat than the other wide brim yeah and there's something shiny on their chests like it almost seems like they're not aware of us going on our lights being on in here like like they've they've been getting really okay that was did you hear the whistle yeah i heard a whistle are you recording that we definitely just got a whistle yeah it might have been me what did you do i'm fat how would that create a missile i don't know no no it was like a whistle like it was distinct that's what i said down in the basement or was it in the basement no that was upsetting i thought it was that's why i looked at you guys i was like did anyone else hear that i was hoping it was an animal outside like they think again because clearly it's going well for us um and i can still hear the whistling back up there do you have um noise cancelling headphones by any chance i would love to put noise cancelling headphones on with the syrup spirit box in here and have you guys asked questions well you want to do the estes method the what it's called the estes method sensory deprivation they can base their questions off of what you're saying okay or they say the questions first and then see what you respond all right well let's see if things start speaking to me more than me just seeing them and we can decide it's up to you guys it's your video i'm here to help you whatever you guys want to do i mean that sounds awesome be careful how long you spend doing that if you go for too long like it's going to mess you up really yeah wow it just will i i don't know how i i'm just telling you it happened before typically yeah if i start feeling something bad i'll cut it off [Music] so we just talked to the owner corey awesome dude huge shout out to him for showing us all this information a lot of stuff that we didn't even know so we've researched this place a lot obviously seen the movies overall though how are you feeling when we first walked in here i felt uh and it could have been just like anxiety about this whole situation but like i felt very stuffy i felt anxious but now i'm feeling like a lot more comfortable i feel the most comfortable when like it's just our group and nobody else so i'm ready to go guys we're doing this for you we're going back to haunted so we really hope that you are enjoying our videos if you are the best way to show us that is by leaving a like how many likes stay overnight alone here just kidding come back here wait actually later in the year just you and i and one of us sleeps in the basement one of us hits the top [ __ ] no if they get like a million likes i'll do that but oh my god a million how about something a little more real quarter million oh my god if they can get three hundred thousand likes i'll think about quarter million [ __ ] wait quarter million you want to stay upstairs by yourself yeah and i'm in the basement yeah the book it's like only if they get it sometime this year i'm going to cry my eyes i don't know alright guys so if you want to see that alone here in the house later in the year quarter million likes we just signed our life away analytics show only half of you guys that watch our videos are subscribed what's up with that it takes five seconds so i'm gonna give you five seconds right now to go down there click subscribe click notifications ready five okay if you didn't do it i'm pissed all right let's start this freaking investigation we're gonna set up a bunch of these ping pong balls and bells up against all the doors and certain areas so that we can capture any motion we'll be able to listen to see if there's anything that we can capture as well there's tons of videos of youtubers going to the conjuring house and investigating and seeing what they can find but like you guys stepped it up bringing someone who can see them [Music] i saw something that i never imagined i would see in my life i want to cry thinking about it because i like i couldn't sleep for so long even now like i close my eyes and i see that figure well i'm literally going to cry i actually saw that what did you see like it like peeped his head around that couch what did you see there oh i thought it was a little kid i don't know it's not a little kid it looked like a little kid like peeped around and then it went back like right behind that little couch i just put protection over stops and cat nothing's allowed to touch you and he's allowed to come near you you might see things dude that freaked me out we got the duty of going upstairs how did we get so lucky i know the most haunted spot there's something in that back room i just watched it i didn't tell stars yet i told you guys before we ever even came here when i was giving you the lowdown on spirit so the skies themselves is children pets but they disguise themselves that's why she goes i just saw the little boy and i let her know that that was not a little boy so when we first came here there were two children yeah told you about right right they were happy right they were trying to like play whatever was shy the little girl was shy but the boy he kept like peeking his head around the corner like are you gonna come like come on yeah so i think it's insane that when the negative thing came through it disguised himself as a little boy interesting as scared as she was like would feel more comfortable with it because i told her about the little boy here definitely yeah that wasn't a little boy oh my god what this closet is huge it goes like all the way around it's like a secret crawl space area this house has did you hear that in there no what was that i missed it can you hear the walking yeah that's the exact room that when we walked up here i told you there was something back there they got a bunch of things that like little kids would play with here too like little toy cars jelly beans put the car on the floor all right we're gonna find out the number one question that people want to know is like what do these spirits or entities or demons whatever you see look like are they happy are they expressionless is it as clear as like a person that you're seeing it doesn't look like a person but it'll be as clear as like if you were standing there just in all black i grew up with the spirit and my home and she's just we're literally talking about demons and that happens not down the demon that i grew up in my house looked like a person most of the time he was much much taller much much thinner he had red eyes i saw spirit when i was with you and you asked me to describe it at the lizzie borden house it was extremely tall probably seven feet tall very very thin like unhumanly thin we are in the seance room where ed lorraine warren performed seance on carolyn and she literally levitated she is gonna have noise cancelling headphones on spirit box basically letting us know whatever she hears we're gonna be asking questions as we were saying we have ping pong balls here bells all over the place the entire house upstairs hear anything happening we'll be able to catch it starting this recording see if we catch any evps i just said borden borden we just said that there are very similar cases okay i'm going to turn on this other spirit box put it right here just in case we get things as well is there any spirit here that wants to talk to us can you please like move something not colby isn't that silly kill are you a bad spirit kill colby oh here is there anything here that can give us a sign at all we have bells around this entire house if you can just make them ring we want to talk to you there's someone here with us can you make yourself known if you're here with us what was that there was a huge crack it sounded like a shuffle almost was that you that just made that noise yes yes oh can you make a noise closer to us we'd love for you to come sit with us um no no no not unless you want to switch balls with me right now yo is my chest red it felt like something just scratched me you know you're in this room with us can you show yourself i'm here he's here he's here all right sam's trying this now do we have somebody news news news do you have any news for us is there news that you want to tell us there was a hanging in the barn a noose [Music] just ask were you the person that got hung here help help are you the spirit that tormented the parent family no one asks another question for a minute god don't ask anything else not here who are you are you the demon that tormented the paron family possible freedom are you can you not leave are you trapped here do you need to escape modern gate is there limits is there some kind of gate or limit and reason that you're not allowed to leave this home through through through are you down to me i was literally allowed to say i feel like we're connected there's a guy right over here he looks like a soldier really like the sword of the seven soldiers in the walls like he looks like one of the three that i saw walking outside he's in like like i believe i believe he's in light-colored clothes oh man hello i was literally we need to believe in focus more do you remember the parent family be with me we're here underground underground the basement do you want to be stuck do you want are you stuck in the basement do you want us to go to the basement please what's in the basement did you guys hear that no heaven i don't know whoa i think there's a soldier here that's like saying that he just wants us to be with him and he's been trying to escape this sort of hell and find heaven but he can't also when we said like do you want us to go to the basement you said please i wrote down some things i wrote not ever out it was really difficult to hear when you guys weren't asking questions yeah when we were all quiet because we just tried to be quiet for a couple of times you would never say anything i didn't even think about that what the [ __ ] yeah this is gonna be our last attempt to talk to anything here liberty it's got a huge gust of cold right now i did too please come do you want us to go to the basement [Music] lorraine [Music] oh my god oh that is your mother yeah bro the lights are flickering and they just like went on and off is that you touching the lights enjoy did you know lorraine video fear [Music] are you scared right now do you want us to be scared yes it's your fear not his you think we're scared no he knows down come down it's scary scary focus what are you doing here family you came for the stop right now demon oh my god why would the radio say demon that's who the hell are you i'm amanda who are you pale skin i have pale skin i do too oh [ __ ] hey we need to stop no yes we're done we're done tell him to stop tell him stop tap him he can't hear you tapping we're done we're done she just said we need to stop and you immediately said no yeah oh it just said [ __ ] murder oh my god if that happened in this room imagine what's gonna happen in the most haunted room in the house yeah like technically this is not even close to the most haunted room and i still wish something like around us would happen so it's like visible to like a ball or something yeah let's move on alright guys so we are in the middle bedroom upstairs which is supposedly the most active single room so right now we have a thermal gun to be able to see everything and we're going to use a ghost box again and then lay down here because he said once you lay down here for a while and be super still and you can start to see shadow figures shadows will start to emerge and it's like you have tunnel vision we'll see what we end up catching there's a kid in the house kid in the house all right so if i don't want to see this stuff can i just like look down or something yeah what you can't see can't hurt you right who told you that i wish i was going to say you should know oh that one's insane sam is this supposed to make that noise the clicking yeah okay that's like focusing i always put protection over me and anybody that i'm with when we're doing stuff like this because we are messing with things that are greater than ourselves so what i do a lot of people do different things some people have protection like a wall they picture bricks and they'll build bricks up like that's their protection mine has always been i imagine a ball of light and i make it get bigger and bigger and i focus and it surrounds me and the people that i'm with so i'm doing that right now with you and i thank you and it's pushing back oh it got bigger and bigger which always does and then it stopped and it went and closed back in should we call out ask questions anything or yeah um it said auto shut oh hello no don't shut down hello why isn't it working i just checked his full battery we just captured something on here this is the one that we just captured look at that oh [ __ ] right there it looks like it's appearing from behind the corner literally yes it looks like a little kid it didn't look like that when i pulled the trigger yeah there's clear eyes that they're glowing too remember what i told you my demon looks like oh my [ __ ] god dude this is a hundred percent like a face it almost has like sort of my hair cut yes but it's obviously a little boy peeking through this window right there i saw it peek out around the corner that face wasn't on the thing when i took the picture and i took the picture anyway because i could see it with my own eyes and when i took the picture that's what popped up right there look at that oh my god his hair does look like yours didn't it say your name while we were doing kobe kill dude that was crazy we've never caught anything on the thermal thing but that is a clear ass picture if we can download this and as like a jpeg or something and put it on the screen we will but that is that's 100 and you look at it like this kid two eyes dude you can literally like yes dude oh my god nuts you could see all the features feature two eyes nose mouth haircut like that swooped over and he's peeking around the corner like that's a really clear image colby yeah you want to come ask questions real quick um immortal oh my god hand me and you what free mind the bed the bed we're on the bed okay are you on the bed look here look here under bed under bed did you i literally said that at the exact same time who are you gotta get out do you need to get out watch watch for what six six there's five of us are you the sixth dumb do you want to talk to us go go you want us to leave can't stop i just got my feet got really cold from under the bed someone should take that thing it's under the bed 98 77 are you under the bed old man well was a kid and now it's an old man just not either we're not speaking with someone who is living okay well that's the scariest [ __ ] thing i've ever heard all day this person was never alive he can he can be alive no he can speak to us pressure so i have pressure in my head oh my god what one second under the bed under the bed you got something how do you store the photo uh cole you're done when i was sitting on my bed i didn't do it on purpose but i felt like my head was being pushed towards that door my head kept moving like i did i was watching it it kept like i felt like my face was like being that's where i saw a movement wait wait wait wait do you guys remember um in the briefing that you read me this morning it talked about how sometimes when the woman who hung herself with the noose they see her with the crooked neck yes there's actually a painting of the woman with a crooked neck i was hearing under the belt i felt like something dragging yeah i just heard it like a long dragging sound from over there what did you see you saw something look closely and like move this around isn't that a face with two yellow eyeballs like we just saw yeah it is yeah it does look like eyeballs i don't like that it said your name twice kind of want to if you guys want to sit right there or in there i kind of want to lay down on this for a second yeah we'll go downstairs this is going to sound really weird my hands might get hot and you're going to feel something that you probably never felt before it's gonna feel like my energy is literally like you're sucking energy out of me accept it does that make sense okay oh it actually is hot it's getting hot okay let's see we are going to try to sit down on the bed just like what we told us to do and you guys see what's downstairs for a sec yeah yeah all right i'll see you guys in a second is that footsteps we told him to be quiet so i don't know what that would be what the [ __ ] was that in there yeah it sounded like it was the door to that birthing room if there's anything in here please move a door shake the bed make a noise we want to know that you're here [Music] all right guys so we took a little break we went to the car and got some energy drinks we also went to mickey d we got some food now we feel like [ __ ] yeah that's why we love taco bell instead are you guys ready to be back at the conjuring house i can't believe that we came back ah what are we thinking just after that we've already captured now we're doing it again honestly still got the basement wait what time is it 2 30 no 2 30 2 33 oh 3 am is the witching hour we have 30 minutes to set up final seance at 3 o'clock in the morning yeah by the way when we were uh walking to the car random car of teenagers pulled up here and just started screaming at us that being said i just want you to let you know that this would be a perfect time if you want to go grab the new explore merch link in description literally no better time than right before the sound and subscribe and subscribe and like because again 250 thousand likes we're going to be staying here alone and sad you guys are snickers we're just checking to see if any of the bells rang or ping pong balls moved here i have upstairs walking in here is horrible it's not true like this is so much worse than the first time worse up here we caught things up here earlier this is right where we called that figure yeah right here what what the did you guys hear that knocking yeah what was that was that behind you as we were leaving we talked to like the kids that live in the house are like friends of the people that live in the house and one of them is named boredom oh yeah oh yeah and it's related to lizzy like a fifth cousin or something like that that's super same seth yeah seth is related to lizzie borden he comes to this house all the time like how is that connection even the thing what a like random occurrence too and we just went there two days ago we run into him at the conjuring house when we just went over to the other house like are you kidding me like the odds are just sunrise yeah small world i guess shout out to seth what i just thought i heard like an animal outside or something um guys we don't have a lot longer in the house we're pushing it 15 minutes till the witching hour so in that time remember at the very beginning corey said that one of the biggest like ghosts that mediums can usually see is right there in the main living room the door that we haven't opened yeah none of us have been in there he's super old-fashioned so he's gonna be pissed they always hate women and the fact that i'm a woman that can see him it's gonna just rile him up but try it i mean you guys brought me out to the conjuring house to get [ __ ] we already have let's go for it no my body i feel like a woman was thrown across by a demon yeah across this entire section of the home i think just matter so severely that they thought she was dead not even just like a little levitation whatever that would be that would be insane yes i agree but it [ __ ] slammed her into the wall i just saw the woman in white again oh where was she she's right over there she walked up the steps this time when i saw her she just bolted no no i asked you this kind of upstairs but like what's their faces like they're not it's expressionless right you were kind of explaining yeah so like yeah people ask me do they smile at you like no they kind of they look like this all the time like they're not like frowning they're not smiling even evil ones evil ones how different i like i get uncomfortable talking about it like i break out in hives it depends on what i'm seeing so that spirit that guys are gonna put the picture of that i caught up in the room that i was looking at i was staring at him and i could see i told you about the glowing eyes i could see his eyes more than anything and i could see that his face looked like a child but his energy he was not a child like he wasn't human it was something so negative that that's why i told you to take off the headphones and that we were done to cut it and i heard his name right before that which is crazy and that looked like you yeah that's what was the craziest part what it looked like and she said take off the headphones i don't know what you guys want oh you saw it there's something in the living room too there's like so much like it's like i said guys we don't have that much [ __ ] longer if you wanted to if you want if you want to debrief we can debrief out of this house but like we're playing we're playing with fire okay you want to open this door i can open it you want to talk to it so um well are you going to talk to it i didn't think so no good shot on dude all right ready uh no just give me like two minutes not even two minutes how are you guys feeling over here i don't know you don't know cold are you having a good time on it's like the conjuring house how many people ever get to do this think about that it's the sickest experience but we have to go to disneyland two oh [ __ ] i'm just kidding it's a laundry room i was like wait what oh [ __ ] there's no one in there like i really hate like for there to be a climax but there's nothing in there there's nothing in there no super clean why would he hang out in there anyways yeah what the yeah we all know he didn't do laundry probably because he has to tell the woman to do it get on it i don't do laundry other surprises i doubt that he hangs out in there 24 7. but i don't want to say that there's something there and there's not no that's perfect now let's get them so like sorry we're super hyped for that but there's so the basement what's in that door i tried opening it it just leads to the other side that's so weird so different even upstairs who went into the closet was it you that the closet goes all the way back through the room and it opens up in the hallway yeah it's like a secret hatch dude yeah and then even over here i thought was super weird that there's two doors that lead to the same room this just doesn't make any sense no let's see that's where the other one leads it's like this house is built super strange so strange what did you not hear that did you not hear that the creek no no knocks the entire [ __ ] door the it was like a loud loud knock right behind your legs you were just so catch everyone obviously she was talking about how like scared she is for the basement we're grabbing all the equipment like right outside where we just were right behind me very very loud holy [ __ ] that [ __ ] freaked me out god that shit's the worst because like i can always see them moving it and then when [ __ ] happens and i don't see it that's like worse than being able to see it right when we turned off the camera to like put everything together two giant sometimes they don't like being filmed a lot of the time we don't get it because they prefer not to be seen exactly they can like tell when you're filming it was so it sounded like somebody knocked on the front door yeah actually though huh whoa whoa what happened [ __ ] what happened something you felt like just like jesus [ __ ] i don't see is there anything right over here you remember the story no i don't see that oh [Music] that hurts so bad the story of bathsheba bashiba that's what she does she sticks like or killed her baby with a needle yeah and then was sticking needles into carolyn's back and now she feels that that's [ __ ] we shouldn't do this fast i feel like it's time cool this could be one of the scariest sciences we ever do three o'clock conjuring room one of the most famous haunted houses in the world the basement is one of if not the most active room in the entire house because there's something that lives down there did you hear that the knocks yeah right up here i literally stopped and turned around and i like saw something walk through and then i heard the knock yeah i definitely heard that knock too i almost said wait for two seconds because i knew something was gonna happen and i didn't like i didn't even get a chance to like finish my thought when it happened dude i'm like burning right here it's really irritating me i don't know what it is i should get this over with like yeah let's get it time check i don't have oh my god wait oh wait did you get that what all the lights just were off and then they just automatically turned on this is that like is it like a motion sensor it's probably a motion sensor okay switch oh good god there was a rumor story that we haven't told you guys about about this demon creature thing that crawls on all fours that has a crooked neck because apparently there was somebody down here that committed suicide by hanging this used to be a daycare for a bunch of kids you can see they're drawing still right here of a crooked necked figure right there and then look at this one oh my god the scariest part about that is it's rumored to live in that hole what the [ __ ] oh my god it's like a legit well it's still like has a lot of water in it wow that's how old of a house this is literally doesn't have air conditioning and has a well in the basement to get water it is officially three o'clock in the morning in the basement of the conjuring house which is our we got everything down here we have a second camera up here second angle so we can see everything [Music] increase and yeah 40. it just you said it increased and it [ __ ] went up to 40. oh my god yes let's go i'm gonna listen so this is something that's called it's basically what something the mediums use since it is due so i've done this before i was connecting with someone who i wasn't able to hear super clearly and i gave them permission to touch my hand and write something out i don't let things touch me i don't let them come near me and i'm not giving anything here permission to do either of those things i'll write out things sometimes that they're trying to say or that they want to get across i don't know how it works exactly i don't know why i'm able to do some of the things i do just i don't know why i speak to the dead the first thing that i wrote i'm just gonna i'm not even gonna say what it was what does this look like to you an n what does this look like run run run run this is going to be our final time trying to talk to something there's anything anybody out there that can hear me and want to make yourself known in any way or communicate with us now is your chance we just want to talk show us a sign you're not welcome to touch us you're not welcome to come near us everyone sitting at this table is covered in the in my arms yeah look the thing is going up really high it's like it was in the 40s those in the 40s again yeah everyone in this room is protected by jesus christ our lord and savior this is a holy place you are not welcome to touch us you are not welcome to come near us this is your place and i respect that but we are our own people why do you why do you say suddenly i went quiet when i started talking to it like that do you see anything around here no but i feel everything like there's three people i shouldn't say people because none of them are people and one of them's standing in the doorway does that thing like way bright this thing is a brim pod lightens up if you see touch dude my back yeah yeah what happened to your back bro holy 2.9 is there anything over there that's my problem is i don't see anything you see anything colby nothing's happening yet like i just felt pressure like all over my tree yeah like all along like right here what was that i thought that was y'all moving no that's not yours is that your shoe is that your shoe no does he know it just said no though oh god can we ask it to touch this we should stop right now like right now they turn off the cameras we should stop or if you guys want to keep going i don't recommend you do but this isn't safe why why can you explain why is there something here that's i don't want to say it down here is it in this room yes we need to leave if you guys want to push this you're more than welcome to like i respect it if you guys want to be safe we need to leave if we're getting something right now like this is what we want right yeah i think this is what we want i totally understand that i work with spirits every single day of my life this isn't something that you want to communicate with you can cut this totally like if you want to do this for use like this is your guys's job i get that but this is also you know the story of what happened here and that's not something that i want to experience again in my life and that's what we're about to like do i don't want to say it down here okay let's go let's go upstairs and talk about it for two seconds okay cool i feel like this is the best part this is like what everybody says we have to like stay for the people yeah i want to hear what she has to say but i'm so down to come back down here even if it's just you and i we can't force these girls to like do it because that's just you know not our morals but at the same time it's like isn't this what we wanted something about it like [ __ ] is going to go down that's why we came here yeah this is why it's like we do what we do it is dangerous sure but we have to capture it exactly that's the whole point we wouldn't have traveled across the country for another reason okay so what the [ __ ] is happening yeah what's going on i see a lot of things i like always have i probably always will i do know how to deal with it like i don't like not to toot my unhorn or anything but i'm confident my abilities just because of what i grew up with this home is something completely different that i don't think people can understand unless they truly see what i see and being in this house up here is one thing but going down into that basement i'm stronger than a lot of things i can protect us i can protect myself like i know my limits i know my boundaries i'm not one to be like i can handle that like i said respect is super important than what we do humility is just as important that's not something that i'm equipped to deal with it's not something that i can promise to be able to protect you guys from or really even myself do you think that entity was the one that threw yes across the world yes really that is whatever was down there with us is something stronger than i have ever come across in my entire life i felt really good coming here the first time before we left i was confident i couldn't see it but like that you could feel it it was stronger than anything i've ever seen or come across honestly that i could even imagine coming what do you feel it at is it like a body reaction did you see me shaking like a [ __ ] leaf my entire body hurts the amount of pain that i was in like literally felt like needles pins and needles all over my body and you were feeling needless i thought i was going to throw up it was one thing to like be poked in the back by them like i've been touched before i've had hand prints like that's demonic entities but what is down there was trying to hurt me because of what i'm able to do and like i said i'm not willing to put myself in a position are you guys in a position where we're in harm's way and i'm pretty sure that's the demon that the family dealt with it here left after all those years it's this is its home like this is where it's going to stay and i think i don't want to see like it's pretty peaceful and it's mellowed out because that's not the case but it's been waiting for someone like whether it was me or someone else that came first it's been waiting for someone like me who's able to do what i do that thing's [ __ ] smart so everything else in the house though like how did you feel it there or did it everything else in the house i saw i could feel i could tell you what it was even that little little boy up in that room i knew it was demonic i don't have fear over these things because i do believe in a higher power and i put my faith in that that's something that i know i know that god is stronger than it but i'm not oh damn what are you guys thinking and i really want to get thrown into a wall not to learn how to fly today did you guys feel it down there dude my back yeah even i felt like oh my whole pressure just like someone was like like put their like arms that's concerning like when you went like this to my back i felt like that but like my whole like lower back was being pushed it targets people with abilities even as someone who doesn't experience things the same way i do right now i have a bubble and i have god and i literally refuse to experience that's good that's good yeah that's how it should be if you guys want to go down there i think i totally respect it i'm gonna wait here i can pray over you guys i can do anything you want me to do but like i said like i'm not here to get clout because of you guys i'm not here because i'm like the conjuring house is gonna be a cool [ __ ] experience like all of those things are bonuses but i'm here to protect you guys because i see things you don't it won't follow you home it will stay here but i can't guarantee your safety while you're down there it's what we signed up for yeah don't think we can make it this far it's like it's like piecing out well you can see the finish line yeah i really don't want you guys yeah but also i feel like we are targets and i don't we're not going to be there for luck we're just going to go down there ask a few more questions nothing happens cool but we have to at least try to be fair like i am in more danger than anyone here because of what i do like i get that too so if you guys if this is something you want to do do it in the [ __ ] that you're already getting down there like it's awesome you're in the right place but got 30 minutes until three clocks up so we try let's do it uh just fyi though we will probably hear every single word tap thing that you guys do because we're right underneath you could just like whisper like this that'd be awesome hey set up one in the hallway okay yeah it's time to go let's go [Music] the closest behind us [Music] this is why we do youtube we can't keep running away i'm feeling nervous now i know my teeth are chattering brave we are brave no but it's mocking us oh you're right do you want to go should we try the radio i think that's what it wants us to do cold oh my god it is much cooler it's freezing down here we were saying that earlier but it's probably it's just a cellar this little spirit box just said to use the radio which is the other spirit box so what i think we should do is just try this one more time you can ask questions and then let's go for it yeah sounds good damn i keep thinking i'm seeing things in my peripherals but what'll be interesting too is if we ask a question and we think we hear something again we have this camera cut to camera too right now it's pointing down this hallway so maybe there is something over there just watching us right now all right it's just us now i know you can see amanda in she knows you're here so we know that you're here too now is the time to make make yourself known we want to communicate if there's anything here could you give us some sort of sign concentrate you can see there are you behind the window just there behind the window what are you go back we're not going back yet we need answers we can't go now it's just you two no [ __ ] way show us that you're here now for you were you the entity that we're messing with the parent family yeah yeah yeah my chest is feeling so heavy what is your miss what's your goal shut up what the [ __ ] dude my hands are feeling like all tingly i'm getting like lightheaded you can't hear me you got it is there some way you can make any sort of noise or give us any sign we just want to have proof that you're here with us see this thing just moved i don't know because i put my oh could have been my elbow actually are you in the hallway door by the door in the hallway i hurt or i heard maybe close the door close the door the door is closed upstairs it's already closed upstairs what's it say [ __ ] it it just said close the door okay wait wait wait wait deep breathe for two seconds that just went off too i don't know if it's i think it's that is your hand what did that make sense dude everything that i asked it answered perfectly to what everything what type of angle were you at it said it was behind there and said i said where are you it said look like right there it said it's just youtube i [ __ ] i look at my goosebumps on my goddamn arms holy [ __ ] my lips for some reason feel like tingly i can't even like like move my face or something i don't know it said it was here and it said it showed itself it showed itself yeah what i don't know i cuz did you see anything no i've only been looking at there's a window right here guys and there's the giant doorway but like you'll see on the second camera it's maybe it is showing itself this is not [ __ ] [ __ ] i cannot hear what he's asking it's so loud maybe even put it up to the the cameras that super staticky is super loud that is on my ear with noise cancelling headphones it's like playing that [ __ ] uh and i'm not looking at whisper challenges i'm not looking at them either i'm not going to see his lip like reading or moving or anything like that i'm legit i know i don't know if i don't know if this is just like nerves but i'm [ __ ] way colder the energy the energy is here and it's it's it was answering every single time is the door closed for sure i'm appreciate it close the door okay i say we keep going let me try here i'm ready okay back in here okay are you still talking to us yes holy [ __ ] do you want to talk to us it's me can you show yourself in any way make make another noise or change a light or touch this thing right here head back we can't head back until you give us something we have to prove that you're here where are you mommy are you the same spirit from the original conjuring haunting [Music] do you intend to harm us do you haunt this house do you haunt the entire planet are you trying yes are you still here with us it's you were you the one that possessed carolyn perrin can you please touch this device the rem pod in front of us make it go blue or move something i don't want this we need you to show some sort of sound or sign please do you live here in the basement we can't stop don't we can't stop move where do you want us to go what are you trying to tell us nothing are you still here to talk to us is anything any entity any spirit here with us right now warren warren like ed and lorraine warren do you know ed and lorraine warren money why do you still haunt this house warrants from the warrens the warrens are the reason why you stayed in the original haunting did the warrens make this haunting worse prisoner you feel like a prisoner here several holy [ __ ] he just said a prisoner and this said several slaves are you trapped here in this basement yeah why are you trapped unlock what we want you to show yourself make yourself what is that beazlebub is that the the [ __ ] demon thing i'm down there you're down here with us right now be sob bezel bub is down here right now hurry are you trying to tell us something run to the left the [ __ ] i'm taking this off did you hear it do you know what that is it was answering everything perfectly you said like it feels trapped and then it's a prisoner and then on the other ghost box that said several slaves are down here you said they're down here run to the left what are their trap what if what was that did you hear that over there over there i think they're trapped down here they said the door was closed i think something demonic or bezel bow himself dare i say it has a bunch of people trapped here soldiers or prisoners what is bezel bub above oh [ __ ] it's a synonym something monument look at the monument is there is was there a picture i mean there was that the crooked the crooked lady that's it [ __ ] dude i am getting so cold and chills right now me too holy [ __ ] dude there's so many noises whatever is down here make yourself known a friend said that they've they've experienced being touched down here did you touch my friend stoss on her back did you poke amanda amanda received two needle-like pokes was that from you do you see anything i'm not seeing anything what what what what what what what i think i might have i don't know might have been like a spider but something was literally just crawling on my arm dude there's where where right here on my arm it just scared the [ __ ] out of me okay holy [ __ ] i don't know if this thing wants to talk to us it seems like it did though he left alone it was yeah well it kept telling us to run yeah i didn't want to talk to us actually but it wanted to be freed yeah it's like there's something trapped here multiple things trapped here i think like prisoners yeah okay it is 3 53 a.m we got seven minutes and we're pretty sure we were talking to something so we decided in the last few minutes we have a witching hour might as well try one last time because we're getting a lot of stuff we want something so bad to happen so you guys can see it yeah no this is crazy i mean every time we're doing this it's like giving me chills when we sat down just two seconds ago coming back to set this up we said yo should we try it one last time the obvious spirit box said no immediately right after and we like looked at each other should we actually do this we decided why not we are here this is the only time we're gonna do this let's just go for it pizza bub right off the bat you keep saying bezel bug yeah are you are you bezel bub yeah so you're an evil spirit you're an evil entity did you trap a bunch of prisoners down rise is there a god he is there but are you more powerful than he is bigger that's where you're wrong it's time it's getting colder it's getting one minute that's it one minute one minute to what what is your mission what are you trying to accomplish freedom freedom freedom from what are you trapped here my freedom it said freedom twice yeah what do you need to do to attain that freedom all of them there was a [ __ ] did you guys hear that that was a footstep upstairs was that you that just made that noise is that you by the staircase guys there's something by the staircase evil right now go damn it bye holy [ __ ] dude go we understand that you want us to go if you want us to leave show us one more time that you can hear us that you're crazy god's on our side god is with us right now there's nothing you can do to hurt us but i'm going up with them who wait with them who who's seven holy [ __ ] what it just got really loud at scream dude there's noises on the staircase right now like it was like a minute ago two minutes ago holy [ __ ] footsteps and it says i'm going up let's go [ __ ] dude that literally scared the [ __ ] out of me get this stuff later what does that say bro says casket what the [ __ ] let's go let's go what the [ __ ] yo yeah there's noises down here was it locked maybe i was just this jammed or something like that don't you just pull it like that no no it locked so we were here like uh 20 not even 20 minutes ago when you guys were down there and we heard this we heard the borea like that and we were like we just closed the door it said close the door down there it did like 10 minutes ago it said close the door i heard it yeah i was like that was the door locking one of us was like no it's not the door like yeah probably you guys down in the basement yeah and then i i was i was sure it was the [ __ ] door just because i heard you and when we like heard you guys trying to open it we came and it was like locked it was like just like this was flipped yeah that's it was like that's like and look i can't even flip it anymore like i was panicking and did look it's chipping the paint what the [ __ ] wait that was that way look i broke a [ __ ] nail doing that for you guys what the [ __ ] just so just now it was locked yes just now when we were are you guys okay up here because it said i'm going up that's what i heard i said go the [ __ ] back down you guys are good though i don't know if it was satan himself or that's something demonic [ __ ] did you got my notebook no i wrote chant i wrote chanting that is a book i said what [Music] chant join me chant no [ __ ] escape that was visited that that was the very very first thing when i was sitting here and i was writing down the things i was hearing and i looked at you guys and i went chat it got so [ __ ] cold in here yeah you guys did you guys have to go yeah no they said they said it's coming up and like that did you say like you can't come with me like did you guys listen no no yeah yeah we still left our stuff down there too we just came to check up on you because i literally said like five seconds ago i'm going up and then it locked you guys out away maybe i'm just honestly i could just be a dumb ass i don't know how to do these like [ __ ] weird doors like look at these what what kind of door is that i don't even know how to work that so you heard from over there that that locked randomly while we were asking questions over there yes we heard that the metal book so who the [ __ ] was this probably hear it in your video it was so loud what i think it's time i think it's time too that's [ __ ] insane hey do we need to stick on the bells and the stuff yeah yeah we got to do all that i think there's a bunch of soldiers trapped here by demons it literally sounds like slaves or several slaves being prisoners here okay we don't even talk about it right now like okay we can talk about it after let's just go let's grab the scissors and cut those ping pong ball underneath the frog just whistles what's wrestling stop stop doing it stop it because it did it back to you i want to leave now look it's light outside it's [ __ ] light outside we stayed overnight we did it the real conjuring we actually did it boom follow us you stay we out i have not eaten i didn't even eat my mcdonald's because i felt so sick and now they're relieving i'm starving and we have to go back this gets 250k likes yes you heard that right guys remember 250 000 likes colby and i are gonna return to the conjuring house this year alone [ __ ] why do we do too can we make a 500 000. to know that 300.000 we need to know that you like this stuff honest to god i think that was the most famous haunted location we've ever been at we're gonna step it up guys we're gonna be doing the craziest haunted places and again subscribe because we're just getting started samantha we are officially back to haunted let us know any other top 10 haunted locations in the world we are trying to hit the top 10 list see you guys next time with a banger video hope you enjoyed adios someone has is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] cupcake
Channel: Sam and Colby
Views: 12,367,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sam and colby, exploring, abandoned, overnight, treasure hunting, sam&colby, sam & colby, sam golbach, colby brock
Id: E6mwC6UwZ_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 36sec (5256 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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