The Greatest Aussies On The Graham Norton Show!

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you do not win any awards for being a good daughter there are many stories where I don't wear I was not a great daughter I I am forever in my mum's debt because I was such a brat and I feel really bad about it tell us a story about when you're on your computer and she wanted your help oh yes she yes okay so I um I was on MSN uh obviously the most important thing at the time and uh we lived out like you know out in the sticks and often snakes would get into the house and um you know it wasn't a big deal but you just have to like chase them around and get it out and it's kind of time consuming and annoying and so my mom yelled out and she was like can you come help me this this snake's really big like I can't get it on my own can you come help me and I was like so busy mum no I can't like just being a brat because I was on a mission and she was like oh I just like hey are you pleased and I was like big on and um and then she was she was gone for like 10 minutes and I was like oh she's been gone for ages and then I I like got up from the computer I could hear like this and I was like oh God what's happening and I see mum she's like made it halfway down the stairs and the snake she tried to like pick this big python up with her but with a broom and a stick but it had wound its way up around her arm and was going around her neck Australia but I would never be able to no I know I'm painting a bad picture it's really not bad but um and it wasn't poisonous it's a poisonous state that they do they do they do strangle you oh yeah so bad and not an offer you just got to give it something else to climb on so you get a stick or something it starts weaving its way around that and then you can transfer its weight and good to know get it off yeah just you grab it behind its head you grab it behind us you just don't want it to bite you with him comes the ultimate Accolade a wax work now Kylie you've been in Madame tutors how many times there's been loads of versions five maybe five different ones but they've I think they've just changed it again well I think this is this the last one this isn't the new one this is the last one I think that was second to last and then they had to actually replace bits of it because so many members of the public were doing this oh three three bombs the wax wore down doing are you standing now I'm sat down so if I'm actually on my bottom very good is it true Russell you don't like Wax work I hate them they're creepy absolutely they give me the and anytime that anybody puts one up we we hassle them for years we chase them down and we make them melted milk that lumpy thing so this one won't last for long then it's already gone that that's 10 years ago we pursued those people and it's gone chopped off his head is it just a tiger and look how that is yeah it is absolutely ridiculous [Applause] I just think it's such a weird thing I have just no desire and like you know Madam just I'll send you a letter and I just get no no thanks not just not interested you know actually funny enough we were ringing round uh wax museums in Australia to see if there was one of you there to show a picture of it and uh one of them said no no we don't have a wax work of Russell Crowe but we have a letter from Russell do you know this letter so they wrote to you to say I was just not one of the abusive ones no no no this is such a sweet letter here's the here's the letter so it says uh dear pleasure uh sorry mate no interest at all in being made out of wax please do not pursue this any further you don't divide Mission normal blessing apart from that I hope you and your family are doing well [Applause] this is so bad I mean it's really amazing oh my God looks like a wolverine origin movie that you had to do the running naked down the corridor uh now there was X-Men two yeah no I've actually no first day of X-Men Origins I ran naked I seem to I quite enjoy it really it's a very freeing feeling so I want to take your clothes off it's wonderful should we do it no so I remember we had to go down this hallway and I had to run I was meant to be naked and and it was very dark and and I I jokingly went in I said I want a closed set for this and the first idea was laughing anyway went to the first take and I'm running as a very intense scene where I first realized I have an adamantium skeleton I've been experimenting I'm naked there's blood I'm like ah and as I run around the corner the first ID had the entire crew of FEMA it's all the females on the crew with like five dollar knives going and of course the first thing I did was like oh I did cut myself when you see the inner thigh do you mean I'm actually being a guy thankfully wow yes DIY circumcision I did the guy Elvis hits PG-13 so you can't have bits and pieces flying about right yeah the senses in America don't like that kind of stuff and in on as my rap gear from uh from Brian Singer the director he gave me a bag and it was a little bag and it was very light I looked inside it had film inside it and I'm like what's film and I look up okay my bits in bits you've made the choice to bring your children back to Australia yeah yeah so were they all born in America and then you brought them back uh no my daughter was born here in London actually yep and then the boys were born in America and we moved back to Australia and uh liver now you've posted pictures online and it makes me think was bringing your children back there that wise like you pit was this but like that's your house yeah that is uh that's yeah one of the bedrooms yeah is it one of the children's bedrooms occasionally yeah yeah and not since that snake lives there and then you pick because this one as well like is that in your house it is yeah yeah they're better than Paparazzi though those animals okay I would take Paparazzi Over The Spider and the snake yeah you know that snake the what you don't see we'd had a couple of drinks that night when we discovered that snake in the bedroom and uh I I love Australia I love Australia we've had a few drinks before we found the snake it was a Friday or Saturday night and um and we're standing going what is it and someone's like it's a brown snake which can kill you you know very quickly someone's like no it's a tree python it's something else it's this and I just launched into like action mode grabbed it by the tail picked it up up and everyone starts freaking out and it starts to kind of coil itself back up toward me which is getting ready to strike and I remember thinking what the hell am I doing so I just kind of threw the snake back into the bedroom shut the door and we don't go in that bedroom anymore I boarded that thing up we have a little mobile with stars and Suns on it could I just say I think I've done very well I've held off to this point in the show before mentioning uh guys seminal work as Mike young in Neighbors okay I was about to walk off the set I know if you were thinking when when will he mention my work now obviously uh this is never far from my uh my neighbors who's who wow where's Jenny when you're excited about this aren't you I bet there's some good haircuts in there oh you get the whole back page check that out yeah yeah but that's the who's who I think I know where the neighbors can I have that of course you can hey that is yours that is yours because Olivia Europe you were a big neighbor's fan weren't you yes well still are I'm sure oh yeah I was then in the uh yeah sort of night early 90s but we know what's the time neighbors have sort of come back into your life it never goes away Graham well it has sort of come back into my life because there was a little we had a little sort of Twitter exchange recently because Annie Jones who plays Jane has gone back on the show Plain Jane Super Brain Plain Jane stupid brain my the love of my life of course and uh there was a storyline where it that was implied that she was going to sort of go off with uh uh Stefan who plays uh Robinson and I just sent this tweet out going Jane No and then Steph made this video saying well you know nice tweet guy you know uh why don't you come back on the show and why don't we have it out together you know anyway so it was a sort of funny banter and then we found out that actually those guys were here in the UK so we caught up and uh you know we we took some photos together with Annie sort of you know thus fighting and Annie sort of keeping us apart oh there you are there you are oh no plain Jane sewerbrain very upset yeah which gray-haired man will I go with you don't want to make anyone cry but there are sad days in the publishing World in Australia I don't know if you're aware of this but I'm afraid Dolly magazine has shut its doors Nicole Dolly magazine is no more daily magazine was very important to you when you were starting out wasn't it yeah yeah yeah I got on the cover of Dolly magazine here we go there you are on the cover yeah you look you look fabulous I dyed my hair red that's only like 14. but you sure it wasn't red like that everyone always thinks it was that red and it wasn't no they dyed it red inside there are some Fabulous High fashion shots of you oh God this this is this it gives me gives you an idea of the quality of fashion in Dolly magazine um jacket I I'm saying these rope scenes I'm not sure they ever caught on the Rope scene I've never seen it before in my life but this next picture this is God you're brutal so no there's only one more I don't want more so so I wish I honestly wish my hair was like that now and so it's so Dreadful I because I I have to say anyone that has curly hair that's young keep your curly hair don't straighten it because after a while you don't get your curls back really no they just they kind of become just frizz Mass I mean that is frismus but I kind of like that yeah it's gone so I'm like an old woman now where I say don't die yeah and don't straighten your curls what I like that idea you know when photographers in movies when they're doing you know and they're always like oh look sexy or give me something give me this or you know try this what had the photographer said this picture [Applause] is this the sort of thing you're after photographer can I see your pants we'll take it away we'll take it away there you go Dolly magazine all right we need to go back to your early life yes because you started you were very young were you when you saw it I was once very young no no when you put me sorry yeah yes I was 15 when I started singing and then your first film a funny thing happened down under yes now I think there's oh funny things happened down there I like the way up here they have in the corner comedy just in case people got the wrong end of the stick this must be the re-release because um I was never the star of this movie I had a small part no is this is this an ad this picture actually no it was a famous photographer was visiting my house and wanted to take a picture of me and omo was the you know the brand of soap powder that was popular at the time do they don't make omo anymore I don't think so no no I wonder why they stopped yeah I wasn't going to go there but anyway oh they're hitting this one now is this an ad uh no I don't think so I don't know what that one is I thought possibly deodorant now I am very lucky well I have a large collection of and I think some people watching me not and with these These are long playing records look he's got some in the front row there as well traded your laser it is interesting to see where your image has changed over the years because in the beginning you know you're all look so kind of Virgin and gorgeous oh there's a little bit raunchy another one of those underarm deodorant things yeah you were keen on that weren't you yeah if you're very proud of yourself and look oh so pretty lovely then look sexing it up a bit I think that was after Greece all right so a blouse on jacket and this one then nudity's implied I feel and then I don't quite even now that's a tough one to get away with but then ladies and gentlemen I know this helmet Newton took that and it's Posh isn't it your image your image I'm so sorry I've confused around I don't know if you've ever had one of these uh Joan your very own board game I'll try that Jason you don't call this uh Straight From the Heart do you straight from my ass [Laughter] um interesting game it was a number one game uh in its time yeah when was its time uh probably the late 80s oh yeah that was my time too yeah that's why we were on the show tonight [Applause] it was very sweet but they're all they're all questions which are quite random uh like what is Jason's favorite animal do you know any of the answers um Platypus no no dolphin what was Jason's favorite subject at school this is very hard politics no ah no economics no oh my God no geography it's really random really cool thing oh no given the nature of this game how about this for a question does Jason believe in nuclear disarmament yes it does yeah what is Jason's favorite day of the week Saturday no no I had I did take a lot of drugs in the night it was Sunday what is Jason's favorite building in New York um the pier you're not very good at this anyway lots of Australia to make it big in Hollywood have come through the Australian so yeah the Soaps like home in a way neighbors not me if you audition for them or anything I didn't even get a chance to audition my very first agent meeting I got rejected because they like looked at me up and down and said yeah you're not ever going to be on home and away so we're not going to take you um is that the only job in Australia but now you tweeted this picture recently of yourself when you were starting out is this like a head shot you would do for audition my first acting headshot um there are a lot of questions okay why am I holding a softball mitt and a softball just in case you didn't get that out of sporty yeah can play athletes yeah yeah I guess yeah and then I'm wearing like the world's finest gold chain uh and then because you're feminine as well yeah a size t-shirt I've just let my hair go feral you know obviously had not met up with a professional stylist at that point in my career can I just like like the random graffiti because I didn't come from like kind of the ghetto area of Sydney just have like a plain background yeah she's a rebel like yeah but no wonder nobody thought I would be a professional actress that headshot like you can't you can't stage something no you look like you were in a great mood and then you saw something truly awful yeah there you go that's it that's it yeah and you've been in the business for such a long long time that you're looking back are you wow as a child when I was 16 I did a TV show in Australia yeah it was 10 years ago five years ago I'm 32 now I'm 16. wow okay you look very beautiful oh thanks they're about to hit you [Applause] okay assistant the singles no L'Oreal she loves L'oreal L'oreal commercial she could paint oh is it paint no it's the you know apparently I'm not worth it anymore when you had to do the because I'm worse yes I was fantastic it's so much fun it's so ridiculous dude as an actress do you try to mean it you know because I'm worth it or do you just say oh it's money and say it um you get into character you get it [Music] because I'm worth it to say in different languages too see really oh can you do it in other languages I can't remember them who can speak French what's that how do you say it in French oh yeah because I'm a cow [Applause] okay before we actually get on to why you're here I've got to ask you about when you were a student when you're a drama student you had this this is a bizarre story we had a house that was quite inexpensive to rent in Sydney is this true yes like most acting students but wasn't it bizarrely cheap to rent oh no no I I stayed in a in a house in a suburb called zetland which is right underneath a smokestack and I think everyone had asthma and I think the smoke snacks longer there but um no there was someone was murdered in my room but I discovered in a really awful it was horrible when you were there yeah no someone handed me a DVD of a straight there's a show called Australia's most Wanted dude Britain's Most Wanted crime watch yes and um Britain's Got Talent foreign which I was staying which was at the time was only 60 a week which is incredibly cheap I was watching it in in my bed and I watched a man climb in through my window and strangle a woman in my bed oh and there was a woman murdered and so for years I would thought well this is my chance to sort of meet a ghost there's been you know such a traumatic thing going on here and then um it didn't I didn't encounter anything until the day that I left the house was finally disbanding and I shut the door and I heard Kate and I was I did send there's no one in there there was no one in there well I was there no yeah but there's nothing I wasn't taking to myself no no it was a it was really oga booga
Channel: The Graham Norton Show
Views: 267,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Graham Norton, Graham Norton Show, The Graham Norton Show, The Graham Norton Show official, The Graham Norton Show new series, Graham Norton Show Best Moments, Graham Norton Show funniest moments, Graham Norton Show new series, talk show, british talk show, funny celebrity moments, celebrity interviews, best celeb moments
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 6sec (1326 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 27 2022
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