WHAT DID ALAN HIDE FROM US? | Subnautica Below Zero [ENDING]

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and welcome back to subnauseus we got some stuff that we got to do today as always i found out um all by myself completely alone all by myself very smart me that um to upgrade stuff let me just check to see if the comments are right um yeah prompts you depth module upgrade mark ii they're in the modification station they didn't know that sea truck depth upgrade mark iii so i need some kyanite for this um and i have no idea where to get that i think so what i'm going to do today is that we're going to take the prawn suit um and we're going to go towards the pilot's last no position we're going to find marguerite's base and we're going to go down as far as we can we might run into problems because i think i remember that place being like 900 meters deep um and if it is then i can't get in there with the stuff that i have but i'm hoping that if i get close enough to it that we can get sort of a little bit down into the the like crystal cave that red crystal cave and then maybe get some kyanite there that's where i think it might be now i don't know because i don't really have much information hi pepper how's it going you're well good good good the wonderful news wonderful news we're heading off on an adventure because that's usually what subnautica does right to get to like the deeper area that you need to go to you need to go to the area a little bit first and then get some of the materials from that area to go deeper into that area is that what it does now that i said it out loud i'm like i don't think that that's what subnautica does but i've got to go check i want to see at least because maybe it's not even as deep as i think it is maybe i'm just a raven lunatic which could be a thing as well oh yeah people told me what the song was the song is continuous thrum or throne or whatever you want to say on the soundtrack there ah it's a great song thank you very much for your information actually thanks for all the information people have been giving me in this series so far because there's a lot going on and it's hard to collate it all down it's it's easier when you're able to watch it in like a video format and you have to collate the information a bit better because i'm here trying to like read stuff and i'm the type of person that wait do any of the rest of you do this when you're reading something most times you're not reading what's actually being said you're focused on the fact that at least for me when i'm doing a let's play i'm focused on it and thinking am i reading this properly am i reading well is this am i reading the right words and then it's like wait what have i just read and then i forget at all what the people have said in the pdas so that's a good deal of why i never remember what's actually being said i didn't even piece it together well it's also been a really long time since i played regular subnautica because marguerite's a major character in subnautica one maida the badass lady she is the one that is on the island with the other two dudes the father and son and they want to stay on the island but she wants to poke deeper and then she leaves them and all that so she's she's on this place now how do i get to maida's place i think it was like back this way so she's in this area doing stuff now when in the original subnautica i thought she died and she was part of the degassi which is one of the first ships that we learned about in subnautica that's cool i didn't piece that together at all like i said it's been a while since i played regular subnautica so the lore i remember the overarching lore about the precursors and all that stuff but the little details like that so people were talking about in the comments and i was like oh [ __ ] yeah i've totally forgot there you are nice so we gotta go a little bit further down maybe there's kyanite in this area and i just haven't found it actually oh god she turned blue fair quick didn't she all right follow these lights at least these lights are some sort of indicator i'm hoping that there's more to the sam story that's going on because if that's the case it's like we left our ship to go down and like [ __ ] around with all terror stuff and we didn't really trust them and we didn't trust them for what they did to our sister and it's like a cover-up and our sister died and what happened to her and they reported it as an accident and then we came down here and we're like oh she was working on spy penguins and then found frozen leviathan and xyz happened and then she died in an accident and it kind of set it up like no she didn't she's smarter than that but then it kind of just resolved like i cured the kara and yeah she did die in an accident like is that it there has to be more to it than that there's no way i came all the way down onto this planet to find out what happened to my sister just for it to be that oh propulsion fragment don't mind if i yes because then it means that all the stuff at allen and everything is just incidental that like yeah we got here and we're just [ __ ] around with alan now yeah crystals okay i can go a bit into this caution a leviathan-class creature is near uh-huh oh i know damn well what they are can we see any from here oh god i don't like being here wait i thought there were red crystals am i misremembering so i'm hoping when we find out alan's stuff like there'll be a little bit more to it i don't think i can go down there i think that's too deep for me probably should scan this huh well the thing is i don't really want to use [Music] what the [ __ ] where did you come from ah get off me get off your dirty bastard drill up drill his [ __ ] ass [ __ ] off [ __ ] off [ __ ] off holy [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm out i'm out [ __ ] this [ __ ] this he came out of nowhere like diarrhea in the middle of the night holy [ __ ] that scared me all right i'm on edge [ __ ] you game no no no ah what the [ __ ] why why why just just heal heal leave my [ __ ] pro too loud now bollocks buttocks buttocks bollocks buttocks okay okay okay i don't know where to go we're 600 meters down where is shelter everything is pain oh hey i need a minute okay bit of a breather all right we're good we're good we're good okay is there kyanite anywhere i'd like some upgrades there's bits of arm fragments everywhere that i've now missed we'll see that's what oh torpedoes yes okay not again don't do it again i like how linda like talks to me all the time like warning leviathan class creature head but there's no [ __ ] warning for when it's right on top of my head uh morganite morganite is a rare variety of barrel a durable mineral consisting of beryllium aluminium silicate its striking purple coloration is an indication that trace amounts of manganese were present during formation cool cool see this is what i mean scanning stuff sometimes yields nothing i mean it's nice to know more about the the world that we're in that's okay it's okay it's fine okay so this is almost 700 meters now we can go a little bit down can i even like search for kyanite if i haven't seen it penguin research kyanite i don't think there's any here this looks like it would be like chunks of this would fall off and make kyanite right i shouldn't be here i have a feeling this is a fruitless endeavor but if you give me kyanite then that'll be good oh god i should get out of here as well jesus christ well as long as you don't get destroyed i'm happy what no welcome aboard captain i think pepper took a [ __ ] break to go [ __ ] at some robotic pants okay how how deep is your love okay we can get to here is about the limits of it though god i hate this area as well it's so confusing yeah yeah there's all that stuff that i can drill i'm not here for that confusing i feel certain there myself something important a facility or a body component perhaps you don't i cannot tell yeah yes i knew that was you [ __ ] yeah worth absolute worth okay i have given validity to the reason why we are here we just take it out again huh yes there's more [ __ ] knew it i knew it you're all over the place just like my brain because i was about to say there's no point in being here this is stupid i'm stupid everything that's happening is stupid alan's stupid but no this is great kyanite for everybody now is that like the music that you're playing because like not really for me like maybe the tic toc generation would love it but is that sounds of creatures actually the music in this game is great what am i talking about it's one of the best parts of the game everything is pain i want my mom actually she just know how to play video games she wouldn't be able to help have you got any kyanite lying around lads anything at all at all that i could use yes let's go i don't know how many i need at least enough for because i need it for the depth module upgrade for the sea truck but am i am i going to bring the sea truck down here that's probably that's a big hell to the maybe are those kyanite deposits holy [ __ ] god damn pepper you're not even able to get down here see this is what bothers me i have my prawn suit with a drill arm on it but to get down to get the kyanite i need kyanite now the problem with that is that when i get the kyanite that i need up here to make the depth module fragment or the depth module to go down to get that stuff i don't need that stuff down there anymore like the kyanite is i'm oh i'm getting it so that i can go down there but then when i get it i don't need what's down there you know what i'm saying no no no no no get me out of here i don't want to be here oh god how do i get out where did i come in oh i'm so lost this is what a compass is for you dum dum this [ __ ] sucks this [ __ ] sucks is it over this way okay if i go higher it should be good where did i hide like a little [ __ ] baby oh [ __ ] you [Music] oh god you're the worst where am i going look leviathan sir it's fine if you want to do your [ __ ] just do it away from me oh god so big and nasty holy crap i can get that i can get that i can get that grab some lithium while you're out but don't get greedy this isn't [ __ ] pick and mix at the cinema you know when you start putting all the sweets in the bag and then they don't fit then you're like who's that fat [ __ ] it mean i just want your kaya knight this is the way out right sorry this was a jump pad this is why the pathfinder tool is so necessary but making it and spending all that time and then bringing it down and all that [ __ ] you know like farming the stuff to get one then putting it in your inventory and having to take up space then go down and laying down all the [ __ ] when the next time i come back down it's like the like final time that i'm going to come down a still suit what what what reclaims moisture from the body and provides clean drinkable water ow yes i'm not going down into the cold anymore if anything it's kind of hot down here thermal vents are everywhere i'm basically at the planet's core we're gonna build that when we're back [ __ ] yeah all right so i need to remember to bring stuff for alan's body i need to get all of the parts for that next time i'm coming down how do i get anywhere in here where the [ __ ] do i go no all the monsters up here now it's like oh that's cute that's cute you think you're scary yeah go 500 meters lower and that i'll show you true fear just follow the trail of poo i left a nice big stinky trail i need to get the depth module upgrade out of this because then i can put in the other one you need this one to be able to make the other one and upgraded 1100 meters that's pretty deep that's as deep as we need baby so those are the only upgrades then for that [Music] because there's no second one uh enamel glass and synthetic fibers okay i don't know if i can make that right now i think this might be enough i can make a plastil ingot i think i need some nickel and some kyanite and then i'm good what are you showing me oh yeah all these torpedo upgrade is nice but i feel like when i get down to that area staying and fighting and shooting things is the least of my worries i want to use my grapple to get the hell out of there as fast as i can yeah sea truck depth upgrade mark three so i'll bring the sea truck with me this time because i want to bring the teleportation thingy although then i just leave pepper there oh you can go to a thousand meters oh [ __ ] yeah then is that 100 meters really that big a deal there's 100 meters i can just swim on my own i can just use my sea glide and get around i have a billion years of oxygen in this ultra high capacity um also did i have stuff in this and i just didn't use it oh my god yeah people were pointing out to me that because i've never used the chests in minecraft well i also call them nether chests instead of ender chests i feel like such a dad um that the whole point of this is to like put stuff into it because it has one two three four one two three four 16 slots so you can do that and then pick this up and then that takes up four slots so you get way more space in a compact thing maybe i should have done that but at the same time [ __ ] you so what do i need for allen's body then i should get those things see i'm going to get down there and then need bits for this and then have no idea what they are so poly alanine diamond plastil ingot i have those except the plastic ingot synthetic fibers gel sac and root pustules um so root pustules synthetic fibers oh i have a plasti linked it oh nice the only problem is that i don't know what else i'm gonna need for the organs i can like guess but i'd probably be completely wrong because some of the stuff i need for this is like wait really i need [ __ ] polyalanine and diamonds well for skeleton that makes sense fibers root pustules is one that i would never guess so organs could be anything it could need [ __ ] shrubs um if i had to guess it would be like some benzene maybe some lubricant i don't know oh i wanted to make the still suit yeah synthetic fibers copper and arrow gel let's get on that snow suit give me that hydration so then i should only have to keep my food in check right yeah yeah cold suit i don't think i'm gonna need you anymore i'm gonna break you down into your cons no i'm not all of you go in there why not it's a [ __ ] party we're going on an adventure pepper oh you're so much deeper than ever before bro i'm gonna attach you to that look at this convoy that i have wait a second i didn't actually bring my teleportation module phew that could have been messy i'll bring a few more ion cubes or lube i said that i needed you're always gonna need lube on the go you know how does it feel guys knowing that you're better than me knowing that you don't have to sit here and look at me drive across this for ten minutes how does that feel it must feel great the the power movie magic hopefully this guy doesn't mess with me no he's miles away we're fine we're fine i just need to find my convoy to find the hole that's the first time i've heard that now yes we have devolved into crude humor folks it's evolved always been here it's a miracle that we made it this far we have depth module upgrades we're strong we're independent hopefully pepper's still in the back of this thing i'm doing a lot of banging i just hear an explosion and pepper's gone don't joke about that don't you even dare joke about that we got a great big convoy is she a beautiful sight we are a grapey cowboy rocking it through the night cowboy alrighty into the deep down dark deep down we go again further than ever before all right so down in here now i have no idea where to go i used to know i i kind of just winged it when i did it last time i mean like previous play through early access i don't have to get to like the end of this area and then doesn't it turn into red caves red crystals [ __ ] am i already lost i really wish there was some sort of indicator man some sort of marking system some sort of like landmark other than just like yeah keep exploring around and if you're going deeper you're going in the right direction that's [ __ ] okay i guess the reapers count as landmarks [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] how confusing is it to watch i feel like if i was watching this i'd be like jack how the [ __ ] do you know where you're going i don't i have a decent sense of where i'm going in real life but when it comes to subnautica it's so [ __ ] confusing man is that a third one oh god oh god oh god get off me get off me a dirty bastard oh that [ __ ] hurt a lot though holy [ __ ] pepper i'm sorry i'll heal you in a second rabbi no no no no no no no no no no oh maybe it's through the middle of the crystals oh yeah yeah yeah that's actually a really good landmark oh this has to be it could help you build my body alan i came here to learn about my sister and i did like i get i love you alan you're cool and all but i'm risking a hell of a lot to do this for you you better give me something cool like the next stage of evolution yeah baby nice [ __ ] yes let's go oh can i not go in with this oh okay um well let me do something here then um [ __ ] i'll come back out free up some space with this [Music] see what it's all about first wow wow i've only seen this place once in the early access so i this just feels fresh wow [Music] oh oh what you've heard yeah wait it's just lighting out in the open [Music] what the architect organs are effectively a network of bio-composite and cybernetic material containing a variety of subsystems the heart is a particularly complex centerpiece in this biological technological hybrid it moves blood and nutrients throughout the body to nourish and maintain the animal aspects of the alien corpus while also functioning as the primary energy source for the cybernetic neurological system sensory input is processed and filtered into a dense network of incredible computational power the architect brain no respiration or digestive system appears to be present suggesting a life that is fed entirely by sustained electrical energy and a body that can survive in environments that are otherwise extremely hostile to most life forms in spite of its intricate design the insistence on incorporating biological components exposes the architect body to the possibility of disease i was just about to say um that for people or for beings that are all about oh my god i think i actually brought the right stuff holy [ __ ] for beings that are all about like construct bionic organs with the scanned material both primary and secondary our designs provide for redundancies given your current location i think they could still be improved your feedback has been noted you have scanned all the components we need to make a storage um body are you excited using the chemical compounds available in your body i am able to approximate what you might call cautious optimism right so where do i go isn't this the thing or do i have to go deeper i was going to say for beings that are all about inefficiency and maximizing your potential and all that [ __ ] like having biological parts to your body seems very inefficient okay um yeah oh don't tell me it's two ribbon plants oh i brought one [Music] oh that's so unfortunate ion cubes and ribbon plants and the kyanite [Music] i mean i don't have anything to do here right now anyway so [Music] like where do i go next the fact that i even found this place is a [ __ ] miracle hey my sea trucks really nearby oh this isn't as complicated to get to as i thought it was oh i just went in a real big [ __ ] meandering ring of a way to get there yeah i went all the way left and through that when all i have to do is go down here oh [ __ ] rip and plant snake oh god not again flashbacks let me through what i've been through let me through oh god hopefully he can't get through oh he got stuck oh i gave him the dukes oh get [ __ ] sasquatch in the ocean oh alex we have gathered the necessary components to begin constructing my body wait what's next let's get you out of my head first you must find the fabrication facility oh it is concealed at some depths fabrication facility so you planned on needing to make new bodies it is a standard medical facility a medical facility where you just replace your whole body when it wears out sounds a little beyond standard to me alice was a research mission of the highest it's relative so robin what were you a scientist like me i am a scientist now so what happened your team found the vaccine and then please robin you have the components find the facility and construct the body okay but don't think i don't notice you changing the topic oh he um what if he turns out to be bad what if alan's a bad boy i don't want that i want alan to be nice um okay i need to put you in the back of this excellent so the fabric whoops no what what did i just do i dropped that no [ __ ] sake the fabricator cavern sounds like it's still here those must be the red crystals that i remember when you get down deeper so if i get to that i don't know maybe it's further down from where i was but i didn't really see a way to go when i was there oh god i don't know where i am now either oh why are you here what get out of here you dum-dum go back up oh that's so cool looking though oh we gotta broke them [Music] okay i need to be able to go searching though it's so stressful when you have those dudes above your head all the time it's like how am i supposed to search anything like alan any sort of [ __ ] help that you could give me would be great i think this direction goes further in why are you always chasing me why are you always where i want to be [ __ ] get off me you big hairy [ __ ] i'm fine i'm fine as long as he's not chasing me i'm fine i can just repair all day it's captain america to say i can just all day jesus i think this is further in because where's my yeah i'm going the opposite way of the sea trunk that's good that has to mean something oh red crystals okay we're on the right track we are sailing i knew i remember red crystals i wasn't crazy you're crazy man says talking to himself which direction do i go i don't even know if this is the right way there's another direction to the left back there oh god more shadow bastards oh more shadow bastards well this is the right direction for sure then a sense of the presence of a substantial facility unable to identify well you're just a [ __ ] oh god there's two of them you're just a [ __ ] basket of help aren't you alan i found it with none of your help you have used the build each fabricators we can assemble them i can transfer you out of my head i am anticipating it as much as you bring everything the whole gang's common that is exactly my inventory bro that's crazy all right alan let's build your [ __ ] body bro let's go hell yeah look how cool this is so alan yes you said your people came here in search of a cure i was a researcher you were a scientist like me my people regarded my scientific contributions with particular interests as i said like me if that is your interpretation so how did your valuable scientific mind wind up infected not my mind my body perhaps you should build the next component wow dope alan what are your thoughts on the current political climate so you came here to search for that does that mean the bacteria got out on your watch this subject is uncomfortable if you would like to know more i will ask that you first construct the final component huh why doesn't he want to talk about it also they talk about the i know they talked about a mutation of the kara getting out and that the pustules on the frozen leviathan are part of that right but i released the enzyme out that got rid of it like as a human going through the current climate of covet and all that the vaccines that we're building are effective against all the mutations that have happened so far so i feel like it would have still be effective against the mutations i don't know it's a space game about building a giant alien body so whatever this is the masterpiece will be what if he's a bad boy what will you do with your newfound freedom amends for the bacteria there seems to be a lot you're not telling me it is hard for me to find the words i must correct my thoughts you're a [ __ ] sentient alien being necessary you may initiate body fabrication sequence from the tongue oh hell you're still only an explanation i understand collect my thoughts i thought he thought anything instantaneously let's go the escape of the bacteria was an accident i thought my solution was foolproof did you cause the accident yes oh alan is that why he was left behind dude so cool damn are you doing research tit for tat you've probed my mind i scan your body that's so cool it's four legs got horns he looks like a centaur the complete physical architect vessel is a biotechnology and cybernetic hybrid incorporating design elements from more than 20 dna sources the outer layer of tissue has the consistency of leather the tissue is interlaced with channels of visibly glowing energy powered by the alien's internal biotechnological heart alan has six articulated arms that are suspended around his body by magnetic levitation these arms contain independent high-speed computing systems that are capable of performing tasks independently i didn't put magnets in you the organic arms are considered secondary to the inorganic robotic arms these are used for mundane tasks that don't require much fine motor movement the bottom half of the arms are covered in a bio-composite plating the plating might serve as a form of armor it it also appears to store latent energy buildups like capacitors the hoved legs are reminiscent of several species of mountain goats the hooves are covered in microscopic hooks that aid in exploring rough and uneven terrain the four legs and the hind legs are oddly close together which explains why walking might be a secondary mode of movement for this architect form the architect body is able to teleport or blink short distances this method is likely a scaled-down version of the teleportation gates but the methodology is not well understood it is likely that architects body is able to provide the massive amount of power necessary for this function yeah because they the little teleporter dudes that they build have that technology technology as well dna fragments appear to be derived from the following sources chromium bohr of caldwell prime uh putty serpent of apostica a snake tensile skin electrode eel of lith lython astral rays moons of maradon i'm not reading all of these um the markers of at least a dozen other biological species are present but unrecognized at this time initiate transfer alan this is where he part ways sorry alan i need a thumbnail oh it's so cool to look at though i turned off the hood because i wanted to see the sequence like that but it turns off the subtitles as well and some people need those so i'm gonna turn that back on nice nice nice nice it's gonna be so lonely now did it work are we so cool it has been some time since i last stretched out in so many dimensions like waking from a dream wow whoa hey you waved you're really not in my head anymore there are some remnants would you like your memories of me removed as well are you kidding no way you still owe me the end of your story i told you i must return home to assess repair make amends tell me more when the bacteria escaped it was my fault i disobeyed the directive from my network oh no jesus we noticed that a species of leviathan young produced an enzyme that is efficient against the bacteria i thought if we incubated sea dragon eggs we might expertise their hatchet i was not wrong but it would appear that sea dragon parents are stronger and more motivated than our facility was rated to happen and the bacteria got out affecting everything how many survived the outbreak back home are they still waiting for someone to bring back a cure i do not know can i help the fact that i withheld this information does not consent certainly manipulative i've also made my own share of mistakes i'm still committed to helping i accept your help find me at the gate when you are ready in the meantime i must prepare signal location uploaded to pda whoa wait is this like the end are we ending it here now please i will join you in the game place when everything is ready but for now i have much to prepare wait i thought there was going to be like a whole thing like i have to build like the neptune rocket like last time we might be ending the game here i'm sad i don't want it to be over yet oh god now to get gotta get out of this place alan could you like like kill these oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh my god i'm gonna die so that's interesting alan is the reason that any of this happened in the first place it's cool that you actually get to converse with one of them and you actually get to meet them and see what they look like again i don't know if that's what all of them look like or if that's just the body that we happened to build for him i'd like to think that some of them are a little different but generally the same sort of thing it kind of looks like the shape of the statue that we saw but i'd like to think that they look more like the statue than they do that body that we made that they're more elegant and sleek his form is a bit bulky and noisy you know so is there nothing else i have to do is that stuff with my sister really wrapped up can i just go straight to this i feel like this is a different place than i've been before because i thought it was in the glacial basin but that's like way over that direction and i said like loops all the way back around oh wait this is just oh [Music] oh jesus stop flying into my ship how did i get in here oh wait am i doing it where they even am i oh this looks like it for sure oh yeah oh for sure bud wait can i come here all this time where is this oh whoa is this the original first base in the early access version oh shut up no i'm the little snowman yeah [ __ ] you snowman oh god that's kind of sad yeah this is the base that okay if you haven't seen me play the early access version of this if this is your first why did altera use this place for researchers here were trying to fight me huh so in the early access version of the game before the story was rewritten completely and sam and robin were together like sam was still alive and robin and her interacted with the spaceship in the sky this is where you woke up right yeah and then you just went about your day and then this all got snowed in when the storm happened originally the meteors weren't crashing it was just a storm that blew in and you got cut off from this area and as you were coming down here i think this all got snowed in um so you have to go you have to seek shelter in the water because this place was unsafe research station zero welcome to your home away from home at 45 46 speeds brochure ceiling sector zero is compromised comprised of two square kilometers of ocean bordered by mountainous terrain to the north and west this region of the planet is covered in snow and ice left in a mostly permanent winter extreme weather events make for spectacular sky displays at all hours for unknown reasons it was selected by architects as a hub for their installations life in the area has flourished since the release of enzyme 42 into the larger ecosystem get comfortable research station zero feature state-of-the-art facilities okay you value you valued member of the frost pack have been chosen to occupy the main sector base just below the primary alien research site from here you will conduct research into alien communications and technologies oh yeah because there is oh originally when you leave this area at the start of the game you went off to look at this and it was like oh what's that you don't really do anything with it and then you turn around and on your way back it gets snowed in that's so weird the original start of the game is now the end of the game harvest produce grow beds plant seeds refill engine oil send weekly varnish repair recalibrate okay so you're saying that these people i mean the game's gonna end so it's no point getting all this stuff is there whoa whoa see this is how the original game started so they were looking for alan here they were researching him interesting samantha are you was this sam's space what was she doing all the way out here oh maybe there is more i don't think i have a choice i have to neutralize the bacteria myself or not i'm a little nervous okay terrified but this thing is a death sentence we shouldn't be messing around with it i'm no biologist i know so does everyone else here i haven't spoken to danny since we thought about it zeta said she'd handle it and then didn't lil practically begged me to drop it this is completely beyond the scope of your work you have to stop before you jeopardize your standing with the company i don't want good standing with a transgov that would do this robin tried to warn me maybe she was right and altera really is unfixable maybe i deserve better than this we all do i've synthesized the antibacterial agent i know my biochem at least well enough to do that much i've stashed some away in one of the pangling research caves southeast of the leviathan that was probably the easy part now i just have to carry out the plan focus be brave worry about what happens next after the threat is neutralized they're going to know it was me if they send me home when they send me home where the ice isn't 20 feet thick i can get my auggie bun back we can cuddle under a nice warm blanket things with robin will thaw out they always do besides i think she'll respect this and then maybe i'll start my own research outfit with an awesome team i'd love to work on prosthetics again help people find peace and ease in their bodies no more cold no more spying nothing that can be misused all right now is my time i've got this well it's a little weird that you're telling me where it is now i've already found it um yeah she was here researching [ __ ] and her spy pangling blueprint is on the wall um not right now um that is interesting so her whole thing was just trying to altera were using the bacteria the koran infection and mutating it and trying to figure out different applications for it blah blah blah so she was just trying to put a stop to that secretly hmm okay ah my darlings brian sveya and aaron i'm counting the days until i can come home and give you all the hugs and kisses since my research project was cancelled they have me at a place called outpost zero doing nothing much just cataloging things plants the occasional animal but it's mostly ice where i am so there's not a lot of new stuff to find sveya and oren you know how you get bored when your hover dance teacher makes you practice skills 15 minutes over schedule and it eats up your freestyle time it's a bit like that but i have a new roommate samantha a roboticist you should see her little bangling box oran you'd love them but she got management upset i guess this is just where they send you if they decide you're too much trouble i'm kind of glad she's here though i was getting lonely i'm still trying quietly i don't want any more trouble to figure out where i went wrong i was sure i picked up a distress signal i was right on top of it and then it just stopped what if someone an architect is still down there and needs help i'll be home before i ever get to find out and it will fall to some future researcher to come and find out i guess i i hope but oh i can't wait to be home with you when are you going to send me some more art there's still a patch of bare wall here that could use some colour and a touch of genius i miss you i love you i hope you're still proud of me i'm proud of you hmm sounds like she was just trying to do her best oh cute pictures well cute some some uh developers kid might have actually drawn these and i don't want to be too harsh um ah that's the the big gun shut down the sunbeam interesting interesting learning a little bit more ain't nothing in there anything else kitty hey sam you want to say hi to my kids i told them i'd show them a day in the life of a scientist of course hi oren hi sveya tell us what you're working on oh um this is a personal project looks more like biology than robotics yeah i was just thinking i know no one is on my side with this but what if i just found a way to take care of the deadly bacterium i i wouldn't say no one is on your side i'm on your side i know but you won't say anything to emmanuel or zeta or anyone what effect would it have if i did i'm not exactly employee of the month right now i know i wouldn't want you to risk more than you already have i'm sorry i wish i could do more what what are you working on there and what do you mean by take care of the deadly bacterium uh is that thing still recording oh right uh so that was sam kids i'll turn this off now he just left that lying around oh man so that lady wanted to find alan basically and she got right on top of a signal but couldn't find it like how you have all this technology and you can map out everything and all this advanced stuff all around here but you couldn't hone in on a signal it was like 100 meters under the water it wasn't that hard for me to find i found it by accident this time while other teams have been pursuing more nebulous approaches to awakening the architects i've tried to take a more practical approach we know these part organic part digital beings stored what they thought of as themselves on computers within their centuries and we know efforts to wake or communicate with them have been in vain my theory is that to make first contact these digital ghosts must first be recombined with an organic component as dr kazleni's classic study noted we know they had means to grow cybernetic bodies and to transfer their data patterns between them there is a known probable architect sanctuary in this sector but entry is not currently possible if i can get inside and present the right vessel i do think we will be successful just bang on the money we all wanted to know too much about architects i could not let her she was what you call them or tearing what did you think she would do to you she might have discovered the gateway to our own world i thought it was not to take the chance are we going to your homeworld is that why i'm here whoa what the [ __ ] oh what the [ __ ] oh man this is gorgeous builder fragment okay here's something bits and pieces of everything around here should just come here first scan them all man it's kind of nostalgic to be back here but it's kind of just reminding me how much i loved the original intro to the game i'll get into that afterwards and we'll we'll have a deep dive in our discussions and our thoughts about the game okay i just want to go to the phase gate i want to go see your homeworld bro i want to see more architects we're probably not going to get to see them are we not sure in a bit we just teleport somewhere and then it cuts to credits thank you for giving me warm appreciate you yeah this place and then i came out and it was like oh crash bang thunder wow so blue yeah this is the first place you got to come to originally alan you're here that's very different before this was all just blocked off from what i remember are you prepared yes there is much to do whoa that was cool whoa holy [ __ ] it's him blinking around that's so dope nice can hi alan take me away do you still wish to leave with me beyond this teleporter there is no turning back are you kidding i can't pass up a chance to see where architects come from besides i don't have another ride i do not know what we will find there the others may be sick or angry if they live at all oh no i'm ready bro okay bye well i guess that's if you haven't finished up margarite side of things you know what it was an honor below zero thank you 4546b for taking me on a journey once more we're heading off now and to the far distant beyond to greener pastures literally lots of green what what is there i don't know we're gonna find out together let's go oh hell yeah i thought i was just gonna cut what's going on ellen this is your homeworld and i think the teleporter brought us to the other side of 4546b just in time the phase gate is opening oh wait it actually did this is the actual way this gate here this whole time oh it was imperative to keep the homeworld safe in hopes that the others survived yeah god damn now this is some dope ass [ __ ] well this is different whoa dude i'm a [ __ ] prawn suit what do i do i can't click anything alan what do we do these things i don't know maybe this one what flying yeah probably shouldn't trust this to a newbie alan [Music] had i never done this before i love i was joking that we just look like we're on the same planet we literally were holy [ __ ] that's cool looking i love this massive stuff in the distance okay oh can i kind of fly bro this is weird okay had some practice now up you go okay you're so [ __ ] terrible at it i like help return to me and i will initiate a ship assembly [ __ ] yeah alan let's go thank you the masters are in place the energy field is ready there is no time to lose whoa could you okay back and forth back and forth god damn oh what what you doing there buckaroo oh [ __ ] it's happening alan i'm coming down you kidding me i'm stuck at the [ __ ] lib waited take me out in a moment i apologize the levitator was calibrated yeah i like that answer say that ready to leave the past behind good please brace yourself and then we will depart all right brace myself launching in three two one i'd hold on a lot harder this feels like it's gonna go a million miles an hour [Music] wow damn all right jesus what will we find when we get there if i am the last of my kind i will experience the sorrow of ten thousand souls or here we go again i want to see the planet though i hope we get to see it yes don't get goosebumps holy [ __ ] and if they survived with you i am ready to face whatever awaits that was cool and now now credits damn that was so cool looking holy [ __ ] i was not expecting any of that damn well done that ending was way way better than i thought it was going to be um i'm so glad we got to see something because i was worried that we would just cut straight to credits and we wouldn't actually get to see anything you were just going to tease it all and then not actually get anywhere with it but that was really cool holy crap wait third game maybe no i mean that would be fine if that's where it ended um i'd like to see where these devs could go next because some of this felt like okay i guess we should just get into like review aspects of it overall i liked it um i think my main gripe with it is that it just feels a little too much like more subnautica which is a weird thing to say because that's not necessarily a bad thing because subnautica is great um it's just it felt like the wonder of things kind of wore off a bit faster but that also could just be because i played so much of the early access of it and that's why i stayed away from the early access after a while even though i saw most of what the game had to offer by then but i kind of wish i didn't play any of the early access after a while because i i wish i was experiencing most of this for the first time like making alan's body and everything but i just couldn't help myself it was so fun um so there there are really really strong elements in it some of that like that ending is stronger than some of the parts in the first subnautica the ending of the first nautica hit me hard though emotionally i cried at the end of that game because it just meant so much to me and rounding it off but they they do their endings really well but i think a lot of what i was doing just felt a little too much like i was retreading the same ground as subnautica one again i guess this isn't really something too but you know what i mean like it's probably the same for a lot of you like yeah i'm getting titanium and i'm getting these things i'm getting that stuff like i'm getting all the same kind of things again and there's a a nice warmth blanket of that at some point where it's like oh it's good to be back and doing the same stuff but for like a sequel kind of thing hey there's me again that's really sweet youtubers and streamers everywhere exactly a lot of people playing this game a lot of people made it really worthwhile so that's nice they didn't have to do that again seriously for the first game it was very very very nice of them to do and there's an element of it like yeah you picked up the game and got it shown to people and whatnot so they they thanked people for that but for this one i feel like the first game just speaks for itself that everyone wants to play the sequel of it or the next version of it so i feel like you don't need to thank youtubers again but it's very nice that you did um and thank them for making the game and making it so fun because like i'm going to talk about stuff that i would have changed or stuff that i personally didn't relate to but whenever i do this kind of thing people tend to think that i'm being harsh or aggressive or that i didn't like it or whatnot it's just that the things that are good i feel like i already talked about like their engine i don't know what engines are using maybe it's just unreal engine or unity or something um but what they've done with it is phenomenal like that big [ __ ] ship at the end and getting to go in with alan and then have it move and go through all that like all of this stuff is insane and having a whole game based around water i've said it the first time is just phenomenal water is usually the thing in games that makes frame rates choke and they made a whole [ __ ] game out of it again like the stuff that they do in the underwater environments and the shadows and the lighting and the the textures and stuff that they use in the art style and the imagination that they have for all of this is phenomenal they do incredible work like this sound design is always top-notch soundtrack was impeccable in this one i i loved everything about the experience um the stuff that i have issue with is kind of like gameplay related and again having played the early access before i'm going to say it again that having seen what the original intention for the story was and then going back and playing this one this one just kind of felt it felt a little flatter to me because i didn't really i know you want them i wanted to feel for the sisters i wanted to feel for sam i wanted to feel emotionally connected to that narrative but i just didn't it wasn't connecting with me at all and then it was just kind of over and that was kind of it unless i missed something huge and then that's a big blunder on my part um but it kind of felt like it just wrapped up and then there was no other markers for me to go anywhere else so i don't know if there was other stuff to find i'm really sorry the game wasn't really pointing me in many directions towards the end but i i feel like what i would have liked to see and what i thought the original story was going to be that when they were rewriting it was that i liked the idea of working on the planet already i love that idea of like waking up going about your routine getting your cup of coffee going out opening that door and seeing like your surroundings and being like wow yeah i work here and then going into that phase gate area it would have been cool if you went in and you were like monitoring that as an alteran all this time like you worked for all terra this is what my idea for a a different take on this story would be where my sort of narrative choices would go that's not to say this story is bad i don't want anybody saying that because the devs worked really really hard on it anyway and it was still good it's just not for me personally um and many of you probably love that story and probably will hate what i'm about to say but i would have loved like going to that phase gate right at the start of the game then it's like oh we've been working here for ages and there's like this little backstory that's unspoken but it's kind of like you feel like you're doing that routine again where you're going in and there's always been something in there like an architect cube that's just not waking up and you're you've been trying for like a year day after day trying to get this thing to wake up and then suddenly it delights and you don't know why and then it's alan and he talks to you and he connects with you but only you and he doesn't say anything to altera but warns you about them and then sam is up on the ship still alive and she works for altair and is talking to you through your day you start off the game and it's like hey just another day in like 45 46b huh how is it oh i heard from mom today like that kind of like banter back and forth it's like okay sisters and then after you get the stuff with alan sam starts asking you questions and you're kind of going a bit silent on her because alan's telling you stuff about altera where you're like oh maybe altera isn't what they're all cracked up to be and he's like no they wanted to use my technology for bad and then sam is on the ship and she's working with you against altera so it's like your man on the inside or your woman on the inside and she's like you're a person in the chair who's like feeding you information about it but she's trying not to get caught and every now and then when she calls you it's like oh i gotta go like they're right behind me and then for a while they're like oh i hope she's okay and then another call you get like gets interrupted and she's like screaming she's like oh robin help they found me blah blah then you don't hear from her for ages and it's just you and alan and then you're like [ __ ] i hope my sister's okay and then later you find out that they've imprisoned her or she got away or something and she gives you these secret documents like [ __ ] all terror were trying to do something bad with all of this and then you find out this big whole like plot of like government espionage that altera are actually really evil which they kind of allude to in this anyway and then you and your sister try and destroy them from the inside with alan and then you use his technology to like go up to the spaceship or go to the architect planet or collect sam on your way there and you all leave but you like try and destroy altera on your way out something like that you know that's that's the kind of story i would love because i think i would be more emotionally invested in that because there's bigger stakes involved in that this one it felt like there was no stakes i came to find out what happened to my sister turns out it's kind of what they said it was there's a little bit more to it but i didn't feel threatened by anything i didn't feel an urgency for anything in the original subnautica you're stranded so your urgency is to get off the planet as soon as possible and then you find this whole backstory about what happened on the planet this one you know the backstory of the planet you know the creatures that are here you know what happened we're retreading some of the same turf and then it's just there was no stakes in anything i didn't have any urgency to get off the planet i didn't have any urgency to find out what happened to my sister sure i wanted to there was no real urgency to get allen's body back he kept alluding to things here and there but it was just the fact that it was a game and i had to complete the game steps for that so i don't know i just didn't really connect with it as much as i did the first game it's still a decent game and if this is your first venture into subnautica it's still going to tide you over very very well it's still a very fun experience um but those are just some of my thoughts i'd still highly recommend it i still think it's a decent follow-up to the original subnautica but it's more of like an expansion like a dlc sort of thing than it is a fledged sequel um i would love to see more of the architect stuff that stuff always tickles my fancy the stuff that alan was my favorite part of this game and getting to put back together his body and then seeing him in action and seeing how powerful he really is and how powerful the architects are um but then they talked about them leaving and going back to their home planet and all that stuff so i would love to see stuff like that or i would just love to see them do more sci-fi stuff because i think they're really really talented dev studio and i think their eye first off is really good um so i just want to see what they do next um maybe take on a different sort of game i think they said that we're working on something else so that would be cool to see um but yeah the stuff with sam kind of felt like it felt it felt a little flat for me the allen stuff i felt like should have been the main story it kind of felt like there was two like b side stories going on and the main story was never really present like i i like i'm the main character in the game but i didn't really feel like it i felt like i was doing i was living up to my sister's legacy but then also following alan i felt like i was just kind of like a bystander in everybody else's story um so i don't know let me know what you guys think maybe you think i'm full of [ __ ] and maybe you think that the game was amazing and that i'm wrong and that's totally fine as well it's just my personal sort of feelings as i was going through it and the stuff about the bacteria and it releasing and mutating and all that stuff was just like yeah i get it but again didn't really feel too threatening i feel like we needed to have more of that altera or bad it kind of like looming over me like someone was going to come get me at some point but i felt like i just had free reign to do whatever i want even though i was using their technology and like building stuff that they like their blueprints and all that kind of stuff so i don't know feels a little strange but anyway that was subnautica below zero thank you guys so much for watching i had a blast playing this it's so fun to have a series like this that you can just sit down relax enjoy take your time with it explore as much as you want and have people every day react to it and give feedback and tell their stories and talk about how much they liked coming home every day and after work or school or something and having an episode from jacksepticeye to watch so it warmed my heart to see people's reactions to the series which is funny because it was all about terrifying cold temperatures um but yeah that ending i'm going to think about for a while that was really cool because the ending of the first one hit me hard it was fun and had a lot of spectacle to it but this took it up to 11. that was dope i want more of that i want to see what they can really do as a dev studio if they focus in on that sort of like big cosmic [ __ ] that was awesome uh but yeah thank you guys so much for watching what the next series is going to be i have no idea but we'll see it on the horizon whenever it happens but thank you guys i'll see you next time
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,492,368
Rating: 4.9775791 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, subnautica, subnautica below zero, subnautica below zero full game, full release, end, ending
Id: pQAbTXeKG40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 23sec (4643 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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