The FIRST TIME you discover pigs in Minecraft...

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to minecraft no look there's that there's that sad face again why is that everywhere anyway in the last video i asked for 15 000 likes in order to get this episode and a fair play you guys absolutely smashed it as this time we're going to step it up we're going to step up a lot i'm going to say 22 000 likes will be required to get episode four because it's not nice embarrassing myself like i'm well aware i'm a noob at this um i do love playing it it's just the sleepless nights of reading the abusive comments i'm joking by the way but anyway back in engiotopia let's press the old triangle and we are in what the frig is that noise does anyone hear that what's going on out there i don't know we have our own house now and look i know how to open doors i'm learning all the time oh crap then frank me did you see that you bastard boosh boosh ow you got me break up ow you prick no he's gonna kill me i got him i got him it's okay i got him thankfully i i found out you can turn off that also jump thing i don't know how it got turned on not really a fan but now i have to press space myself no more being lazy oh [ __ ] another knob monster why so early in the game we've already just started oh bollocks i'm gonna blow up another house aren't they right [ __ ] off see ya is there anything in here no not really right i'm gonna i'm gonna eat a pork chop because i've learned now if you fill up your food bar my hearts are going up what is all that noise what's going on over here oh you guys trapped down oh no now i'm trapped down here no i know i know don't worry guys i got this do you see what's in my hand yes that's got your attention hasn't it this is called a pickaxe and we can use it to get rid of mud and look we're at we're free i saved you oh they're having a moment now oh that duck just laid an egg look now i have an egg right anyway the mission for today i feel like we we've explored this like villagey town thing it was cool it was cool but i don't think it's really for me my aim today is to head back to my base whatever direction that was in and uh we're gonna we're gonna do some base building i think we might need some wood first thing try chop download or wood wait no no not pickaxe an actual axe that makes a lot more sense [ __ ] are you freaking bastard god damn it i hate nob monsters they're the bane of this game all right let's respawn oh god damn it nobody look at the crater where's that giant dude i thought it was meant to be helping me all right do we have all of our stuff or did some of it get glued up oh we've got an iron axe as well we don't need to use the wooden one i'm also gonna grab the supplies from here so there's a load of coal which we'll take with us oh seriously mate piss off ah what are these things why are they a thing i don't like that look look at this place it's like freaking it's like it's been artillery it was meant to be a kids game oh no this is the wonky tree i know that was the one that was the original wonky tree i think i'm gonna leave that one all right the question is what way did we come from i know we came through that temple didn't we oh look i think that's it on the horizon so we'll head towards that and oh what is this on the ground that's not a coincidence like that what way is that pointing look can you see over there it's pointing directly towards the temple nice it's not always a bad thing that that shape follows me all right it's rather temple i might grab like some of these colored things if i select my pickaxe oh look it's hollow yeah look we're getting some new recipes for doing that what if i'd get the sad face one does that do i now have a sad face block oh yeah because that's chiseled sandstone you can see the face on it if you zoom in we've got chiseled sandstone we've got a slab and we've got normal sandstone and also just sand cool loads of stuff oh wait what was the orange one the orange one was terracotta nice so i'm guessing purple oh oh how am i going to get down there without dying i want to go down should i like dig where the wall is what if i is that the wall yeah what if i dig down hang on oh i might get trapped i need a ladder to get out how can i build a ladder search lad oh are there not ladders in this game oh do i need a crafting table i might need a crafting table all right we're going to do that we're going to go back to oh no it's night time [ __ ] it's night time oh wait is that a new village over there there's a new village let's go check out the new village maybe they'll have a crafting table and nighttime's awesome you can find all sorts of good stuff oh [ __ ] what it's a spider it's a spider we're gonna go this way no i need to eat another pork chop or an egg oh no i threw the egg oh i meant to eat it all right we'll eat some bread and a steak steak sandwich yummy all right so here we are at the lovely new crap it's a zombie village what eggs are any doors can i go inside okay all right i'm taking shelter in here there's a zombie apocalypse i'll let those people i kick you out the bed sorry mate sorry i just i'm really tired yoink oh i can't rest there's monsters nearby he's come back to bed oh well at least they're not hurting me am i just gonna have to wait it out then if i can't sleep oh my god look how many enemies are out there it's probably like the apocalypse i don't like this hey that one's got a shovel aha i've slept right it's morning now sweet let's get out of it oh god look at the enemies they're all on fire not monster no monster run away watch out man wait [ __ ] off [ __ ] that blew up it blew up her zombie everything's on fire this place is terrifying oh there's a bell i ring the bell they all come over think no is the answer oh god i've attracted a knob monster piss off man no don't blow up the bell don't blow the bell go away like oh bollocks oh i've gained a bell cool oh [ __ ] balls i just fell down i did not want to fall down [ __ ] hell oh what do i do i don't know what to do i don't know how to build a ladder do i need like a crafting box thing to be able to build one right come on matt you can minecraft your way out of this i'll tell you what i've got a great a great pun actually i can craft my way out of this mine gets it anyway crafting table then can we search for a ladder yes ladder oh it costs loads of sticks okay so to make sticks [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] no why'd you sneak up on me oh no i'm on fire bog off oh man this game's so scary i don't like it where'd that guy even come from i've got nine ladders i don't think nine ladders are gonna get us out of here it might be so if i if i plonk it there can i jump to that no bollocks oh we're so close i'll tell you what can i just pickaxe my way out [ __ ] no you send ah bollocks that isn't structural all right can't really afford to fall that far again but i think i'm out if i just destroy that yes we're free we're free right now i'm gonna go explore in safety because i know i can mine as long as i don't die oh if we hold shift we can just mine from here we're getting like coins or something it's making a cool noise oh look at this we're getting all the stuff the bar at the bottom is going up cool we did a nice bit of mining there i think guys we are mining in minecraft can i like dig this up and take it with me yes oh that's cool that's good to know oh yeah we're going back to the temple oh i wanted to make ladazy and i failed at that what do we need to make sticks thanks what do we need to make planks oh you can just use wood and i've got loads of sticks i'm gonna dig this up and actually move this indoors i think that might be the sensible thing to do so go in this house this house served us well last time okay so i'm making a ladder so i can get down the temple that was the original way we've taken the scenic route to that but we need a crapload of ladder even though i have sort of figured out i could just mine my way out i feel like as an engineer i should probably go with ladders rather than steps all right i'm gonna sleep all right so we've slept through another day we've got our ladders we are gonna head back to the temple which was i think that's it over there oh god nod monster alright so here we are so i think we just dig straight down oh nice nice we're down we're down what was that ah [ __ ] no oh there's a button it was a baby trap oh my ball x oh that means i don't have any of my stuff i'm gonna make a wooden pickaxe i think this is like what minecrafters do they just like punch trees like yeah i need three of them to make a thing was it just two sticks like that and that on top like a knob shape i don't know why it's a knob shape that's quite weird but yeah there you go wooden pickaxe so that means we should be able to dig down to where all our stuff is pretty quickly as long as our stuff didn't get blown up i'm not entirely sure how this game works right so let's dig down oh god look at the mess we made down here oh [ __ ] that was a big explosion is this all my stuff no i think all my stuff's gone oh bollocks my stuff got blown to smithereens no well that sucks what's that oh new recipe oh these are the strawberries oh we got we've only got a shitty wooden axe that doesn't even mine it bollocks oh that means we've got no ladders we're trapped we're trapped oh this is the worst day ever i literally can't even see where i'm going don't even know if i'm facing up or down let's just dig that way oh daylight daylight oh thank god i'm a little bit worried my pickaxe is running out of axe-ness oh we just about made it oh and it just can you believe that the last the last way up and it exploded uh right so we're we are i think the word the term we're looking for is we are utterly bollocked now is there any point in going over there do they have anything i need we might have some food yes we've got food i'm gonna nick his bed as well i mean in fact this place is quite nice we could nicole i could do some torches i think actually i could do with the chest as well chests seem useful cheers guys and a door why not all right it's getting dark it is getting dark so we're gonna head back to my base or should we not sold it we're going to sleep through the night because i feel that's the sensible thing to do all right out the way dude i'm sleeping oh look this is all food oh this is loads of food man i am pillaging these guys i'm guessing how it works look at this you've got to have like water and then you can turn that into planting i wonder how you get water like up in the air right you're free piggies run with the wind do you want to follow me are you following me they're following me right we've stolen pigs we're going back to our base which i don't know where it is do you know where my base is no all right all right look we gained another one all right come on pigs we're off to the market i just hope there's a way back oh no one's distracted stop being distracted wait that's it follow me follow the engineer oh yeah third person i can actually see what's going on oh god we've gained a rabbit as well have we no he's just watching i think it might be because i'm holding a carrot alright can you guys jump up that yeah come on look we have actually gained a rabbit as well this is very surreal i did not know this is what minecraft was about luring pigs to their doom i don't know i don't know if i'm gonna get oi pig i said i was luring you oh bollock says bloody there's water can pigs swim oh yeah we're gonna have to see if you guys can swim i'm not sure there's a way around otherwise i think that's my base yes swimming pigs oh no i'm not swimming or swim space i always forget you have to swim come on piggies oh man they can swim but very very slowly come on back to the safety of my sky base come on all of you all of you come on angie that's it this is so cool all right so through here we'll go across this river as well piggies come on come nibble my carrot it's a little bit weird all right it's still quite a long way and i'm pretty sure this was where we saw the uh the enderman dude so if you see him run basically got that right we are very nearly there piggies look at it look how beautiful it is you would not believe the engineering that went into that structure guys cantilevered beams absolute nightmare uh right the question is how do we get up i cannot remember oh look we've gained we're getting some sheep are you guys interested in carrots no but there is a pig up there we can we can become five pigs wait pig down here yes all right five little piggies we've got enough to do the nursery rhyme now that's it this way this way i will admit getting up here was a little bit easier with auto jump i know we've lost one we lost one come on oh no one fell off all right careful guys it's a steep hill very dangerous up here all right we've still got five pegs go careful careful all right pigs will you drop down no you're going to come through the door all right let me open it let me open oh they're just over the top yes we've got pigs all right back to first person oh god did you just have a piglet they just had a piglet one two three four five six i'm multiplying pigs i'm a farmer all right we've got granite so i'm going to extend the base holy crap there's loads of pigs and let me crouch down i don't know how to get you up me oh you can't fall off if you crouch oh you can't fall off if you crouch if you move back a bit mate i can there you go okay do that do that that's it no i'll open the door if i get if i grab a carrot now okay come this way come this way yes we've gained another pig wait where's all the other pigs no they've committed pig aside and pigs might use doors oh god damn it hang on we're gonna have to build a wall god damn i did not realize pigs could do that i assume it's got to be too high as well wait they're all escaping stop escaping carrots carrots carrots carrots ready ready carrots mmm carrots i don't think they can use doors oh no i punched a pig sorry there you go now come in now come in he's gone he's gone inside the block come this way come this way that's it all right i think he's in i'm gonna shut the door behind him we're gonna build in sandstone now this is like the shittiest base anyone's ever built we're losing our view just to save pigs but it's only temporary just so i can survive the night all right pigs i think you're safe now there's only three of you i'm gonna go find your friends actually i'm gonna i'm gonna have a nap first i remember i've got a bed so let's place a bed down and we've saved the game that was stressful that was a very stressful day oh god no they're escaping damn pigs they're too clever pigs there you go here you go oh there's a load down there yes pigs are in all right wait there guys we'll be fine i'm gonna out i'm gonna go get you some more friends to play with so there's one pig what are you how did you get there oops i may have killed him oh no i did kill him i can see his bacon and we can't let that go to waste though can we alright so over here is a load of pigs so come on piggies oh man can i can i trap a bee that's gonna be our next plan trying to befriend a bee not that you're not enough for me pigs just you know all right come on pigs come on down yay oh this is the best look at them they all love me is it like queue to throw they go you can have a carrot who wants it i know you get off the fire get off the fire frigate now we might have to raise the fire [ __ ] [ __ ] get off the fire get off the fire man oh you idiot he committed pig aside all right the fire is too dangerous we're gonna have to put it on some stone oh bollocks i've forgotten how to make fire right be right back i'll be right back oh what the hell there's more pigs down there hang on hang on hang on pegs pigs look yes we've gained another pig that'll make up for the one that just died right i've still got the old wooden pickaxe in there so i may as well use that to dig these up and then we'll place these in our base i feel like that's a better location for them all right so along this edge i reckon we've got crafting table furnace and a chest no no they're using it to escape you cheeky bastard piggies they nearly outsmarted me nearly oh bloody pigs all right and then we gotta make a camp fire how do we do that again oh we need we need logs damn it i just need logs right okay all right wait here pigs all right thankfully a load of trees it so we'll have some of you like log log all right so i think it was sticks like that charcoal in the middle and then logs underneath yeah yeah i remembered campfire all right so now the campfire goes on there and now no one can commit suicide and we can plonk some torches like along there for now right lovely and i feel like it might be nice to have some windows it's a bit dark up here so can we make them in here maybe with sand yeah look glass we just need something to fire it so charcoal d and then was it just sand and we got sandstone no we need just sand what does sandstone do there's an arrow the arrow's moving does it turn it into sand smooth sandstone i don't ever want to do that i don't know if that's helping we need glass next i do are these guys gonna be okay like do they just eat the grass is that all right i don't want them to die they need water i love that there's a baby one you're so cute me you're so cute oh but it's night time so let's let's have a sleep in the bed this might be a bit weird sleeping with like 10 pigs but i i had a good night's sleep did you guys sleep alright yeah no more bigger sides and where's the baby one where's the bit oh there he is i thought you're gone all right we're gonna have to get back to the iron the iron age again well we've literally got nothing i just realized we don't even have a sword so it will make a stone pickaxe and a stone sword and that will do us and then we'll shove everything else in this chest well notice we've got pork chop i think we can use the campfire no maybe not i thought i swear someone in the comments said you could use the campfire to cook without using food without using like anything up maybe they lied they probably lied there's something i did notice though i have an oak fence the question is does that stop pigs escaping so let's try so if we get rid of that and that i don't seem to want to escape sweet okay we'll do that instead of instead of glass we're gonna have like a proper balcony and i don't know if they can use my bed to jump out maybe we should keep this end as like a building and maybe just this end as the balcony no no no no no no no no little piggy i literally keep being outsmarted by pigs all right there we go we've got a view again we got a view again and uh now i'm gonna go do some mining and we're gonna try and get back to the iron age and then we're gonna like do up this base properly i'm well aware how [ __ ] it is all the different materials it's oh i feel so nubish i really feel newbish but i think that's for another episode so guys peace love and a pack of pigs i'll catch you guys next time bye [Music]
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 135,027
Rating: 4.9710512 out of 5
Keywords: professionals play games, experts play, minecraft, funny, moments, first time, minecraft gameplay, minecraft series, game, lets play, pc, pc game, minecraft funny, minecraft part 1, new series, never played before, minecraft new, minecraft survival, minecraft house, minecraft lets play, gameplay, diamonds, gaming, survival, real civil engineer, mine craft real engineer, real civil engineer minecraft, first time minecraft, mine craft, minecraft first time 2021
Id: 0fo2xuuBU8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 15 2021
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