Engineering the PERFECT space colony on a barren planet! InfraSpace!

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thank you to the patrons for supporting today's video without you this video would not exist because schmeichel my editor would have died from hunger and starvation but thankfully because of all these people on screen we are able to feed him one meal every two weeks so thank you very much people anyway hello fellow engineers and welcome to infraspace now this is a game i've been keeping my eye on now it's got very city skyline vibes but also like factorio i guess either way it looks bloody fun and there's roads everywhere and you know me i love a road so let's start a new game difficulties medium yep that's cool that sounds like me medium map all right so here we are we start in a barren landscape look at it it's so barren except for what's that in the distance unfortunately it's it's not gold do you smell that smells a bit eggy yep it's sulfur uh but there's all sorts of things not about there's not a sulfur we've got copper we've got iron uh very cool yeah so let's choose i don't know down here we'll start we'll start by these two so the game starts off we have a load of resources to start with we've got 400 concrete we've got 80 steel now we obviously have no power because we're not generating power we've got 20 people working for us now they're all hiding at the moment they're all underground or something there's no jobs available but we have 20 house i don't know where the housing is where's the how hello where's my house i can't find my house oh yeah so to start off we build a road so we come down to here this little road icon and uh we've we've got two types of roads so we've got this one which is a two-way road it's called a gravel road i'm not really sure if that's true once you see it and then we've got this one which isn't unlocked yet but you can see there's a little arrow there that's a one-way road but as that's not unlocked we'll go with the normal gravel road yes it's not gravel yeah so you click on that and then you realize how big the freaking map look how small that dot is look that's how wide our road is um so i think to start we're just gonna do like a straight line across there and what i like about this can you see like by doing a straight line the road like disappears under the sand that's because the ground is like undulating word of the day whereas the road is trying to be completely flat so if we plop that there for eight concrete you see now our road has added some vertical curvature to follow the grade of the land and you're going to see like down here can you see like there's actual they've added like earthworks i love that being like an actual highway engineer that pleases me very much and yeah so we've got we've got we've got our road next to our sulfur probably not the nicest road to drive down okay next we can come in to this one and no that is not a ninja death star that is like one of those big mining wheel things so we can click on that and we can use this as sulfur mine and look how cool these look oh god i forgot how small hang on let me let me just move this right so what i like about this is look if you if you click on the road you get these yellow icons they allow you to move oh dear i've started i'm gonna have to finish that sorry game i didn't mean to do this i should not mean to do this this early i can't help myself sometimes i just can't help myself i thought i could move that point but obviously i couldn't so anyway sulfur mine so we can bung that there so that will mine but obviously it has any power at the moment i'm also going to shove another one over by here nice so now we've got two ways of gaining sulfur but i also i want to add some more mining this is going to be like our mining strip so this one here is a sand mine so if we plonk that i don't know on the end of that test cool so now we're gaining sulfur and sand uh but we're going to want to come down to this icon here where we can build a concrete factory and you can see the production values it takes two sulfurs and one sand to make four concrete so we'll plonk one of these down and the question is where's the best spot do you reckon in the middle oh i like making smoke signals like it's following my thing around cool um yes i think we'll bung that there and then basically vehicles will take all the ore from the mining things to this factory for it to be processed and concrete but first we need power so we're going to come into this icon with the lightning bolt and we've got a wind turbine that's we can plunk that down and i think we'll bung that about there because then they're both in range which is good and then we have to use power lines to connect everything up so this one here is a power pole sorry not power line you can click the power pole and then you can click on the thing this took me so long like there's a tutorial and it says just connect them up and like you put a power pole there and there and you're like it's not doing anything you actually need to click on the thing can you see it goes blue when you hover over if you click and then gives you a connected power pole like with a wire so we'll bung that one there and i think those two should be connected because they're in range yes now they're moving and then we can just put that in i think yep and now they're all connected nice so now if we pay attention to these look can you see trucks are leaving they're full of sulfur and they're using our very a very well engineered highway to deliver it to the concrete factory and then that will get turned into concrete and what i like about these lorries look we're in the future they're hover lorries no wheels anymore wheels are a thing of the past uh we hover only on this i don't know where we are are we like on a weird planet or what's going on i don't know nice so we're making concrete now but we have nowhere to store it so if we come down to this icon which looks like a little chat icon it's like someone's typing now we can come into here and this is construction material storage so it costs 12 concrete to build and we got 285 so that's no worries so we can click on that this is a big ass building by the way all right so i think a good spot for us is probably over on this side is it do i just go opposite i know i'm trying to do this like efficiently sorry we'll just go opposite so now we should see all the lorries here they like jump across the road so they're unloading concrete from the concrete factory into our storehouse and look you can see them all in there they're like what bloody hell there's like robot forklifts and they're bigger than the lorries themselves i look they're moving like canisters about that's really cool i hate that decent oh yeah now you can see our concrete number has gone up we got 305 now uh next we need to build somewhere for our people to live so as this is like the mining area i might do a bit of a junction and sort of make like the habitat somewhere else maybe just like along here so we'll make that a little bit curved and you can literally you can move these like wherever you want so it's pretty cool so that looks quite nice nice and smooth i think actually we won't do it on this main road that would be like our distributor road we'll actually add a junction or two so we'll do a junction like up there right so we'll put our habitats up here i think we'll do one there and one opposite very nice but these also need power so i'm gonna build another wind turbine where am i no i'm not i'm actually just gonna continue my power pole so we can go to there and then do that so now these habitats they have power but you can see they don't have any oxygen so people living there they won't they won't last very long so if we come down to this one we can build an atmosphere processor and i think what we'll do we're going to add another junction and this will be like our life support junction so we've got that there we want to i don't know down down there ish so oxygen will get produced there and we'll just extend our power over to it lovely and now that's up and running and it's you can see 100 efficiency it's making oxygen lovely i i wish i understood how the technology worked it looks impressive next we need a spaceport that will allow us to attract new employees like a new population i shouldn't call them employees they are they are just living here they're not purely here to work we might just bung that there so if we keep an eye on this we should see where's the shadows you can usually tell from the shadows the shadows should be on that side too that should attract new people there you go there you go look at the shadow look look it's landing it's such a cool looking vehicle as well like that is like really cool the wings they look a bit thick to me they don't look the most aerodynamic but uh hey hey and then we'll see people leave this in their very swanky private cars look at that a bright pink jeep it's not just a normal jeep it's a hover jeep uh yeah and they're gonna go to the habitat so what i might do i might turn this into a bit of a junction and put like a little slip road triangular arm thing so we'll say from that node to that node oh god and that's cocked things up hasn't it that looks horrible there you go that is sorted now although it's very funky looking but what you can do say this bend here like that's not realistic in the slightest so we can click on that oh not on that that's the traffic that's something else i'll show you that in a second if we click on the road you can click that button boosh now we've got a nice smooth curve but yeah so that that other thing i pressed if you click on the junction you can actually decide what traffic you want to go with so it's a bit like city skylines so let's say people driving down here we want them to go left we want them to go right so that's fine uh people coming this way we don't want them to go right because they can just use that arm for that so we're going to click on that and that removes that completely um coming from this way we don't want to go left so that's good so i think that's that one set up for this one we're going to say from this direction is good from that direction don't go right don't be an idiot and from this direction don't go left so that's that one sorted and the same for this one don't do a ue mate don't be an idiot get rid of those two i think that's all good but look how many people are coming they're all they've all got pink jeeps nice uh next we're going to build a research lab this will allow us to research stuff surprisingly so i think we'll put that next to the space port this is just like the random stuff oh that's so cool looking look at it taking off whoa see ya and to go with our research we need this a blue science pack factory so if we plonk that next to it for now so if we click on this this is what gains us like science points so you can see it takes two iron ore and one carbon and it turns that into a blue science pack but at the moment we're not producing any iron so we're gonna have to mine some iron from somewhere however that does need power so we're going to do a little power thing across the road so we'll say from there go up to that sorted now you can see it's just like wait i need i need stuff and look these guys they're taking all of our carbon now we've got a lot of carbon that you can see the storage is filling up i think is it the factory that produces carbon i know the atmosphere processor produces oxygen and carbon okay interesting good to know but yes we need to find iron and obviously there's no iron in range so we're gonna have to go quite far away so having a look over here i can see there's a spot of iron ore there so shall we build a road up there now roads they are quite cheap they take up concrete but we've got quite a lot of 372 so although it's quite a far distance i think we should be okay and as we're mainly going to be delivering to the science place i think we're going to do our junction from there and we're just going to go straight and look at this so you can see it like puts in like bridge pieces and all sorts and but yeah we want to go all the way up to there basically that's that's only 14 concrete so we'll click that now look you can see the road now follows the contours of the ground it doesn't build those bridge pieces in because they're not required but that is a beautiful road that's proper like american route 66 style that in fact i'm actually going to put a bend in this road so we actually mine the iron surprisingly so let's just delete the last two segments and then we'll put a curved road in lovely and now we can put our iron mine in there uh but we don't have power up here so i'll probably build a new turbine up here so it costs 50 concrete they're pretty pricey but i think it's cheaper than bringing cables up here so let's just shove that there and then connect with a power pole so from me to that lovely and now uh mine the power pole by the way i didn't realize so closely but that's but now that is creating iron and these hover trucks they are transporting it that way what i might do i might build another storage thing up here so if we plonk that there uh pretty close to the turbine's blades but um i'm sure it'll be fine yeah so this will just store the excess iron rather than sending hundreds and hundreds of hover trucks that way i think these will mainly take it to this place and then once that's full or at capacity we'll start storing it in there look at all the trucks there's so many they're still coming out oh yeah that's quite a cool sight like all of our trucks on that road that's really cool oh there you go that's that's all of them so i think is that probably ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten okay so there's ten trucks her mine have a nice anyway so now we're going to be researching you can see these guys are about to arrive and about to deliver the iron ore so that means we're producing science now so if we click up here we can decide what we want to research now there's all sorts in here i really want to go like the bottom route because that's all the roads or the highways but look at look how far this goes it's cool like the very cool stuff is adamantite mining and a neutron reactor um but we don't have to worry about that yet we're gonna we're just gonna research farming the simple farming life because currently we're just classed as an outpost once we have farms we'll then turn into a settlement i think yeah that's now creating one blue science every 20 seconds and now you see this little delivery van he's delivering the science to the research lab sorted looking good so far all right so they're just making the final delivery of research and look hooray we've unlocked the farm so if we come down to this tab we can build a simple farm so yeah i think we're going to plonk these down this side i think we'll do just one there for now i'll tell you what i'm actually going to do i'm going to do a couple because we got two habitats so two of those i'm going to put another atmosphere processor in and we need power to there because they're a bit further away so i think what i'll do i'll move that one by using this i think we'll move to there and then we can just do that yeah so our population is now 36 which i think means it's full for how many habitats we have so i'll probably add more of those but for now you can see that green car that delivered food and you can see the food bar is going up once these needs are both full oxygen is already full survival food is nearly there if we fast forward that should be done fairly quickly you can see these trucks leaving so they're just delivering food as you can see as that one goes in the bar goes up nice now you can see it's upgrading it's going to take a minute but we're fast forwarding and then look these have now upgraded into a decent habitat they've got a large capacity um but i think we should spend our research points next so do we do the one-way roads that we need green science for which we haven't unlocked yet so i think to start we'll just do steel production because i know we're not producing still yet i don't want to run out oh nice that's still unlocked instantly so we'll do electronics and then in here now we have a steel mill so we turn iron ore and carbon into steel so if we plonk our steel mill somewhere along here yeah let's put that there so that will create steel but it needs carbon and carbon is produced from these you can see all these trucks are leaving now that's going to be hella traffic for all those inhabitants and stuff so i might do i might do a cheeky little back road onto this road so if we say build a road onto there make them curved i don't like stupid angles what is that what is that no i don't like that i don't like that we're gonna gonna redraw that one right nice this might look like it curves for no reason but um there's definitely a reason i just yeah whatever uh i'm then gonna put some traffic management on here because i don't want people going that way so basically coming out of here is right turns only no going left that sort of ensures this road is just for the carbon production for the steel place it's nice next we probably want to start researching the green science how do we unlock that oh we need it looks like we need electronics as well as sulfur and blue science okay so i think that's what we're unlocking next yes it is nice nice now we can build a copper mine and an electronics factory so i think copper will be required for any electronics where's the nearest copper is it that one yeah i think it's this one so we're gonna build a new road and it's gonna be a big boy road we're gonna literally just go straight across here and then we can build a copper mine so plonk that right in there that needs a wind turbine and we'll connect them up nice again the pole probably a bit too close but i'm sure it'd be fine and then we got an electronics factory which needs not only copper but it also needs iron ore so i think as before we'll do a little storage thing up here i think we're actually going to do a new sort of plant so rather than using this one we're going to go up to that one so road up to there and we're going to do a road off that i just got sort of planning for the future i'm going to imagine we're going to want to go like up there maybe uh so over here we have an iron mine plonk you there give you a wind turbine connected up lovely so that will bring iron ore down to here so we can put our electronics factory in there and what you can also do you can give these like different district areas so using this this is like the district tool so let's say we're up here we want to paint this in so i don't know how big it's going to be we'll just say like that for now and you can also set up like exporting rules and all sorts so rather than like trying to do the traffic management thing you can just say this only exports to this district so let's try that so we've got that district set up we'll paint another one over here then we can say iron ore go from there to that district and now the iron ore will only go to there it won't be taken anywhere down here where it's needed yes that's really cool i like that i like that a lot right we've unlocked the green science pack factory so if we just select something else to research probably home to research to research probably home appliances because that will allow our habitats to upgrade but let's have a look at green science so that just needs electronics sulfur and blue science okay so i think we'll plonk this probably by that one yeah maybe then you can see as these research things are in range they actually help each other so they add an extra eight percent efficiency on so that's very good i was gonna say there should be trucks leaving there but there isn't for some reason is that because it's now a district is that what happened i districted it stuff up and it got all confused right okay i think you actually need to put a green arrow like that and that will mean it will export the different areas oops but now you can see there's 10 hover trucks all filled to the brim with electronics and that will go to this green science area which will make green science and i assume that will then just go to this factory even though it's blue is that how it works or do i need a different science lab for the green we'll find out we've got to wait for the electronics to arrive and look these guys are arriving now so that will start producing green science and we'll see what we need to do with that whether this will just work yeah it does that's gone to green science good so we don't need another research lab all sorted we'll click on this and we can build a home appliances factory now that turns electronics and iron ore so the best spot for that i probably may as well build that up here to be honest i might shove that we'll do it over the road we'll do it there now you can see all those trucks they're now delivering the electronics to there it needs iron ore i assume that will just come from up there will it all right solid my districts are cocking up everything i don't know how they work so let's just delete both of them that's one way to solve it let's let this eye in mind it's full up of iron but it's not going anywhere even though we need it and i don't know why why aren't you working is it because you need a storage factory is that what it is let's build storage why is no one leaving oh because i haven't connected the road properly you idiot matt oh goodness i always check your roads are connected all right there you go trucks are leaving now i am an idiot all right so now will our district thing work i want to get the districts done so blob for that blob for that so if we say iron ore only go to there then what if we district this up so this is just all one district and this is another one and we'll say iron ore from there only go to there then electronics you go from there to there right so this says there's no electronics coming but i think there are some on the way that's a red one there you go that's an electronics van in the middle so as long as that goes to there i think i've set everything up properly all right there it is it's on his way is it gonna go in yes beautiful right so we're making science we're making home appliances so these should upgrade soon yeah look home appliances habitat upgrading 10 seconds keep an eye on this one oh look at that it's the crystal maze it's full of flying cash i mean look we've now got one-way roads so we can make like highways and stuff now let's choose to research something first maybe concrete roads that sounds way better than gravel roads because i'm gonna guess when we've got concrete roads we can then do like bridges and things whereas gravel roads are stuck to the ground is that what it means so they really don't look very gravelly but uh all right so rather than this t-junction then let's say we want to go over that way i'm going to try and put a bridge in so we can come over to here and we can use r and f to go up and down look oh look it does do it right so yeah so you can put gravel roads on bridges it seems i really like as well that certain heights they still do like the earthworks like these like slopes and then after that it goes into like a viaduct structure that's really cool now that road does nothing i just wanted to see how it worked but uh it is what it is all right we seem to be struggling for electronics so i might build another electronics factory up here i think we'll bung that there yeah we had loads of copper stored up so that's all going in we're gonna have to wait for the iron ore which i think is in there all sorted hey what happened to i thought we had like a space dome thing did it on no i can't have done did actually on upgrade if that's the thing downgrade i knew that was a word for it downgrade it downgraded what the hell i want to know as well upgrading roads can i oh there is replace road like that's the wrong direction that's the wrong direction how do i change oh god hang on right that's what i wanted wait no now they can't get back do the trucks need to get back i assume they need to get back that's one of the ropes junctions i've ever decided can you believe this is can you believe i designed highways for 10 years all right well that's pretty horrible but uh i was thinking of doing the old city skylines completely going mental with it but i think we'll leave it like that for now all right here we go look we've got crystal maze domes everywhere now for the next upgrade we need computers and parks so we have to research all of that but i think for now guys we will leave that there for today i'm quite intrigued to carry on whether that's just maybe i'll do it in a stream or if you want another video boost the like button and thank you once again to the patreons for supporting the channel and funding this video but for now peace love and the crystal maze dome thing bye guys [Music]
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 427,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: infraspace, infraspace game, infraspace gameplay, infraspace part 1, infraspace guide, infraspace review, lets play infraspace, infraspace tutorial, infraspace pc, rce, real civil engineer
Id: yGv1iSIcn8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 18sec (1458 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 01 2021
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