Is Minecraft MORE COMPLEX than my day job??

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hello fellow engineers and we're back in minecraft and this time we're a bit less of a noob we've got like a cool little rce thing up here i i definitely knew you all about this oh someone made this for me this is awesome um i did i did add some of these yellow writing things they so keep an eye out for them in future videos and if you want future videos please boost that like button people now you seem to really like the first episode so as long as you guys keep keep liking keep enjoying the vids i will keep making them right single player let's carry on with angiotopia right so this is where the first video left off we just made our sort of treehouse canopy thing i've got stone sword i i advanced to the stone age i've just upped the render distance you can see it like spawning in the background look how far we can see i mean i've got i've got an rtx 3090 so so why not what the hell you also jump onto block i did not know that look at this you don't even have to press jump you can just run up it that's cool i just heard a monster that's scary that isn't so cool but anyway i see in the distance not the sun rising like there's what is that and like down there there's like lights and all sorts i reckon today we're gonna do a bit of exploring we'll come back here but uh oh god i didn't mean to fall off oh how do you swim again oh what the hell this giant squid are they bad squid now wow i'm drowning are you a bad squid oh they got like teeth and what's that what's that we've got new recipes love it all right let's get out of the water what are you i call this new stuff i'm getting have we seen that i don't think we've seen this before let's switch to my axe all right what was that sugar cane cool what does that do i don't know i feel like i might want sugar cane it sounds sounds sweet and by the way i don't if you saw on the menu there i've got a character now a skin if i can remember what button it is to show you f1 screenshot i just did a screen what the frig is that what the did you see that there's like a big man like a slender man oh my god there's bunnies hello mate hey come back come back follow the white rabbit oh there it is oh oh piss off me mate am i even i was slain by enderman what's up oh no look there was actually different houses and stuff oh man all right this was actually the starting area with all the animals can i ride a horse now oh no wrong button i meant to i meant to right click come on me you're alright you're okay come on i will tame you yes i actually tamed him he's my horse i did not think that would actually work can i not can i not tell him where to go that cow was just like what are you doing horse well i've got a horse i achieved i'm sorry i'm sorry i punched you by the way mate yeah i'm very sorry well i'm gonna go this way so see you later i'm gonna i'm gonna name you as well what should we name you oh he's not he doesn't like your name or are you trying to tell me what your name is it's up up a step up a step down a step that doesn't sound like a proper name oh oh i got an egg i sprinted into an egg yes all right now i've just got to find my plate i think i have a feeling it was up that one best thing is i can get up here without even pressing any buttons like jump i'm learning so much already you're only like a minute in i love that i'm just holding in there because oh yes right so this is my base if you wanted to see it in the daylight pretty good huh ow oh it hurt me um i'm gonna go try and get my stuff back i'm i reckon this egg i'll press wrong button oh god why sprint that button that's the wrong button for sprint i keep pressing crouch ah i can't defend myself anymore all right so where did i die it was around here somewhere i really did not get a pretty far oh look yes i wasn't even sure if you get with stuff back but you do this is wicked i swear it didn't also jump last time this is really strange like boiling all over the place look this is me look at me is actually me in the game that's so cool now you may have seen me on the thumbnail of the first video but i didn't i i did that after this is the first time i've actually seen myself in the game it's cool look at me yes i like it yes back as you were hopefully you won't see that scary man again oh look that's my base that's quite cool actually oh look lava it's like a lava cave i'm not going down there um i want to get to those houses i want to see what they are i'm scared of seeing that scary old man again if i swim i'm going to get eaten by bloody crocodiles or something i think there's zombies in it last video why are there just lava lakes everywhere i don't feel easy here i don't like this place oh my god look at that tree what happened there oh look we're here we're here it's like a villain holy mate are you gonna kill me oh god they're all coming hello am i allowed to be here or why are you so small look at that small little [Laughter] oh one god they look like freaking one of the sesame street people or something is that what you're based on oh what the frick you can swap your sword to a different hand no way what that's cool me can i go in your house is this your house i'm coming in oh he's sleeping i don't know how to open doors oh wait no no no it's night time there's bad stuff at night times mate let me can i like can i dig a hole can i help myself well look we've got his we've got his wood not in weird way oh what is that what's that yellow i can't reach it i've got it i thought it might have been gold i don't think it's gold yellow terracotta and the other thing was an akakia log interesting i'm so out of my depth in this game oh bloody hell there's spiders everywhere man hey i know you're not sleeping oh you just rolled over mate there's spiders out there i'm gonna push you out of bed can i push him out of bed like push him out of bed oh god he's not happy about it sorry he's gone back to sleep right i don't know if there's anything here that's going to help me oh ow piss off mate now bloody skeleton oh what the frig is that ow oh i'm nearly dead eat an egg eat an egg i can't eat an egg eat a pork chop how do i eat a pork chop right click right click holy something just exploded can i eat an egg rig me mate you're big can you look after me look there's a there's a zombie after me you're over there can you see him yes yes oh i'm just gonna stand near this dude as long as he doesn't attack me how do i get health back again i think i need to eat something all right is it make a crafting table right now can i make a furnace oh god there was a bloody zombie after me go on mate kill him all right furnace there oh this is so scary all right so now that's way to spider spider yeah it's really fast well sprint no that's crouch yes yes all right so now if i go in here i can cook a salmon and that's cooking that's cooking it's created some light as well i don't know if light's good oh freak no it's the knob monster again oh i don't like knob monsters zombies as well oh i'm gonna die i'm gonna die all right is this salmon cooked yes all right eat the salmon eat the salmon yes i've got health i'm getting health this is the most terrifying thing what the hell was that noise ah spider out out zombie oh no what is that oh they explode the knob monsters explode oh no hey mr man that was in this house was there a bed there i'm a bit concerned there was a bed and whoever was sleeping in it is no more that was not my fault to be fair okay mr are you are we like buddies now no maybe not he's bigger enough right i need i need more food all right i can't afford any food so we're gonna have to find some sort of animal to kill which i don't really want to do at night oh no you're blowing up a break off mate hit him you tit he just left him he just let him walk past that house is not in a good way i don't look at that wasn't my fault that was not my fault you should have hit him oh you could open doors with right click oh why are there two of you in here what what were you doing there's only one bed oh look i just slept in the bed it's my bed i gained a bed all right this is now my house sorry mate oh man at least it's freaking day time that was terrible oh no look there's things on fire over here they're zombies oh look at my mouse my mouse isn't black it's like inverted is it meant to do that like the crosshair like whatever i look at it's like night vision piss off oh god i'm infected right first things first we need to find some food are any animals about i'm really tempted by that really tall building as well a little rabbit sorry rabbit i know he's outrunning me damn he's fast oh no we both yes right i'm officially a hunter now what is that over there it's like a temple type thing i know i should be getting food but i am very distracted by whatever that is what is this is that a sad face oh man that's the saddest minecraft block i've ever seen oh look here's a temple okay we seem to have discovered some like ancient aztec pyramids or something look more rabbits come here rabbits i can't sprint anymore i'm never gonna catch them yes is there anything else where this pyramid was what is this thing is it another lava lake what is it oh is that chest i got flint and steel do i want flint and steel let's swap it with flour i don't want flowers cool we've got all the flint and steel i don't know what that purple stuff is i don't know is that gold sort of looks like gold ow oh i discovered the flawed lava oh i even played that game before i should have known score 38 you get a score in minecraft how did i get 38 oh bollocks well now we're back in my house at least i'm not hungry anymore right yeah i was heading towards that big ass tower wasn't i i'm a little bit worried all of my stuff just burnt in the lava past the unhappy minecraft block over the aztec temple oh yes my stuff is still there come here stuff i don't want to get lava again can i walk in this purple i can walk on purple i feel like i wasted a gold block there i feel like i need a better pickaxe for that oh no where's my sword i think my sword got melted oh now i've just got a pickaxe right we don't have a sword anymore but before we head back i just want to see i swear when i was over there i could see a side of this mountain that looked quite like it needed looking at oh no i think it's just it's just a mountain i thought it was like something good i think this stuff was worth minding me oh no all right fell down on me right let's head back and possibly start doing something there's so much to explore i don't know if that's a village i was in straight ahead i like tool building can i kill a rabbit on the way yes right pickaxe is actually better for killing rabbits i run into a cactus the sun is setting so i really want to get back to my base i don't know if i like go in my house if i'm like then safe by all the monsters it's like the bloody the knob looking ones the light the one that blew up surely that's just gonna like blow the door down oh what is this cartography table oh look empty maps i don't think i want an empty map all right what's in this one what is this a brewing stand there's so much to this game you can brew beer oh is that a rabbit i'm gonna assassin's creed he's even looking at me no he saw it coming come back here you rabbit bastard nice nailed him kill it as a cow sorry cow sorry cow i actually need your food to do some rabbit that's taking ages can i build a sword again yes i can uh we'll do we'll do a steak as well very concerned i'm gonna get attacked but i do have a sword now it would probably be wise to put these in a building to start with hey have they rebuilt no they have not rebuilt that never mind never mind oh that's a zombie hang on get back get back oh yes yes teabag is that still a thing in video games to people teabag anymore all right cool i think we got we got all the food so let's head to bed rhyme of the day i think this was my house oh no it wasn't ah how many houses am i going to destroy was it this one i was this one looks a bit crowded in here guys are you all the people where i've blown up your houses yeah yeah sorry about that oh yes a bit that's a bit close mate right i'm going to bed get my turn okay i am sleeping my eyes are shutting awesome it's a new dawn it's a new day and i'm feeling good oh look there's another one of those knob monsters what are you doing frick off there's like three knobs here i don't know i'm surrounded by knobs what do i do they blew each other up okay that was quite that was quite a hole there's one more knob monster i hit him he's gonna blow up no he's not i could actually kill a knob monster oh no oh he's he's blown up damn this game is intense all right anyway let's let's eat some food never eat some rabbit in real life so i'm living out my my dreams right so when you've got full food like a full belly that heals you like my hearts have gone up now that is good this is probably common knowledge i don't know i don't know why i feel like i'm explaining to anyone maybe my mom she hasn't seen she probably played minecraft i feel like everyone else that might be watching this they probably already know that i don't even know if i want this stuff what's all the green stuff i'm getting and the four at the bottom was that there before it's really dark do i have a torch i swear i had a torch torch yes oh god it's really dark i don't know if i want to go down there i'll stand this way it's a very big drop and i'm gonna bung can i bang that on the wall yeah i can't sweet let's mine this stuff because it looks cool oh and it's new it's new was it dirt it wasn't just dirt was it it may have been cobblestone we've got 13 cobblestone if we can find some more ah there's a freaking bat break me did i scream like a girl i don't think i did the manliest of screams there but um i was legit scared so right let's before we do anything let's see what we want to build i want to build a bridge i feel like that's the aim of the game at the moment i can't really see anywhere where a bridge would go at the moment or do i just carry on exploring and we'll do a bridge next time oh there's a chest there's a chest in there have we been in it bread am i stealing bread all right i stole some bread don't think they noticed all right so i can build armor interesting out of leather i need to kill a few more rabbits i've got three rabbit hides and two leather how do i actually make leather for art okay so four rabbit hides make a leather horse armor i can get armor for my horse all right sort of want to advance from the stone age to the next age i don't know what that would entail something to do with steel is still a thing i don't know what flint and steel does i know it's probably good oh i can make glass right anyway let's go explore i reckon can i build like a chest i sort of want to store all my stuff so when i die i don't lose everything is it chest no what's it called a chest it was called a chest i'm going to bung all my stuff in here apart from things i need all right oh that's what it was iron oh right hang on hang on i think i've just worked out what i'm doing now yeah surely i think i can turn iron into iron you know like hey turn wood into wood right so what was it is i raw iron yes look i'm burning raw iron that'll make like something iron an iron ingot yes we've made an advancement excellent right so now if we head into here we can get iron tools and iron sword six attack that's five well that's better than i want an iron pick actually i need three ingots right iron pickaxe we'll have some of you sick okay so i know i know what i'm doing now we're putting stuff to burn in there can i put a fence in there i can put a fence in there that's wicked blood oh sun is setting already the days go so quick i'm having so much fun all right let's shove i'll shove a door in there as well look at my pickaxe it is lovely that's what she said all right two of those let's go sleep i am not dying tonight why is this dude always sleeping in my bed i thought i kicked you out yes wait what the frick is that noise oh it's the dude killing stuff oh look the back your shirt he's got you got a panda on your shirt hey let me see it let me see it look he's got like a panda or is it a dog i like your dog t-shirt mate let's call that oh now i need a stick i just realized i need a stick bollax i think i need oak is that oak are you oak oh yes this is oak right good i think to make a stick was it just something like that no maybe not i thought i was learning minecraft i'm not i'm not at all i need planks first okay then i can do that now i've got a load of sticks nice i am i'm learning minecraft i reckon right now i can get an iron sword and an iron axe i'm gonna go axe first can i still afford the sword second rhyme of the day iron sword yes we are good we are tooled up now now we can skip the leather armor and go straight to iron and get shield bloody out so body is three on the leather and it's six on the iron so yeah definitely want to skip the leather i won't waste any time killing rabbits a smithing table oh god okay i'm gonna build one of them all right what can we smith look at this upgrade gear with what iron no i don't know that seems a bit advanced for me that one but anyway now i've got this axe we can hopefully chop trees a bit quicker as well oh yeah oh look at this look at this that pig just fell down assassin's creed i hit him in the ass sorry mate i do need your pork chops so oh i can't i can't do it you see the way you looked at me i lied i lied can i eat duck tell you what i fancy a bit of lamb a fancy lamb decent right we're gonna go cook up all that oh different colored lamb do you taste different what is that you're a pood it did a poo i've already eaten cow what are you are you a cat i'm not even gonna try right thankfully i can't even catch him so we'll never know what cat tastes like but i'm going to go cook some food look the bat's out in the day all right let's cook some meat then i reckon rather than using logs in there we're probably better off using coal we've got 13 coal let's cook some pork chop and while that's going on i still want to know how to build a bed oh just wood oh whoa we've got wool from killing the lamb oh that's what the poo was it wasn't poo it was a brown lamb okay it's all making sense now it is all making sense i can build a chest zombie it's not even night time ah you prick you bit me all right what was my house again it was this one no it was that one i'm gonna grab my pork chops first are you bastard oh that scared the literal out of me well not not literal i promise not literal oh my goodness that was really really scary oh look i'm shaking you can see my hand down there physic visibly shaking wow that was that was really really scary anyway guys we're gonna leave that there i cut my heart can't hack anymore this i'm terrified i thought i was like doing so well and then i exploded uh but if you if you are enjoying this video please give it a like let me know that you want the series to continue no but thanks for watching peace love and oh it's called a creeper he's loving creepers i'll catch you next time bye guys [Music] you
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 253,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: professionals play games, experts play, minecraft, funny, moments, first time, minecraft gameplay, minecraft series, game, lets play, pc, pc game, minecraft funny, minecraft part 1, new series, never played before, minecraft new, minecraft survival, minecraft house, minecraft lets play, gameplay, diamonds, gaming, survival, real civil engineer, mine craft real engineer, real civil engineer minecraft, first time minecraft, mine craft, minecraft first time 2021
Id: 5b7V4rjNFu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 13sec (1153 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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