My discord spent 4000 HOURS building me this MINECRAFT WORLD! 500k Subscriber Special!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to my channel the real civil engineer yes somehow we have hit half a million subscribers like most people think engineers are pretty like clever they can work stuff out but i literally cannot work this one out this is like no it doesn't make sense does not make sense and anyway while i was thinking of ideas of what could i do to celebrate this absolutely incredible milestone i really wanted to like do something cool to give something back a bit like my hundred thousand special where i did like the poly bridge rock cover but then i did a tour a minecraft tour of a server in minecraft that my discord members have been making for me over the last like six months nine months and they have spent we sort of worked out the other day they've spent like over four thousand out like probably four or five thousand hours it's a survival server and they built me some absolute incredible stuff and literally after playing this i was so proud i was like that's it that is the 500 000 special it's honestly so mind-blowing that it's worthy of being presented for this insane milestone and people that have subscribed and supported me just watched videos whatever you've done thank you so much it's so appreciated but my neighbors just started mowing so we're going to stop the thanks right there and just get straight into the video all right we're back and this time paddy is the best dog yes get in there paddy right i am in oh look there's actually there's actual telling me how to do stuff i'm hearing scary noises i don't know what that is what is that it's not like a portal or just a window i'm not going to go anywhere i'm going to read this first so where's the move hello lively hello bumble hello other people in the background uh right click on the book to read right click on the bed to sleep okay where's the book there's a book i'm gonna read the book oh places to see oh god how am i gonna find these i like coordinates can i take it i've taken the book it's my book am i am i allowed to take this all right and this other book i should probably read this one first as it's on the left welcome to the world here you'll see multiple bases filled with their own stories lore behind them and the occasional portal dedicated to your portal do these guys understand i've only placed like wooden and soil blocks so far uh you may get the opportunity to take part in various activities i'm guessing one of those is parkour giving you some good experience of the main battles uh the main mode of transportation is through the nether hub the frig is up however feel free to use the overworld and explore the creations of other players and join themselves if you get lost there is a compass to point you in the direction of the spawn okay i'll leave that one there why are you a pig he just kissed me that was weird where are we going are we do i go in there i think they want me to go in here okay what is going on i meant to walk i was meant to walk out i was stuck in there for a second oh what is this what is this place oh my god what the freak how long is this um right there's another sign there's another sign right oh look oh they're parcels to everyone's little place why is it so slippery are we all nice lively's here aren't you where's lively that's lovely all right this is your base we're gonna go in your basement that's a really big portal i think i've got a rabbit's foot okay why the hell do i have a rabbit's foot oh wow okay this is um why is it such a big bottle about 50 out so all of this oh god there's a statue up there how do i like can i get around without dying oh crap what the frig how do we get up here whoa what is that out there what is that where's my statue you [Laughter] this is really cool like he's made he's made a bloody snowy mountain i don't even know how am i meant to get around here i don't want to destroy anything to get up i'm going to attempt to out and not die look at it he actually made all of this by hand and my first question will probably be why this is bloody wicked though i love the like massive flat screen tv like that's a very nice touch i like this waterfall what is that what the frig is this oh there's a dolphin you're right mate next is uh keckman's i don't know where his portal is i'm guessing down the stairs who made this did someone actually make all this i have no idea why is there like a dog wolf thing there's a really cool house and there's another statue of huntress a bloody nice house that i haven't built my first house yet holy crap this is like giving me mad ideas look he's got a bloody desk he's got a wide screen g-sync monitor where did you just come what's down there i'm going down here what is this enchant i don't think i want to enchant do i okay i don't understand where i am what is this place it's like a weird dungeon i'm not gonna ask what happens down there what is all of this stuff whoa i'm i'm gonna grab a sword cheers that meat yeah i just stole it from him everyone everyone everyone saw that didn't they a lot of storage for a small house shall we go upstairs we have a look upstairs where does he sleep that's what i want to know oh look double bed nice living the dream nice little portrait not of me unfortunately there seems to be a lack of rce in this server you bastards i thought you loved me all right this is very cool very nice house and cheers for sword what the fireworks minecraft has fireworks right nice very nice house all right who's is this smarters or smatters oh this is this is very very pooch i think it could be diamond it's all like underlit as well oh i think i came out the ascend i was like this is kind of strange but yeah i was meant to turn around and holy what the frig what is that do i read this is this another book to read you're lucky to be here traveler for this place was once a one-way ticket to death let's start the beginning this temple wasn't always here it was built by man for a powerful god oh god smarter now lives here and along with his dogs and calls it home written by huntress refined by bamboo and smud i'll eat the puffer fish how do i eat all right there you go i'm eating it nothing bad will happen oh god oh god i'm drunk oh dear oh dear you tricked me anyway let's have a look around this is a pretty cool looking temple oh my god look at all the artwork what is that what is that hang on i gotta get up there what is that one what the fr oh it's just like a sheep on a knee how big is this place there are dogs everywhere these are all smartest dogs holy crap he's got a pet he's got a pack of dogs this is my dream minecraft house hello rainer what is it what what the what's this what's going on why is it doing this i'm confused i'm scared scared and confused this place is huge it's like a massive diamond temple uh there's a down do i go down i don't know where to go what was this suckers no you pushed me you bastard why is everyone purple what is that where what is this what is that is that trying to hurt me no there's little baby ones you can't kill babies guys is this what you do when you get good at minecraft you just kill babies for fun you guys are sick right this is pretty mental i'm not gonna lie what is this place there's loads of flags i feel like i want to stand here oh what is that what the frig this is quite a cool basement i guess bye oh no um right that was freaking cool like elevators and architect architect you bastard serves you right what even is that what are all these i thought they were paintings but they're actual people i'm so confused why they're just people in the walls this is weird guys is that what i'm saying or is there stuff to see like up here there's any stuff to see up there don't i think i think we're going back and then going back that was that was bizarre i'm not gonna lie why do you look like rihanna keys have i got someone's head what the frig oh look look eyes are knobs we got the knobs we got the knobs that's a that's a realistic one uh shopping district portal okay let's get out of here holy and what are they guys i'm honestly blown away like what you actually made this this is i think this is survival as well there's another huntress statue i'm not saying anything now i i think we know who's in charge of this place what is this is there's a shop can i get in there's a shop with no doors there's a shop no door everyone everyone's going this way everyone's like following that he's going there's there's no way in is there where is there oh look there is there is look right please check in welcome to epo hq your mom is this actually like a shop do you guys actually do stuff like sell stuff to each other i love that the entrance is hidden but each to their own epa where our meeting room is surrounded by glass because we are transparent about our goals and intentions right what is this really important looking book say that's hidden away your mom right there's a library with a ton of books what does this one say what a surprise oh it's huntress's office this is the woman that's in charge of this place oh no there's cats everywhere there's bloody cats everywhere is that hogland's head what are you doing me that's quite concerning i don't like that yeah let's go down this end what's this one that's lively's office so everyone has an office it seems as well as some other stuff oh these are all keyboards and the epo meeting room all right all right it's glass this is glass so nothing dodgy happens here look at these chairs all right so in today's meeting we're going to be sucking lively i reckon you guys all agree good lively you're sacked why is there a knob in a tube and why is it thrusting like that that's really rude i'm gonna censor that out actually what is all this material like white and red and purple it's just a cool roof oh this is the weird hang on there's a sign property of bumble code do not move or steal well that's bumble right you wait there he's just staring at me okay okay i'll give it back i'll give it back oh he looks like a sad little piggy now look at him look at that face all right okay let's let's move on where are we going what's this i guess little hot bumble space oh i really thought this was just going to say your mum and there's like proper stuff going on here oh look at the map what is this map of the world by bumble do not copy all right i think we want to go down that way next week oh look it says your mom that's good that is good oh this is a tool building what is what is going on in there it's just layers and layers of storage i says powerfly's floor okay all right diving board i'm gonna i'm gonna dive into the water this is pretty mental what is that is that lighthouse okay we're gonna go we're gonna go for the run and jump ready ready 360. out i died i'm right let's go let's go see this lighthouse first because that looks wicked bro black on black made them white bumble the douglas eddie stone lighthouse it is unique for its interlocking brick design and base are cool and is the fourth eddie stone lighthouse built on the rock interesting it does look cool i also do consultations for free two diamonds an hour on an agreed price at the beginning so there's been like it's not just base design but these guys haven't just been making this for themselves they've been charging each other actual stuff i don't like that i can fall off this i'm very scared see who designed these stairs i put staris an architect yes you are right aralis how is he doing that he's just floating that's not fair damn ryan you keeps gravity doesn't affect him look rub the top and this fireworks 666 portal i'm scared there's lava all right what's this welcome to 666 the 666 chords have been opened dedicated to rc monument oh god uh the bridge you see in front of you is a replica of the original although i'd hope you could figure that out it's the bill the bill augment it's the bill the bill for itself took two days to build and a couple of tips break me that's incredible i wish i was joking about the tits you see the bill connecting took half a day to build holy crap these guys have gone all out i am not worthy of this uh the rc statue was erected by smatter that's so cool look it looks like me look look ready there's me builder of the bill for huntress and people oh there's only huntress where is that that's why she's got statues everywhere and then cookie helped her build all the mountains was also her frigg me enjoy the view so not a little secret area under the waterfall right we gotta check that out but look what the frig how did someone make that that's me right so behind the holy crap what's the the mountains hollow is that you are you are you huntress are you huntress i don't know if you are i'm not worthy i'm not worthy i don't even know what to say like how did someone make this it even it's got a bridge inside of it like a little bridge what was that is that a button [Music] i need a button oh god we're on the bridge we're on the bill whoa it's just like polly bridge first person this is mad holy crap guys oh what does it go to what's that up there look look at the back of my the back of my fat head i am not worthy of this what is this this magma says lava inside ice that's cool insane there aren't even any words it's mental smarter it's mental uh where are we going where i'm going zero space this is a cool little entrance oh good i've been ported i've been teleported a mailbox any any mail uh anyway right what is this place it's a switch i don't know what the switch does three salmon take as you wish oh i could do the salmon where are they in here thank you chow down on some salmon we're having a wonder as you do holy crap look at this there's pigs i'm liking the uh the balcony around the edge oh look there's like is that a fox why do you have foxes look at them i did not know those foxes i knew there was pigs that was the animal farm section oh read me i forgot to read it oh ps check the chest left of the enchanting station you'll see some redstone torches place a redstone torch on the top middle smoker and redstone oh god they're trying to teach me redstone i don't even know what an enchanted enchantment is so that thing so left where's left over here is this one it's this one it's this one okay redstone dust redstone torch glycerin melon slice okay so top middle is that one so a redstone torch in the top middle smoke so up there so i think i think that i think that's done i don't know and then the bottom right was it so dust did i do it oh in front in front okay in front i understand now i put it in it i put it in it so i want to don't do it oh i don't know what i'm doing i don't understand where are you guys all going what's in there did i do it okay i might have lied when i said little abode there's a little bit more to this place here the path branches into two parts they'll converge at the same spot the left one is a long shaft right okay so i want to go left oh hello do not move until you reach the bottom okay do i just do i want to stand on there should i stand on there arglin oh he pushed me you bastard so yeah this is where stuff branches off a lot and i'd recommend you take the book with you all right once you've taken the book go to the next page label spots with different carpet colors okay the lime carpet is the entrance to my storage place we're on glass at the moment okay so green green is through that what is all this stuff what the frig this is too big you can't make what the is that anyway let's do all the book says so this is all the storage crap that's cool flames fire holy man i like the uh the massive fish tank that's cool i'm i want to know what that is oh do not use without supervision turtlemachine it does the polybridge 2 sound did have you seen this what's this alright the kamplins cafe all drinks are on us free of charge a special day honey bottles have been supplied okay so i've got to drink some honey yeah i'm here to listen to the music box yeah go to the end the hall and check the book though okay i would cool thank you this is so cool like is this a music machine i'm scared of it whatever it is music box instructions okay turn off cafe music loot emerald green lever should give it time to stop okay let's let's do that first so this one that looks like a lever oh god wrong button wrong button make sure that yep i turned it on i turned it on right hang on then i got do some options feel free to request for the special edition okay i'll ask for a special different once everyone's ready you may click the gold button if you dare spam the bus you will feel the wrath of the machine i want the special edition uh where is the gold is that the gold button [Music] a bit of a different video this time it's my 100 sub special holy crap we hit a thousand damn subs hey guys 10 000 subs like like a month this is all this is the redstone stuff i can see it like down there moving now it's been a few it's been a few weeks i think since the last milestone it's like [Music] no it's not architects [Music] but anyway unfortunately that was the 420 69 special dude [Music] holy what i'm guessing that was a special edition yeah i didn't know you're like genius at every game arlen i thought it was just polly bridge look how cool it looks as well though like this is a music machine yeah i think this was the way up elevator down a little bit he just went down there should i follow ah did we explore all these what are they stasis chamber what's the stasis chamber arglin cookie guess i'm a guest what are you doing why are you throwing stuff at me stop throwing stuff at me is this how you treat your guests powerfly all right cool very cool very cool bass i like it well look at the fireworks down here cool right where are we going nexon lads oh my god what are these oh they're loads of dead horses but they're not quite dead rules what's this what's this boys if you get to a pumpkin tower you can go back and climb up or restart any tower uh only use what is given the chest and the left okay interesting right what's in the chest then we got iron boots okay i'll take some of those i guess what's this a trident okay i've got i've got a trident have i got every oh there's more chests over here what's in these ones oh just random crap is it all right so i'm gonna do am i parkouring oh this is it's gonna go bad we'll sprint that one right we are parkouring our tits off where do i go now bollocks yeah i'm doing some ground practice so you can jump further okay all right sprint jump is locked in and now let's do it now are you right ready yes oh i fell off because it's icy all right so now now i've got this checkpoint i can i can go up this way now so each pumpkin thing is a checkpoint whoa whoa oh is that what this trident thing is what is this okay so let's try and get somewhere pretty yes i did it anyway so yeah this was this was the parkour course so there's loads of parkour stuff that is well beyond me maybe one day once i've played this a bit longer that looks terrifying let's watch power flight attend this oh he did it he bloody did it fairly but uh very cool very cool right where to next power flies power plays isn't there it's down here apparently see i know stuff i know what i'm doing i know how to follow signs how flies alright we're going in here oh look i picked up something this is probably really impressive to like a lot of people i have no idea what they are they look like mushrooms or whoa someone someone's a farmer we got all the animals hmm if i ever get hungry can i write can i get on these cows oh look there's another there's another another huntress statue back to back one oh god what's down what is down there that's a person it's a person all right don't push me off your prick see ya oh everyone's going we going what is this this is very cool what is this it's like misty on off well i'm turning that on i turned it on but i don't know what i turned on oh it's a wolf arm well look these are lighting up well they will say my name are you saying that all right yeah all the animals you could imagine a weird sheep prison over there and of course the statues are huntress apparently these lampposts are expensive or something i'm sure i'm sure someone will find that impressive cool are we off then i think we're off holy what the i'm coming for you i'm coming for you do we go in there i'm going in here a charming welcome sign from bumble cheers bumble oh that's the exit okay so this is this is the entrance up the ladder cheers oh god what's going on there all right let's let's read this i guess should probably go check out that youtube channel i guess all right there you go here's the history the history the beginning industrialization the project oh wow there's loads thank you for reading all of that if you did and enjoy what all the server members built for you oh that was that was interesting it was like his little story of all the stuff he had to collect yeah because like i sort of haven't realized all the stuff here like they had to like mine it this is like a server a survival server oh this this cool room though cool room i like it oh we go down here do we all right oh let me go through the exit okay okay okay i get it i get it what is this okay that's quite cool whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa i i went through it i went through it i'm gonna stand at the back wow that was pretty cool oh that's dude how does this work uh anyway cool whoa what is that holy honey holy is that honey that is a lot of honey i'll give you that fair play but yeah i'm i'm quite ow what was that that hurt me did it hurt me what's going on i will walk with the animals talk with the animals something something something something with the animals oh my god i actually have a horse i have a horse i've never had a horse look with me watching on i have a horse damn this is wicked boy oh crap what is that over there oh look at me look at me that's me that's actually me someone made that oh this is the world map so it's talking about how he made a world map i don't even understand what that is i'm guessing they're like double-sided are they oh more more more youtube spam no no they're not double-sided what the is this what is that i hear bad noise what is going on up there where is the listen oh this is the industrial area the part down here is a sourcing system what there's me like trying to work out what log does in minecraft freak me i've seen some crazy things some crazy crazy oh what's this guys help i killed him i killed him actually did it oh look and is this where you got all the honey from whoa so that makes all the honey look at them like bees and glass wow this is bizarre i am confused oh what what's this what is this pandas why are there pandas i'll get on the bike where's the boat hold dobby [Music] [Laughter] all right we're going in here who's this this cookie's base holy what the frig is that this is the temple of sustenance the idea for this base was to bring peace to a once hostile village i've got to read the credits where's the crit oh credits man that was a lot of work in that well i'm not surprised look at it nice so a lot of work went into this by a lot of different people instruct oh god really the raid starts when a banner holder is killed and you meet with the cult leader uh if you wish to increase the challenge no i don't no i really don't this will be hard at least diamond um how do i get diamond armor the cultist is held in the tower behind the temple the raiders are behind the temple and will keep spawning oh god good luck how do i get armor god look at this thing it's freaking huge like what this place is freaking mental let's go let's go do what we're doing i'm gonna own everyone i'm gonna destroy everything raid oh god i can run really quick now okay all right i'll let you the flag on we gotta kill the flag ones screw you oh you got owned all right what is this thing this is like a big old statue thing there's another one there it is boosh into the cactus die oh you are covered in arrows man um right cue oh look it went in whoa the door opened oh this is a nice place holy what the frig how tall is this over in the corners are elevators to other floors okay oh god we're going up we're going way up now we can see everything will i die if i jump down there all right zero went i'm going out i survived i survived i thought there's someone see like a boss in it or is it through is it through there is that where we're meant to go we're going are we going through here oh it broke do i jump down to the bottom [Music] out my knees look a little bathroom it's got a bath and a toilet that's a very big toilet and this place is insane the green bedroom with another ensuite yeah nice the yellow room decent was that triple bed that's a big bed this place is mental like look up there there are two more interesting levels because we literally built them the day before the first tour cool right all right where are these other levels in probably not thought right we're smarter smarter we're going this way going this way oh look at this look at the trees man this is real cool still can't get over that someone made this in survival all right what is this then lads what is this it looks cool i don't really know what it is though we're on snowy mountains we must be high up as a sign lavios base this is a cool little building that nice little mountainous view a nice little balcony cool very cool little base whoa look at look at the water what are they done in there to the bridge we're going to the bridge out well what the frig where is that right what is this then it's my face my shaven face i don't even want to ask how that got made how did that get made from this angle i'm like i'm all chin baby are these all people that signed in is this when they is this when they join the server i assume the huntress statue means it's another huntress special oh look what's this what's this welcome to oh this is six six six six by six six six shame to whoever faced rc's face who defaced me you bastards oh see we've got the background though up the ladder where's the ladder oh over here oh bloody hell that is a ladder or we might get perspective or i'm not all chin now oh man i am freaking blown away i don't deserve like this you guys are mental that's made out of minecraft blocks i can't even i can't comprehend i don't deserve this i don't deserve this all right i'm going to ask who made this as in oh he's my mod from discord what a legend thank you azan that's freaking amazing and yeah as smarter says that is the server i hope you liked i freaking more than liked it i am blown away right cheers guys this was me being blown away receiving things i do not deserve um thank you so much discord server you guys unreal absolutely insane right and on that guys peace love and portraits of my giant face bye [Music]
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 232,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: professionals play games, experts play, minecraft, funny, moments, first time, minecraft gameplay, minecraft series, game, lets play, pc, pc game, minecraft funny, minecraft part 1, new series, never played before, minecraft new, minecraft survival, minecraft house, minecraft lets play, gameplay, diamonds, gaming, survival, real civil engineer, mine craft real engineer, real civil engineer minecraft, first time minecraft, mine craft, minecraft first time 2021, 500k, 500000, 500k subs
Id: w3NQ47rQR0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 32sec (1652 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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