Engineering SUPER LUXURIOUS HOUSING for my beavers in Timberborn!

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[Music] look at this guy sat on his ass what a lazy beaver let's hope he doesn't represent the timber borners i did that wrong oops right hello fellow engineers and welcome back to timber borders uh this place is looking epic if you ask me last time we finished the super mega bridge and that is a hell of a span and we also started work on our next one i know they're getting there they've built this half cantilever style very impressive and they're just putting the foundations for this side in and then we should be able to build across and then up here it looks like they've already started we've got a massive temple going on so now they've demolished the trees we can start building that up so we'll grab some more levees we want to go fill in all the gaps and that is a perfect platform when we go into leisure and then we can build a temple why can't we build a temple is it too big why doesn't that fit my master plan where doesn't that fit can you not build temples on levees do they need to be platforms maybe now let's just pause the game let's just see something can i yeah i can't even put campfire up there all right might have to delete all these god damn wait can we build a platform on oh we can build a platform up there oh what about a metal platform what what is the point of these platform things that you can't build anything on them you can't even put a campfire on them what can you build anything like i don't know a house you can build a house on there okay the leisure things just have to go oh i think they have to go on the ground we just try with the normal platforms so if we were to build that can we put our temple on there no they have to be oh god okay well to be fair at least we found that out before we started building all of this so this is going to take a while i'm literally doing like drumming with my fingers like triplets i'm going mouse delete enter mouse delete enter it's like iron maiden all over again anyway that is now deleted so i guess we're just going to build our temple there i'll tell you what we could do we could make this area like a proper chill out area so we've got a temple got a road going straight to it we've got a campfire there i can't fire there it's proper like festival vibe cool or you guys can carry on building that one and meanwhile the shame worlds are still going good yeah we are in a dry season aren't we yes we are in a dry season which means there's no water being produced by the source so we've just got to manage that quite carefully so up there water all looks fine oh look we are growing wheat once you get some power it will be time to turn on our gristmill again that's awesome i feel like with the floodgate there we could use like a faster route to get around so i think we're gonna put a couple of platforms in just while it's nighttime while everyone's sleeping just plan ahead so you've got those with a path on top and then i'm going to put a storage area here as well because i think it will allow them to store all this wheat so we got two platforms there and that just allows us to build our storage on top of their facing that direction nice and i might build another farm like down here maybe i'll tell you what i think i think they're doing a good job we'll leave them we'll leave them to it we won't get too involved no micro management here something we do need to be aware of though there's not that much water down here you can see it's pretty low it's what i might do before i let water down there i might just open this a little bit just let a little bit of water out oh god none came out okay it will go down again there's a nice little surge there i could let a little bit out of there as well just to top up the downstream end so i'll just do that to half and let it completely empty it's when this water stops i'll lift it up again there you go so lift that back up and then we'll empty this one again i'll tell you what i may as well fill these completely actually so let's open you back to a half keep you on open oh god this is flooding okay and the reason i've done that is because we've got no water flowing because it's the dry season just topping these up will keep these fields nice and green which keep all this wheat growing and all these trees growing etc because at some point i'm going to have to lower these to keep this large area green or to keep these filled up with water because this is where people are pumping their logs to provide us with drinking water we've got 700 drinking water at the moment but that's always going down and the way this like overflow channel works down into that is it's only one deep so once i sort of empty the water out this way water won't be able to get down there so maybe that's a bit of a design oversight i might have to make this a bit deeper this trench make our floodgate taller but for now i think that's pretty good we'll go check on the bridge again oh look they are doing so well those little beavers i am so proud of you real quantities of it that's surprising not usually the most practical people just being counters i like to call them but in beaver form they seem quite useful so fair play oh look at this down here the better josh he's three years old he was just staring like one day i want to build a bridge well look over here we've just had a new birth who is this baby kia welcome to the youtube members oh who's that you're up a bit late honey commander fire just fell asleep there but look you really get a sense of how many youtube members there are in our colony now there's like sleeping all over the place look at them maybe i should start building homes for them i do feel quite sad that they're all just out on the streets but at the same time like why not sleep at the farm like why sleep outside your farm in a backpack infinite what are you doing but yeah maybe today is the day we'll actually start to look after the youtube members housing needs but first i've got an important mission for them we're going to come over to this side and start planting this up potentially with wood so we're going to come to here we're going to say right build a bridge so you guys can get across i think a tour bridge should reach perfectly yes look at that and we can just do a path over to there nice and then they'll probably want to do a path down so we'll do a little platform and then two stairs very nice and then we can decide what we want to do over there i'm gonna put a lumberjack flag in ready so that will go there and then i'm gonna tell them cut down all these old trees i'm actually gonna paint in the entire area because we are gonna plant them up with trees and am i gonna do two layers i don't know yeah i think we'll do we'll do down there as well right nice that should keep them busy for a little bit and then we might get them started on yeah sorry i'm gonna put the parts in ready basically we're coming over to here we'll just put steps in all the way and they're gonna come down so they can scavenge this i think i'll just squeeze in the path along there and then put a couple of scrap metal scavenging things there you go scavenger flags i think we'll just do two sorted right so youtube members completely sorted now they are very busy oh no we've had two deaths the groom rude fruit has died of old age and so does lord finish and it's quite sad all right anyway i think let's come up here we can turn the water off yeah we've actually finished our dynamite or at least as far as we can dynamite up so it turns out these ones are too far away so i might just delete these and we'll have like a stepped system so these rocks here they're the water source that's where the water comes from basically it flows down into this lake up here and then this is where our floodgates are however we found out can you see us like there's a little pool there which meant essentially our main storage area was only two blocks deep uh so i decided to lace the place in dynamite so we can make it a bit deeper of course it doesn't really matter if the source is higher because water flows downhill so that will be fine i think we're gonna set these off should we do it from the back or from the front i reckon from the back and then oh i'm excited i'm excited it's a big red button there's nothing more satisfying than pressing a big red button anyway three two oops i press it too early oh crap get down beavers cover your areas oh look at that guy that's pretty cool actually it's a bit slower than i thought it would be but nice and now we're a step lower um unfortunately we turn the water back on you can see that's made all the water drop down instantly so i probably should have done that in the wet season oops but anyway i'm going to add another layer of dynamite so we need more stairs so you can get down and then we just come into landscaping we go to dynamite and we just lace the place i feel like as well i don't know why i've got those steps there so we should probably get rid of those yeah that's good we've got plenty of dynamite in our storage we've got 55 so i think that will probably cover all that area and then if i do want to dynamite this all the way down i might want to tweak this dam just so it has like a multi-stage floodgate because if we put a floodgate at the front and we should be able to let water down all the time let's get rid of that depth marker i don't think we've ever really used that but yeah so what i'm thinking is if we put a flood gate there and there and then we can levy that up then we might have to put some steps just so they can enter the water and build all of this because i'm not sure they'll be able to reach other ways but i think that should allow us to use the full depth of water up there things are looking good although maybe not the water is looking pretty bad oh god i'll tell you what then i might turn on these water pumps and then i think we can pour some science so who's in here javier you're sacked ryan also sacked or catch little wolf i was so sad and looks mischief you are sacked as well i think you're all now log pumpers yep and what i'll do at the risk of making our new construction site a little bit rupee i am going to open the floodgates okay that did nothing we'll open them a little bit more there we go and we're just topping up this lake now no we got some more deaths for breezy i'm raving the depressed oh they were so depressed i'm pretty sure raven spent most of their life mining this but now they've been replaced and joining god king emperor of be the kind it's yuri mamasan although there's really not a lot of ruins left you've probably got like a hundred scrap metal and that's it so very important that our youtube members make it over here and they've done half the bridge so we're getting there we're getting there amino up here we've got a bit of a disaster because the water levels drop so low everything has died not good thankfully only 1.6 days left until the end of the drought and i think these trees last yeah a long time 16 days without water so maple trees really are the camels of the tree world anyway how is our bridge getting along our second mega bridge oh it's looking good we've only got one bit left and we're just after metal blocks do we have enough of those we've got 86 we need 35 yeah that's good and some planks planks were quite slow at making so that could take some time but once we're there it will fly through now what does this temple need to be built logs and planks campfire just logs okay i think i think we're fine i think we're sorted yeah water's flying up now we're on 500 that was a pretty quick fix we've still got we can lower that another two times and now because we've lowered the water level we've actually got water storage at that height whereas previously we didn't so that's good really want to make sure this doesn't dry out because i know wheat does not last long there's no maple tree if it doesn't get water it dies within like a day all right anyway over here our statue is built the beaver statue so everyone in range like you little jonas swanson you should have some you've got aesthetics now which increases your working speed i'm watching you're just a baby so that's not going to help you but when you're older you'll be very grateful now we've also built this awesome row house look it holds all these people which is good however the roof on top hasn't been built is that because it's out of rank yes out of range so annoyingly in order to build a roof we're gonna have to do some temporary scaffolding so that's quite annoying i tell you what then we're gonna gonna put platform down there and if we do stairs up that will get us to the back and if we path along there and along there then we can put another platform in there i'm not sure if we need stairs i think they can build up one so if we just put half there i think that means they can build that once all this is completed and i'll tell you what i quite actually quite like this could we use that to put our rooftop terraces on yes we can yes that's awesome so when that's built we've got double rooftop terraces which i tell you what that is a pretty good view especially with the beaver there oh no but that isn't a good view look we've dried up right pause pause pause right so we've got no water so we need to lower our triple floodgates again so as that fills the watercourse with water you can see it's all returning again so thankfully no permanent damage you can see though the water back here where we haven't built and exploded the dynamite yet uh it's drying out rapidly you can see the entire flag now that's not good and it's not good anyway i'm more concerned about this area we've got point four days left we've got less than half a day so i think that's fine oh look at this they've built like a little they farmed in like a bullseye pattern i tell you what i think that means there aren't enough farmers so i might down here in this nice little space put another farm in so if we do that i'll just help these guys to farm all of this wheat so it looks like we can manage well an area about that big farm so we might even want another farm like up there maybe but for now that's good we will leave that as is we've got lots we've got lots of building going on like everywhere so i think we're just gonna fast forward oh loads of beavers have grown up loads of beavers where are you guys they are all patreons but yes the drought has ended as it says up there so you can see up here now the water source rocks they are producing water again so if we just fast forward you should see this start to fill up with water once again so what i'm gonna do i'm gonna raise the triple floodgates i want to lower this flooding what are you doing there engineer man oh he's planting trees old engineer matt we remember that yeah this floodgate goes down i think to 0.5 was good and then this one 0.5 and the same with this one down here 0.5 so that should keep everything flowing again and look at this the water is flowing over here filling up this lovely which means the water's flowing down here let's get someone back in the grist mill or the toad mill as i like to call it kevin braheny has gone in there he is our grist miller he's going to be grinding wheat into flour oh and look down here the real architect has died of old age get in back of the net i shouldn't be happy that any of my beavers die especially my patreon beavers however i think you had it coming mr real architect although what is above the real architect were you trying to trick me into saying your name mister i tell you what i feel like that is a sin on an architectural level and now you've grown up you're at an age where you can do a job and if you look at the wheels of shame you can see we have an opening so congrats you have made it into the wheel of shame it's where is the is he's coming up the stairs shame shame shame everyone join in shame shame right shame in the comments to shame big willy shane damn it i said big willy shane i said it again shave shame all right well that was all happening we had we had a load more people died we had chill and i had to jordan tried they all died oh and that rhymed but yeah we got so much building to do i might just fast forward oh hang on we got a flood why have we got a flood oh crap i tell you what i know what i forgot to do i need to lower one of these floodgates just the middle one and that just keeps the level sensible everywhere else like down here because at the moment not very sensible where it's flooded as you can see there you go there you go sorted now i tell you what i might do i feel like we are slacking on water a bit we've got a lot of water i feel like down here this is almost like our largest unused area to me we should fill this with water or actually how many youtube members are all unemployed okay maybe not i was thinking maybe youtube members we could just pump all of this but no maybe the patreons okay let's along here set up some water pumps then i would use the large water tank but you need 20 gears and 30 planks and gears are like so hard to come by i might just do the small ones they only take logs so it's a lot simpler to build so if we just do like that sort of thing squeeze another one in there as well then we can just path along that and tell you what maybe we can do a big one at the end a big storage tank like that lovely jubbly and that could mean we can even raise that depending on how much they're pumping out we're going to be mindful like the inflow and the outflow and we're not sure there's a way to measure that so we'll just have to keep an eye on it and meanwhile i might pause joshua hugh are you actually doing anything let's pause you and maybe we'll put you in a gear workshop so we're going to need at least a few more gears we've got 15 but we need 20 for that large water storage so i've put you in there oh we're struggling on the old power down here this is really not good what if we lower that flood gate yeah we'll flood this briefly but it won't take long for it settles there you go will that make this work any better it sort of doesn't look like it why doesn't it spin well if we lower that one there you go just need more water coming in i think so that seems to be running smoothly now yeah that's good that is good now sweet so we're finally making flowers you can see that we haven't actually seen that in this list before i don't think uh we are stacking up the dynamite is no one actually dancing dynamite i feel like we need some more builders should i build another builder's hut we've had a few more deaths as well him houdini and dwight schrute has died oh i couldn't hack the banter between his colleagues i don't know what job dwight did actually i assume he was a farmer a beet farmer we don't have beets to maybe he wasn't maybe he just worked in the paper mill yeah you must he must have worked in the paper mill that makes sense well yeah we are really slack i wish we had a way of getting more beavers that weren't just doing useless jobs because of the shame they've brought in the community oh no look up here the god king emperor of be the kind you're out of a job mate so we're gonna delete that and i guess you're a hauler for now until we can build this i might actually prioritize that yes the second bridge is done so now we've got the long look how long our bridge is oh no i've just realized oh bollocks i just realized we can't get a path around there or can we maybe we can no look we can't because of the rope which is doing important engineering tension stuff we're gonna have to delete that campfire that's very very disappointing uh at least everything's connected now then i guess we could do a campfire back there it's not symmetrical which isn't as good but uh campfire i guess you can go there i'll tell you what wire output i feel like this is a bit of a chill out area can we add some decoration shall we try should we try a new fence let's unlock a fence oh so they go in okay they go in like that what about a bench hey we can plonk a bench there nice oh the temple was nearly built bill progressed 75 we are nearly there with the temple oh and down here the builder's heart is done colton and mr razor have gone in there let's reduce some haulers you guys and ryder pie are now builders so hopefully we should start building things a little bit more quickly but look the temple is complete whoa what do they do in there let's try and let's try and have a little peek in the temple oh look at these little kids though they were like who was in there chris farrell just like playing about this is like turning into like a kid's play area it seems it switched me for the adults to chill not for the kids to play oh well as long as they're having fun that's all i care about right look two more kids coming to have a play up here andree leblanc and bujo they're up there just chilling out doing what baby beavers do best but cool look at our bridge though i feel like it's really cool as well like it's almost like a story like like you start as a youtube member in the baron area yeah if you follow our bridge it's like you start over here bridge over to here there's not a lot going on here it's just a way to keep an eye on the shamers of the city and then you carry on through like that is a cool view like with the temple in the background i am happy with that i think that's planks well spent two huge bridges a massive temple lovely jobly everything seems to be like in a bit of equilibrium now it's all sort of balanced i feel like i could potentially leave it running to get things built a bit water's pretty high food's doing all right as well logs are very high yeah i think i think we've achieved today guys i think we've achieved we planned a lot of building we've just got to wait for it to get built look at all the lights here look at all the beavers there's so many beavers they're all off to bed and on that note guys peace love and beavers and i'll catch you guys next time thanks for joining bye [Music] you
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 350,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: timberborn, timberborn gameplay, timberborn ep 1, timberborn dam, timberborn flooding, timberborn 2, timberborn part 1, timberborn free download, timberborn demo, beaver city builder, beaver, beaver dam, rce, real civil engineer, timber born, timber born game, timberborn full version, timberborn full game, timberborn full release date, timberborn game, timberborn lets play, timberborn review, eastenderspleasedontsueme, eastenders
Id: 2vTBysgo5p0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 37sec (1237 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 24 2021
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