Using REAL HIGHWAY LAYOUTS to get high scores in Freeways!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to freeways freeways the little data freeways freeways delivered oh i'm losing my mind already anyway ignoring this beautiful piece of engineering so freeways is a game where you get to build your own highway intersection now last time we did the first nine levels uh with varying results we had some very neat looking solutions and we also had some not so neat looking solutions but all of them did work surprisingly and now we've got a load of new levels so all the all these squares around the outside they represent a different level and they they still continue from where you left off so if we look at this top left absolute mess if we go above there you can see there's two little roads where that blue car just disappeared too if we click up here here we are we have a new level to do so we've got in and outs on every single arm so that's quite a nice one actually that's like a nice little four-way solution however you've gotta sort of take to account when you click on each sign you see you get different well i was going to say you can see you get different thickness arrows but they're all the same thickness which means the same amount of traffic wants to go in every direction yes this could be quite a nice little cloverleaf i think because we found out last time i sort of did the four by fours which is what i'm calling this style of level we found out the cloverfield in this game it was actually quite effective it's also quite simple to do so i'm just going to go with that for now oh hang on hang on the left and rights have changed ah that is sneaky yeah nearly i nearly went straight across there but if you look down the bottom left you've got your driving like on the left however if you look from left to right they're actually driving on the right so i'm going to swap them around just to make the cloverleaf bit work so first things first we do like an s bend and then we just head straight over bridge over there that's what this light colored bit is it means it's a bridge so we're not making a junction uh head over here and then do a bit of that and to connect this other one in we're going to do the same thing we're just going to bridge over like that lovely jubbly oh that was a bit wonky and we're trying to minimize bridges on this i think that brings the sort of overall cost down and it makes it more efficient just like real life so that looks pretty good if you ask me but we need to think about all the directions so at the moment if you're coming from the bottom and you're driving up you can only go straight ahead that's no good for anyone so we're gonna do the classic cloverleaf which is our bollocks i just that up i just that up and let's see what happens here did i it up it might be okay oh it's okay it's okay there's no undo on this game so very frustrating when you up yeah so we'll leave that one round like that we'll leave that one around like that and we'll leave this one around it's going to tell us that it's finished but it's not finished see network complete no game you wait for me so people coming from the bottom if they want to go left to the west if we follow like one of these green cars you see they come up they have to go around here and then they'll go along here around that one along here around that one and then they're where they want to go so what we what we do is we just put a little little bit of that in and we do that on all these arms and it saves people having to go all the way around the roundabout so i think you want to go from there oh this could be quite steep and then from this one through the sign sorry sign i assume they can drive through that right can you drive through the sign boosh yes you can right so now we're done we can press this stopwatch down here and this simulates with lots of traffic and it gives you like an overall score and ours is 400 which is pretty good this is combined with your traffic flow the amount of concrete used so i think like the shorter your roads are the less bridges you use the better and then the complexity factor about 400 that's what we call quite a good score i think we're looking to be sort of between 200 and 400 it's a sort of good score have a nice so now we go back to the map you can see it's added to our main map you can actually see all my different scores up there so my my brainy mess only got 248 compared to one i just did 401 so much better score very efficient where shall we go next maybe next to it above the most efficient junction design we've ever done in this game yeah i think we'll go there so oh goodness what is this okay so i think these things there they're like different buildings and i'm pretty sure you can't drive through them let's take a road and sort of yeah okay definitely can't drive through them but first things first we want to check out all the different arrows just to see where the traffic wants to go right so these want to go left pretty majorly these guys want to go left and right a little bit ahead they want to go okay so i think this is the main one to think about so we're going to go left as our sort of main route so that's the biggest arrow so i think that's like going to make that the simplest method as a close by we're just going to do you straight on to there like that and similarly i think we'll do a straight off there nice i will probably just make you go straight on there as well and then you may as well do this turn as well now to think about the other thing so this straight ahead one all right so from the left we want to go straight onto that road so it's probably worth bridging over but we also want to go down to there i'm sort of thinking we just we just go straight and then we go over the top and then in like that i think that hasn't cocked up the road below now we really need a yellow to come out of here but there hasn't been one yet now likewise we can come off there and just do that sorted to get this one over there is a little bit tricky i wonder if we could oh this is this could everything up if we go to there and then go up oh yeah we've just about managed it sneak that through and then go down so dodgy but that sort of works that sort of works right now we've just got to do onto this purple area 12 north so i think we can just do an arm coming off there go up go down oh no i did the wrong i've done this before bollocks i went up twice there that's why it's gone really light gray all right hopefully they can still use that i think they can that goes so high so unnecessary although actually it could help us if we were to come up i could this up completely we'll go up one and then we've gone under that bridge and then we can come around i don't know if there's enough room to do i'm gonna i'm gonna play it safe we're gonna come over here go down onto a complete what is this at the middle oh man absolutely terrible it somehow works so can you see this light this lightish gray compared to the other two greys that means it goes like super high meaning this bridge like passes underneath it so three stories going on there pretty cool uh let's press the simulation button and see how we get on it's sort of flying it's not getting too stuck i don't think 340 decent uh should we try this one i'm sort of just thinking we just work around clockwise i saw look at this another all the way up oh not a lot of traffic not a lot of traffic at all ooh i tell you what then if there's not a lot of traffic this could be one just to try out just a simple roundabout so if we do i don't know how big a roundabout do we do like that sort of thing let me do that let me do that with the top arm network complete nice little roundabout that's like the quickest level i've ever done right shall we simulate look can you see there's like hardly any traffic i could have done like a way smaller roundabout actually oh decent so 177 not very good but complexity factor has gone down it's no longer 36 it's just it's just six uh we also unlocked a pick now last time this sort of gave us a real life example of what we created first let's see what this does oh no okay what is this every interchange was once a country road crossing like this one in mexico uh okay thanks for letting me know is that true every interchange or does it mean every interchange in mexico don't know we're handling this this game is random sometimes but um we're always learning we're always learning all right back to the map uh we'll do top right oh look we got five arms now how do we do this one i guess we sort of work out oh look interesting so coming from one west the people only want to go one direction they only want to go to one b they don't care about any of the other routes so i'm sort of thinking we do that one first that's like straight through the easy one so that one's sorted no other arms off there but we will have some going on i think from down here purple is the biggest route so let's head over there first so we'll do a little bridge over there and then just head into there like that so i think we're gonna do all the major sort of routes now so down so this one b wants to go to the yellow so we'll do that i think we'll just do a sort of smooth arm you want to get nice and perpendicular with your crossings so they're nice and short that's what we do in real life to make some cheaper because the longer your bridge is the stronger it has to be the more it will cost this purple one it wants to go down to blue as the main route uh annoyingly i could have made this bridge a little bit longer and then we could have fit that underneath right there you go i've redrawn to have a double bridge there very nice and then from here we just want to go straight down so i'm not entirely sure but i think the game prefers it if you do two little bridges just like real life this is what you do you do like a little bridge and another little bridge rather than one really long bridge you'd sort of fill in this land with like dirt and stuff because it's cheaper if you don't need to support anything you don't need space underneath it why would you make it bridge right so now we need to think of ways to do all the different turns that one doesn't have one so that doesn't need to go anywhere this one needs to go to green and to yellow so to go to green is easy we just do that to go to yellow we can just cut across there i think yeah that'll save any sort of structure being needed so we come around there and do that they're all done so from the green we want to go down to the red and up to there so as we've got a merge here so emerge is where you have like a slip road merge onto your main road generally you want to diverge before that so rather than doing it up there and coming off we're going to go before and come off that way that means there's slightly less traffic coming up here so that's all good and then to get down to red i'm sort of thinking we just do like a u in there so if we come off that and do that that's all those done all right the purples are a little bit trickier it looks like all right so it's got that is all good and we got space in here if we need to do anything else we want to get to red i'm sort of thinking we don't want to cross roads we really don't want to crossroads do we want another bridge though that is the question actually we don't need another bridge we can so i don't think this slip road is going to get used too much i think we can come off from under there and just connect straight onto it and then we've just got to get to green so i think we'll do like a u-bend up there then yellows to get to green we're going to come off where we went flat here and go under that bridge like that and to get to purple so if you're it's going to be quite horrible actually come over there go back on yourself and join after there that's a horrible junction but it looks quite simple we've sort of got like a weird roundabout thing in the middle i don't think this is going to do very well let's simulate and see what happens it's sort of flowing okay actually 441 that's a brilliant score what did we learn about that i think we learnt i can fluke any test you put in front of me back to the map all right let's work down oh god we've got the c the c okay so looking at all these they only want to go two directions which is quite interesting let's think logically we want to we want to reduce structures i don't know if that's exactly how this game works but me being a real life engineer i know structures are the most expensive thing with a road so i'm sort of looking at this gap i'm like these two want to get around there and then we can go from there and then maybe put like a bridge across here so shall we do that to start with where do these want to go again up there and over there okay i think we'll start with this one so we'll go along there keep you tight this foresty thing whatever that is and then sort of just do that meanwhile i think we're just gonna do similar i'm gonna keep a bit of a wide berth there just so we can branch off if we need all right i'm pretty sure in this game these trees and stuff you can't even bridge over them so we're going to have to go up a bit i'm sort of thinking if i do the bottom one first so we'll come off here we'll head that way bridge up go as tight to the tree as possible back down connect you in this one will go like parallel to that and then we'll connect you in up there so everything from this greenhouse is done they're not flashing anymore those arrows from the top we've still got to get over to the right so that's probably going to involve a bridge over here connecting in there maybe but from this one we've got to get to the green as well so sort of thinking if we come off there over the top back down that's sorted that's nice and simple the only thing is have i cocked up how we get from here over to there i was thinking a bridge over there but then it would be a double bridge so we're going to come off there and do up one up two over there then we'll come down twice and then connect in there network complete again we've got like a few story thing here we got ground level bridge higher bridge and then the highest bridge so it might affect our efficiency but let's simulate and see how it looks oh god there's a lot of traffic there is a lot of traffic uh 365 not bad oh look we unlocked another picture have a look oh look at this man armani michigan found a creative solution or is this the same is this what they did don't know either way pretty cool i do like seeing a highway interchange because i'm a massive highway nerd apparently cool decent 365 not bad now let's head down oh we got the river continuing okay everything wants to go everywhere and it doesn't matter what way it does it this is a bit tricky what shall we do i'm sort of thinking we put in our simple straight crosses so over the bridge simple same in the other direction lovely i want to do from there over there because it's sort of nice and easy out the way same with that one around there nice i don't know if i want loads of bridges over the river or do i do you like bridges do you like bridges i'm sort of thinking if we do just use these bridges and we're gonna get like double the traffic on it so i'll tell you what we're gonna have four bridges over the river this could be a bit silly or whatever we're gonna have quad bridges in a line it's gonna be beautiful all right so go from there straight up and then to get on to the blue i don't know where the best place to do is it's probably down here rather than up here so we're gonna do like a similar basically the mirror image so come off there up and over back down across the river back down down to there nice all right and then i think we just connect these up so we say you go on to that you go on to that so both the corner ones are done there's no more flashing arrows but these are ones bit of a nightmare so what we can do is i feel like i did these wrong actually i probably should have merged there maybe it wouldn't matter at all maybe it wouldn't matter at all see i think we'll do that then we'll do similar over here so then we've just got to get these guys up and over and we could just do it's a bit sneaky or do we just do a cheeky little bridge over the top i do like a cheeky little bridge so yeah if we go from under there we're gonna do a cheeky little bridge up over back down nice and then we'll do the same down here so oh no i clocked that one up no that's going the wrong way i was meant to do that has that worked yeah that has worked oh that's a mess now now the blues are coming on there oh god anyway the cheeky little bridge is coming from under there going up and back down like that network complete we got four river crossings beautiful let's simulate this oh it doesn't look too bad it looks quite cool actually 445 whoa that did way better than i was expecting quad bridges for the win right and we unlocked a picture oh it's a partial cloverleaf as you see down here it's a sensible design for freeway with light traffic so basically these sorts of layouts they sort of depend on the traffic flows or predicted future traffic flows and generally it's all like to standards so you like you just look up a table or graph or something it will tell you this much traffic use this one it's not just freehand like this but this is much more fun say back to the map shall we continue our river i am i'm liking the river once oh the river disappears here what is this is that a car wash i think that's a car wash oh look green road whoa that wants to go straight we're going to let you go straight there mate well that wants to go back so i think we'll just do parallel roads i'm going to keep them a little bit wide so i have the option to bridge that direction if needs be oh look there's loads of car washes they're everywhere right so this direction wants to go to every car wash all right first things first i'm thinking we take this one around like that so the car washes don't want to go to each other which isn't surprising but these want to go you want to go back onto this so there you go that green car it's nice and shiny now look how shiny it is lovely it's back on the road sorted if we want to get these to reds i'm sort of thinking we go over the top and back down like that so the car wash dark blue car wash is now sorted okay so from here i think we're gonna wanna come off before this merge head that direction go up back down we'll go into that one and do another arm into that one i'm gonna make the reds join there and these guys also want to go around that way so i think we'll do that up over back down and around and it's just a case of going from these onto the roads so i'm going to merge these together first i'm going to do that with them but then come off there and go over and onto there they go network complete let's press the old stopwatch and see how she goes oh it's not looking too bad i don't know how efficient it was i feel like i used quite a bit of 470. sorry that's a really high pitch voice i was surprised by that that's that's a good score i think that's one of my best scores nice let's head back to the map what is my best score that was my best score by a long way decent all right we're going to do one more and we're going to go i think we're going to go in this corner so i feel like that's a nice little that's a nice little pattern there so we're gonna do this corner oh look there's a stopwatch what does the stopwatch mean i don't know they want to go over there now you want to go over there and you want to go down there oh interesting so they sort of all want to go in a bit of a i feel like a bit of a roundabout on this one i feel like if they go around there then yeah let's do that so i think so you round i feel like i might have to do a double bridge so i'm gonna pre-prepare all right so we've got room under there for another bridge which i think is going to be this one yeah so come along here down and get under there uh yeah just straight down that's a horrible 90 degree bend probably shouldn't do that i wonder if it slows down does he slow down oh it does slow down oh that's interesting so the smoother your bends just like real life the faster you can drive around them without dying okay so you want to go to red so i think we'll just do that you want to go to blue so i think we'll just do that and you want to go to green so i think we'll just do that decent that's really a simple junction i wonder if it'll perform well let's simulate there's so many cars it's like a secret message we nearly got 500 oh i want to get 500 now 497 though i'll take that i reckon if i didn't do a 90 degree bend there we would have hit 500. oh well let's go back to the map look at that i am loving this game and if you are please boost that like button let me know that you're enjoying this game and you want to see more of it i feel like this time we're a lot more sensible like all of our solutions they sort of look semi-realistic uh compared to compared to some of our earlier levels yes as it says there peace love and freeways i'll catch you guys next time cheers for joining bye [Music]
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 544,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: freeways game, real civil engineer mini motorways, real civil engineer freeways, freeways real civil engineer, freeways highway engineer, highway engineer freeways, free ways, free ways game, freeways realistic, realistic freeways game, highway interchange game, traffic fixing game, rce, traffic games, drawing highway junctions, drawing highways interchanges, engineering, road engineer game, efficient freeways solutions, mini motorways, mini motorways lets play
Id: 9kWz8oj8hbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 22 2021
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