The First Era EXPLAINED! Ayleids, Dwemer, Akaviri Invasions - Elder Scrolls Lore

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welcome ladies and gentlemen back to fudge Muppet my name is Scott and today I present you a big undertaking a video that encompasses all of the history from the first era in the Elder Scrolls universe if you do enjoy this kind of video please do give it a like and lets us know that you love it and you want more there is definitely a plan to do this for the second third and fourth errors as well and perhaps even the dawn and myrrh ethic errors but those get a little unpress ice and hazy with a lack of concrete dates but without further ado let's get into the video this is the first error explained the event that marks the official beginning of the first era Year Zero distinguishing history from the much vaguer dawn and Maratha Kara's is the founding of the cameron dynasty in the wild and endless forests of Valen wood king a player would unite all the Bosma into one political identity a United Valen would is born in the a lured Elves of Cyrodiil would use this sovereign state as a buffer between them and the influence of the High Elves in Allen or the white gold tower becomes an independent city-state and heart of the a lured Empire in a 20th year of the first era the first appearance of the siddik order and recorded history occurs Vaughan a a breton sage and author travels to the Isle of artyom to meet with the right master Lachesis who is the leader of the Sidgwick monks and had counseled many kings on the elder way taught to them by the Ellen FA the original inhabitants of Tamriel in the year 68 the very last ships of atmora would dock in Tamriel after many many migrations of at morons coming to Tamriel this would be the final wave of large-scale two ships arrived filled with many corpses with those left living begging to be allowed to port what had become of atmora can only be speculated the second century of the first era is initially marked by the birth of King Harold in the year 113 King Harold also known as Harold hand-free was the 13th in the line of is grimore and would become known as the first historical Nord ruler in the one hundred and fortieth year commander scorm snow Strider while on campaign to wipe out the rest of the snow elves near Lake Hinrich he and his force finds the last wrong hold of the Dragon cult vorel host the majority of the cultists commit suicide by poisoning the water supply which also results in the death of many of scorns army three years later year 143 of the first era Herald would be crowned high king of the Nords he relinquishes his ancestral holdings in atmora and skyrim is consolidated into a independent kingdom with the grand city of Windhelm as its capital King Harald during his reign would be remembered for defeating the sons of Archmage Golder these three sons killed their father for a powerful amulet and King Harald with Archmage Garamond avenged him come the year 198 an event known as the scouring of Wendel back would occur this event is the climax of a period called the nerf fenzel schism which had been ongoing since the late Maratha Kara the schism was conflict in tension between the more conservative aedra worshipping eyelids and the many clans of eyelids that had adopted Daedra worship I quote from the book a lad survivals in Velen wood at the scouring of Wendel back when Qinglin farriner vittala at a combined force of Daedra fire warriors against the traditional bus a Bix of a lagoon the bus a box were driven out of the heartland into northwest Argonia and thereafter organized opposition to Daedra worship and cyrodiil was effectively over so from this point forward Daedric worship would be entirely acceptable to the eyelids of Cyrodiil two years later the third century of the first era begins with the year 200 when the author of the Tamriel and tractates transcribes a first-hand account of the Breton's by a Nordic hunting party you see at this point Breton's were first emerging his products of Deveny elven overlords in highrock interbreeding with their Neelix laves BC would also be the first mention of the earliest recorded ancestor of house--the on come the year 221 of the first era king harald dies at the ripe old age of 108 having ruled Skyrim for 78 years and had even outlived orbit three of his sons youma Fraga and on guard the outlaw his eldest son holma takes the throne as high king of skyrim it is in the years following Harold's death that a considerable source of etherium would be discovered dilemma and he studied extracted and processed by an alliance of four Dwemer cities they would even build the etherium Forge but ultimately this project would end in the tragedy of the etherium wars in the next year 222 High King Schulman dies and the next in line Braga assumes the throne Braga would become known as High King Braga the gifted he would take his empire of Nords and begin a conquest of neighboring lands that would not end until the Year 272 or according to other sources the Year 415 regardless this year marks the beginning of the Skyrim conquests by the two hundred and fortieth year of the first era Braga the gifted had led his Nordic armies and assumed control of large expanses including the majority of high rock morrowind known as res Dayne in this period and even parts of northern serie del the Skyrim conquests would mark the end of elven dominance on Tamriel and the events that precede would further confirm the rise of man on Tamriel the Year 242 is eighth year of rebellion the need ixnay her Lisa who became known as the slave Queen would rally the need exclaims of the eyelids and fight a war for freedom with some assistance from the Nords and some a lead supporters the Year 243 would mark the downfall of the a lards the white gold tower the seat of the a lured Empire Falls to the rebels legendary heroes such as Mora house the man bull and pelinore whitestrake led the assault and it killed many a later Kings among them their demigod champion numeral the unfeathered this would also be the day that Pellinore whitestrake would fall being killed after defeating umaril the first human empire of Cyrodiil is founded and alicia would become its queen ruling the heartlands and clova and national identity is formed with a new religion a blending of the Nordic Pantheon and the elven Pantheon that the needs worshipped would be created by Alicia resulting in eight Divine's than you know today on a less monumental note in the year 246 the north half of the iliac bay region is conquered by Nords and they perform a census called the book of life this indicates the location of which Daggerfall would lie centuries later there is 110 men 93 women 13 children under the age of 8:58 cows seven balls 63 chickens eleven and thirty-eight hogs this date is considered when the city of Daggerfall is founded in high rock in this location come the year two sixty six of the first era Empress Alicia lies on her deathbed akatosh or depending on the source shazar in the form of Pellinore comes to the white gold tower and transforms the dying Alicia into the first serie Dilek saint empress Alicia becomes the first jam in the amulet of Kings beginning the covenant between the Imperials and akatosh protecting Tamriel from oblivion her son bilasa the man boy Minotaur and child of Mora house is crowned Emperor we then enter the fourth century of the first era year 340 the Elysian Empire forms a trade treaty with the bosmer of Valen would the elves of Valen would would benefit greatly from imports that they could not produce natively due to the nature of the green packed items made from wooden plant interiors year 355 clan durante rises to prominence the dharini elves are the only high elven ruling family remaining in human dominated lands through political maneuvering and genius they managed to stay that way for a long while in a year 361 the Elysian doctrines are enforced the Elysian doctrines for those who do not know other kurds by which the elysian order follows now the Elysian order began from the teachings of marouk maroc learns the doctrines from the ghost of Alicia herself or so he says regardless this religious order was a monotheistic Colton gained much influence in the Empire by this time enough influence to have the Elysian doctrines enforced by law the Elysian order was also very anti elven resulting in the abolishment of the remaining a lured Lordships that had previously helped the need against the alien tyranny come the Year 369 High King Baugus dies now High King Boris was the hiking of Skyrim ends the last of the ysgramor dynasty as well as the last to wear the jagged crown during his reign he outlawed the Nordic Pantheon in favor of the doctrines of the Elysian Order this would usher in an age in Skyrim called the shadow of King Boris lasting for over 100 years until hokey wolf faith would restore the Nordic Pantheon as you know the elysian order was incredibly anti elven and as a result various tensions were rising between the empire into the Cameron dynasty of Valen Wood Baugus travelled to serie dill urging the Empire to join him in a war against the Bosma but the Bosma used the wild hunt to kill hiking Baugus an event that would change Skyrim forever the Moot fails to elect y'all hands as bogus as successor and what results is a civil war that would last many years the Nordic Empire would soon lose its control of territories in High Rocks iredale and morrowind year 374 of the first era the a lead vassal state of nana lotta the last remaining a lead city in serie dill is given an ultimatum by the elysian order they are to leave or to be faced with extermination king la Lauri and Donna takes those who would join him and begins an exodus to join the Deranian High Rock the a leads who remained in nan alotta would be slaughtered in the nana lotta massacre at the hands of the elise in order across the seas far to the west in the year 376 the traditional emperors of Yakuza are overthrown assuring in 300 years of civil war between lords warrior monks and brigands back across the sea in good old Tamriel the Year 393 the elysian order is still busy killing off elves mulatto was an alert temple also referred to as the high fame found in an in a basin of Cyrodiil the local needs have said that the eyelids of milada were making it so that no man could plow reap or seed making their farms useless they went to the Elysee in order and plead for aid to cleanse the Devils with holy flame and it was this year that abbot cosmas of the Elysian Order would lead an assault in milada massacring the eyelids and they burnt their relics and books along with them enter the fifth century of the first era the Year 416 holds events of great historical significance in Doran era var of the Karma and King do Mac of the Dwemer unite against the Nords occupying res Dayne aka modern morrowind the first council is formed in the Nords are driven from morrowind leading to an age of peace and prosperity for the elves of res Dane however the Dwemer clan rockin was not found of Alliance and exiled themselves their chieftain threw his mighty hammer Vohland rung as far as he could and wherever it would land would become their new home the hammer landed far to the west in a land they would call Valen fell and that you know today as hammer fell a land where quite literally the hammer fell also a man named Jurgen wind caller a Nordic warlord and master of the thorn was troubled by the Nordic defeat at Red Mountain the climax of their Kaymer Dwemer rebellion he would then begin a seven-year long meditation culminating in the founding of the gray beads and the way of the voice in their four hundred and twentieth year of the first era the Dwemer clan rockin finally reaches Valen fell and successfully settles the area meanwhile the skyrim war of succession ends with the pact of the Chieftains the damage of the war would be somewhat permanent the great expanses of territory the Nord said once conquered would never be restored Olaf 1i the yawl of Whiterun is made high king of skyrim year 448 Rizla Larrick who had become known as ResLife the righteous is born as the eighth child and fourth son of queen Lunada and king Mors of skin grab year 52 High King Olaf one-eyed dies leaving his legacy of dragons reach the prison he built for the dragon luminix it is the Year 461 and it's the coronation of Emperor glorious the heir to the Elysium Empire a 13 year old where is love Larrick what attends the coronation with his family witnessing the many powerful figures of Tamriel that also attended including the High King horik the white of skyrim and his son Hogue merkulov dialogue Brae the ruler of the Khajiit Kingdom and a queen ur his full title be golden beast of anak we know also attended and despite the anti elven sentiment within the Empire reindeer any of Hurok as well as in Doral nerevar and do mock dwarf King attended the coronation of Emperor glorious year 470 it is approximately at this time that a group of elves in the Somerset al city of lilandra discovered an incredibly powerful man a flask that absorbs and reflects magic of all kinds this flask would be known as the flask of LaLanne drill and would be spread in song and legend the elves use the power of the flask to keep their powerful magics of the Bosma in check legend has it that a stableboy defeated a high wizard of Valen would by using this flask as time passed the elves who discovered it feared that bosmer assassins would kill them so they set sail for High Rock to seek refuge with the Dharini elves however they would shipwreck off the coast of Strasse Makai with a flask being lost to the seeds for over a thousand years meanwhile in Cyrodiil year 472 the kingdoms of Kovach and skin grads cease their feuding details are scarce as to why but historians can piece together the fact that prince rizz lap of skin grad was married to Belen the daughter of King Justinian's of Kovach six years later so it is assumed that it was their marriage that brought an end to the feuding it is the you force every seven in clan dear any conquers all of high rock as well as large expanses of hammerfell and Skyrim year 478 hi King horik the white of Skyrim dies Yorick had rebelled against the Emperor glorious and by extension the elise in order he was killed in the Battle of son guard his son hog merkulov was elected as his replacement by the moot at the same time a great plague swept through cyrodiil particularly the cloven West Rizla Florrick's entire family the royal family of skin grad died from the plague with the exception of his older brother Doral who was a priest of maroc in the Imperial City after this event he returned home to rule skin grad Donald being a very pious and elysian swayed man decided that his first hand of action would be to secede the kingdom of skin grad to the Empire the other cloven States were furious at his act and when word reached Rizla residing in the court of gavage with his wife he would take swift action he rode with his father-in-law's armies and gained control of skin grad by personally executing his traitor brother his lab would be named king of skin grad and would be the catalyst for resistance against the elysian Empire and brag aureus tried to take skin grad but King Rizla of skin grad with King Justinian's of kibosh managed to rout he army and defeat him with a much smaller force this great feat inspires the other cloven Kings to join res Levin Justina's in alliance against the Empire high king hog merkulov scar and would join their resistance ryan de rainey also outlaws elise uniform in high rock and starts fighting for imperial territory this would not bode well for the Elysium empire two years later year 488 under any leads a series of minor but important victories against the Elysium Xinhai rock though this would not be enough to slow the encroaching elysium force year 482 the infamous battle of Glenanne Barrymore's takes place this is the battle that would decide the fate of high rock and thanks to the magic of raven de rainey the military prowess of Aiden Durrani the tactical ability of La Laurie and Dyna of the eyelids and finally but it unexpectedly the high king of skyrim homer killer who had put aside his differences to help to be rid of a common enemy poke Merkel are perished in the battle however the Durrani earned a decisive victory pushing the Elise in order out of high rock however the Durrani clan suffered and they would be pushed out by brat and nobility over the next 20 years but a few pockets of Elvin rule remained in high rock and new high king is chosen with the death of Herkimer killer is mean wolf faith takes the throne and reinstates their ancient Nordic Pantheon Elysium temples are destroyed all over Skyrim and the remainder of its priests would flee to the heartlands of Cyrodiil by the year 498 that there any elves have lost lots of power and Hurok by this time in history year 500 the beginning of the sixth century the reign of is mobile faith begins however there are discrepancies in the histories regarding this there is a plaque in wind home that indicates his reign lasted from the year 480 however at this time Hogue merkulov was king as he would not die in battle until two years later in Glen Umbria it is likely that his men became king in 482 like I said after Hogue the Year 500 marks the approximate date for the earliest legends of Izmir tales of Izmir include him defeating the eastern orcs with a shout swallowing a thundercloud and he even used a powerful thumb to restore the Nords from a curse that was laid upon them by the ghost of elder one turning them into children year 533 is the aprox date for his mere war farts death year 609 King Fagor of Daggerfall defeats the army of Glenn Point a victory that would cement Daggerfall as the predominant economic cultural and military force in southern hi Rach meanwhile across the seas in Yokota mansell sasnett became military dictator of Yokota and successfully gains control of the whole empire within eight years despite a prior hundreds of years of civil war year 617 Mansell sasnett is assassinated by a commoner named Randy thorn Randy Kasim control of the government and tried to continue creating unification of Yokota he would rule for 120 years and during his reign he would introduce the law that meant only sword singers could wear their swords not commoners he is 660 the Battle of the dragon wall takes place malik the orcish god of the velocity mountains is defeated and he flees east it is said that his fury and anger at this defeat would be the reason behind the eruption of Red Mountain eight years later Malik by the way is another understanding of the same aspect you would know as malikov it is the Year 668 of the first era in the beginning of the war of the first council a war between Akuma and the Dwemer caused mainly by kagrenac intention to build the new medium considered blasphemous by the Clymer red mountain would also erupt causing a hiding of the Sun for a whole year and events known as son's death or the year of winter in summer year 670 lef temple in Western stone Falls morrowind a shrine to Azura is converted to the worship of the tribunal however this is an example of another discrepancy as the tribunal has not been yet created so it is likely that this temple was converted in the events preceding the Battle of red mountain 30 years later year 700 the Battle of red mounts and the climax to the war of the first Council would begin without going into far too much detail because the Battle of red mountain has many versions and suggested outcomes as well as the fact that it is considered by many to be a dragon break I would just talk about the facts we can 100% confirm the Dwemer under do Mak dwarf King and the climber Great Houses as well as the Ashland under hortatory in Doral nerevar were fighting each other but many other sources also say the Nords would take this internal strife as an opportunity to attack Moreland and rebuild the territories of the ancient Nordic Empire it is said that Shaw himself revived his mere wolf faith as the ash King and Izmir would lead the Nords into the Battle of Red Mountain regardless of the details the fact is that this is where the Dwemer would instantly disappear all across Tamriel the War of the Krag a rebellion of the Falmer against the Dwemer underneath skyrim would also come to an immediate and since the Dwemer vanished the Falmer then began spreading through black reach and even would mount raids on the surface the tribunal almalexia vivec and sotha sil would soon use the tools of kagrenac on the heart of lorkhan and become the living gods of morrowind for thousands of years this would also be where the Kaymer became known as the Dharma as Asura cursed them with ash skin and red eyes across the seas in you CUDA year 720 FRAND are due hunting hell Insano Shira is born in the province of high desert a man who would grow to become the greatest answer warrior in history you may know him more simply as friend our hunting friend Eris is only giving name hunting is the name of the region of his birth no shiro means person of noble birth and he'll answer is his title of sword sainthood in the language of you khuda year 734 fran de hunting's father is killed in an insurrection leaving friend are to care for his mother and four brothers he used his great skill with a sword as an escort and bodyguard for hire to provide money year 737 Randy torn and military dictator of and a vicious Civil War follows in the aftermath of his death amongst the strife at age 17 Fran doll would go on to become a sword singer and master an say he searched for enlightenment through the path of the sword as he became more famous many more would challenge him to a duel Yee 750 at 30 years old friend our hunting had fought and won more than 90 jewels killing all of his opponents he had gained such skill and mastery he stopped using swords only using his Shi hai a spirit sword made from his very soul he would travel the lands winning many battles killing brigands and monsters alike year seven sixty devout hunting Fran de hunting's only son is born Fran da would be absent for most of his life by the year seven seventy six at age 16 to VAD hunting frustrated by his father's absence abandoned his training to become a sword singer and its dead became an acrobat and famous barred by the Year 780 friend our hunting had become a hermit years prior retiring to a cave in the mountains of his homeland to write his philosophy into a book called the book of circles but in this year and prahara the man who had risen in Randy thorn place tried to gain control of the Empire by exterminating the sword singers it would first target the most famous in your current society including devant hunting who was first on the list 100 of the amp his men went to arrest two vad while he was eating with his elderly mother while they had to vet in Chains one of the men struck his mother and killed her within devout the spirit of the way awoke in him and he turned his chains into weapons he then slew four of the guards and escaped out the window David would be a key figure in the resistance against hero and he would eventually convinced his father to lead the war against hero with David as his advisor and soldier at the ending of the war they were victorious but with less than a thousand sword singers remaining Fran da hunting and his army would board a flotilla of ships the beginner migration east to Hammerfell in the year 792 you khuda is destroyed and sinks into the sea there are multiple theories as to why but one of the more common is that a renegade band of ants I called the hero dirge whose powerful stone magic to destroy you khuda after a defeat in battle into the ninth century of the first arrow 800 captain Urich FLOTUS establishes north pointing higher Optus service as a way station to accommodate trade route vessels the first mention of way rest in hierarch also occurs it is hard for historians to pin down its exact foundation date however its name had derived from the fact that it was a peaceful fishing village that people rest at having traveled through the way of the eastern end of the illiac Bay which at this time had many troubles in the form of orcs and a Kaveri pirates hence the name way rest a well needed rest for travelers ye 808 the occurrence finally arrived in Tamriel after many years of travel the regatta or warrior wave drive the beast folk goblins and medic people from Hammerfell friend are hunting would lead some of the bloodiest campaigns against the flint tooth tribes of goblins but he would lose his life during them devout hunting would assume rallied a ship of the regard of following this many of the goblins in beast folk would flee to the north and join with the orcs at the newborn city of ulsan iam year 853 a clan of ultimate Daedra worship is in hammerfell called the Colonia clan are exterminated by Akutan colonists with the Wars of the past against the left-handed elves Enya kuda the occurrence did not look kindly on the elven clan Kings are one of ya 'the led his army against the kalanick clan in the asha bar pass driving them from hammerfell howevers are one was killed and would be succeeded by his son ye 874 the warlord full gags army of orcs and goblins was defeated by the occurrence Breton's denied the survivors passage through banker I passed forcing them to flee through the dragon tail mountains eventually resulting in them finding or seen iam ye 907 the derp any clan residing mainly on the Isle of Bal Fiera led by Peregrine derp any successfully repelled an attack by the occurrence who by this point have started to be called the Red Guards year 946 the famous warrior hero leader of the order of diagonal founder of the arena and its first blade master Gaiden Shinji is quoted saying his famous credo the best techniques are passed on by the survivors year 948 king jolie the ruler of Daggerfall wrote to Gaiden Shinji and proposed an assault on all sin iam two years later year 950 the siege of orsini and begin Daggerfall the new kingdom of Sentinel and the order of diagonal led by gate and Shinji joined forces to destroy the orcish Kingdom it would take over 30 years before the orcs would be driven out for good unfortunately King Jolie had secretly planned to invade Hammerfell after a sin ian was defeated he manipulated gate and Shinji and balith blood tasks into having a duel for us in Ian's fate during the battle Jolie's archers killed them both effectively removing the most powerful warriors that could oppose him in both all sin IAM and hammer fell killing two birds with one stone year 973 King Jolie accelerated his plans and went to invade hammer fell before ascend ium had been fully conquered however his army was stopped by mikela Lee and her five companions at banker iPass they were powerful sword singers but would die defending the pass but managed to kill King Jolie and his forces before they did thwart his plans for conquest year 980 or sin IAM is finally defeated sending the orcs scattering far and wide the land surrounding were far safer and far more accessible without orcs in the way allowing for a rest to become a major trading city within the decade three years later year 9 83 the city of evermore is founded by the river horse Bratton's after trade down the visuals a river was opened up in the absence of raiding orcs so concludes the first millennium of the first era year 1029 empress hester of the Elysia empire deposed the vampire king sty recover cough king's derek fled west at the head of his vampire clan called of gray host but when the gray host reached the banker eye garrison they broke like a wave on rock and processed his legions caught and killed the survivors she was very impressed by the Breton's and allowed them to be admitted into the empire Berenice to house dorell and house Montclair are granted year 1030 the red eagle or falen in the language of the reach fought her rebellion against the Elysian empires incursions many kings of the rich bent the knee but falen refused eventually even seeking at the hag Ravens trading his heart to become a spirit of vengeance the rebels grew strong enough to drive out the elysian forces but Empress Hester returned with an even larger force putting an end to Phelan and his rebellion though it is said that he was fighting alone and naked to the death killing over a thousand men but this is likely hyperbole the Alicia ins also tackled piracy in Black Marsh here 1033 piracy in the topple Bay Area was becoming rife and Hera wanted an end to this the infamous pirate red brahmin was finally brought to justice the Imperial Navy would bring Hera his head this campaign would bring Tamriel some of its first big cultural insight into the argonians year 1051 Vince Aeneas in Brax becomes the archbishop of Coral during his 36 year tenure he writes a book called the four abominations evil creatures which should be slain in the name of stand are these included Daedra man beasts undead and vampires year 1100 the City of West had become so large that it would now be founded as a powerful merchant kingdom in its own right fur angle Gardner is proclaimed the first King year 1102 the a lured warlord Haran dies at the hands of an unknown assassin Haran was a member of the Royal annual clan a room and Molag Bal devotee and most well known for building and losing three separate dominions in his long life year 11 88 fervor dastan becomes arch prelate of the Elise in order he would write an edict proposing the use of the staff of towers to cause a dragon break removing the elven aspects from the god of akatosh now I hope you've been following well because this is where stuff gets a little bit odd and crazy you see there is a dragon break in the timeline which caused all kinds of crazy we have another entire video linked in the description that goes into depth explaining these such dragon breaks but this is the most significant one in history with scholars estimating it took place over one thousand and eight years a period of timeless time if that makes any remote sense I really do recommend you go and watch our breakdown of dragon breaks but regardless this 1008 year dragon break would have started around the Year 1200 it could be earlier could be a little bit later but it's hard to pin down it is said to have encompassed the 13th to 23rd centuries I just needed to let you guys know because there are some documented historical events that would have occurred during the dragon break for example in the year 1301 the slowed of thrash a slug-like race of beast folk would sack the Ultima city of sky watch in the year 1306 the hyper agonal collapse occurred where 27c jerk monks were converted into glistening thin films of liminal particles this disaster was the catalyst for the abandonment of the l-dopa monastery for mystic inquiry year 14 27 the Battle of Dunkirk Bridge occurred a battle between auntie Claire and sense fir'd in high rock so among these events a whole lot of crazy happens in the dragon brink called the middle dawn but the first event that happens after the dragon break is a rather horrible one year 2200 the slowed release the Thracian plague they artificially created this disease to devastate Tamriel and so it would it decimated half the population of the iliac Bay with a nobility from Daggerfall sentinel and way rest seeking refuge on the Isle of belfie era it was concentrated on the western coast of Tamriel but it is said that ultimately over the next year's it would claim half the population of Tamriel enter the year twenty to sixty the collodion king of anvil baron admiral bandeau olo formed the all flags Navy Red Guards Bratton's clove Ian's elves and argonians together they created the largest naval force in Tamriel history they sailed to thrash slaughtered all the slowed they could find and used powerful unknown magics to sink their islands into the sea fast-forward to the Year 23:05 High Rocks the seeds from the Elysium Empire after the excess pressures of the elites in order the same banker a garrison and earns them the place in the Empire would be their ticket out Abid general Priscus maket or with his legions of pint grace could not penetrate the banker a garrison year 2321 the war of righteousness begins the west of Cyrodiil was also fed up with the Elise in order and together they forms the coleauxv Eunice states separating themselves from the Empire years of internal struggle followed for the Elise in the orders excessive priesthood put simply it began to collapse under its own lots of history was destroyed during this brutal war a decade later year 23 31 the war of righteousness ends with the Elise in order and the Elise Ian Empire collapsing Cyrodiil is split into three parts clothing estates to the west the independent heart lands and the near na to the east this would result in the cultural divide between the clothings and anemones that would continue to grow over the following centuries now we jump forward quite a bit with the next 300 and so years being pretty quiet year 2702 of the first era the entire population of West is moved within the walls of the gardener's estate for protection against rampant pirates and akaviri Raiders year 2703 the first akaviri invasion of Tamriel in history the cycie of akavir would make landfall in skyrim cutting a bloody swath through it they would have progressed into serie dill as well had Riemann's Cyrodiil not united the east and west into a united army for the first time in centuries at the pale past there was a brief battle between general riemann and the akavir but they would soon surrender having found what they were seeking in Tamriel a Dragonborn riemann cyrodiil would incorporate the akaviri army into his own taking the most elite as his personal dragon guard the Imperial legions as you know today founds their origin in the organized armies of riemann incorporating many akaviri tactics and skills riemann sir adel forms the land of Seir adel that you would know today with aspects of high rock cloven ebony and akaviri merged into a common whole the second empire ye 2704 riemann divided the reach between high rock and skyrim riemann had focused on dealing with the madman of the reach i quote from the improved emperor's guide to Tamriel the Empress sliced the reach into Imperial controlled high rock and Skyrim limiting the spirit of the clan chieftains deformed packs against him and stopping or excavations from falling into the hands of a single beneficiary as the second Empire grew a raised to control the reach usually by the armies of evermore in solitude were attempted on numerous occasions but there was never a decade when troops weren't sent usually to their deaths in the hope of taming the wilderness and introducing the primitives to the virtues of a proper economy year 2714 the Second Empire conquers Valen order after centuries of relentless warfare on the borders with Sarah Dell the Bosma finally succumbed to the control of man however there would be plenty of native resistance to the occupying legion for years to come in the year 27 29 the city-state of South Point is founded in Velen wood a cloven governor names Antonius born in kvetch was awarded the land after defeating a raid of wood orcs year 2762 the founder of the second empire riemann the first dies and would be succeeded by his son in percussive year 2790 the great a lad Sager hane fire is born he would grow up and speak freely to others about the Aylor tribes into their religion culture etc explaining that they are a diverse group with many hues his insight is some of the most valuable a lured record remaining four years later year 2794 riemann ii is born year 2801 and pre-cast I've ordered the dragon god of sky Haven to seize Nordic hostages from Markov and Roldan to curse the satisfaction of conscription quotas year 2804 and precaster have cutoff sky Haven temple supplies when the dragon guard refused to deal with the Winterhold rebellion which resulted from the kidnapping of hostages from markov and holden year 2805 an echo very commander named Kalyan who was prior rejected from the dragon guard is sent by Cass staff to suppress the Winterhold rebellion the locals of the reach procedure sky Haven temple not distinguishing between the dragon guard and the akaviri attacker in the form of Kalyan the siege is lifted one year later year 2806 emperor cast ABS incompetence has reached its end his son riemann ii supposes his father and his crowned emperor emperor riemann ii successfully negotiates an end to the winter hold rebellion and ushers in a golden age for the empire and a year 2811 the black water war begins riemann the seconds first active expansion for the empire is to claim Argonia for his own this would eventually result in the creation of the imperial province quarter black marsh year 28 12 the construction of alder ones wall at sky haven temple is commissioned year 28 13 the language of the majority of legal documents up to this point had been high elven but this would now be changed to sura Dilek the precursor to the modern term realloc language year 28 15 there are various reports of dragons in skyrim dragons have been going extinct for millennia but few remain still year 28 18 the dragon guard hunted down and killed a dragon and in addition the construction of elder ones wall was completed and program in the second visited and dedicated the wall officially year 28 20 an emissary of the second empire eric of gears lived among the ultimate in the summerset isles and wrote many vitriolic rants against its citizenry he was not fond of the elves in this same year governor pomp tania's is appointed the ruler of craglorn in hammer fell and during his rule he would build the sewers of allenham year 28 37 large parts of Argonia are successfully conquered into the province of black marsh is created the year is 28 40 and riemann ii having conquered Argonia now set his sights on morrowind this date would begin the fourscore war a war that would drag on for 80 years year 28:51 emperor riemann ii falls in battle against the dark elves his son brazilĂ­s door was crowned emperor he was said to have hated the responsibilities of governing spending more of his time in his country estate nice king grad while his potentate Sidra a shack handed matters of state this was said to be the empress best decision because city a shack was a gifted administrator and Manovich year 2871 to Dragon gods slay the dragon named proton in the southern Jura mountains year 28 77 Emperor Riemann the third is crowned Emperor presumably after his father's death most likely from old age or some other anticlimactic end year $28.99 riemann the third accuses his wife empress Tavia of treason and sends her to prison in Gideon in Black Marsh year 2902 marks the reign of Janine Giri the main of elsewhere year 2906 the Curris mines extensive mines in clan Umbria a famed source of crystal and gems is abandoned after a ceiling collapse renders most of it inaccessible year 29:11 the war of avicii begins with a sload of threats invading the summerset isles using necromancy and infernal machines it was a devastating war that would end by the year 29 17 and she we have the final year of the first era year 29 20 the first event that would occur is that an amateur would summon Molag Bal to destroy the settlement of glitter Dale and Valen would this is also the year that meirin's Dagon would be summoned to destroy morn hold so if the sill and almalexia would not be able to prevent its destruction but they would manage to banish him back to oblivion after many years of conflict the fourscore war between the Empire and morrowind still waged however a truce had been called but this truce was broken when the Empire sacked the dunmer Fortress of black 8 as a result Emperor Amon the third and his son Prince juliek would be assassinated by the morag tong the dunmer organization of assassins Riemann's potentate versa do Shaye assumes control of the imperial throne and declares the beginning of the second era the Second Empire would be continued under the rule of the sighs he potentates for many years before its eventual demise you'll have to tune in for the next video in the series to hear the history of that guys and girls thank you so much for watching I really hope you enjoyed this video it was a massive undertaking recording editing and writing this video but it was really fun the entire history of the first era just under 3000 years of the Elder Scrolls timeline thanks so much for watching guys my name's got from fudge Muppet and are we back to nerd out with again next time
Channel: FudgeMuppet
Views: 989,226
Rating: 4.9408517 out of 5
Keywords: ayleids, dwemer, chimer, nords, akaviri, alessia, reman, elder scrolls, skyrim, elder scrolls lore, skyrim lore, 1st era, 1st era lore, pelninal whitestrake, fudgemuppet
Id: zTZO8j3LQaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 28sec (2428 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 14 2018
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