Elder Scrolls: Skyrim - The Full Story

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[Music] welcome my name is mr. Rex and today's story is one of adventure and wonder it's the story of a man known as the dragon born a man who followed fate to the very ends of the world and came back at least for a time problem is for this story to be told we need to go back a bit back to a time of troubles were war raged between two sides why is this important you ask because the resulting backlash of this war will have tremendous profound effects in Skyrim effects that went on to influence to Dragonborn dramatically in its dealings so listen up on one side you had the third Empire though not so great this one was at one point this Empire had conquered the entire continent but now having lost much of its power and influence it reels and breaks as the remaining members struggle to keep united it consisted of Ciro dill a rich Burton land inhabited by humans of all kinds and creeds Hammerfell a land rich in mountains and deserts inhabited by red guards dark-skinned humans skyrim the lands of the north filled with snow peaks and Tundras inhabited by the North's rugged and light-skinned humans in high rock a varied land with forested Peaks Hardy mountains luscious grasslands and big lakes home to the Breton's the descendants of an intermingling of humans and elves old basically half elves on the other side of the conflict you have the Aldmeri Dominion a collection of provinces brought together by the Thalmor in order to propagate the idea of elvish superiority over men the old married dominion consists of the summerset isles the beautiful lands of the high elves Valon wood an enormous forest province filled with giant Mitra Tory tree city's home to the boss murmur the Wood Elves and elsewhere a land / to the Badlands in the north featuring deserts and crags and the South a land of dense jungles and woodlands home to the Khajiit a visual race of cat-like humanoids humans versus elves classic is it not traditional really the reasons for their struggle always changes but rivals they always are I would like to think that we would be different you know if elves existed that is that we would live in communion love thy neighbor after all but Who am I kidding of course we wouldn't the battle raged and it was brutal the elves though after all proved to be victorious in order to avoid the complete destruction of the Empire they signed a peace treaty though of course being the losing party in the proposition they had to concede to a certain couple of things most of which are unimportant to our story but for one singular thing the banning of Talos as a God Tallis up to this point was the god of man and war he was a mortal you see like you and I but unlike us he conquered the known world in fact he was the one that created the third Empire we recently just talked about with his armies he brought peace and prosperity to the continent the humans believed that the gods of this world rewarded him for his accomplishments with a place by their side Talos had ascended from simply being a mortal Conqueror into a god of course the elves always resented this a man who had conquered their own cities and now was praised as a God you have to understand they even though these provinces are very much separated and segregated they all basically believe in the same gods so having this newcomer rise in this way was contested by the else the emperor however signed this to be a sport of the peace treaty and as such Talos was banned from being worshipped and now we're back to Skyrim for everything I just talked about is crucial for the understanding of this story the north's they are a traditional people with powerful customs and a rich pass you see the Nords have a particular heaven that is specifically designated for them a holy place called sovngarde it is believed that any Nord who dies with honor gets to go to this heaven regardless of how they lift their lives do me this favor and imagine for a second how it would feel like for you if you were guaranteed to go to an infinite existence an existence of drinking eating sex and laughter merely for the simple notion of dying with honor of course the first question would be well what this honor actually mean but for the north's that is a very clear proposition for honor to them has always been found in respecting one's ancestors and fighting if you die fighting for what you believe to be right then you're basically guaranteed an entrance into heaven but what does this actually mean for the people in Skyrim then well it means that giving up in a war that has now caused you to lose your God is completely unacceptable for a Nord accepting the banning of Talas instead of fighting to protect something you believe in literally means you will pass rest of eternity as a wayward spirit in sadness without your ancestors and family and a lower net you know where this is going don't you of course you do what always happens when you take someone's got away a civil war a faction of nortz leader by a man named old Frick Stormcloak arose with the purpose of liberating skyrim from the empire so that they may pursue worship of Tallis and of course so that they may self rule like the olden days the faction known as the Stormcloaks would fight against the Empire in many skirmishes within the Skyrim region until a moment in time a spectacular unique moment in time faded some would say a group of Stormcloaks were captured Wulfric included while on their way to the executioner's block however a legend would rise a mysterious individual whose purpose was yet to be ascertained a person with no backstory no family to speak of was found wandering the area of course the Empire captured that individual thinking of him a Stormcloak really just wrong place at the wrong time or maybe just maybe the precise moment in the effect location let's start with the story of Elder Scrolls Skyrim [Music] watch your town you're speaking to Ulfric Stormcloak the true high kingdom Ulfric the yarl windhelm you're the leader of the rebellion they captured you oh gods where are they taking us I don't know where we're going but sovereign the Stormcloaks surmised that they were probably being taken all the way out of Skyrim and into zero Dale to make some kind of show of it you know to show the populace in the Imperial City what happens to traitors to boost morale and such when in reality the Empire was scared giving a trial to such a popular and empowered individuals such as Ulfric Stormcloak would be tricky and definitely risky suffice to say the elvish paulmor that now had free rein over the region as per the peace treaty were not happy with what was about to unfold all Forex Stormcloak some here in Helgen call you a hero but a hero doesn't use a power like the boys to murder his king and usurp his throne you started this war once skyrim into chaos and now the Empire is going to port you down and restore the peace the unceremonious decapitation of the trader hidden from view would bolster the empire and unite the region and dusty headsman started chopping heads it became the Dragonborns turn to die but prophecy as a way of intervening or was it merely luck a smarter person than me once said prophecy tells what may be not what it should be but why am I even talking about prophecy we have just started well because what is about to unfold would prophesize the end of the world the coming of something great and destructive what in Oblivion is that centuries what do you see out of nowhere a dragon showed up bringing with an obliteration in havoc an unseen force of death not found in centuries the Nords used to be told of these creatures sing children's stories legends and myths that one day dragons would come to devour the world but nobody wanted to believe believe that they even existed and now the truth dawned and it dawned in fire the small town of Heligan was engulfed in flames as everyone ran for their lives the miraculous arrival of this ancient creature had helped the Dragonborn an all Furyk's Stormcloak escape from the Imperials cementing the beginning of the legend of this era I keep interrupting and I apologize though after this one we should be good for a while we need to talk about what's Canon and what's not C the world of Skyrim is huge with a lot to do a lot of people to help and many many possibilities for the Dragonborn we will simply tell the story of what most certainly happened to the Dragonborn the main story for it is the one thing that we can most definitely say is canon since it would be unrealistic and to be quite frank a little far-fetched for this individual to have done everything that there is to do in this province without even mentioning the fact that most side quests would certainly contradict one another the example in here of course is that the Dragonborn is helped to escape by either a Stormcloak soldier or an imperial soldier a choice made by the player the choice in here will allow you to hear the respective narrative of course helping you empathize with their struggle and will yield a quest to side with their side in the Civil War it is believed that the Dragonborn took no sites in this conflicts and was a neutral agent during this era whether that is actually true or not is not for us to really know and highly debated do know that from now on I will try and stay within the purview of the main story of what is canon on that same boat I would like to say it is very likely that the Dragonborn was a Nord not because we have a specific moment in the game where that becomes clear but mostly from outside sources and gamer intuition the marketing material for the game shows us what is most likely a Nord when you create your character it defaults to a Nord and of course much of the story makes more sense if you're a Nord that being said the Dragonborn was found and caught by the Imperials trying to cross the border we don't know if he was leaving Skyrim or entering it now regardless of his actual lineage the game seems to elude that this is the characters first time in Skyrim the VAT is also highly debated having barely escaped the wrath of the dragon the Dragonborn was weakened hurt and hungry with nowhere really to go in this vast region however with the help of a fellow escapee he set out on his journey to Riverwood a small village built in the eastern bank of the white river in the hold of Whiterun a small rural community that survives thanks to his prosperous lumber mill a quick glance at this place however noted a very dangerous turn of events River wood is defenseless the houses appear to be made all out of wood and there's only a small retinue of guards to protect this place the dragon was also seen flying this way which made the situation very dangerous it is believed that the populace of Riverwood were very helpful to the Dragonborn offering him and the other survivors food and supplies but begging of him one favor see Skyrim is divided into nine different divisions each of them ruled by a year old in the city River wood as I mentioned before is located in the hold of Whiterun which is governed by the city of Whiterun and is jarl balgruuf there is something you could do for me for all of us here the yarra needs to know if there's a dragon on the loose River wood is defenseless we need to get word to your a vulgar loving boyfriend to send whatever troops he can if you'll do that for me I'll be in your debt the people of River would beg the Dragonborn to ask for help in Whiterun for if the dragon were to attack this place he would most certainly fall and a lot of people would die if only the yarl were to know of their predicament then he would most certainly send soldiers to help protect the town and this is where the triumphant nature of the Dragonborn truly started to shine he was for all intents and purposes a prisoner of the Imperials it wouldn't have been crazy to think that he was gonna get arrested as soon as he entered an imperial own city like Whiterun and told his story but he did it anyways saving and helping the people of Riverwood who had been so kind to him who had offered him food and rest was more important than his formal incarceration we'll pay whatever it takes but we must have more swords for the Imperial soldiers I just can't fill an order that size on my own why don't you swallow that stubborn pride of yours and ask your land Greymane for help I'd sooner bend my knee to Ulfric Stormcloak besides Greymane would never make steel for the legion have it your way I'll take the job but don't expect a miracle elgyn destroyed by a dragon hard to believe isn't it I need a blade talk to Adriana don't rush my lord please this is no time for rash action what's the meaning of this interruption y'all ball group is not receiving visitors who's this then well that explains why the guards let you in come on then the y'all will want to speak to you personally so you were Italian you saw this dragon with your own eyes by a smear era let was right what do you say now prevent us shall we continue to trust in the strength of our walls against the dragon my lord we should send troops to Riverwood at once it's in the most immediate danger as a provocation he'll assume we're preparing to join all four excite and attack him we shouldn't have I'll not stand idly by while a dragon burns my hold and slaughters my people there is another thing you could do for me suitable for someone of your particular talents perhaps come let's go find fahren gar my court wizard he's been looking into a matter related to these dragons and rumors of dragons the appearance of dragons however was more than just problematic it had seemed that the court wizard to your old ball groove had casually been investigating the Dragons for quite some time and turned out he was a little of a connoisseur in the matter this presented quite an opportunity for both parties as a dragon born was new in the area needed work and seemingly was quite capable of handling himself against powerful foes in this case at least knowing full well how to escape from a rampaging dragon on the other hand the court wizard foreign gar secret fire had found himself stuck in a dead-end on his research for he needed to find an important old tablet found in an old Nordic dungeon far too dangerous for him to delve as soon as your old bald roof rewarded the Dragonborn for his services he offered him more if he were to help the city in this particular quest which the Dragonborn happily accepted the Dragonborn was stuff hardy and capable however he was about to delve deep into an all drug or infested dungeon this is of course not unheard of for many adventurers and bandits seek out the riches in these kinds of places locations closed up centuries ago probably with tons of treasure and gems to plunder however dangerous they are I'm not surprised you've never heard of it even I used to think it was just a myth but not anymore the Dragon War was a real event although only the barest glimmer of the actual events has come down to us far back in the mythic era the Dragons were worshipped as gods in Skyrim many of the monumental ruins that still dot the landscape were in fact billed as temples to the Dragons the details are lost but at some point the Nords rebelled after a long and terrible war the Nords overthrew their dragon overlords would you find deeper inside however is the real problem what is known in Skyrim as the draugar these type of undead are the remnants of the humans used to venerate the Dragons thousands of years ago you see the ancient Nordics used to worship what one would refer to as animal gods the snake god the eagle God the bear God you know that sort of thing but the dragon was always at the very top in this ancient times dragons would rule Skyrim with impunity using humans as slaves the druggers these ancient on that humans are actually old servants that plunged through existence to the Dragons even after death note that the clergy of those ancient times lived in excellency they were rich and powerful for the Dragons didn't actually wanted to bother ruling humans they simply wanted to be atop mountains they wanted big edifices to be constructed in their honor they wanted to be feared but they cared not for actual politics and the such the dragon priests used to rule in their stead these draggers are not the priests but merely the servitors to the priests and what they do inside here is spend their eternity cleaning up the place and using whatever energy they might have to infuse the dragon priests within the complex in order to give an immortality you see legend says that the leaders of all dragons had such tremendous power that he could actually grant immortality in s revive anything he wanted so when the dragon war happened and the humans rebeled against her masters the dragon priests and all the humans that still had loyalty to the Dragons they buried themselves in these tombs and waited and waited waiting for the time the dragon master would come and resurrect them thankfully the Dragonborn did not find such a dragon priest in this dungeon for that would have been a mortal enemy they are extremely powerful instead he found a powerful drug of Guardian an individual that was granted the purpose of protecting the dragon stone a tablet dedicated to storing the information on where the dragons were being buried as they were being killed by the humans of the time of course with the intention of resurrecting them later when the dragon master would come back but something happened at the end of the tomb as he defeated the Guardian and claimed the tablet something spoke to him the wall spoke to him what is described as a word wall is literally an enormous construction of stone with glyphs written on them various sentences that the dragon porn could not understand except for one word in the paragraph this word stuck in a dragon warns mind almost as if he could understand what the word was and with it the power that it carries the word was a force see the dragon born didn't know it at the time but the word wall said here lies the Guardian keeper of dragon stone and a forest of unending rage darkness now the word force in that paragraph had a strong meaning to him without truly understanding though when that meaning was he set out back to Whiterun with his fine I'm the commander of the guard here in white you see the terminologies clearly first era or even earlier I'm convinced this is a copy of a much older text perhaps dating to just after the dragon war if so I could use this to cross-reference the names with other later texts good I'm glad you're making progress my employers are anxious to have some tangible answers Oh have no fear the yarl himself has finally taken an interest so I'm now able to devote most of my time to this research time is running foreign guard don't forget this isn't some theoretical question dragons have come back yes yes don't worry although the chance to see a living dragging up close would be tremendously valuable now have let me show you something else I found very intriguing I think your employer's may be interested as well hmm baa yes The Herald's protege back from bleak falls Barrow you didn't die it seems ah the dragon stone of bleak falls Barrow seems you are a cut above the usual brute to the aural sends my way Thorin gah you need to come at once a dragon's been sighted nearby you succumb to the congratulations were to be cut short this time however for the word dire news of the Dragonborns arrival upon delivering to Dragonstone news were received of a dragon sighting very close to Whiterun which prompted the yarl to muster his forces and sending garrison of his troops to scout the menace the group arrives to see the western watchtower on fire with clear signs that a dragon had recently passed by contact is made with the surviving guards but not long after that it's when it appears flying from across the mountains the dragon made his appearance as it closed in on the Warriors his name was mere mole near sea most dragons actually ended up dying during the dragon war knowing full well that their master would eventually resurrect them one day this one on the other hand was one of the very rare exceptions a dragon that survived he has actually been out there alive all this time making him literally one of the oldest dragons in the world and now that dragons were returning so did he seemingly feeling safe enough to come out to hunt which is actually his name ironically his dragon name translates into a legions strong hunt however unlike his name he failed to the likes of the dragon born who quelled his existence in this one fateful battle [Music] see this was a pivotal moment when the life of the Dragonborn shifted he could have been anything his future cloudy filled with potential maybe the leader of the Thieves Guild maybe a murderous cultist or maybe he would have turned into the arc mage of Skyrim but as he drew the last breath of the Dragon he felt his destiny pool inside of him quite literally as he absorbed the very soul of the dragon he just killed our skp our prisoner the individual we had been following this entire time turned out to be what this soldiers called him to be a dragon born the dream of every person to wake up one morning with newfound powers but would these be the powers that you would want the ability to consume someone else's soul to absorb their understanding their knowledge their abilities see there's an unspoken sadness about this about what the Dragonborn actually dost do these creatures see you gotta understand dragons they they are in mortal but I don't mean that a manger get diseased I mean they literally exist forever when a dragon dies its soul simply continues existing in the material world like a long sleep simply awaiting to be awoken the Dragons have no concept of death the idea of not being of not existing is completely alien to their brains and as such this creatures have been since the beginnings of time in fact the god of time in this world is believed to have created them so what exactly gives the Dragonborn the right to end these endless distances I mean could you think of something sadder than destroying something ancient and primeval the death of a god that has existed for millennia for example the destruction of a tree that has stood for thousands of years the death of an old old person so wise and experienced all of its life lessons teachings memories just gone forever well in war there are always sacrifices to be made though it is also believed that the very same God that created the dragons that God akatosh the god of time is the very same one that blesses those into becoming Dragonborn our hero in this precise moment discovers that he has been blessed by this god but the soul and mind of a dragon and that's what this means really our hero has the body and frailty of a human but the mind and soul of a timeless dragon interesting though that this God would grant you the ability to annihilate his children but alas here we are the last dragon born the discovery of the Dragonborn was very quickly noticed by the Greybeards an order of philosopher monks who live in isolation at the peak of scarabs largest mountain a mountain called the throat of the world as the Dragonborn found his way back to Whiterun having defeated me earlier the entirety of Skyrim heard what sounded like the roar of a volcano but what was actually the very words of these monks uttering the welcoming of a new dragon born into our mists you see the power of their voice is so vast that their mere shout could be heard miles and miles away all around the province upon reaching your old bald with news of the success of the expedition the Dragonborn explained what happened what he felt what he did and what the others called him a dragon born of course this means well quite a lot to nords the legend of the dragon born is well known in fact Talos himself was a dragon born in the calling of the Greybeards was also well known to the yaro and he explained that this only meant one thing if you really are dragon born they can teach you how to use your gift didn't you hear the thundering sound as you return to Whiterun that was the voice of the Greybeards summoning you to high Hrothgar this hasn't happened in centuries at least not since Tiber Septim himself was summoned when he was the talus about Nora ronger calm yourself what does any of this Nord nonsense have to do with our friend here capable as he may be I don't see any signs of him being this what dragon boar nor nonsense why you puffed up ignorant these are sacred traditions to go back to the founding of the first Empire Krong gar don't be so hard on our Vannucci I meant no disrespect of course it's just that what are these gray beards want with him that's the gray beards business not ours whatever happened when you killed that dragon it revealed something in you and the gray beards herded if they think your dragon born who are we to argue you'd better get up to high Hrothgar immediately there is no refusing the summons of the gray beards the Dragonborn had to make a pilgrimage all the way to the very top of the throat of the world in order to meet these monks and trained under them in fact it was considered quite a privilege to make the journey into the mountain for you to understand that of course we're gonna have to need a little bit of context the breath and the voice or the vital essence of a Nord when they defeat great enemies they take their tongues as trophies see the power of a Nord can be articulated into a dragon shout and the strongest of these warriors are called tongs when the Nords attack acetc they don't take any siege engines or cavalry that the tongs literally just form in a wedge in front of the gatehouse and draw in their breath when the leader lets it out in a shout the doors are blown in and then the axe men rush into the city Lisa shouts can be used to sharpen blades or strike enemies a common effect would be the one that knocks enemies back or maybe even the power to command a person to do whenever you wish a strong Nord can instill bravery in men with his battle cry or stop a charging warrior with a roar the greatest of the Nords can call to specific people over hundreds of miles and can move by casting a shout appearing were the shout lands the most powerful Nords cannot speak without causing just utter chaos they must go gagged and communicate through sign language or through scribing runes the further north you go into skyrim the more powerful and elemental that people become and the last required dwellings and shelters wind is fundamental to Skyrim in the Nords those that live in the far wastes always carry a wind with them is what people say Nords consider themselves to be children of the sky that's why this place is called Skyrim they call the mountain the throat of the world because it is where the sky exhale the North wind's onto the land and form them they literally believe this is where the gods created the world and life it all happened via a massive breath made by the goddess kynareth what is known as the goddess of nature winds heaven and sometimes life that's what he Neurath is so important to the north she is the goddess of the air of the sky and this is where life started at least according to them what I'm trying to say here is this place has strong significance to the north and the people that live up there the Greybeards the monks they are tongs that can shout things into existence they can do all those things just mentioned and more Ulfric Stormcloak is is actually a tongue as well which is why he was gagged during his failed execution now typically training in the arts of the tongue is a process that takes decades if not your entire life in order to master however not for the Dragonborn see this shouts are actually dragon words when a dragon breathes fire upon you he's not doing it thanks to some gland on his throat that produces that fire what he's doing instead is actually speaking to you he's speaking the dragon word for fire and by doing that fire magically gets created and projected towards you from its mouth when dragons fight each other they're actually talking to one another debates between one of these dragons are battles as well however it's not just about learning what the word of power is you don't just learn what the word for icy blizzard is in dragon language and then you can just cast it like that now the main problem here and the reason it typically takes decades to learn a single word of power is because you must understand what the word means first think for a second what does water mean to you of course probably the first thing you thought was the ocean or maybe the kitchen faucet at your home maybe a glass of water but let's be a little bit more introspective here though what does water really mean it's in everything it really is everything you are literally mostly water the world is actually mostly water but that's not the point you can rationalize what it means to you as a human but what makes it so difficult is that you have to understand it like a dragon understands it maybe to a dragon water meets weakness see that's where the power comes from that's why it takes so long to master someone can't just tell you how to think about water and have it work just like that you literally have to change the way your brain interprets these concepts mold your brain into thinking like a dragon and that's why it is so easy for the dragon born to learn these shouts because his brain is already a dragons brain you are already a dragon inside of you of course these were all things that the Greybeards went on to teach the Dragonborn the power of the voice and how to learn the words the Dragonborn had learned that he alone had the ability to absorb the souls of dragons and with it their understanding of their language a factor that he could use to project their powerful shouts however the Greybeards are a very special kind of tongue they are actually extreme pacifists see they practice what they call the weight of the voice which is quite simply the art of using this shouts only for the worship of the gods and never for combat this is the main reason why the Greybeards don't actually really teach people how to use this shouts for this kind of power typically lends itself to be used in combat the Dragonborn however is a special case for the appearance of a dragon born is ominous and well to put it bluntly it's kind of a big deal the last dragon born before this one after all ended up uniting the world produced world peace and literally became a god so you know kind of a big deal the dragon board ended up learning quite a bit about his powers during this meet up with the Greybeards however his training was not yet complete he needed to complete a task using everything that he had learned the task being to go into an ancient burial tomb called Euston Grove where the body of jerk and win collar was interned see juergen win collar was to creator of the Greybeards known at the time as the strongest tongue in the world the quest was simple to go into the tomb collect an artifact of his a special horn and deliver it back to the grave years then they would allow him to finish his training but things things are never that simple at the very end finally when the Dragonborn was supposed to find the artifact there was instead a letter it had seemed that someone had taken the horn and instead planted a note for the Dragonborn to read someone calling themselves a friend whoever it was knew that the Dragonborn was to come here but alas he needed that artifact and as such he followed the directions of the note in order to see who this mysterious person was the directions took her Dragonborn back into the very start of things back to River wood it had seemed that the tavern wench of the sleeping giant in who was actually more than just that her name was Delphine and she seemed to know quite a lot about Oz and what was happening with the world around us the Dragons the dragon wore everything the big thing was though that she didn't seem to think that dragons were simply coming back she seemed to believe the dragons were coming back to life of course we knew that the master of dragons potentially had the ability to do that to resurrect others but it seemed now to be written in stone in fact quite literally the stone we had previously found in bleak falls Barrow was indeed a map of Dragon burials and with that Delphine had managed to track down a pattern of resurrections by visiting these mounds indeed Delphine was that stranger back then talking with Ferran Garr firing gar had given her the stone and with it she discovered that whoever was resurrected these dragons was doing such starting from the south of skyrim and going counterclockwise all the way into the north and if that pattern held the next dragon burial man would be found in a tiny place called Kines Grove and if we hurried we could potentially find out who or what was doing these resurrections there was most definitely more to the story than just this for Delphine knew way too much to be a simple warrior with a grudge she had hatred for the Thalmor that was beyond reasoning and she seemed very highly trained but she didn't trust the Dragonborn at least not until he proved that he was indeed won by absorbing the soul of the resurrected dragon that they were about to meet the only thing she did say was that she came from an organization that had been looking for a dragon born for a very very long time very curious seeking answers the Dragonborn set up with Delphine to corner this entity and find out the truth about the comings of dragons in this age but he would never believe what he would find there salicornia zeal good old Java Elsa that's watching wait this is worse than I thought all the wintry warned it will greenhouse fix it you lose eat dare sarcomere coming near full side [Music] you do not even know our tongue do you such arrogance to dare take for yourself the name of the very same dragon that saved him that fateful day back in Helgen the massive big black dragon that destroyed the town was the one respecting these creatures clearly these dragons were listening to his commands and following this leader of source but who he was what he was was still unknown to him the Dragonborn had failed to stop this monstrosity but he had earned an ally after absorbing a dragon soul directly in front of Delphine she believed now finally that he was indeed a dragon born and with these cuffs off she was free to tell you everything about who she was what her mission is and why you needed her see Delphine was a blade the blades are an ancient organization of Dragon Slayers meant to protect the Emperor you see typically when a dragon born is discovered he becomes the Emperor of the Empire his descendants are also then considered Dragonborn though really only in title they don't actually possess the soul and mind of a dragon see since the blades are the protectors of the Emperor they are also entitled the protectors of the Dragonborn their full name is actually the Imperial Intelligence Service and the dragon guard which is fancy speak for basically protectors of the Dragonborn emperor dragon slayers and spies this is why the thene was so well trained in the arts of subtlety and misdirection she was trained since she was a little girl to be the perfect spy for the Empire the blades however being sort of like the assassins and the spice of the Empire they bobbed heads quite often with the Thal more than being the enemies of the Empire once the peace treaty between the two was brokered one of the many things that had to go was the blades in fact the blades were hunted down mercilessly and brutally no survivor was allowed which is why Delphine had to be so careful the Dragonborn had needed her however for the blades had extensive knowledge on how to deal with dragons but the first point of action was figuring out why this was all happening who was that black dragon why was she doing all of this now of all times and of course the best guess was the Thalmor if there are dragons flying around creating havoc and destruction then Skyrim gets hurt if Skyrim gets hurt then the Empire gets hurt if the Empire needs to continue to funnel resources into Skyrim that means less resources for cyrodiil which means the Thalmor wins see the great war between the Empire and the Aldmeri Dominion is not quite over the peace treaty is merely a ceasefire everyone knows that the true war it's still coming which led they'll Fein to believe that the far more must be behind all of this somehow and they plan to figure out if this was true or not was to be compacted you've retrieved the Horn of yoga well done you have now passed all the trials come with me it is time for us to recognize you formally as Dragonborn and so it began as a dragon born returned back to the great beers to finish his training they'll Fein worked her magic on a plan neither side had it easy for the last stitching's of the great beers had to offer the Dragonborn where excruciating for he needed to survive the unrelenting shouts of all the Greybeards together but had become a little bit of a tradition since the very days of jerk and wind collar the original creator of the Greybeards see Juergen wanted to use the voice for peace and he came up with the idea of the way of the voice which was the concept of only using the shouts to utter the gods many disagreed with his position and many challenged him in fact it is said that seventeen tongues actually shouted at him for three days straight until they collapsed exhausted that's how powerful he was all seventeen Tonks vowed to follow him and became his first disciples the shouts that they used on the Dragonborn we're of course true conic but they translated to long hast a storm crown languished with no wordy brow to sit upon by our breath will bestow it now to you in the name of kine in the name of Shore and in a name of odd Mora of old you are here now the dragon of the north hearken to it Dovahkiin you have tasted the voice of the Greybeards and passed through unscathed high Hrothgar is open to you now there's quite a bit to unpack here see there hasn't been a dragon born since the time of Tiber Septim of course known now as Tallis who united the continent and brought peace to all the name a smear is basically Tallis is a title given by Nords to refer to the aspect of Tallis I should say more directly it actually translates into dragon of the north ok maybe I should also explain that many believe including the Nords that they all came originally from the lands north of Skyrim if you can actually believe that there is something north of here there is it is a small continent called ad Morra which is basically just a frozen wasteland now the title dragon of the north is a play on words since only humans come from the north it is actually believed that the birthplace of dragons was a covere which is a completely different continent that really has no place in this story but it is found east of Tamriel the point is the human who also turns out to be of dragon blood is titled East mirror the one destined to where the storm crown now this can be taken in multiple ways some argued that the Dragonborn is actually an avatar of Tallis sent into the world to prevent the destruction and to bring peace others claim that the crown of storms is just quite literally that the fact that constant shouting from the Dragonborn is set to bring clouds of thunder that constantly fly atop its head this was something that actually happened to Tyra septum once he became the dragon of the north it is said that clouds of raging thunder would follow him constantly and that nobody could see him without actually seeing a dragon in his stead but now the ceremony was complete and the Dragonborn had survived the training all that was left now was to try and discover who was this black dragon and what plan had Belle Fein worked on this whole time Delphine's target was the Thalmor embassy in skyrim a place where she figured there would be secretive information stored that they could use to solve this mystery problem was attacking the place head-on would not just be incredibly dangerous but would allow the Thalmor enough time to burn all the evidence and whatever piece of sensitive information that they would have stored there so what they did instead is they'll FINA force an invitation into a party that was scheduled to happen in the embassy where the Dragonborn would pretend to be a diplomat using the help of an insider called Maul born the Dragonborn managed to stash in his armor and weapons deep in the kitchens of the embassy this allowed him to get into the dungeons of the place without being caught after ruining through the place it had seemed that the Thalmor didn't actually do anything they were not the ones to blame for the chaos that was spreading through Skyrim which was honestly quite surprising in fact that we're actively trying to figure out who had unleashed his dragons about which were causing all kinds of trouble for everyone what the Dragonborn found down there instead however was very useful the Thalmor had a dose here for a blade member that apparently the fiend thought to be dead a very old dragon lore master from the blades this was precisely what they needed I mean if anyone were to know anything about this insanely powerful black dragon it would be him problem was he was missing though it had seemed that the Thalmor were very close to finding him he was last seen in the city of Rifton be careful me or the Thieves Guild his maven blackbriar at her back one snap of her fingers and you could end up in Riften jail or worse they represent the reason I'm here I can't just ignore order that matter I know I just don't want you to leave you're the only good thing that's happened to the city in a long time if you're looking for a handout you'll want to speak with my husband if you're looking for company I suppose I could do worse bullies around somewhere planning to feed the poor with his nonsense about Mara I don't know you you and rift and looking for trouble yeah well I Got News for you there's nothing to see here last thing the black briars need is some stranger sticking their nose where it doesn't belong the black briars have ripped it in their pocket and the Thieves Guild watching their back so keep your nose out of their business me I'm Maul i watch the streets for them if you need dirt on anything I'm your guy but it'll cost you Oh Rifton you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy the PLA's is actually run by literally everyone else but the actual yarol the blackbriar clan owns basically most of the city and they are incredibly corrupt their main source of revenue being having monopoly over the Nords favorite pastime drinking see they own basically all of Skyrim's Mead which grants them tremendous influence in the province but then you have the Thieves Guild who does so happen to have their headwater station directly below the city in the underbelly what I'm trying to say is that this place runs dark though you wouldn't know it by simply looking at it it's autumn vibe is gorgeous the houses are neatly designed and the harbor always flows with life it's American tile town with a lot of energy and always with things to do but it's the perfect place for someone who doesn't want to be found to hide and that's what brought the Dragonborn here in the first place if the Dragonborn was to find this lore master he was going to need the help of a Thieves Guild for they had control of the underbelly and that was likely where this individual was going to be found now it is not particularly known how much work the Dragonborn actually did for the Thieves Guild in order to get the information that he required some say he was made to steal some others say that he simply persuaded and bought the information others claim that he actually enjoyed participating in the heists given to him by them regardless of whatever the case might be he did get the information he needed from them stay out of trouble or there's gonna be trouble you'd better off going to pay for your drinks there's no handouts here huh a lot of old guys around I don't really know how I can help well when you put it that way I think I do know the old guy you're talking about he's holed up in the rat way Warren's hardly ever leaves the place as someone bring him food and some crazy old coot from what I've heard for that to stand out down here he must really be off his nut that information led him directly into the right spot the Thalmor had actually closed in under pray and if it wasn't for the Dragonborn well I guess we don't have to worry about that since he managed to get there just in time to save him the blade lore master was none other than s Byrne a close colleague for though Fein for they had worked together in the past more than just any simple lore master his focus was monitoring the ancient prophecies of Tamriel especially those related to dragons and a dragon born really a very fortuitous discovery and what was the first thing he said to the dragon born well exactly this you should have acted they're already here the Elder Scrolls told of the return the defeat was merely delay to the time after oblivion opened when the sons of Skyrim would spill their own blood no one wanted to believe believe they even exist and when the tool finally dawns in fire but there's one they fear in their tongue he is Dovahkiin Dragonball the Scrolls have foretold of black wings in the cold that when brothers wage war common furled Alduin bane of kings ancient shadow unbound with a hunger to swallow the world but a day shall arise when the dark dragons lies will be silenced forever and then fair skyrim will be free from foul Alduin small dragon born the savior of men men who what a name what a legend and a prophecy Esbern was everything that was promised to us and more for he knew so much about all doing and the stories behind him all do in the leader of dragons the chief in the pantheon of the ancient Nords literally considered a god ancient scriptures tell of him destroying the last world in order to create this one an inescapable fate that tied him to existence a being meant only for the destruction of his own creations only to begin the cycle anew once again believed to be the first creation of akatosh the god of time and the prime chieftain of most religions he ruled not only over dragons but also over men millennia ago it was foretold by Elder Scrolls that the calming of Alduin would herald the destruction of the world and that only one person could stop it a person who was kin to both worm and the races of man a person with the power to rival the Sun who could shout and cut through all enemies of course the person we know asked the Dragonborn s burn with his knowledge of legends showed us into an ancient blade temple that has stood for thousands of years a temple built by his order back when they were still slaying dragons in the old Skyrim it had seemed that the old blades knew that all doing was going to return at some point so they recorded everything they knew about the and Dragons in this temple the Dragonborn had reached a dead end Alduin was defeated once back in the dragon war when the humans rebelled against her dragons the murals in the temple didn't describe how exactly it was done only that the ancient tongues of the time had used a very special kind of shout in order to bring Alduin down this was all that Dragonborn had to go along with some kind of secret weapon that needed to be discovered but what shout could destroy a dragon not even a normal one but a god-like dragon I mean shouts our dragon words aren't they why would they have a word in their own language that could be so devastating for them maybe they used to kill each other and this is how they did it or maybe this is how all doing keeps all the dragons in line you know with a word that can kill even such a mighty creature I guess we'll find out when questions of the voice came to the Dragonborn he knew just the right order to ask of course he would go straight to the Greybeards however by then it had become quite clear to the great views that the path a dragon bird was walking was one of war and battle his destiny was clear to him he needed to fight not necessarily for the gods not necessarily for even himself he needed to fur that was his destiny morover the shout he was asking to learn was a shout of evil this shout was created by humans specifically to be used against dragons their understanding of the word came from a place of misery for they had suffered unimaginable pain under the constraints of their Dragon overlords for the dragon bird to learn this shout he would have to understand how they felt he would have to feel the way those nortz felt at that precise moment dangerous that is of course dangerous for the ultimate killer of Jiraiya to feel not indifference not reverence nor respect for this race but complete joy at their destruction that's how he would have to feel in order to obtain this shout for in what other way could he even come close to understanding its meaning this post a tremendous problem for the Greybeards for they walked a path of peace and putting the Dragonborn on hell-bent to crusade against the dragons and would just be against our Creed furthermore they didn't actually know the words in this shout for it never needed to be used more than once the progenitors of its creation used it against all doing and then left the words to be forgotten for all eternity for they knew not of all demons returned but knowing this word of power will it be enough clearly the Dragonborn will have to sacrifice quite a bit even to learn this shout and will it even do anything the ancient tongs used the words and it didn't matter all doing is back here and now so what was the point well the Dragonborn does have something they didn't doesn't he the ability to absorb the soul of a dragon but could he absorb the soul of a God now that would be tremendous power there was only one entity who could help the Dragonborn learn this power Paarthurnax at the very top of the throat of the world rested the actual leader of the Greybeards someone not mentioned up until now but it had seemed that the gray beers thought this to be the opportunity for them to finally meet an individually protected at all costs wondering why the Dragonborn scaled the mountain to meet this mysterious graybeard the Shocker was the leader wasn't actually a Nord or a human or a humanoid for that matter Paarthurnax was a dragon dream Yolo greetings wound Aneke I am Paarthurnax who are you what brings you to my stream on earth my Mountain I am less my father akatosh made me as are you Dovahkiin tell me why do you come here for long why do you intrude on my meditation the lieutenant of Alduin in the great dragon war Paarthurnax committed and witnessed unspeakable atrocities against mankind however during the peak of humankind rebelling against her overlords he reveled as well betraying his master and instead choosing to help the slaves in fact he did more than just that for he was the one that actually gave the Nords the ability to use the voice as a weapon oh and that they did they developed the now long forgotten shout known as dragon rend a shout that for a mere couple of seconds allows dragons to understand their mortality and be crippled by this realization it basically forces them to land on the ground and prevent them from flying for enough time to be killed unfortunately this shout cannot be learned by dragons their minds are just not equipped to handle the understanding of mortality and hence Paarthurnax cannot teach it to the Dragonborn he however knows of a very special way of obtaining it as the actual defeat of all doing incorporated more than just using the shout the ancient tongs needed to use the namesake of this series and held their scroll all at Paarthurnax handle this one do you know what you named throat of the world [Music] mmm true but few now remember that this was the very spot where Alduin was defeated by the ancient tongues varun sod perhaps none but me now remember how he was defeated yes and no Vic new sneaker on how doing was not truly defeated either if he was you would not be here today seeking to defeat him the Nords of those days used the dragon ran shout to Alduin but this was not enough oak mulligan sod it was the caliph the Elder Scroll they used it to cast him adrift on the currents of time hmmm how to explain in your tongue the douve have words for such things that jaw do not it is an artifact from outside time it does not exist but it has always existed Roth what lon they are fragments of creation the Calais elder scrolls as you name them they have often been used for prophecy yes your prophecy comes from an elder scroll but this is only a small part of their power so far su yet not intentionally some hope he would be gone forever forever lost may ye I knew better Teague bow arm achieve time flows ever onward one day he would surface which is why I have lived here for thousands of mortal years I have waited I knew where he would emerge but not when these objects known as Elder Scrolls are the most enigmatic objects in the entire series capable of doing just about anything for the most part they seem to be famous for their ability to predict what could happen in the future in this case however Paarthurnax explains to the Dragonborn that the old Nords managed to remove Alduin from existence by using one of these special Scrolls after failing to slay him by simply using the dragon droid shout they casted him adrift in the currents of time however time always an ever-flowing forward Paarthurnax to do is that it was just a matter of time until all drains would come out at the end of the time hole in the future and this explains why the ancient tales of the Nordic people saw the return of all doing as a legendary end of the world for they knew that it was gonna happen and they knew that if not even the ancient tongues the legendary heroes of old could slay him then what chance did we have now this didn't particularly help the Dragonborn since he still didn't have the shout but Paarthurnax explained that what the ancient Nords did back then sort of Rob's your time and space at the top of this mountain for it was right here that all doing was cast adrift he figured that if we had access to an elder scroll it was entirely possible that we could use the distortion to see through it and just like a movie experience the events that unfolded that fateful night which in turn would allow the Dragonborn to see the shout being used and learned from it and with that a new quest was presented for the Dragonborn the acquisition of an elder scroll the world was vast his quest important but his tenacity was absolute the Dragonborn seeked out a legendary artifact of untold power all throughout the cold landscape of the north seeking advice from both the Greybeards and the Lane's he was directed to the only place that could harbour a wealth of information big enough to find this treasure he was directed to the guild of mages in Skyrim a place called the College of Winterhold you see the library of the college was well known to many in this region as one of the few places in Skyrim where knowledge could be stored safely and with great care one of the biggest reasons is because to even gain admittance into this proud College one must post considerable magical proficiency a problem the Dragonborn did not have by mere merit of his inheritance his dragon blood just by showing that he was indeed dragon born the college allowed him in with free reign upon its grounds upon studying some of the ancient texts in the library within the Dragonborn found a peculiar fellow with an enormous interest in Elder Scrolls an imperial going by the name of Septimus sickness it had seemed that his book had gathered the interest of the Dragonborn and he was set on finding him at the moment this Septimus was living in isolation in the middle of an enormous iceberg north of the college not very far off there was only one problem he was a little crazed when the top level was built no more could be placed it was and is the maximal apex elder scrolls indeed the Empire they have squandered with them or so they think the ones they saw ah the ones they thought they saw I know of one for Patton sequestered but I cannot go to it not poor Septimus for I I have a reason beyond its grasp here well here as in this plane Mundus Tamriel nearby relatively speaking on the cosmological scale it's all nearby the price of power sometimes is your own mind every time you read an Elder Scroll you lose part of yourself sometimes the tax is merely your eyesight sometimes it is your mind sometimes your life such is the burden that one mistake upon themselves to learn the truth about reality to obtain that which shouldn't be obtained and of course we fickle creatures always try to anger the gods to find ways to obtain said wisdom while avoiding his repercussions there was a race like such in here a group of elves called the Dwemer they were essentially a rays of extremely advanced elves that lived below the earth they committed the crime of inventing a way to read this Scrolls without their associated sufferings they also mocked the gods they invented their own magic they created robotic entities they enslaved an entire race like dogs every sacrilegious note in the book they attempted and now now they're gone nobody knows where they are what happened to them almost as if they just evaporated into the thin air every single one of them gives you a lot to think about huh have to be careful what you do around angry gods it had seemed that reading a few Elder Scrolls in his youth had turned Septimus a little aloof a little different however he still considered himself an expert on the subject of Elder Scrolls but more importantly he knew how to get one he wanted us to go to black reach see the ancient Dwemer before their disappearance had built enormous cities below the earth cities that connected themselves through a giant complex known as black reach in the olden days when the Dwemer were still around they had found a special mineral known as a theorem a mineral that was incredibly magically scoopable what I mean is they could create very powerful magical items with this ore however there were many different Dwemer Lords that wanted access to this mineral and to avoid infighting they decided to all build their cities around this a theory of gold mine where each city would have a job in the production of magical items that way every city would be necessary for the production of the items and in fighting with seeds now how is that even relevant it is because it means that basically every Dwemer ruin leads into black reach [Music] Septimus told the Dragonborn were to look a dweller ruined far deeper than black reach which meant the Dragonborn would have to fight through an entire dweller ruin only define black reach and fight his way through it only to then keep going further down into yet another Dwemer ruin in order to find the Hildur scroll his work to say the least was cut out for him his greatest challenge yet since he was no longer fighting simple on their druggers and poisonous spiders anymore he was fighting the robotic creations of an ancient technological race alongside the Forgotten slaves of said race who were now blind and murderous see the Falmer the weird elvish looking creatures that the Dragonborn found under the depths of the dormant ruins used to be the snow elves an old proud race of elves used to live in Skyrim before the humans ever even came here they had a war with the humans and lost and as they ran away into the depths of the earth seeking help in the Dwemer the Dwemer instead enslaved them and poisoned them with shrooms that made them blind they and the robots are all that's left of that time the fighting was rough even encountering one of the greatest creations of the Dwemer for all-out warfare a Dwemer centurion shocking really the level of technology that this race managed to accrue the ability to grant perpetual permanent energy into a construct to make it last for thousands of years of course the story gets even darker when you look deep into their cores realizing it is all soul energy the Dwemer used the souls of living creatures to power these automatons further dropping them deeper and deeper into their sinful despair the battle was done however and the Dragonborn had found the lexicon where the Elder Scroll was resting a beautiful construct designed to read an Elder Scroll without incurring any of his negative factors a very very long trek an extremely hard-fought but the Dragonborn had his price it was now time to go back into the throat of the world the greatest and tallest mountain in Skyrim to glimpse into the past and obtain the shout that will hopefully bring all doing to his knees you have it the Kel the Elder Scroll Tigre Carlos time shudders at its touch there is no question you are doomed driven Colgan akatosh the very bones of the earth are at your disposal go then fulfill your destiny take the scroll to the time wound do not delay Alduin will be coming he cannot miss the signs Gormley running out of pine the truth or say Alduin who clean today I'll Givens lordship will be restored but I honor your courage creep wolf aakhri die now in vain it had worked the plan had worked with the usage of the Elder Scroll the Dragonborns mind went back in time to the moment of all doings defeat to see with his own eyes the usage of this mighty shout [Music] what's happening done what twisted words have we needed this box my teeth do that the words were said and now the Dragonborn knew them your suffer all mortal finite temporary alien and painful concepts for a dragons mind to understand and now it was his weapon that installed when the usage of the Elder Scroll however and thus crying of the time wound created enough power that even Alduin could sense it [Music] lost food you are too late Alduin Dovahkiin use dragon ran to funerals it was time for the Dragonborn to test his newfound power as Alduin flew up across the sky the kin to both worm and man and the betrayer of dragons vs. the world eater a legendary battle in its own right the dragon wrench shout showed all doing that his reign in Skyrim was going to be hard-fought and dangerous and that not even an army of dragons was going to make this easy for him like the dragon war dragon rent crippled all doing enough for the Dragonborn to strike a few good blows and unlike the dragon war all doing was actually bested [Music] teacher [Music] but I am our firstborn of akatosh Malaga's so Clift I cannot be slain here by you or anyone else you cannot prevail against me I will have lost you [Music] unfortunately closing in on a powerful dragon is difficult especially on a demigod all doin's resilience is near-perfect he strikes dangerous and his willpower legendary he is definitely affected by the dragon wrench shout but not quite as a normal dragon is he seemingly having the ability to resist his effects after a while and like that Alduin managed to escape this was a big problem for now Alduin knew that the Dragonborn was able to defeat him in open combat which meant he wasn't going to allow open combat to happen again otherwise risking his actual death and because of that Alduin went hiding for as long as he was out there somewhere dragons would continue to be resurrected and Skyrim no all of the world would be in danger so the Dragonborn needed to do something even though his options were very limited Paarthurnax however had a fantastic idea for he understood the Dragons very well of course him being one of them he figured that all doing having suffered such a defeat would most definitely the loyalty that his dragon minions would have for him since dragons more than anything respect power over all and the power of the dovahkiin of the Dragonborn was greater than that of Alduin if only they could defeat and capture a dragon without killing it could they persuade it to betray Alduin and join the Dragonborns cause for only one of all doings warriors would know of his hiding location it was a good plan and though it was going to be fairly tricky holding down a dragon enough to actually interrogate it and persuade it is near impossible for there's nothing that they detest more than being held and constricted thankfully there was a place designed to hold and incarcerate a dragon in the owner of that place happened to be an ally of the Dragonborn our old friend ball gruff ARL of Whiterun see the castle of the yard is named dragon's reach because it actually used to hold a captive dragon a dragon called Newman X who was captured and hailed as a trophy so the entirety of the balcony of his castle was made and suited for this one purpose included the hardness that was used to hold said dragon it was perfect or rather it would have been perfect if balgruuf would have been as enthusiastic about this plan as the Dragonborn was see as we have been following the story of the dov'è King in his quest of understanding himself his destiny in his fate the world kept in going in the background and the war between the Stormcloaks and the Imperials grew fiercer and fiercer Whiterun happens to be the only hold that hasn't taken a side in the conflict which meant have three possible guard and soldier in Whiterun needed to be prepared for any eventuality as it seemed that Ural Ulfric leader of the Stormcloaks was actually getting ready to potentially invade and conquer Whiterun but I mean to say yes yarl balgruuf had a lot to worry about without even adding a potential dangerous dragon to the equation if by any measure this dragon failed to be incarcerated or broke off from its pines then it would completely destroy the city or in the least it would injure many many soldiers an event that you're all Freck would use to his advantage in order to invade it was here where the power and influence of the Dragonborn truly showed you can be great at killing monsters and Dragons you can be persuasive and history can have all its glory tied to your back but get in the middle of an emperor's war and the emperor will simply slay you it was here when the Dragonborn needed to stop the Civil War even if just for a small moment a moment long enough to allow him to use Whiterun in his plan to catch a dragon man after much deliberation the Greybeards accepted the responsibility of hosting a peace talk between both wearing parties in order to get a ceasefire in is war many thought it would be impossible for them to find common ground on this but with the threat of all doing loom enlarged it behooves everyone for the Dragonborn to succeed every Nord that died thanks to the Dragons was the Nord lost to Skyrim and lost to the Stormcloaks see indi hypothetical future where they defeat the Empire they would have to defend themselves against a Thal more all by themselves and if the entirety of Skyrim was burning well it didn't really leave much of a future for them on the Empire side basically the same reasoning the weaker Skyrim is and the more people die during this conflict the weaker the Empire is overall and the more powerful the Thalmor become the only winning party with the Dragonborn not succeeding in this endeavor would be death all war though probably only momentarily the end of the world would eventually reach the magical shorts of the summerset isles though of course that being mainly Nordic myth that 'fl they would understand its real danger probably also worth mentioning for the side of the Greybeards that if they actually succeeded implementing peace then they would be succeeding not only their Creed but to also Paarthurnax their leader but with all of those things in mind the Dragonborn set out in his new quest to convince these parties to have this conversation now we have talked a little bit about Ulfric Stormcloak and his quest for the unification of skyrim however we haven't quite worked on general Tullius as of yet now if you remember back in the beginnings of this story he was present in order to personally see to the execution of Ulfric back in Helgen see he is the military governor of skyrim which poses a collection of interesting dilemmas and questions the main one being well who actually rules skyrim now in a perfect world if none of this nonsense was happening then you would have what the North's call a high king he or she would be considered the leader of skyrim as all the girls of the province swear fealty to him or her now typically the position of High King is either for life or until abdication and the main way to become one is essentially through a hereditary process meaning the firstborn of the high king will become the new high king now the actual coronation process involves what the Nords call a boot a boot is a meeting between all the urals in Skyrim where they actually get to vote who becomes the new hide king like I mentioned before though it is basically hereditary so 99% of the time the girls will simply vote for the first son or daughter for the deceased king for really no reason other than tradition I did say that the Nords are a very very traditional people now to select a new URL it is in some ways similar and in many many ways different first and foremost the firstborn will always get dibs on the throne that much hasn't changed however if there is no descendant then the one who gets to choose who becomes ural is the Empire that's right those all the way over in the Imperial City in Si Rodale actually get to choose who becomes yarol in such an event so as you can see the influence that the Empire has in Skyrim politics is actually quite large and they get to choose who becomes yarol and the girls get to choose who becomes High King one of the biggest reasons why Ulfric Stormcloak always believed that not just the High King but many of the girls were actually always puppets of the Empire now rules in the entirety of the kingdom that the Empire consists of are made by a ruling body called the elder council urals sometimes have a place in this council and the High King always does so Skyrim does possess a lot of leeway when it comes to voting and enacting laws in the entirety of the Empire to be fair now let's get back to this story a little bit the high king of Skyrim was a man named Touareg however he was murdered a little bit before the beginnings of this story by Ulfric Stormcloak that was the main reason why this Alfred Stormcloak some here in helghan call you a hero but a hero doesn't use a power like the voice to murder his king and usurp his throne is said at the beginning of the story see the Nords have a very ancient tradition where a yarl can challenge to high king for leadership of the province a challenge that cannot be refuted as long as it is made within the high King's halls and in front of his entire court all of those requisites which were actually met by Ulfric he challenged the High King and killed him as it was Nordic tradition now normally a root would convene now in order to decide who becomes the High King but Alfred refuses to participate as he figured storix now widow elesif would be the one becoming high queen so what he's doing now instead is conquering hold after hold in order to essentially threaten them into voting for him this means that currently Skyrim has no high king or queen to rule them and because of that general Tullius was sent by the Empire to organize and rule in what you could defined as kind of martial law though he really only rules in matters pertaining to the military living the day-to-day affairs to yarrow Ellis of whom the Empire considers the illegitimate inheritor of the title of Queen in conclusion Skyrim's Civil War is a match between general Tullius the master tactician and Ulfric Stormcloak a legendary warrior with the power of the voice and it was these very people that the Dragonborn needed to convince to lay down their weapons for the goodness of the region but but how often does goodness and self-sacrifice come into play in these negotiations the Dragonborn actually managed to convince these two individuals to attend the meeting Alfred just out of sheer respect for the Greybeards and Tullius well merges that have been generally a reasonable guy general Tullius this council is unprecedented we are gathered here at the Dragonborns request I ask that you all respect the spirit of high Hrothgar do your best to begin the process of achieving a lasting peace in Skyrim who would like to open the negotiations yes let's get down to it we want control of Markov that's our price for agreeing to a truce so that's why you're here all Frick you dare to insult the Greybeards by using this council to advance your own position yarrow Ellis if general this is outrageous you can't be taking this demand seriously I thought we were here to discuss a truce Ellis if I said I'd handle it as for you general Thomas I see now that Gama was right talking to the empire is just as useless as ever if you think you could hold Markov you as deluded as your Emperor when he signed away our freedom to no thumb or Skyrim will never again bow to your false empire let's go come on I should have listened to you in the first place you always were a fool Afric you're no better at diplomacy than you are in the battlefield stop are you supplying trout danger that you can't see past your petty disagreements here you sit arguing about nothing well the fate of the land hangs in the balance is he with you Delphine if so I advise you to tell him to watch his tongue he is with me and I advise you both to listen to what he has to say before you do anything rash don't you understand the danger don't you understand what the return of the dragons means Aldrin has returned world-eater even now he devours the souls of your fallen comrades he grows more powerful with every soldier slain in your pointless war can you not put aside your hatred for even one moment in the face of this mortal danger if he's right about Albarn we both have just as much to lose here talia's remember that now back to the matter at hand the meeting went as well as it could have and in a lot of ways as expected general Tullius was respectable and diplomatic whereas Ulfric was fiery and explosive some concessions had to be made and a lot of land was traded between the two groups but in the end the ceasefire was enacted general Tullius these are the terms currently on the table Marcus will be handed over to ultrix forces yar Edmund will step down and tongue for silver blood will become the yarol of McCarthy the Stormcloaks will withdraw from the rift allowing imperial troops unhindered access you know Leila lawgiver will step down and maven blackbriar will become the yarl of Rifton for Chris will be turned over to Ulfric and then gear of stool will return as y'all you both agreed to this the sons of Skyrim will live up to their agreements as long as the Imperials hold to theirs what about you relative are these terms to your liking speak up I'm sure general Tullius is waiting to do your bidding I have nothing to say to that murderer general you've proven yourself a good friend to Skyrim I continue to trust that you will do your utmost to safeguard our interests Thank You yarrow Ellis if I appreciate your loyalty the Empire can live with these terms yes for a temporary truce until the dragon Menace is dealt with after that Ulfric there will be a reckoning count on it come on go my we have a lot of work having debated long enough screamed at each other for long enough the ceasefire was enacted and all parties were as happy as they could be by the end now it was time for the Dragonborns plan to begin to attempt to imprison a dragon and corsets thankfully while the peace talks were being prepared Esbern had been hard at work at finding a dragon to subdue using the draconic knowledge found at sky Haven temple and cross-referencing the map that we found at the beginning in bleak falls Barrow s Byrne had found the name of a dragon currently under the command of Alduin a dragon named oda v it had seemed that by merely pronouncing its name aloud the dovahkiin could summon the dragon sea dragon names are shouts in and out of themselves which would allow the dragon board to produce some of that innate magic recorded in them especially now that Alduin was defeated no dragon could ever resist a calling of the dragon born for a challenge but before he enacted his plan a very sad and unfortunate course of events would unfold for during their visit to high Hrothgar in the throath of the world the blades had found out who the real leader of the Greybeards was they had found that Paarthurnax was a dragon as I explained before the blades are dragon killers first and foremost and the biggest reason that dragons were basically extinct was because of them coming from a place of hatred and revenge Delphine gave the Dragonborn an ultimatum he was to kill Paarthurnax as revenge for his mistreatment of humans back before the dragon war the ultimatum being if the dragon board refused then the blades would not help him anymore now this is one of the more touching and deep moments in this story truthfully we actually don't know if the Dragonborn did off with Paarthurnax or if he allowed him to live that is a part of the story that maybe one day we will know but what Paarthurnax had to say in the matter as a response to knowing that the blades wanted him dead was rather inspiring the blades are wise not to trust me only con neova I would not trust another Dover Dover on Ferrell we were made to dominate the will to power is in our blood you feel it in yourself do you not I can be trusted I know this but they do not only con me off Dava it is always wise to mistrust a dov'è I have overcome my nature only through meditation and long study of the way of the voice no day goes by where I am not tempted to return to my inborn nature zing Griff halt says who yech what is better to be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great effort to overcome your evil nature that are a great effort it must have been very difficult we know that he hated all doing for all doing saw himself as a god which of course can be difficult for another dragon to swallow knowing full well that akatosh is a real God we also know that the goddess kynareth commanded Paarthurnax to help the humans by teaching them to shout like dragons do but we don't know if the command was forceful if she controlled Paarthurnax and made him do it or if she simply asked in kind and he accepted maybe the goddess kynareth saw the good and said Paarthurnax and that's why she knew to ask him or maybe he knew that Alduin was going to fall and fail and he chose the winning side regardless to flyed your own nature regardless of whatever that nature is must be X dreamily difficult imagine avoiding eating even though your entire body commands you to you know yourself how difficult it is not to scratch when your body itches all those little emotions I have great respect for this dragon and what he stands for any flight as hard as his must be admired I like to think personally that the Dragonborn did not kill him but we do know that there was a spark of evil inside of the Dragon born after taking in that knowledge pertaining to Dragon rend there is massive hatred towards dragons now inside of his heart a lot of it being aimed at Paarthurnax for those humans would have hated him to never forget that the Greybeards warned the dragon born to avoid taking in such hatred poetic it might be that by allowing him to learn the word of power that their master would pay the price for it what we do know is that next that dragon born said his eyes towards dragons reach in Whiterun to challenge order ving and entrap him you're all bald roof had prepped the balcony and readied his men for the dragon call this was going to be tricky because the Dragonborn needed to bait the creature into coming inside of the hall directly below the harness see Dragons Reach is famous in Skyrim but it was the place where ol f1i high king of Skyrim at the time captured the dragon luminix but this actually happened the hundreds of years after the dragon war after all doing had been sent forward into the future and the Dragons defeated and mostly killed this means that a virtually no dragon that exists today is aware that this trap even exists whereas Paarthurnax does since he lived in Skyrim at the top of the throat of the world this entire time this made it a little bit simpler than it could have been as Auditing pushed through in his anxiousness to fight to Dragonborn and in the end got caught in the harness interestingly enough Paarthurnax is conclusion on the state of Dragon kind after all doings defeat proved certain as aadhavan exclaimed there was indeed doubt between the ranks of Alton's dragons they questioned all do it's a voice and in response his authority to rule over them this combined with the fact that it is very difficult to find something dragons hate more than being incarcerated allowed to Dragon born to form a kind of a pact with this dov'è in exchange for information on where Aldrin was located then would the dragon be spared the consumption of his soul a deal made rather quickly it had seemed that all doing had escaped into southern guard of all places the godly realm of the ancient Nords their heaven spectacular really that the power of all doing seemingly knew no bounds and allowed him the privilege of not just entering the sacred realm of divinity but the reason he was there in the first place wasn't to actually run from the dragon born but to devour the spirits of the dead a process that granted him vigor and strengthen him Otto ving had shared that the door that Alden was using to pass through these realities was found atop an ancient dragon called temple called Skull Daffin it plays only accessible by dragons since it was found atop the eastern mountains and not accessible by foot and hence a new deal was made if the Dragonborn release toda ving and allowed him to go free then he would show the Dragonborn the location and personally fly him there we are finally entering the last chapter of the Dragonborn story with no power left for him to obtain with no information left for him to gather all that was left was for him to make his way through the temple to find his courage and to fight through the hoards of dragons and druggers all the way through to the very top where the door to sovngarde was located and it wasn't easy the druggers found in this temple were by far the strongest that the Dragonborn had fought so far for they were favored by the Dragons they were granted the power of the voice by their dragon overlords for their servitude and loyalty which made them extreme combatants the Dragons were ferocious for that were defending their God and their leader but successfully the dovahkiin persevered he found at the very perch that the last Dragons in servitude to Alduin had relented their assault for they had understood the power of his voice and his unquestionable prowess versus that of Alduin his last challenger was in fact the leader of the complex not a dragon and more than just a dragger an entity that we would call a dragon priest if you remember from earlier in the story the dragon priests were the leaders of the human kingdoms of skyrim annette mora back in two days before days since the Dragons enjoyed being superior but did not enjoy the ruling and the political aspects that were attached to it they allowed certain loyal humans to rule in their stead these humans were granted enormous power through magical items items crafted by the very dragons sometimes these would come through Armour and staffs but most of the time they would come through dragon masks these artifacts of untold power gave the dragon priests the ability to govern with an iron fist na cream the dragon priests had been commanded by all doing to protect ik a ting to sovngarde but he was no match for the Dragonborn upon using his key staff to open the portal the Dragonborn had accessed the one place where every single nord wanted to go to the Nordic heaven of southern guard nopal Nord remember these words of the horror father fear not the spectre of death for he is the herald of glory and your guide to great sovngarde the Dragonborn wasn't in Skyrim anymore he wasn't in Tamriel anymore not even on the same planet he had travelled through realities and entered the magical realm of a serious known as the immortal plain it was the birthplace of all the gods where Magica the magic this story originates from it is the place where it is believed that all the souls of the Dead come from and the location of all the different heavens in this case he wasn't a plane created specifically by Shore who is known as the human God an ancient God who physically walked the earth of Tamriel and fought in actual real wars with humans but was eventually defeated by the other gods and killed he made a covenent where he would reward the descendants of his warriors with eternal joy and merriment for having fought by his side during the beginnings of time those descendants were the ancient Nords so as long as those Nords kept the traditions of fighting for what they believed in and dying for their causes that would be rewarded richly by their patron by coming here turned back traveler terror waits within this mist many have braved the shadow of the veil but vain is all courage against that pair of the guards the way near Giants gap in the gloom before dawn we marched unsuspecting into the Imperials time then we stood and fought our shield wall defending until by Dawn's light the legions ranks wavered but I never knew if Knights end brought victory a swift flying arrow to sovngarde however things were not as they seemed when the Dragonborn walked through these sacred grounds Alduin had created a mist a special magical mist that entrapped the souls of the dead that wandered into it it would prevent the souls from ever finding the end of the path the entrance to shores halls and it would prevent them from escaping as well the perfect spell for all doing to devour them one by one as they laid there helplessly the Dragonborn however wasn't dead so the magics of this mist did not affect him like it did to them and he found the way to the end see he couldn't fight Alduin under these conditions as the mist prevented a dragon board from seeing the sky and without seeing all doing he couldn't fight him but not all was lost for sure halls laid there at the end of the whalebone bridge a place filled with heroes of old and ancient Nordic warriors warriors that the Dragonborn surmise would be more than happy to fight once more for the salvation of their brethren and old champion of old called soon guard the bridge however he who was known to be the thane of old shor when he was a god and walked the earth he is venerated as the god of trials against adversity in the ancient Nordic Pantheon represented as the well God his job to test the mettle of every single Nord that wants to pass through the bridge in order to get to heaven it is believed that this was one of the unique moments in the Dragonborns life when he was truly tested outside of his encounters with Alduin in any case soon recognized the Brawn of the dov'è king and allowed him entrance now inside of what is called halls of the spirits of the Nords dance and sing and eats and fight for all eternity the magics of the hall prevent anyone inside from feeling boredom as well as dulling the pain of combat making this place the perfect eternity for a Nord now most Nordic heroes that you can find mentioned within skyrim can be found here including those from books and stories however their stories did not affect that of the Dragonborn instead our story will focus on a few selected individuals the first being is grimore see everything that means to be a Nord basically comes from this one individual he was the main Nordic leader to sail from the ancient continent of an Mora to actually settle in Skyrim which many people attribute as the first man who actually set foot in the whole of Tamriel he also was the inventor of writing for the humans transcribing Nordic speech into runes for everyone to understand and read there is literally no more famous and legendary Nordic warrior than his grimoire and he was the first one to welcome the Dragonborn into Shores Hall it had seemed that there were indeed warriors capable and willing to bring the fight to Alduin in order to safeguard all the souls that were being devoured by him these warriors turned out to be the very same heroes from old who battled Auld when back in the drunken war those who actually ended up inadvertently teaching the Dragonborn the term entrenched shout gorm lathe golden hilt pact and one eye and felled air the old they had failed at actually defeating Alduin in the past and using an elder scroll they sent him into the future but now that Alduin was at their doorstep in heaven it was their time to end their failure once and for all the mist still proved to be a problem for this warrior says fighting all doon within it would be a deadly proposition but now instead of simply having the Dragonborn being the only user of the voice we had for and with their power they cleared the sky of this mist their combined voice was stronger than all doin's as they screamed at each other back and forth Alduin convoking the mist over and over while the tongues shouted at 'we exhausted and without no other recourse the dragon swooped in and combat began we're da through one of Alduin strongest abilities is called meteor storm a special shout only Alduin seems to know and be able to learn which summons enormous meteors from the sky to destroy the earth it is believed an a version of this spell is what Aldrin uses in order to completely swallow and destroy the world avoiding these meteors will also dodging the incredible fires of all doin's monde keeping the other tongues alive was more than even the dovahkiin could handle as the battle progressed the tongs fail under the might of Alduin leaving his destruction solely at the hands of the Dragonborn but [Applause] [Applause] at the very doors of heaven in the sanctions realm of the gods in front of every conceivable hero known to man the Dragonborn slew the devourer of worlds and ended his realm of tyranny before it even began so what happened to the Dragonborn you asked did he stay in heaven that he returned to live the rest of his life in peace knowing he had done his duty that he rules Skyrim as the new high king or did he join the Dark Brotherhood a clan of murderers for pay well there are a few things we do know the Dragonborn was sent back to the world of the living bite soon where he belonged at least until the moment of his death sent all the way to the top of the throat of the world where all the dragons were perched not only to pay homage to the Dragonborn but to celebrate of all demons defeat the old fool kumara the rock n roll offs oak the rock Reed [Music] while doing his dad that they screamed we are free they clamored happy for all doings death they all were except for one the one maybe you wouldn't expect not to be the betrayer the one who helped us actually achieve this goal Paarthurnax so it is done the eldest is no more he who came before all others and has always been happy no I am NOT happy the mahi lost on dual bore mahu Alduin was once the crown of our Father akka Tasha's creation you did what was necessary Alduin had flown far from the path of right action in his park in the arrogance of his power but I cannot celebrate his fall zu Tiras ah ha ha he was my brother once this world will never be the same I am glad you believe that at least it will continue to exist colleagues lost line even I cannot see past times ending to what comes next need kaurav Zenon D not sketchy we must do the best we can with this world but I forget myself closest solo Smith Padang melancholy is an easy trap for a dov'è to fall into you have won a mighty victory sorrow congra one that will echo through all the ages of this world for those who have eyes to see savor your triumph Dovahkiin this is not the last of what you will write upon the currents of time go wrong I feel younger than I have many of the Dover now scattered across Casal without Aldean's lordship they may yet bow to the buffs and rightness of my food but willing or no they will hear it fairly well dovakiin when this story is told there's always one detail that gets forgotten in fact the most important detail the Turkmen born did indeed defeat Alduin more sir than that he killed Alduin but he did not absorbed Alduin men many believed including yourself possibly that the one inch that the Dragonborn had over this demigod that the other tongs didn't was the fact that he could permanently end Alduin forevermore by absorbing him but when the time was right when all doings flesh exploded and burned his soul actually flew into the heavens back to Aetherius the Dragonborn did not absorb him now that was possibly the will of the gods maybe one day he will come back to truly in the world I mean the world does have to end at some point right but what about the story where does it actually end what did he end up doing after all that well some say a new Elder Scroll resurfaced one very importance of Darkness a world without the Sun where vampires ruled over all but that is a story for another day the patrons for the story were Dylan Baker toby oliver and alex FICCI whom i thank for helping support me in this quest like them join me in patron and help me bring these stories to life like many of you already do this was the tale of Elder Scrolls Skyrim as seen by the eyes of the Dragonborn immortal blessed by the gods with the soul and mind of a dragon in his quest to save the world against Alduin the world leader meet you again in the next tale [Music]
Channel: MrRhexx
Views: 2,257,697
Rating: 4.747344 out of 5
Keywords: mrrhexx, rhexx, elder scrolls, skyrim, full story, history, plot, main quest, dovahkiin, dragonborn, alduin, riften, windhelm, whiterun, morthal, solitude, markarth, dawnstar, winterhold, the blades, nords
Id: HFptKbAFRp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 54sec (7554 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 15 2018
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