The Merethic Era EXPLAINED! Aldmeris, Atmora, Nedes, Elves & More - Elder Scrolls Lore

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the elderscrolls a history of known thousands of years constructed and bound together by countless historians detailing millions of perspectives some accurately some inaccurately but after all history is written where the victor regardless of the elusive nature of truth we as teachers of the Elder Scrolls lore do our best to present the most accurate or most likely versions of events welcome back to fudge Muppet ladies and gentlemen my name is Scott and today we are taking you through the events of the maratha Kara if you have been following the channel for a while you may know that we have made comprehensive videos on each of the errors of recorded history meaning that there are somewhat accurate dates and an actual timescale of years those videos are linked down below the first second third and fourth errors explained but today we endeavor to explain the maratha kara a time of myth and mystery a time without hard dates and fewer records a turbulent time that makes it hard to distinguish myth from fact a place where the two frequently intermingle so unlike all those other videos we've made this one is likely to be different we have less years but rather frames of time and we have events that can be interpreted in there's lots of conjecture so what are we to do for this video we're going to give our best shot at making sense of this mythic time the time of elves magic and mystery without further ado let's get into it the major pind event that separates the chaotic dawn era of creation and the maratha Kara is the construction of the adamantine tower later known as the dharini tower it was built around 2,500 years before the beginning of the first era and the gods would hold the convention at this tower and set the laws of Mundus now this period known as the early Maratha Kara had Tamriel characterized by civilizations of beasts people such as Khajiit argonians m'gann and other beasts folk like the bird peoples the top of a pilot would discover in the heart of Cyrodiil interestingly according to some theories the old moe who had become the Bosma of Valen would arrived in Tamriel earlier than the other old man and over much time they were transformed into the Bosma this order of events also makes a lot of sense with the Khajiit origin story in mind considering they believe that the Khajiit were made by Azura from a race of elves regardless there are scarce records of these times and all we are left with is essentially conjecture it is often believed this was the time when the rune stones of Cyrodiil were also constructed perhaps by the bird people we later move into the maratha cairo where we have the old ma the elves of alt Maris also known as old Ellen FA who have become lost and scattered at sea the old MA find the summerset isles and from there adventurers like taupe will the pilot endeavor to find their way home to old Maris but are not successful instead Topal would end up mapping much of Tamriel which would then incentivize many elves to depart and explore the far reaches Topol himself traded with the native bird people of the eight Isles in central sir Adele the valuable land was traded for the gift of literacy and later this is where the eilat elves would rise to power with many of their aesthetic designs perhaps being inspired by the native beast folk these bird-like beast folk disappear as the eyelids rise ends the white gold tower is constructed some year around this time the crystal tower on the summerset isles is also constructed while some specifics on Aldmeri two virgins are unknown such as the exact origins of the snow elves or the Dwemer all we know is that at this time they divide into the races of Myr become distinct the most pivotal and fundamental events that explains two key changes is the velocity exodus from the summerset isles the followers of the prophet velov would follow the GU Daedra and seek a new way of life an exodus began [ __ ] Trina Mackey and his followers would try to stop them boethiah in response swallowed trinamic and excreted the Daedric prince Malakoff in his place turning all trina max followers into the ausma better known as the orcs the velocity' swooz then successful creating the race of climber who would inhabit the land of res Dayne aka modern-day morrowind a golden age begins a period of so-called - color thrives long-lived karmic lands remain steadfast in their devotion to fundamentalist ancestor ship linked below is a video that explains the vlog in much greater detail another distinguished group of elves would be the Durrani clan who sailed to High Rock discovered the adamantine Tower and claimed it hence why it is later known as the tyranny tower and then we come to the late Maratha Kara which would be characterized by two major events the fall of high-velocity culture occurred and climate degenerate into tribal cultures that would one day become the great houses of morrowind or the Ash lenders at the same time Dwemer freehold colonies were being constructed the second great event that we have a rough time estimate for is that about 1,000 years prior to the beginning of the first error is when the first migrations from the northern land of that Mora occurred according to archeologists who studied the earliest to known human settlements of Hammerfell high rock and sir Adele waves of men both settlers and Raiders would venture across the sea of ghosts and arrive at the northern coast of Tamriel these humans would eventually become known as the needs or needed people and spread throughout Tamriel however the elves were far superior in terms of sorcery and intellect and in many of the places they settled they were soon dominated by the races of Myr two of the foremost examples are the needed people of Cyrodiil who are enslaved and subjugated by the wild elves also better known as the eyelids but also the netic people of high rock would become subject to a caste system with the dharini elves at the top the Durrani ELLs would breed with the needed people sometimes willingly most commonly compelled or coerced and as a result of this the Breton race or monomer the half-breeds would be born now one must consider the sheer scope of time here that has gone by fifteen hundred years has gone by without men appearing on Tamriel before that there were the elves and before them the beast folk though it is unknown how long was in between them the elves could have showed up a few hundred years after the adamantine tower was constructed perhaps it was even five or seven hundred years after but I would wager that the elves have been in Tamriel for at least 7 to 800 years before men began arriving likely even more but regardless without concrete dates it's hard to know so in total there's about four thousand four hundred and fifty years of recorded history at the time of Elder Scrolls v skyrim and that's broken down into four errors preceding that is roughly another two thousand five hundred years of the maratha error totaling six thousand nine hundred and fifty years since the adamantine tower was created six thousand nine hundred and fifty years ago in our timeline takes you back to four thousand nine hundred and thirty-one BC a time before the Bronze Age a time before even the potter's wheel was invented whereas in the Elder Scrolls universe on Tamriel structures such as the white gold tower were being built by the inhabitant elves anyways that point of digression was just to give you the grand sense of scope here in the elder scrolls timeline the maratha era itself is two thousand five hundred years which may seem rather small because the lack of recorded history but it's definitely not so let's take it back to the timeline 1000 years before the beginning of the first error the first two Natick peoples have settled Tamriel and have been enslaved or subjugated by the various elven peoples however of course there are also those which have remained free the summerset isles are dominated by the high alts the Ultima Valen would ruled by the Bosma the Waddell's elsewhere by the Khajiit black marsh by the argonians hammerfell a mix of netic people's goblins and essentially it's just a desert land for the taking of whoever wants it high rock is ruled by the dharini elves skyrim by the snow elves also known as the Falmer cyrodiil by the eyelids and morrowind then known as res Dayne is contested by the climber tribes and the Dwemer colonies so what changes how do we get to the land of Tamriel dominated by the races of man in more contemporary errors well arguably one of the greatest and pivotal characters in history happened and his name was is grimore is grimore took a mighty colonization fleet from the northern human lands of atmora and arrived at Sarek head the very most northern tip at Skyrim's coast they arrived at this frigid land and build the first Nordic city on Tamra al Savile you may be familiar with this place it's one of the first locations you go to in the College of Winterhold questline in Skyrim is grimore is actually considered the first human historian as he develops a runic transcription of Nordic speech based on elvish principles that's right elves and men actually got along for a while but then a fateful night known as the night of tears would occur the exact reasons for this event are unknown lost to time but what essentially happened was that the Falmouth the snow elves came down upon the city of Savile and violently slaughtered every single admirin settler onlyis grimore and his two sons escaped it was initially speculated that the snow ELLs feared the at morons growing population and potential expansion so they cut the cancer before it spread however with knowledge that the eye of magnus was deep within sorrowful we can speculate that it was instead that the at morons had discovered the eye of magnus where they built their city and the elves fear to such a powerful object falling into the hands of men so they did what they had to to reclaim it but of course these actions would back them back and is grimore with his two sons managed to sail home to atmora rally an army of 500 companions and returned now according to code lack white men the recent harbinger of the Companions he says that the companions are nearly 5000 years old which places the events of is grandma's return sometime roughly around 500 years before the first era begins so in a short time is grimore and his companions come back for revenge slaughter every snow if they could see on Skyrim and even souls time defeating the snow prints they expanded to all corners of the land and to the desperate snow elves who wish to escape the slaughter made a deal with the Dwemer in their underground cities and accepted a cruel deal in desperation a deal that would result in the mutation into the vial Falmer that you know today so the good old Nords set up shop pretty much everywhere bringing their culture and religion specifically a certain cult grew quite powerful this organization was the dragon cult and the dragon priests gained more and more power becoming more and more tyrannical eventually the Nords under the iron fist of the Dragons they're dragon priests were pushed too far and so they retaliated this was known as the dragon wars and thousands upon thousands were killed but eventually with the help of Paarthurnax and kine the Nords were able to turn the tides banished Eldo into the future and eventually win the war the dragon cult then essentially became extinct apart from the undead priests still in their barrows so in short the Nords as we know them only arrived in Tamriel about five hundred years before the first error which puts all the dragon warrior vents between then and the first error so to recap the scale of time with a little bit of my interpretation 2500 years before the first error the adamantine tower was built and for about five hundred years as an estimate I imagine it was only dominated by the aboriginal beast folk about 2,000 years before the first era came the first elves from out Maris they found Somerset and then began spreading all over Tamriel constructing changing and mingling and then about a thousand years before the first era came waves of men from atmora who would settle and raid becoming the needed peoples of Tamriel then about five hundred years after that five hundred years before the first era came the at morons what we call the proto Nords who had become the Nordic people then finally we have the end of the Maratha era with the first actual historical date being year one of the first era when King eppley found at the Cameron dynasty of Valen would but don't worry that's not all there is to the Maratha kara you have the general scheme of things and an idea of time but there are some events that don't really have an exact place mainly because of a lack of historical dates so for example we know that the a Tata the Chezza reign the mysterious man the immortal hero known as Pellinore whitestrake roams the lands of Tamriel gathering armies conquering lands ruling and then abandoning his kingdoms to start all over again the man who had a penchant for slaughtering elves went by many names throughout his immortal life such as Herald Harry Briggs is mere hens the Fox and of course as we know him mainly pelinore whitestrake but of course these events would have all happened post man's arrival on Tamriel meaning 1,000 years before the first error or later another important event to consider that has many thematic messages is the war on the continent to the West in Yokota the occurrence were fighting the left-handed elves and the wounding manifests as an avatar called dragna who brings orichalcos to the you currents helping them defeat the left-handed elves for good so the theme that I'm talking about is elven downfall the Maratha era is the time of elven dominance on Tamriel and presumably on your cooter as well but towards the end of the maratha kara this begins to change and it gives way to the races of man on both Tamriel and hakuta to be honest this time and era of history is really hard document and it's likely that I've missed many smaller events all throughout Tamriel in fact most of the myths and legends you hear are set in the maratha era like I said it's an era where most of the lines between myth and history are blurred but hopefully this video has been successful in explaining to you the general gist of the maratha Cara giving you an idea of the time scale and putting into perspective just how ancient this era really is I sometimes wonder if it truly was a crazier more magical era or perhaps it is just hyperbole and exaggeration for a fact compare the stories of the Iliad the Battle of Troy with gods and demigods with tragic heroes where as as far as archaeology and history is concerned there was Troy and there is evidence it was destroyed I know in the Elder Scrolls world for sure there is actual magic and tangible gods but still there is great room for exaggeration but who doesn't love a more exciting story thanks so much for watching guys I hope you enjoyed this video a lot and if you did please give it a like and subscribe for more videos like this I would be down to try and do a dawn era video but I'm not really sure about it because there is pretty much zero timeline for that it's just multiple different creation stories so perhaps you would be better served to watching the complete guide to God's video linked in the description but then again perhaps I could try to consolidate all of the creation stories into a general chronological time we'll see let me know if you guys would like to see the dawn era explained and don't forget that there are the four errors of recorded history explained in the description below for you to check out social media links are also there if you want to reach us my name is Scott from fudge Muppet and I'll be back to nerd out with you again next time [Music]
Channel: FudgeMuppet
Views: 130,944
Rating: 4.9660144 out of 5
Keywords: skyrim, elder scrolls, elder scrolls lore, skyrim lore, merethic era, merethic era explained, era explained, fudgemuppet, elder scrolls history, aldmeris, atmora, nedes, elves, atmora lore, tamriel, yokuda, aldmeris lore
Id: FS_eI7G-EmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2019
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