Blackreach - Skyrim - Curating Curious Curiosities

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[Music] [Applause] welcome back ladies and gentlemen to Skyrim my name's camel and more importantly welcome back to the key rating Kiryas curiosity series for a long awaited new episode in this video today I will be curating to you the curious curiosities that can be found within black reach before we get cracking timestamps for each of the curiosities in this video can be found down in the description and in the comments now down there in the description you can also find links to my other curating curious curiosities videos and to my social media be sure to check all of that out though black reach or as it was once known in the dorm eres tongue phallus a demurred in which translates to the blackest Kingdom reaches its a massive Dwemer City located within a colossal a natural cavern far beneath the surface of Skyrim the air is thick with a ephemeral spores and floating specks of unknown origin dancing through the dense cabin air many giant glowing mushrooms grow throughout the cavern providing natural lighting painting blackridge with an ethereal blue brush there is a teal fog that haunts fouls are domed in the thick with color and arcane particles making it hard for one to grasp but the true size of black reach blanketing the cabin in even more mystery this mist mixed with the occasional electric glow of a strange Dwemer structure sets an almost neon stage creating a futuristic yet simultaneously ancient setting with lively magical properties yet also deathly desolate and forgotten elements of a strange and archaic society the Dwemer but why does black reach exists it was originally colonized by the Dwemer once they discovered a considerable source of aetherium down here it's a natural mineral which bears notable magical properties Lord Weber built for cities to harness the full potential of this ethereal arkin thumbs which served as a command centre and the primary research centre Bertha Zell was a city that's purpose this time is currently unknown resolved was used as a storage site and route the buffer which would deal with the mining operations strangely the etherium Forge located at the city of the theft was not part of the Alliance or attached to black reach but it was used to process the etherium into exorbitantly powerful artifacts at first the etherium Alliance was successful the four cities bringing peace harmony and scientific and technological advancement to the Dwemer however after three years just three years the four cities began to want independent control over the etherium the etherium Forge and the incredible items of power it could create this conflict was known as the etherium wars what is left well what is left is black reach an almost unbelievable sight for any traveler Explorer or scholar that intentionally or accidentally finds their way here a location that can be very intense and overwhelming at times but that is why I love it because for once it's a dungeon that beats you rather than you beating its though for this reason a lot of players have not fully explored black reach and discovered all of its strange and wonderful secrets and that is why we are gathered here today to safely and fully explore this great ancient city black reach so without further hesitation let's the curation begin now the second we exit the Alpha Tad's Cathedral and enter black reach will be met by something quite interesting a Dwemer ballista mounted on the wall it's loaded and ready to go we'll see that it can be activated with this here lever upon doing so it will release all three dwarven ballista bolts launching them directly at the door of this house just across the way why unknown there would be a torment ballista aimed right at the door of a house now that is genuinely curious maybe this was set here during the etherium Wars and designed as a surprise attack knock knock who's there 3 303 12 a ballista bolt through your chest as you open the door in the morning 2 you mail a classic dwama joke all just sucide a heavy artillery device pointed at the door of a house is very strange indeed almost as if whatever was inside was great threat so moving over to the house in which the ballista was aimed at will see there is a dwarven sphere waiting right in front of the door again why is such a security it seems at the very least that this sphere has been posted here or has been alarmed to a threat nearby which we would assume as within the house and that's backed up by the ballista being pointed directly at the door now this house is known as cinder Ian's field laboratory and name that might sound familiar to you inside there is a wide array of varying items that will capture our interest over on one side there is a laboratory part of the interior with clusters and bunches of a multitude of strange and rare out chemical ingredients there are books too for arcane study and an enchanting table and an alchemy bench their purposes are obvious of course but by far the alchemical ingredients outweigh any other items therefore suggesting that whoever lived here was an alchemist and quite an advanced alchemist by the looks of things now over on the other side of this house we'll find a bedroom but more interestingly a skeleton lying on the ground with three dwarven arrows sticking out of its back this is the skeleton of Santeria on him we can find his journal which recounts his journey to black reach in pursuit of the crimson Nirnroot a plant that only grows within black reach we'll also notice that the journal entry was made only 142 years before the events of Skyrim so sin durian was definitely not a Dwemer as they vanished roughly 4000 years before the events of Skyrim pods we do actually know who cinder Ian is or was as in the Elder Scrolls for oblivion he was the ultimate Alchemist that gave us the quest to collect known and if you thought that that quest was annoying well sin dorians come back to haunt you as after reading his journal we'll get a quest to collect 30 crimson Nirnroot and return them to the Sarathi sisters in Riften here we've taken a look at before in the 10 things you didn't need to know about Skyrim okay but now let's get back to the present he has 3 dwarven arrows in him so he was killed by dwarven arrows outside the house there is a dwarven sphere who has a crossbow on one of his arms this however shoots dwarven bolts and not dwarven arrows so while I feel that the Dwarven sphere was placed outside this house and meant to suggest that it was the one that shot dwarven arrows into Centurion it doesn't actually line up as again these dwarven spheres don't shoot arrows they should bolts and if the Dwarven sphere is here to kill him and succeeded then this happened no more than a hundred and forty two years ago so who set up the ballista bolt aimed directly at the door of the laboratory and why it's a pretty strange collection of findings here and a death that doesn't really quite line up but one thing's for sure he gave someone the Crimson urn requests and they rage quit and killed him hell he might have even shot himself in the back just to put himself out of the misery the Crimson urn wrote and while that is physically impossible some people go to great lengths when trying to escape the ring of an urn root now this is an uncommon but present side within black reach a dilemma dwelling that has fallen over the millennia rendered unendurable by rubble and destruction of the surrounding foundations it's sad that we don't get to explore more of these dwarven homes to see how the Dwemer lived but there is one more home we can explore much later on in the video now just to the east of cinder Ian's field laboratory we have the Falmer pumped station there is a small ditch with stairs leading down into its this appears to have once been some sort of pumping station node or something of the sort but now there is a Falmouth that stands guard here and also a futurist Reaper pods it's likely this Valmer is making sure these Reapers grow to a full healthy size he's probably some kind of incubation overseer now just up above this plumbing pits glued to the cabin wall is the giant glowing mushroom and while big glowing mushrooms are very common in black reach this is the actual alchemical ingredient named glowing mushroom now this one is also a whopping 20 times larger the standard glowing mushroom science as we can see here with the player-character next to it this is one hell of a fungal infection so be sure to protect your toenails while coming to visit next just to the northwest of cinder Ian's field laboratory we have the deep mist crossing here we'll observe several waterfalls slowly falling from the stone cabin ceiling and walls the source of all of this water is unknown but it does supply all of the waterways we find within black reach a gorgeous sight when the mist sprays and the soft neon glow of the mushrooms mix into a dancing cloud of ethereal vapors vapenation anyway there appears to be a lot of rocks and such in the body of water there are also these stone posts with metal rings suggesting that there was once a bridge or crossing here along with the rocks will also find various pieces of a rubble with dwama markings on them pointing to the notion that there was once a bridge or something of the sort here that bridges time has long passed and now all that remains are the blue Washburn's of its structure I could be right or it could just be bridging gaps in information oh and just to our top this one off weirdly underneath the ground there's another one of these stone posts why it's ten feet underground I don't if you do now be sure to make a post about it next up we have the reeking Tower tucked away in the northern corner of black reach as we approach a huge carve out in the rock face will be presented layered in thick gossamer webbing a deep moat of silk surrounding the towering island in the middle this island houses the reeking Tower now just outside the tower entrance there is a glowing blue rock and while it's not confirmed at all by studying all accounts and educated deduction of the information with lands on the conclusion that this ears or at least is glowing rocks found within black reach are actually roar aetherium deposits but that's enough speculation for now let us enter the reeking Tower as we ascend up the twisting tower passages will find many signs of spiders and soon enough some actual spiders no surprises really towards the top of the tower there is a ramp to room with spiders spider eggs and a chest tucked away behind a curtain of webbing there is also an elevator that will take us to the top as soon as we reach the surface once more we'll be met by a desiccated corpse wrapped up and digesting in poisonous enzymatic Fang fluids just over the lip of the stairs is a giant spider waiting for its next victim which will not be me moving around the corner behind the ball there is another spider waiting for more food again I'm not on the menu and just for all the spider lovers out there there is another third giant spider waiting in the web towards the ceiling and will drop down giving you a friend while you eat your curds and whey like Little Miss Muffet now something odd I've found here are these cocooned up Victor the cocoons are massive several times larger than the player-character so I genuinely cannot think as to what is in these cocoons and while there are several unexpected creatures to be found at black reach which will run into later on which of them would make sense to fill up a large cocoon I don't know I really don't know anyway this place absolutely stinks so let's move away from the reeking Tower nestled away in a small lull in the land there is a tiny Falmer village there are two hunts but only one Falmer standing out in the middle of the small village perhaps his friends around doing chores finding some more mushrooms to grill there is also a tourist Reaper pod here so be careful of that but most importantly there is a little wooden rack with fish on it revealing to us that this is a little Falmouth fisherman and he must be quite a catch to other Felmy ladies out there but for now though we'll reel ourselves in and move on to the next curiosity as we make our way through the rocks and mushrooms of black reach as we approach the open at the water's edge we'll be met by a family flickering bubbles of an ethereal light dancing and gliding through the dense cabin air wisps three of them and to anyone who has played a lot of scaring we all know what three wisps means but there is a wisp mother somewhere around here and sure enough a pill pop and bloody hell apparently I have a particular mod installed taking wisp mother to another level okay so now that the two biggest distractions are out of the picture what is a wisp mother doing down here all the way underground in black reach well given we don't really know the origins of wisps or wisp mothers it's quite hard to say how they got down here when we don't know where they come from anyway some theory suggests that wisp mothers are the ghosts of snow elves and other wisps are lost Souls other theory suggests that whisp mothers are necromancer's that sought after immortality through undeath no theory is proven or disproven so take your pick but we do know that they can't yell all they can do is whisper now just up the hill we have a rather strange and a unique finds there are several stone stairs leading up from the dirt area where we met the wisps to some higher grounds then following the pathway at the top we'll be led through a beautifully lit passageway in the rocks peppered and showered with stunning glowing mushrooms will soon come out on to a small walkway that leads to a circular platform in the middle of the water from here there are two large pipes leading to a stone block on the edge of the water there are a number of hatches and covers on this their purpose unknown but they all have a slightly different design and the actual purpose of this entire setup is also unknown but it is a very elaborate and strange site so many pipes leaning here and there with vents tubes arches and valves sprouting out of the stone like the mushrooms that surround this very spot centered right underneath the circular platform that sits up above the water there is actually a water intake at first I was unsure as to what this was but later on in the video we'll see this exact same model half submerged with splashing water suggesting that it is in fact a water intake so the water is being taken and processed in some way through this tunnel valve station where the water is going and what the water is then doing that is currently unknown I guess you could say it's just another drop in the sea of curiosities down here in black reach next we have the bad real estate found just behind cinder Ian's field laboratory that we saw earlier lurking in the shadows there is an abandoned almohads I'm assuming it was abandoned because there is no film here nor are there any signs of a living here recently and just next door we have another piece of terrible real estate another Dwemer dwelling that has been caved in and collapsed over the years and next to this is where the Falmer has actually chosen to live in a little Dwemer pavilion while it's not the ideal place to live in these hard times you have to choose the best place you can afford and just off the road from this Felmy we have the guardian of the Northeast here we will find a Dwemer Centurion station where as one might expect there is a dwarven Centurion sleeping waiting to be deployed it would appear the Dwemer place this here as a roadside security measure there is also a chest ran next to this hulking construct which will of course contain random lover loot on the other side we have a switch which when activated will boot up the Centurion so it's ready for combat it's strange to have a switch initiated dwarven Centurion I feel like it's kind of archaic which is ironic as this particular contraption is just that archaic but for the dweller I feel like they could have a more elaborate technologically advanced system of deploying security measures rather than having to physically pull a lever but once it is activated naturally it will be a little steamed off now just across the road from the poor area we have the prime real estate unlike those shabby shanties across the way this is some top-shelf housing right here and old dwama Tower of some kind is now the viewing ground for these thalma there are also two chairs where we can sit and observe the vast cavernous abyss before us in all its glory there is also a chest here which will contain random levelled loot soon to contain all of the rubies that we'll need for rolling through my fingers while I throw my head back and cackle from this position of dominance and wealth now down on the ground level of this very same structure and around the back we have the shadow shrouded the stash it is tucked away and in a rather obscure area if you really think about it I mean sure a chest is used to keep loot safe but it's not exactly protected down here it seems quite open to anyone just wandering or around and taking some stuff from it makes me think it may have been here as some kind of deposit box in which anyone would and could drop stuff into it or take stuff from it I'm not entirely sure what the purpose of this obscure yet open chest is it seems to go against the purpose of a treasure chest I guess you could say that it's quite a cache CAC aichi it is and that joke is definitely funnier when written down even then it may cause instant fatality and just like my humor we have another fungal intrigue to inspect as at this very same Tower around the other side from the chest just off to the south of the wonderful balcony we observed just a minute ago we can find the mushroom the mirrors rods except that this one is the largest in the game it's three times the size of a normal numerous rods as we can see here with the player character in short for a size comparison what has made this super big well I mean if there's a place for it surely it's black reach while it's not a mind-blowing size like with a giant glowing mushroom we saw earlier it is still quite impressive and three times the mushroom equals three times the fun haha maybe know what I'm saying yes that's right three times the mushroom risotto or for the film of three times the blindness now this next curiosity really got my attention so again at the very back of this very same tower there is a large stone arch resting next to the building it took me a minute but straightaway there was something very strange about this particular stone pillar have you spotted it yet the pattern on it it's not Dwemer the pattern on it is of a Nordic origin so we have a giant piece of stone here either from an ancient nod agreement always carved by the Lords of old or perhaps even the add morons I can also confirm that this is the only piece of rock down here in black reach the boasts Nordic patterns or seems to be of Nordic origin which would suggest that there never was a Nordic ruin or Nordic culture down here at any point and just for comparison the pattern on to Emma ruins appears to be much broader and bolder whereas the Nordic patterns are smaller and more intricate and of course we see this exact stonework in abundance throughout the many ancient Nordic burial sites found throughout Skyrim so what is this doing down here well Vianne morons came to scare him during the maratha era and black reach was colonized by the Dwemer during the first era so there is definitely some crossover time periods there and maybe the at morons slash ancient Nords came down here made a pillar then bailed although that is an absolutely ridiculous explanation maybe they came down here and worked with the dweller but why do we not see more signs of Nordic presence in black reach why just this one arch maybe this piece fell down from a Nordic room and high above the ceiling of black reach that was built into the ground and as they dug deeper and deeper and built deeper and deeper they pierced through the ceiling accidentally and this section of that Nordic growin fell down into black reach again it sounds pretty goofy and of course if you look up there's no signs of any naughty growing up there so how did this Nordic stone arch get into black reach I truly do not know no Theory really adds up more than any of the other theories there I guess when it comes to black reach is just another story ouch now just behind this tower that we've been at for the past five minutes there is a small cove tucked away in a corner and veiled by a depression in the stone ceiling these other stairs of asininity they lead up from this small pond and into dead ends there's nothing up here stairs that lead to nothing they really do live up to their name there is also a crimson Nirnroot and a tourist Reaper pod here which does help explain why these stairs lead up to small little cupboard sized rooms that have no seemingly apparent purpose your help in solving this would be much appreciated moving back towards the center we have the fungal field courtyard it's an area that seems to serve no purpose but has a great wall built around one side and the largest paved area in all of blackridge apart from the silent city which we'll get to much later on so it seems pointless but it is a wondrous effervescent luminescence showering down from the fields of brilliant mushrooms it doesn't seem to serve any purpose other than just being wholesomely eye-pleasing may be the Dwemer were growing these mushroom forests for a reason maybe it's just their version of having a park in a city it would be a lovely place to sit down but there are no seeds I guess you'd have to pull up a stool a toadstool now just next to this mushroom field we have the twin tower gates this appears to be some kind of watchtower maybe it's like a barracks of some kind where guards could keep an eye out and keep the peace from a good hides although it may have had some other purpose that isn't clear upon first inspection as if we had around the back there is a path that leads up to the other side and all the long it's there are these pipes protruding out of the grounds they would appear to be vents of some kinds although the tops of them are sealed quite curious as to what the purpose could be or more what's below here that requires vent pipes coming out of the grounds but there is something much more interesting here something that's quite appropriately Dwarfs all other curiosities around in the Dwarven city a monolithic fungi that took the phrase sky's the limit a little too literally this is what I call the mother mushroom an absolute behemoth the biggest mushroom in the entire game of Skyrim and even the biggest I've ever seen in all of the Elder Scrolls games it's so monstrous it makes those tell Danny mushroom towers look like mere pizza toppings in comparison I would guess that this is the mushroom that started it all the og shroom that gave birth to all the other mushrooms in this cavern will even see it's got these reaching tentacles fondling for foundation to grip into the earth and spread its glowing infection it is be dazzling to behold flirtatiously blinding to stare at the ephemeral flickers of bioluminescence leave us without jaws on the floor it truly is something special it appears to have a completely rigid stem as well if we look at the other giant mushroom next to it we'll see that the smaller one sways back and forth suggesting that its stem is more flexible whereas the mother mushroom stays in place and projects its stability and position within black reach implying that it is far more ancient than any other fungi down here truly a sight to see and one that we can see from just about anywhere within the cavern of fowls our domed in in fact it's so stunning that it really doesn't leave mushroom for further discussion ah yes now moving back over next to the wisp mother we have the wooden bridge a curiosity that has actually got me confused so what do we have we have a poorly built bridge made of wooden planks okay cool who built this well definitely not the Dwemer they don't use wood and will also find other bridges in black reach that are great stone structures so if not the Dwemer who built this well we know that there are a number of travelers and others who have found black reach over the millennia so it could be any of them there are also populations of thelma down here so it could have been them as well but what has me particularly confused is what it's made from wood as mentioned the Dwemer didn't use wood in their building so the wood wasn't scavenged from an already existing structure and black reach and there are of course no trees in black range so the only explanation is that someone carried planks of wood all the way down into black reach just to build a crummy bridge the effort to reward ratio is to off for me we best leave it as someone important may have built it and we really don't want to burn any bridges now moving down the stream back towards the mother mushroom we have something that is rather hard to see as we wandered down this cobbled pathway will spot many clusters of chores eggs but no torus surely they would be here protecting their eggs while they are we just can't see them as tucked away in the shrubs here are the chores curled up and sleeping ah isn't it cute though well in the next Bush is a baby tourists all curled up and sleeping isn't he adorable yeah it's still not adorable so if we approach the eggs and the bushes the two sleeping tourists will awaken to protect their eggs and I gotta say when they're awake still not cute yeah even the baby ones are disgusting Anwar okay so just above the sleeping tourists is our next curiosity the watchers wall the pathway up onto the wall leads straight from the back of the twin tower gate we saw earlier this would appear to be some kind of vantage point from which the Dwemer guards could get a good view of the surrounding area making sure everything was in order it's kind of interesting but when it comes to black creatures curiosities it definitely won't make the wall of fame just across the way keeping this place even safer is the central Centurion named aptly as it is a dwama Centurion located roughly in the centre of like reach mimicking the purpose of the other Centurion we saw earlier this was placed here as a security measure after all the Dwemer were mining aetherium downhill an almost priceless ly rare and powerful material so it's no surprise that they put some security protocols in place although again it is activated via a lever I do feel that this is a bit primitive for such an advanced facility anyway it is how it is shining on through the curiosity's just across the road and in the river we have the next curiosity this is a strange one indeed you may have noticed that in the middle of the water there is a random light lazily flickering away under the water but it has no light source I even went through the ground with noclip and found nothing there is nothing below there is nothing beside it there's nothing above it where this light is coming from is truly a mystery a mystery that needs some light shed on it cause you believe flowing down the river from the light with no source we have the petite appear this is a rather quaint spot that doesn't really have anything crazy happening it's just a very unique and lovely touch jutting gingerly out into the incandescent water of the deep with a gentle bubble and babble as the current is mitigated to the side slightly there are two seats here suggesting that this was a place of peace and relaxation where the Dwemer of old would come and sit by the water's edge to ponder the mysteries beyond them which let's be honest there weren't many mysteries beyond the dwama it could have also been used for small boats to dock against but I do believe the first theory is more accurate as there are no sign of boats down here or even the need of boats down here there is a small basket here which sadly contains nothing a small sprouting of roots and mushrooms stands on the stone providing an air of archaism and the shadow of a time long past still it remains a comfortably quaint find in this cavern of old a tad down the path from the petit-pierre we have the beacon of black reach and all boy when the Dwemer get back and realise they've left the light on for four thousand years they're not going to be happy with the electricity bill this is actually at least I feel a strange thing to fire down here lighting up a cabin where people are working definitely makes sense but it's hard to tell how much this light is actually doing perhaps if it were shut off we wouldn't be able to see half the things we've seen so far but I feel like with all the mushrooms around black creatures got some pretty good natural but again there is no way of telling how essential this beacon of black Reach is when it comes to being able to see a rather interesting and unique find nonetheless and definitely one that will brighten up your day and just a stone's throw away we have the arena and not the else cross one okay so this is actually a pretty interesting area there is an obvious arena style structure with the fighting ground on the circle here and there are a number of tiered seats for spectators to place themselves and throw cheese and mocks at the contestants up the top there appears to be seats reserved for two special people me and my ego and just like Anna's soul my ego has its own ego ego al that's a really bad deep low joke about Hannah Hannah Weil and Arielle let's move on from this anyway on the table here there is the heavy armor skill book 29:20 volume six mid-year y this is Anna's room everyone doesn't really make any sense as the Dwemer would not have had books like this especially books containing the events that transpired during the middle of a year that took place two thousand two hundred and twenty years after the dwama vanished so this book was probably placed here by a developer just to give you some good loot while exploring black reach but in terms of law this doesn't really make sense unless someone from the modern day came down here put a book here and then left again doesn't really make sense but that's my theory behind a modern-day book being in an ancient ruin anyway back down to the arena will notice that there is a slot that runs through the middle of the entire arena floor well over on the side there is a lever when it is activated a dormice spinning blade trap will rise from the channel in the floor and proceed to do what it is designed for epic beyblade battles I do believe in Roman culture adding additional elements to an arena was known to occur like adding lines into the fight or spiked pits this I'm sure is a reflection of that just some extra spicy component to add to the already pretty serious situation a fight to the death now what's really got me interested is why the Dwemer was so advanced surely an arena battle would be so below them in their society as far as I'm aware having one-on-one glory battles like this is not a documented part of the duomac culture aspects of the Dwemer culture that were revered and honored and worshiped were things like mathematics and engineering knowledge wisdom logic one-on-one combat death sports were not something that Webber would be into and while they definitely did show signs of absolute cold-hearted savagery throughout the ages it was always a cold calculation again logical it wasn't for fun or enjoyment or entertainment and here's another thing the Dwemer built in black reach to harvest etherium so having an arena in what is essentially a workplace doesn't really make sense but hey who knows the Dwemer were mysterious people but we'll find more about that in the Elder Scrolls six arena to Dwemer edition now speaking of battles it's time to explore another interior area namely the war quarter a location found just next to the arena so maybe the two are linked anyway in we go so in here there appears to be some vast rather empty rooms following the hallways through will be met by this strange object the purpose of which is a mystery to me but one I have not seen the like of before to the right we have a weird room at with seven beds placed out all facing the center now this is a triple Easter Egg firstly the beds are laid out exactly like the altars in alien versus Predator there is also seven of them and they can be found in an ancient Roman just like in alien versus Predator secondly the seven beds could represent the seven dwarf kings from the Lord of the Rings after all we are in black reach a deep war Vancity and thirdly the seven beds could represent the Seven Dwarves from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs as again we are in a dwarven City now to add to this last theory up the whole way there is another room at the end which contains one larger bed this could either be the one ring to rule them all to go along with Lord of the Rings theory all this could presents snow-white the one big human when compared to the Seven Dwarfs but take your pick just like the Seven Dwarfs when they went to work now back to the actual game when I heard war quarter I expected something warlike right we have seven small beds in one big bed this doesn't really speak war to me now out on the small balcony there are two chests which will of course contain random leveled lutes but you know I expected an armory weapon racks Armour axe about a plans room experimental weapon stations but we could find some crazy unique Dwemer weapons that are working on but now we just found an air B&B again this is the war quarter not the snooze quarter so I'm not too sure what the deal is with a lack of correspondence with a name war quarter and what we actually find inside regardless it's a pretty cool place although its name the war quarter only makes me wonder where are the other three quarters for this next curiosity we have the silent ruin which is way back next to the wisps mother we saw earlier and the silent ruin isn't to be confused with the silent city which we'll get to at the end of the video although the silent room is next the silent City and new way it's a very strange kind of standalone structure which straightaway makes it a strange find heading on inside will be met by a rather regal looking room while it is small the ceiling is high and there is a higher tier area with what appears to be a throne there are a number of small and large pots dotted around the perimeter of the room serving no immediate purpose on one side of the room we have a chest which will contain around of lava wood and on the other side there is a cabinet with a small collection of dining equipment then we have the throne next which is a crimson Nirnroot planted within a great golden urn sitting on the throne is the block skill book warrior again this shouldn't be here all books the Dwemer had were written into a Maris and were not written after the Dwemer disappeared because they would be impossible anyway once we move this Law Hall from the throne we can sit on it and boy oh boy would you look at that as we sit down the player-character rests their feet on a pressure plate in front of the throne which activates the dwarfs favorite toy the spinning due upper blade trap now when you stand up you'll be battered by the blades having your shins obliterated through splinters just like when you jump off something slightly too high now this is incredibly strange to me because this room appeared to be a throne room or a council chamber or something of the sort but once you sit down on the throne you're doomed to death or at the very least you'll be a foot or two shorter than you were when you sat down maybe this is how the dwarves got their name and they'd all sat in his chair so what the hell could the purpose of this room be I was thinking something like solitary confinement you sit down and you can't get up and you also have a crimson Nirnroot next to your head blaring away sending you insane hell maybe this is some kind of torture chamber but it looks a little lavish surely a torture chamber would be a bit more grim looking but then again the Dwemer did some weird stuff so who knows a very curious find indeed and one that has left me puzzled now making our way from the silent women to the west we will find a depression in the land which leads down under an overpass here we will find the under guard a dwarven Centurion in its respective station there is also another station across from it but this one is empty although the foot slots on this empty one are actually facing the wrong way so if there were a Centurion in here it would be facing the wall now as with the others we've seen this Centurion was placed here as a security measure and can be activated by pulling the lever next to it it will look a little dusty but that's to be expected after sleeping for over 4,000 years which I did once in a weekend slept in a bit too long don't try it and out near the tunnel entrance there is also a chest which is a weird place for a chest normally there opposite the back might need a retire after that one now if we head up the hill from here to the northwest we'll be making our way up to Ward's of Jesus Christ Wimmer spelling I swear to God Mozingo laughter gatehouse and really flows off the tongue lemon as we climb the slope while following a twisting road our hardship will be glazed over with a gorgeous sighting of glowing mushrooms peppered along the pathway perimeter soon the towering gatehouse will be before us but it's hiding something if instead of going along the pathway we go around to the left of the walled Tower we can hop our way up behind the walls where we can spot something hidden away a chest yes that's right if you look hard enough in Skyrim you'll probably end up finding a chest now the chest will of course contain a random levelled loot and I love that stuff like this that rewards the Explorer it makes us want to search out every last nook and cranny in the game whoever did the environmental storytelling is my new chest friend and heading back down the hill to the overpass above the under guard we have the lonely Giants a really cool find in black region also a really confusing one with his club resting over his shoulder he slowly meanders up and down this road how a giant got down it's a black reach I really don't know maybe Giants have always been done here maybe they used to work alongside the Dwemer or maybe there is just another way down into black reach we haven't seen yet as I can't really picture a giant using an elevator or even fitting in the elevator but it does make it harder to say what he's doing down here when we don't know how he got down here or how long he's been down here maybe he came down last week and he's just lost he's been living here his whole life and he's just going for a walk so to try and guess whether he's protecting something he's just patrolling the area looking for something guarding someone or something I mean who knows apart from the Giant himself there are also no signs of giant activity in black reach you know the classic giant camps and tribal patterns on things mammoth cheese a big fire as far as I can tell he doesn't seem to have a home or base down here he just walks around aimlessly back and forth lost and lonely and moving on down the road approaching the darker corners a black reach will be met by the lovely glowing Grove it's not anything mysterious at least not in a narrative sense it's quite simply a lovely little spot to take in a breath of dank cabin air and save a moment for reflection and while mushrooms are not in short supply in black reach this cluster of midlife spore sprouts just has an extra sense of wonder and comfort about it so now that we've had a chance to collect ourselves let us continue on down the road to possibly my favorite curiosity in black reach nestled in a seemingly bare and boring corner of phallus our domed in will spy with our little eye something beginning with F that's right fun no just jerkin it's a farm and a pretty cool one not that you'd believe it but this farm is growing mushrooms of all plants well mushrooms aren't plants they are a fungi which is a different Kingdom but of all the growable on a farm edible growing things mushrooms are the least surprising it had to be mushrooms really there is no surprise there we can find all varieties here in this damp field except the glowing mushroom but they grow on cabinet walls and such and would have no place sprouting from the soil like these other varieties we see before us to be specific there are full white cap growing here to fly a monitor to blister walk three bleeding ground three installs and one the mirrors rot the only mushroom missing is the scaly Foley odor and while there are some lichen and again the glowing mushroom they're missing but they're not really expected to be growing in a field of dirt whereas the scaly fallow deer matches the classic stem mushroom top kind of mushroom and it's not here now this is a good place to grow them as there sure is a lot of water dripping down onto the soil from above maybe the roof is extra leaky or something but if we look up we'll have probably my favorite thing in all of black reach a dwama rain machine they built a huge piece of piping and valves and grates to rainwater from the cavern and gently drip it down onto the soil below acting as a watering system to grow the mushrooms in the fields I love that someone at Bethesda Game Studios went to the effort of making this for something that almost no one would ever think about is one of those classic touches that makes these games what they are we'll also see that there are three dweller dwellings here two of which have collapsed and caved in but one we can enter this is the second of the two dwarven houses we can actually enter the other being Centurions field laboratory which we explored at the start of the video so heading on inside this is the farm overseers house will be met by an overwhelming array of wonderful things to inspect there are plenty of random objects like bones potions weapons clutter items like dwarven plates and cups cupboards littered with miscellaneous items hunks of dwarven metal laying around but out of all of these things what's really interesting I'd say what we can find on the table here as I think it highlights that a Falmer has been living here much more recently than any tumor would have been as we can find a film of boa sceva tail which we all know the Felmy loved to eat and there is also a plate with a glowing mushroom on its suggesting that whoever was here has been eating the mushroom and we know the thermal of mushrooms if you follow me on instagram you may remember the Falmer mushroom BBQ I found in a dungeon anyway point being I'm certain these have been placed here to tell us that a Felmy now lives here and likely now controls the mushroom farm at the front and while the Dwemer definitely set this area up as a farm to grow plants and possibly fungi it makes me wonder whether or not these mushrooms were being grown by the Dwemer or if this new film of farmer has taken over pulled up whatever plants were left by the dwama if any and now has planted his own mushroom farm another very curious finds in here is the classic blue glowing splatters that we always see in caves that have been populated by Falmer and these can be found on the ceiling of house now I always thought that this was like the roots of the fungi spreading through the cracks in the stone ceilings of caves and it has little tendrils that have grown down you know like the roots of a plant growing through soil through rocks things like that but given that this is now growing on dwarven metal makes me believe that this is simply a moss or sheet fungi that grows on the surface of things rather than growing through it as there is no way of fungi could penetrate through a metal roof especially not a dwarven metal roof which has different properties to normal metal thanks to tonal architecture there are also two chests in here which of course will contain a random at loved' lutes so all in all I have to say this is by far one of my favorite curiosities down here in black reach I love the mushroom farm I love the uniqueness of the farm overseas house interior and I absolutely adore the rain machine I looked at it for so long before I was like oh die a man it's a watering device and even though the dwama have been gone for thousands of years I guess you could say that they still rain in black reach next up as we head south a bit further we'll be met by a colossal column that is the tower of bizarre an imposing structure to behold with a bridge crossing the gap between the pathway and the entrance to the tower once crossing the bridge a fire lit doorway will greet us inside which is an elevator to the Tower of Mazar once at the top and exiting the antechamber will enter what looks to have once been a library this room also has a very strange color grading and everything almost looks oversaturated and ever so slightly out of focus I don't know why this is that it is unique to this room there are also a number of objects like a fire a sleeping role in a satchel suggesting that someone has been living down here long after the Dwemer were gone taking a look at the corners we'll get a better idea of what this room once was used for will find bookcases lines now ruin books various items of interest pieces of armor doing a metal portion Scrolls and alike there are a number of chairs benches and what seemed to be desks again making us believe that this was once a library or place or study of research but what kind of research we'll soon find out as we exit this room through the opposite hallway and out into a stunning chamber straight away we'll be met by this brass orb that almost looks alien huge and hard to comprehend what unknown this could be for an esoteric sphere reminding us of the unmatched technological advancement of the Dwemer culture if we follow this around soon enough we'll be walking up a ramp which will lead us to a greater wonder and/or a huge observatory looking room which is curious as we are underground so we won't be looking up at the stars well if you have seen my law video on the actual elder scrolls you'll know what this is and if you haven't seen that be sure to check that out it's a very interesting video and gets pretty metaphysical so what we have here is a Dwemer ocular II up on the ceiling here we have the ocular ease lenses and on this platform we have the control panel which is used to move the lenses and reflectors around now this machine was used to read the elder scrolls the knowledge from which would then be copied onto a dwama lexicon which could then be read by the Dwemer so what they did was they invented a way to transcribe the knowledge of an elder scroll onto something else completely bypassing the severe and sometimes lethal side effects of reading an elder scroll with one's mortal eyes normally in all other cultures in the elder scrolls when someone reads an elder scroll there are great sacrifices to be made they'll be sent blind they'll be set insane the knowledge that they read is influenced by their minds and is never a true reflection of what's on the eldest grow but again the Dwemer have completely bypassed this and can just basically copy and paste what's on the elder scroll onto a lexicon then read the lexicon now this could explain how the Dwemer became so unfathomably technologically advanced and could harness metaphysical engineering techniques such as tonal architecture which will be a law video for another day but basically the theory is that the Dwemer could get all of the knowledge from all of the elderscrolls with zero of the sacrifice or side effects kind of having their cake and eating it too now back to the room there are a number of chairs and tables scattered around the room likely where scholars and researchers sat and scribed there is also a skeleton in the middle of the room and while you might be thinking it's the skeleton of a dwama it's not this is dropped and next to him is his journal the contents of which just tell the story of how he was sold a cube by oku sheet which then led him down into black reach and he then got trapped here due to a pack of wolves at the top of the elevator preventing him from escaping now drops presence in this place likely explains the kind of makeshift campsite we see set up down in the library downstairs and speaking of moving back down to this very room we can discuss just how absolutely sad it is that all of these ancient Dwemer books have been destroyed not only would any knowledge from the dwama be amazing but just think these books likely contains the transcribing z' of the elder scrolls as this is the very place where they were transcribed onto lexicons we stand before the ruined and unreadable remains of once readable transcriptions of the actual elder scrolls the unbound knowledge these books once else it makes your blood run cold to think that it was all here it's all still here just at the wrong time an amazing place but honestly the dissonance of depression and lost knowledge truly is the primary emotion here at the Tower of Mazar but there is still some life to be had here if we make our way down the stairs that wind around the Tower of Massage about halfway down we'll find the forgotten loot where we'll find some scrap - I'm a metal which can be smelted down into dwarven metal ingots and used in smithing or sold on to a blacksmith or a merchant and the results of a chest here which oh man you knew it it will contain random leveled loads now making our way down the stairs even further we have something that truly isn't that curious but I love the detail nonetheless from this steaming event pipe there is a small and slow drip of water falling down to the soil and stone below but right where the drip is landing a crimson known root is sprouting from the grounds a super menial and plotless detail but these are the kind of things I love about the Elder Scrolls games super detailed environmental storytelling something that almost no one would notice but a level designer or developer decided to put a plant growing right onto the water drip because hey it makes sense I adore this kind of stuff although to some this kind of stuff is an absolute drip but I mean what are you expecting from this video so moving on all the way down the stairs and across the body of water that awaits us at the final level we have the shore side village much like the small film of fishing village we saw earlier these guys have set up camp and a gathering fish for food which they have cooked over a fire there is a Falmer in each of the two little huts here there is also a chest over on a rock surrounded by mushrooms and as far as I can tell this is the only Falmouth styled chest in all of black reach I could be wrong but after exploring this place for over two weeks I can not recall seeing another now up in the darkness there is actually a third thelma heart tucked away in the shroud of shadow there is also a third Felmy up here to go along with the third Hut's weirdly there are two mining picks on the ground outside this third HUDs maybe the Felmy were mining here or maybe they just got their slaves to mine I'm not too sure what story this is meant to tell so I guess you could just take your pick moving down the river it's had we'll run across the river side Cove a small cutout in the stone wall in which there is almost a shrine like set up there are two word Webber unit deployment valence on the walls from one a dwarven sphere will pop out if we get too close now at the back there is a large golden pots containing the infamous crimson known roots there is a stone table holding potions a dwarven metal ingot random pieces of dwarven metal and scrap and a dagger it's a strange spot in the sense that it does look like a shrine where the Dwemer have placed their offerings but as far as we know the Dwemer were non-theistic they didn't worship any gods they praised and strived for logic and reasoning but they didn't have a pantheon or bowed down to any entities they knew the Daedra and the Adria existed but they did not see them as superior beings so what this shrine likes site with offerings laid out could be form that is a curiosity that someone else will have to shrine at some light on now even further downstream from here as the mouth of the river widens a great waterfall waits at the edge but in the middle we have the Crimson Sentinel a stone Bluff jutting out and above the water adorned with red mushrooms and a Crimson urn roots a perilous location to be perched and in even more perilous location for the player to get to as of course there is a quest to collect the Crimson Nirnroot so again this one one would have to whirlwind sprint of this high location then fall with great accuracy and land on this small stone targets now let's say you do fall off here then you'll be face to face with our next curiosity what I've called the Titans fingers these colossal mushroom feel as tentacles tendrils hentai actors whatever these things are they are massive we see similar ones hanging from the roof this combined with the color does lead me to believe they are related to all of the mushrooms and various fungi in black reach but this is the only place where these fingers are going up instead of hanging down not only that but they are numerous times bigger than the other ones we see hanging from the ceiling maybe there's something in the water making these things sprout and grow much larger than any other around they almost come together to make a waving forest of blue making the player feel like a small fish under the ocean admits the arms of an enemy and admits the sea of Titans fingers will see a staircase leading to a door attached to a dome of Tower this is the derelict pump house inside it appears to be living up to its name as there is an overwhelming amount of clamps vents valves ancient drum machines pumping and whirring away there is a stone bridge through the middle and hot glowing steaming water on either side if we dive down into the water on the southern side we'll see there is a valve that we can turn upon activating it the bars will lower giving us access to the chamber under the bridge in here there is a chest and a crimson nerve roots there is also another valve that we can turn this will lower the bars on the other side so now we can swim out into the northern water and exit up via the stairs where we'll be met by a little dwarven spider still working away after all these years is over x can be massive at the top of the stairs next to the elevator exit there is another wall-mounted chest and just like all the others it will contain random level loot now it can exit into the lift and take that up to the higher levels this will exit us at at the top of the tower admits the floating tips of the Titans fingers and at the place where we would have needed to Welwyn sprinted off of to get our hands on the crimson Sentinel we saw a minute ago so now we'll be up on an area of spanning intertwines connecting stern bridges high above the war below following them South will be at the entrance of the round with our markets a rather interesting location on the left side of the door we have a small fenced off segment inside of which is a chest mounted on the wall which will of course contain random levelled lutes and on the other side we have another fenced off area except this one is barred off with a locked gate that will have to be locked picked if you wish to enter once through the gate will find a small shelf at the back with a wall-mounted chest which houses random level loot of course and a soul gem sitting next to it now across from this there is what I can only imagine to be a shopfronts the kind we see in banks and such with a small window for the shopkeeper or teller or whoever is on the inside to deal and trade with customers on the outside to back this theory up there are a number of raw ore pieces sitting on the countertop as if they were being sold or purchased after all this is the entrance to the round with our deep markets so the likelihood of this being a market stole yeah it's pretty much concrete now just down the road from this market is the high patrol Hut tucked away and hidden in the dark corner of this cliff shelf a small waterfall cascades down producing a small creek that then flows off the edge and down towards the derelict pump station across the creek there is a Felmy hut that contains one fella and outside there is a second Falmer who constantly patrols back and forth from the heart to cross the creek and back what exactly these guys doing up here I'm not too sure maybe it's their holiday retreat a place to get away up in the hills for the weekends sadly there isn't anything else of interest here no chests no with skeletons or anything of the sort just a relatively hidden Velma hut high up in the cliffs I guess we'll just have to leave this place on anything but a cliffhanger if we follow the water back down to the basin in which the Titans fingers sprout from and then go over to the easternmost side of the water marked by the huge Dwemer lanterns glowing through the haze and mist of the gushing waterfalls above we can find a staircase that leads back up to the higher levels if we turn to the left half way up this will lead us back to the arena that we saw earlier on in the video however for this curiosity we'll need to take the stairs up to the right this will lead us to the trolls of Valve's our domed in as we've made our way through black reach and run across unexpected creatures these trolls just add to the list firstly let's inspect their humble abode they have chosen a small area underneath some steam pipes maybe this helps them stay warm down here taking up residence next to a heat source it makes sense there are a number of mushrooms and roots glowing rocks the whole nine yards when it comes to black reach assets there are also a number of glowing mushrooms down here likely the perfect place with all the moisture and the heat from the pipes these mushrooms also generate a lovely natural lighting for the trolls that'll come in handy when they resell now we can also find a random humanoid bones scattered across the floor like throwing day in a back-alley gamble occasionally is the trolls patrol around they will kick the bones so how did to frost trolls end up living in black reach well your guess is as good as mine maybe they've been down here forever maybe there is another entrance in the black reach we just don't see in the game and yes while there are lifts and the light to the surface of Skyrim I do not think the trolls have been using machinery more likely there's some hidden cave a passageway the troll may their way down although why they are here and not in the youtube comment section where trolls belong it's a real mystery now to polish off black reach the Forgotten kingdom of valves are dumped in we will fully explore and inspect the silent city the massive towering Township that takes up the center of this cavern an area ripe with intrigue and mystery with a number of interior locations to explore and get lost in if one is not too careful but before we get into the interiors let's explore most of the exterior and what remains we'll come back to so we'll see plenty of Falmer here and plenty of Falmer slaves humans myrrh and beasts folk have been taken by the foul man turned into thralls I personally feel like they could rebel and fight back just speak to each other has your plan is destroyed there Falmer overlords in a minute or two anyway let's talk about some of the things around it firstly the mushrooms the little ones that is the ones that are only found in black reach and are also on harvestable they're just a nice decoration anyway all throughout this cavern of black reach they can be found and they are blue just like most things in here as we can see on screen right now a blue mushroom just like all the other ones we've seen throughout the video but for some reason all of these little mushrooms within the silent city boast a much more green hue than a blue hue there does not seem to be any obvious answer to why this is I was thinking that it might be the yellow light coming off of the orb in the center of the silent city courtyard but even then mushrooms well out of sight and reach of the orbs light was still green within the silent city maybe they're just envious maybe they're just from Mario and found their way into the wrong game although they would go nicely with a dish of green eggs and ham now if you are convinced that these mushrooms look green because they are blue then got hit by the yellow light mixing together to make green and explain this these scraggly bushes in black reach our White's for a light gray as we'll see here this is a normal white / light gray bush as we see all throughout black reach but then in the silent city these same bushes are clearly blue now I am no well I am a physics expert but I can tell you why it plus yellow does one equal blue so back to the other point this is why I don't think the yellow light is the cause of the green mushrooms and back to the new point why the hell are these bushes blue they aren't like slightly oh this is a bit blight blue kind of blue these legit dictionary definition blue maybe leading a little to the turquoise side but still this isn't a normal bush or shrub or whatever this is it looks like every plant I've ever tried to grow by it with leaves one day later I've got a skeleton although my never turn blue so I think that these blue brush shrubs might have something to do with all of these glowing blue rocks which I have theorized is etherium we touched on this earlier on the video and it's not confirmed but a logical conclusion would be that yes these blue rocks are in fact etherium after all it looks exactly the same etherium and etherium is the reason the dwama came down to black reach in the first place so these blue bushes may actually be a fear in bushes not bad but that doesn't explain why the rest of the bushes throughout black reach are white and not blue like the ones found within the silent City something weird is going on here between the green mushrooms and the blue bushes it's interesting nonetheless that a developer chose to create a reskin just for the silent city mushrooms and bushes very strange indeed and for professor very off-color and before we make our way inside the silent city there is one more thing out here that I want to grab ahold of and swing back and forth this lever on the wall atop of the main entrance into the silent city courtyard for the life of me I cannot figure out what it activates if anything that is I have flicked this thing back and forth for hours and had no response we've all been there right guys oh the true stories aside this thing has got me stumped and I genuinely have not a clue as to why it's here or what its purpose is or was meant to be so switching over to the interiors of the silent city let us begin in the silent city catacombs down by the water's edge on the eastern side of the silent City there is a tunnel entrance in to the silent city catacombs be warned though this place is strange as soon as we enter our eyes we'll have a hard time adjusting to the very obscure and unique color grading and lighting in here going from the neon blue light show that is black reach into this void of almost any chromatic character is quite alarming and something I've not seen anywhere else in Skyrim so basically it just looks like they turn down the colors and saturation by 80% to give us this old place and always black and white color you know things that are normally blue like these glowing mushrooms in this geo deposit almost look just black and white because all the colors been sucked out of them the color scheme aside the first room has numerous amounts of vents valves hatches and the like also half-submerged is the pump intake the very same one we saw earlier on a video underneath the tunnel vent station this is how I confirmed that it was in fact a water intake as this one is half in the water and half out of the water therefore has a splashing effect letting us know that the water is either going in or out now up on the wall there are several vent covers but weirdly there is one we've never seen before in black redraw to my knowledge in any of the Dwemer ruins in skyrim I've never seen this asset used before now it may seem menial and not interesting in all but given so many unique weapons didn't get unique skins yet this valve hatch in the silent city catacombs gets its very own skin that is strange to me now just down the hallway at the corner there is a chest sitting next to a pipe and a light this will of course contain random loved' lutes continuing on this path we'll see our first Velma and at a room at the end there is a switch which when flicked will activate the Dwemer trap in the hallway around the corner killing any Falmer who was standing there moving through this would appear to be some kind of emergency water overflow release channel again I have not seen a setup like this ever before in Skyrim with this smooth and rounded wall with a slight water flow coming off of it suggesting that this is some huge canal or draining chute there are also some pipes and a curved bed lake shape to the layer above once more suggesting it has been designed to hold and direct large amounts of water the connecting hallway is also circular making me wonder what kind of huge amounts of one of the Dwemer were having to deal with in here maybe it's more of a mechanical aetherium refining dump chute rather than say a storm water drain as I wouldn't imagine much unexpected water rushing through the silent city you know with that said after going through a little further there is a room that has a fair bit of underwater exploration to do while there is a metal grate which provides a fairly dry platform above the drowned rooms below the water is still higher than it should be now if you dunk your head under the water to see what's down there in total we'll find three chests which of course will contain random wet levelled Lutz now this either means that the dome has stored things underwater in chests on purpose or something went terribly wrong in this room was flooded so pressing on further will come out into the top floor of the canal room we saw just a minute ago where we can make our way pass a number more thelma and into the final room which is larger and more open at the end of which we can find a door that will take us into the next interior cell the pumping station once inside the pumping station will be back to the normal color grading and the lighting of Skyrim which comes as a refreshing wave of revitalize life for our eyes in here we'll find more Felmy and Wharf Alma slaves this place appears to be exactly what it is described as a pumping station with various cogs spinning gadgets whirring valves releasing and closing once again I'm not too sure where or why they are pumping water here but there do seem to be a number of broken pipes yet everything seems to be intact and above water now if we head up the stairs in the main room and exit out the door in front of us we'll come out onto a magnificent darkening overlooking black reach this is also the only way to get onto this balcony and on the other side there is a door which leads us back into the pumping station but to the upper level we could not reach otherwise we're at the end tucked away there is a chest admits a big cluster of machinery this chest will of course contain random lover loot now if we jump that down then go up the stairs but this time turn around and head through the other door we'll come out onto a walkway above the silent city courtyard this walkway leads us directly to a door that takes us to an upper tower of the debate hall we will enter an upper circular room with a highest ceiling and there is a spiral staircase that twists down into the main debate hole room and what a room this is it's quite simple in concept but really cool historically it is now populated by the slimy Falmer and their slaves and before we talk about why it's cool let's have a look around so firstly any door you see in here no there's nothing cool behind it there's like five different doors and all of them just lead back out to the silent City so it's definitely got a lot of access points for the Dwemer of all to come and go making attending the debate hall easy and accessible for the Dwemer population there are also a number of levels and walkways all of which however draws to the center which is the podium type platform with a series of pews and benches lined up in front of it so the masses could sit and witness a speaker on the top level at the back there is this strange room which appears to be a cell of some kind with a small table like object in the middle and now there's a skeleton with a speech skill book a dance in fire book 6 next week now again the whole modern day book in Dwemer ruin makes me think that this book was brought here by someone in recent years or at least more recent years than the Dwemer which probably means that this skeleton is the result of a dalma locking a misbehaving prisoner in here or something of the sort as I doubt the Dwemer would lock someone in a holding cell to die inside of their debate hall especially with a book from the future that's very very unlikely and as to be expected there are a number of mechanical assets in here doing things that no one can figure out maybe it's the air conditioning I don't know okay so that's pretty much all there is to be seen in here so why is the debate hall cool well it's the debate hall within the silent city within black reach which was colonized by the Dwemer to research atheria so just think of all of the debates discussions and ultimate decisions that were made by the ancient Dwemer civilizations in this very room alliances were forged and broken in this very room reality bending decisions were made in this debate Hall it's a really cool place to just stand for a moment and reflect upon the Dwemer and their society and if you disagree with that well this is the place for it after all it is the debate hall so now we'll make our way back out into the silent city courtyard and across into the West where we will enter the final interior location the whole of rumination a structure that towers high above the silent City with a treat awaiting us at the top so in we go straight away there's a lot going on here numerous doors staircases Felmy slaves and Felmy so firstly in the center of the room a nation there is a table with some chairs occasionally the Falmer slaves will sit here and reflect upon their decisions that led them here now down the stairs at the back of the room there is this weird sub partial basement type room which has a very low ceiling and something of the like that I have not seen before in a Dwemer ruin there is also a Falmouth down here just trudging around and apart from some stone slabs and some gears nothing else down here so back up to the central room there is a staircase that leads up to two short hallways both of which lead to other rooms one has a very strange sight indeed three stone chairs pulled up close and facing an altar that holds nothing with two found the slaves sitting and just staring at their nothing apart from a wall-mounted chest at the back which will contain random levelled lutes there's nothing else in this room and it's giving me some creepy paranormal horror movie vibes these found the slaves just seem to be hypnotized again by nothing just a blank slate and maybe the Falmer only capture slaves of the same IQ as them anyway to the other room which seems much more practical serving as a dining hall and a sleeping quarters for the slaves with a series of beds lining the walls and a large stone table at the back now back out to the second level of the main room behind a small dwell mat lattice wall there is a lever when activated this will open up the sealed gate across the way granting us access to the stairs which lead up to the higher levels of the whole of rumination now at the top of the stairs there is a gate but this one will have to be locked picked open once through will be met by another film a patrolling the hallways and right in front of this gates is a lift that will take us back to black reach but we'll come back to this in a minute so back near the gate that we just locked picked there slotted away in a dark corner there is a chest and you know what kind of loot it will contain now around the corner is another chest with two rubies and a drum ACOG in front of it and you guessed what's inside the chest all that is left is a staircase to our left at the top of which is a door that leads out into black reach after walking through that we'll come out onto a very large balcony overlooking the silent city courtyard there is one Felmy slave out here but apart from that there there's not really anything of interest out here apart from a nice view of the courtyard so now let's go back inside and we'll take the elevator all the way to the top ah a door open it's and here we are at the top of black reach a balcony to trump all others a view fit for a king high above all the rebel rabble and jibber-jabber of the society down below the true king of black reach could sit here and observe his kingdom his position has now been adopted by a FAL MA and his two slaves who act as bodyguards whether or not this Falmer actually rules over all of the Falmer in fouls are dumb din no it can't be said for sure but he sure looks like he's running things especially with his goons beside it of course we could kill him and crown ourselves king or queen of blank reach now another cool little touch is behind the elevator where there is a small path that wraps around the curvature of the tower and right at the ends there is a large golden pot in which is Crimson urn roots as always I love these tiny touches that reward the Explorer now there is one last curiosity one I am sure a lot of us know one that makes its way into just about any and all genres of Skyrim video the or or the Sun as its officially labeled this huge Art Deco architectural II styled chandelier of vowels are dumped in generating both heat and light for the Society of dwama that once filled this cabin a beacon of the Dwarven cultures strength and advancement with technology and pushing beyond the physical boundaries the great orbit black reach its holds a secret though watch this boss [Music] using the unrelenting force shout at the orb will summon a unique dragon named Volvo y'all from the far-off depths of black reach now before you ask yes I checked where he actually spawns from and it's at the back at the reeking Tower so he's not actually in black reach until the orb is shattered at which spawns him in so sadly he doesn't have some awesome lair of his own that we can explore now before we get into the law of the Dragon let's talk about his easter egg properties again if you haven't already checked out my Skyrim Easter Egg video definitely check it out it's a lot of fun so volu Yeol is a dragon living in a dwarven city because of this Volvo y'all is believed to be a reference to smoke from the Tolkien z-- book of the hobbits published in 1937 now in regards to his law well not much is known his name Wolfie all means dark overlord of fire indoors who with a dragon tongue now how a dragon got down here no one knows I mean the trolls were a big enough mystery let alone a dragon and how long this dragons been down here again anyone's guess is as good as the next Shane we didn't get to have a chat with him as dragons can speak so you'd think that having a visitor for the first time in a thousand years would warrant a chat before leading straight to slaughter nevertheless it's a really cool easter egg and more aptly a really awesome curiosity and quite fittingly the final curiosity was a dragon because this video really did do just that drag on hands with the ultimate winged Menace vulthor yo we have now fully explored and curated the curious curiosities for blacker reach I do hope you have enjoyed this Italy unique area with its forests and gardens of glowing mushroom swaying through the thick haze the intrigue strange treasures lost archaic echoes of the most mysterious race in Tamriel's history the Dwemer so whether they were new finds or old friends I do hope that you have enjoyed the curious curiosities of black range [Music] thank you very much for watching I've been camel and I do hope that you have thoroughly enjoyed the curating curious curiosities video for the ancient and magical underground Dwemer Kingdom black orig or in the dormers tongue fell Sodom and dim if you did enjoy this video and you would like to see more of these type of videos please consider subscribing it helps me know that people are interested in these kind of videos and in the long run will result in more of them and if you do enjoy these CCC videos please feel free to check out the links in the description these of course will lead you directly to the curating curious curiosities video playlists or the specific video of your choice if you did learn something new in this video please leave a like I'd appreciate it greatly and if you do have any theories backstories imaginings or explanations for any of these curious curiosities please leave a detailed explanation of what your thoughts are in the form of a comment down below I'm very interested in hearing some of your explanations some of these ever so strange and curious finds in black reach the community's collective mind power will be much greater than mine I hope so hopefully together we can come up with all the backstories and explanations for these curious curiosities now down there in the description you can find links to my social media be sure to follow me on Instagram and Twitter and if you would like to support the channel in a more personal way you can of course become a patron or sponsor right here on YouTube as I'm sure you know all of my time and energy goes into making these videos that I create for you to enjoy so your support is most appreciated and welcomed in any and all forms so thank you very much for watching thank you for supporting the channel and I will see you very shortly in the next video I'll see you there soon [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Camelworks
Views: 1,380,168
Rating: 4.8341727 out of 5
Keywords: Skyrim, elder, scrolls, five, VI, six, scrolls 6, news, trailer, lets, play, through, how, to, Curating, Curious, Curiosities, curate, CCC, unmarked, location, exploration, hidden, secret, treasure, easter, egg, bonus, dlc, expansions, eso, online, camel, works, camelworks, gaming, channel, video, find, mackenzie, rowles, facts, lore, puns, legends, stories, blackreach, forgotten, vale, series, bethesda, games, studios, softworks, zenimax, theories, crazy, canon, fal, zhardum, din, dwemer, dwarf, dwarves, dwarven, orb, vulthuryol, dragon, lord, of, rings, mystery
Id: Rpo96hu7NVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 26sec (5066 seconds)
Published: Mon May 28 2018
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