Soul Cairn - Skyrim - Curating Curious Curiosities

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[Music] welcome back ladies and gentlemen to Skyrim my name is camel and more importantly welcome back to the curating curious curiosity series for the final episode within Skyrim in this video today I will be curating to the curious curiosities that can be found within a plane of oblivion known as the soul can added with the Dawnguard dlc now before we get cracking timestamps for each of the curiosities in this video can be found down in the description and in the comments down there you can also find links to my other curating curious curiosities videos and my social media links be sure to check all of that out after this video now the soul can an unusual and unwelcoming place and quite unique in its own gravely way but to understand the soul can we must understand where it came from as it is a plane of oblivion but rather than being loaded by a Daedric prince the soul can is ruled by mysterious entities known simply as the ideal masters and named they bestowed upon themselves now the ideal masters were once soul merchants who to knew the burden of flesh like you and I but found their bodies unacceptably weak and limiting now through necromantic rituals and arcane soul for matter G the ideal masters transcended to a higher state of existence now ascended to non corporeal beings meaning they have no physical forms they simply exist as a conscious essence of pure soul energy they then entered oblivion and selected an area of chaotic Croatia to conceive their very own soul harvest a plane of oblivion the soul can a realm ideal for their role as Reapers and spirit harvesters they control every aspect of the soul Cain's reality although now omnipresent entities gold means nothing to them only the souls too few the endless life had value but they do hoard treasure as currency to exchange for souls or trick poor fools into joining their service eternally and while they are now free from their bodies they do occasionally take on the physical form of giant purple crystals which we can find all throughout the soul can but be wary as if you get too close they will begin to drain your soul energy the same effects this video will have on you now the ideal masters are not to be trusted as they will always betray those who deal with them primarily necromancer's and dark merchants who seek great power or armies of the undead but instead find themselves in eternal service within the soul camp now if you are interested in learning more about the ideal masters I do have a full video explaining all known lore about them where we actually interact with one of them in the Elder Scrolls legend battlespire so if that sounds interesting be sure to check out that video up above but for now back to the soul can geographically the soul can is harsh old weathered and worn there are stretching dunes of pale sand mounds of dust and crooked sheets of cracked earth held together with quite literal infinite seas of Bones littering the barren and Hollow landscape of forests of strange tombstone like obelisks many obscure oily black stone buildings and structures are standing rigidly from the swallowing sands along with smooth and warped monoliths reaching for the crackling Maelstrom above lightning strikes often and cautiously whispers leaked from cracks in the lands and temperature less mists swill and swirled from the tortured terrain there is a dry and haunting air filled with the damning silence of millions of souls crying a description that makes no sense on paper but does once you've experienced the swollen emptiness of the soul can you'll understand entirely now such a harsh and barren landscape has left little room for flora if you could even call it that there are these black skeletal trees forming bone like Bosque Sand grave like growths whether they are dead or if they just grow like this I can't say along with them are black and shrubs leafless littering the hills and tours whether they live or not is not for me to say there is also this grey ivy type of vine that stretches its tendrils across the floor although it is quite rare again I'm uncertain if it's alive or dead Tufts of grass are commonly found something the harsh ghastliness of the region while it is very dark it does appear to be green perhaps there is some life here after all feeding off the soul energy instead of sunlight water and nutrients and there is of course the strange spongy fungus like cones that grow in clusters known as sole husks which can be picked and eaten to prevent the ideal masters harvesting your soul energy for a short period of time while not flora or fauna there are soul fissures that can be found these are cracks in the dead soil with soul energy leaking from beneath with a ghostly trickle of desperate whispers spilling out into our ears if we interact with one it will fill the largest empty soldier we have in our inventory a very handy and righteous way to steal soul energy from the ideal mass there are also Seoul wells these are huge glowing craters and if we stand in one our health will be regenerated but the energy within the well will be consumed and fade presumably we are being healed by raw untamed soul energy now on to the fauna quit simply there is no fauna there are however souls and Undead so I don't know ecto fauna necro fauna yeah we've got some of that now when a soul is trapped within a black soldier and its energy is used to power an enchantment the remnant the soul itself is sent to the soul can now black soul gems can capture the souls of humanoids which are primarily the souls we find within the soul can but they can also capture white souls therefore it is within the law to find the souls of non-human odd creatures within the soul can interestingly we find an endless amount of bones here including mammoths skeletons and Dragons skeletons even I am entirely unsure of how bones and skeletons end up within the soul can considering souls are sent here and not bodies especially dragon souls and their skeletons the answers to such questions are not addressed by canon all noteworthy non-canon sources so we're all equally in the dark of this regard but along with the souls and the mysterious bones we have undead servants of the realm beings who pledge themselves into eternal service to the ideal masters these take the form of mist men floating skeletal torsos hovering on a violent breadth of black mist we also have bone men their average skeletal warriors with stained black bones there are also Rathmann with their glowing purple bones and wearing the armor of ancient and norms which is quite curious there are also keepers strange towering creatures with the flesh of a humanoid on their limbs but in the place of a head is just a black foggy void with glowing eyes we also have these things called whispering spirits now they cannot be attacked and they are not considered dead or alive they also cannot be killed they are quite simply just here acting much like a wisp does and I do believe they share the same model so you're just a purple version but what exactly they actually are is unknown enemies will even sometimes chase them and try and attack them which is actually rather amusing to watch and in some rare cases it can be beneficial as they will steal your foes attention there is also a FAL Erika a vampire therefore Undead and der nevere an undead dragon who pledged himself to the ideal masters in exchange for great power but of course was tricked and is now trapped here eternally and there might just be some other things in here but we'll save those for later the song can is a location that can be very intense and overwhelming for most players much like black reach and while we can return to the soul can we are only sent here once for a quest and while we travel the plains there is also a no respite there is no place to rest and heal there is no map markers there is no map the landscape is obscure and confusing making it near impossible to navigate for this reason most players get in and out as quickly as possible but that is why I love it as it's an area that beats you rather than you beating ends for this reason a lot of players have not fully explored the soul can and discovered all of its strange and wonderful secrets but we're safe now so come take my hand as I curate to you the curious curiosities that can be found within the soul can as we descend the stairs leading from nirn into the soul can and make our way along the blurred paths into the unknown we'll see on our left the black bar repository a small square building made of a dark star much like all the other structures in here at the base of the stairs that leads up there is a soul standing waiting it would seem but for what that's not bad if we make our way up to the sanded steps will be met by black bars sealing the room off from us now there are two obelisk locks that's and clearly in sight on either side of the Gateway with their pulsing turquoise orbs floating in floods with two huge bolts of cobalt cloth flapping and ripping through the dry hollow air now to unlock the black bars we must hit both of the orbs in each of the obelisk locks the easiest way to do this is to use a bow and arrow and if you didn't bring any Lucky's on your side this day as someone has left a bow and some arrows lying on the side of the platform for anyone to use namely us in this scenario we must deactivate both the orbs and the black bars will fall opening the repository to us and now that she's open we may enter where we'll find a chest at the back of the small room before we get to that though at the very back there is a small window with a conjurors draught and some skeletal remains suggesting that someone tried to climb through the window got stuck and perished here this may be the remains of the soul that stands guard outside as we'll see throughout this journey the wandering souls who actually died within the soul can tend to linger near their bodies so again it could very well have been this adventurer attempting to loot from the black bar repository but back to the treasure the chest contains loot that is of course randomly generated depending on your level with a sulk and twist of course ie it will always have a soul gem with it next to the chest there is a soul gem holder with nothing other than a greater soul gem within it on the ground in front of the chest there is a steel dagger of training an unused black soul gem a very rare and valuable item and in the middle there is a piece of paper this is jibs opus page 8 we won't read it now but be sure to collect it for later on all in all a sweeter little raid and plunder of one of the ideal masters Treasuries the black bar repository and now our pockets are loaded let's venture onto the next point of interest wandering on to the east where in a short walk will find the totem of the antlered one in a sunken thicket of null trees the ground blanketed with the brittle bristled fingers of dead shrubs poking through the heavy haze here a whispering spirit patrols the area glancing and gliding around in merriment but the main attraction is this unnerving and unfamiliar totem that has been erected in the gloom praising something but it is not revealed whom the base is a mound of bones and sinew supporting the body of the totem at the front is a soul gem holder with an empty black soul gem within it likely left as an offering to who or whatever this antlered one is now if we approach this spot in an effort to collect the black soldier several bone men will rise from their resting places ready to protect whatever this place is so be sure to be wary of that now the totem itself is primarily comprised of the vertebrae from the neck of a dragon skeleton a top which is a humanoid skull but what is most curious and notable as I'm sure you've noticed is the two antlers crowns atop the skull now it could be that someone built this totem and got the skull and added antlers out of random bones and bits and pieces lying around this is interesting if true as this is the only pair of antlers in the entirety of the Sol can so that's a curiosity in itself and given that there are no other antlers in here I'm going to say it's entirely unlikely that these antlers were sourced from other bones here now it could be that this is the skull of a creature that has a humanoid head and antlers following this thought I did go through every single creature in the Elder Scrolls universe and we have a few possibilities there are two types of Daedra that have a humanoid head and antlers just like these they are the Hearne and the more Freud day drove aesthetically this most certainly fits the shape of one of the skulls now the problem with this is that when a Daedra dies its physical form vanishes entirely suggesting that it would leave no skeleton behind and in all my years of playing the Elder Scrolls games I have never once seen the skeletal remains of a Daedra not to say that it hasn't happened but I can neither remember Conger nor find through research anything that suggests it's possible to end up with a de três Calton so sadly it would appear this skull with antlers does not belong to either of those creatures there is a third option however that is much closer to home this could in fact be the skull of a Bosma of wood ELLs and there was once a time where early mortals were transforming from humanoid to animal to plant and back again and somehow some of these animalistic traits stuck with the Bosma from their beastial stages before if we gave the boss Mary people a stable form post green pact of course and guess what it is actually within canon law for Bosma the wood elves to potentially have antlers or horns in the Elder Scrolls 3 morrowind we see a very subtle example of this with skin covered humps atop the forehead in the Elder Scrolls online we see this in full swing we're a Bosma may have rather large antlers also see examples of this in the elder scrolls legends art so it would seem that over time this trait was almost lost and being bred out of Bosma or gene pool so this wouldn't be a modern-day Bosma but we find some very ancient remains within the soul can so this skull could very well be that of an ancient Bosma bearing this genetic trait of antlers which are either due to transformations between humanoid beasts and plants or some kind of hangover from a Wild Hunt transformation either way whatever the cause is it is entirely within the law for this to be the skull of a Bosma and that is in fact the most likely option here that or someone built this out of random bones which again they seem to have found the only two antlers within the salt can to do so which makes me think that is not the case at all though so you take your pick either way it's very interesting heading directly south from our last location we'll come across on the crumbling crypt a structure that has definitely seen better days along with everything else in this plane as we can see with a fall and a roof top half buried in dust and bricks inside we'll find piles of bones and stone a few shrubs and grass there is a stack of slabs that is home to two soul gems sitting atop a black slate a petty soul gem and a greatest soldier both filled with souls of something a rather boring location but if we take a look outside we're a stone's throw away we will stumble upon this staircase that leads up from a depression in the ground towards the crumbling crypts but it doesn't actually link up with it it simply points towards it and it's kind of near it a structural oddity that will find common place within the soul cap there is however this teleporter at the top of the staircase and if we jump into it we will be teleported to the roof of the crumble encrypts where we will be met by a bone man standing guard a century in wait for any foolish or brave enough to be transported up here along with the skeleton we can find a chest nestled into a pile of bones within which is random leveled soul can loot aka soul gems although as we approach this a wrath man will rise from the bones protecting his master's treasure so be sure to be wary of that but once the dead are bested and the chest has been plundered will leave this crypt to crumble heading to the due east we can find our next curiosity a dragon's skeleton sitting half claimed by the sand and Marus suit of the soul can but as we draw closer like a moth to a flame or an explorer to a curious sight will notice that there is actually a sword thrust through the more of the Dragon piercing the beast from lower jaw all the way through into its skull presumably delivering for killing blow this is a steel sword of shock and not something one would leave behind given the choice which makes me think whoever slid the blade through the Dragons head was in no situation to reclaim the valuable weapon now if we move down the Dragons body in what would be the throat or the esophagus of the Drake lies a pair of ancient Nordic gauntlets strange may be the dragon choked to death on a delicious Nord meal but if we keep tracking down into the belly of the beast there is something very interesting as skeleton no doubt swallowed whole with an arm outstretched presumably grasping for an escape from the stomach of the dov'è I have not a shadow of doubt in my mind that the gauntlets belong to the person eaten by the dragon which would naturally lead us to conclude that this was an ancient Nords given the make of the gauntlets now an ancient Nord plus a dragon means that this is likely a fossil from the dragon wars I've explained this event in detail in my video about alderman swore if you feel so inclined to learn more but what's confusing about this is who did the sword belong to surely not the poor fool who was consumed by the Dragons more if this wants the killing blow which I do believe it to be then the dragon would have been dead and unable to swallow this nord and if the sword was thrust how it is there is no way a dragon could hope to gobble down a delicious Nordic snack so I would be in my right mind to assume this Nord was eaten alive and then his extra enraged buddy pierced this dragon's skull with one vehemence strike killing the Beast for munching on his mate now what events then led both of these corpses to find their way to the soul can now that's I cannot explain nonetheless a truly interesting finds in the Bleak Baroness of this desolate and dead desert now making our way a hop skip and a step due east we'll find out next curiosity the Masters harvest here we'll find a rather large fortification while weathered it's definitely in better condition when compared to some of the other structures we've seen around here the only way into this walls building is through a tunnel it illuminated by a pink light naturally we're attracted to the pink tunnel and we must enter it although it's a bit more barren than we'd like this opens up into quite a tight courtyard where ruins shrubs and grass have made their home hiding in a pillage shelter there is a soul crippled in defeat sitting on the ground exhausted now it's never a good sign when you see a soul that's out of breath but the explanation will all come to fruition in the coming minutes from the courtyard there is a staircase that leads up to a walkway that wraps around the upper levels of the complex midway around we'll spot another soul in an even more concerning states attempting to make shelter under a lazily stacked mound of black stone slabs lying on their side shaking terrified traumatized unable to do anything but shiver and fear attempting to find comfort in meekness although this seems to be futile or in this case fatal and traveling the walkway further will descend to the third wall where we'll meet a final stair that climbs high into the belfry but no bells can be heard here the only thing that rings as a sense of Terror as we turn our gaze upwards only to be met by an ideal master up here on the final platform we'll find a third soul hunched and shaken unable to do anything but suffer they either all have taxed you or the ideal masters have something to do with the mass agony infecting the local Souls before we get to that however up here right under the crystalline demigod there is a chest which will contain a much beyond average collection of random level lutes although be warned it is guarded by the ideal master who will begin to suck our soul energy as we begin our scent up the black staircase so make haste there is no time to waste now given that the ideal masters harvest soul energy to fuel their eternal life I would be safe in concluding that this particular ideal master is in a constant state of soul sapping from these nearby souls that's why they are literal husks of souls broken and submitted no doubt the master is tormenting them beyond mortal comprehension as they do and have done to all in their service for as long as time can recall I think it is quite wise to get out of here as quickly as possible before we two are too weak to escape the eternal servitude the ideal masters longed to Locker - a short ways north we'll stumble upon a shocking discovery as someone before us also did here there is a large paved area with an obscure and unfamiliar altar at its center I'm definitely getting a certain buzz about this place it is small but it's full of character and a little character some shallow steps lead to a small stone pile which has a pole of some sort rising from its core behind which is a chest which will of course contain Luke - the soul can kind and of the leveled and randomized variety beyond God however as it is to be expected while we draw near to the loot - bone man and a wrath man will climb from the stacks of bones ready to make us fight our way to the treasure something curious though is the black scorch marks burnt into the lid of the chest perhaps there was a fire here I'm unsure but where my eyebrow raises is that the exploded skeletal remains scattered before the altar with an arm outstretched and a greater soul gem sitting on the ground assumedly this person was holding it when they will died splattered like a bug to the boot of an enraged intima phobic but how did they die hmm it would appear to be the very same force that scorched the chest as there are these same very dark and heavy blast marks on the surrounding bones all the answers to this mystery lie within the altar well actually it's no altar but rather a contraption presumably engineered by the ideal masters it's known as a lightning attractor and while yes it does attract the bolts from above it serves a much more practical purpose - as we can actually activate the soul gem holder at the base of the lightning rod this will place a soul gem from our inventory within it once this action is performed to the heavens or hell's in this case open up and electricity strikes true injecting its raw electrical power into the Lightning attractor and into the soldier and selfie would seem in a split second the soul gem we placed within it will be transformed from a standard soul gem into a black soldier of course black soul gems are a much rarer and more valuable variant now this action can only be done once per lightning rod attractive and even though after some time the lightning rod will come back up and stand tall once again the soul gem conversion cannot be repeated nonetheless it's worth doing but what's interesting to me is what went wrong here how did this person end up being struck by lightning maybe they held on to the soldier while the ritual was in progress and they ironically trapped their soul within the soul can instead of converting their greatest soul gem into a black soul gem although they do appear to have been a few steps backwards from the interactable lightning rod attractor but whatever happened here it most certainly sparked my interest making our way to the northwest will be met by a huge wall that cuts through the soul can a welcome landmark in this bewildering hellscape but along with brick and weathered monolith we'll find something else in the wall a set of stairs that lead up to a site that naturally is igniting our curious nature drawing us in for a closer inspection up here we'll find a window in the wall clearly marked by two flapping bolts of tattered linen there is also a soul standing idle resting against the wall which seems kind of boring but to be fair it's much better than being tortured by an ideal master on the ground in front of the windowpane lies a lesser soul gem filled with a soul on the right hand pedestal is a tone the book of life and service authored by an unknown the ranks of the Blessed blessed at the bone men for they serve without self in spirit forever blessed of amidst men for they blend in the glory of the transcendent spirits blessed are the wrath men for they render their rage on through the ages blest are the masters for they bridge the past and span the future the litany of service the bone man's oath we die we pray to live we serve the master's voice you swore to serve your Lord a creepy Tom that's reminiscent of the dialogue heard within the soul can in the Elder Scrolls legend battlespire and it's also a tongue that we'll see more copies of throughout the salt camp on the left hand of this same pedestal is a malign aversion to fire and a worn piece of parchment this is jibs opus page number 1 for now we'll just collect it and read the whole series later on when we get all the pages now this window also gives us a glimpse into a small Inlet which is on the other side of the wall which we'll get to soon enough but for now we'll bid this soul farewell and take off with the opus page walking to the west of here towards the main pathway we'll find our next curiosity the hollow tower a small yet tall structure with sunken and unaccessible rooms and floors around it inside we'll find a bone man standing guard over the only notable things in here that being a chest with some bits and bobs inside the chest we'll find a rather healthy assortment of loot appropriate for our level but in front of the chest on the ground is what we're really here for a sack of coin a petty soul gem and jibs opus page number 6 be sure to snap that bad boy up now if we tilt our heads back and gaze upwards we'll see something great well not that great but it's a literal great giving the building its name the hollow tower now if we take a step back outside we'll see there is a glowing well this is actually a teleporter if we step into this we will be transported to the roof of the hollow tower where we can find a hidden treasure only to be found by the avid adventurer luckily there are no undead surprises lying in wait on the ground or in this case on the roof we can find a lesser soul gem and the same book we saw not long ago the book of life and service and of course we have a chest which will be home to an assortment of soul gems once we gather those we'll have to park all our way off the roof of the hollow tower and be on our merry way our merry way to the far northwest where we'll find a large walled corner of the plane with a gatehouse at its entrance up the stairs we trot into the extremely dark chamber where there is not much of note at all I mean besides the chest of course apart from that the most notable thing in here is a pillar and it might be holding up the roof but it's not holding my interest of course our good friend the chest will be home to 11 gold moving on and out of that antechamber of boredom will enter the Masters garden a rather large and private section of the soul can like an untamed macro Zen garden - the Zen with each step we take on the timeless ghost soil will hear the clattering of bones as burn men rise from the dead dirt and prepared to protect them master at the centre of the area are two soul Wealth's if you require healing jump in them of course at the back against a magical barrier we can see a raised outlook with an ideal master floating omniscient Li above the highest platform as you'd expect we must be wary and swift while approaching the ideal master as it will begin to siphon our soul energy when we draw near now under the ideal master is what it truly guards a chest filled with bountiful booty randomized depending on your level of course on the cold stone floor at the base of the chest is a copper and Sapphire circlet a very valuable and light pace to scurry off but before we do that we must also gather the piece of paper here this is jibs opus page three once our pockets are stuffed and we have enough of a soul left we gotta go son and leave this a cursed corner of the soul can now we'll be heading back to the main pathway and through the great wall making our way to the northeast where we'll find one of the few comforting curiosities within the soul camp as soon as we pass through the wall on the eastern side of the path we'll spy a dense cluster of small structures with a soul pacing at the front now the soul is a guy named Marvin Stroud and we can actually talk to him which naturally will do we have someone with flesh on their bones sup brother let's just say I saw something - a guy who turned out to work for a whole coven of necromancer's was like to know the ingredients were phony do I look like someone that would double-cross a necromancer you got the rough ends of the pineapple man you got it hoarse Ragan and all plugged here without so much as a word I used to be one of the best traders in High Rock you know but we'll track me down just to see what I had for sale show us us I've got coin very funny and what exactly are you going to pay me with take a look around Gold doesn't exactly win you any friends around here you want something a cobbler maybe he can fix your soul I'll tell you what I appreciate what you're trying to do is so I'll play along the only thing I see around here in abundance our soul will husks you know those ugly fungus looking things growing out of the ground really say it 25 of them and you can rummage through what was left on my cart fair enough what's on the menu odds and ends I've gathered over the years who will be used together before all this nonsense happened to me tell me what you're looking for and maybe we can make a deal if you have the hostas ah I don't have 25 soul husks but I will you've still got it Morgan a Salesman even beyond the end now of course we must go out and search the surrounding area hunting down soul husks without keen and nose like a truffle pig or just use your eyes now once we have 25 or more soul husks we can head back to Moore Vance trout and deal with him brought some soul husks or are you wasting my time yeah sell to me please well I've been so busy I don't know what are you kidding me now we will be met with some choices here but upon selecting one we'll get a random level appropriate item of that category this won't stop your soul from getting ripped out but at least you'll look good when your corpse hits the ground as you can see I selected heavy armor and got this pair of gauntlets which considering they were exchanged for 25 soul husks you know some random and pretty worthless fungus that's a pretty good deal so be sure to collect soul husks when you see them so you can trade them in for something more valuable and tangible from our new pal here Morvan Stroud now speaking of young Warren Stroud he mentioned he was pulled here through some bad tidings with a group of necromancer's interestingly he appears to have been torn through with his cart of wares which explains why he still has them with him and because this is clearly the case this leads us to believe that this skeleton here is his as mentioned before those who die within the soul can tend to stand near their bodies now to their souls on his corpse we can just find a bit of gold it's nothing that interesting but next is wagon there are two barrels atop one of them is a piece of paper this is jibs opus page 10 we'll read it with the others later but for now let's take a look at the series of structures behind Morvan in the middle stands a huge vault with glowing so well on either side the rigidity of the bricks catching the ghost light in a beautiful way at the center of a small set of stairs that leads up to a doorway blocked by iron bars as before we must find and deactivate the to obelisk locks to the left we can see one up on the top of the wall standing tall in front of the Gothic Accra podium and to the right there is one at ground level both of which are quite easy to deactivate which upon doing so will lower the bars and grant us access into the iridescent vaults within which is a large and primarily empty room save for the chests resting and wait for someone to relieve it of its contents which of course will be of the random levelled loot kind now back outside there is a strange staircase on the side of the courtyard that just leads up to off higher platform at the end of which however is a glowing well and it turns out this is actually a teleporter when we enter it will be transported onto the roof of the iridescent vaults rather curiously though there's nothing up here at first we'll feel tricked but from here we can actually jump down onto a lower rooftop on the northern side of the courtyard we're tucked into the cloaking shadows cast by the small barbs of roof there is a chest which will contain a small handful of soul gems one of which is black very valuable we can then hop our way back down to the cold stone floor and on without curious adventure now just to the south buried into the great curtain wall that cuts through the soul camp we can find the other side of the window in the wall that we looked through earlier here in a narrow cutout that drives a deep into the foundations of the bulwark we'll find a chest inside which will be a rather meek selection of soul gems collect them and then like humpty-dumpty from the wall we'll be off making our way to the north of West we'll be stopped in our tracks by a towering storehouse with a soul well at the front this is the devoid depository there is as we see so often here a staircase that just leads to nowhere almost as if this edifice was once much different and the eons of barring victim to the harsh and unrelenting conditions of the soul can has shifted and detached structures from purpose now the set of stairs that does connect with the depository lead to a locked and sealed gateway blocked by black bars once again as before we'll need to locate and deactivate the obelisk locks both of which can actually be found within the room accessible by the open walls once they have been switched off the bars shutting us out will have been lowered and we'll be able to access the room inside there is a single bone man standing guard of a well nothing this depository is quite literally devoid of all there is not a scrap in here perhaps it has been raided by an adventurer before us maybe the player character from the Elder Scrolls Legend battlespire why there is nothing in here cannot be confirmed but it does render this place just a prank a big blank prank that I was thoroughly unimpressed by so let's move along to more interesting pastures moving directly north will find a rather strange yet to be honest wholesome curiosity the soul sweeper amidst the barren dust Plains a large collection of dark structures have been planted deeply in the timeless terrain at the side there was a large paved area with a single soul pacing back and forth if we sit in watch her she actually has a broomstick and will pull it out and sweep the area then move on to the next spot personally to me this is almost worse than being tortured by an ideal master having to sweep and endless plane of oblivion for eternity how exactly she got here and with a broom I don't know perhaps she was a witch and brought her vehicle with her one things to show up she had a brush with death but seriously what is she doing I'm raking my brains and I can only assume she's either bored or being forced to do it trying to clean the dust from the dusties place I've ever seen besides my computer fans of course this must be endlessly exhausting hopefully she can rest soon and she gets some sleep now on the northern side of the same collection of structures we find ourselves standing on yet another tiled terrace wherein we can find our next curiosity here there is a skeleton slumped on its back with a coin purse at hand gazing down and longing memory is a soul dressed in leather armor equipped with a bow and arrows suggesting that this soul walked the path of a hunter in life and that these remains are his as we see so often in these curating curious curiosities videos of the Hunter has become the hunted now the satchel brimming with septums implies that a trade was made in his last moments to whom an exchange was made is unknown unlikely a necromancer although his body being in the soul can may suggest that he died within it and given there is an ideal master right nearby he may have made a direct exchange with the ideal master himself whatever happens I'm sure he's not in high spirits about it now binding all of these obscure structures together we have the Masters Acropolis a raised area at the center of the towers rooms and keeps that bud from the silvered sands which surrounds here there are three separate stairs that lead to the same razed outlook granting a view of the stretching gray pastures to any who stand upon it the most attention stealing aspect of its being is the cinched Chapel that stands barred and locked atop which hovers an ideal master gazing down unto his kingdom of shrieking gozman and sin areal morass the property is littered with mounds of blackened bones and Onyx bricks scattered like dice in a back-alley gamble liberally painting layers of eccentricity over the already coated location a sizable gang of spooks ward on the grounds ready to protect their masters Hermitage as they serve for eternity if we wish to enter the cell that lies beneath the ideal master we'll need to lower those blasted black bars as before and as before we'll need to locate and deactivate the obelisk locks by striking the humming cerulean orbs within one is less subtle than a rampant or quarry Finn a barroom brawl and stands proudly in front of the ideal master and the second lies hidden in an occult alcove the entrance to which is primarily concealed and buried by stunning striking them both will lower the bars as so we may enter like spacing a new paragraph as we've witnessed throughout our journey so far there is another soul sitting on the cobbled clap Bent's and broken in submission to the absorbing lament of the master whom levitates in place of the heavens and a soothing God's hand in ends but instead in vibes the souls of the unwilling and willing alike such as this poor fool if we to tread into the shadows will be within the reach of the ideal master who will begin to hawk down our spirit so to collect the goods from within the chest that is now within our grasp we should move with haste inside we'll find some soul gems and alchemical ingredients including a suspiciously reoccurring Daedra hearts whisk of these reagents up and evacuate the chamber before we are taken and bounced unless of course you're into that a short sojourn to the east we'll enter a strange place the grave Hays Grove a forest of unnatural and warm tombstones placed facing inwards in a circular fashion the dead grass and crunching sands beneath our feet are blanketed in a thick and unearthly fog the occasional mouthed tree reaches from the dirt frozen like urban lightning inverted heaps and boroughs worth of bonds form small dunes and nulls of the dead at the center of it all is an altar of some unfamiliar make a large squared block of black stone rests upon another larger still sunken deep into the land surrounding it like a damned garden a sprouting zuv soul husks and a single desiccated tree resting against the side of the altar is a sac which contains a handful or two of harvested soul husks be sure to take those for Morvan later the centerpiece is a candle shrine with no effigy for praise a clutch of sweating candles flicker and what slowly streaming wisps of smoke and throwing a warm yellow glow unto the ghastly surroundings illuminating the pair of lesser soul gems that rest in the soul gem holders atop the slate the star of it all however is this conjuration spelter for Kanjar bone man if we pick it up we'll be able to find it in our book tab and activating it will teach us this spell it will summon a bone man Archer from the soul can for 60 seconds wherever the caster is pointing a lovely new smell to add to your collection especially if you wish to dabble in the dark arts of necromancy who placed a spell here and why that is almost an answer I don't want to look into let's just take it with us and move into the next chapter of the soul can moving to the northwest we'll stumble upon one of the most impressive that citadel's this hellscape has to offer bigger than most townships and settlements in skyrim it also holds one of the most interesting curiosities within the soul care we'll get onto that one in a minutes firstly to the twisting spire as we climb the storm warm Parviz and pass through the vestibule we'll enter a courtyard and be met by a reaching sight inspiring both fear and Wonder the twisting spire a Chantry her soul energy a huge tower which stands proudly rising into the vortex above with not a single break in the black stone no window to be shown through no clerestory or triforium to be peered through just a menacing monolith the spire of which has broken and shattered but rather lie in ruin it levitates in beauty and nexus of soul energy rages within its spinning the cracked citadel through the skies of the soul can butts as impressive as that is we must get back to the base where a keeper waits in meditation behind him a number of souls and on the pórtico as their soul energies bound to the keepers spell if we approach the keeper he will awaken and engage in combats be very warns though a keeper is a huge enemy with strength and ferocity matching their towering build so be prepared for an epic battle against one of the great darkness 'as within the realm now once the battle is done all that will be left behind is a pile of ghostly remains from which all we can recover is a black soldier while this isn't too rewarding we have defeated one of the three keepers of the soul care whose spells maintain the barrier around the boneyard which we'll get to later so while not materialistic in heroism and triumph we are rewarded now the souls that were bound to the tower and the ritual will also vanish upon the keepers defeat I like to think that they are now freed but I'm sure they are actually destined to some drab fate at the hands of the ideal masters neither they have hands but you know now from here if we move just to the southwest we'll be met by barred gateway luckily with our current knowledge of the soul can and the two very obvious obelisk locks we now know what to do shoot the aquamarine orbs within both of them and the bars will fall be wary of the undead that shall come charging with weapons drawn pushing through the archway we'll come out to the Masters Terrace a large and squared outdoor area peppered with bone men bones tombstones and of course the very obvious and tyrannical drifting ideal master underneath him there is a chest and as the driven Explorer we are will need to get our hands on that damned chest we warned though because as we approach the ideal master will begin to claim our soul and suck the energy from us gobbling down spirit gluten izing our very animal when we make it to the chest and look within we'll find some random level Luke sure but there is something else a Reaper gem fragments now there are three of these in the soul can and will need to collect all of them for later for now those snatch up these goodies and be gone moving to the Northeast back into the middle of the courtyard from whence we came making our way over a mound of pale dirt through a rigid Bower of black stone and piles of Bones out into a sunken pit of ghostly soil pin cushioned with graves and headstones at the center of this inert trench there is a teleporter gleaming seductively violets amongst the grey shades that surround us if we jump into it we'll be teleported up onto a higher walkway that stretches around the upper levels of the Citadel a twisting spire at the cornerstone of the angled promenade there is a lightning attractor as with the others if we place a soul gem within the soul gem holder at the base of the rod great and unrelenting lightning strikes will rain down with punch and bolt magically converting to earthly soul gem into an unnatural yet more valuable and useful black soldier now through which magic soar a trickle Daedric intervention this process is allowed we'll never know just grab the flag soul gem and make like the rod bolts that is if you can because as we approach will here the teeth numbing sound of clattering bones and clinking calcium as a number of undead will rise from the stacks of bodily remains that fill the corners of this paved pathway so be sure to be wary of this ugly Bunch now if we go from the rod all the way to the second wing of the veranda we will see there is a chest push up at the end inside here we'll be able to get a solid handful of random love of loot collect these wares and then we'll need to find a way down so that we can move on to one of the most interesting curiosities within this realm to find it we'll need to head all the way around the back of the twisting spire marching bravely into the northwest and most corner of the accessible Sulkin thick seas of dead grass sprout mortally from the bone dust earth the occasional charred and drained sapling leans crooked and nodes like the shattered hand of a retired pugilist keeping them company of the tall slender shades of the haunted headstones that forest the realm amongst this forgotten bosque of air lies a small paved square skeletal stockpiles have formed and heap at the edges along with unused yet fully cut blocks of stone within the platform we can find a teleporter glowing brightly a wormhole to another place but to where it leads we cannot see we can only discover with a gutsy gate stepping into the arcane ring upon doing so we'll be teleported transported to an alarmingly high an entirely occult rooftop balcony located about halfway up the backside of the twisting spire and hey anything involving a twisting spire and half way up the backside is very exciting but today for other reasons as there is a scattering of prismatic miscellany along with a skeleton on the northern side of this area which naturally we must inspect firstly in the corner on a petite stone piece lies a scroll of storm thrall a potion of extreme stamina a potion of extreme magicka and a potion of the night which increases the heavy armor skill now the scroll of storm thrall is interesting within itself because it's the only scroll of storm thrall that is within the game lying out in the environment you can buy them from one merchant back in Skyrim but in terms of finding them in the environment there are none in the game except of course for this one this collection alone suggests that whoever left these here had a decent - great understanding of alchemy or perhaps just the import of potions fortifying this further next to the skeleton sits a coin purse a second potion of extreme stamina and an app sack inside of which we can find a collection of varying Goods no doubt the cause of random levelled lutes now the skeleton itself holds little of interest as they so often do however the specificity of the items that be stud the pavement within hands grasp of the skeleton of very curious indeed firstly there are some soul husks that have been picked no doubt this traveler was consuming them to lessen the soul training effects of the ideal masters that alone his knowledge only a wise man would have there is also a staff of fireball again fortifying the theory that this person was well versed in the arcane arts but most intriguingly of all the dagger now this isn't any old dagger this is a very rare blade known as a dragon priests dagger now who used to carry dragon priests daggers hmm that's right dragon priests I do wholeheartedly believe that we have stumbled upon the remnants of an ancient dragon priests right here in the sonken also when we approach the area a single mist man will rise from the stack of skulls which to me implies that this could have been the same guy and that he sir came to the ideal masters entering their eternal service now there is also a campfire over at the edge and firstly if he had a campfire it means he was here for some time likely telling us that he stepped into the teleporter as weeded and ended up stranded all the way up here on this rooftop he set up a camp and planned and schemed only to inevitably give in to the fact that he was stranded his only salvation was to take the metaphorical crystalline hand of the ideal masters being transformed into this mist man we find here well at least this is the best and most logical series of events that I can think of but more curiously why was there a dragon priest within the soul can perhaps he ventured here in an attempt to save Donna veer maybe after the dragon war his powers were lost after al demands banishment and he sought new power from new masters there are many tales that we could weave as to why he's here but we do know that he is here a dragon priest within a song can destined to guard his own corpse bound to eternal service of the ideal masters now well at least now that he's stuck on a rooftop he's made it to the rank of high priest migrating to the due east will leave the twisting spire and enter the empty plains of the Sulkin but soon a titanic rectangular fortress will be in our path decorated with the occasional window and barred or crowned in Crockett's and sanctioned inspires while it may seem to have many entries there was only one that is not sealed by cold iron bars the cellar trail that cuts through the dead kelp green meadow leads directly to the doorway we must enter now we climb the few steep stairs into the lightning stricken labyrinth while it may seem menial and it is I could not help but notice there is a nice little welcome rug just through the antechamber interior design is not what I would have expected from the ideal masters but hey maybe I'm wrong about them maybe they just rubbed me the wrong way but as we venture deeper into the Masters means we'll be faced with twists and turns holes that terminate in enemies that emanate from the floor in the southwest in most corner we will find a room with a chest in it inside will be a lovely little sack full of loot rustic lame heading further into the dark unlit tunnels will eventually reach the center of the fortress where there will be a Rathmann standing at the ready next to him is a stone plinth with two harvested soul husks and again rather strangely at Daedra hearts as I've explained in my video dedicated to the ideal masters they do not seem to have any connection to the Daedra so finding these excessively rare alchemical ingredients in any numbers within the soul can is nothing short of strange anyway moving on to the eastern side of the labyrinth we'll enter a hallway which has quadruple the thread-count of the entry antechamber there are a total of four beautiful rugs laid out rather lazily on the grounds again not what I expected nor do I have an explanation for it or as to why there are five rugs the likes of which we haven't seen at all in the song can and they're all here in this one building well we'll just step over these and move around the corner and we'll see a single sack slumped against the back wall inside this sack there are seven harvested soul husks be sure to grab these so that we can trade them to our pally old chum Morvan Stroud later on now a round to the right at the end of yet another hallway is a chest although be careful as you approach because a bone man will clatter his way from the burial mound around the chest inside it however there is a collection of soul gems harvest them now moving back to the rug hallway following it through all the way to the North East and most corner of the Masters maze will find an open chamber with an iron Bard great as a ceiling it's a rather large room with one aspect that draws our eye and that would be the teleporter at the of the ruins feng shui stepping into it will be transported to the rooftop where we'll find ourselves once again face to crystal face with an ideal master who floats in a terrifying calmness overhead the maze he has made his home now under the master there is a chest but even more excitingly next to the chest on the ground there is a lesser soul gem and a piece of parchment this is jibs opus page 9 we won't read it now but be sure to grab it for later on now as always as we draw to close the ideal master will feast upon our fervor and we must be swift in our actions and escape its cabbalistic tendrils before we depart from danger be sure to loot the chests as in here is the one and only soul essence gem this is needed for the quest line within the soul camp and will prevent the negative effects of our being within this realm of oblivion unless you are of course a vampire in which case the soul essence gem will not be present as you have no such need for it as you are not living now once all the goodies have been scooped up and salvaged we will make haste in exiting this maze and the grips of its master journeying to the southeast of here we'll come across a large Chapel like structure marked clearly by huge onyx columns proudly poised on either side of the thoroughfare leading to the alluring amalgamation of sub structures around the side there are huge stone cubes buried deep beneath the soil signs of a much greater web of lost and inaccessible tunnels at the back there is one of our old friends the big old staircase that leads to absolutely nowhere it would seem this was once attached to the core building but over time and exposure to the silently warping sands at the Sulkin has broken away this is interesting however as it reveals within the stomach of the black stone tens of thousands of varmints at very least endless corpses into the cold oiled and humble slabs a mortuary of millions a hecatomb hemorrhaged and bleeding bones into the health scape but now we will attempt to penetrate the Masters catacomb gallery this can be done at the front of the building where we can find a crypt hatch that sinks below into the sub terrain through here we'll find a long hallway likely once a columbarium a gallery for the enshrined urns swollen with ashes to burn men stand guard protecting their alley of despondency but soon enough we'll start to head back up and we'll come out into a huge open room but be warned as this is the catacomb gallery of an ideal master windowed walls and two huge breaks make way for dull photons to dimly paint the Raven room a series of winder stairs lead higher and higher into the chamber until we reach the ideal master but be warned as always as if we get to close our very norman on will be knocked upon by the soul hungry and pellucid presence beneath the eye until master there is a chest inside of which we can find a ripe a selection of random level booty just make sure that you're also over level 18 so the booty is 2 anyway once we've empty the chest and have enough strength to escape the ideal masters grips we'll leave this place never to look back hoping that it sinks into the sands for good making our way to the northeast we'll begin to climb a hill leading towards the citadel known as the boneyard at the top of which is a side fortification and while being a small addition to the huge boneyard it's still a huge structure on its own it's a glowing keep of soul energy lighting up like a colossal candelabra of dread and the burning of lost souls crackles muffled in our ears at the front there is a thick and dense entryway that leads to the heart of the bastion once weary emerge back into the light of oblivion we'll find ourselves in a courtyard now despite their being a huge series of walkways stairs and various levels there is only one area of interest to us and that is the center of the courtyard which alone bears enough intrigue for the entire location as here at the nucleus shrouded in an axis of mists sits a defeated exit drew a raised crescent of dark stone weathered and beaten at the base of it we can find a chest however you may have spotted that this is a boss level chest which first of all means that it has better than average loot but much more curiously the stylization and motif of this chest is unique to the saltcan and has no natural place here as all the other chests we run across in here are made of black stone and glow with a haunting periwinkle purple lights this however looks just like the chests we find in Skyrim inside Nordic burial chambers how it got here cannot be confirmed in fact I struggle to even ponder but there is a much bigger question looming in the coming minutes now inside the chest we can find a holy hearty party of goods ripe for the picking now on the grounds before the chest we can find a coin purse a ruby and a piece of paper which is jibs opus page 2 which will be sure to collect and take with us for much later on now you might have the same feeling that I did and sense that there is something oddly familiar about this location but you can't quite point to why well prepare to be liberated from such mental haze as this is no ordinary stone wall it's a word wall it's hard to recognize in this setting with the grim lighting and the fact it's more than halfway sunken into the swallowing sands regardless of its condition it is still a word wall despite this and despite being Dragonborn when we approach it no shirt will be learnt it appears to have been deactivated if that's even possible now how a word wall ends it up within the soul can is a question again I cannot answer perhaps as we saw with Morvan strout's cart soulless objects can be torn from descend into the soul can although a whole word wall seems a bit intense but it is here not only that but it is also paired with a Nordic Lea motif to chest as if they came here as a pair suggesting that they were brought here one way or another together now that would have been some sight witnessing a materialistic plane exchange on that scale sad its wisdom and words were lost with its place within Mundus now it just sits as a linguistic grave of dover Zoo anyway let's leave this place before this video like the wall starts to drag on travelling far to the south from here back down to where Morvan Stroud and his wares of despair reside in the desiccated wastes reaching far and for it will find the dark diode dais guarded by bone men archers mist men and Rothman it is a large tiered platform with three sets of stairs leading to the central level where finally in the north a steep stairs up to the high Dias where we can find the Nexus of purpose regarding the structure a lightning attractor odd standing straight and proud taunting the stirring storm above begging for a violet bolt to flash and strike as with the others there is a gem holder of the base if we place a soul gem within it a pure and purposeful finger of lightning will strike mystically converting the soul gem into the much more valuable useful and of course outlawed black soul gem the rod will now be dropped into the base of the dais and we will be unable to perform this ritual again we should scoop up our black soul gem and be off before something has our head off and speaking of heads if we head to the Jew West from the Lightning attractor we'll find a single structure filling our entire scope of vision a huge keep with many interesting wings bowls and levels to be pried and explored this is the Masters keep guarded by many undead comprised of bone men mist men and wrath three huge bowl walks come together in a u-shape allowing the unattended courtyard to be open to all a seemingly unform elated mixture of dirt grass paved paths columns and soul wells have been stirred geometrically to create this open forecourt in the northeastern most corner of the courtyard there lies a rather out of place item it's a steel war ax of frost don't ask me why that's there above it all there rocks and rotates an ideal masters swaying and stunted lazy heaves and swings like levitation is a chore inside the central chamber there is a stairwell that ascends to the west up onto the parapet --less upper walkways where bone men archers stand guard joints clattering and clinking ready to knock and loose a fell shaft unto any who would invade this keep without invites at the very end of the rooftop there is a chest with a sack leaning against it inside the sack will discover eight harvested soul husks which will take and trade with more than later inside the chest we'll find an unsurprising and limited selection of random levelled lutes if we head back down the stairs into the dark and dimly lit chamber from whence we came over against the eastern wall by the lower window will see there is a teleporter luring us to it with its effulgence II in the stale darkness when we step into it will be teleported onto the roof of the keep where we'll be faced with an ideal master as always if you get too close it will begin to swallow down our soul like a starved black hole until we're nothing more than a singularity in a soul stash naturally we'll want to stay clear of such an entity but there is a chest below the ideal master and one that will want to loot as inside along with an abundant stash of random levelled lutes we'll also find our second Reaper gem fragments we'll need to be sure to take this for later on in the video as for now though we'll need to make like the green packed and leaf wandering on directly south will come across the minaret of a monolithic column deserving of the descriptor tower as it reaches into the twisting nether above the upper section shattered and whirling in a blistering fountain of soul energy down below at the base of the black bulging spire we'll see a lot of intriguing indicators for souls stand enslaved tethered to the tower by engorged strands of soul Arcana throned at the center is a keeper in his dragon bone armor with his flurrying void head and glowing soul eyes if we approach he will arise and meet us face to face weapon drawn clashing in open battle where an epic duel will commence a warning though that battle ax is longer than it looks as the keeper is double out sighs so too is his weapon now assuming that we are the victor and best the keeper on his corpse will find nothing more than a black soul gem also once the keeper is defeated the four souls will vanish deactivating the second of three keeper spells that maintain the barrier around the boneyard just as we experienced with a twisting spire earlier on in the video we'll get to that later as for now and we'll be off off to the east a short skip and a hop and our steps will be slowed as we peer up to find a crooked and bent pocket-sized Chapel a soul well sits next with beaming away if we try and enter we'll find that three of the openings are semi blocked by lazily stacked bricks of black stone through the open side we'll see a meager little shrine place at the back a rather unexpected this is the spell tome conjure aftman if we pick it up we'll be able to find it in our book tab simply activate it to learn the spell it summons irassman from the soul can for 60 seconds wherever the caster is pointing a lovely new spell to add to your collection especially if you wish to dabble in the dark arts of necromancy who placed this spell tome here and why that's a question too difficult to answer impossible almost I'm interested to hear your thoughts as I have none let's just take it with us and turn to the next page of the Sulkin moving to the south eastern most corner of the soul can a place few have tread at the end of a slinking porcelain path leading to the edge of the explorable realm we will follow the trail to its place of parish where we will find the Lost Nord a skeleton slumped up against the large boulder in the bracken adorning the scene like Wilda flowers sprouting from a forgotten grave there are a few olden belongings left for us to investigate slipped over the skull of the body is an ancient nord helmets quite clearly informing us that this person was a Nord and one from many millennia past resting by their hand is their weapon a steel great sword of cowardice which is ironic as a coward is the last thing this person was wondering into the soul can alone stupid perhaps but cowardice no placed on the other side scrolled with a dying quill strokes are their final words lying on top of a smooth rock there is the note from the soul can they warned me not to go through that portal what did I have to be scared of I've been adventuring for years and never seen nothing I couldn't wallop but this place ain't nothing living here just dead things up and about when they should be in the grounds I can hear their bones scratching at the rocks and knocking together when they walk if I get home I'll hang up my sword and never go out again sounds like me when I wake up hungover I'm never drinking again that night at the pub 14 beers deep adventurers never stop adventuring unless they get an arrow in the knee now in a completely judgemental sense just by reducing the sloppy structure of that letter it's quite clear that this person wasn't the sharpest axe in the arm but then again I would imagine most ancient nord adventurers were not well versed in the fine-tuning of syntax within linguistics and to be fair neither mine now who exactly this person was I can't seem to put a finger on there are no old tales of an ordered venture of vanishing into a portal but it's interesting to think how they got here who made that portal that they entered and why they are also one of a few people who tread through the soul can as immortal there aren't many examples of that now as we inspect this calcified Nordic fossil our ears will prick alarmed by kvetching cartilage crooked creaking and tortured as clusters of clambering corpses climb from all cursed corners surrounded by Rothman swaying with ligament --less twitches no doubt we share the same final damning vision this here Nord once submitted unto a sad defeat short of Elysium accepting death and eternal damnation as the cackling corpses congregate with clamped teeth and molded pelvis screech will scoop up his sword and hang it upon a tavern wall once we return to snowy Skyrim and let some wailing minstrel quill a lackadaisical ballad to remember him we should leave never look back and abandon these remains in the depths and dust of oblivion trekking purposefully to the northwest we'll find ourselves at the well of wealth a courtyard paved and tiled with heavy black brick cracked and bent by the deadly weather in the realm standing guard is a bone man protecting the x'x Jewess and exposed ash checkered at the center of the square is a soul well beaming bright fueled by tormented Souls swirling playfully in a circle around the glowing pit bobbing childlike is a whispering spirit flirting with our scant sense of security on the ground next to the soul well is a handful of items an iron dagger of cowardice shield a potent magic of poison and a grand soul gem there are also two common soul gems a Laughing Skull and a singular page which as you may have guessed is one of jibs opus pages specifically number five be sure to grab that for later overall though it's rather odd for a pile of loot to be sat in such a spot out in the open unless of course rather like the whispering spirits these have been placed here to reel us in like an anglers pronged hook to the gulping more of a constantly curious Turbots and feeding our greed we too ashore to soon end but gods siren-like in shining silent song drawing us in and meshed and fed on jewels we hunger drooling like fools over this here ideal masters pile of plunder we must take the page and be swift in our exit before we too become ensnared in the booby trap of wealth laid before us on this blackened stone clatter in this desolate realm of grave dust now while we venture through the bemusing fields our feet shore muffled against the arid loam will spot a toppled steeple long lost to structural purpose half swallowed by the soul silts frankly it's quite a quotidian side for the soul can but upon a closer inspection amidst the rubble there lies an object that seems out of place foreign to this foreign plane it's from hours from Mundus it's an elven sword of lightning which rests lost and forgotten there is no skeleton mayor buy enough to conclude as the once owner likely they were inside the now shattered steeple as it collapsed claiming their life and leaving only this trace of them ever being here given its elvish in nature I'd only assumed that it belonged to an elf now which elf which race who they were what the name was how long their ears were or what they were doing here is all up for debate although I'm certain it would tippy-toe in the sphere of neck Manzi and dire dealings with the ideal masters what we can do now to make certain their memory lives on is take the sword through ourselves there's really nothing elves we can do apart from emancipate this blade from lying beneath the shattered steeples uncalculated mantle shells migrating further to the east we'll find ourselves trotting towards a large collection of towers and archers this is the preternatural Plaza a massive quadrangle possessing unnatural qualities and devices erected from what would seem to be a schematic designed by dice roll as if no living being pieced this together it's like an attempted imitation a structural simulacrum walls with no purpose stairs and random spots steeples and tiled gallery is standing haphazardly amongst this randomness at the center however there is a rugged rostrum at the top of which lies a mystical mechanism a lightning rod attractor as with the others there is a soul gem holder at the base and if we place a soul gem within its a pure and purposeful finger of lightning will strike with an infernal formateur G the role of Thunder peals back and as the silence rakes our very being the bolt from above crashes down converting the soul gem into the much more valuable useful and of course outlawed black soul gem a dark magic to be sure but undeniably useful their soul gems are extremely rare and make necromancy more flexible an indirect gift from the ideal masters but even now as it sits empty the dark radiance of the black soul gem is haunting we should collect our gem and make haste in our parting before the overseers of oblivion seek payment commencing a merry sojourn to the northwest in the bear and cripplingly sumerian ever Crofts will see something rather kitsch the contrasts brilliantly with the surroundings there is a soul who appears to quite clearly be a farmer it was ironically a reaped soul reaping soul husks in a realm of soul reapers wrap your head around that but along with a tongue twister there is also something ever so interesting here to that being the two councils now this alone is curious as throughout the song can we see hundreds thousands millions billions trillions tender arrogant ilion's yes it's a number of animal bones bones of beasts from Horizon to Horizon yet we never once see the soul of an animal surely we'd either see all the souls of animals or none of the souls of animals why are there none at all besides these two accounts no doubt they were torn from mundis with a farmer but so was woven Stroud with his horse and cart we see the skeletons of mammoths everywhere where are their souls how did these two cows manage to end up here grazing eternally off gravol done toiled soil occurs to be sure but a curious one that I cannot explain but along with the cows and back to the farmer he has a little patch of soul husks which I guess makes sense all he knew was farming then he found himself here for eternity in a place where nothing grows except for sole husks it makes sense that he'd start farming them this is however a grand opportunity for us to collect handfuls and handfuls of some husks and troll them back to Morvan Stroud in exchange for magical goods so be sure to reap soul husks from the reaping reap soul in the realm of soul reapers then reap and repeat frolicking to the north-east in the macabre and unvoiced n''d wharves of the soul kin will find a tall and hollow tower this is the spineless spire comprised of sets of stairs curling high into the purple abyss above stacked upon one another scantily clothed in tattered cerulean bolts guarding each landing of varying undead ready to protect the guard post and stop all who would climb with a gravely halt about halfway up will spot a book resting in a strange place on the ledge of the tower begging to be blown Gustav wins this is a copy of the ever common the book of life and service that we find lying around the Salkin there's no worth in us taking it with us now upon the crowning floor will be met by a RAF man ready to battle intruders within his watchtower interestingly on the ground level of the tower there is actually a teleporter and if we stand within it we'll be taken straight to the top a sure way to say weary legs and unnecessary ascent as throughout this stepped spire there is absolutely nothing interesting just more undead and a hell of a walk almost as if this is some kind of prank set by the ideal masters to lure entire adventurers letting out curiosities force us to corkscrew up into the sky only to wind back down to the ground exhausted so much potential with so little to offer a true annoyance for any true adventurer now just a skip and a hop to the north will find a huge sell well venting wisps and strands of ghostly soul energy glowing bright in the ever nights but as you may have noticed there is also an orcish encampment here three or Zana souls have taken this soul well as their campfire huddling and milling around the place they are all heavily armored and equipped with deadly weapons suggesting that they were doing battle when they were torn from Mondas and spewed into the detritus ridden soul can surely quite a task for a necromancer of any skill to pull 3ox into oblivion at once but it doesn't end there on though if we follow the orcish soul that patrols to the edge of the camp just a silt stratas step away there is a dragon skeleton with quite a story to tell as lying on the ground in the rough gray mall there are 2 orcish arrows these would appear to have once being lodged into the side of the dragon there is a third arrow on the other side near the eye now we take a look at the head we'll see a very clear cause of death a great origin battle-ax sits violently embedded into the Dover skull splitting the beasts head in Twain it would seem that this dragon was beaten and defeated by this band of bandit orcs a very interesting find indeed but it does not explain how all three orcs along with the body of a dragon were ripped through space from Mundus and into oblivion that is truly quite the feat even for a master necromancer perhaps it was the same one who brought the dragon and the nor that we saw at the start of the video but I guess as with most of the soul can we'll never truly know trudging to the northeast will see a raised lock of star and bent and crooked in the shifting salt sands at the base of the stairs that lead higher there are two missed men floating guard with eyes locked atop the massive altar following their gaze ascending with each step as cautious and curious as the last we'll find it mostly bare but at the back of there is a collection of worthy eye catchers just over there as we close in a mist man will pop up and greet us with glowing eye sockets and a ribbed fountain of nameless grave dust passing him to the treasure we saw and seek a candle lit shrine flickers in praise to an unknown Barrow at the base we can find a petty soul gem a coin purse and a piece of paper this is jibs opus page 7 we'll be sure to tuck that into our pocket to read for later but there is another text around this deaths of disease and death we will want to get a hold of it rests on top of the shrine this is the spell tome conjure mist man if we pick it up we'll be able to find it in our book tab simply activating it to learn the spell it summons a mist man from the soul cane for 60 seconds wherever the caster is pointing a lovely new spell to add to your collection especially if you wish to dabble in the dark arts of necromancy now who placed this spell tome here and why who even made this spell tone that is a question difficult to answer impossible even I am interested to hear your thoughts as I have none for now though let's just take it with us but the fact that it is a spell time for summon mist man surely explains why the whole surrounding zone is littered with them it sure solves that mystery or in this case mist mannery moving to the northwest will fall under the darkening grips of a penumbral monolith that shades the lands as we slowly tilt our heads back out eyes wide as we take in the horrifying and magnificent sight before us this is the floating arch tower of the keeper a citadel locked in space spinning and destruction with an unusually high level of lightning casting down upon the surrounding area from the accursed base of the ungodly sky fortress atop the foundations of black earth stone is a square tower crowned with one of the few twisting soul spires in the soul can with shattered blocks warping as cursed florid Ariel rages and burning bright soul sacrifice beaming through the gaps in the broken brick truly an ideal masters paradise beneath the mimic infernal city are many undead clumping around and praise an eternal servitude as they once said on the grounds beneath the floating arched Tower we will see there are three columns standing proud directly underneath the center of the mass above as we approach it the air is heavy with electricity static lingers like fog cling to our soul like a toad in a storm to a lock our skin will tingle and our hair will dance with micro crackle admits the three columns there is a centerpiece a luminescent violet circle a teleporter and with brave step if we leap into it we'll be transported up into the floating arch tower to the base of a high climb with many steps to come ascending into the sky to the next landing we'll find four souls bound by a keeper to the soul spire atop the floating arch tower both locked and serving they stand having their very essence drained to fuel the barrier ritual to the boneyard this however is the last of the three so we must find the keeper to the western side there is another stair that leads higher to the final Dee roof two mezzanine will find a keeper of the bow as with the others he is an absolute unit towering above the Dragonborn clad in dragon bone armor with matching bow and arrows with a ferocious pulsing purple void with gleaming amethyst eyes in place of a head we must do battle and slay this brute a task only fit for those well prepared as the keepers arrows strike hard and true once he is defeated however on his ghostly remains we will find nothing more than a black soldier once again like the others the four spirits that were bound to the tower will now have vanished and being the third and final barrier ritual to be stopped the magical walls surrounding the boneyard will now have been lowered and we can enter the heart fortress which we will do soon enough but for now on this same level we can find another teleporter walking into it will throw us back at the bottom like trinamic being expelled from boethiah now like a mimic Malekith we leave and feel the dim light brighten around us as we exit the umbral shadow cast by the devilish construct above us to the west will see a moderately sized structure fashioned in the classic mismatched saltcan motif where no two parts seem to have been built with any specific purpose or end vision in mind this is the Masters look out on the ground level there is a doorway that leads into a Croft inside here are stairs that lead to the lookout where the master sits guarding these stairs is a wrath man although it goes unsaid that the ideal masters most certainly do not need any kind of protection while inside their realm as we step into the outside be warned as the ideal master will begin to siphon our very being sucking our soul through our flesh and into its endless store of soul energy we must be swift in our actions underneath the floating crystalline figure is a chest at the base of this there is the book of life and service the same one we read earlier and have stumbled upon since inside the chest there is an assortment of expected random levelled lutes and the third and final Reaper gem fragments which we'll be taking for later on for now though we'll want to get the hell out of the ideal masters grips and break free from the tethering tentacles of arcane spirit reaping beams that cling to our animal from afar we can admire the sight and grandeur of the ideal Marcille as we walk away with his goods in our possession heading to the west we'll reach the outer reaches of the boneyard glued to the main bowl walk on the eastern face is this spiked outhouse redoubt Cathedral lichen motif and crypts like in gothic atmosphere while there are side steps the center houses a huge reaching staircase that leads straight up to the heart of the Shivering chateau populated by souls who seem nothing short of extremely bored sitting around doing nothing wistfully leaning on walls and no doubts milling endlessly over how they could have avoided the events that led them to being here a fate almost as torturous as eternal servitude buzzing about like a Drunken be on the warm spring afternoon is a whispering spirit darting back and forth enjoying whatever it's doing there is a small series of polished stone steps that lead up to a shadowy mausoleum inside of which buried at the back in a pile of bones is a small chest inside here we'll find our much-anticipated collection of random levelled lutes but interestingly on the ground in front of the chest are two oxidized chunks of silver ore don't know why they here but it seems that everything has a silver lining along with them there is also a piece of paper you guessed it this is jibs opus page number four we'll be sure to tuck that into our satchel and save it for later now though we'll leave this place and with it the lazy Souls meandering aimlessly locked in an eternity of misery for now it is time to migrate to the central north of the soul can as we have defeated all three keepers and valiantly deactivated the aegis ritual the barriers are down and we can now enter the heart of the accessible soul can the boneyard a huge walled Citadel decorated majestically with towers parapets partisan steeples soul spires and other ghostly knickknacks and architectural designs following the night stone pathway will be faced by a huge urban wood portcullis strapped with black iron bands in rivets entering through here will exit into the courtyard of the boneyard a truly stunning and brilliant sight no matter how damning we know it is the huge bold walk that lines the perimeter is bound in the corners by Seoul spires blazing blindingly with planes worth of soul energy strangely one of the Seoul spires at the back has no glow suggesting is not performing properly but given we don't really know what their purpose is anyway it's sure hard to say nonetheless it's a worthy observation in obscurity and curiosity now the ground is blanketed with thick black cross painted with milking mists like piercing fingers of rising corpses from their graves puncturing the Earth's surface of tombstones scattered about in this ancient gravesite a number of undead patrol the grounds now in the eastern corner we can find Val Erica's alchemical laboratory here lies an absolute dream for any apothecary a prismatic serving platter of ingredients and potions to play with including to nightshade a draught of resist fire a draught of resist frost a draught of resist magic a death bell two pairs of ice Wraith teeth a solution of vigor fire salts frost salts vampire dust three soul husk extracts one soul husk more vampire dust an elixir of extra magic ax and elixir of lasting potency a potion of vigorous healing a salt pile a blacksmith's elixir and enchant is alexia two bowls of bone meal two more soul hosts void salts glow dust another soul husk extract two rolls of paper two bone meal and yet another pile of vampire dust along with five books on oblivion authored by mauryans Ennis the book of life and service authored by an unknown the effects of the Elder Scrolls authored by Justinian's Polonius magic from the sky authored by a lab chair roll and immortal blood authored by someone simply signed off as anonymous a truly tantalizing assortment of goods for an adventurer of any persuasion now the sole husk extract cannot be made by the player but only by Val Erica who will require that we trade her five soul husks for her to brew the extract inside the lavish case is also an elder scroll which you can see more of in my full video explaining the true nature of the Elder Scrolls within the Elder Scrolls games for us now though we'll head back out into the boneyard now you may have noticed the king of the castle an undead dragon named derp nevere who has been tricked and trapped here by the ideal masters to guard Val Erica we will have to fight him during the dawn guard main questline but not now as we're here for exploration and discovery not violence but here is something very very curious and annoyingly unsolvable here in the boneyard there are two chests both on rooftops one is on the podium where Dona Vera's perched and the other is on a roof behind it both contain random leveled saltcan lutes as we would expect but they are both completely inaccessible without the use of console commands or some serious glitching I do believe it is an unfinished feature as there are Sol wells all over the place which as we know are sometimes actually teleporters but after jumping and standing in each and every one of them none where in fact teleporters so there is no way to get up to these chests they've just been placed here and left to confuse the Abid explorer like you and I and while I like chests of all shapes and sizes I refuse to spend another second trying to figure out how to get my hands on these two we'll just have to admire them from afar as it's time for us to move on to the answer penultimate curiosity within the soul can now at some point during our travels in the soul can we'll run across this lost soul you must help me find my are vac he doesn't deserve to be in a place like this calm down dude who's our back our vac my horse we came to this horrible place together we were attacked by monsters so I told him to run please he's such a loyal creature and he's been running for so long you have to see him a place like this will change you well how can I help him give him a carrot what do you want me to do Harvick are back where are you are back please come back come back what what do you mean hmm well that was punctual I guess now again while wandering around the soul can and after talking to that soul we can actually witness avec spring into existence prance around a little then fade back into the nothingness now to complete this tale we must make our way to the central north east of the sunken rather near the camp of orcs we met earlier here there is a single ranked archway with a super glow purple light within its there are four spirits with their hands raised they seem to be praying or praising this shrine at the center Hobbit is a horse skull but no normal horse skull nay this is our back skull and just as his once owner proclaims the soul Kent does seem to have changed him curious as to why these souls have chosen to perform this ritualistic ceremony of hand waving and knee scraping towards the scalp perhaps they're aware that our backs the best mount in the game but be warned as we approach the worshipping zealots to our back skull will be unmasked and reveal their true form all four of them are mist men and will attack us in an attempt to protect the skull from us they are vehement and denying that we complete our quest destroy them and take our vex skull upon doing so his owner will appear once more our vac you saved him his soul is free I can feel it he's such a loyal Beast here I'll teach you how to call him to you he'll help you get around this wretched place but I'm sure he'd be much happier someplace sunnier goodbye hero take good care of our back for me such a good horse Cheers cover and now we will have been taught the spell summon avec which does just that it summons our very own undead indigo flaming skeleton horse it's pretty cool and now we're ready to stir up trouble son now the really cool thing about our back is even if it dies we can just recent in my opinion this makes him the most superior mount in the game so be sure to have some fun with your new steed for now though let's gallop down to the penultimate curiosity for this video all the way down in the southeast and most corner of the soul can we can find it the reapers lair a structure unique in shape and design oddly short when compared to the other monoliths and abstract obelisk sand castles around the place it has very strange roofing modelled from some kind of star with a geometrically hermetic motif painted with the Gothic overtones of archers and spikes the front door is thick and crafted from heavy blackened wood braced tight with black iron bands and heavy nails driven deep like those in a coffin if we simply push the door we may enter but we'll feel a breeze as the studded slammer softly seals behind us and we tread through the narthex the candles each and either aside convulse with a diseased lambent see a rich vein of gas runs deep through the node of quietude and bolts that flashbang through the peerless darkness of the penumbral chambers nave we find ourselves in darkness unable to glimpse the true magnitude the auditorium as each rocketing Thunder fades whispering a threnody leaving us in silence and darkness to wonder anxious the horrors that surround us with clear focus and composure we can gain back our senses and see what's in here at the center of the room is what would appear to be a teleporter although this is inaccessible in front of it however is a pedestal if we interact with it the three reaper fragments we collected throughout our journey of a soul can will be sucked from our inventory and as three they were collected as three they come the trio of crystal shards will float purposefully as lightning crashes around us this is where we meet horror incarnate from the bone wall at the back of the room a nonpareil figure will emerge along with four bowmen from the bone piles of the sides of the chamber this ghostly executioner is known simply as the Reaper and he will be hostile so be prepared for a strange fight as the Reapers main offensive maneuver is to spew green slime onto us something I do believe to be a Ghostbusters reference and despite him wielding that huge axe that could easily cut us into like sheogorath to a cheese wheel he does not attack with it and will only block with the mighty axe making this elusive occult arcane and otherwise epic encounter a bit lackluster now the Reaper does have a rather unique appearance with an aubergine mist the pulses from his torso lined silver in a transparent ghostly wave and bright eyes that fade to red as unique as he is crush him and upon his defeat is where it gets really interesting as on his corpse we can find the iron battle axe which he wields but doesn't really use we can find three black soul gems and ever so strangely a Daedra hearts now who has Daedra hearts yeah that's right Daedra have Daedra hearts does this mean the reaper is actually a type of danger given he also carries black soul gems well that would suggest that he's actually a creation of the ideal masters fueled and powered by those black soul gems although that's strange because there's three of them now as far as we are aware with the teachings from current law Daedra have no place within the soul can and the ideal masters do not perform dealings with them so why does the Reaper and assume it slave and even creation of the ideal masters carrier Daedra hearts I've never seen or heard of any type of data that matches his appearance he's even ghostly and see-through like an undead and apart from the Daedra heart I would never suspect that he is one it's very curious indeed and something to think about before you sleep but now that has been dealt with we can have a look around at the rest of the penumbral chamber as we saw the repress pews green goo this is actually a reused attack from the afflicted from peri odds questline but in this case I do believe it to be some kind of ectoplasm specifically in reference to that from the Ghostbusters movies as the ghosts in those movies leave green slime on stuff and in the soul can we do find some other ghostbusters references paired with the fact that we don't see any other ghostly creature in Skyrim perform such an attack naturally leading me to conclude that yes it is a Ghostbusters reference now it would seem that the Reaper has been using this green slime before as in the piles of Bones lining the ossuary we can find pools and splatters of the green goo also strangely there are a few drips that come from the roof and they are nothing other than this green goo - has the Reaper been spraying his green loads all over the place I truly hope not now the Reaper gem fragments will remain floating above the pedestal and the lightning will continue to crash down from the electrified void Ruth as for now though it's time to leave this crypt of oddities and make our way to the ultimate curiosity in the soul can in the Central East of the realm we can find a single soul standing and muttering to himself pacing back and forth with a burnt-out campfire at the center of the clearing he has much to say and might just rile up some memories for older Elder Scrolls players damn it how could I be so foolish when I rewrite those pages it'll see what they missed did I start with my ride on the prison ship Oh what was it before that what was it I said that prisoner stand up there you go who would dream me yes that was it did I call it the great hunt or was adjust the hunt I can't remember was it between the forces of good and evil no that's not it and without any regard for my safety I fearlessly charged the enemy no much true dramatic savior of Morrowind earnest good but it sounds to me narrow of scope was it having the adoration of thousands no wait I couldn't make it the adoration of tens of thousands I wonder how many copies are sell hundreds thousands I'll hire the finest bookbinder I can find once I get it done first I'll publish a regular edition then the folio shall be rich for those who don't know Jim he is the first character that you meet in the Elder Scrolls 3 mara wins he wakes us up on the prison ship and we give our character's name to him they have taken you from the Imperial cities prison first by carriage and now by boat to the East tomorrow wind fear not where I am watchful you have been chosen wake up we're here why are you shaking are you okay wake up stand up there you go you were dreaming what's your name well not even last night's storm could wake you I heard them say we've reached morrowind I'm sure they'd let us go quiet here comes the guard this is where you get off come with me you better do what they say I've saved him for lost in this video because he's the first thing I ever saw in an Elder Scrolls game so it seems fitting to have him send off the curating curious curiosity series for Skyrim now once we leave him at the start of the Elder Scrolls 3 morrowind we never see him again so we do have much to discuss g'day mate what do you want wait what exactly are you doing how does anyone expect me to write my opus with all of these rude interruptions tell me about it opus what opus what do I mean indeed if I hadn't lost all of the pages I wouldn't be in this predicament and we would having this conversation wake up you're dreaming not joke see totally dead let's start from the beginning very well I suppose a moment or two of my time couldn't hurt I'm actually bleeding from this I am chip some called me Saint chip others call me chip the Eradicator perhaps you've heard of me I have heard of you but that's not an option apparently I can't say that I'm surprised by your answer until I get my second volume published no one will ever know of my achievements you're talking about a book write a book I'd hardly call a 26 volume epic simply a book I'd call it one of my scripts surely you've heard of the rise and fall of Saint Jim the Eradicator hero of morrowind and savior of the dunmer maybe your title that you can say in one breath is in order maybe you should leave the writing to an expert stop making foolish suggestions yeah a point mate how's you work going terrible simply terrible I was in the midst of writing the second volume and they just threw me into this prison is unfair who threw you in here exactly that damned Remora and his minions they didn't even give me a chance to explain who I was at Remora captured you well I assume so it cast a spell at me from some kind of strange black crystal next thing I knew I Oh buddy your soul was trapped my what wait that means yeah you're dead as a dweller know all these wasted months or has it been years I don't even remember how much time has passed now my work will never see the light of day my name would be forgotten could I help at all perhaps do you have a way out of here I do but you can't leave that way maybe I can't leave but my writings can in order to write the second volume of my opus I need the notes from my first volume otherwise I need to do all of this from memory how many pages did you lose when I was tossed in here I felt myself falling and I dropped the page as I had been holding there were ten of them in all find them for me please I beg you now remember all those pages that we picked up along the way well those are jibs opus pages we'll get to those soon enough but for now let's talk to gypsum more so tell me how did you earn your nickname ah yes as a gym gym the Eradicator chip the Magnificent I've earned a lot of those titles thanks to my campaign against the winged menace the winged menace yes I'm speaking of the cliff racer of course wretched things they used to crisscross the skies over morrowind like fairman nasty flying creatures were the habit of sneaking up on the unwary what was your campaign against them after I was freed from prison I decided to turn my life around give something back to the people of morrowind it became quickly apparent that the best way I could help would be by wiping out the cliff races were you successful indeed I was I hunted down and killed every last one of them took years the people of morrowind was so grateful to have the roads safer again they took to calling me sake Jeb and then the other names followed you mentioned you were in prison that was a dark time in my life I did a lot of things I ended up regretting maybe that's why I worked so hard to redeem myself I was freed what did you do I murdered others for money and before you think I belong to some romantic or secretive killed think again I was simply an addict who needed money for school MA the stuff wasn't cheap and murder always seemed to be in demand how'd you get caught I finally bit off more than I could chew I was paid to assassinate some high-ranking official from house retirin what I didn't know is someone had hired the morag tong to kill in his room ah rival assassin exactly he got to my target first and called the guard to cover his tracks by the time I got there the place was on alert walk right into a trap and didn't even realize it until I was captured so what ended up happening to you tried me for murder through Leon a prison ship and sent me to the jail and vivec city gave me a lot of time to think that's for sure why would add Remora attack you well it's a ridiculous question everyone traveling through here has said that the Oblivion gates have been opening all over tan Rio that's a bit before my time has he been that long oh my we haven't it started with the followers of mehrunes dagon having Emperor Uriel Septim the seventh assassinated without a Septon on the throne of the Empire they Khan was able to leave oblivion through the gates and attack how was dagan able to do that all I heard is that without a septum sitting on the throne of the Empire the dragon fires in a place called the Temple of the one we no longer this meant that we were vulnerable to the forces of oblivion what ended up happening well I don't know everything seemed fine until that Remora attacked me I only heard later about the gates from the other souls I can only assume the gates have been closed by now where were you captured I had just moved from my ancestral home in morrowind to the continent of syrial I settled in the city of gavage to write my memoirs and to find some peace and quiet is that where you were attacked indeed one moment I was writing diligently and the next my door bursts open it was a cadre of jhamora the city was under attack I took it upon myself to join the cause and fight the de Moura thinking this would simply be another feather in my cap didn't work out that way I assume the reason I was standing in front of you has only a whisper of my former self should tell you that I never knew what became of gavage I wonder if they were triumphant without me they were and you know what Jim here are all of your pages finally I never thought I'd see these again these pages meant the world to me thank you so now what now volume 2 begins what else well good luck I guess we'll be off oh wait a moment dear I want you to have these before you go a pristine copy of my first volume only one imprint actually and take this as well seeing as Saint chip has ascended to pure spiritual form I won't need it any longer oh thanks Jim so Jim will have now given us the locket of Saint chip which is one of the best necklaces in the game in my opinion providing armor carry weight and stamina and it's one of only two necklaces in the game to have an armor rating and we'll also have the only copy of Saint jibs opus and now that it's all together we can finally read it the rise and fall of Saint Jib the Eradicator hero of morrowind and savior of the dunmer I am a hunter I am a redeemer I am chip the tail of my rise to glory begins in the ash wastes of morrowind I wrote a lone weapon at my side and the burning wind stinging my face my quest was arduous but necessary to ensure the survival of the dunmer people a pestilence was creeping across the Ashland's a menace with an insatiable hunger that plagued innocent travel is simply trying to get home it was myself sworn task to hunt them down one by one and drive them from the it's their fury knew no balance and their war-cry resonated across the lands they were the notorious cliff races and they had to be destroyed on a particularly hot day during the sun's height I was tracking what I called a lingerer a cliff racer without a nest he was a particularly feisty one to leading me on a merry chase across almost three miles of Ash tunes I had managed to take a piece out of one of his wings in an earlier scuffle so he could maintain much of a climb but he still had quite a bit of stamina left and he was trying to make me tire the chase almost two solid hours passed and my silt Strider was tiring but I couldn't give him I had sworn to eliminate the foul beasts to the loss and I wasn't going to let it go if I was going to stop the thing I'd have to do it fast I pulled my longbow back and knocked my last arrow I took a deep breath and pulls trying to keep the cliff racer in my sights it was literally a long shot with the Beast gaining distance and the silt Strider bouncing me around at full gallop finally with a silent prayer I released the string the arrows sang through the air like a howling demon as it sliced its way towards its target finally just as he crested the lip of a foyer de the arrow struck in the midsection it let out a horrible cry and fell out of sight my cries of triumph were quickly stifled by the sounds of over a hundred wings rising from the foyer de was an entire colony of cliff races and they were out for blood the blasted thing had led me right to their nest and sacrificed itself with the intent of feeding me to its poor it was a trap the damned things had become much too clever knowing this was likely the end I jumped down from the silt strata and hit the back of its legs with the flat of my glass blade there was no need for the innocent thing to die here today because of my stupidity as the ash cloud cleared from being stirred up by its massive legs the cliff racer brood approached I held my sword high and prepared for the worst the battle lasted two full days I was beaten clawed bitten and knocked down more times than I care to remember in the end 76 cliff races were slaughtered I was knee-deep in their corpses and my body on the verge of collapse but I had survived I smiled to the heavens and all went black when I awoke all I felt was my back on a cold stone floor every muscle in my body was on fire and my vision was blurred slowly I tried to climb to my feet it took several agonizing minutes but I finally managed to do it as my eyes adjusted to the dim light of my new surroundings I realized that I was standing before Lord vivec himself he was simply staring at me floating above his throne and staring at me with his piercing eyes when I began to prostrate myself as a sign of respect he held up one of his hands as if to say it wasn't necessary was i dead was lord Levesque pleased with me was he about to strike me down in anger for my somewhat solid past suddenly I understood everything suddenly I realized that I was brought here for a reason I should have died in those Ash wastes but Lord the Veck must have seen something inside me that he hadn't seen in millennia and decided to spare me from my fate thus begun my ascent to sainthood thus begun the rise of saint jib and that is the story of saint jib at the Eradicator a sweet and nostalgic way to end our journey through the elder scrolls 5 and with that gift we have now fully explored and curated the curious curiosities for the soul can and all of Skyrim as this is the final episode I do hope you have enjoyed this oddly unique area with its ghastly fields crooked towers and deathly dark corners where many obscure and unexplainable oddities lay in wait for the keen explorer to discover and question so whether they were new finds or old friends I do hope that you have enjoyed the curious curiosities of the soul can [Music] thank you very much for watching I've been camel and I do hope that you have thoroughly enjoyed the curating curious curiosities video for the eerie and gothic plane of oblivion known as the soul can if you did enjoy this video and you would like to see more of these types of videos please consider subscribing it helps me know that people are interested in this kind of contents and it will result in more of it in the long run and if you do enjoy these curating curious curiosities videos please feel free to check out the links in the description these of course will lead you directly to the curating curious curiosities videos that have already done for Skyrim if you did learn something new in this video please leave a like I'd appreciate it greatly if you have any theories back stories imaginings or explanations for any of these curious curiosities please leave a detailed explanation of what your thoughts are in the form of a comment down below I'm very interested in hearing some of your explanations for some of these ever so strange and curious finds within the soul can the community's collective mind power will be much greater than mine I hope so hopefully together we can come up with all the backstories for these curious curiosities now down there in the description you can also find links to all of my social media be sure to follow me on Instagram and Twitter and if you would like to become one of my heroic patrons or a sponsor you can of course support the child that way as I'm sure you know all of my time and energy goes into making these videos that I create for you to enjoy so your support is most genuinely appreciated and welcomed in any and all forms so thank you very much for watching thank you very much for supporting the channel I've been Kamel and I'll see you very shortly in the next video I'll see you there soon
Channel: Camelworks
Views: 1,050,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Skyrim, elder, scrolls, five, VI, six, scrolls 6, news, lets, play, through, how, to, Curating, Curious, Curiosities, curate, CCC, unmarked, location, exploration, hidden, secret, treasure, easter, egg, bonus, dlc, expansions, eso, online, camel, works, camelworks, gaming, channel, video, find, mackenzie, rowles, facts, lore, puns, legends, stories, series, bethesda, games, studios, softworks, zenimax, theories, crazy, canon, mystery, theory, detective, 10, tiny, details, Soul, Cairn, Ideal, Masters, Valerica, Serana, horse, necromancer, magic, ghost, oblivion
Id: wh-mhaMiqtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 36sec (7536 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 20 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.