DEEP Lore Gets WEIRDER (ft. Camelworks) | The Elder Scrolls Podcast #34

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[Music] what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to fudge muppet i'm scott here with michael and drew and today special guest camel works who if you don't know you should know and we've actually been friends since 2014 15 14 15. around 14 too long we've been a while so we're familiar is what we're trying to say so what when you drowned him in the bathtub very familiar yeah i forget that happened we might even have time to make a plan too no okay look are they gonna tell people to watch it i was like it's so cringe that's what makes it good cringe is the best because we also have the battle royale of us fighting you in the deserts of hammerfell it's good for you when you're watching it but as the dude getting drowned by scott it's like oh my god anyway that was actually that was for us but the point of this episode is the iceberg part two so we have this giant essentially meme list of theories some of them are legitimate some of them are kind of not so much and our goal is to go through as many as we can in this episode obviously we're not going to clear the whole list judging by the length of last time and kind of figure out what we know from there what we don't know what's good information or interesting and what is total bs so we're up to blade secret bloodlines i believe on the galatia picture or kind of just getting to the glacier picture who knows what that is what do we think guys uh i i gave that a quick google last night and there's literally nothing this is absolutely just like one i don't know if it even if there's any like connection to um maybe some kind of like uh i don't know vampire bloodline or something you know harken has a katana that's like literally all this conjecture's based upon like maybe there is some like secret but it doesn't make sense i was thinking maybe the blades had kept a secret bloodline of um septums that's all i could think of yeah it could be i feel like this this one's pretty like vague i don't know anyway the next one is arden saul which we already spoke about on the shivering isles podcast this is the um powerful prophet from an earlier time in the shivering isles who the zealots and the manics have very different or the zealots and the heretics i should say have very different beliefs about um there's nothing too uh crazy here but that's the other thing like half of these also they're just the names of a law topic as well like they're not and some of them aren't like theories necessary but anyway i'd say go watch the shivering arms podcast and we'll just chunk along too are there some people who think that he owns the shivering isles and the shield is like a fill-in yeah that would be one of the yeah there's the idea that some people think he's like the kind of the new ruler who's not necessarily going to mantle him but he's kind of just like yeah more important have you guys already done mentally i don't want to expect i think that could even be i think that is a topic or maybe we need a good yeah but yeah it's the heretics in the shivering isles that that think shayagorath is just like a man that needs to be overthrown um and then the zealots think that art and saul is a personification of shaya gorath's mortality so yeah you never actually see him in that right no no no he just has his like uh temple thing in the city next is from the many headed talos and that's a michael kirkbride writing that actually predates skyrim but in skyrim it was slightly modified and used as heimski's speech you know the whole like hello storm crown thing or i love you and all that it's pretty much the same writing it's just slightly changed and and this yeah and that's the text it talks about turning the jungle getting rid of the jungle yes they don't like it right he's like i see you hate jungle therefore i'll get rid of it throughout all of thanks that's a huge move then we moved to hist biological supercomputers which um i mean yeah that's pretty standard i guess if you kind of boil it down to the idea that you know there are there are texts that say the roots are all interconnected underneath the land so it's kind of like a network i think is what that's getting at yeah i feel like it's like a metaphor for the history rather than their actual super computers and i guess the fact that they like suck up all the uh the information and the knowledge of dead argonians is an idea as well yeah so i guess in that sense they're all uploading themselves onto the hist drive from the blockchain bro don't worry scott he's scoring we'll get to luna currency lunar currencies on today's thing so oh good uh i have no idea what that is how do we get to um is it callixi's i know calixis is usually spelled with a wise and it's kalaxies tried to stop jay garcia is that the dude that was uh uh uriel septum the seventh other bastard son yeah yeah but he became oh it was like it was like the pope or something yeah archbishop that's that's probably a more apt title than the pope um but there's not much on him outside didn't he uh he like started he wanted to overthrow the empire oh and then he just he just vanished yeah he says mysteriously rumors began to spread that collapses believe that gods were angered by the state of the current empire and the emperor himself it was even said that he advocated a full-scale rebellion to establish a theocracy over the empire it sounds it sounds really like return of the elysian order kind of vibe thing you know what i mean like and then he disappeared yeah i think we all know what that means yeah he got assassinated but the theory there but the theory there is he tried to stop jagarthan so i mean yeah i don't know how unless and what well that would happen actually i'm not does it line up hold on i'll pull up it doesn't mind it doesn't well his death date i believe doesn't exist i'm pretty sure off the top of my head they write his death down as unless i'm thinking of someone else as four nine eight four hundred ninety yeah and it's meant to be three nine but i think it's meant to be three nine eight and then other people think that four one eight actually is the better typo um but it gets yeah because that's elder scrolls law picking between because 3 9 8. i think in 398 the woman that the law piece with him where he's being interviewed or whatever someone's interviewing about it basically that woman would have been like 16 in 398 and it wouldn't have made sense yeah i was thinking before how crap uriel septon the seventh was as an emperor in arena and daggerfall he gets like captured and then in oblivion he just gets killed at the start yeah he's got like all these bastard children i'm like oh man this guy's i don't know if he's that great i'm pretty sure he also got handed if going through the dynasty got handed a decent like uh empire at the time like it wasn't like a crazy amount of strife or anything either so how do you guys stuffing that up anyway next one i'm happy to move on to portal to sovengaard god so um in in blood moon like before we even got to um skyrim or going to the pool or anything there's a character called ufga the unending who's basically like betrayed and cursed and turned into like an immortal like a living stone i think it was i can't quite lead uh i think that was a different there was a grove with three yeah he's got tons of stones yeah and that's brody's grove and he's the guy that he owns um stormfang the lightning sort of greatsword and so on but he actually has a quote where um he was looking for sovereign guard with his um friends and it's funny because it kind of makes out sovereign guard to seem like more like an unfamiliar kind of mystical place that they're going to find but it could also be just metaphorical if they're going to die but there's like um apparently grimkel which is the wizard that betrayed them he was attempting to create a magical portal to sovereign card with like the brothers grove and so on but um yeah anyway then he's immortal and he can't get to savangard so he asks you to kill him there's also there's also a lot of theories out there about sovengaar just being a portal in you know skyrim that you can actually go to and how it's strange that you can access it without actually dying but i suppose that can be said of a lot of different realms and portals where people go to when they die you end up going there in elder scrolls online or i mean you even go to the soul can in skyrim so yeah and there's you people have been to far shores i'm pretty sure in the elsa expansion you go to the sands be on the stars how did you get to in daggerfall you get the mantella which you have to get from aetherius that yeah that do you remember how you get there i don't remember i haven't played it it's i can never get it to work it's kind of work i think i can't quite remember because some regards i know gorath is there in front when you're going to find them and tell her i'm pretty sure and it's it's look this is the thing i guess um daggerfall's old in in terms of like even some of its like lore stuff i guess like things you know the law evolves over time and so on so it's been like i don't know there's a lot of things in daggerfall that really don't apply anymore i guess um well one thing about sovengaard do you do you guys subscribe to the idea that like sovereign god is just where every nord goes when they dies or is it just like the idea that it's the greatest of nords i mean i've actually noticed like later on this list there is something that refers to their like celtic army but i subscribe to the idea that like southern guard is of like the sort of great nords that like die in battle or whatnot to actually be the army for sure in the next calpers yeah like where he rallies the best soldiers which makes you think that for most nords you don't actually get to go to southern guard so the idea that they're you know you got off guard trying to get there perhaps you know perhaps it's a very select group of people who can actually visit the place isn't that what the whole of valor is the select part sorry yeah i guess i guess that's where they meet and faced but yeah like you don't get to see the entire realm to get in there you have to prove yourself by defeating soon yeah so maybe the rest of sovengard is a place where everyone else can chill out but you just don't get to go in the hall of valor unless you're so there's vip section for the for the best warriors yeah yeah pretty much and then the rest just you know the player is just a bouncer for eternity [Laughter] how do you guys keep track of where you are on this with great i've got it open and i'm just scrolling literally i haven't moved it at all and it's just i can never figure out where we are so oh there we go okay oh god yeah else mary commentary on telos and i'm pretty sure this is just kirk bride's little writing about the thalmor yeah to kill man is to reach heaven and all of that it doesn't actually talk about it doesn't mention the thalmor does it it's alt mary um right but when you read the the text i don't think it actually people say it's about the thalmor and i mean that makes sense but the texts you know to reach to kill man is to reach heaven from where we came before the dune drums iniquity when we accomplish this we can escape the mockery and long shame of the material prison and then the three goals are up erase talos from the mythic remove man from the world and the past pattern of possibility and with talos and the sons of talos removed the dragon will become ours to unbind so i guess the part where you tie that to the foul more is the fact that they you know even if they weren't behind it they're kind of enacting it right at the moment yeah it's like getting rid of talos worship yeah it's the principles are undoing creation and going back to being floaty spirits and aetherius essentially which sounds mad sounds so boring it sounds so boring imagine you just like i'm returning to this jelly unspecified state where i just kind of float around and have no yeah it's like anything maybe it fell more agent exposed drew yeah i mean it's why you see that meme where they're like why don't you just kill yourself linda alrighty creation creation i think this is like the broad thing i've always thought about this is chaotic creation yeah chaotic creatures in oblivion i believe yeah is creation just just creation ever mentioned anywhere um what it could be you're referring to maybe like just like mata basically maybe the non-padamic version of creation like if there's an ananewic version of creature or something is what yeah i feel like i feel like it's like mata and antimatter that's why i imagine it's like a definable thing that you use to create stuff which could be just a reference maybe to the dream sleeve it's what the ideal masters did they found an area of chaotic creation and then built the soul can yeah yeah so i guess it's uh it's like the building blocks of that's what i think right it's kind of just like particles or atoms or something if you were to try and make it scientific you could just really go like they're metaphysical building blocks really but then just but then it's going to get weird when you get down to adron's and daedron's and then it's kind of like [Music] but we'll hey johnson yeah we'll get there we'll get there wait aren't they just reference daedrons isn't that just the singular form for them of a daedra or dangerous because i think that was dangerous the plural or something a day drug i thought he was making an electron joke yeah well i know about like the particles that make up them like the atoms of daedric and aedra okay i've had like four hours sleep it's like night in the morning let's let's go dude you're still dreaming yeah it's tonight which sounds like that yeah isn't it i remember vaguely it's something like uh just a khajiit prophecy kind of thing yeah is it i think it's the i saw something that it's like the khajiit kind of parallel to the nerevarine prophecy but not it's not obviously not the same prophecy because the same things haven't happened but like partially like their savior is the dro gizad but there's no like elaboration there's like such information on on it it's it's very like you know i think it was mentioned somewhere once is it in reference to dro zero like uh being i thought that but it i don't think so right because of the spelling i mean the weak i mean the wiki the wiki says the prophecies of that are comparable to the narrating prophecies and maybe tangentially connected on the draw zero page yeah but draw zero is like different is it yeah i feel like we're just seeing two foreign names and be like oh they're the same we'll draw zero you know like road yeah yeah but that's well i mean that kind of pulls them in a little bit more to the narrow marine proxy like proximity wise like yeah jose's like origin story is kind of like being a chosen cat essentially and if there is any sort of like you know re-coming of i mean i mean look here's the actual text that it's from right which is the hope of the rhetoric and it says there are still other prophecies kept secret from the prophecies of dro jizad and elsewhere and the nerevarine in morrowind to the elder scrolls themselves and then it goes on to talk about other stuff so it's kind of just like almost a throwaway line of here's this cool elsewhere khajiit prophecy but we don't really know much about it is that literally i'm pretty sure good i'm pretty sure why is it i feel like they just someone searched every word and every reddit theory and just went based on this i feel like if you were going to go down any rabbit hole with it it could be i i would say drozier is the best mix only because like you know being um associate like in the battle of red mountain kind of thing and being called as a referential to narrative ring stuff yeah like yeah but yeah all right move on we moved to hist sap hists massacres hell yeah i don't know what that is but i can only think of um theories relating to the massacre that takes place in elder scrolls for oblivion for the fighters guild quest with blackwood you know how they make you ingest the hisses up from the tree they smuggled in and and then you go and massacre waters edge and they all look like goblins to you nah dude they're just goblins man yeah you go on a goblin killing spree and it turns out they're people um yeah i was thinking about uh in the greg keys books when they summoned umbriel they hissed summon umbriel through and like uh umbrella basically it destroys little moth and a few other places yeah that's i'd heard that as well but there's no i don't think any saps involved though it's just this there are there are theories about it with with water's edge like um gosh what is that i remember people saying something like it it was like test it was a test for the the sap that they would feed like the argonians when the oblivion crisis happened this is like some crazy non-confirmed random theory that i just came across once but isn't that because isn't the hist anyway like it's supposed to have adverse effects on non humans like argonians it's no no but you can it will happen to you if you are an argonian yeah i feel like that's an example of a game limitation me too but consider it that um that's the basis of a lot of views i guess yeah the code the coder was like i can't be bothered to do this um there's the scroll of a domfa which i don't really know anything about and i don't think anyone really does i'm pretty sure it's there was this i think a forum based role play thing i think between kirkbride and ted peterson where they were like riding between each other as different characters and one of them's like please give me the scroll of a dumper please and the other one's like who's holding it right yeah like the guy who's got this it's from uh the psijic who have the scroll right but there's no mention of what the scroll is about i can't even remember if i think but i definitely there's no answer of what is the scroll of a dom for i think it's just like uh i've i've never heard of it yeah real help aedra are evil and i think this is kind of just referring to mankind cameron's kind of view of of things where law khan was betrayed he was like the prince of his own realm but betrayed by the other like what we call aedra the and uh that they're actually the bad guys which is a fun theory to be honest like i kind of quite like uh his view of things isn't there a book as well like a i think it could be a book called sithis or something like that that talks about how the aedra like couldn't handle being nothing and stasis and began to carve out their own identities and have their own like which in itself is kind of like an egoic motive right yeah i guess and stuff i don't know it can go pretty pretty weird it goes as deep as you because you know that theory goes in that theory goes along with the idea that you know marines dagon was kind of the good guy in in like with the league situation is that he was created to stop tyranny but then he chose to overthrow the tyranny of the aedra you know by by messing up the whole continent or whatever you want to call it the parallel place yeah yeah nords don't have soul [Laughter] if you get this one is there any basis for this thing the only thing i can possibly think of is you know how so they're like their idea rather than if you take the sort of like evolutionary kind of vibe thing where it's like in the migrations of the wandering el nafee and they sort of be you know trick down and trickle down and become like the races of man there's in nordic mythology there's the whole idea that kind breathed them on to the throat of the world and created them kind of so i wonder if it's kind of pulling on that sort of idea that they're like created things as opposed to i don't know if that really makes you know what i mean as opposed to the other ones that were just wandering eleanor faye that continually bread and bread and bread until they became um more mundane away from the spiritual forms like they had to resort to they couldn't create any more with their own power they had to resort to procreation like that's how all of the el norfei and stuff ended up you know the aedra that weren't the adria that could go and be the earth bones and such like that all i can think of is if you kill a nord you can capture their soul with a black soul gem myth busted yes there is a there is a character in morrowind um some xenophobic dunmer of course who says like oh do nords even have souls i don't know so or who can say or something like so it could just be a cheeky reference to her yeah right that's it half of this is like deep lore half of it's like crazy stuff and half of it's like real goofy just actual law references like uh falmouth or midnight that's a pretty easy one like the idea that they made the the moons disappear in order to gain the um yeah together well they they push it into this onto the side didn't they claim that they brought the movies back yeah it's just came back and they're like that was us dude yeah yeah yeah i i'm not 100 sure on exactly what happened but i know that the eso elsewhere expansion has all of the kind of aligning the moons with these this like contraption or whatever and it's kind of the whole storyline is traveling the path of jode um so it's kind of like there's i've seen connections between that and the void nights that whatever technology if you can call it that that was used in that expansion is what the foul one might have used to mess with the moons for the void nights but yeah i don't know why i just get the five like i just get the vibe that um they they don't know why they disappeared and they actually just when they came back they're like yeah we did that crisis right the same as the crisis i guess that's why because you know i feel like if they actually brought the moons back then they probably did cause it it's like al maleksia causing all those issues in mournhold she created these problems so she could then fix them and everyone's like oh you fix the problems yeah yeah i mean they but if the if the moon's just vanished i i doubt they uh brought it back yeah i mean they they say they did it with what dawn magic's which is pretty obscure yeah yeah um dubious all right yokuda never sank oh drew i think we were talking about like 30 minutes at the pub yeah yeah we're at the pub because i said like there's a lot of people who said well there's one person who says that yokuda's like ships travel to and from yokuda right the lighthouse dude in uh and an anvil in oblivion yeah yeah i i in my opinion i reckon that's a mistake but that's just my opinion anyway because i know there's just so much so much [ __ ] that says that it sank and it's like where are all the travelers man like how do we not know more about the place i imagine yokuda kind of like a nuke zone where it's like it's still there it's just completely destroyed and ruined and half sunken and like a place you can't live yeah imagine if australia all of a sudden 75 percent of it got covered by water and there's only like bits of land left but you might you would probably refer to that place as oh australia still well like what's left of it in the same way you could kind of go yokuta and there could just be you know a few islands or something like some of the mountain tops are sticking out of the water still but a lot of it's like you can just uncle yeah yeah yeah that's it yeah if you stand in eso if you stand on the shore of uh like the most western part of tiger and look to the horizon you can see like little mountainy uh silhouettes yeah but that's like should you see that far across the sea probably not people well the other thing is like you can walk across the continent in 20 minutes so yeah the only other problem with it is is the direction is like it's more likely you know this is really i don't mean it is but it's more likely um than it is yokuda in terms of direction because it's like if you if you put up the map of like uh the red the red guard map it's like north basically all right if you look at the sun and the shadows coming look i mean there's a video that goes all into this anyway but um i did it on the sand bank which is kind of silly but that's a a book in studio you can look at a lot of the law like lecturers saying a lot of the law examples like it's it's kind of like if you weigh them all up there's some that refer to yokuda still being a place but like i would say that the majority don't kirkbride has the idea that they kind of land on some nearby island i think like because there's a few islands like acos kazaars and things like that which um supposedly are still there but other people refer to it as like lost and lamented so it can go either way but yeah i guess you know guess what you probably never know yeah i mean there's there's also the concept that it's just completely a metaphor and that it didn't actually sink based on all the terminology of them using like um things to do with oceans and sea and and water and stuff i kind of i prefer that for old maris because it makes a lot of sense with their culture whereas with yokudans and red guards like they're not really changing from their culture they want to be as much like yokudans as possible for the most part um so the metaphor for me at least i know find it doesn't stick quite the same way it does with the old mary sundering which i which is cool but the ukulents came uh from boats to hammerfell right so there would have to be somewhere for them to come from in the first place yeah well that the first wave came about 12 years before this like if we get into it soon the new king of yokuda but that was about 12 years before the new king supposedly happened is when franda came because there's a couple of ways and then and then yeah like you'd expect my biggest thing is it wasn't like every single yokutan up and left instantly it's like they let waves of them left over a bit of time but there still should be a lot of people left like i'm sure not everyone could manage to you know get on their own boat if yakuta was still there so there i would think there would still have to be a big continent of people there what if they came like previous cow pot yeah that's what i was saying it's it's like a nuke zone yeah it's like if you look at it like that with chernobyl there was like a load of people just living rurally nearby and the police come by like you gotta get out of here and they're like nah we're chilling with our cows and we're not going anywhere yeah i think there's a garbage truck outside my house i can't hear anything i didn't know okay good so it's like the dude cleaning your windows last week oh yeah oh my god that was funny magical language what do we think what is it referring to the language that's used in shalador's writings yeah it could be it's it's like a just a made-up language that doesn't seem to connect to anything in real life or any like races in in the elder scrolls i feel like yet some people have decrypted them i'm like how how did you do crypto language it doesn't exist in a fake world or a real world i mean people do it leave it leave it to elder scrolls fans to do that the other thing it could be is it could be referring to the use of language and magical applications of it so obviously like we were talking uh in a different podcast about like protonimics and and um neonamics is it but basically like yeah in i mean there's the phrase of spells and incantations for those with the talents to cast them but that kind of implies that speech is involved in certain magic you know you need to say certain phrases or words it's obviously not a gameplay function and there's a silence spell as well which you can take metaphorically and just means you know silences them from casting spells or does it actually stop them from speaking and therefore they can't access certain magic i'm not sure there's also the thumb which is kind of like a literal language like speaking stuff happens yeah as well but i don't think it's really probably not it's putting magicka with ln but it's it's vague enough that it can just apply to too many things i was going to say a lot of those a lot of these things like that all right martin mantled akatosh you wanted to speak about mantling didn't you camel do you reckon he did though there was an avatar of akatosh right yeah what does that even mean an avatar of akatosh i i i i sort of always interpret it as like him and you know how the the amulet of kings has like the it's like the oversoul of past emperors and stuff like that he sort of used that in this one big superpower thing to be an avatar of akatosh but it's related to the idea that there's a pact between them with the dragon bloodline and stuff so it rather kind of like i feel like his ability to become an avatar of akatosh wasn't like a mantling thing but just as sort of a ultimate resolution of the long like you know millennial long um packed uh the covenant they made i i don't really because yeah there's there's more to akatosh than just the power of the amulet of kings and you know so simply put if martin mentioned akatosh he's doing a he's doing a [ __ ] job because the empire is not getting a good a good uh goal yeah i mean a lot of other projects to work on you know he was in lord of the rings he was in you know he's dying in about every show he's in you know it's not really effective um yeah phys physically when it happens you're like oh my god he mentioned him but if you think about it he hasn't he hasn't recreated akatosh's historical yeah he hasn't doings at all he just went snapped an ambulance with a yu-gi-oh dragon all right scott and this is yeah camel camel made a video about uh different uh wacky creatures recently and i'm i believe scar would have been one of them yeah the emperor crap the big old boy he got i can't remember who killed him someone's claren a dunmer dude because if you go to alderaan in in morrowind yeah there's scars carapace is the um it's called underscore like the the mana district of the city it's huge and this dunmer dude killed it with a it it's like a shell is described as like impenetrable can't be scratch damaged whatever and this guy got a spear and killed can't you find this one isn't there isn't it like a staff in the older school yeah it's yeah in the eso there's a spear you can get it it's in the video if you want to see it that's how it's called caldera um and then after it's kind of out of cannon stuff but have you seen like that artwork of um of a little bite-sized piece of like i think it's fan lore kind of thing that the idea that house veteran actually resurrected scar to fight against the dramora invasions in oblivion yeah that was kirkbride's stuff yeah yeah it's it's a really cool idea yeah i don't know if they actually resurrected it but they were trying to yeah well there's this big there's the picture itself i'm not sure if it's someone else's picture based on kirkbride's writing or what but um kirkbride had one concept art for it from morrowind and it's massive like that that's why the guy killing it with a spear i'm like how it's head is like 50 meters off the ground yeah how did you kill it i think i think they took that drawing and then someone's i've seen one with like daedra or stuff around hollywood okay yeah but um it's a cool idea and i also feel like i can kind of head canon next it doesn't um interfere with anything else because morrowind gets you know blown up so it doesn't really matter you know what i mean but yeah anyway i don't think there's anything else about scada it's literally just that big emperor yeah yeah okay monotheism so i guess just uh that would be talking about marook wouldn't it i can't think of any other examples kind of error stuff yes unless all like or maybe the all maker i've heard i've heard someone explaining to i think in an old video i made too but like the skull it's kind of a distinction between animism and monotheism like they believe like spirits are in kind of everything whereas monotheism being like the one kind of great true only one true god um and already the all-maker has the adversary like there's already a duality there like an acknowledged being and stuff and then they have like other you know bits and pieces to it as well whereas um yeah i don't know i don't know i don't think it exactly plus or maybe but i guess close enough but yeah i think would be referring mainly to um the elysian order and their belief in in what they just called the one which is their one big great god which is like the closest thing like said to the godhead i guess the idea that they were the closest to being i guess correct but that's not exactly how it works because myth matters in the elder scrolls so whoa all right what have we got what's next um conor monorique equals glamorial gift of life yeah something like that yeah did shalador steal it from akita wasn't he yeah it was a powerful artifact created by archbishop but he stole the gift of life from akatosh or something like that yeah and he hid it in la la la yeah yeah so people would say like you know how you got to go back in time you get the wooden mask you go get all the masks and you get conor rick and so on and conor reek like when you die you gives you health yeah he always gives you health you get a little bit of health yeah and i feel like that's involving time also makes sense with akatosh like the wooden mask and stuff but i don't when you read about glamour it sounds way cooler than conor i was going to say that's a crappy artifact that is actually sounds very cool but i guess talk about it's the it's the uh separation of like law and um and game play things like so many skyrim especially so many of them are shitty compared to their law to what they're talking about in the law like i kind of quite like this theory just because like if you if you treat it as the law versus the shitty game representation of it because it has to work within gameplay mechanics so there's just other artifacts that are a cooler and not given the same prestige i guess like um glamorial i think it was glamoral like charlotte was so obsessed with it he was like just not even talking to his wife like he was just so um it was like the da vinci code for him he and he couldn't crack it right it wasn't he it didn't be one of like immortality i think and he could just never figure it out the other thing to sort of go against this is kind of the timing like you you would think that like building a dragon mass priest mask and so on would happen during the time of the dragon cult but like the dragon cult was uh pretty sure it's all gone before the first era it's like dying out in the first era harold i think king harold gets rid of the rest of it or something in 118 i think vaguely can't remember the exact date i'll find it uh conor rick means warlord what i think 140. so in year one doesn't make any sense in the year 140 of uh of first era harold's force to stumble upon an attack fall host the last stronghold of dragon cult so when it's like got shalador and stuff who i think is a little bit later even um it doesn't really make sense that he's making a dragon priest mars plus isn't there hiding it there's lots of other theories about konorik and who was wearing it and like if it was phaloc the jailer and this and like yeah yeah there's enough shade there for that for me not to take that as like a super confirmed oh it is glamorous yeah well conor rick means warlord too i feel like it's more of a title rather than it was a sing like the name of a person it was whoever wore that was connoring yeah yeah yeah rather than the mask being named after the priest um all right next one emperor from the west no clue well west is yokuta and let's talk about emperors of yokuda i was thinking maybe it's referencing uh akavir and the emperor from the west is an emperor from tamriel that went over but i don't know oh yeah who was that dude the uriel stepped in the fear the fear of right that guy the guy that vanished yeah yeah that's it that's all i got anyway but it there's really there is that whole go and research it you're not going to find more you can you can kind of get into that whole theory that he goes over there but you know he he supposedly died but maybe maybe he survived and is now leading the is it the capoton the uh the uh tiger dragons or whatever and he's gonna you know there was an idea that was gonna fly back to tamriel yeah and reclaim his western empire but i don't think that would be a legitimate like a good theory unless todd had only because todd howard released his notes and that was a like a concept like outside of that i don't really think it has much to go on but it could even be uh maybe uh the remnants of yokuta are still there and there's a undead emperor from the west um emperor hero or whatever like you know yeah from yukita but uh yeah okay uh unstoppable on stars i think i brought this up in the last podcast they just like stars don't look like stars yeah and i think this yeah didn't you say that was what the song yeah like a certain constellation moving around in this yeah yeah okay i'm glad you guys are here because i was like yeah it's ringing a bell i don't know what it is we've got four people someone's gonna latch on that's the advantage the more the merrier for this stuff let's push to women yeah dwemer language encrypted what do you guys think i mean isn't that just the what is that people like decoding dwemer language and like what it means and spell you see it everywhere people trying to but isn't that saying that do you mean like translation but isn't it because that's easy but that's why i would think it's like is it saying that dwemer language itself is encrypted like there's a code for like maybe it's true meaning of do you know yeah so like even if you're directly translating you still can't understand their secrets like for example you know um the uh the plans that are like divine metaphysics or whatever that you give to jaeger and bagan and he says no i'm not going to read it because i don't think you why if dweme language was easy enough to you know translate could they could he not just translate so this is what i'm trying to get at like people have translated it everywhere but it's kind of gibberish or it doesn't make sense yeah so it's like well i guess maybe it is encrypted anyway it could just be do my language is hard i don't understand not much of a crazy theory there um daedric law khan i mean yeah we've kind of like touched on this with a bunch of different type of subjects already but you know mankind kind of poses the idea that um nern is his realm of oblivion which if you look deep into it you can kind of just about justify anything really like it makes sense that he could be um the daedric prince of nirn and he was just you know kind of had it all stolen from him and that's why you know his heart is the heart of the world because they can't exist without each other and all of that stuff okay yeah also everyone's face stopped at the exact same moment i was like oh [ __ ] i guess i'm frozen no i was like that's way better than anything i could have come up with anybody know what myth echoes are i have seen it referenced plenty of times but it's the one thing that i kind of like vaguely kind of like i take quite literally like echo i don't i don't know if it's kind of like a referring this complete guess so i'm not you know how there's the idea of like previous calipers and stuff like that you know this idea that in a previous calpers say like molag bao was a drag or something does like does the king of the dregs or whatever and his carapace kind of you know created the ruddy man is the ruddy man like a myth echo it's an echo of a a previous time do you know what i mean that's affecting the current maybe like with umaril as well kind of things that endure over the calpers could be considered you know mythic echoes i want to look i can't even find a find a link to any anything look let's see what the uh law community actually specifically yeah why are you doing it because i was like looking up as many of these as possible and i just thought it leads kind of nowhere so i'm like screw it i'd rather we just wing it together see if it's his own name he's even depicted slaying the serpent and his myth echoes of renowned dragon slayers i don't know what does that mean his myth echoes a renowned dragon it was just a forum but this is what you get this is where it takes you yeah i i kind of uh like i don't know even if you could go like you know stretch it to like pelano being like a myth echo of you know like any chesarine really of you know shazaar or lorkhan or whatever that is like the myth and then the echoes in there i'm i'm ready to next one yeah i'm ready to next yeah you can go screw mud crabs can speak a much better topic i guess this is one of the merchants in morrowind yeah okay that i always in my head cannon he's not a mud crab and he's like something else that's like cursed yeah because he's an alcoholic yeah it would make sense if shane the only thing he actually sells himself his old booze and when you speak to him he's like yeah he's smashed it's just something to press dude that's been turned into a yeah yeah um yeah it just thinks of daedric mystery could even be like a television wizard did it to him because there's any kind of around that area i can't remember he's in uh azure's coast yeah that's kind of telbani area so it could be like a television i think this one i could probably find it in game to be honest yeah i used to run there all the time all right talos ate all the dragons okay um next i don't know i don't know if that's the idea see like this is another example of like there were i it sort of seems like dragons were around and about in sort of daggerfall era law and they weren't like this kind of like because the whole idea that there was like ancient dragons they're all dead and now they've come back so maybe it's kind of the idea that when um talos was sort of created that he ate all the dragons or something i don't know i think there was i think there's two dragons uh in battle spire there's a dragon in battle spire it's dead but you arrive just after the daedra come in yeah and there's a note saying like oh no the danger are coming in i'm going to use my pet dragon and its name's like dragoon or something yeah and you just find a skeleton and then there's one in red guard too yeah in a follow argus and the same thing as i think of all third era games oh it's something it's got some weird name that reminds me of scat it's like skech mad or something in daggerfall the dragon yeah yeah yeah pet dragon but it's a bit and it's been later rationalized as not a real dragon i think i don't know look this is where you get the conflict of like daggerfall error law and more sort of post tomorrow in their law it kind of did have a little bit of a soft reboot like yeah so you always say you know what about yeah parthenox never died right yeah well he's stuck around yeah exactly but i guess that's all skyrim era oh and then there's the elder scrolls online there's one there's a bunch of dragons in that yeah in the whole there's three i think there's three dragons here i think we can red button that theory yeah all right tonal architecture i guess is something that we're all probably pretty familiar with the dwemer's superpowers and how they kind of could shape and bend reality and physics to do what they want elder scrolls online did expand upon it a bit and make it less mysterious and more like here's our tonal resonators here's our tools here's how this works a bit more like especially remember the calling thing with the helmet and like a lot of that powers got explained yeah the what thing with the helmet originally the the calling when earlier law the calling was sort of like this idea that oh the women are all telepathic right and they could talk to each other but lately later in eso i think they added an item which is basically like a headset basically so it's like a dwemer headset and that's how they're communicating over long distances and stuff and they're like oh someone called it the calling so like calling on the telephone it's like a telephone yeah tonal attenuators i think they're called just a big old pair of sennheisers it makes you think it like the that crazy scientist in back to the future it's just something he would have been this big crazy hat we're like spinning satellites on and stuff yeah he was just a dwemer who was in an outer world at the at the time when the disappearance happened i'd believe it okay all right siege of eleanor which is uh tiber septim using the numidium to finally conquer the somerset isles and there's all the stuff where it's kind of like caused a dragon break and it's like the actual proper siege of eleanor was like thousands of years or many many uh like a long periods of time so that's why the the thalmor especially have such like a hatred for idea because it's not just a simple like all came and we like you know doesn't that doesn't play into like um kirk bride's idea of landfall as well like the idea that a midian was sent into the future and that there's these like mirror logicians or some weird outma thing people fighting against the numidium constantly like through time to like keep it away it gets super anime yeah is landfall that fifth era theory thing where like knowns gets the story it's like related to like coda it's it's the event like nerd's destroyed and basically the um the khajiit and dunma go off to the moon and then like they've built colonies under the moon and it gets kind of work all right it also doesn't help that it's kind of like unfinished like coda is basically it's like a comic script and there's some art for it in pieces but it's just not kind of made into a thing and because it's a comic script as well you're like you don't get as much kind of narration as you'd expect like from reading a book or something so because it's supposed to be pictures and and we should get kirkbride on this podcast to help us with this list he'd know everything on it yeah take his test he wrote it all yeah all right all right the eye of argonia oh that's just the game that was going to be made i think after red guy yeah yeah i think it was after i think you're right there was another one as well that was going to be in elsewhere i think it's called paradise sugar or something because it was going to be oh sugar paradise it's oh man i can't remember what it is yeah so it's like elder scrolls adventures the eye of argonia was one of the planned sort of a jewel the actual ifr go in here isn't it a jewel i i don't know if there is actually much on it outside of like you can imagine it being some indiana jones-esque kind of yeah it's it's referenced in tribunal in morrowind you like sneak into this dude's house and you find this basement where they're printing all this propaganda and he's like what are you doing here and you're like i'm looking for the eye of argonia you can say that there's a recipe yeah it's it's an artifact said to be the priceless king's jewel of ancient black marsh yeah is there a yeah the source is dialogue um with uh dracus who runs the dragon tail in um in red guard all right it belongs in an imperial city museum that's what the character says when todd howard writes the whole thing right when talking to dracus a conversation about the eye of argonia comes up between him cyrus and tobias this was a teaser to the planned sequel um but never you know never made it all right next we have yeah i've lost my place on this massive list as well the walking dead the walking ways oh the many ways of achieving six six walking ways yeah sorry six walking ways is there six yeah so well like the the six walking ways all the different paths um to enlightenment right once again i feel like a lot of this gets vague it's like from certain like it's a lot of related to like the vex sort of wax stuff whereas like i feel like there's more than six ways or sometimes there's less than because like you know what i mean like it's it's one sort of perception of it but yeah i remember yeah the six walking ways there was one where whatever you did means you achieved gym but then one of the other walking ways was just gym i'm like yeah what does this mean then there's uh manteling there's the sigic endeavour uh the scarab that becomes the new man is the the amaranth yeah the person that becomes the girl then it gets into me there's like there's like two other i don't know yeah it's it's all from like the 36 lessons but even and we're heavily like um like people like when you read what their um uh my brain's gone well i was just saying like the walking ways like the even thing where it's like the the six this is like some list someone's made and it's like the sixth is the sky that transforms into the new man but like referring to the amaranth but amaranth is seemingly like a stage after kim not like uh do you know what i mean they do kind of go hand in hand like they're all kind of ways to achieve the same thing like the new medium being one of them and the towers being another and you know you can kind of but like the next i couldn't remember if it's kind of like anti-creation or like you know undone the tap or undoing the towels or something it is kind of like a different um goal like because the whole amaranth's idea is to so you know it's like kim and then transcend that and you're kind of creating the sort of you you're escaping the godhead essentially and kind of creating a new world for people to live in like you're not actually even inside the dynamic anymore which one is that what are you talking about the amer amaranth stuff i thought it was they replaced the godhead well i guess you could i mean i guess but then again whatever the [ __ ] is it's just they become like the the dreamer the new it's an escape for everyone it's kind of like because the encoder it's written it's like coders anyway is sort of like the thematic end to the um the sort of metaphysical story of morrowind anyway that's why it's like all written so it's kind of like to give like a nice little cap off and that's you know that's why it's whack as well but let's move on yeah if six walking waves was too much the twelve words of creation are worlds of creation this one this is all from the annual ad right so we only know about we vaguely know about two of the worlds because the idea is there were 12 of them anu and padamaya were fighting over nir and uh you know panama destroyed all the worlds anu tries to cram them all back together so he basically makes one world out of the leftovers but the only survivors were the el nafee who came from one of the worlds and the hist who came from another of the worlds the rest we don't know about pretty much yeah um we've all heard of towers theory we've all speculated about it and said maybe they'll use it as the um you know the main focus of elder scrolls six but who knows like do we need to maybe we shouldn't cover things we've already spoken at length about i mean we could just like just say that metaphysical kind of enforcers of the mundane like keeping the mortal world mortal like with the idea is like the more towers and stuff there it's kind of like a it's kind of a thing that does split the community a bit like some people are really bored like i'd say i am pretty bought into the idea of the towers being essential especially to the to the old mary dominion and a lot of people like now this just it just it's kind of meaningless like how do you are you pretty bought into it camel the towers i have no idea man honestly how many towns has been destroyed like six well they supposedly destroyed um only a few like some of the idea the idea is kind of that the falmouth are like pushing to control all of them so that they can maybe destroy them but it's also vague some of them are vague like the green set one it's just like oh the thelma are in control of valenwood so and falun este would have stopped moving so maybe they're in control of or deactivated like there's a few you know even even the one um in skyrim the throat of the world it's kind of vague it's just like oh well you know civil war and skyrim split and the dragons are back and it's like oh this is deactivated tower it's it's not the most the stones of the tower and it's like hidden in the cave or something yeah for the snow so yeah again according to kirkbride yeah it's not the most airtight theory but i think it is actually one of the cooler uh things for the grand like narrative of the thalmor like thalmor if the thalmor essentially you know just you know fascist elves who want to get rid of men that's kind of it's more plain than rather than their higher sort of metaphysical goals is more interesting um but yeah the secrets of the moons this could mean like 50 things right yeah could uh i don't know specifically what secrets they're referring to like i mean sorry it could be a khajiit thing it could be you know the luna lorcan it's his duality his body split in half but then there's the idea that moons and their emotions keep everything going because you have to climb it to set them back all of that you know you can take it a million ways with the moose moon's law i think it's a bit vague of a thing to just say and then like yeah do you know the secrets of the moon i'm like like it's it's too uh broad yeah you know in the uh the werewolf her scenes ring quest in skyrim whatever that's called when you go into that uh cave and there's the full moon the blood moon yeah yeah it's it's the wrong moon it's the blood man yeah because it's massa isn't it in the game yeah it should be secunda yeah yeah and uh one of the moons uses the skin of like a camera where it's like a real moon one of the moons of jupiter or something it's just like a photo of that moon is what they used right that's the secret to the moon that's what i got the more you know all right maybe no one is just jupiter and you know that's the theory is that it's a distant future and it's the same it's on this list it's towards the bottom is it actually no because it because it wouldn't surprise me it wouldn't surprise me that's true all right riemann empire up front for akaviri takeover um i guess this is the idea that the akaviri invasion um oh wait but this is almost saying that the riemann empire was a front for the takeover so it's almost like backwards i kind of imagine that when the akavira came it's like they're like not gonna win by invasion so they're like let's bow to riemann and like sort of oh here's the pre dragon ball and then kind of like blend like integrate themselves with the society and as we know like there's all the akaviri potentates to every emperor akaviri training methods and like they made themselves invaluable to the empire and then as a sort of front like eventually maybe they'll do the transition kind of like they did exist for like 400 something years in the in the second era that the akaviri potentates were running what was left as well the roman empire essentially they were running it and then you could kind of like even extend that further into sort of like the thematic things with the say a sassy or science or whatever um that they're kind of like those vampiric snakes and the idea that there's the ideas that they ate all the humans in acovy but then sort of assumed they're more human form and in a similar way if you if you sort of view them as sort of this vampiric kind of being these like lit uh leeches almost um that like you know just suck on the empire and then sort of consume it and then kind of become it you can imagine them doing a similar thing to uh you know they kind of latch onto the riemann empire and then sort of become and grow in power drink all its blood until they replace it so their surrender was was just a trick essentially perhaps yeah if true yeah uh the next one biggest yeah [Laughter] the next one is um really weird white gold is molag bao temple is that because he has a what is it called in cold harbor there's something called the lightless oobleyette i think which is i i can't it's literally exactly the same as the white gold tower but this is kind of a corruption his realm but i reckon it's most likely just the idea that i mean it doesn't really work actually because i was going to say the ayleids being daedra worshipers but i feel like when they built the tower in honor of adamantium they probably weren't daedra worshippers yet so the idea that that could have been built for molag bal doesn't really line up i don't think because i think it's long after they settled that they turned to daedra worship or some of them turned to daedra worshiping yeah and i know his realm is meant to just be this kind of like gross corrupted version of tamriel like it's not yeah i don't really buy into this one i'm i'm happy to move on to well we've done mirror logicians basically they're like this old mary kirkbride faction basically right and they're supposedly tasked with fighting the like a special task force battling the numidium through time i think yeah jesus like kind of like the siege of valencia still aren't still happy yeah i mean i could be wrong it is the oldest girls but yeah the university of guailem is a weird one because it's i'm pretty sure it's just relevanced all the time or referenced in places but doesn't seem to actually exist it's just a lot of auth um there's just a lot of books so no they're like oh this person from the university of yeah i've always called a guillermo yeah whatever willow yeah is that like an hp lovecraft everyone's from this made up university in those books could be perhaps it could be a reference there was a camera the university is called but but yeah like it doesn't seem to exist people think it might be in high rock not cyrodiil but like okay there's just no proof of it it's just a meme university um time traveling books i suppose that is trying to rationalize elder scrolls online adding books from um the future and could also be referencing hermaeus mora having texts from the future but i don't know yeah because like um the lusty argonian made right we talked about that last time that they're in eso despite old crasius not riding it for a long time yeah maybe it could even be stuff like in skyrim when you go into a dwemer one that hasn't been entered for three thousand years and there's a bunch of like books from like two years ago yeah yeah food and stuff that's why they were so smart they had all the books you have to kind of separate i think like people with like the law and the gameplay things it's the same as you find like fresh septums in like ancient dungeons that have never been opened for like ever and it's kind of like it's just a gameplay function they didn't want to they're too lazy to add five different coins and here's your ancient coin that's worth this much you know morrowind did it right into whatever ones they have doing coins yeah and they have dwemer books that are all written in dwemer and they're super rare yeah yeah get back on it yeah that's all i'm thinking i just want elder scroll six to be a really good game man but my my explanations are measured yeah so the whole idea that when you're uh actually i've got uh what keening right there oh he's keening to zero but yeah the whole the whole idea that um when you sort of like get faced with the sort of reality of the nature of the elder scrolls universe and kind of like exposed to the idea that essentially you're not real it's instead of you know some few can have such a strong ego and sense of self that despite the universal truth they can go i exist still and then so achieve kim or you can go the other way and rationalize yourself out of existence because you go oh [ __ ] i don't exist and then go well because you can't cope with the idea you can't have the contradictory what would you what would happen to you me yeah i would just i'll just lie to i have a decent amount of faith without a cheap kim i i like dude if you told me if you told me everything now if you told me everything now is like a simulation it's like i could kind of believe easily that everything's predetermined right now but at the same time contradictory like nihilism doesn't bother me like the whole idea like you know that ultra hardcore sort of nihilism like nothing matters and everything's meaningless existence and and you're not even real kind of vibe stuff i'm like yeah whatever you bring in you're bringing me back to when we were in la and we were walking home from some party at e3 and we were like let's let's tell about this let's just go up to camel and just start talking about hard determinism and see what he said i don't even remember that oh yeah i don't think i was there for that maybe i was three hours and i was more and i was more going like oh yeah like you know i'm not gonna push it but you were really like no it's real i mean i'd have a panic attack i'd have you zero some 100 percent yeah like i don't know if i watch like a show about the cosmo so i'll probably like that's enough for me have you seen the rainbow you see those videos and stuff where it's like oh how insignificant you are it's got like the planet sizes and it keeps on going up and up and up and then the planets and stuff for the galaxy i just finally recognized you i just find it interesting we're about to lose it we could get really often anyway yeah quick get him back to vanish snap back to reality ninth error that's not part of reality um yeah so that's uh some more kind of kirkbride issues kind of stuff like there's some weird stuff with queen a ren and kin moon and the eye of magnus is a is a core of an ai or something of kinmune into the planet was like a mining robot i think from the guild of minus on like some planet and then it gets sent back in time to southall which is where you find the images yeah all right let's move on to the psijic endeavor which is kind of just similar to which isn't really going to help drew here uh wait is this is the sigic endeavor the walking way uh yeah which has nothing to do with the sigic order apparently they're kind of just different for a lot the cidric endeavor would be the good daedras yeah the training yeah that's the main way yeah it's the thing right yeah yeah the good daedra kind of bestowed it upon the um the kyma and taught them that existence is a test that you need to overcome but it's kind of just really a lot of these things i just see as different philosophies for seeking enlightenment the same way we have it in the real world it's like they're kind of the same thing they're just different ways to view the same process and the core of it or of course the sigic endeavor being and the foundation of dunmer sort of culture is the idea is to not just you know cry and whinge about the fact that that law khan has trapped you all in this sort of prison it's instead treated as a challenge and a test to overcome and transcend by like in the end of the mortal prisons there to make you grow as a person interestingly same as um richmond mythology has a very similar idea about it too where like the similar sort of view of life and of law khan and seeing everything as a challenge is as it means to transcend and if you fail you like reincarnate and you'll keep on trying again and growing as a spirit i guess i guess we move on to hist trying to enslave the world for me this is an interesting one because the hiss the way they act like when we look at his conspiracy theories they seem very focused on protecting themselves and that's kind of it like they'll help the argonians when they need to but it's not like they're on this massive continent-wide conquest if you know what i mean unless which of course you can say they're playing the long game and they have this overarching plan to eventually take over tamriel when it's weakened or something like that but like i don't know well they they did summon umbriel through right was that at one hist or the hist this is also like a like a little bit of a topic of the debate i guess that the idea that whether the hist are some big sort of like collective hive mind thing but then there's also seems to be kind of like individual individual trees yeah and have their own hive mind kind of but like yeah i don't know it could be could be could be i don't know most of the stuff i see about the hiss it tends to be that they kind of just they're not really interested in expanding they're more just happy to live in their corner that's that's what most uh techs seem to point to they're more yeah they more just want to protect themselves and keep other people out and just have it exactly it's just you know the place for the trees so the idea that you're trying to save the world's a bit like it'd be so easy to destroy if if anyone actually wanted to destroy the hiss they'd be so easy right i mean it was it's just it's just black marsh being hard to inhabit supposedly put a bunch of termites on them it's all over just get some weed killer and go through and spray that around go on um i was gonna oh i'm just reading i'm reading ahead on one and just the tower is it the adamantine tower or is it a different tower another thing is could it be referring to the star sign oh the tower yeah cause that never gets you forget about star signs and standing stones i guess because they don't really have as much likes and i prefer star signs a hundred percent over standard i feel like in morrowind they were more important oh yeah some of them are pretty overpowered everything in morrowind had a much more significant like yeah the lady that was the one yeah just because it's the iceberg so it's probably like a weird theories do you think it might be the kind of the vivec idea of looking at the wheel from the side is the tower or whatever the idea is the it's eye it's probably that got too complicated i love this next one jungle cyrodiil mandela question mark like i said mandela effect not the man teller the is everyone just remembering that um that there was jungle but it wasn't actually like you lived in cereal all these years and we're like oh we thought it was job um but yeah what is the the mandela effect is that when a group of people misremember the same thing yeah basically yeah yeah it got named after that because i think when people remember nelson mandela died or something like that and they were like wait i thought he died and then they were like no and it's like yeah i remember his funeral on tv and so does my mom and all this and there's a whole bunch of people who reckon they remember it and then i feel like it just exposes how like the feeble human mind and i think it happens less now because of so much you know data saving and photos and videos and stuff and so much communication because i think one of the main examples is like with a darth vader right it's like saying i am your father which he doesn't say it's like the is one of the main ones yeah because he just yeah it's what does he actually say i think he says luke no he says i don't know i don't even know that that shows how strong the effect is yeah yeah i swear he says no i am your father no i'm your father yeah [ __ ] rather than luca yeah yeah i think that's it yeah yeah plus mandela is spelled wrong yeah so it threw me off i think it's just one arrow isn't it uh slo trying to destroy dream sleeve question mark i have no idea where it begins it's this is like just like random word generation stuff yeah i like how the person creates the meme puts the question mark like please i don't know you tell me i would love to know who made this movie let us know yeah can you zero some please no i don't yeah i don't think there's anything really to indicate that the slowed have any sort of giant metaphysical goal like that i don't think um i don't know now we don't see or hear enough about that yeah yeah daedrons and adrons i told you we'd get here yes oh yeah so what i was i thought you were joking about electrons and neutrons well what i was thinking about before sorry is is that in the old games like like technically like a day drop is like the singular form of daedra and aedroth would be the singular form of aedra and that they stopped you it was like a daggerfall area kind of stuff and now everything gets referred to as like daedra in general but like if you're looking at a single you know what i mean like if you were looking at a singular creature like a clan fear that would be a day drop but then they have the creature called daedra that they just called it that so yeah it changed i think i think what daedrons and aedrons are is a kind of like um a way to make magic sound more complicated because obviously majors study magic but you never hear about you know the like all the stuff they would be studying you just don't have the texts for but you know there's notes from majors like the variable flow of daedrons and oblivion streams can have profound effects on the magical potential of various locations um by reconfiguring the polarity of the day drawn fields it is possible to manipulate and trace the streams in the following cases and it's all it all sounds like you know electrons and you know how you can yeah i was going to say items and there's different things like quarks and the joke i thought you were making is actually correct i think it's getting a little bit meta-chlorinated yeah exactly that's exactly yeah yeah um cheese wheel so that's kind of like the idea of like all of um mundus and stuff being a wheel and like obviously like the big illusions like calpers cycles yeah well in 36 lessons of event two you you know the whole like we just said the wheel on your side becomes the eye this eye the tower yeah the the yeah and the cycles that's why it's a wheel goes around and it's just one metaphysical interpretation of mundus that's about it yeah do you know what um the ruling king is uh it's mentioned non-stop in well not non-stop but it's in the 36 lessons for vec and it's got to do with enantiomorph kind of stuff it gets kind of uh confusing it's an individual who has become a complete master of the world with no equal equal um kim i don't know the first known ruling king was vivec followed by tiber septim and then nareva yeah this is from the wiki but so yeah do you know the 36 lessons the part of its phrase like it's not like the kind of reality of what happened it's it's vivec nerevar's there and he's teaching him lessons and stuff about narratives anytime i have to reference a kirkbride thing i'm like oh damn it this is gonna be so difficult yeah if you ever go there yeah there's cool um the 36 lessons are some awesome like lines and stuff yeah that's right it's this is my my favorite line from the 36 lessons of evac is um oh no it's actually not my favorite line but it's one of them hold on the ruling king is armored head to toe in brilliant flame he is redeemed by each act he undertakes his death is only a diagram back to the waking world he sleeps the second way the shamat is his double and therefore you wonder if you rule nothing anyway that's a cool one but the one that i like is that um uh god is armored head to toe in terror um ah the full line hold on you don't even know it doesn't even know his favorite one um no the exact phrase he is is that referencing almalex yeah god has no need of theory and he is armoured head to toe and terror i really like that because the reference before is about how a king uses um mufala has two black hands and one like the theorist and a terrorist uh are the same like the same both the most cherished desire disappears in both of their hands it's cool stuff the 36 lessons i think it's israel i think it's going to be a massive challenge to make a video that covers like all the lessons yeah oh i've thought about it before and it's just like it's it's really heady it's the problem is you have to like for every part you have to explain so much extra background part that people might not understand you know what i mean like it would be easy to make a video if i was to make a video for you guys right for you guys to understand you have all of this assumed stuff that like i already know you kind of know whereas if you were just you know to just somewhere you know i explained so much it's like every sentence you need to know like 50 pages worth of law to understand yeah and then on top of that it's also interpretation as well like it's dude that's what's gonna say it's so poetic the way it's written it's not like oh okay i get that now it's like what what does that mean it's almost doesn't like if you read a sentence by itself it almost makes no sense yeah speaking of which we move on to the next one who wants to say that it's serious [Music] this is deliberately supposed to be not is this all kirkbride no i think um that is that's from the 36 lessons isn't it yeah i think it's in there but isn't it in uh reference to i forget who they use it for is this this or something i can't remember it's not a bunch of monks is it it's not about the mugs themselves it's it's a deliberately unpronounceable word and i forget um um oh no they say the citric order order of siege is another yeah thing but um is it just the psijic endeavor or is it something completely different i thought it was the like because we're talking about you know the spelling that's p s j j j for the f i thought it was the name that came before sigix was what they kind of like the foundation of the citric order was based on what pat you know i don't know why that was so funny on the wiki it's padme also known as fatima pad home or siege that thing if you truth in sequence volume 10 from eso clockwork city yeah they are the daughter uh they are the daughters and sons of sioux who crouched like gargoyles yeah it's tough to do with padme and stuff like that it's like a chaotic side of the elder scrolls universal forces just like hardcore stuff yeah all right did you know the eternal champion is okato i've heard this before yeah i don't know how much there is i don't do it i've it could be i need to was the eternal champion the guy you play in arena yeah yeah did you know um the opening cut scene of daggerfall you know how the it's like uh real life like and there's the emperor and that creepy dude holding the torch well he's like painted a busy yellow and has like weird makeup on where i remember just being completely human like he looks like he has a bunch of makeup on to make him look a bit not human but right it's pretty funny that's so i don't know i don't get i think at the end of arena does the emperor say like oh you have a place by my side forever that's where it comes from it's like like yeah you'll have a place at my side i i remember i looked into it for a video once and was just like eh i can't really find anything where i'm like oh my god it's true yeah all right michael did you find the video are you looking up again i'm looking at that i'm looking at it for sure he looks he looks very human i mean it's hard to look funny enough but he's he's got like weird makeup the actor i just looked it up the actor is human oh really so also called like the adjacent place in kirkbridge fair enough i guess again yeah like the knee at the neo nimik and there's the neonatal in the proton like league is the neonamic the protonimic is ligma [Laughter] i thought you were serious throughout five seconds i was like what this iceberg meme does this too it does we've sort of we've talked about lig before like the idea of this it's kind of vague like sometimes it's like is it even in another calper like in one of the in the calper episode was sort of talking about like perhaps if you envision each calpers like a cyclical wheel but like all kind of like stacked against one another that would explain why one could be an adjacent place so like a previous calper if you were stacking the calpers like you would stack like seat like you know a row of cds or something that like the one before so lig is here and you know tamriel is here right in the next kalpa so it's the adjacent place because there's also references too to the creation of marines dagon um you know to overthrow the tyrants of league and all this stuff that sort of happened prior to prior calpers and and referencing the drag tyrant kings and then molag bao being different that time one thing that threw me off was i think i saw kirkbride comment that it wasn't another calper right okay so but but i mean obviously you don't you don't really know the situation but i kind of like the way i envisioned it in either the league or the dagon video i can't remember what it was but um was the idea that was kind of just another attempt it was like lorkhan had a go at making a mortal realm and then it all kind of went to [ __ ] and then he tried again later yeah and with you know well not later there's no later outside of time if it's outside of time or whatever yeah what if nirn's actually a cube and tamriel is like here and like links here or something could be next video that's what it's going to be known as a cube okay next one penises he said a naughty word she's still she's still recovering yeah so it's um in um in the real battery books from daggerfall daggerfall yeah only in the daggerfall versions but you have um baron zaya having a recently took it out with a sheet she slept with the khajiit to get into the thieves skills i think yeah and she's something like that something like that and she uh yeah and she was commenting on how like you know khajiit has a barbed penis it like cats it hurt her because it had a spiky dong all right that's it that's literally and then they took it out i think it's a deep theory yeah deep theory look at the face on the right looking up he's like whoa that was me at 5am last night trying to get asleep because you had to be up early um i'm not sure what that is but i think it could be another um thing mentioned in the sermons i'm not even uh let's look i don't know what that is well yeah the practice of piercing the second aperture is now forbidden lie rock which is i don't know what the apertures are which one what's live rock again i can't remember if that it's not bad dao is that a second name for bardel i think it might be and it's got to yes dude this law is so heavy my right eye is just fogging my glasses up but not the left eye so it says because the iceberg picture's on the right and i feel like my eyes just heating up from all the law could it be something way less crazy and it's just referring to the magna g fleeing could be like piercing apertures in the planet this is a direct so light it says live rock so bardow was born of a vex second aperture and was thrown out of the pomegranate banquet which is when he was sort of having sex with molag bal and all kinds of weird stuff was going on by a member of the sweeps another forgotten guild the sweep so i don't yeah i don't know i might have to take a hiatus on this one permanent hiatus aperture lore video um what's next adjacent places so i guess isn't leak described is that we kind of touched on that already just more places like league oh i don't remember what uh the order of the obscure in the elder scrolls online are you guys familiar with that guy a skull that the city order uses vaguely and because of you he's got an australian accent right yeah but he's is apparently from like an adjacent realm in adjacent place i can't what he calls it but then he's like oh uh us people in the dimension hopping community he references himself as someone from a dimension hopping community and then says he's from an adjacent realm or something like that i don't know why that's what i don't know i don't know if there's more than one or or what yeah because he mentions league as well specifically right and he talks about it's basically like like a lot like a real-life law master just in game just referencing random stuff yeah yep he's a weird one yep uh neonymics so we talked about this i'm pretty sure is this the end of the enchantry phrase you need to like have power it's like the new name yeah yeah it's like their true name right like their original name because the there's the idea that wait originals proto nimik what's that protonemic is the original sorry yeah protonimic and then neonamic is the new name sorry because it was cause it wasn't something like with a shimmy whatever guy was in battle spy that they they that he originally got the protonimic but then they're gonna have to get a neonamic to to add like an extension name so like imagine if you knew my secret name and my secret name is is like scott right and then you add an extra then in order so you have power over me but then i get a neonic so like an extension to the name which you don't know it's like an extra layer of security yeah you know what i mean sorry yeah did you say bottle spider have i seen it no did you say it did you say yeah yeah yeah have you have you seen that secret word you need to defeat mary's daycon yeah it's something like it's like it's like seven thousand letters long yeah it'd be it's a good password to have isn't it i'm gonna change all my passwords now all right we have the arena yeah so that's referencing um the idea that tamriel back in the game so he's let's go way back in history and is this the marketing thing yeah the marketing thing that yeah yeah so arena like ever it was supposed to be an arena was originally supposed to be like a gladiatorial game where you go around and fight different teams and then that sort of stopped being the focus of it and turned into what the elder scrolls one arena is today and but they had all the marketing material done so then they sort of read like oh tamriel such a dangerous place they call it the arena so that was korean yeah yeah and no one calls it that they kind of made it they when they elaborated on it though they made it a bit more interesting is that the idea is that um tamriel is the kind of the coalescing point where all powerful like where everyone goes like the wandering elena fey inherently would return to tamriel and people in akavir at moore or yakuda would all find their way to tamriel so it's like it's the array it's where everything happens because mankind think references it as well yeah okay uh words this could be two things it could be like er stars so it's like words that look like words but they're not aka this whole list or it could be like urdra you know how they have this um er meaning is does it mean the ancient primordial yeah like the very beginning which because we we talked about on the one of the daedra podcasts there's some daedra considered to be like foundational they were kind of like there at the very beginning like namira being associated with the dark the great darkness for example yeah getting started i've misspoke because i said earth stars it's unstars wasn't it yeah yeah i was thinking that i don't want to say her words there's a reason why dagobah has uh um and it's related to that but i'm blanking it's interesting also that with dagoth er it's it's uh because everything else you know it's been referred to as erdra or whatever the er is the first part of the word but on him it's the second part i don't know if that has any sort of little poetic oh let me think about it it's crazy because it yeah because it means something and you know obviously it means something to us as primitive original earliest um yeah like denoting someone or something regarded as embodying the basic or intrinsic qualities of a particular class or type so that can kind of be applied to a lot of things but to specific daedra you can see that like you know a daedra like a dagon where you clearly know how he he came to be where but you know if he was created by the magna gee he's not going to be considered uh like an original primitive thing whereas like creatures that spawn out that are spawn out of the darkness um would be you know but you can go anywhere with it okay we have the hurling disc this is 36 lesson stuff every time and i'll be honest i haven't even really kind of gone into the hurling this stuff it's like the kind of thing like i've read paragraphs with it mentioned and not not um really dug into it um yeah i have i've never heard of it yeah you can it's uh it's work i i think we should come back to that maybe it'll get its own video probably when we tackle the 36 lessons of evic there's akatosh dragon dragon um um oh is does like does akka mean dragon and tosh means yeah and i don't know if that is just talking about all the law that we've talked about i think we had the whole akatosh podcast where we talked about all the different like akka things and and stuff like that do you want me to read actually just to jump back to the hurling disc what just the wiki has to say on it right um the hurling disc is a conceptual state of the orbis while in drag while in a dragon break so it's which mortals can utilize to manipulate orbical entities or hypothesize said to be hurled to reach heaven by violence the concept relies on the representation of the orbis as a wheel which is held together by eight equally split spokes of chaos solidified by time the slay stated gifts of the day so what i'm kind of it's basic look let's just kind of call it a conceptual state of the orbis when a dragon break happens they can manipulate stuff so i guess the idea is using the hurling disc to become uh divine tribunal because they could manipulate kind of the orborus when they you know use the heart of lorcan and and stuff like that roughly let's just so it sounds like they're like eating the world like the wheel they're just like grabbing it and tossing it and everything gets mixed around crazy and then it comes back and everything that happened that was different all happened like a dragon yeah exactly yeah precise super basic stuff all right lorcan's purposeful failure so i guess the idea that he uh purposely got his heart ripped out and failed and i don't know what do you guys think about that do you think maybe to to teach like you know he's chosen he's humans and stuff if you envision him a bit more ashore like lost the war deliberately to then like you know use nirn as a challenge or something i don't know what do you guys think i don't know honestly what was what was he trying to do like if he failed what did he fail doing well i guess i guess being like the nice little king of his own realm kind of thing like if he because you know if you if you look at the marathi uh not marathi uh dawn error of like the wars between like the if you look it through a nord point of view how they have like there's the gods of men and then there's the elven gods so like you have all your like um uh what do you call them um like oriole and trinimac and all that kind of stuff more so versus like shaw and um uh you know stone and i'm just there's crossover with some of them so i'm trying to make sure i get each one i think dybella is like an example of a man um only or a man origin god and there's a few there both sides and then there's a little bit of crossover so you're like don't know what but yeah anyway the idea that he purposefully failed i guess for some reason and in the war against against um the elven gods perhaps the world egg i don't know um is this does the argonian reference this all the time oh yeah i think this is an argonian reference says the someone says the egg yeah it made me think of um though in the [Music] middle dawn how they were you know i think it's in the dragon break re-examined or something that cyridil became an egg or something in one of the many different dragon in the timelines or something oh the egg of time no that's not it at all what the hell is the world egg maybe it's in eso i feel like there's a lot of just like uh passing dialogue that npcs say imagine it was just like that you know when that meme was an egg like the egg meme is going around egg it takes me back i need to bring that back yeah all right let's move i feel like there's let's feel like it's gonna be i'm done with the world egg baron i'm sorry um i don't know the khajiit tower is there a khajiit tower um people speculate that they're um that there is or that the is it the luna lattice or there's this really weird thing called the cat pile i think or something like that where all the kijits like jump on top of each other and climb up to make a ladder to the to the moon it's like the south park episode everybody back to the pile it's like the babble hmm moving on yeah i've never heard of a kitchen towel done my hissed slaves so i'm assuming that's talking about dhanma being slaves of the hist either that really really nailed them like in cahoots about they've got like no that doesn't work i just wanted to take that theory already i just i don't know i just don't i don't vibe it at first uh yeah like unless it's maybe like the hist's master plan to make the argonians super strong by they're in history cahoots with like you're saying with the dunmer to enslave them and make the argonians grow through challenge and stuff and then the argenians become super powerful it sounds like a meme to me but the next one does too i'm not sure what this is the gravels oh the grabbers doesn't vivek write about them they're yeah yeah they're native to league and they steal stuff yeah so here we go and they stole the city something you know from sermon 26 who then vivek then watched as slaves erupted into babylon breaking magic they rattled at their cages and sung out half hymns that formed into forbidden and arcane knowledge litany fiends appeared and drank from the excess grabbers from the adjacent place came into the world sideways the slave talking having disrupted the normal non-cardinal points and then there's more references the adjacent place where the grabbers live is the illusion of the vocal or the middle realms of thought by which i mean the constructed uh prophecy grabbers had never oh grabbers had never made a city of their own and their glimpse of vivecs which shone in the holiness through all spheres had taken their attention um yeah city face city face in there yeah at which he touched the tower of hope of the city face and corrected the error of the grabbers okay see let's grab the next one ae that's a word in the ancient elf language it's in the sun it's in um the 36 lessons a lot a um it means i doesn't it a e is like identity i think it means it is but i think it means it is i actually i spoke to um lady nirovar about this it's like your identity isn't it or that the shell of an ident there's some weird let me have a quick squiz here because there was a thing when i did the video about the orga of don lane in the elder scrolls legends when you played the card uh the college of winterhold it says agar took alia dune some it's a verse from the 36 lessons he got took adam jim a alta dude uh or i can't remember which one's handed i think gartok's hands weapon yeah yeah but then there's another one which also means weapon but specifically your hand being a weapon yeah someone here saying ae generally denotes duality so like am uh ah seti ae vec so like avec i don't know ae meaning is in the elenifex language as in the state of being is a term often used to refer to all um existence which split the eternal void of non-existence that originally filled the universe so maura alterdoon a altadoon is going hermes more a weapon um is the weapon of knowledge yeah i'm fried you know i'm starting to look like the picture i feel like i the picture after the khajiit with the skooma you know the one with the orb just into his head that's one of those uh what is that one of the ash dudes they're the corporals dudes i feel like oh my god ash zombies yeah they have a little trunk coming out of their head and ash schools and they're very yeah all right let's move to you where are we we are not getting to the khajiit one man yeah i know where are we we're we're getting we just started the vivec picture okay well the the yokudans are from a different kappa done wait where oh yeah okay so yeah there's the there's the whole idea too with akavi being the future like there's all these ideas of like activating the future yokuda being the past and like tamriel being the present and it's weird i i not even like off the top of my head can't even remember what exactly they're based upon but it sounds cool there's also the idea that um of time relativity where it actually moves through the middle sorry so like the further you go to the poles the more time slows down which is why is considered frozen in time and all this weird stuff yeah um where are you reading this stuff oh it's all just like theories and um it's like a bathroom hall they're theories um you what's next shazaar became akatosh when you see a lot of depictions of akatosh you see you know how you have like the dragon face and the man face uh next to each other the i i've seen a theory and it kind of goes into it um in my video about the amulet of kings and stuff and is that kind of shaw shazaar law khan how yeah however you want to look at shore shazaar um kind of like all of his achievements got overshadowed by akatosh and akatosh kind of took credit for for everything relating to the empire to the point where they essentially became one and the same like sure was um there was the idea that alicia removed shaw from the from the kind of cosmopolitan pantheon that's supposed to have elves and humans live um together in harmony um because obviously shaw wouldn't work with the elves so she erased shaw from their pantheon and that's how he kind of became one in the same with akatosh whereas the amulet of kings is kind of shaw's relic it's not akatosh's but they do but she does like call him shazaar still i guess but she i guess he's not one of the eight yeah when he well he gets demoted to shazaar in like serious pantheon but not he's not one of the main divines anymore yeah he's not kind of getting pushed whereas he's kind of the foundational god of the empire yeah where obviously everyone sees akatosh as that yeah so i think that's kind of what it's getting at yeah so we'll go next the monkey truth and this is going to be all to do with my rook the end of prophet with the uh um is it yeah would it not be i mean i i thought the monkey truth was like a term that referred to um elder scrolls truth that is it's return to manners i just looked it up it just goes monkey truth is good in brackets unique imaginative law created by fans basically like law that's so good that people almost start considering it canon or at least their head canon maybe it does have a yeah okay i was i was literally thinking the monkey tree there's in like elysian order the prophet the monkey prophet guy and the godhead and and all the one or whatever oh no what are we saying what's the monkey's name yeah it's like the third link yeah yeah because i think kim or chim how if you want to pronounce it is is short for chimney i asked i actually asked the law master it's it's [ __ ] [ __ ] because the idea is that to achieve enlightenment is when you return to monkey that's the whole idea but they removed wait you asked the law i feel like that i just feel like that's inconsistent with what i don't maybe not but like do you say chimera as well like back in the day i say kaima kaima yeah but i think it's unrelated to the kaima i thought it always was kind of related june like just a woman i don't know well do you know the reason i think it was cuban before is like the chimera like a or chimera i guess like the mythical greek thing look church yeah yeah that makes that legit yeah um red moment is the next one and that's the big uh the idea of the dragon break at the battle of red mountain it's actually the idea that all of the sort of contradictory stories are true and obviously the battle of red mountain is such a contradictory crazy event but by the way is that a theory that there was a dragon break or is that an actual thing it's not a 100 confirmed dragon break because there's the idea that like there's multiple um just stories that some are accounts from it yeah but then some people like oh but they all are kind of simultaneous like part of it becomes simultaneous because in vivec's idea basically the idea is that vivec kind of he did portray nerefore in this sort of one moment to get to the like godhood kim kind of thing but in the same way because he could manipulate the auras he kind of created a reality where he did just become a divine god and he never murdered nerevar and that's why it's kind of like hidden in his 36 lessons it's a secret confession but at the same time he isn't you know he didn't because it was a different timeline of a different you know what i think like i mean it would be yeah it would make sense it's like imagine you killed someone and then you have the power to change reality because you killed this person and then you change reality so that you never kill that person and to begin with but you're still a god so you kind of you didn't but you also kind of did if that makes sense yeah you did therefore you didn't yeah um okay provisional house provisional house yeah um which won't go anywhere it's not in reference to um the provisional house what do they provide okay hold on vivec then built the provisional house at the center of the secret door from here he could watch the age to come of the house is written and then there's yeah it's a lot of 36 lessons any any 36 lesson thing ever see how many times it's referenced it's just the one time it's literally one mention in the in the uh no she's not putting that on the list whoever did that that was good i don't know what's the elandro that's the companion of narevar yeah so he's the one that made all of the ashlander basically the ashlander um uh idea about nerevar and the false tribunal is all built upon what elandra saul said likewise i think people have even speculated that that um he's somehow related to art and saul but i don't know yeah i think wasn't there a soul the guy that created the ingenium that kept bardau afloat i think after vivek left he's legit just called saul i'm pretty sure is it okay yeah he's one of the kind yeah from the books provisional house is got a lot of has got a lot of mentions in 36 lessons of evac but yeah we can save that for all the time yeah um i'll say that demonic album um well no that means demons well alms of you being tribunal like uh-huh and like they're evil um unless it's referencing uh unless they're demonic i guess or unless they're referencing like uh their anticipations like like the the daedra so demonic um [Music] depends what they mean by demonic in this instance but where the hell are we we're up to it's the next one here we go we're gonna skip that we've we've already talked about it what secrets i mean they've got secrets that hermes moro want um that's about it i think that's all you kind of know that their secrets that hamas maura wants so they must be significant yeah does he have secrets do they have secrets or does he think they have secrets no no they like is he gonna get it and be like oh my god it's like how to skin hawkers that's the secret technique for getting leather or something no he just wants their special um i'm trying to think like it between blood moon and dragonborn the dlc if you ever actually see anything or they do anything we're like wow that is some secret knowledge but i don't really think so no it's like dude you go and kill like 10 bears go into this cave it's not um they don't strike me as like a civilization with them crazy secrets that hermes mora needs unless there's some like cool metaphysical knowledge with their whole like sort of animism and and different like guardian stuff yeah stuff i don't know sounds of the moon yeah no clue the moons make sounds maybe yeah i got nothing i've never heard the sound of the moon uh yeah the world's unless uh oh what's it's like i was just saying unless it's something coda related but i can't remember the top of my head because that takes place on the moon i don't know so the world's teeth is yet another vivec thing yeah and it's interesting this is actually a game reference i think it's when you go in in elder scrolls adventures red guard when you go out far enough or something off the game map the water the ocean does this like a like a teeth shape like a sharp like uh resolution thing and then so in the 30 i think it's in 36 lessons of vivec he kind of goes with nerevar to the world's teeth as in like the world's end like the end of the game world kind of i think he says that they're swords or something yeah what are those things in the crypt of hearts are they the star teeth or the world teeth started star teeth is that a thing yeah the star teeth it's what you use to kill uh umbra kath in um no the world squirrels adventure yeah but the world teeth something our um okay yeah it's not just that's just thinking of teeth it's the edge of the world it's it's honestly it's like a kind of meta um kind of uh thing because it's both like referenced in the mythology and stuff but then it's also from a previous game like the end of the game world kind of thing it's just kind of a an interesting play like by the way serious question how far down this list are we gonna get today we'll we'll get we'll get to the end of vivec the vivec picture all right i think yeah how far have we gone we've just we've got we've gone basically glass here and yeah that's about it we've done like one one picture it sounds end game um sister referring to everything becoming him you know like he's instead of he's like he's kind of like an anti-kim or jim or whatever he's kind of like instead instead of thinking that he um is you know a part of this godhead and he's not real he thinks kind of everything is him and then he kind of wants to spread everything like spread his blood he's ash cool and he's coming from the dream sleeve and consume everything so i guess just consuming everything with his big isn't there an idea that hey maybe he kind of looks at looks at the black as kind of being a gift and that it can it can in a way grant everyone immortality yeah he calls it the divine disease well if you yeah because it you know gives you immortality if you can get rid of the bad stuff maybe maybe well some people because you know there's the corpus dudes like the zombies walking around but then there's people like the ascended sleepers and they catch it and then they like start evolving into these crazy creatures with like super powers yeah the music so in some so and then there's the ash vampires too so in in some cases it is like a literal like evolve to this higher being and the ash vampires have a third eye in the center of their head i wonder if it's some like alternative like amaranth kind of situation so instead of like either sort of becoming the new godhead or whatever he kind of does by believing everything isn't spreading himself to every corner of the universe until he kind of consumes it or is it or something like that i don't know uh pelinal time traveling robot i mean this one's very kind of well known as like the deep lore kind of like it's the kind of the first like oh crazy all in all animation with palin all scanning with yeah all these robot gear so in the stuff doesn't he have um what is it his white hand of light or something killing light yeah and he's you know there's their people referenced like his heart like you know like as a there's a gemstone but they like has a cybernetic sort of you know middle thing there's a lot there's a few things in in the songs of paranormal that you can go oh maybe he's like it's like cybernetic kind of superhuman stuff and he's wearing armor from a future time and then he calls out the name of raymond who does yeah that's what i was going to say in a battle he's calling out the name of a king that wasn't going to exist for the another 2000 years or something yeah and also he appears several times throughout history right the idea is that um his funeral too even though he'd already been chopped to bits right and then yeah i think you're in a bucket i think uh was it harold harry briggs or used me the fox he had other names from beforehand then he went around like that one building harold terry briggs raymond uh raymond ebenham equals riemann so that was an idea too that like so their emperorement of the second empire song the idea that eben arm is actually kind of like the the god form of riemann because riemann was said to be worshipped as a as a cultural god kind of thing and then i guess the idea that so you know riemann is from basically doesn't have a reference outside of um post daggerfall it's it doesn't really get referenced anymore but he's there he's a god of war wearing ebony and stuff and but yeah it's it's a cool cool enough theory i think and now we're gonna move on to the enantiomorph yeah is that just someone that mantles someone well it's kind of like um related to like kind of mantling parts of the duality i guess isn't it um i remember the enantiomer is a fundamental underlying concept of duality and or merged dichotomy inherent in the structure of orbus which is reflected in all its aspects right so is this literally just the like academy chaos order yeah chaos order is is not then you know the daedra as you derivatives of it yeah it's just polarity with a fancy word yeah i don't know the third moon oh so there isn't that the um law khan being law like not look hun um where is that law khan i forget whether in the khajiit mythology there's the two moons and then there's this hidden dark moon behind it lor khan's body isn't doesn't it appear when um a man is born as well yeah uh maybe i can't remember i don't know what's the main the main the spiritual leader like m-a-n-e yeah yeah the spiritual leader of the khajiit how often is one of those born is it like a prophecy thing or is there always one yeah isn't it it's an eclipse right it's when they're born oh yeah because it yeah it says a rare alignment of the moons with masa and secunda when according to legend a third moon actually appears yeah because lord is called the moon prince as well and like the khajiit version of loka um yeah says that um okay where are we now the walk about so that's like the yakudan um the idea that that uh rupture or tall puffer or whatever was was the yokudan god that that figured a way to survive the celtic cycles to which to them is explained by satikol which is the big world serpent that eats itself so by walking in this particular sort of sideways way they're moving at strange angles that's what it's described as yeah and so they basically they end up being able to survive each calpers so so the greater spirits or the gods can survive the different calpers by doing the walk about and then i'm pretty sure it's a becomes a cultural sort of thing that that the yakudans and red guards and stuff will do as well as a sort of like a kind of like a pilgrimage type thing yes it's kind of like what the afterlifes are like the the far shores is essentially like the spot he carved out in the sideways place it's interesting it's only like one of the only examples you don't see it much but like the um indigenous australian like aboriginals um being having some of their mythology put into um like gaming anything yeah yeah because you don't really see it um white gold universal doomsday device look i don't think there's much to this i think it's the idea that you could use white gold tower to blow up like you know everything or universal would be everything right i guess so it sounds a little work yeah let's just just bail that one jib was the nerevarine uh so jib is that guy that you meet on the boat when you come off in morrowind and that's about all he does until the dawnguard dlc when you meet him in the soul can and realize yeah the guy that killed all the cliff races yeah i don't think he would saint chip i don't think he was saint jib the eradicator that's what it's called yeah no so when you wake up in morrowind you're actually just looking directly in a mirror talking yeah he's like your character in morrowind is the narrative yeah and then you meet him so yeah yeah that's what i think about that theory all right house dwemer um that's just what the dwemer were referred to right like early on i guess so yeah once the first council was formed but i guess at one point there's the whole idea that they were a split from the cairo and there's one of the houses of the kaimu that came the dwemer that's i don't think that's outdated it's not a particularly good theory anymore with new stuff but um all right yeah i guess they were just referred to as house dwemer when dead gods dream is it a book i don't think so is it nice maybe it sounds like it should you know it's it's probably a kirkbride writing let's be honest i honestly can't find anything on it when dead gods dream the imperial library uh the sharmat stream the mind of arts oh yeah yep so like dagor third the idea is he's dead he's in the dream sleep really long he's dreaming his existence into reality right rather than because when you're you're supposed to be dead you're asleep you're in the dream sleeve like you're supposed to be gone but he's kind of like conscious there dreaming himself into existence because that's when you killed a golfer or will get a lot of lorcan there's no remnants that's gone it just ceases to be and there's more complicated stuff than that but yeah uh khajiit ended the marathik era hey i'm completely unfamiliar with how the marathi era ended i don't think was there a specific moment no well literally just related to the bosmer right yeah he just formed the cameron dynasty so it is a weird reason to decide you know to kind of establish the first year but i guess it's just when things started being properly recorded there's no like there's no moment that it makes the distinction what if you take it instead of less literal about the time like the marathik era was obviously a time of like elven dominance so is it saying like that the khajiit had something to do like there was some kind of key event that the khajiit were part on that stopped elven dominance um i don't know if there is i'm unfamiliar saying all right let's move on to the next one parabolic counter i'm pretty sure this is the concept that's kind of shaped like this where it's divine at the start and the further you go down um it gets less and less divine less crazy and mystical um and then it kind of when the calp is ending it goes back into more wacky but really really fast so all right so kind of like an electric literally yeah so yeah yeah so at the end it's all mundane and stuff but then it's gonna rapidly you're gonna have some apocalypse kind of heaps of magical stuff go and it's gonna shoot it doesn't 100 stack up but it's interesting regardless i guess we we kind of mentioned it in our calpers episode it's like if you are imagining it like the snake eating itself the point where time begins and the point where it ends is at this kind of like it's essential moment where the eating is happening so it's like if you imagine the dawn air is the most wacky time in history when the universe is kept well when uh mundus is coming to an end of this calper it's going to be just as wacky as it was in the dawn era and then it kind of just like meshes into one i wonder if there's actually like a a noticeable thing about the calpers changing as opposed to it just returning to chaos so when you when you if you actually imagine it quite literally as a snake eating itself when it gets closer and closer to the end to eating itself it's getting smaller and smaller and maybe that's like an acceleration of time kind of so if like a snake was eating itself so it's quicker quicker and quicker yeah scott you've brought up this theory before that the idea that shaw is is like amassing an army at sovengaard to go and fight against um you know uh like the the elven gods again so what if you know like it kind of the moment where humanity resemble you know the the wandering elephant the old illinois clashing happens simultaneously at the beginning of the calper and it happens at the end of the calper so there's no difference between which one because the one happening at the beginning and the one happening at the end of the same thing and then you just go again yeah all right which one was that okay yeah that was the parabolic alpha uh sithis secret lesson of vivec i know see if this gets mentioned in 36 lessons for work but i cannot off the top of my head is that isn't there a sermon zero and a sermon 37 yeah so the sermon 30 less sir 37 is directly referencing coda um and kind of like semi semi coda like um canonized as it kind of but it does like i mention a lot of stuff that happens in coda and then um uh sermon zero actually can't remember what that is exactly what was that that's but i don't i don't know if that's the secret lesson or is it saying that sith is a secret lesson one second yes i'm just gonna keep the 36 lessons open and then just yeah one thing good idea um yeah i mean there's sis sis this gets it i mean yeah we can always come back to that because i feel like the next two are pretty basic anyway like what ben duolo was the the leader of the all flags navy that went and took care of frass and the coral kingdoms after the fashion plague wiped out like half the population of tamriel yeah yeah he was in charge of the fleet every time did he have the hat the colombian for helm every time i hear ben do olo i think of a star wars character i haven't i was just saying that sounds like that sounds exactly like a jedi it's a star wars thing right it just sounds like it's so much um obvious i know it's not it's just like that name like candorous order or something maybe trinimac still lives i guess this could just be the concept of you know how you know myth makes reality and worship affects real power levels and existence and perceptions change things too like the idea that if trinimac is still worshipped then he's still around it's not just like he's changed into um malacath and that's yeah well because some orcs at orsinium refuse to accept that malacath is is their god they they stick to the idea that trinimac was never corrupted or anything and even if you do completely buy into the idea he was pooped out and that's how he became malacath it's like he's not he's malacath is still synonymous with trinimac even if he's been corrupted and changed somewhat he's still the same guy i always love that the orcs too yeah like trinimac seems to be like kind of like the civil civilization kind of god because every time they've tried to form orsinium there's a lot of trinimac uh cult stuff involved in it whereas all the real tribal looks are really like malacath sort of focused just a cool little pieces so the next the aedra are dead um which is a pretty reasonable sort of theory i mean at least they sort of there's the idea that the aedra aren't they're kind of dead other i've heard like they're so absent in the games right yeah apart from the emulative kings akatosh thing i don't think we ever encounter not really anything there's little bits of their influence in magic i guess one of the ideas is that that if you envision them as like sort of the planets or earth bones or like they're dead pieces of of old gods but basically because they're in that sort of kind of unconscious state it allows the mortal races to kind of impose myths upon them and that kind of shapes who they are so you know for example like look elven myths about law khan is this trickster in betrayer and then sure it's like oh he's this great warlord kind of or shahzar is this you know uh champion of human undertaking they sort of they're shaped by mythology more so than the daedra are because the daedra have a lot more like personhood in the way that they can come in and they go like yeah i'm sure and there's you know it's constantly refer referring to the sacrifice the earth bones and the aedra have to make in order to keep the mortal realm going and it's a simple way of looking at it but if you imagine them like the planets it's kind of like they're not soul-trapped but they're essentially just trapped as planets that are just you know needed to keep mundus together if you imagine the spokes holding the middle of the wheel together the middle of the wheel is going to just you know for it's going to fall apart if you don't have the spokes yeah so yeah exactly uh diveth fear was the battle mage which battle mage is at reference is that i think that's referencing um is that battle battle so this is what i thought it could be referencing as well but that's why that's why would that be no but that's not what the hero of battle spire is called what is he called the apprentice the apprentice oh okay but i think that's what they mean like yeah the battle mates the battle mage um is there a famous mysterious battle mage from some story plenty there's lots of famous battle pages but i don't know but like like an unknown one who like did some crazy stuff unless it's literally you know how the star signs how how there's oh no sorry no no no no no no no unless it's referencing xeronoctus the imperial battle mage like that's the only battle mage i know i hear of that's like a bit more i mean like jagarthan like there's lots of yeah but i just yeah because battle mage is kind of like originally it's like kind of like a rank for in the imperial armies a lot of the time before it was like a broader classification i know it's a class right it's a class you can choose yeah that's what i was going to say it's a class but it's not like it's a it's not a star sign or something so it's not talking about constellation all i know i just think zorin arctus is one of the most significant battle mages i would say in terms of like you know he's essential like the whole thing well was diverted fierce i didn't think so i'm just trying to like throw him a bone here you know okay three talons i have no idea what that means if it's meant to be spelt t-a-l-o-n-s or or what three talons tell what the hell is that this champion was also called talon apparently um oh and then what maybe there was three of them instead of just one these three individuals having the same name could be a simple coincidence wait who the eternal champion the eternal champion's father and general warhaft it is possible that the eternal champions father talon and general were after the same person additionally the eternal champion could have been named after their father thus explaining why they had the same name it's just three days of the same name that's it um this one's kind of weird oh no this makes sense i guess um so the under king killed pelagius the first so pelagius the first is the grandson of tiber septim and that's the closest like direct line so the idea is the under king as you know getting zero nazis getting revenge for for you know um what happened in the arcturian heresy getting screwed over that the under king organized i guess through the dark brotherhood or maybe directly did um killed pelagius the first which actually ends tiber septim's direct line because what happens is after pelagius the first death it goes to tiber septim's niece um kintara i think it is hold on yeah can tyra septum um so then technically like everyone no one is a direct descendant of tiber septim in the septum dynasty but they're all direct descendants of tiber septim's brother agnereth or something it's um it's a it's a funnier which one was pledges the first was that the guy with the hip bone that went crazy no that's the third um yeah anyway yeah the septum dynasty is a sham but yeah my eye my eyes like there's so much steam coming off it all right we've got the say go old now this is actually i believe just kind of what you were talking about before scott because i don't even know if you pronounce it go at all but that's from stargate yeah that's a race of sentient parasitic beings that take over the hosts um and they look like these snake dragon things they just look like snake dragons so i think it's just talking about the concept that sayasi do take over hosts and and yeah them and kind of become these snake things but yeah yeah all right luna currency yeah stella and bitcoin a few i've never heard of this you guys were talking about this before oh you is this oh we're just naming it luna currency though just to the moon is um a kirkbride thing um i'm just reading a quote here who you i can say nothing more than to loosen your equation of moods to lunar currency but then a better quote is um the echo of the void is oblivion the echo of oblivion is now mortal death death results in reappropriation of spirit towards its aligned ae either to the god planet aedra or the principalities of oblivion vex name for this transaction mentioned above is lunar currency it's gamestop so yeah anything that's mooning is lunar currency yeah i i don't i don't really grasp it i got a massive lunar coin this is going to moon you just sounds like i don't know it's so kind of being exchanged in this lunar currency i don't know the next one we could talk is historical star inconsistencies and only thing i can think of immediately off the top of my head is during the middle dawn dragon break the only consistent things was eight falling stars which i guess implies the rest of constellations and things and so on was inconsistent like no one has during that middle dawn like no one could track anything being the same except these particular eight falling stars so i mean everything right it could be like uh if you look at star maps from dwemer ruins you could in ruins there's some other civilizations that have them and when you line them up like some bits kind of line up but there's a bunch of stars and stuff that are inconsistent across these different civilizations from thousands of years ago that might be basically like literal stars historically unless it's like entire constellations that are the same but in different spots and i don't know but i feel like it also people could use that to support the ideas of like uh you know different calpers or times like so if you could in star maps are from another count there you couldn't from another caliper bringing their star maps they're not gonna align with these or it's just another up some cool gamepl maps and they were slightly different to one another no that that is literally the explanation for everything you're like what's going on here speaking of stars we've got the i don't know how to pronounce it but minimally slash emily slash star like an enemy basically the first one there i'm pretty sure is this like blue bluish star that appears when a dragon break is going to happen or something yeah i've heard of that vaguely and then but then grouping in star orphans just magne isn't it yeah magnet also called literally the children of magnus and star orphans or a family of divine beings yeah together um i don't know what they mean i know the minimally thin gets mentioned there are a type of magnet that only appeared during dragon breaks frequently called on time maybe it doesn't anyway we also have maybe nimbly doesn't actually appear in 36 lessons it's in them if you don't commentaries ah yeah that's yeah bosma hercin worship but it's very cryptic i would say yeah there's bosma that worship her scene some of them is that against the green pact yeah and they can't hunt you can't it's more the shape-shifting that you can't do well i guess it's only the way yeah i mean like also if he's killing animals that's a big number so long as they don't kill plants that's right they're like opposites oh yeah yeah you know you're right screw the animals get in there with her yeah i need you to go and hunt this bamboo stalk no but i guess that would be a big no-no for them in regards to him being a daedric being you know like uh what are you going to say so no no yeah pretty much that yeah all good all right sickness zero summed didn't he get uh kinda like just fondled by asmr well he went he goes up to the book to the ogre infinium and then i guess then he goes oh it's crazy all that and he says some crazy stuff about the [ __ ] that's happening to him and then he turns to ash and interestingly like i guess there was other examples i think there was and they found ash piles in dwemer wait how does he actually vanish does he like go and vanish or does he he says some googly [ __ ] stuff and then just goes turns into a pile of air oh it does turn into ash yeah yeah i remember the pile of it once again it could also be a limitation of uh yeah of like the game engine they just go oh we need to we need to be able to loot him yeah um but the idea there i guess oh yeah yeah okay he does he just personally the idea that could be like hermes mora wanted him to open it um so that he could kind of zero some in front of him and extract the knowledge of zero summing but what happens to arnie will gain when you when he's zero sums when he supposedly zero he just disappeared he doesn't no yeah but that's what's interesting too because you can summon any gain as a ghost and there are those dwemer ghosts as well and the idea that maybe but they could have also died before the whole zero summing yeah in i cover what it's called uh the place under bornhold the dwama city there's two ghosts in there you can actually talk to but something went wrong in that city beforehand and all the dwemer turned to ash piles yeah yeah it's just weird that when you zero some your clothes go with you yeah that seems weird to me they should do it like yoda style or like you know obi-wan's yeah yeah you should just your clothes should just flop to the ground yeah i feel like because they're not having much of a revelation you know but you never know anyway don't speak for my clothes this is the soft doctrine of magnus invisible is this science it's gonna be a out of cannon riding for sure for sure sounds like some gobbledygook to me um um okay it's really short though i can read it the dragon is bound with noble size the serpent is bound with shifting tones the sun is bound with metal flames the earth is bound with secret knots the end is it uh in-game ball it's good stuff uh it's from the imperial library okay so check the source douglas squiddle oh yeah okay well he's one of the like kind of developers but it's written outside the game yeah so okay abner gorbachev i went to read it before you did and i went no i i can i can i know what this is i can ex i can explain this really quickly um it's basically just like a anti-universe viewpoint so like orbic orbic as in orbis and abner as in like abnegation so like abnegation is rejecting or renouncing something so it's kind of like an ultima who wants to unmake the world may have some kind of abnegotic creed cool yeah dunmeris um is that not just what they call the nords called tomorrow yeah it is yeah yeah now the 15 in one golden tones is something referenced in um dwemer texts and stuff i'm pretty sure kakrenak or someone swears it sounds like 15 and one golden tones and people speculate what they are if they're references actually to daedra or other things it sounds like oh i'm to me it sounded like tonality yeah yeah it's like related to that yeah oh that's in the morrowind dlc vso there's like a bunch of musical pipes you have to play in the right order how did i don't know i remember that it is it's something to do with tonal architecture yeah um all right we'll go to you'll know this one ideal masters are god of worms remnant because you did a video on the ideal masters right yeah there was nothing about mademoiselle but there is about necromancers right yeah apparently the ideal masters were necromancers in the maratha era who threw some unknown means or went to oblivion found some chaotic creature and made the soul can and then ascended to non-corporeal beings that they're immortal but they're it's they use soul energy to be immortal but they say like if they give soul energy away it diminishes their eternity [Music] i don't know but the king of wings remnant yeah god of worms remnant oh it was god of worms did i say king of worms no i i think i thought mata marker what's the god of war probably mana marco right i'm pretty sure it's just referencing him in his divine yeah i don't know oh yeah also is that canon what that because one of the endings of daggerfall is he gets the mandela and becomes a god yeah well this is the this is you know obviously the cope dragon break law but the idea that that he in one timeline they all get reconciled into one timeline all the different versions so that he both became a god and stayed mortal so the idea is that the mages guild and oblivion questline you're fighting the mortal form of mana marco whereas there's another form from another timeline that became the necromancer's moon which is the same moon that you use to make the black soul gems so okay it says he's known as the king of worms and later on the god of worms okay uh i guess we can move on yeah let's move uh so maybe 37. here we go scott yeah so sermon 37 is the it's it was added in um i think it's tomorrow and for aso but it's basically it's heavily referential to coda so it's was it actually was it actually a thing that was added i thought it was sort of no it's it's in the it's in the game you can find it in telenora or for vex private quarters in vivec palace but uh you have discovered the 37th sermon of avec which is a bending of the light long past the chronicles of the hortator who wore in constant faces and ruled however they would until apocalypse like that's talking about the nerevarine the different faces and then it's about a time long past until apocalypse which is the whole landfall thing and then it goes on there's like lots and lots of little references and then interestingly and at the end the worldling of the words is amaranth so it's kind of like the big you know before um oh my god what they say at the end of every vivec one again yeah ending of the words of is elmsby but yeah the it's like kind of like the uh thematic ending to the 36 lessons of effect but it's from the future so it's weird it's from the future what do you mean well because you know like vivec exists like in a god form kind of like experience time all at once like he mentions lines about like how the gods experience time happening all at once so future past present stuff so like this is a writing he's writing about it but it's something that's going to happen in the far future alluding to coda like landfall like fifth era stuff so it's kind of like it's semi-canonized because it's not specific enough to be like yes it's a 100 canon but it's kind of like oh this is nodding heaps to uh coda it's interesting that it ends with the the word amaranth yeah which is the dude that becomes the new godhead apparently oh there's another soul jubil on soul or something like that i can't quite remember why did you say that is that on the list no no it's it's the name of the character in coda oh the flying whales yeah we got the flying whales joy snow next i don't know what joy snow is i know there's sand whales and snow waves the snow whales were these flying whales that rain down joy snow from their bellies i think it's a it's a pretty seven fights of the alcohol um i think pretty sure i've seen analysis stuff on her own it's referencing semen like it's from their bellies like the flying word because michael kirkbride writes heaps of sexual undertones to all of his um things right um and that because this was actually correction on the last one because you know you're talking about the wasabi shields apparently they would but they would they would bite down on wasabi on the ends of their shields to break themselves out of the trance that the joy snow okay i have to reread that it does say the joystick comes out of the blow hole though which you you would assume is not the blowhole you know hang on so these things are a kirkbride thing yes yeah because in eso there's someone who sells this potion thing they made and when you drink it it's said that you can then see sand whales and snow whales flying above the the deserts of hammerfell and elsewhere and the snow whales in skyrim so it's like lsd yeah pretty much well maybe you're just really seeing the truth of the universe you know they are really there it's just you can't see them until you're in an enlightenment until he drinks this random woman's potion yeah never buy someone's joy snow just trust him this was referenced in that animation that all-in-all made with um wilfrick right and the the yeah there's a whale flying in the background and snow flying everywhere actually maybe joyce know it could be like a cocaine you know maybe they just like blow cocaine out of their blow holes and it's like ate themselves you've got that flask that says skimmer on it you gotta make you've got to make something now that says what do you mean kids so main car equals jay jagarthan um i don't really i don't really like it i just don't like that for you yeah i don't know it just sounds off um i don't think there's any basis for that at all could be the only thing i can think of is if this new eso dlc does make it does establish that mankind cameron does found the mythic dawn so has actually lived since its founding like back in the second era then he could have been around to be the jagarthan but but then again like i always like the at the thaan family line related to abnerthon i don't know that's how i feel about it too sharma um basically like the antithesis of um of the tribunal there's aren't the pain they've spelt this wrong pancreatis sword i think it's pancreatic sword like one word one s yeah um and it's basically does it have an s i thought it had it's just called the pancreatic yeah sorry that's what i'm saying as in like yeah i've already seen it as one word and the s in that word is just the s for sword and it's like this ultimate sword singer it's a gift technique forbidden ritual yeah that's apparently what the ukudens did on yokuda to destroy the left-handed elves that sunk the continent they used the pancreatic control and just blew up the continent even though it seems like that's all out of law like the idea is that there's the hera dirge so that's getting revenge on emperor hira um and that they used some weird stone magic but it's kind of a they kind of suggest that what they did was they discovered this pancrato sword technique where they could cut the atoms and cause explosions that's what ruined your cooking literally yeah like that's that's why they needed to forget a lot of their parts it's like we have to have this forbidden it's i think kirkbride writes that they could they wouldn't put it in any of their memory stones because they didn't want anyone to know this secret again it was left behind was it forbidden after or before i thought it was i i blew up a continent that they lived on yeah because i don't think it's a coincidence that they call him emperor hero it's probably it's some way like a a reference to hiroshima what do you reckon what do you reckon about the elder scrolls 6 being a sword singer jerry let's get it i don't want to be makes a lot of sense that's the last thing you unlock pancreatic it just makes so much sense though and because it's been a missing art actually i never thought of by the way that um the pancreatic sword as a reference to hiroshima just because like so much of yokudan like history is literally just japan transposed into yokuda so much so it's like the more you so it's all the more ridiculous it just looks like they completely ripped off japan and then so it makes sense that it ended like yeah like that yeah cyrus also calls i mean yeah yeah he also calls the hero doge the ho no shira or something like that it's like yeah does he actually yeah i think in um in vivec's sword meeting with cyrus it's mentioned it's it's named something like that is that in a book where does that take place the idea is that cyrus and his crew landed on one of the islands that remained of yokuda and for some reason they saw vivec there and they thought it they thought it looked like um right when they first got there which is a bit weird but yeah like what vivec's doing there gets a bit maybe it's like if you go past tamriel that way you just come back around tomorrow yeah i mean that's a weird thing that crossed my mind but then it just caused i guess akavir is in between though yeah and you run into that at some point we've got len doesn't exist which we already talked about is like this end of the world cataclysmic event where the numidium comes back and just nopes everything out of existence yeah just that takes place in the fifth era correct yeah yeah supposedly but then there's that that robot uh kin moon from the ninth era yeah they're kind of it's weird because they seem like separated like coda and then some of the other kind of weird writings about it like it's all like i mean in essence anyway the idea of coda is kind of establishing this kind of idea that um that everything's very like highly interpretable anyway like it kind of is trying to be an anti-cannon kind of um piece anyway so it's trying to anyway last thing on the list today and it actually is canon is cylon which if you remember is actually a location from the shivering isles dlc thought to be the oh yeah the most the oldest um i remember that one where you get the flame of agnon to take to the um the kellum of art and saul and light the flame and and all of that but i don't know why this is so far down on this list and why it is like supposedly shrouded in um conspiracy i feel like anything normal this far down i'm like oh dude there must be some like deep law theory going on yeah like people think it was the original capital of the shivering isles but i don't know why it's why that's some saucy secret like it wow yeah this is going to take a fair few more episodes the plan was to get to two and a half but it's already been like it's been two years two and a half hours to get through two so yeah yeah dude it's getting i feel like the more the like actually towards the bottom it kind of gets easier yeah i think it will yeah i remember telling scott before the first episode that there's no way and he's like oh no maybe we can get it all done in one my episode um yeah okay well thanks everyone for watching i'm really impressed if you made it this far i'm impressed with all four of us to be honest we're all feeling like that yeah this is what you signed up for campbell that's fine but yeah it's um ladies and gentlemen camel works here he is thank you for joining us take a bell i went to bow just like i was going down on someone beautiful all right well social medias are in the description as well as a link to camel's channel if you haven't been there already and we will see you next time see ya
Channel: FudgeMuppet
Views: 274,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skyrim, elder scrolls, elder scrolls lore, skyrim lore, elder scrolls podcast, fudgemuppet, elder scrolls lore podcast, elder scrolls 6
Id: EuFPCZjhmXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 151min 3sec (9063 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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