The GREATEST Daedra of ALL TIME? - Elder Scrolls Lore

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[Music] [Music] there is little chance of us ever understanding the various orders of Daedra and their relationships to the Daedra lords and their dominions of the varieties of Daedra that appear in our world and the varieties of their relationships to their fellows and their Daedra patrons there is no end in one place and time they are seen to be this and in another place in time they are seen to be the opposite there are no limits to the varieties of behaviors that may be observed from whom may we seek answers to our questions about these beings from mortals who know little but what they may observe of another world from the gods who speak in riddles of enigmas rapt in mysteries and who keep things from us the better to preserve their domination over us from the Daedra themselves who were never the models of straightforwardness or truth-telling but rather a famous for miss statements and obfuscation 'he's the dissident priest named durrani a drafyn would assert that little we learned about the Daedra can be believed and scarce few sources can be trusted but as fudge Muppets resident died Rolla gist I'll take it upon myself to delve into the lore of the Daedra and frivolously try to understand these entities that are far beyond mortal understanding hey guys it's drew here and welcome back to fudge Muppet here on the channel we've covered the Daedric princes and the lesser Daedra in great detail but today thanks to a great suggestion I saw from Rory in the comments I'm going to be ranking the known Daedra by their achievements and determining who is the greatest Daedra of all time this isn't an easy list to make as the Daedra and nothing like us mortals the word Daedra literally translates to not our ancestors and frankly I don't think they could care less how great or insignificant we think they are the mortal perception of power and worth is irrelevant to such creatures but we're not going to include the Daedric princes in this list only the halls of lesser Daedra found in service to these Lords their accomplishments are much easier to quantify and compare but here I go rambling again adding minutes to this already long and extensive video how about we get right into it by rattling off our honorable mentions these lesser Daedra are noteworthy but pale in comparison to the greatest inhabitants of oblivion I'm gonna start off with a drummer who earned himself a spot on this list for the sheer weight of his balls alone this lesser Daedra decided it was a brilliant idea to pull a prank on the Daedric prince of domination and enslavement the prince in question is Molag Bal he's also known as the Defiler the harvester of souls the corruptor the lord of brutality the sower of strife and the prince of pain yet this bright Remora was not dissuaded Syke nas was the culprit of an event recorded as the seat of tyranny rude cushion incident and this incident involved the drama replacing a whoopee cushion on Molag Bal's from-- the prince of domination wasn't amused by zika NASA's practical joke as the drew mora was banished from cold harbor and eternally imprisoned within his own private pocket prison realm let's hope he found it funny as he'll need that memory to keep him entertained for the duration of his eternal imprisonment on a more serious note our next honorable mention proved much more useful to Molag Bal's plans than sickin as this beast was not always a Daedra but his might pique the interest of the Prince of domination his name is Bozek odd stryn which in the Dragon language means boldly wheeled storm Bozek odd stryn was undeniably bold as even when the Dragon War came to an end and the Nords emerged victorious over their trikona Kover lords he refused to suffer defeat most of the Dragons submitted to the ever pernicious mortals and those who weren't slain went into hiding but if the stories are to be believed Bozek odd strin was too great to be killed by men and far too proud to be called in to seeking refuge so he exerted his night Divine Will in an attempt to fly beyond the borders of the mundus and though he did not succeed his effort was valorous and remarkable and impinged upon the attention of Molag Bal himself Bal noted this feat of will force considered that the race of douve had achieved dominion over ma have known and thus spake unto this baza constrain offering him a place of honor and privilege in his domain of Coldharbour and the dragon his resources all but spent by his efforts did accept and agree but unsurprisingly the Lord of enslavement had not invited the dragon to Coldharbour to be his guest but rather to probe for the secrets of the Dragons domination over mortals Bocek old strin was bound in chains and held captive in the Tower of lies he subjected the once great beasts to torture and torment the only respite from suffering came when the slave masters paused to interrogate him but this only served to swell the dragon's pride he was haughty and indignant at his ill-treatment and no matter what torments were brought to bear the intransigent Baz Akkad stryn refused to utter so much as a single syllable in his abrasive language to reveal the secrets of the douve so Molag Bal vexed by the beasts unyielding defiance subjected the dragon to a slow and excruciating death his flesh was slowly consumed until only the skeleton remained Bal regarded the skeleton of the Dovan laughed if I cannot have the secrets of the Dragons he funded then I shall make dragons of my own dragons even mightier than those of nirn Vasek odd strands accomplishments as a dragon were impressive his belligerent resolve was admirable and death wouldn't be the end of his story but Akkad stryn skeleton was taken to cold harbors vile laboratory and here it was infused with the blood of Darkness Bal ordered his servants to improve on the already imposing skeletal structure of the dragon making it even mightier than that of its forebears and then it was plunged into a pool of Azur plasm the raw creation energy from which all Daedric beings in cold harbour emerged and so Baz Akkad strands corpse was reborn as the first Daedric titan its strength was unparalleled its savagery remarkable even among the war slaves of Molag Bal and its native intelligence was impressive though not perhaps on the level of its forebears and so everyday drip tighten created in the vial laboratory came from Boz Akkad strands image next we have an honorable mention who we unfortunately can't identify I don't have a name or even agenda though gender is a bit of a fluid concept when it comes to the Daedra anyway I wanted to mention this unnamed character on the list simply because it's so unusual to actually have a story to tell of a positive interaction between mortals and the Daedra the Daedra in question was an Oriole or a golden Saint as they are commonly called in the Shivering Isles the sauce Saints and Sadducees claims the Saints are a proud arrogant race quick to anger and cruel in their punishment there is no question that they view all in the Isles as inferior and make no effort to hide this in their interactions so they have little love for mortals yet the story of this unnamed Oriole suggests the opposite malkov Arliss was the dunmer son of a wizard named morose and when his mother died in childbirth Morrow summoned a golden Saint to protect and care for the infant this Daedric Guardian took the young Malka to the Shivering Isles and he was raised among the golden Saints of Brock under the tutelage of the Orioles Malka required steadfast principles of Honor duty and fidelity to his word the inescapable influence of the Shivering Isles also imbued him with a measure of unpredictability in his methods malkov our loss eventually returned to Tamriel as an adult where his talents drew the attention of Van escalier Ian and he went on to become an esteemed member of the mages guild he was among those gallant mages who took part in the invasion of Coldharbour during the plane meld of his fellows were taken captive but malcolm managed to evade capture by transforming himself into a scamp with the help of the vestige he rescued his condemned peers malko was also essential in opening and maintaining portals to Tamriel allowing supply lines to be established and reinforcements to come to their aid he was also present for the final assault which put an end to the plane meld of course malkos achievements are not the achievements of the oriole who raised him and that's why we're still in the Honorable Mention but I fought that golden Saint deserve to be included they're kind and known for looking down upon mortals yet this Oriole didn't seek to trick malkos grieving father upon summoning and actually fulfilled the substantial task we have one final honorable mention before we reach our top five and this winged twilight is rumored to be Molag Bal's own daughter I'm not talking about female vampires who call themselves daughters of Coldharbour know this lesser Daedra is supposedly the Daedric Prince's own offspring her name is Moloch grander and she was the guardian of the chasm of Coldharbour in truth Molag Rhonda is only an honorable mention because there is no direct evidence at all that she has any relation to the Prince of domination an absurd and the BAL would scoff at the assertion that a lesser Daedra especially a semi-intelligent bird-brained lesser Daedra could possibly be his kin Grunder guarded the chasm of Cold Harbor during the plane meld but when the mortals invaded Bal's realm she was swiftly slain and when she returned from the azure plasm Grandda visited morrowind where she consorted with a frost Atronach named no Meg why perhaps the strongest argument that Balon grander are related was Molag Bal's disdain for this relationship like a picky parent balford the nerevarine a cure for vampirism in exchange for killing Grunder when she returned to cold harbor Bell reprimanded her and I can't imagine the fate of know Meg was a particularly pleasant one but with that we reach our top five and in fifth place we have a drama who loves nothing more than spending his days in the realm of mundos sailing the seas searching for treasure and Sun during seafaring mortals with his scimitar Velux sane the pirate king of the abbey ssin is one of Tamriel's most notorious swashbucklers as his nickname suggests he gained a lot of notoriety of the continents West Coast where he and his infernal crew raid all mortal vessels with equal barbarity the flag you fly is irrelevant of ellic it could be Dominion or Empire or just a humble merchant cog if you spy blood in the water know that same ship is nearby for the most part this Remora lives by his own rule ignorant of all the Daedra lords but it is said he assisted Molag Bal in his plane meld invasion before being banished back to the void by the fighters guild this was Velux only known for a into war in politics and then he was back to what he did best terrorizing the Seas without any buyers at some point in the fourth era a group of four students from the College of Winterhold attempted to conjure velak with four enchanted rings and a Daedric gauntlet their ambitious summoning resulted in their deaths and the souls of the students were trapped in Oblivion for eternity but it turns out that the summoning had been a success and Sain was bound to the gauntlet the last dragon born released velak in the for farah 201 in exchange for the location of his treasure hoard it isn't clear whether the hero freed velak or banished him to the void but I think it's safe to say I've away that the drum aura once reformed or released was back on the high seas of mundus plaguing travelers and traders alike vel xane is hardly an overachiever but it's interesting to see it Remora who doesn't follow the rigid cultural structure of this Daedric race drew mora are known for their strict class-based clan systems they uphold their oaths and take pride in their staunch loyalty to their caste and their superiors yet he is velak sane living by his own code what some would call rules he would call guidelines so if you see a ghastly ship on the horizon you best start believing in ghost stories cuz you're in one our next great Daedra attempted quite an ambitious stunt she plotted with her master to steal the most valuable position of power in Tamriel and she came damn close to succeeding in fourth place we have the XIV kin named Moloch kena the XIV kin are a Daedric race of Molag Bal's creation in cold harbors vile laboratory Bal experimented with vestigial hybridization between Remora and Zavala and the result was the XIV kin mo lag Kenner was monarch in Belle's realm and one of his most trusted servants in the midst of the plane meld Kanna was tasked with infiltrating the imperial city and impersonating the current empress clivia farm while disguised as Empress she would have access to an elder scroll which Belle hoped would the merging of Tamriel with Coldharbour but mo lag Kenna was confronted during the ritual by the undaunted and a moth priestess named Taryn ominous atop the white gold tower she was slain before the ritual could be completed and sent back to the void taking the bronze we have a greater nocturnal of ever glown who fought against the Daedric Prince of destruction mehrunes dagon during the invasion of the imperial battlespire shrikes or Nocturnals as the name suggests or a race of feminine form Daedra usually found in service to the Daedric prince nocturnal in her realm of ever gloom nocturnal leftenant JCL morgan rules over a pocket realm of ever glow and called shade perilous it is a pocket realm coveted by power-hungry Daedric clans due to its abundance of darkling manner morgan was a competent ruler in a powerful Daedra but her greatest weakness was her proneness to bouts of debilitating melancholy when in the recesses of her mind wallowing in deep despair she's completely inconsolable and unreachable by even her most trusted apprentices nevertheless Morgan held dominion over shade perilous and maintained the precarious loyalty of the clan las' dark seduces have ever Gloam however this truce was broken when the sadducees defected to the side of mehrunes dagon ever gloom was not the primary target of the princes invasion and Dagon had not initially planned to conquer sheight perilous but free of his senior clan leaders were ambitious and overzealous so instead of seeking passage through Morgan's domain they used their new allies who were well familiar with the pocket realm to conquer it these clan chiefs were Phaedra Sharda of the Sharda clan zeevala MOA of the Zavala clan and in may go storm of the drew Mora clan they succeeded before eventually abandoning the realm leaving it to be fought over by the flame and frost at Renard's JCL morgan was ashamed by her failure to maintain control over her pocket realm and the subsequent sorrow she experienced plunged her into an unyielding depression her closest servant Deyanira cat hrus had counseled morgan to trust the sadducees but that council would of course proven to be unwind thus the lesser nocturnal blamed herself for Morgan's despair Deyanira sought out an apprentice from the battlespire to help her rouse Morgan from her melancholy the apprentice struck Deyanira with an enchanted dagger sending her to the void as she predicted the loss of Deyanira had been enough to break Morgan from her depression her grief at the death of her servant and the loss of her realm had transformed into anger which she directed at mehrunes dagon and his destructive clan chiefs Morgan held off the princes immense power just long enough for the apprentice to strike him down with the sword of the Moon River thanks to Jason Morgan's assistance the battlespire was saved from complete annihilation and Dagon was banished to the void shade perilous was liberated from the control of Dagon's chieftains and while it isn't confirmed Morgan and her Nocturnals likely regained control over this pocket of the ever globe in second place we have an a lead sorcerer king who became Meridius champion the Lady of light gifted him with immortality imbuing him with a terrible and blinding golden hue and with this in mind this mighty warrior of radiance would not be pleased to hear he was given the silver medal and not the gold I'm of course talking about umaril the unfeathered I know what you're thinking who Morril was an a lid and his true parentage isn't known so how can you call him a Daedra well his race is a little bit complicated the a lids made a pact with meridia and the elves fought side by side with the glister witch's golden Aurora's Daedric beings made of pure light who Marilla said to have had the blood of the ardor and would never know death but the Attar de does not only refer to the aedra it also refers to the Daedra leotardo were the original spirits of the Adria and Daedra umaril had an a word mother but a divine father and it's likely that this father was Daedric not a drink emeral resembled an Aurora only much larger and his alliance with meridia ensured that when he was killed his spirit would reform from the void in her colored rooms sounds a lot like a Daedra to me the song of Pelin all states the umaril spoke of his father to the whitestrake the half elf showed him off bathed in Meridian light and he listed his bloodline in the a lagoon and spoke of his father a God of the previous CalPERS world River what this world River refers to isn't known but a thing about the previous Kalpa that is somewhat well-known is that the drej kings ruled the oceans and Molag Bal had been their chief I'm not saying you marilla's Molag Bal okay the ruddy man's son or anything especially given the animosity between meridia and bowel but I think a water dwelling divine from the previous Kalpa would likely be a Daedra and of course the world River may not even be a literal River it could just be a poetic way of describing the passage of time in another cycle once again this is speculation but I hope the reasons I've listed have convinced you to allow umaril the unfeathered onto this list of great Daedra representing the aurora pnes Oh Marilla merged to lead the United forces of a lead in a roarin against the elysian rebellion of Seerat and with such a powerful leader the humans really had no hope of victory fortunately for the humans they had some divine intervention of their own Saint Alicia was chosen by akatosh and she had two inhuman allies one was kind son more a house the winged man bull the other was Pelin a whitestrake the star made Knight the bane of myrrh umaril stood between the armies of man and the tower of white gold when Pellinore came Emeril sent his fundin arks to Harry the long march of the rebellion and he sent waves of her Oren's to ruin Pellinore advance from afar the white strike slew them all and stood among those golden corpses that lay like candlelight around the throne then the a lead sorcerer kings each one heavy with Valiants surrounded him Pellinore called for umaril the unfeathered who tarried in the shadows of the white tower he a Meridius champion wrought the arrows and axes of his soldiers with powerful sorcerer ease before sending them to weaken his foe only then did Emeril step onto the battlefield to face the starmade Knight the details of this jewel were forever lost to time the text was lost from the volumes of the song of Pelin all but by the end of it Emeril was laid lo the angel face of his helm dented into an ugliness which made Pellinore laugh his unfeathered wings had been broken off with sword strokes delivered while Pellinore stood frothing above him insulting his ancestry and anyone else that took ship from old Elna fay this provoked a response from the gathered sorcerer kings who avenged umaril by cutting Pellinore into eight pieces umaril the unfeathered was defeated by queen alicia's champion who was also one of the greatest warriors ever to live if he ever lived at all that is for Pellinore whitestrake was no mere mortal Emeril was cast adrift in the waters of oblivion before being reborn in meridians colored rooms he stayed here for thousands of mortal years before returning to take vengeance on the Divine's his Aurora --nz desecrated the Chapel of DiBella and of Mara but the champion of Cyrodiil gathered the Crusader relics and delivered the ultimate killing blow to the immortal sorcerer king he slew umaril on the mortal plane and then followed him to the spirit plane where umaril the unfeathered suffered his final defeat and that brings us to first place to find the greatest aedra of all time we have to travel back to Molag Bal's realm of Coldharbour one last time taking the gold we have another drum or ax and a member of the four killers drum or a clan her name is Liran for the fall killer and without her Molag Bal's plane meld would certainly have been successful Lear aunt was a loyal servant to the Prince of domination she considered him to be the true master of ultra mora but things got complicated when the Deaf bring a clan betrayed the fool killer clan and Lea aunt was banished from Val's realm the other members of her clan were not so lucky as their vestiges were trapped by a powerful Grievous Twilight named dusk he incorporated their Daedric vestiges into the forging of an enchanted set of armor in the five hundred and eighty second year of the second era the banished Lear ant was summoned by the Aldmeri Dominion during their invasion of black marsh their plan was to exterminate the argonians and conquer the region of shadow Fenn she was bound inside the ruins of ten more walk until she was found by a vestige she offered to reveal the Dominions plans in exchange for her freedom once she had escaped she could plot her revenge against the deaf wringer clan following the Daedric occupation of the imperial city the grievous Twilight wearing the vestige armor of her clan mates had been appointed Lord warden of the imperial city prison so Lyra have travelled to serie dill and slew the beasts with the help of the undaunted her vengeance was complete when she trapped Lord warden Dusk's vestige in a shield and rescued the fool killers from Dusk's armor they returned to Cold Harbor to plan their attack on the deaf bringers soon later the mortal invasion of Coldharbour was underway and Molag Bal's scheme was beginning to unravel Lear invaded in freeing a large group of mortal prisoners from the Tower of lies and advised van escalier e'en on how best to overcome the Jerome auras last line of defense the Reaver Citadel but why was Lee Ralph doing this well when the Deaf bring a clan under the leadership of Vulcan our serums betrayed the full killer's they rose to prominence in Cold Harbor saris became a trusted counselor to Molech bowel and the deaf bringers were heavily invested in the plane meld is Lee Ralph and her fool killers disgraced Sarris and his deaf bringers in exchange for her knowledge Lee Ralph demanded that the vestige kill Surratt's banishing him from the peak of his power back to the void with saris disposed of the deaf bringers were done for and the fool-killer clan was restored to power in cold Harbor she opened the way for the mortal invaders to reach the endless stare and they successfully destroyed the plane of attacks the plane milled was officially over and what was a miraculous escape from total catastrophe for the humans was simply revenge for Lee ramp the fall killer it would be a long long time before any zealous clan leader sought to cross the four killers again I wouldn't be surprised if node Remora has tried since for even the Daedric Prince of domination Molag Bal himself was humbled by Lee ramps intervention and that's why Ally ramped the four killer is the greatest lesser Daedra of all time time may be arbitrary to the Daedra of oblivion and Lee Ralph may not bat an eye at any prestigious title bestow upon her by a lowly mortal like myself but still I hope you enjoyed the video thanks so much for watching I have been true this has been fudged Muppet and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: FudgeMuppet
Views: 533,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skyrim, skyrim lore, elder scrolls, elder scrolls lore, fudgemuppet, skyrim daedra, daedra lore, skyrim greatest, greatest daedra, lesser daedra, dremora, oblivion lore
Id: c5HhGm4J1Cc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 34sec (1474 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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