The Second Era EXPLAINED! Tiber Septim, Numidium, More Akaviri Invasions - Elder Scrolls Lore

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welcome ladies and gentlemen welcome back to fudge Muppet my name is Scott and today I present to you a huge undertaking a video that encompasses all of the history from the second era in the Elder Scrolls universe if you do enjoy this kind of video do please give it a like it lets us know that you love it and that you want more the first error explained video is linked in the description below and there is definitely a plan to do this for the third and fourth errors as well and perhaps even the dawn and Maratha errors but those get a little bit unprofessional AK of concrete dates but without further ado let's get into the video this is the second era explained so we left the first era with the death of Emperor Amon the third ruler of the Second Empire being assassinated by the dunmer organization of assassins called the more act on his son Prince juliek is also killed his akaviri potentate a saisi man named versa do che assumed stewardship of the empire and declares the beginning of the second era this would mark ye one of the second era the four score war that had been waging between the Empire and morrowind throughout the end of the first era would also soon come to an end with a treaty signed year 101 is the year where the first mention of the star gazers appears a small guild that devoted their time to studying the Stars the constellations and their relationship to magic the year one hundred and twenty marks the year that Baroness Fionna the pure would begin her long reign of lain land and hammerfell having defeated the evil sisterhood of Daedra worshippers who were manipulating the Baron and the men of Leyland to their bidding ye 148 Baroness Vienna the pure dies after ruling langland for 28 years the Year 182 celebrates the reign of Zubaydah and Jo the new mane of elsewhere two years later far to the north year 184 the dragon guards slay the mighty dragon roarin dog in the Jura mountains after it had slaughtered many in winterhold and March in a 227th year of the second era the great eyelid sage - Johnny fire dies having taught much to the people of Tamriel about the lost tailored ways year 230 the mages guild is formed by Venice school Aryan in the summerset isles city of first hold mana school Aryan had entered the city order at age 11 under the tutelage of Lucas vana school Aryan and another student named mana Marco would become the most brilliant students of the citric order the two students were polar opposites butting heads vanna's would try to turn mana Marco from his dark path of necromancy but to no avail after many disagreements with the six vanna's left the Isle of Artyom to start the mages guild to bring magical education to the public the mages guild was formed with rules against necromancy and the use of black soul gems year 231 the order of the lamp or more commonly called the lamp Knights were formed to be protectors of the mages guild now come the Year 283 versa - che convenes with the elder council and declares martial law on all of Tamriel this was the result of the destruction of his fortress and Dawn star as part of one of the many rebellions of the Empire at this time all of his vassals were to disband their private armies or face his wrath those who did not disband their armies would take part in an intense conflict that would last for 37 years with versa do che coming out on top by the end the Imperial Legion would be the only standing army on Tamriel year 284 the famous dragon tail tavern is established on the island of Strasse Makai as we enter the fourth century of the second era year 301 the kingdom of CamLAN in hierarchies founded this major city lies on the western coast of High Rock year 309 is a difficult one for the Khajiit Tiago the ruler of an and queen are and Ishita the ruler of Palantine are married together they make a pact uniting both their kingdoms into one nation called elsewhere all that sounds all nice and dandy the reality of it is that it created a class struggle with the lower classes feeling betrayed by their nobles chieftains just up and forgot about ancient sugar vendetta's and signed treaties that would benefit them and Nobles who once opposed to the other kingdom now at sceptered unity because they would benefit rebellions struck elsewhere hard and Kyogre would try to get outside intervention but the Empire had troubles of its own at this time peace would not be achieved until a new main would appear rid Theory data the new main would have bestow equality to the classes creating a method of rotational power where all sides of kgd society nobles and tribe chieftains alike would alternate control of the region based on the phases of messes up under the two moons in the year 311 the main rid Theory data reveals his riddle for epiphany at Royal car temple a revelation that would become a key part of Khajiit theology year 320 of the second era since versa Ducie had destroyed or disbanded all standing armies but his own Imperial legions problems arose with brigands and bandits the Imperial legions were unable to deal with all policing and protection of the Empire's regions one of Shay's kinsmen named Dina Araz ves nicknamed the iron founded the serf in an organization of warriors for hire that Nobles could employ instead of having a standing local army year 3:21 the serf m spread across Tamriel and would become very popular this year they would be sanctioned as the fighters guild by the guilds Act the guild act was a piece of legislation that codified the operations of guilds within the Second Empire this act was signed by versa douche a and officially sanctioned guilds of tinker's cobblers prostitutes scribes architects Brewers vintners weavers rat catchers furriers cooks astrologers healers tailors minstrels barristers and most importantly the majors and fighters guild would thrive year 324 of the second era the akaviri potentate versa douche a ruler of the Empire for the last 300 years met his fate at the hands of the morag tong like his predecessor riemann the third the words morag tong were painted in the potentates blood across the wall of the murder scene a room of his personal palace in the city of cinn Charl and elsewhere thus IC named savory and toric son of Ursa douche a would succeed his father as potentate unlike his father savory and toric was said to have been a poor administrator handling many crisis's poorly however he was credited with undoing the ban on the formation of local armies allowing vassal kingdoms of the Empire to form their own militaries once again sovereign also accepted the city of horse in iam into the empire year 342 Donald Alain the head of the noble house d'Alene is crowned king of Daggerfall ruling for 59 years the Year 358 of the second era would feature the first known written record of the Dark Brotherhood now it is likely that the Dark Brotherhood was in operation before this date however this is the first record a note found beneath the floorboards of an abandoned home in the Nordic village of jail and home depicts a war in the shadows between the morag tong and its offshoot the dark brotherhood two years later year 360 we have the earliest known date of an individual and listing the services of the dark brotherhood a llama Hera queen of Haggai in Hammerfell was one of the two wives to High King our Azam in her journal she mentions that she would slay her enemies by her own hand or if necessary with the help of the knight mother and her dark Brotherhood the 5th century of the second era begins with the death of King Donald Elaine of Daggerfall in the year 401 it would be succeeded by prince anton on the 17th of half fire becoming king anton the first of Daggerfall you 406 the camonte scandal qua mont was a small sleepy trading post in Velen would a common stop the travelers between Haven and Reapers March it made a nice little hideaway for Bosma nobility in particular the Camerons these Bosma would enjoy their carnal pleasures with the locals taking many to be lovers but in this year 406 if the second era this would come back to bite them as a scandal spread like wildfire qua Mont was said to be the source of dozens and dozens of potential heirs living here and of marriageable age its population nearly doubled within the week and many weddings followed people trying to marry potential heirs to the Cameron's many wood elves from the Imperial provinces would come to their spiritual home and founds the town of new join nearby camonte year 408 King Anton the first of Daggerfall would grieve over his mother's death Queen Sylvie passed in her sleep year 409 King Anton survives an assassination attempt poison darts were used and it would take him some time to recover fully once Anton had recovered his first action was to hold a funeral for his seneschal another word for Stuart who had taken the brunt of the assassins cowardly attack defending his King year 418 AB Nathon is born and would one day become the Chancellor of the elder council year for 2010 shion's centering around the adherence to the green pact reached boiling point between the towns of Kuo Martin knew joy in Velen would the town full of migrants knew joy is burnt to the ground and experienced a massacre including the death of a Cameron noble this tragedy would be used as a political cudgel by the Camerons in the years following in the year 425 a second assassination attempt is made on King Anton of Daggerfall King anton comes out fine but some of his staff would die from the poison in the food year 428 adelies a silver axe founds the order of the silver dawn during a werewolf crisis that had been plaguing High Rock this event was known as the curse of the Crimson moon at Eliza's beloved son had become infected and she was forced to kill him in order to save their village now come the closing of the Second Empire year 430 of the second era Savion toric that potentate was assassinated and with no one to replace him the Second Empire collapses or seen iam also loses its status as an imperial territory as the Empire no longer exists in the following year of the Empire's collapse year 431 the high king of skyrim King Logue Rolf is assassinated yall's varta of Solitude challenges the legitimacy of his heir and is convened all that results from this is the splitting of Skyrim into an eastern and western kingdom the western kingdom ruled by Sparta of Solitude and his descendants and the eastern kingdom being ruled by queen freitas and her descendants from windhelm meanwhile to the west for the second time in history of cinema's destroyed once again by the Breton's and the Red Guards sending the orcs fleeing in all directions year 432 CAV Amarula a warrior priests of akatosh revives the ancient order of the hour in kabocha the military arm of the akatosh Chantry charged with devotion to the Great Dragon and protection of his priests now we've got a deal with a little bit of inconsistency here so apparently in the year 434 a so-called king of Daggerfall king max avians sent the pale watch a Knightly order pledging fealty to the monarch of Daggerfall on a five-year mission to ensure the orcs would never rebuild or sin ium they set up a base called Watchers hold in western Hrothgar now I don't dispute that whole part where the pale watch was sent but the whole problem is this King Max avian because at this time King ant in the first of Daggerfall is still alive and well not dying for another 16 years first I thought this was probably a mix of law from ESO and elder scrolls - Daggerfall and the latter being a very old game details get changed and it's somewhat understandable however what is really dumb is that I realized both of the sources one referencing King an turn of Daggerfall and one King Max avian of Daggerfall are both from Elder Scrolls online the latter being from the Austin iam DLC so they done goofed and put two kings of the same place at the same time in the law but there's an easy fix one that will stop making my head blow up this king max avian as far as I can tell is only really mentioned in one source called King max avians orders so what we will do is cross out his name and put King Anton and there fixes all the issues it was king Anton who sent the pale watch to us in ium year 435 off the coast of northwestern valent Ward lies in Island called tempest island or island of storms the Lamia of this island would invade Tamriel now these Lamia are a race of serpentine amphibious beast folk with the torso of a woman and tail of snake while monstrous they are intelligent capable of speaking the Tamriel a language and employing powerful magic they even have their own religion venerating the egg mother and the great egg year 450 king ant in the first of Daggerfall dies his daughter Donella would be crowned queen Donella of Daggerfall and Danella would later be succeeded by her son and in the second year 465 AB Nathon serves what remains of the imperial Empire as Chancellor of the elder council in 467 Yala Hackford of folk free ends the orcish chieftains in skyrim you see Hackford was only young when yashna grow Yasgur killed the current yell of Fall Creek his father Yosh nag had fled with his followers to Skyrim after the sacking of horse inium and Kings barter of Western Skyrim failed to stop him from taking land in western Foulke wreaths Hackford inherited his father's position as y'all and his crumbling hold y'all Hackford challenged the ash nag to a ritual trial by combat one by one slaying all of his champions until Yosh nag himself would fight him Hackford avenged his father's successfully and defeated Lee Ogden earning him the title hack video Schnack Slayer after Yasha nags death the orc chieftain would collapse instability would return to the region in the same year we have the bread riots of Kovach angry citizens of kvetch began a revolt against the priests of akatosh after red wheat blight had devastated their crops for a second year in a row the order of the hour steps in and slaughters half of the angry mob before a single torch was thrown by the next season the red blight had run its course year 480 a charismatic orc Marauder named Baz sword breaker led his army of brigands against gavage the order of the hour came to Kovach's defense defeating the orc and his army of brigands the primate of the akatosh Chantry made a writ afterwards that allowed the order of the hour to form an army in times of religious emergency year 486 a small fleet of Maremma was sighted off the coast of Allen or the current King at the time King hideth ordered his navy to chase down the sea elves the Navy followed but was ambushed in the waters near pie and Ernie the homeland of the Maremma only one Altamira ship survived giving us valuable insight into the land with descriptions of a sea jungle with plateaus of vegetation spilling over into valleys of ocean waving tendrils of kelp hide the sea serpents that lurk below and to navigate the islands is near impossible due to the ever-present misty haze that dominates the land year 489 the black SAP movement is founded in the home of the Bosma hoping to formalize the bosmer approach to the green pact so that misunderstandings are not possible and tragedies such as the massacre of new joy do not happen King Anton ii of Daggerfall dies in his only surviving heir his nephew bergamot is crowned king bergamot of Daggerfall ye 521 the future king of Wei rest emmerich is born to LP Erik of Cumberland he would learn extensively of economics in his father's business hall and whereas and was also trained in combat for two months of every summer he traveled as a lieutenant of the mounted escort of ever more fighting off bandits goblins and Richmond year 522 Hulbert of house prank Weta's crowned king of shan helm in northern kingdom of high rock ten years later year 532 Albert's son Prince by Logan is born year 536 Vera Nicole eros is born to a Duke of clover year 540 the attempted assassination of primate Francis of the akatosh Chantry was thwarted by the order of the hour by the next year year 541 Duke Iraq the black Drake had United most of the rich men conquered the heartland of Cyrodiil and married a ver axia thorne daughter of AB Nathon in order to legitimize his claim on the Empire Duke Iraq would be the first of a short dynasty called the longhouse Emperor's the pretenders to the throne in this year he furthered his conquest of Tamriel by invading highrock with his armies year 542 do crack the black Drake's sacked the city of evermore after killing King Hesse F of house moil the city falls after three days of siege it would later be taken back by Duke blaze guimard who would then be elected to the throne after Helen Stand Falls to do crack the black Drake he would siege the city of way rest for 57 days and nights but would ultimately fail because his lack of sea machines and fleet to block harbor supplies to the city he left away arrest and moved on to cam lon sacking the city and then he would attack taga fall this is where Duke Iraq would meet his demise slain at the hands of Emmerich of Cumberland as a result of due cracks invasion the kings of Daggerfall way rest cam law Nevermore and Shaun Helms signed a defensive pact called the Daggerfall covenant allowing them to rebuild and prosper Muraki son of Duke rock would take the imperial throne after his father King Halbert of Sean home dies in the year 546 his illegitimate son Prince Ranse is elected as King by a narrow victory helped by various behind-the-scenes political maneuvering jaren the Future High King of Skyrim's Eastern Kingdom would be born this year to Queen Mab yarn flame hair year 551 the bloody funeral at rev inspire a burial grounds disputed sanguine burrows erupts into a bloody skirmish between the houses Montclair and Tamara 'the leaving a black mark on the legacy of these houses year 555 a wren the future Queen of Eleanor is born to king he Duluth and kin lady twin Eden on the fifth of second seed a bloody conflict between the dunmer houses dress and Hollow erupts in the year 559 south of nasus on the border of Black Marsh house lalu was setting up a trading post in this disputed territory how stress was not about to let this happen so they sent mercenaries to destroy it however thanks to some cunning tactics by Parrilla felon of house lalu they repelled the dress attackers and secured the post for their house the year following is one of disaster year 560 then a Hearton flu originates in Black Marsh more specifically the city of Stormhold causing many deaths however none of which were argonians as they are immune to the disease the disease would not cease to be a problem for some 40 years year 561 then a Hearton flu continued to spread from Stormhold out into the wider regions of shadowfiend wiping out the non Argonian populations in the same year to the northwest of Tamriel in High Rock the largest ever orichalcum deposit is discovered in Cumberland mines and Earl Emmerich of Cumberland suggests using the resulting wealth for enhancing where rests fleet and improving trade throughout High Rock the voyage of the crown ship occurs in year 563 the Corinne G a race and silver skinned humans native to Black Marsh were vulnerable to than a Hearton flu they were generally thought to have been driven to extinction however two such cases are the exception a group of Catherine he fled Black Marsh on a crimson ship and attempted to make port at many cities however they were turned away again and again and eventually they would sail westward of Tamriel never to be seen again the other case of the Catherine II survival is that the Catherine G chieftain of the still rise village entered a desperate packed with clavicus vile to survive the disease the chieftain and his tribe were made immortal but would become undead skeletons who had to use illusion magic to maintain their live Catherine key appearance now at this time back in High Rock the new heart and flu had spread killing Emmerich's father and the entire royal family of way rest house gardener emmerich was urged by Nobles to take the throne of where rest and he did so reluctantly on the day of his coronation a halo of gold appeared around the Sun an omen of approval by the Divine's which dispelled all Emmerich's doubts and converted many of his most envious rivals into heartfelt allies following his ascension to the throne the question of who he would marry was pertinent among Emmerich's advisors King rancer of Shawn helm had offered his daughter princess rayel many times and Emeric was on the verge of accepting until upon a visit to the red guard city of Sentinel his eyes were graced by the princess mariah daughter of king fahad from the moment he saw her he knew she would be his queen king r answer of Shawn helm was furious and withdrew his ambassador from way rest ye 566 King emmerich of arrest would marry princess Mariah in the spring which also brought about a trade agreement as her dowry bringing prosperity to all emmerich was so taken by the issues of trade in the iliac bay and his new wife that the mountainous kingdom of shan helm seemed almost irrelevant however King emmerich would note that this was his mistake that almost cost him his throne in the last seed of this year King Randor of shan helm would surprise attack way rest nearly immediately winning causing a retreat into the city and a siege that would last a long while the other kingdoms of the covenant came to Emmerich's aid and over time even King rancis Nobles grew frustrated a trances vendetta withdrawing their support meanwhile king Emmerich made some shrewd diplomatic decisions with an offer to restore or sin iam should Caraga crow Barak lead his army behind Ransa destroying rancis holdings additionally cutting off his retreat this would end in rancis army being decimated King ran sir and a few of his allies managed to escape he then turned to dark sorcery to get his revenge but was murdered by one of his own generals mid ritual the crown of shan helm would be lost emperor maracas son leav ik would take the place of emperor and like his grandfather would marry one of the thon family clivia thon year 567 following the conclusion of rancis war northern hammer fell high rock ends the kingdom of all sinned iam negotiated an alliance over many months many compromises and provisions were made but they would eventually agree to a multinational alliance a greater Daggerfall covenant King Emmerich's vision would be realized no longer merely a Breton defensive pact the new Daggerfall covenant would ensure free trade between all members and all would swear fealty to the covenants Royal Council presided over by the High King Emmerich he would maintain supreme leadership as the architect of the alliance year 568 King blaze of evermore dies being succeeded by his son crowned King Emond it was in this year that brother annulus faithfully copies records of the dragon guard in sky Haven temple from the late first error into a book called an arse of the dragon guard year 572 would be the year of invasion it is this year that marks the second akaviri invasion of Tamriel this time it would not be this icy dominating the invasion at Bartley kemal the race of ice demons from akavir their leader aid assumed Kemal would land in Skyrim near the city of Windhelm they would sack the city killing Queen Mab Yan and her eldest daughter known hilda who was next in line for the throne durin and his twin filled Gor both sons of the late Queen Mab yarn would live on Joran who was in Riften at the time the siege only arrived at Windhelm to see it fall he made his way to the gray beads for help and they were teaching a shouter that could summon an ancient hero to help the royal call of valor summoned Izmir wohlfahrt the ash king now from later interrogations of a Kaveri prisoners it seems that ADA soon was looking for an object or person called something like the ordained receptacle it's a rough translation this could explain why his actions seemed so erratic as after he sacked Windhelm he bypassed Rifton and went straight for morrowind instead of slowly conquering and consolidating land as I imagine would be the thing to do if you wanted to be successful so he could have been desperately searching for this ordained receptacle but regardless durin claiming the title of skull king with whose mere wolf faith rallied an army of Nords and chased the akaviri army in tomorrow and the akaviri army while heading for morn hold were opposed by dark elf forces who staged a fighting retreat through the Ashland's under the command of almalexia and her leading general turn Val of house in Doral the akaviri pursued the Dunmurry army into a region called Stone Falls where the elves had stopped and prepared defenses aid assume and his army came to a stop and suddenly the Nordic army led by Geron appeared at their rear an event that seemed impossible to be merely coincidence it is thought that the age-old enemies of dunmer and nord coordinated the attack to deal with the common threat the akaviri were not defeated so easily and were pressed against the inner sea defending themselves adequately until their ships would give them escort the dunmer and nord armies could not break their lines but by a complete miracle a small army of elite Argonian shellbacks show up and help them kill the akaviri because the hist had told them to do it now i'm gonna be frank this is one of the more poorly written parts of the Elder Scrolls law that doesn't quite make sense but regardless it happened after the Battle of stone Falls Joran returns to Windhelm and his named high king john of skyrim the ebonheart pact is also created and the argonians are freed from enslavement in morrowind only to be enslaved again later at the closing of the pact however this doesn't really make much sense so I'm gonna glaze over the poorly written details fact is the ebonheart pact exists as a mutual defensive pact between the three nations so they can preserve their in pendants year 573 Emperor Li avec commissions the Emperor's guide to Tamriel year 576 and prolific the last of the long house Emperor's of Richmond descent legalizes Daedric worship in cereal which is the last straw for many of the Imperials Verena quill arias the Duke of coral rallies his army and the armies of the other cloven estates and leads a rebellion against the Empire that year a coup d'etat occurs in Rimmon elsewhere leading to yer axia Thorne being crowned queen of Rimmon and varan had left his nephew careless aqwal arias in charge of kvetch by the count of anvil uses the rebellion as an opportunity to attack and take the bachelor himself careless fiercely protects kvetch repelling multiple attacks which severely weakens anvils defenses year 577 with a lack of defenses anvil was easily taken by the pirate queen fortuna Abdul Gaal captain and leader of the Red Sails she declares herself governor of anvil and plotted to take the entire Gulf Coast for herself meanwhile Verena quill arias has taken his armies to the Imperial City having defeated Lee of its last Legion baron enters the throne room and personally kills Levesque proclaiming himself Emperor and being the dynasty of the longhouse empress as emperor Verena quill arias he sought to legitimize his rule first he married clivia thorne but that was not all he was not a dragon blood and could not like the dragon fires but his advisor mana Marco yep the necromancer obviously laying low right now urged him to create a group of companions to retrieve the amulet of Kings Varon mana Marco Lyra's Titan born saya Han and Abner thon formed the five companions and went off to find the amulet of Kings mana Marco had convinced Baron that with the amulet of Kings during the coronation they could persuade akatosh to bestow upon him the dragon blood legitimizing his role as Emperor year 578 Chancellor Abner thong Commission's a revision of the Emperor's guide to Tamriel but a hundred times more importantly the soul burst occurs mana Marco betrays Verena quill ariel's during his attempt to use the amulet of Kings to become Dragonborn corrupting the ritual and breaking the ancient covenant with akatosh that sealed nirn from a live in an explosion of arcane energy the soul burst causes Verint vanish and it's mystical aftershocks sweep across nirn causing mages to die or go mad Daedra appear in greater numbers and the constellation of the serpent dominates the night sky in the ensuing chaos the Daedric Prince Molag Bal deploys dark anchors to begin pulling an urn into his realm of Coldharbour to merge the two together a process known as the plane meld here v 79 only carries more bad news fortuna Abdul Gayle pirate queen and current ruler of anvil attacks kibosh in an event known as the goshawk massacre careless aqua Larios accepts defeat and swears fealty to the pirate queen the Gold Coast recedes from the Empire creating an independent state under the pirate Queen's rule now in the absence of Varon his wife clivia thorn is named empress regent taking command of the imperial throne however mana marco would hold the true power behind the ruby throne converting clivia to the worship of Molech val and having her banished the majors guild from the imperial city so that his worm cult could operate freely in a summerset isles year 5 ata ran had disappeared seven years prior and in King heat alerts death her brother name on prepared to take the throne however before he could Aran returned and claimed her right as the eldest to be queen of Alan or she would be crowned and soon after she would form the first Aldmeri Dominion with elsewhere and Valen would hoping to eventually secure the empire from the hands of the younger more juvenile races of man the three banners war would begin ends they fight over the lands of Cyrodiil the Daggerfall covenant led by hiking emmerich seeks to restore the riemann empire returning peace and stability the ebonheart pact seeks to defeat the imperial so they can never threaten their independence and the Aldmeri Dominion wants to protect Tamriel from the younger races carelessness year 582 welcome to the events of Elder Scrolls online ladies and gentlemen this is where you begin as a soulless one in Cold Harbor now this video would be a hundred times longer if we were to explain every single detail event slash quest that occurs so this is going to be a brief overview also this should help minimize any spoilers for the game if you do care firstly the five companions a reformed with the Prophet who has revealed to be Baron a Collaros sie sehen AB Nathon Lyra's titan born and the soulless one AKA the character you play in ESO the fighters guild successfully destroys the powerful weapon of Molag Bal called the mortar and vivica's the mages guild sanctuary of Isaiah is returned to Tamriel with the help of the Archmage shall adorn after being trapped in the Shivering Isles for many years the dragon guard agent called the drake of blades with the help of the soulless one stops a plot in the imperial city to destroy the sublime brassiere a key component of lighting the dragon fires the three sides of the alliance wall meet in the island of sterk in neutral territory to discuss an invasion of Coldharbour it could not come to an agreement and are attacked by the forces of Melek bowel afterwards they let the mages and fighters guild spearhead an assault into the Daedric realm the combined forces are led by the soulless one who invades Coldharbour defeats Molag Bal and successfully stops the plane meld which would have combines the realms of Tamriel and Coldharbour into one hellish landscape had it not been stopped so that is the main gist of air--so but more happens in the following years taking place in the dlcs year 583 Orsini 'm leaves the Daggerfall covenant king keurig of all sin 'i'm the one who had joined the Daggerfall covenant at king Emmerich's behest is slain in the late autumn after an attempt to unite the orca clans of Hrothgar by assassinating the clan chiefs who refused to follow trinamic chief Baz Rag takes his place restoring worship knocketh in Abbas landing of southern Hammerfell the resident thieves guild is restored to glory count equal areas of kabocha emerges as the dominant power on the Gold Coast after ordering the assassination of the pirate queen Fortunato after girl at the hands of the Dark Brotherhood careless then faced persecution at the hands of the order of the hour remember the military branch of the akatosh Chantry and in response the Brotherhood assassinates primate artorias Ponte curse of the Chantry preventing him from raising an army against careless meanwhile on the east of Tamriel on the island of Vardhan Ville and Mauro into trouble is abound clavicus vile and Barbara's steal the Sunna rah which is a staff created by sotha sil to experiment on his own power clavicus vile and barbers do this as an attempt to enter the clockwork city Trudeau lay the ash Khan of the earth shell aku tribe of ash Landers came into possession of the staff claiming to be the naira Vereen he uses the staff to drain the vex power which would have caused by a doubt the meteorite looming above the city of avec to crash down and cause devastation true dalla sister a champion of Asura named Saren a clockwork mage called barrels are and in Outlander aka the soulless one aka you the player managed to defeat radula restore power to vivec and thwart their plans of clavicus vile and Barbara's Nocturnals plot to take over clockwork city is also foiled Sothis tells shadow serving nocturnal is summoned and replaces him as rule of clockwork City at the same time the black feather court enters the city and steals a skeleton key which had been insert the seals possession the soulless one assisted by Dave eighth fear a tell Varney wizard who is thousands of years old and the clockwork apostles unveils the plot but is unable to retake the skeleton key before it is taken by Cerf the seal shadow using the key nocturnal and the shadow attempt to take over the clockwork city but I stopped by the soulless one David fear and a clockwork apostle who saves Hertha sil by defeating his shadow sotha sil gives the skeleton key to dive eighth fear for safekeeping in the summerset isles the crystal tower is also saved from disaster the three Daedric princes clavicus vile mephala and nocturnal attempt to execute a plan to take control of the crystal tower on the summerset isles using the heart of parent law which they had made right masterlock SS of the citric order steel around year 230 of the second era but he had hidden it from them after they trick lock SS to reveal the hearts location which turned out to be within himself they kill him but nocturnal betrays clavicus vile and mephala by taking the hartford herself with it she takes control of the crystal tower hoping to use its properties to achieve omnipresence in the entire or Burris however her plans are foiled by the soulless one in the citric order assisted by the two betrayed princes and a champion of meridia the heart is returned to the crystal tower and so ends the eventful year of history of the second era mainly because it features all of the events of the DLC from here so however as I write this on the 19th of October 2018 bear in mind then more DLC could and probably will come out in the future for Elder Scrolls online meaning that there will be more events in the timeline that we don't yet know about I would presume that they would follow shortly after maybe a year after or something but generally around this time but that ends all the Elder Scrolls online history a century rife with excitement which is followed by the 7th and 8th centuries one of the most uneventful periods in the second era year 603 the last documented case of the new hearten flu occurs but Black Marsh would still be avoided out of fear for many years to come year 638 the majors guild on Strasse McKay gets officially chartered year 730 the island of Artyom home of the citric order returns to Tamriel having been absent for 500 years now we are in the final century of the second era II 812 the city of Rehman's the seeds from elsewhere becoming its own Kingdom however they still pay tribute to the main of elsewhere to ensure its own independence year 8:28 is likely the year of Tiber Septim x-bar' year 830 the Aldmeri Dominion is formed for a second time forged to prevent the heirs of the Cameron dynasty fighting over the throne in the year 831 the famous Red Guard mercenary Cyrus the Restless is born in the city of Sentinel and nor hammerfell ye 8:52 is the year that the Tiber Wars would begin it all started when King coolican of Foulke wreath supported by Chevalier Reynold a member of the Knightly order descended from Raymond dragon guard waged war to unify the cloth you know States Kulik and allied himself with Skyrim against the forces of the reach and leading these forces was a young general named holt he early beard who would later be named talus after successfully pacifying the Richmond at old Roldan by blowing down the gates with a Marti film and allowing the armies to enter Nord and Breton nobles joined cocaine in his invasion of northern Syria del during the sack of San Couture a nearly impregnable Citadel while his army was distracting the enemy Tallis snuck in through a concealed hidden entrance which was said to have been revealed to him by an unnamed traitor he then managed to capture the enemy leaders forcing them to surrender it was here that he would find the amulet of Kings after the Battle of San Couture many nord generals and veterans came to his support recruitment to cool Akane's armies became very popular amongst the young Nordic population of skyrim after the stories of Talos in under a year King cooler Kane with general Tallis would unify the cloven estates part of that unification included the Battle of five bridges where Zirin arctas the famous battle mage would advise Talos helping him achieve victory by the year 854 Kula Cain had lain siege to the imperial city itself the battle majors of the heartlands laid down their arms and surrendered but before he could be crowned emperor he was assassinated by a knight blade from highrock who also attempted to kill Talos slitting his throat but he would survive the ordeal no longer able to use the thorn king cooler Cain would also be known by some as Emperor zero in his stead Tallis was crowned Emperor and given an imperial name buzzer and Optus Emperor Tiber Septim the first of the septum dynasty it was time for this man to chase his destiny and conquer all of Tamriel a rebellion of Mothe priests took the Imperial City by storm in the year 857 the third Legion comprised of mainly fresh cloven peasant boys was sent from anvil to suppress it and they were successful this is where the 3rd Legion got its nickname the faithful some of the following events do not have any precise dates available but regardless are important events in a type of wars they occur between the years 857 and 863 sometime after the moth priest rebellion the Battle of visuals a occurred where Emil rechtin a lord serving under type of septum crushed way rests long-standing naval power with a surprised dawn attack seneschal the city and elsewhere is sacked by general pot ride ends the 3rd Legion due to the heavy civilian casualties including children this battle was actually struck from imperial records ye 862 the high king of Hammerfell facade ii dies of natural causes baron Volek leader of the forebears starts a revolution to reinstate the republic yi 863 the battle of black rocks the forces of the Aldmeri Dominion took the 3rd legion by surprise and decimated it its survivors would become the core of the newly made ruby legion that was stationed in the Nibin a valley yi 864 the battle of Strasse Makai also known as the Battle of hunting Bay the son of Assad ii and leader of the crowns prince at or had continually led his forces to victory over verlag and his forebears the four bears in desperation asked Tiber Septim for help which he agreed to at the steep cost of many land holding titles Tiber Septim then sends Lord Admiral a mule rechtin to deal with the Crown's the Crown's would begin to lose against the power of the Empire and it would all go down in one final battle the Battle of Strasse Makai leading the Imperial newest Navy was Lord Admiral Emil rechtin who brought in a dragon called nofollow' Lagos the turning point of the battle was Prince halls death by a poisonous arrow from DRAM a dunmer assassin Archmage foa tried to save the prince but due to the strength of the poison he was forced to place his soul in a soul gem and put his body in a magical stasis before being burned by the dragon after their defeat the remaining crowns fled to Stross Makai most of them to the old quarter of the city which was promptly burned to the ground by the dragon killing them all as a result some of the survivors took refuge at the local temple of RK the priests there gave them asylum hiding the body of prince at or in the temple and healing the wounded only to be forced to surrender the latter to the Imperials the result of the battle was that the Red Guard forces aside from the crown allegiant restless League were either completely annihilated or subdued following the crowning achievements of his career written was made the provisional governor of Strasse Makai reigning over the city with terror for the next three months and so began the Strasse Makai uprising led by sibling Cyrus and Azara the restless League came out of hiding and stormed the palace with Cyrus himself cornering the provisional governor Emil Ripton and the Imperial emissary DRAM aborted Dwemer airship Cyrus a sword enchanted with the soul of Prince at all then killed them both following this the leader of the forebears barren village came out of hiding and retook Sentinel both the taking of Sentinel and rebellion of Strasse Makai led to the signing of the first Treaty of strums Makai which allowed the natives of hammerfell to retain their own titles ruling themselves as a province of the Empire it was this year of 864 that the first edition of the pocket guides the Empire is published by the Imperial geographical society Tiber Septim would continue to bring the other lands of Tamriel under his heel yi 865 samaras is born a dark elf who would join type of septums army become his general and one day be the husband to queen barons aya year 882 as the Tiber Wars continued to wage de Gotha reawakens under the red mountain upon the annual practice of the tribunal returning to the heart of lorkhan to bathe in its power they are ambushed by de Gotha and his ash vampires forcing them to retreat and cutting them off from its power this would cause problems for morrowind when Tiber Septim would knock at their door in the years leading up to the end of the third era Tiber Septim would invade morrowind winning many battles key among them of Mourne hold where the city was razed to the ground and the royal family killed all except a five-year-old baron Ziya who was spared at the advice of General Sir Marcus thinking she would prove useful in the future Baron Ziya was placed into the care of camps van advence and ruler of the fiefdom of Dartmoor in skyrim believing that they would lose to the empire vivec and by extension the rest of the tribunal agreed to a treaty called the armistice morrowind would become a province of the empire however it would retain a greater degree of autonomy allowing the houses to apply their own laws though not in conflict with imperial law and also reserved their ancient right of slavery the tribunal also gifted tiber septim in the midium a powerful Dwemer creation that he would need to conquer the summerset isles at this point typer septum had conquered all the mainland of Tamriel a feat that the Riemann dynasty could not quite do being unable to take morrowind come the final year of the second era year 896 with the help of Zirin doctors his faithful battle mage type a septum rebuilt the new medium and used its terrifying power to beseech the summerset isles conquering it within an hour this activation of the new medium was said to have caused a dragon break and to learn more about dragon breaks and the new medium you can look at the two videos linked in the description however long story short Tiber Septim began to use this opportunity within the dragon break to murder noble families of Tamriel who are not loyal to him and replace them with loyal ones Zirin Octus was furious at this perceived betrayal and misuse of the new medium the two longtime friends fought resulting in the destruction of the new medium scattering its pieces all over Tamriel Zirin becomes the under king watch the new medium video for more information and tiber septim had successfully conquered all of Tamriel including the summerset isles for the first time ever the ultimate bowed to the will of man and with this proclamation of a united Tamriel so came the proclamation of the third era and so ends the second era with the triumphant tale of a lowly general who ascended to the throne of the Empire and managed to do the undoable unite all of Tamriel and conquer the elves of Somerset but what of his reign how did the Empire fare Tibor septum for that you'll have to tune in for the next video in the series guys and girls thanks so much for watching I really hope you enjoyed these videos these videos are huge they're a massive undertaking but they're really really fun the entire history of the second era nearly 900 years of the elder scrolls timeline was just explained to you thanks so much for watching guys my name is Scott from fodder Muppet and I'll be back to nerd out with you again next time you
Channel: FudgeMuppet
Views: 773,088
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Keywords: skyrim, elder scrolls, elder scrolls lore, fudgemuppet, skyrim lore, 2nd era, elder scrolls online, orsinium, dark brotherhood, imperial city, morrowind, summerset isles, tiber septim, talos, talos lore, tiber septim lore, reman lore, cyrodiil, akaviri
Id: YtD2d5Y4hNE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 20sec (2660 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 21 2018
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