The Elder Scrolls Lore: The Argonians

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Applause] [Music] the Argonian people have throughout Tamriel history been perhaps the most misunderstood vilified and reviled of all the sentient races yet those who have taken the time to experience Argonian culture have gained a greater appreciation for this noble and beautiful people a quote from Brendan the persistent argonians or in their native tongue the sacs Lille are a reptilian race native to the southeastern province of Black Marsh sacks Lille roughly translates to people of the route in their native tongue of gel-v argonians have always been a mysterious and isolated beasts race as compared to much of the rest of Tamriel and have always intrigued scholars for their tribalistic and unique culture most races refer to argonians as lizards or lizard folk and these terms can even be viewed as insulting argonians are incredibly skilled in guerrilla warfare and have been known to defend the territory and borders of black marsh incredibly well because of this argonians typically live as long as humans do one scholar noted that the argonians of black marsh have some of the richest and most beautiful culture of all the Tamriel ik races however this scholar after visiting and traveling deeper into black marsh territory mysteriously vanished without a trace black marsh is the homeland of the argonians located in the southeast of Tamriel much of its landscape is dense dark humid boggy and almost jungle like terrain the argonians have adopted well in black marsh and have resided there for more than documented history black marsh is also home to the native histories and these trees are not encountered outside of black marsh black marsh is often avoided by outsiders because of the danger it poses from getting lost in its vast forests and marshes to getting killed by its dangerous plants and animals and even encountering some of the most hostile of Argonian tribes mostly when other countries have taken interest in black marsh it is mostly for acquiring slaves other attempts of commercial ventures such as agricultural or colonial have often resulted in failure compared to other races of Tamriel the argonians of black marsh are widely isolated and uninvolved in a lot of affairs outside of black marsh and every attempt to fully integrate black marsh into the empire has never lasted for long periods of time most argonians dwell in the inland waterways and marshes of the south very little roads exist in black marsh and means of travel are often preferred by boat most roads that do get constructed are immediately engulfed by the wilderness of the environment not only is road travel the most hazardous form of travel in black marsh but often nearly impossible black marsh is home to thousands of unique species including intelligent and sentient species aside from the argonians and the hist some native species are the wasu where lions and where crocodiles many different species of lizards and other reptiles and deadly feathered serpents along with the many different tribes and forms of argonians with its varied subspecies argonians as well as the Khajiit are often victims of prejudice and slavery most argonians who live in the depths of black marsh are often protected by the harsh wilderness from invasion or slavery although argonians who live on the outskirts and outer edges of black marsh are much more susceptible to being abducted for slavery other than the dunmer of moorland the rest of Tamriel has been seen as neutral forces to the argonians and they hold very little opinion of most provinces our go nians are typically reptilian in their appearance but also have been observed to have qualities of fish amphibians and even birds behind argonians ears are a set of gills that argonians are able to breathe with argonians use the same method of swimming as a tadpole or eel would by using their large tail and body to propel them in the water many argonians have horns or feathers atop their head and are often decorated with jewelry or colorful garments argonians are hatched from eggs rather than the usual birth that the rest of Tamriel delivers ancient cave paintings in black marsh depict beings that resemble tree features more so than any of the features that modern argonians are equipped with argonians range in appearance while most are incredibly reptilian some are rather more human looking and this can be determined by what kind of hyssop they are drinking from hatchlings one important tradition in Argonian culture is their naming day a day known as chuka say this day is set in the Argonian season of the histah or to the rest of Tamriel second seed it is unknown whether argonians are named by a designated shaman or a tribe member or if the histah term ins their name argonians are gifted with either a name native in their language of jal such as Beecham ito or a time relic name that can resemble their noted attributes as a hatchling such as fangs like ice occasionally an argonians tamriel ik name is a direct translation of their name and gel and is often used for outsiders who want to refer to that Argonian as the tamriel ik name is much easier to pronounce than their native gel name although occasionally their tamriel ik name may have nothing to do with their native gel name argonians have incredibly different personalities as compared to the other races of Tamriel and to many outsiders they often believe that argonians are not capable of producing emotion or have any identifiable personality however this is clearly not true and is simply a misunderstanding between cultures and ways of expression much of Argonian expression is exhibited through the understanding of the hist and the very subtle gestures and social cues exhibited between argonians and is incredibly alien and difficult to grasp to outside cultures although one notable emotion that can be observed easily by outsiders is that of anger through obvious teeth bearing and narrowed eyes argonians can develop complex and deep relationships between each other and those they deem as friends and are very protective of their tribe and allies argonians as perplexing and strange as their customs may be to outsiders many outsiders have learned that there is indeed a reason for everything they do such as wearing socks with external pockets filled with hot rocks to keep their tail warm letting birds and other creatures pick at their teeth after a meal and even filling their pillows with living and wriggling centipedes because the sensation is soothing during sleep one thing noted about argonians is a particular forgetfulness they exhibit the argonians of black marsh do not have many documented civil wars or internal conflicts to the argonians to fight each other is to fight oneself as they are all people of the hist when a problem or conflict arises a common saying is that it is better to forget and move on the argonians as well as the bosmer live in something known as the oracle now in which all times of past or future are of no importance and only the present is of any significance Argonian wedding and mating rituals are incredibly complex and vary between tribes some argonians freely choose their love while others are required to choose from a neighboring tribe to establish relations and alliance between the two tribes in the end eggs are laid upon the roots of histories and transferred to nests of sorts some argonians perform as midwives to tend to the care of the eggs until they hatch some Argonian traditions allow the midwives to read nursery rhymes and perform songs for the eggs in the hopes of their healthy and successful hatching as not every egg lathe is fertilized in some Argonian cultures the cosmic sign at which an Argonian hatches can determine their entire life such as those hatched under the cosmic sign of the shadow are known as shadow scales and are trained as deadly assassins until they are given to the dark brotherhood as recruits if an egg fails to hatch or is unfertilized it eventually absorbs into the roots of the history unlike other infants across Tamriel Argonian infants are able to walk upon hatching and do not require delicate and meticulous care as a normal infant would hatchlings are often fed sweets such as licorice worms hardness SAP is also used for those who are teething and when tickled under the chin argonians instinctively opened their mouths in battle argonians hold a great advantage if they are near water to dispose of their enemies the best way to do this is to drag the enemy into the water and simply drown them during the war with the riemann Dynasty some argonians built forts and camps under water to be guaranteed safety other than guerrilla warfare argonians can be quite deadly unarmed from claws - fangs even the tail of an Argonian can be used to aid with balance during combat using it to their advantage although argonians are apparently cold-blooded beings they can easily regulate their body temperatures to adjust and more colder climates if one so chooses to reside in a place like Skyrim many scholars believe that argonians are capable of this due to the powerful effects of the hyssop after many years of slavery and oppression argonians are typically untrusting of outsiders and strangers however once friendship and Trust has been established they are known to fight to the death to protect the life of their friend if they have to through centuries of slavery the argonians have time and time again rebelled against their slave masters sometimes was success with their skills in guerrilla warfare and other times in failure with the highly skilled magic of the dunmer notably Vittal vani one race the argonians have also had a negative view and history of are the Khajiit strangely despite the belief that the only two beasts Volk of the continent would be close allies this is far from the truth both elsewhere and black marsh have a strange mutual hatred of one another it is the kahit that widely believed that it was an acronym shaman who created the deadly Nahum flu and elsewhere hadn't suffered the most from this disease both races view each other as inferior it is believed by scholars that if Imperial rule had not been present in both countries a war definitely would have ignited many years ago argonians are widely known for a variety of skills many argonians choose to be mages alchemists warriors and stealthy assassins our go nians are mostly known for their skills in water holding ones breath underwater is not a problem to the argonians as they are able to breathe in it argonians are often mastered jewellery crafters and their intricate jewelry is often sought out for into other provinces and are quite expensive alchemy is also a gift too many argonians and even take into account the phases of the moon's when they craft their master potions and poisons our ghanians are known for their immunity to poison and disease as well and are observed to be quite adept at picking locks it is understood that modern Argonian architecture is molded by the idea of conquering something known as this unit a the pain caused by holding too tightly to that which has come to pass this concept is also called the fear of death and forgetting argonians don't typically build from stone like some of the more ancient structures despite stone lasting for centuries compared to other building materials argonians believed that stone buildings remind oneself of a long lost civilization and the idea of collapse and abandonment as noted with the famous Zen mirrors that got most of black Marsh's landscape instead argonians construct buildings that are meant to be temporary argonians like their clothing often decorate their buildings and bright colors and feathers with intricate the calls and paint Argonian weapons and armor differ between tribes and have rapidly changed in style throughout the eras ancient argonians often use volcanic glass in Turkic cloth designs leather bone and bronze in their clothing armor and weapons metalwork is a quick common in Argonian culture other than gold or bronze the Nagas of mark Meyer often adorn themselves with their fallen loved ones hides bones teeth and scales for uses armor or clothing throughout black marsh and through thousands of different tribes the arts of crafting armor and weapons vary widely and no two tribes seem to use the same exact materials or style Argonian food is typically that of fish and other water dwelling creatures traditional Argonian beauty and medicine are usually quite foreign from other Tamriel at cultures from pickled frog eyes secured an upset stomach to palm oil being used as a type of moisture nearly all Tamriel ik dialects and languages descend from ancient Elm effects however gel the native language of the argonians is a language isolate and is derived entirely from the hist gel is known to have no past tense or future tense verbs only verbs that exist in present tense this is due to their ever-present state of mind although gel is a verbal language argonians also often communicate non-verbally through tail movements head movements and other subtle bodily movements to express more emotion in the given subject gel is often incredibly difficult for other races to learn specifically due to nearly impossible noises to make in the language sounds of hissing and clicking that are only capable of being produced by argonians it is widely considered a language that non argonians are never able to speak properly no matter how well their vocabulary is gel is often considered a language but is the closest to peer thought as possible this greatly reflects the argonians ability to perceive the histor their mind as hard as gel is to learn for outsiders Tamriel ik is just as hard to argonians given the amount of verb tenses and the concept of time in the Tamriel ik language marital traditions vary widely in black marsh and are known for their large ceremonies and intricate nests the wedding bands are crafted by the member who is proposing the act of marriage each band is coated with intricate designs that hold significant meaning to each member the marriage ceremony is incredibly long and complex it involves specific rituals and chants spoken in the native language of JAL argonians typically are organized by tribes each tribe has its own customs and fashion argonians come in many different shapes and sizes and sub-races even similarly to the Khajiit the term Argonian is widely used by outsiders as a general term to refer to the dominant race in Black Marsh however argonians typically use sacs lille to refer to themselves some of the most prominent and known tribes in Black Marsh are as follows the odd cycles Lille is a tribe in mark Meyer that claims to be the sole bearers of the oral tradition and understanding of the Argonian origin myths the AGGA staffs have very sharp snouts and almost needle-like appearances they often are bright green to shades of orange the our chains are one of the most powerful tribes in Argonian history during the time when dunmer weren't slaving argonians they are chains even sold their own people into slavery to make fortunes this tribe was often accountable for Affairs involving other nations however they eventually went bankrupt when slavery finally ceased in Black Marsh copper eyes were once a tribe in the territory of murk Mayer however they collapsed after the destruction of the ancient city of matzo tun Jesus Leal otherwise known as the Meyer dancers or a wise and more religious tribe they hold a deep-seated connection with the hist and many of its members are sap speakers although many of its members have been pruned to gambling and enjoy games he tips leo is a tribe who are talented farmers and harvesters they particularly make crops for a neighboring tribe for them to use as all chemical ingredients Kotov in Lille also known as the black tongues are a tribe native to Merck Meyer they're incredibly talented in the arts of alchemy and are devout worshippers of civis they're even able to alter the time at which eggs hatch to guarantee an Argonian born under the sign of the shadow this tribe is arguably the most bountiful of shadow skill recruits of any tribe in black marsh mosque ins are a trap native to mark Meyer and are centuries-long allies of a neighboring tribe of the bright fruits they are known for their pacifism and avoidance of conflicts the nagakura are known as the dead water tribe is a tribe native to merck meyer this tribe is a sub race of argonians known as the Nagas they are told to have huge mouth filled with dripping needle-like fangs they are quite tall compared to the rest of the argonians typically standing seven to eight feet in height they're quite hostile to outsiders and utilize the bones and hides of their fallen loved ones to craft their armor and weapons Naga who fall out of this tribe are often prone to become criminals the badger tribe is incredibly toad Lake and live in some of the deepest swamps and bogs of Black Marsh the tumped allele or otherwise known as the root house people are a tribe natives you Merck Myer self-sufficiency is not their highest aptitude and often rely on other tribes to sustain themselves they often are destructive to things given to them to keep the other tribes continuing in creating things for them thus ARPA tribe are incredibly mysterious and are described as being winged although it is not known if this is a metaphor of some sort they reside in the deepest stretches of black marsh the Sioux Salil tribe are an incredibly peaceful tribe needed to shadow Fenn however they were widely abducted and sold into slavery by other tribes looking for quick money the V squealed seller are otherwise known as the ghost people are a tribe native to murk mire they are noted for their pale and ghostly scales and even abduct corpses from other tribes to use and necromantic rituals however they are unable to reproduce and the way in which they multiply is by kidnapping other tribes as eggs the Waseca Leal or the bright throats tribe is a tribe native to mark Meyer who are noted for their friendliness and welcoming of other races and tribes they are often enthusiastic and skilled artisans they are known for their vivid music dance and art as talented wood carvers visit za tribe of shadow fen have been driven mad by their rogue and psychotic hist and are devout in robust warriors the earliest and foremost residents of Black Marsh are believed to have been the hissed the histor species of large and sentient trees that grow in black marsh it is documented that black marsh was actually a much larger territory dominated by the hist but mass flooding had molded it into the landmass it is now the his circled to be more ancient than any race on Tamriel and a book known as the annotated inaud it is said that the histor bystanders in the NFA war but most of the realm was destroyed as the war passed over it a small corner of it survived to become black marsh in Tamriel but most of their realm was sunk beneath the sea this may refer to the known plane of oblivion that the hist are native of and black marsh may be in fact a fragment of oblivion that somehow melded with nirn during its early years during the intense war waged by the eleve in traditional Argonian folklore their souls were given to them by the hist before this there is nothing Argonian souls are observed to be much different than that of any other race most argonians in the homeland of Black Marsh I'll share a unified and collective connection to the hist and for the presence of them in their minds at all times however the further one travels from Black Marsh the weaker this connection gets although some argonians are even born without the ability to understand and perceive the hist in their mind and are unable to understand many Argonian gestures and customs a common allegory an Argonian folktale is that the hist from the formation of two legged and two-armed bodies of the men and mer would be quite useful to the Oregonians and the hist is told to have formed the argonians from that construct the Argonian mayor Glynn during the Umbriel crisis received a vision from the hist as him as an ordinary lizard that is until the roots and SAP of the hiss kin to him transforming his very body and mind in this vision another theory states that the hiss observed the forms of the mounts of the men and mer species and created separate forms to be used by the argonians as well in some folklore it is said that the his desired to create the argonians so that they would be able to see the world through their eyes were the hist are stationary beings and cannot walk an Argonian would be able to travel as far and wide as they'd like and this was apparently one of the greatest motives into designing the argonians the argonians in the hissed had a special connection with one another the hissed as well as the argonians likely couldn't exist without one another licking and consuming the SAP the hissed are a common practice in Argonian customs upon birth and argonians gender isn't exactly clear they're hormones which determine gender appear once they begin licking the sap of the history after they are out of the juvenile period of their life once this occurs the hyssop will stimulate the hormonal glands and they begin developing their designated reproductive organs although some sources state that argonians genders are determined upon their hatching his trees are often coupled with bright bioluminescent flowers on them and some even have incredibly different properties than others Angele the his saplings are known as his Deek a regular adult hiss is known as hiss dukkha and the elderly hissed are known as hissed SoCo within the Argonian calendar the month's names reflect the different life stages of the hissed the histor also known to have a deep connection with sickness and apparently acknowledge him as the original creator his speak to each other and to argonians through strange and mysterious telepathic communications in one large hi of mind some hissed of the others and cut communication for mysterious reasons some hiss are observed to communicate through the wind one notable tribe had set up a large amount of chimes in order to receive the message of the hissed although argonians are able to hear the hiss telepathically they can also receive messages visually by licking the SAP of one his sap has been observed to mutate organisms which may bring validity to much of the Argonian origin theories however consuming too much of the SAP is proven incredibly dangerous even to argonians one particular tribe whose bond with the hissed is noted for its strength are known to often suffer the side-effects of sap poisoning this poisoning can induce a variety of symptoms such as turning the inside of one's mouth golden thickening and darkening of one scales and vivid in dark hallucinations his sap when consumed by those who aren't argonians can produce even worse symptoms even with low doses the hallucinations are tenfold and will send the consumer into a rage and bloodlust although if a tree is abused and treated improperly its sap can produce a similar effect on argonians as well his SAP may even determine an Argonian sexual preference but very little is known about how this is determined the area in which argonians lay their eggs are known as hatching pools a connection is formed between the hissed and the hatchlings however if this connection is somehow severed such as the his dying or some other phenomenon that would cause such a disconnection the eggs will die normally this is not the case however with the anemic egg a powerful artifact an Ultima Alchemist named drew devar was able to murder an entire generation of unborn argonians using this relic luckily the vestige was able to put an end to this despite the vestiges prevention of many more deaths the deaths of hundreds in shadow Fenn remained it is possible for an Argonian to be born outside of the province although this is quite rare one notable foreign birth of an Argonian was named Gerry's who was born into slavery in Morrowind he was born without a connection to the hist and for this reason suffered many social disadvantages compared to his brethren he could not understand many of Argonian social cues and Argonian customs typically when an infant argonian hatches it begins feeding off of the his trees SAP as most infants would with milk the his SAP molds and shapes them into the kind of Argonian they will be as an adult and supposedly gives the Argonian their soul too many argonians birth and death is the very same instance in fact many argonians believe that life death and the rest of all time kurz entirely in one instance and the idea of the past and the future is of no concern in Argonian mythos when an Argonian dies their souls along with all of their memories are absorbed by the hissed and when infant argonians feed from the his sap they in turn gain a new soul and the soul is said to live on again in a never-ending cycle it isn't entirely known if this is true or simply folklore to the argonians although if this is true jari too born and morrowind disconnected from the hissed would indeed be soulless when a soul is absorbed by the hiss the very memories of that soul are said to be sorted the his choices to keep the important memories while the useless or mundane memories are told to get lost in the reverse current otherwise known as the passage of time it is unknown what happens to an Argonian soul when they die incredibly far from a hissed whether their soul still travels to the closest hiss regardless or if they simply cease to exist memories and soul lost to the ages most if not all argonians worship the hissed in some way or another and dedicate much of their thought and consultation to their local tree history SAP is consumed in rituals eggs are usually laid along the great roots of the trees and live entirely according to the histories wherever there is a history there is surely settlement around that tree and the locals construct their very lives around their designated tree those known as tree minders tend to the hist and seek wisdom and knowledge from the tree occasionally the hiss will talk to specifically one individual though most tree minders can interpret thousands of different signals from the hissed some more prominent tribes including an individual known as a SAP speaker who is the sole emissary of the hissed the SAP speaker will spend much of their life directly at the his side drinking the SAP consuming the fruit of the tree which to anyone else is considered forbidden and meditating along its roots and canopy after long durations of intense contemplation and communication with the hissed they then bring forth the knowledge they gain from the hist most Tamriel ik Pantheon's often reflect one another and some gods can be encountered in different forms across all cultures however argonians do not worship any recognizable deities seen in other cultures other than the hist and civis some argonians state that they do not particularly worship the hist but perform rituals in honor of the histor than a spiritual worship citiz is a deity that the hist acknowledges and no other deity has been truly acknowledged by the hist some believe that then or rather zennith are a God mostly believed originating from elven cultures is believed by some to actually have originated in Argonian or even akaviri mythos and was merely being introduced to the elves by the co 3 knee of black marsh one religious practice of the argonians involves something known as entering the dream wallow this is a supposed fine line between reality and falsehood and is even capable of creating physical objects that didn't previously exist into the immortal plane between tribes the methods of inducing this state of being differ typically it involves prolonged isolation and exposure to stimulating herbs one tribe enters this state of being by consuming deep SAP his SAP that has found deep underground in ancient roots one Argonian claimed that he and a clam played a game of riddles where all words of the riddles were orange mud and in the end he ate the clam the Nagas also can experience this phenomenon by inhaling the fumes of a burning star blossom and in their dream wallow must face a powerful beast known as a Kaju and must do so alone one tribe believes that the dream wallow exists because of a clash between two opposing spirits originally there was a talk the great root as I'll talk spread and grew it's extending roots grew different names and desired for their own space to continue growing eventually a serpent spirit' known as Kota who was hungry and born from the nothingness had encountered attack these two spirits clashed with one another and became a new and individual being known as a Dakota this new being had shed its skin and shadows and had gone to sleep its shadow nod at the roots and molded them even further the secret sold by the shadow altered the roots allowing further change many spirits feared this change and called it death the chaos that occurred awoke Dakota and split attack and Kota from one another once more although a war rage once more between attack and Kota over the existence of death some of the smaller roots fed off of a Dakota's blood and SAP until they began growing scales fangs and even wings other roots were given protection from a forest spirit and became one with the forest in her songs in the chaos of everything happening the shadow eventually woke from its own slumber and consumed Arak and Kota covering all the roots and protecting them in the process this long and intricate tale may correlate slightly with other cultures when analyzed deeper such as a forest spirit of song may allude to a similar being encountered in elven cultures known as you fray the shadow may represent sickness or even Lorcan in some way or another attack and Kota represent anew and Padme respectively the roots that desired their own space to grow may be aligned to the Daedric creating their own planes and the separate beings created in the chaos may be the reptilian argonians and the sentient trees of the hist although this is entirely speculation and traditional Argonian religious or historical origins stories are incredibly elaborate and may be considered a stretch for scholars to make correlations the shadow skills greatly venerated sitteth and the void in some texts the collapse of the ancient argonians was due to their scales becoming darkened by synthesis touch shadow scales can even serve as a sort of law enforcement in black marsh however by the fourth era to a-1 it is believed that the shadow skills are no longer a functioning operation in black marsh some argonians notably ones living outside of black marsh will learn to embrace more foreign religions such as worship of the Divine's however as most staunch worshipers of the Divine's would likely be sent to the plains of the Divine's upon death it is unknown if this is still the case for a staunch worshipper that is also Argonian whether the history claims their soul as normal or if they instead are sent to their respected Divine's plane upon death apparently during the Maratha era while much of Tamriel had only been just discovering their new lands and future home the ancient argonians were told to already have been established and well in power in black marsh for ages this is evident of the ancient and complex ruins of the large stone ziggurats called zenmuse these ruins are quite plentiful and large and even exists in some territories in the southern morrowind the early documentation zuv argonians state that they were well known for their powerful defensive magic that when placed on their structures this magic was known to last for thousands of years even well into the second era the technique to Howley structures were made and what exactly they were used for have largely been lost to history one of the main deities of Argonian mythos that they Revere is citiz synthesis both feared and loved by the argonians believing him to be an unstoppable powerful force that required sacrifice it is believed that cydnus may have been involved in the creation and possible destruction of this ancient civilization the stark difference between the advanced stonework as portrayed in these animes compared to modern simple mud huts of the argonians led many scholars to believe that years may not have been constructed by the argonians at all and believe that the argonians claimed ownership of them as no one knows exactly who or what built them these structures remain mysterious even to the argonians modern-day argonians believed that the construction of these powerful stone temples and the devotion to cities is a part of an ancient yet flawed belief system as this worship only saw cities as a destroyer rather than a creator as well the mysterious event that caused the collapse of this ancient and unknown civilization has become known as dusk fall while some scholars who study this event feel remorse for this ancient civilization and what may have happened to cause their disappearance most Argonian see as an end to a society that once was and nothing more I've even said this likely having being responsible for its destruction some believe it was the aliens who were in fact responsible for the destruction of this powerful ancient society regardless the Xan Mears had eventually been abandoned and even the earliest Argonian documents can't recall why when the altmer first began exploring Tamriel the argonians were well situated in a large civilization in Black Marsh at the time however the more advanced and magically inclined elves had enough power to drive them deeper into the swamps of black marsh during this time argonians were not the only ones inhabiting black marsh in fact black marsh was home to some of the most varied amounts of races on Tamriel including a number of human tribes such as the Catherine II or ma or Wally and the yes pest an ancient civilization of Mara known as the Canton miracle öthey a strain of aliens known as the Bar sabic aliens and another extinct peace race known as the Illuma the in the earlier eras of Tamriel argonians weren't often seen outside of the province as much as other races although the dunmer are known for enslaving much of the Argonian population throughout the eras even long before the dunmer the Kaymer had been enslaving the argonians since they set foot in morrowind in the early years of the first era was when some argonians decided to explore outside of black marsh and into the rest of Tamriel but most of them merely assimilated into other cultures and brought little of their own culture to these new cultures that they discovered throughout the eras the argonians of black marsh began to despise outsiders mostly due to criminals escaping to black marsh to avoid imperial law the most western sections of black marsh and the topal bay had become corrupt and hazardous largely due to the pirating and crime that occurred here the head and forefront of his criminal activity was an individual known as red Brahmin in the first era 10:33 Empress Hester ax had ordered for the red Brahmins beheading and after this was carried out after trekking into Black Marsh the argonians grew to despise the races outside of Black Marsh after the conflict violence and criminal activity was caused by them despite this the argonians still have an alliance with the Empire and aided them when the Thorazine plague had ravaged Tamriel in the first era 2200 the argonians had joined alongside many nations of Tamriel in the all flags Navy against this load of brass the originators of this deadly plague this is said to be one of the greatest naval achievements of the races of Tamriel afterthe wrasse was supposedly sunken into the bottom of the sea of pearls although it had later resurfaced the elysian empire had never conquered black marsh however the riemann dynasty held great interest in claiming the province for the empire in the first era 2011 the conquest of black marsh was a success as the last of their armies had been destroyed after the Battle of Argonia and their defeat the argonians retreated further into the deepest reaches of Black Marsh in which the Imperial victors could not pursue because of this black Marsh remained widely out of Imperial control raymond ii desired to fully conquer black marsh as well as morrowind after this attempt in the first era 2837 he lost just about as many men to the deadly swamp landscape as he did in the war against the argonians eventually the northern and eastern sections of black marsh had been conquered black marsh became a province dedicated as a sort of prison state in which only the highest-profile and dangerous criminals would be sent to to prevent their escape after riemann the third had been assassinated along with the only heir the AK avaricious Ian potentate had claimed the throne in the beginning of the second era no longer under organized imperial rule the argonians of black marsh used this as a chance to secede and became a once again sovereign nation under full Argonian rule however without the help of imperial protection the dummer of morrowind quickly turned their gaze to the argonians a land ripe with slaves it is said that entire tribes and cities were captured by the dunmer dragged in Chains to morrowind and carried out their lives as slaves in locations such as stone Falls Vardhan fell and the deshaun plains the great house of dress of the dunmer were largely responsible for this and were prominent slave owners of the argonians as well as the Khajiit fawful dress who carried out numerous grand scale slave raids on Black Marsh became the progenitor of slavery of the Argonian people's long morrowind began an economic boom and upbringing due to the amount of slave work black marsh and the argonians detested that done marry people and this continuous flow of slaves from the nation has ignited centuries long conflicts and an everlasting resentment towards their northern neighbors the fatal 'no Haughton flu is often considered by historians to have originated in black marsh and spread by the Oregonians in the second era 560 while the disease did originate in Stormhold in black marsh argonians are understood to be completely immune to the disease and whether or not it spread because of argonians has yet to be completely proven it is unknown what truly ignited the deadly new huntin flu whether it came from a natural cause or crafted by an Argonian shaman in anger of how his people have been treated throughout these centuries except this flu exacerbated the harsh opinion from other races against the argonians after it spread through Tamriel like fire and the slave masters in morrowind found it increasingly difficult to sell their slaves this topic is still a mystery to modern scholars regardless the disease did spawn in Stormhold in the second era 560 spreading all across Black Marsh although the argonians were not infected any other mortals living in Black Marsh were quickly wiped out by this disease entire cultures and peoples were destroyed notably the remaining human natives such as the kotharan yi or mahuri Wally and the yes pest along with the native beast folk the Illuma feet even after the disease had finally disappeared the devastation of it kept many outsiders away from the province out of fear of getting it once again however a decade later Black Marsh took an unexpected alliance with their most hated enemy the liberation war that took place in the second era 572 saw an alliance created between morrowind black marsh and skyrim after the second akaviri invasion struck Tamriel the kamala leader are assumed dear Kemal led his invasion against Tamriel beginning with a bloody march from Windhelm into morrowind your room thus called king of skyrim wolf hearth the ash king and almalexia had fought against the forces of the kamal with these combined efforts they were able to fend off the invasion into the Padme ik ocean however this was not the last of the akaviri invasion and there was more to come from the Kamal on a soon arriving ship from akavir and the combined Tamriel ik forces believed it was their doom where the argonians septon began with an Argonian slave girl named hate amin prior to this invasion she had escaped her slave masters on her plantation however she was recaptured and taken back it was then that she received a vision from her towns designated history this vision showed her the Nordic Dunmurry forces perishing by the hands of the Kamal when she returned she killed her slave master and even gain control of the guards she retreated to Stormhold and was able to gain the support of the residents with this combined force they headed north to aid the dunmer and Nords in stone falls initially with the arrival of an army of argonians the dunmer believed that because of the chaos the argonians took advantage to attack their age-old enemies and slave masters and believed this truly spelled their doom some of the Dunmurry forces immediately attacked the argonians in this belief however it was the exact opposite case and with the now combined forces of the Nords dunmer and argonians they were truly able to defeat the powerful Kemal invaders and once again drove them into the sea to drown this gave birth to the ebonheart pact and this pact played a vital role in the plane meld and the Alliance war around a decade later because of the much-needed help that the argonians had provided during the akaviri invasion the dunmer officially ended the enslavement of argonians however slavery still existed in practice in Morrowind largely still with the Khajiit however how Stefani did not agree with this pact and refused to sign it the agreement seemed all and well however not all of Black Marsh even sided with the ebonheart pact only the shadow fan thorn marsh and mark Meyer territories of Black Marsh had sided with the pact this caused a mass migration of argonians to reside in other provinces whereas before argonians outside of Black Marsh were quite rare other than the plane meld and the war occurring during this time one anomaly that the ebonheart pact had to worry about was the phenomenon known as the anemic egg the nimac egg was a powerful artifact that was the result of manifestation of the link between the hissed and the argonians if this egg is destroyed it would prove fatal to all hist and all argonians we all the married Dominion took interest in this egg and even tried to sever their link between the argonians and the hist however the vestige was able to prevent this catastrophe to occur in full after the plane meld in the Alliance war ceased it is unknown what happened to the ebonheart pact as by the time that Tiber Septim began conquering Tamriel the pact was no longer in existence and argonians had once again been in control of their nation eventually more wind began enslaving the argonians once again although the rest of Tamriel remembered the fear of black marsh it's harsh jungles and marshes filled with disease Tiber Septim was even hesitant to attack black marsh and many accounts tell of black marsh being gained entirely by treaty instead before this treaty septums forces were even having trouble on the outermost edges of black marsh and he had avoided a large loss of his troops by averting the deepest and deadliest swamps of black marsh regardless after the second treaty of Stroh's Makai black marsh was gained as a nation of the ever expanding Empire of Tiber Septim in the third era most of black marsh had been ceded to the empire and the province continued to act as a sort of prison State for Tamriel with the exception of its innermost reaches such as hellström this area is known as Mirkwood and makes up the very heart of black marsh it is said to be nearly impossible for non argonians to attract to this area because of the hostility of the jungles and swamps this area is known to be the most opposed to outsiders and especially Imperial control in the innermost of black marsh is believed that it's Argonian citizens are even unaware of the outside world or recognize imperial rule during the Imperial simulacrum in the third era 396 a slave revolt ignited their nation war between morrowind and black marsh however morrowind were the victors of this war and absorbed a large amount of northern territory of black marsh along with a slew of new Argonian slaves despite slavery being illegal in the empire and countries governed by the Empire morrowind was exempt from this law under favourable conditions of the armistice when morrowind joined these septem dynasty it was until the reign of King Hale Sethe that slavery was finally abolished in morrowind with this final abolishment the relationship between the dunmer and the argonians greatly improved however in post of this war the attempts to regain lost territory continued in southern morrowind black marsh saw one of its greatest feats during a time when the rest of Tamriel was suffering when the Oblivion crisis hit Tamriel the nations of the continent were in chaos with entire towns and peoples being slaughtered by the neverending hordes of Daedra however black marsh was prepared for this event his trees called in argonians from across Tamriel to defend their homeland the hiss we're able to prepare the argonians with added strength speed and endurance once the gates opened in black marsh they had flooded the gates with such force that the Daedra were overwhelmed and were forced to withdraw immediately while after the Oblivion crisis the rest of Tamriel were crippled and distraught the argonians of black marsh were more powerful than they had ever likely been in history with this victory against the Daedra as the Empire was severely weakened the argonians immediately seceded and shortly thereafter the Khajiit did as well after the eruption of Red Mountain had destroyed large portions of Morrowind the Argonian seized this opportunity to attack their age-old enemies it is believed that the Thalmor convinced their gun in people to do this and were easily swayed due to the centuries of conflict between the nations that had occurred the argonians had much success with this invasion and even the city of Mourne hold had been completely sacked however house retirin of the north territories of morrowind were able to combat against the argonians and drove them further south once again the Thalmor and the argonians cut contact as well and the current affairs and impact of this invasion is largely unknown the great Argonian invasion against morrowind and the fourth era became known as the accession war despite their great hatred to more wind and the dunmer they seemed neutral to the ongoing war and tension going on between the Empire and the all the married Dominion in the early fourth era a nationalistic and militant political party known as the Anza Leal had taken control of Black Marsh the Anza leal comprised of several powerful clans and tribes notably the scale song clan their views were so militant that by the fourth era 43 they were able to call upon a rogue history in lilith to contact the age-old cousins of the hist trees that happen to reside in clavicus vile's realm in Oblivion a large chunk and portion of clavicus vile's realm had teleported to Tamriel known as embryo the ants allele summoned this large floating city to eliminate all traces of foreign taint on black marsh however the Anza Leo lost control over this floating city from oblivion and it began absorbing souls from all across Black Marsh morrowind and later into serie dill although with the help of a breton woman named anna a coin art an Argonian named mayer glim prince a trapeze mead and a done mary mage named soul they were able to finally put a stop to embryo and this catastrophe had come to an end in much of the latter parts of the fourth era the argonians of Black Marsh remained relatively quiet and secluded from the rest of Tamriel in the fourth era 150 a group of argonians landed on sol Stein to cause trouble but were easily driven back by the veteran forces that lived in the city of Raven Rock during the dragon crisis a document surface that discussed an Argonian king and the ends allele it is widely rumored that the ann's allele despite the cataclysmic events of the Umbriel crisis had survived well into the fourth era a member of the Thieves Guild even mentioned the Argonian patrols that were in southern moorland suggesting that they are still quite prominent in that area very little is known of modern Argonian culture with the isolationism of the argonians mixed with the very hostile terrain of black marsh fuels this mystery it is known that the his still play a vital role in the society of the argonians yet whether black marsh is facing a multitude of internal problems or not is unknown however it isn't likely given their success with the Oblivion crisis and their success with taking a large portion of southern moorland the future of the argonians of black marsh is unclear although one can assume that there will be further contentions between black marsh and morrowind it is yet unknown what true power the his hold over the Argonian people with the looming horizon of a possible second to great war it is safe to assume that black marsh may even be involved and currently may even be considered one of the most powerful provinces as of the fourth era - a one [Music] you
Channel: Lady of Scrolls
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Keywords: elder scrolls, argonians lore, elder scrolls argonians lore, skyrim lore argonians, skyrim argonians lore, ladyofscrolls argonians lore, ladyofscrolls, argonians lore skyrim
Id: ohk_WZpmn4U
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Length: 65min 57sec (3957 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2020
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