The Elder Scrolls Recapped: The Complete Timeline

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with millions of players epic protagonists and pages of lore the older scrolls has cemented itself as a gaming staple with the older scroll six looming on the horizon let's prepare by recapping everything that's happened so far the elder scrolls takes place on the continent of tamriel on the planet of nirn in the spatial realm of mundus mundus which contains a few planets and moons alongside nirn was constructed by a group of god-like beings called the anuic et arder the annuic etada that gave the most of their power to the creation of this plane are now known as the aedra or eight divines soon after mundus was created there was an exodus of etada many felt that they had been betrayed by lorkhan the being who instigated the project however the eight's divines had invested so much of their power into mundus they were unable to leave they claimed that lorkhan never told them of the sacrifice they would have to make where they were once omnipotent they found themselves weak husks ties to an alien plane of existence they thus ripped lorkhan's heart from his chest sending it flying across the sky although they had been manipulated into giving everything they had they found solace in their revenge following this dawn age was the merethic era when linear time starts to arise it was at this point the main sentient species developed elves men argonians khajiit the conflicting narratives about how these beings came to be they were either created by the gods or they evolved from the remnants of the less powerful spirits that chose to stay in mundus after lorkhan's death the merethic eons saw the elven races thrive often at the expense of humans and beast folk elves explored every corner of the continent and at its heart blossomed the ayleid empire these elves were cruel but industrious people enslaving the savage humans whilst building monolithic structures that would survive thousands of years equally notable are the dwemer the elves who built underground cities and achieved amazing feats of engineering beneath the lands of what is now more wind and skyrim the following era is characterized by the shift of cultural political and military dominance from elvendom to mankind catalyzing this was the human rebellion led by alessia against the ayleids this uprising was a success not least due to the help of the aedra and in its wake arose the first human cyridillic empire in total this empire lasted almost 3 000 years and its end under the riemann dynasty marks the closure of the first era that is not to say that these centuries were entirely peaceful most notably there was an invasion from the continents of akavir by the seichi or seise emperor riemann defeated the seichi but incorporated many of their civilization's elements for instance the appearance and military tactics of the snake people inspired the blades the emperor's bodyguards we see in morrowind oblivion and skyrim the second era dawned and ended in peace but intervening was instability political union dissipated after the assassination of the potentate the de facto ruler of the empire at that point this instigated dynastic disputes and without the centrifugal force of a strong emperor the continent erupted into war this alliance war fought between the old murray dominion the ebonheart pact and the daggerfall covenant paved the way for the plane meld this was an unprecedented event the daedric prince of domination moloch bal attempted to merge his own hellish plane of oblivion with nirn perceiving the alliance war as a ripe opportunity to do so the daedric princes are the divine beings who did not invest themselves in mundus in other words they are gods with their full powers intact omnipotent beings in their own planes of existence molag bal and many of his peers want nothing better than to torture and manipulate the mortals of nirn the alliance war and the plane meld are the subject of the older scrolls online the 2014 mmo rpg an alliance of heroes eventually defeated molag bal and his minion mana marco but as of yet the alliance war has no canonical winner because eso is still running in the latter stages of the second era the legendary tiber septim arose from the ashes of the alliance war this dragonborn fought to unify the continent under cyrodiil's imperial yoke once more with the help of the brass god numidium a construct made by ancient elves called the dwemer tiber septim annihilated any opposition and secured his dynasties place as the undisputed rulers of the continent thus began the third era the age in which the first four major elder scrolls games take place arena daggerfall morrowind and oblivion arena starts in the year 389 of the third era emperor uriel septim vii is locked in oblivion by his imperial battle mage who disguises himself as the emperor he also sends the player character among other witnesses to die in the dungeons the staff of chaos which holds thaan's life force is the object of the player's main quest once they escape the imperial dungeons this staff was split by tharn into various fragments the protagonist has to visit every corner of the continent to retrieve them after confronting and defeating thon using the staff a portal opens to oblivion that allows a much more older and haggard emperor to return to the mortal plane and resume his post where arena's map encompasses the whole continent dagger falls entails just the iliac bay region between the provinces of high rock and hammerfell in daggerfall uriel septum sends the protagonist to free the ghost of king lysanders from his earthly shackles and to discover what happened to a letter the emperor sent to the former queen of daggerfall it transpires that lysandes's mother nolfaga knows the location of a legendary artifact called the mantella which is the key to resurrecting the new medium the massively powerful brass structure created by the dwemer and used by tiber septim to conquer the continent the player finds out that uriel septim wants to claim the new medium by using the mantela but six factions beside him ultimately vie for the artifact in order to control the brass god and the player can choose who was successful however every ending is canonical as every faction manages to access the mantela this is known as the warp in the west a mysterious event in which time distorted allowing each faction to use the new medium to limited success each managed to achieve their goals to some degree before the events of the warp in the west the iliac bay region comprised 44 independent regions under the empire afterwards there were only four daggerfall sentinel way rest and orsinium the third elder scrolls game is set in a dark ash-ridden country with a volcano at its heart morrowind the player is the reverend the prophesized reincarnation of a legendary dunmer leader from thousands of years ago nerevar was purportedly killed in a fight between himself and dagor there one of his lieutenants who used some powerful dwemer tools on the heart of lorkhan to turn himself into a god against nerevar's wishes nirovar's death is clouded in ambiguity those who reportedly fought with him vivec or maleksia and so the sill betrayed his memory by using the tools to achieve apotheosis after his death some have theorized that it was they not degarther who murdered him in cold blood thus the nervous exists not only to defeat the main villain de gother but to confront the morally bankrupt ruling tribunal pushed forth by uriel septim vii and with the help of the daedric prince azura the player sets out to right to the wrongs of the past in the intervening thousands of years before the new reverend's arrival degoth built an army of zombie-like minions and stole two of the dwemer tools of kagurnak and manufactured a deadly hive mind disease after acquiring the drummer tools needed to alter the heart of lorkhan the player battles degother and splinters the heart once and for all a corollary of this is the demise of the tribunal who are similarly dependent on the heart of their divinity in the expansion pack tribunal then reverend deals with the fallout of the main quest driven mad by the gradual loss of her powers omalexia kills her fellow god sotha sil and embarks on a course to raw morrowind as a tyrant in a showdown in the clockwork city the player puts her to the sword leaving vivec as the last of the tribunal vivec's powers slowly waned and with time he disappeared seven years later the emperor uriel sept the vii and his heirs are murdered by the mythic dawn next to the emperor just before his demise uriel tells the player to close shut the jaws of oblivion the death of the emperor leaves the dragonfires unlit as the only safeguard preventing daedric forces from invading it is imperative to relight them but they can only be relit by an emperor wearing the amulet of kings in a coronation ritual after enrolling with the blades the empire's secret service the player learns of the last living september martin after rescuing him from a burning chapel and spiriting him away to cloud ruler temple the player finally confronts the emperor's assassins the mythic dawn a cult devoted to the daedric prince of destruction are led by the elf mancar cameron an immensely powerful mage with his own pocket of oblivion after slaying mankind and reclaiming the amulet of kings which the mythic dawn had stolen the hero of kavach as the player is now known helps to close oblivion gates across the land eventually martin septim is led to the capital recognized as emperor and brought to the temple of the one to relight the dragonfires however mehrunes dagon arrives disrupting the process in a cathartic fight martin breaks open the amulet of kings and becomes invested with divine power banishing daegon and his daedric forces to oblivion whilst sacrificing himself in the process the oblivion crisis undermined political stability in tamriel the thalmor a small political faction that espoused elven racial superiority painted themselves as the saviors of the somerset isles the public believed these claims and in the 22nd year of the fourth era the thalmor seized total control of the isles seven years later a thalmor-backed coup overthrew valenwood's government and both countries proclaimed a union the third old mary dominion for the next 70 years the dominion and empire had little contact the empire too weak to reassert its authority took the view that the dominion should be left unprovoked it's probable that the dominion two suffered from civic unrest both from the wood elves and valenwood and non-thermal dissidents in the somerset isles however in the year 100 of the fourth era this all changed the old married minion declared that they had caused the return of masa and secunda two moons critical to the birth cycles of the khajiit this increased flammable popularity and elsewhere and under the dominion's influence the land split itself into two client kingdoms that swore fealty to the dominion tensions with the empire finally exploded when the thalmor invaded hammerfell in the year 171 instigating the great war the dominion quickly advanced into cyridol the heart of the empire and met little resistance the imperial city fell but the emperor titus mead ii escaped and rallied his imperial legions in skyrim the following year titus obliterated the thalmor army in a colossal battle outside the imperial city but titus knew that his legions were exhausted and decided to sign a peace agreement called the white's gold concordant the terms were that talos worship was to be banned and southern hammerfell be given to the dominion talos the ascendant time the septum was anathema to the thalmor because he was a god who was once a man his god status undermined their claims to elven supremacy as you can imagine banishing the worship of one of humankind's most beloved gods was a controversial decision the ramifications of this would be especially felt in skyrim hammerfell rejected the concordance declaring independence and continuing to fight the thalmor alone after five years they had managed to fight the weakened dominion to a stalemate and a treaty was signed ejecting the thalmor from hammerfell completely by the year 201 the dominion and empire settled in an uneasy cold war and this brings us to the latest elder scrolls game chronologically speaking the elder scrolls 5. in skyrim the player is the dragonborn a mortal with a dragon soul the protagonist possesses the ability to shout the thumb as it's called in the dragon tongue after escaping from helgen and defeating the first dragon at whiterun the greybeards at hai frothgar inform the dragonborn of their powerful nature after looting the tomb of jurgen windcaller the player meets with delphine joining what is left with the blades erdogan is found to be the one responsible for the dragons returning an age-old being alduin is the world eater and first among dragons after learning the dragon grounding shout dragon vend and enlisting the help of parthenax aldwin is defeated on the mortal plane but not killed the player then enters sovengaard to stop the world eater once and for all although alduin's soul is not absorbed because he still has a role to play in the universe as his title suggests erdogan's purpose is to eat the world once time has come to its natural end so rather than killing aldewin and sovengaard the dragonborn resets him to factory settings as it were the civil war is skyrim's other significant storyline fought between the stormcloaks and imperials it's believed by the former that the empire was weak and cowardly to outlaw talos worship in line with thumbnail demands the latter led by general tullius claimed that the civil war is exactly what the thalmor wants it weakens the empire many imperials advocate worshiping talos secretly until they're strong enough to take on and defeat the thalmor either way the canonical outcome of the war is unknown we will have to wait until the next game to find out the dragonborn faces down two more villains after alduin harkon and merak the former is a vampire lord seeking to blot out the sun to allow vampires to reign supreme the latter the first ever dragonborn who wants to carve out his own dominion on the continent after being banished to hermaeus mora's realm of oblivion this brings us up to date but what about the next elder scrolls game the second great war has to feature somewhere either it will have already happened by the time of the second game or we will be embroiled in it either way it's too big an event for a game to sidestep i believe its presence in some way is almost a certainty this fits with the elder scrolls six's probable setting hammerfell the province previously on the front line in the war against dominion equally if the developers seek to continue the ethos of skyrim then sword singing may be a replacement for the thumb sword singing is an ancient practice that is insanely powerful it said that this is what caused the continent of yokuda to sink necessarily i have skipped over some details in this video lest it become too long for instance i didn't elaborate on dlcs that i felt didn't add to the main trajectory of the series this video acts as an overview if you want to learn more then i recommend visiting uesp wiki or watching a youtube video on a topic there's a wealth of amazing lore videos out there by a variety of different people please check the description for links to some of the most important articles and resources thank you for watching if you want to see more then please feel free to subscribe i bring out new videos all of the time anyway thanks again and i'll see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Avarti
Views: 495,311
Rating: 4.9357891 out of 5
Keywords: elder, scrolls, lore, avarti, plays, theory
Id: oZ3hHZiMpNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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