The Father of Sadism, Marquis De Sade!

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what's up I'm Chris de Stefano aka Chrissy Dee aka King gay you listen to the Bay Ridge Boys history hyenas what's up everybody welcome to another episode in the history hyenas I'm Christa Stefano aka Lieutenant lollipop with me as always Yanis Papa's aka sergeant starburst or sergeant snuggles or every scoring at home listen we've been doing a lot of episodes that have been heavy on race and religion and what the culture is doing and we want you to take a break from that so today we thought we'd go right into sodomy with marquis de sade yeah and if you notice right now we have a cute upset we are full throttle cute patrol officers right now the new set is built we got our coffee mugs right here and we mean it we mean it cuz they made you look cute and me look bro because I look a little French okay I got black [ __ ] in my teeth because make no mistake you look handsome look like a [ __ ] bear here's the thing about our sign shout out to Ed genteel who made it and shout out to Ted MUNs who made our low did this by hand this is tiled I mean it's cute up but let me just say this dude up and let me just say this crystal clear that is me that is Chrissie but that is not a hyena up there that looks like a fox but we are the history hyenas realities of suggestion we're called the history I Hina's but that's the [ __ ] that's somebody's lab right there it's what it is cuz and listen I send Marquis de Sade it's a Marquis de Sade and he gave you a chinstrap beard which is hilarious it's just what it is you made me one thing and one thing only and that's weirdo Rica it's okay cuz I got a Puerto Rican daughter yeah I got a Puerto Rican family I love to Puerto Ricans and I love the gays and I love everybody who's not white yes so let's start by just saying the boat's untethered we are we have swam away we managed to get one of the lifeboats off the Titanic yeah Titanic being the music industry and we have floated away I want to remind you at this time slash Bay Ridge Boys to access all of the weapon in the morning shows which is live every day 9:00 a.m. Eastern and up there after also go to our YouTube page we got a new clip page and also subscribe and turn your alerts on guys so you can get our new videos and join our new page it's called history hyena clips infinity ax is running it yes you put the alerts on if you can have an alarm on to remember to take your birth control you can have your alarm on to remember to listen to the Heike nah guess who's back Chrissy who trash monkey Oh trash monkey the hyena is back baby you were in my the cut the beautiful thing about trash monkey on hyena is she was in my apartment and my daughter threw her around more than you could imagine and she's one of the only stuffed animals that I have in my house that my daughter hasn't ripped to shreds so trash monkey made it um and it's cuz it's just good to be here it's good to be queer I just want to say happy pride to everyone and I just love everyone and just because I'm just trying to delay it and I just want to say I love everyone and whatever black yeah black trans lives matter for sure but I just had a really funny visual of the journey that that hyena has gone on trash mugging the hyena yeah there's you see that's how big your head and you can't even yeah it was me this is me in a real Spartan helmet I just had this I had this uh visual of what trash monkey the hyena has been through to get to the set he was in our old Senate riot cast then at some point it was at Chrissy's apartment and then I just have in my head a visual of you showing up at your baby's Mama's house just holding trash bucking hyena yes and I'm back and then you went back to the apartment back there back to the apartment back there and that trashed him hyena he's got a little blood over here he's taking some wounds yeah but the kids been on a journey and he's back home on our set husband over said trash monkey has survived everything from ryuk ass to the baby to the squeak he made it through all three realms he deserves to be here in his final resting place which is the new spoon cuz here's the deal I slept weird last night my neck is crooked your your professionally hands you call me Florence Nightingale yeah I because you're a professionally handsy guy okay you are you have a PhD in physical therapy when can you put your hands on me guys let me my neck is crooked well right now you got you have a stiff neck a crook neck from with the way you slept last night so you're in the acute stage what we call in the acute stage and you need to take some at ease I told you to take two advils that were expired and then you put some icing on it we get blood flow to the area and then it can get a little handsy with you in about 48 hours so in about 48 hours cuz you're gonna wake up and you're gonna and you're gonna say what's on my back I feel these meat hooks on my back and make no mistake I'm gonna have dip my hands and buckets of Vaseline I'm rubbing your back to shoulders down now if you haven't noticed I'm assuming a new position on our new set because I've I've enjoyed all your comments talking about how thick yachties gotten so now I'm just blocking it with my leg pull the girl move it's one of those things where it's like girls know how to block on the ankles and now it's Jani angles yeah just knows how to block because make no mistake no matter which way you block it we could still see your girl ankle tattoo I got girl ankles tattoos and I got my [ __ ] air mags ones that are cute cute up cuz let's be honest the world is on fire yeah it's chaotic I kind of feel like the world now is remember like you know like like without those little mind games where they have like they show you a picture of a dress and like some people think it's blue some people think it's white or then like they hear sound it's like do you hear Yanni or do you hear Laurel remember those and like people like I hear Yanni I that's what the world is it's like one group sees it this way and the other group sees it that way and you can't tell in any different bubbles no you can't tell them any different and you know what just since this morning I can't look at you without thinking that you just got out of the shower after an air-raid bomb over London in 1944 you look like you look like a Luftwaffe pilot who just came out to shower I look like a Luftwaffe pilot with this got a little bit a little bit fat in excess areas and but I'm telling you like I've been saying all along if I was a Luftwaffe pilot I wouldn't be dropping bombs I'd just be dropping little pamphlets on peace and prosperity and just telling the checkout weapon in the morning every day from 9:00 to 9:30 Eastern Time cuz summer is not it's not your season we've said it many times on guys here's it's not your season but it's not our season have you around either because I'm just gonna nickname your thighs they're milky whites yeah I got no milky milky whites they look like pudding cuz I got milky milky white thighs and it's what I hate about them cuz they're [ __ ] white they're [ __ ] milky like really like they look as white as a screen I hate them I hate my thighs because if the widest part of my body and I feel I feel like I just want to wash them I want to water my thighs I [ __ ] hate them I listen here's the truth I want to yell at your thighs why are you privileged you are you are you privileged that's what it is they're [ __ ] privileged I only concentrate on them on the darker parts of my body yeah cuz we have an absolute excellent episode today and we're back yes I'm sick and tired of being so [ __ ] too peachy I just packed it too [ __ ] cord you gotta let a few out I just can't [ __ ] handle it anymore that we can't say anything I'm the gayest [ __ ] a guy you know and I'll [ __ ] get criticized for every little thing I mean I lost a thousand followers because I posted a shirt that says anxieties for the Democrats what the [ __ ] is happening but guess what you little [ __ ] who left guess what went way the [ __ ] up the patreon son so we're getting more money and now make no mistake guess what the next shirt Chrissy [ __ ] cares is coming out with anxieties for the Republicans so I don't [ __ ] care I can't be stopped it's already getting printed and it's getting posted immediately yeah I mean it's a crazy world we live in you know it's funny we're gonna talk about the marquis de sade the marquis the mark the mark cute the saw i called him the marquis de sade and i tried to back out of it like i was being silly but i [ __ ] really thought it was Shaddai because i like the singer shot - yeah well it's spelled the same way as shot day yeah guys so it's like how am I supposed to know is it's a torchon day now here's the thing about him the kid lived he died in 1814 into his nice was born in 1740 sport in 1740 by all accounts a pretty handsome kid by the way he was not a more quoi he was not a marquis which is a lot of black kids I grew up with named Marquis that's a black name Marquis yellow Marquis de Lafayette the Marquis de shod yeah the Marquis the Marquis Jenkins he was not a marquis he was not a marquis he was actually a count but people just went with it so I don't know how it happened I think he just started telling people he's a marquis let me tell you something about the Marquis de Sade reality was a suggestion for this kid who this kid did whatever the [ __ ] he wanted yeah he was charismatic he was he was definitely manipulative overall I think the kid was sauce you've so start and it's interesting he's kind of a nice combo of Chris Edie and Yony pikas make no mistake he was a spoiled little entitled rich kid like Jionni and then he was hyper sexual like Chrissy deeds yeah so he was just he was a little bit of both of us he had he came from a little bit of money and he just like to prance around and then he used to get and then but then you know the Sebastiani and then he would just get [ __ ] wild and like the bang [ __ ] out here's the thing the kid did not see anything on the menu that he did not like we're talking boys girls women all women young women I mean the kid was banging anything he was let's just say he would have been 100% me too today I mean he could not have a podcast right now I think the kid would have been me too by the time he was 12 I mean he got to it pretty early as well cuz he was first of all he was most likely three dollar bill most likely deep down and he was three dollars and and but you know he loved all sex uh you know cuz that's the thing if here's the truth is when you could be hyper sexual and you want to have sex with everybody boys girls you know animals whatever but if you're having sex with the same sex then I think you just are always three dollars no like a guy can't have sex with a guy and then not and then come back and say I'm not three dollars anymore I don't know I think you can be bisexual I think as a guy you could have fetishes I believe so um you know I believe so with the Marquis de Sade I think he seemed like he was more in women but he definitely had an appetite for guys and young guys or boys as well yeah but I mean the thing his last his last mistress was [ __ ] this is horrible to say well I'll just speed towards that and then we'll back all the way back up to the beginning but his lat the kid the kid was bang until the end he was him till the end right at the end he was in the same solemn somehow in the Assante asylum he managed to woo the thirteen-year-old daughter of was a psych psychiatrist there right he was banging her out the day he had the heart attack earlier he was he was he sodomized a thirteen-year-old in the day died it's the only time and it's horrible it's the only time where our girl vanity she's been right in the notes and after one of those facts about a character from history she wrote you yeah she wrote e w on the note she goes oh and I forgot to mention he was 74 at that time so his mistress was 13 and he was 74 eat your heart out Wow so mark he takes a joke that's a joke I don't know what happened yeah we're back here so Marty desaad what what you know first of all you know I only said before the word sadism statistics statistics even some people say you know the the big sex movements like fifty Shades of Grey and all that sexual revolution stuff they say kind of begins with him even though Marquis de shod was just a complete psycho Plum Marquis they char they even know Marquis de Sade um was just a complete psychopath and and kind of I don't think his victims thought this was sexy at all I think they were feared for their life um he has a very interesting life first of all the kid was 14 years old and he fought in the Seven Years War which caused the Seven Years War was what France first England but over what does anybody know the history the seven-year always against Prussia seven years war it gets pressure which is pressure russia russians is the germans huh here's the deal if you're another European country the chances of you have having a war with Germany is a hundred percent yeah because the kids just start they're the ones in the schoolyard like watch you're looking out there just want to fight yeah it's a yeah the chances of your wife doing a semester abroad and getting [ __ ] by an Italian guy are a hundred percent the chances of you having beef with a country in that country being pressure or Germany if you're another country Europe is a hundred percent okay so yes and the seven years it's really known by that name in England but I should have [ __ ] known this I'm reading a book on it England and France but it over here we call it the French and Indian War even though Indian is a racist name and it should be cancelled it's the French and Indian War right so that's what it was ok so those are synonymous which by the way George Washington is a [ __ ] slave owner yeah fought in that war French and Indian War yeah the word slave comes from slob too cuz those kids were enslaved by the mozzies cuz it's one of those things where HH fod had [ __ ] and we said it today on weapon in the morning but it just remains to be said again if you had [ __ ] five innocent children shot and killed over this weekend in Chicago not a damn word about it in the [ __ ] national news only local news but guess what was in the national news Splash Mountain is racist so I mean if you think you're doing it if you think you're living if you don't that by this point if you don't [ __ ] fully know that everybody on the media is a Russian bot you got another thing coming ok their whole job right now is to divide and conquer from within and Bubby's it's working cuz there's no [ __ ] way that five children were innocently killed in the streets of Chicago and that can't be national news except the United States when Anderson Cooper and Tucker calls and anybody else who works on the [ __ ] news is born and raised in Moscow so they're all [ __ ] Russian operatives and I don't give a [ __ ] who [ __ ] it tells me I'm wrong because if you tweet at me any [ __ ] I'm just gonna tweet back at you [ __ ] pictures of the Kremlin yeah you'll get a bunch of those and you'll get a bunch of furniture emojis you'll get a bunch at first you just gotta start responding with furniture emojis that's all I do is I all I do is respond in emoji so it's just [ __ ] it's up for grabs whatever it's just like the truth but yeah baby we're being divided and conquered by the goddamn Russians from within because you know splash mountains racists but you know whatever you there you go that's what you that was a segment we call Chrissy long days you [ __ ] win and you went deep and it was appreciated yeah I'm [ __ ] Chrissy steel pipes coming back yeah oh that was steel pipe Chrissy it's been a while you just dusted him off the shelf huh wasn't Chrissy chaos so much I forgot about steel pipe why don't we gonna get the way Sean she ends back one of those comment I don't know we gotta figure it I hope to hear him in my ear yeah we're gonna get them back I want your honest backing headphones and me not in headphones that's what it used to be yeah yeah we're both not in headphones we have our set we're doing good well got we got the way Sean P a button right now set vanity just pulled it wait wait sunshine it's law you can't even hear right yeah um so here's the deal Marquis de Sade's make no mistake when I see those ankle tattoos and your nice milky [ __ ] and you don't have that much you want to slide into my DM I wanna [ __ ] lift your calves cuz I want to lick you from [ __ ] head to toe yeah I'm a tan kid right tan kid and you got nice ankle tattoos you got girls sneakers on cuz I got girls feet too you got girls feet I got a cute feet you ever see my feet yeah cuz we've showed your feet you see mine yeah let's see your [ __ ] I mean wow that's a cutie patootie footie that is a cute [ __ ] guy foot wow that cuz make no mistake you have women's feet so here's the deal the Martin Clunes on Chris the Marquis de Sade you know here's the deal about Marquis Assad if they named some [ __ ] after you then you know you've done some either really good or really bad in his case you know it's weird because he's mostly considered bad he did a lot of horrible things he got a lot of pleasure out of giving people pain but then there he created this whole genre of [ __ ] that women kind of go crazy over because what is that movie called Shades of Grey Fifty Shades of Grey is on about sadism v is is getting [ __ ] whipped I'm isn't fifty Shades of Grey something like in the family of BDSM is it V is saying Fifty Shades of Grey is in the family because SM but it's not technically that I think it is I think it's S&M ik I think it's S&M but it's definitely sadism light all right go ahead go back can you go back up B can you scroll up just want to give us a little information so yeah so as we said Marquis de Sade was born in Paris in 1940 the rebellious spoiled child with a temper and he was raised by his servants and he said and this is the quote that said this is Yanis right here this is [ __ ] at yani long days this is this is [ __ ] Emperor Yanni it said he said it seemed like everything had to be yielded to me that the entire universe had to flatter my whims yeah yeah that's something yeah he says to us every morning on the morning meeting from weapon so the Marquis de Sade his mother went off into a convent and his dad his father abandoned and so he was raised by the servant and so he started really to indulge but it didn't really kick off until he was sent to live with his uncle who was a priest who was a hypocrite on the down-low who would bang out chicks left and it started right and early in his life when he was at you know 1415 year old kid he was it's too obvious that you're reading off - no it's conversation just going like this you're going during school he was subjected to a corporal no because because he was interested he was interested in drama and theater yeah so that sounds like three things and three things only that's three one two three bill fills right there yeah the kid the kid was in the drama he was in the theater so Hitler was in the painting I mean a lot of kids who end up doing evil things yeah are three dollar zeros yeah they're just they're [ __ ] pushing it down and they can't just come out of the closet because he was also into flogging now what's how many patreon members do we have to get to four you can publicly flogged me for the patreon what's it gonna be what number do we have to get to a patron will you do it yeah yeah when we get to 10 G's 10 G's when we get to 10,000 patreon members Yanis is gonna publicly flogged me butt naked live on the patreon I will flog them clip it so the kid went he moved with his his uncle his uncle's a priest yeah I'm solid as uncle was a hypocrite he saw this uncle was preaching one thing and then banging out chicks on the down-low on the other and that's what you read him to you just got a better angle he's got a better angle the notes but during this time he was also you know he was exposed during school who do you love just real quick tell him who you love yeah I told them it's what it is I love Allah years I love Allah Mahalo so he he was at first exposed to flogging at school cuz you went to Catholic school didn't thing I remember when I was a kid they used to [ __ ] there was one teacher used to hit us with a ruler that still had happened we I had a teacher at not only in grammar schools to hit you with his dick yeah for the $3 bill yeah cuz make no mistake yeah I learned how to [ __ ] duck and roll in boxing together away prease dick cuz would that be a funny video game if we if the history honest wanted to branch out right we would create a video game called avoiding father bill yeah you would just avoid father Bill's dicks there'd be a whole levels to it he'd be like come get my you have to go get my cloak upstairs and we would figure out ways to get out of cuz I just want to tell you something that I blacked out way too many times this is child it's just what too many yeah but cuz that's how you lose instead of losing your life you know having like other games you die and you come back yeah in our game called father Bill what happens is you black out and you forget it and you just lose a point yeah you just black out you forget it and then the game restarts again when you're just sitting at the table and mom's got chicken cutlets and mashed potatoes asking you how your day was yeah yeah and why you so late and you just say basketball practice that's what practice but you could tell you just reciting what he said to say you know one of the brothers in my high school used to do if you fell asleep he'd wake you up and then like he tapped on the thing and he and in front of the whole class and he would have two erasers filled with chalk and he'd smashed the erases in front of your face and you breathe in and caught chalk smoke yeah that's something they would do I mean could you imagine doing that in 2020 what would happen to these [ __ ] two people I mean does it but here's the thing about Catholic school did anything positive does anything positive happen there cuz me invented to you we grew up great kids yeah he's had wives the only thing that happened us is we were given guilt and we were told that we had to be good and we shouldn't hang out with anarchists yeah which vanity it does yeah well her parents are very upset when she goes and she she has Padilla with anarchist the anarchist yeah no we in in high school you know what else used to happen if you got a to I'm doing this whole episode with one going on because it's just what it is we're just waiting for the other shoe to drop yeah because it's one of those things where when I was in high school my high school lunch wish my high school if you got into a fight in in the hallways those teachers would have you go downstairs in the basement after school clothes and you would box it out they would just let people box and get their anger out that way cuz it was an all-boys Catholic High School it was gay gay gay it was [ __ ] sex fueled a little [ __ ] baby high school that I went to and it's wild and I think there's some crimes that have happened that are starting to come out now as days goes on and I'm just waiting for the [ __ ] cops to call me and think who harassed you and I'm giving names here's one otherwise when I didn't never got harassed at Archbishop Molloy High School is actually really good high school back we're gonna hear it in here through a speaker we are back we got our set thank you for coming on the journey with us till here but this is where it begins we're on a boat and we're out middle of the ocean and we need we need your money that's our helicopter yeah I gotta take us to land yeah somebody out there who's ever a designer can you please design us yellow raincoats like rubber duckie raincoats with hyenas on the back and send them to our house for free now do you think do you think that what happens to you as a child yeah shapes you sexually no matter what because this kid was getting flogged for being a bad boy and he got turned on by that and that's where a lot of people who theorized about him retrospectively think that he developed his taste for SNM what it's named after him S&M is named after wheel without without marquis de sade he wouldn't you would it would be something else that he just called masochism yeah the say the some other thing yeah yeah but Sodom he's not named after him right now though uh no what is sodomy no Sodom and Gomorrah this old city of Sodom with the Greeks yeah you guys are always around the ass cuz we're resourceful okay if one hos blog we go to the other one yes it's like with you if you go on your ways and you see the tunnels clogged you take the bridge yes just what that's what we do cuz we're resourceful kid you're innovative cuz it's funny that the father the father and that the cradle of Western civilization started with mathematics and an ass-fucking it's just whatever there's a yin there's a yang yeah it's what it is so baby yes Marquis de danse you're talking to me gorgeous yeah I think muffin man I think that 100% his sexual desires and the way he was was for sure shaped by the time when he was a child the abuse he suffered but it gets to the point where I understand that even like a lot of pedophiles or like oh I was abused as a child and I get all that but it's kind of like baby if unfortunately if you're into kid [ __ ] you just you got to get removed from society you have to you know we just can't like if you get turned on by ten year old it's like two babes I know that there's a million reasons why it happened I'm really sorry but we just pray you know it's like that movie No Country for Old Men when the Javier Guzman whatever his name is has the [ __ ] air gun yeah they shoot cows in the head with it's like this you know unfortunate or send it to some Island yeah what else what if we create what if we took it like Greenland or someplace that's built the wall around that and then sent all the pedophiles there could do that and do it and see what happens then yeah that that would be weird cuz they would have they would have no you you're removing the thing that they likes to [ __ ] cuz pedophile is the only crime that I believe lieutenant lollipop and Sergeant snuggles couldn't show up to and deescalate by jerking them off now every other crime I feel like I could get I could we can solve every single crime and come to a happy solution at the escalation through masturbation besides pedophilia unfortunately show up to that you're just gonna get the cow air gun to the head and you're going bye-bye I mean what you're saying is 100% unadulterated truth because imagine this we show up to a gang war it's the Crips and the Bloods yeah and then two kids show up in full Care Bear outfits yeah and we just start [ __ ] squeezing people and hugging them in tickling him and jerking them off I'm telling you guns are going down and things are gonna get de-escalated it's just what it is cuz I mean could you imagine you get if we just start going handing out lollipops and hugs and jerking kids off yeah cuz gang wars over you're never gonna find another crime again yeah um so really what brought markeith cuz Marquis de Sade's doing [ __ ] grimy [ __ ] Sade was doing grimy [ __ ] for years but he kind of only got busted when he got this - this - named ROS Keller not Helen Keller ROS Keller and he basically he got her in a room and he started really [ __ ] you know beat you know beating the [ __ ] out of her and he was coming in her open wounds and flogging her which is what was done to him but the ROS Keller escaped when he went to go have he want to go get food and she tied bedsheets and threw him out the window and escaped and went to the police and I believe the priests and the crime that she said she didn't mention the flogging and the sexual crimes he was thrown in jail and his crime started get exposed cuz she said he was committing blasphemy he was coming on my face but he was putting the cross on my face and coming on my face on the cross and he was coming on the crucifix and that was the crime the biggest crime in 1700s France yeah which is why I mean that's when you cross the line I mean the guy was cutting me and pouring hot candle wax into my wounds but when he went too far was when he got the crucifix in it's like I don't understand why especially in 17th century France it's like you know you don't want me to get [ __ ] home for Jesus but every painting of Jesus he's just a hot buff dude yeah I mean it's just like what do you want me to do I mean it's almost like he's asking for it yeah what do you want me to do I mean this guy's [ __ ] butt naked hanging there you know he's got abs and he's ripped up and he's always in like a little [ __ ] a little target thing it's like what am I supposed to do not move my monkey little bit I mean cause they're you know that's why I love Allah yeah and here's the thing I mean they Jesus at that time was in his 30s you know his metabolism had slowed down a little bit to the point where he wasn't that ripped right I mean people are his short kinga's complaining that they made him white but you know what else they made him that he wasn't was ripped because guess what they didn't have back then yeah CrossFit so how the [ __ ] did he get looking like that I mean the guy was like a poor beggar on the street the kid was not [ __ ] jack he probably had a little bit of a hummus gut and he did not look like that hundred percent did not what 33 year old kid doesn't have a little bit of a dad bod yeah cuz ya know for sure he didn't look like that and kid was from the [ __ ] Middle East I mean the kid looked like Sasha Baron Cohen ya know the kid the kid look like nimesh Patel a lot it's what it is who is Milo who's [ __ ] ya who's my lord it's a fur no match for telly absolutely yeah the Marx [ __ ] elicited the best Patel's new album called bedtime stories it's kid [ __ ] stepped in boys [ __ ] I mean could you imagine because you know everyone's got a guy because you got a degree from NYU I don't doubt he's not a buzzy though cuz he's South Asian Indian kid he's ours you know me I don't know the difference [Laughter] we are untethered we're untethered I mean look Andrew Schultz has his his his little buzzy and Michael che has his and they could they could play they could play funk a water polo together and try to knock the other one off their shoulders what it is the secret to success is you just gotta have a [ __ ] mozzie on your podcast Andres got his Dave Chappelle's got his and I got mine cuz yachties a Turkish bus it's what it is what that gay will you knock each other off the shoulders what's the chicken chicken when you put it on my house is called boil would be really funny of edgy Schultz put Akash in his shoulders and Michael che put the best that is and they just tried made the best Muncey win it's what it is you know we're talking about okay kids joking around we're having a joke you know it's just we just something that we noticed you know it's what it is I mean cuz make no mistake I mean I've seen their [ __ ] flavor to patron Akash is making more money than us and both want more and they're both great comedians they really actually Aakash just got a great clip out it just got over a million views so just google akash singh and that clip will come up i forgot the title though but it's [ __ ] hilarious i cost a great community yeah and so is the mesh ya know measure of both great guys just fun it's just with like everybody you have everybody but it's like there's my people we do not like white people white people gasp your your suspect you're guilty absolutely gone [ __ ] no dad no test telling people they're out notices what a my favorite thing out here I know that I'm [ __ ] notice we're watching you notice like what will poke fun at Akash and Animesh cuz they're good friends to the show and they won't care they'll just laugh about it but if you say anything with Joe list he'll [ __ ] son you made seriously I've got the [ __ ] happened I mean cuz white people suck yeah okay let's get back to mark he - ah yes the Mark II decide I mean this is a kid who lived through a couple of different stages in French history I mean and a kid who ended up going to prison seven times now here's the thing to go to prison back then for lewd acts when you're an aristocrat when you are account when you're a marquis and you're doing this against prostitutes because nobody cared about them back then right so for it to get notice and for him to go to prison for it you know he must have been doing some [ __ ] vile [ __ ] and he was yeah he had a manservant named Latour and and one time him and Latour got four female prostitutes and they just [ __ ] went crazy they started making them eat I think it was Spanish flies with the Spanish flies I was like a little aphrodisiac so cus that's used to get people in the mood is a little comes from yeah cuz I think they think Spanish flies get you horny but I think it's like rhino horn I just doesn't corny goat weed well no it's like the Chinese think about rhino horn they think ground-up rhino horns gonna give them some sort of sexual virility and it just doesn't cause it's just ground up Rhino horde you [ __ ] Franks and beans idiots leave those animals alone power to the animals Nikki Glaser's shout out shout out but what happened is is Mark II and his manservant Latour they poisoned some of these girls some of these are too so I think one of the two of them may have died right and they got they got convicted of sodomy and then they got sentenced to death so the Marquis de Sade was [ __ ] sense to death in June of 1772 but the kid just [ __ ] wiggled and weaseled his way out of everything the kid must have had some serious white privilege because he was able to evade the legal system over and over and over and over and over again I mean they he just got out of prison over again and just recreated himself [ __ ] white / rebel yeah because make no mistake in that at that time and even still to this day sodomy which is you know entering the anal orifice without permission yeah sodomy is what is used as one of the original of the big-time sins of the Catholic Church would have fooled me I thought it was one of the commandments so it's actually not sodomy doesn't refer to against the will sodomy just means the ass [ __ ] so if you have anal sex wit with your husband your girlfriend committing sodomy sodomy it was anal sex actually illegal even if it's only participate believe it or not I think in some states it technically is still illegal you can't go in the but even if they say it's okay yeah unless you're a congressman apparently in Miss Lobby then then they look the other way and that's usually who's most doing it but yeah there's some like state governments as they're always red Christian conservative government let's look let's look that up we're gonna have vanity looked it up but I think Mississippi is one of them Alabama it may technically not be legal to uh to bang in the butt so it's interesting and in state like Alabama I think the year age of consent we were looking up it's like 16 years old but you can't bang in the bar exact so it's very backwards place it's a very back which plays religion sometimes has has some weird rules like for example the Catholic Church there a lot of the Christian conservatives are for death penalty right but they're against abortion and I realized if they are Catholic I understand why because look what they like to do the Catholic priest is bang little boys so you don't want to [ __ ] with your own supply it's what it is unwanted children is what they [ __ ] so stop killing them just send them to us we'll take care of it it's it's what it is so what do we got what do we got thirteen state report to ban all forms of sodomy somehow I didn't know that well intercourse regardless of their participants genders so thirteen states have statues that ban all forms of sodomy meaning no ass [ __ ] and that includes oral regardless of participating genders in Alabama that means you can't eat ass in Alabama Florida Georgia I told Louise E Anna and mostly southern states and what a co-inky-dink in the states you can't eat ass is where this coronavirus spikes cuz the cure to coronavirus to lickin ass and here's another piece of hypocrisy I love from those states is get the government out of our lives and out of our pockets unless ya it's who you're [ __ ] then there's got to be all types of laws right into your bedroom yeah I mean if that is not the most Franks and beans hypocrisy I've ever seen in my life less government get out of my life but if someone's doing something sexually I don't want [ __ ] put him in prison Frank's and a [ __ ] bounce here's the thing though with again like talk to me baby gorgeous like everyone like the Marquis they shot all his [ __ ] lewd behavior and him being hyper sexual and liking all and having these disgusting fantasies he did wind up getting a wife he did have a wife he wants a wife so there's everything everyone has to have a beard everyone has stuff a beard and it's just one of those things where it's like you know one man's trash is another man's treasure and he had a wife and the wife's mother so Marquis de Sade's mother-in-law [ __ ] hated him and his nickname for the mother one and this is true cuckoo this was he called her the hyena which is wild a wild coincidence that we decided to do the Marquis de Sade and this is a true fault and her name she's they married in 1763 and her name was Renee palazzi de Montreal so that's who Montreal was named after that is the door the government official that's yeah Montrose named after Marquis de Sade's wife yeah it's so let's cancel Montreal it's funny that this kid was just like raping and using and hurting people for sexual pleasure while jerked off and even he had problems with his mother-in-law even he gave into an old trope yeah [ __ ] the mother-in-law that that he can't get along with yeah and then it t is like how did the Marquis de Sade find love and not me yeah I want to get married she just gave you the Greek nah which is hilarious nah nah nah I mean you know it's bad but even better T was like maybe I'll give him another shot she's like I'll just take any Greek vetted Tia is here's the thing about vanity yeah she's been Atia gets a boyfriend her husband and he and he starts saying he's I don't like you working on that show if I can we're just gonna have to know what are we gonna do how do we get rid of him I'll [ __ ] jerk him off you got a Care Bear solutions lieutenant live pups you show up in a leather outfit and [ __ ] a jerk your boyfriend off out of here unfortunately what vanity Nisha does not understand is once you're in the hyena clan you're in for life so you're all family now and when venit Tanisha gets married if she doesn't think that me and you are showing up as two of those bridesmaids she's got another thing covered I think cuz were in the wedding party on the [ __ ] bright side if you're in the dating clan you're in the hyena clan for life just like Chrissy cackles just said I'm talking to you tonight hands off homeless pimp your hands off all this paper in high heat a clap for life unless your sack rises from Mike's warmest you know produce for us and help us raise our numbers did you get a folky there's a little pink slip that shows up at your locker and then you'd like to change the passwords too quickly okay we're to while we're gonna get sued it's just what it is in 1774 this is [ __ ] gross seriously gross that Marty they sure they did this he trapped six children including one boy in their chateau for six weeks during which time he subjected them to abuse so this kid this it's one of those things where it's like it's [ __ ] disgusting when you do pedophile what you're doing the prostitutes and your [ __ ] little sexual proclivities are weird but once you start to [ __ ] [ __ ] with kids it's like guy you got to be beheaded I would have [ __ ] thrown him in the guillotine for that crossing the line and even back then when it wasn't as Tabou as it is now he seemed to cross a line with what he was doing I mean the kid he I'm sure people have been doing this forever but he was so infamous and so open about this because what happened is he went to prison and while he was in prison he went to prison seven times and all those times he was in prison the kid wrote two of the most famous works were a hundred and twenty years of Sodom and then the other one was 120 years of Sodom day of sorrows 120 days of sodom and and Justine where his two most famous works but make no mistake all together he's done like ten novels many books the kid wrote one of them I think is like 1,200 pages just like 200 pages more than [ __ ] world and he wrote them I wrote them mostly in jail and he wrote them mostly in very very small print on toilet paper they'd gotten his jailson and what's very interesting is one of Marquis de Sade's sons actually burned they say 90% of his work after he died so there's actually so much [ __ ] that we don't even know about Marquis de Sade because it was just [ __ ] burned uhm but yeah his family wanted to get rid of their affiliation with him altogether they they absolutely shunned him if you read 120 days of sodom which is his most famous work it is [ __ ] brutes first of all he starts off almost every tale which they're all disgusting which he says he was like hello friendly reader so he brings you and he says hello friendly reader I mean the most is just creepy yeah which is a little creepy the what the one that the one that bothered me the most was the pregnancy one that one which was um which was uh he said he had a fantasy he wrote this story about a pregnant woman and him kidnapping her and tying her to a table and stretching her out and mutilating her and then you know raping her and then driving a hot metal spike through her stomach to kill her and the baby that's how he would come I mean just weird oh yeah I mean in its repetitive children skinned alive mutilated genitals just brutal brutal brutal [ __ ] it's actually weird that people are split on the Marquis de Sade some people think that you know he he was a pioneer in accessing this dark side of our brain that explores this sort of sexuality through this dark side and other people just think he was a psychopathic murderer who derived pleasure from pain and some people think both I tend to think he's the latter I mean how is this how is this guy not a psychopath and bad it's one of those things where even in life is the same as in death tired a woman up is different than throwing a spike in her eyeball now yeah it's a little yeah yeah a little difference a little different I mean it's it's still both bad but it's a little different but tying up sometimes a girl likes to be tied up consensually yeah I don't know I've never I've never tried to tie a girl up because I don't know how to make knots I'm not a man funny and you were asked to tie up someone we'd go that let me call Joe to get over here to do it for that let's call a guy up yeah yeah I know Joe so when Joe hung up the side he told his wife dancer I said give me a second honey I'm upstairs helping a couple ladies hang a bunch I'd be funny if like yeah sexually like a girl's like hey you know I want you to tie me up and then I just [ __ ] go get a TaskRabbit to do it let me go to handy calm but um what just much much like in life in his life how in his death how you know you these horrible works where it's like these these things are disgusting what he's saying but they're like Oh some you know in 2017 120 days of Sodom was put on a national treasure list right so it's the same thing in his life you just forget about his crimes because even in his life he did all these things in a prison for 28 years known famous in France for sodomy and pedophilia and and you know flogging prostitutes but even through all that in the last 10 years life he got elected to [ __ ] during the French Revolution he gets elected to the national office of France because the people just turned a blind eye to his [ __ ] so he had some kind of charm and power that even exists in his death yeah and he was able to survive all these different cycles in in French history I mean it was the French Revolution he survived that while and he survived that because listen they were beheading they were beheading aristocrats and Royal fan they were beheading everybody the French Revolution what you gotta get in-depth and solid was running through the streets man that they were guillotine Inc if you were rich you lost your head and somehow he was able to charge his weight charm his way not only to not get killed but to align himself with them and get in the government to have a position of power by which when he when he got that position he pardoned his in-laws who hated him he parted his mother-in-law the hyena he pardoned the hyena who hated him and it actually was said to give him pleasure to do that because he knew how much they were kind of begging for their life and he just when their name came up because his in-laws came from a very he married into a very rich family but his family had the whatevers of the name the title so it said to think that her family was happy because they got the title and his family was happy because they married into some money so it was a win-win for both muffin man let me yes talk to me cucumber muffin cucumbers yeah in that time though yeah right when like you know it's just like if I heard you got red polo socks on it's just what it is cuz yeah you got a 4-pack at t.j.maxx yeah it's what it is if I if in that time in the 1750s 1760s 1770s yeah if I just went three towns over yeah and just made up another name and identity how would they know exactly you know what I mean like why did they even the in-laws and all these people even have to stay in Paris like just go a few towns over and then it's just a whole new life yeah cuz nobody knows who you are people aren't that bright they don't want to travel that far cuz it's so foreign back then they don't know anything about those places but the Marquis de Sade it's actually one of the ways he escaped imprisonment was he went over to Italy he escaped he fled right he fled but in they caught up with him every single time I mean this kid somehow was set to be executed a few times then there was the government that was like really became religious and then they were gonna execute him but then that government got toppled and the kid was able to survive kept Sivan even even one of his victims even one of his victims who he [ __ ] with their father that girl's father came and tried to shoot him at point-blank range and men admit how's Frank Sabine she got to be too miss point-blank his kid for some reason the Sun always shined on him and he was one of the most awful people in France at that time because you know the highly nice finished live nice guys finish last and now it and even still here's the funny thing about marquis de sade he did Hartwell and here maybe we didn't emphasize the amount of horrible things he did I mean he tortured these prostitutes he tortured my girls hit the last girl I told you she was 14 he was [ __ ] her in the ass when he was 74 no boy who would hurt people and that's how he got his pleasure and somehow he always evaded capture evaded yeah evaded consequences and then even after his death he's considered by many to be the pioneer of a sexual preference that a lot of people indulge in revering I mean somehow this kid is charm he's just charming so much I miss edu always [ __ ] just slither out of trouble yes but what it is and then he actually it actually his lifestyle gave way well not not solely him but kind of like the paparazzi and kind of the celebrity culture we have now a guy named Louie MA something like that mo I re he was the chief police inspector of Paris and the king at the time made this police chief the King loved to love the gossip he loved it because it back then the celebrities were the aristocrats are really rich people so we love to hear that gossip and this guy Louie more hair whatever the let's try to pronounce it it's always fun was it murder I think it's Louie um les let me just be honest when I was listening to out what I'm mo IRA Louie more mo IRA police inspector the modern-day Perez Hilton that's what I call them which is how do you say it again Lois Marrero uh more air mor yeah Marquis de Sade yeah he was that he was like his nemesis this guy Louie Mahone was a Marquis de Sade's nemesis because he was like the Perez Hilton he was reporting the news the gossipy news back to the king and the King started he'd really like love to read about like all the [ __ ] in a dirty [ __ ] local gossip that the aristocrats were getting into it was like fun for him but then when Louie Marlow hey started to figure out what Marquis de Sade was doing the King then this is how finally the nail in Sods coffin was there was a thick cuz even though the 1700s they were very progressive French people they had a court of law and rules and all the way we took that from France I mean all that you know remain and all that [ __ ] is from them but there was a one thing you couldn't get around it was the left leg they shall a law so it's basically the left leg they shall a long coat the letter to catch it the letter - a law and that's just a law from the king that's a letter from the king that says no trial [ __ ] you're going to prison and you're getting sense to death and that's what eventually happened I believe it was at 1784 when they threw mark aid they shot into the Bastille and they said [ __ ] you [ __ ] now you're we wrote the letter of the law it was always his blasphemy that blast means the thing that caught up to him because he kept denouncing the church and it was really one of his works I think it was the Justine it was just Enid who was the other girl the other book was there were two books 120 days of sodom no no but there was the one was just seen and then the other girl there was another girl's name because Justine there was two books that made him faint it was one book but yeah la novell Justine but I think there was a count there was another girl let's just call it count Vanessa count Vanessa and count basically one was about hit the books it was like a two series it was one book but it was two parts Justine was about this really bad negative girl like she was a prostitute and did all these things on Holi and her life came out the right way than the other part of the book was about this other woman and she was doing everything right and going to church and praying to Jesus and her life failed miserably so it kind of the book kind of like a championed this girl Justine being like a really like wretched [ __ ] that's what he called her and she came out great and Napoleon [ __ ] hated that he hated that with a passion and he went after marki - yeah and here's the thing Markie decided when Napoleon came to power another revolution French was really tumultuous during Marquis de Sade's lifetime we went from like French Revolution then one government took control they were cutting off everyone's heads and then that government got religious and said hey it's the law that you can't you can't be atheist by the way marquis de sade notorious atheist there are very progressive for that time I guess yeah but he's totally totally critical of religion and and he spoke out against it all the time but then there was a revolution from that government got got taken down and then another government went in and then that government got toppled and finally at the end of his life Napoleon came to power right he was actually hopeful that Napoleon was gonna dig them but Napoleon went the other way and called him one of the most vile [ __ ] things I think Napoleon wants a face in the earth oh he said the most disgusting book the most deprived imagination has ever birthed yeah and then yeah they sent him to Charenton asylum and that's where he was a74 having an affair with a 40 year old girl and he was so [ __ ] fat and disgusting by then from although because what part of hyper sexuality was also over he just had to indulge always so all the eating and drinking sitting in prison he weighed something like 300 pounds and he had this affair with this fourteen-year-old girl how did this kid just not some point just someone just stab and kill this kid from all the things he did all the parents and these people I mean a lot of the things he did he did to prostitutes and people who were lower-class and back then the you know the upper classes looked at those people like they weren't even people so there they didn't really have any recourse for you know retribution but at some point someone could just [ __ ] stab this guy but he survived through all this till 74 years old doing all this [ __ ] foul foul [ __ ] that was not woke and dope and at the end after he he was let out of the [ __ ] institution and then Napoleon puts him back into the [ __ ] asylum he continues to find a way to [ __ ] get his hands on a 14 year old girl and [ __ ] her I mean can someone stop this kid I mean disgusting it's all [ __ ] disgusting brutal yeah she was the daughter of a German psychiatrist right know who was she she was uh no no no the girl I don't know the girl was older she was the fourth daughter can you look that up real quick the last girl that he had a fare with on the day that he died he died in his sleep by the way earlier that day he was having sodomy he was doing sodomy with a 14 year old girl as a 74 year old man I mean how did he grow cute daughter of an employee at Charenton asylum that he was at and then it wasn't until 1910 I believe so these hundred and twenty days of Sodom what very famous now nobody knew about them during his life because he had hid them inside of jail and it was found by Iowan Bach a German psychiatrist discovered 120 days of sodom and pol [ __ ] in 1904 so it's one of those things where he was famous Markie they shot at the time for all his heinous crimes but this 120 days of sodom which they made a [ __ ] national treasure book was found years hundreds of years after he died over a hundred years after he died yeah and he I think he is the personification of what they call in Finney his fame was he was so kind of repulsed he was so repulsive to people so well known he was infamous I mean he Marquis de Sade is a name that lives on an infinite and they named some [ __ ] after him so you can't whoever's last names not to Rona whoever's last name is Mossad they probably just changed your name now is there any sod yet or you have to pronounce it sod a spell on the same way that's very funny I bet you she have it maybe be called sod if the will once for the Marquis de Shan you'll be shot there yeah that's a good point yeah and so he's sort of the father of BDSM which is a bondage discipline domination and some oh he's the father of sadism now sadists are not now this is Satanist this is what they say about themselves they say they're not Psychopaths or sociopaths they're just there in the [ __ ] pain so and I guess there are people who are into that I am NOT I am NOT into that I do not like to mix my pain with pleasure I'm a soft guest sir I'll give you some eskimo kisses and I will cuddle and I'll blow in your face but I'm definitely not gonna it happened to me once where a woman was like hit me like cuz people are into it I was I was with a woman way back way long time ago long long long time ago long time ago very long long time ago before I met my wife I mean before I even knew she existed long before she was even born and this girl asked she was like she wants she was like hit me and it was like I turned it to like Woody Allen I was like I can't I'm sorry so much for me I just turned into a real [ __ ] geek yeah I couldn't do it and it turned me off and it pulled me out of the moment I did not like it yeah I remember one time a girl we were having I was having sex with a girl and she spit in my mouth and I got real nauseous and I had to you at all yeah cuz I'm not a man yeah I have you down because one of the I think one of the funniest things you know I know what to get a huge laugh but I hope the fans at home laughing is when we came up with that we can't tie your girl up cuz we don't know how to do it I think things you ever said your entire life yeah yeah I mean it's [ __ ] we haven't yeah we can't have girls like tie me up now you're like can I do you can I call my hand I just don't know you just do it wrong yeah that she has to wind up tying herself up yeah because that's what happens in my relationship is my and then she calls then she calls the n-double-a-cp and says it's noose and you gots not a news I was trying to tie her up yeah you go it's definitely new so why was it why was it why did you tie it with her she's a 1/10 african-american you got I swear to god it was there before I tied up my ex-girlfriend it was Swedish I swear and they're gonna know you did it and you say come on and they say we're gonna get the FBI involved they get involved and then they say this was there for a long time but then you get a picture of it and it's definitely a [ __ ] noose let me tell you I went from believing that to not believe in it to believe in it to not believe in it to believe in it cuz the last picture that they released of the problem of Wallace that was a [ __ ] deuce but what are they saying that the noose was there already like the news war no it wasn't there a year before it was there like months before but like I mean I don't know they gave him that garage whatever it is I mean it was like it was tied like a noose so whether someone did it intentionally for Bubba or they thought it was like funny to give him that or those races did it but it was definitely an it was tied like a noose it wasn't like a [ __ ] Slipknot it looked like a goddamn news yeah I mean we can't pull up a picture of it but like I'm sure you're looking at it right now the last picture was even a lot of people also like me we're like holy [ __ ] that does look kind of like a noose I kind of understand what the guys come we're just happy Bubba wha everything's all good with yeah it seems like it's all good but seems like the most important thing is NASA most important thing is that's what services yeah that's splash man's gotta change also Golden Girls removed a black face episode that nobody even knew existed even news so that's front page but again nobody knows the names of the five children that were killed in Chicago this weekend so yes we're about to and also the Golden Girls episode that they removed it wasn't even really a blackface episode they ended up getting like charcoal on their faces some [ __ ] I don't think that's gotta go yeah that's why I don't barbecue anymore I mean look here's the thing we did an episode if you haven't listened to a go listen to Al Jolson is wild yeah history of blackface definitely understand the offensiveness of it but there are a lot of uncomfortable truths when it comes to him specifically the most famous blackface performer in American history was beloved by the black community intial show it was a champion of civil rights so that is just one of those uncomfortable truths yeah this was a [ __ ] wild Epis the wild episode we wanted to do a little switcheroo and we just wanted to [ __ ] it while you guys were thinking we're gonna come in the front way we did a mark a day and we came through the back door yeah that's just what it is you thought we're gonna come down with racism and sexism and all this stuff and we just went through your butts and we did an episode on the marquee they shot when I was in college I never had a girl over I'd put on Shaddai yeah I was a shot a kid yeah a still I loved this is no ordinary love yeah you know they want to know um probably that's because Taylor Swift in singing what's your that for a musical taste is that of a 12 year old girl in Tennessee no it's a it's a 16 year old black girl on the Bronx in 1997 right you like Moesha Moesha [ __ ] missy elliott SWV yeah Mikey do you know do you know Shaddai who sings smooth operators yeah you look you look like you put on the Mighty Bosstones - [ __ ] yeah yeah that's that and this is no ordinary level I believe but you just got a lot of them when I was in college in 1967 I mean shot day was all the wrong all right yes what it is yet cuz so what can you do where anything you know show day is or is she like way before your Tino's yeah she's still [ __ ] she's still doing it and I think she did a big-ass fanbase who does and she rejects Fame I think I kind of like her should to stick to her own thing [ __ ] Marquis de Sade the wildest people we've ever done Markie they saw it as one of the most wildest guys I would put him up there with as wild as like LL gabelus are the wildest Roman Emperor Nero I put him in that category as absolutely Poughkeepsie why [ __ ] Poughkeepsie wild and here's the deal he also I think invented a bunch of these sadists of tools in his book the sex was wagons of [ __ ] swings and the whips and all the [ __ ] that whatever that gray guy's name is which was the worst [ __ ] movie I've ever seen in my entire [ __ ] life my wife took me to see that I mean I've never seen a worse more cheesy [ __ ] stupid ass [ __ ] movie in my entire life that book made a billion dollars you women are twisted you're [ __ ] twisted you'll say respect me respect me pay me the same and then you'll go read that book and get wet when a guy throws you in a leather swing and beats you it's what I need what do you want us to do you want to know what you want to know [ __ ] this funny story about me that's 100% true yeah in whatever it was I forgot whatever year came out but me and my dad we were hanging out we I I had lost the keys to my apartment we just had to kill time everyone to the movie was fifty shades of gray so I swear to God be a party Rumble sat if the Bayridge alpine cinemas in Bay Ridge and we saw 50 shades of grey just me and my dad and it was [ __ ] wide and Barney rebels fell asleep on that note that's our episode remember go to slash history hey let me just hear how let's hear a fart sounds on the West let's do it they're [ __ ] wet cuz cuz they're wet Elm they're cuz why are your farts wet cause I got a deep deep [ __ ] my [ __ ] deep like mistake make no snake yes yo slash history hyenas don't forget to turn on your notifications when you subscribe here's the thing here's the thing slash bay ridge boys to watch our morning show weapon in the morning Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. live or it's up forever whenever you want to watch it after that you can also listen to it while you're at work or whatever go subscribe guys that's what keeps us uncensored you're our producers you are the ones who make it possible for us to do what we do and go ask other fans if it's worth it don't take my word for it yes I'll talk to people who've joined already ask them how they're enjoying it go to Reddit whatever the [ __ ] you guys do to find out what's hot because make no mistake went by in the morning is the wildest morning show that has ever been recorded in history it's got major major major major [ __ ] for ma day but also major funny major funny and guess what we finally got it up we have our t-shirt up reality is a suggestion there's not a better time in the world right now in ever history where this statement is now true go to history on heinous calm click on merch get the t-shirt reality is a suggestion those shirts are flying go get them right now and also don't forget to go to iTunes and rate us 5 stars and the most important thing overall if you do nothing else that we just said hear me out please posting your stories tell your friends spread the word babe that's how we're getting bigger it's through you so yeah tell your friends spread the word and thank you for being a part of the matriarch it's what it is so and as always when you join the matriarchy at the $5 level which is soon to be the $10 level we read your name out as and welcome you into the matrix if you want to choice so let's read these names as always we encourage a funny name we pick a ppw pseudo penis of the week for the funniest name and you don't have to do it but it's just a suggestion um ok let's start off what oh yeah let me read off my phone and by the way we're gonna get to a name and I kind of ruined it for Yanni but it was for mod a Stoudemire which made Yanni laugh and I read it in the pre-production meeting so just no fool mod a Stoudemire you would have won and we might still win you might still wake up cuz the name on the list here's the thing for Mari Stoudemire you're on the list and for those who don't know there's a basketball player whose name was Amar'e Stoudemire so for modesty Soph Amar'e Stoudemire is a 10 wait where what what's the just so hold on what unfortunately I couldn't be able to see how hard I laughed cuz Chrissy couldn't wait to talk me out of us yeah but believe me fumari Stoudemire I [ __ ] laughed hard you can add sanity as she doesn't lie unless you ask her a tough question she will [ __ ] wiggle it out yes she doesn't lie unless her father's asking her what kind of god she's into exactly yeah that's what it is yeah yeah we gotta read the blue Chewie and father s what did she do tonight she just said I just slept over a girlfriend's house but really she was an ad at an anarchist protest all right let's go yeah here we go starting off the newest members in matriarchy welcome yo-yo ma Yura yo Mira Kyle Switzer is Eastern Hemi oh my hero Yomi Europe yeah Jake odd instinct or instinct Corp miles right then we got Arturo the travel guy that had fumes but I shaved my pubes since I'm newly single and want to feel a tingle on my Dingle almost almost a Drexler okay well here we go direct so we got Clyde the glide want to get inside that lap ya mean Tori then we got Nick fumes from the womb to the tomb helmers Tom Hackett Lewis then we got the Mackenzie brothers here for the content not for the consent I'm gonna give you a Drexler it's a good it's a good one though then we got Casey Gibbons Seth F Crawford Gerald the sauce monkey from Staten Island cavity oh it's they have enough Italian kids have an unfair advantage he's getting a Drexler personally because his father's from Italy yeah but we got Richard Ryder then we got make no mistake there's a GI Joe and my smash beam and an American flag wrapped around my peen to keep the Wuhan Weezer out of me the kids following the CDC instructions so I'm gonna put him on the list nonetheless yeah and he has an American flag yeah Brendan McHugh then we got Davey Dunkin Donuts it's what it is from 2020 then we got Roberto underscore Rodriguez 98 then we got half American Indian half Jew TBB squeak then we got Matt Glover then we got David screw the list catapult me between mr. Drexler sweet cheeks Oh Kerry's put him on the dry easy directs traffic catapult him rent to a Drexler coming out Kendall Robbins then we got sticky Nikki made Chrissy's butthole icky father bill said it wasn't right but what what are you gonna do he gets all fun this this is not it's not a victim of a bad read it's too long no no the letters there's like trademarked like the words didn't come out yeah I'm sorry but it's good I could try Jessie Ness Corcoran then we got Betsy court Jason Giambi from the Yankees only got Shen oh then we got Dave beating me to miss Pat's titty feet crow yeah then we got a little Timmy tux for Trump he gets the dress for ya are you Pro Trump or anti Trump if you talk to him I think you've brought up if you tux for Trump okay then we got non - but make no mistake if I had more money I would Astroglide Christie and yannis [ __ ] shooter called [ __ ] shooter [ __ ] get shooters original its original its original but it just almost made a Drexler then we got Henrique Galvan then we got squeak but a freak not a drip it's leaked yeah then we got Dave ass ace then we got fumed up but still very crackable fiord monkey ready to counts Christie's glue in my reindeer reindeer rock yeah put put him on the list then we got out make no mistake Zach Isis can tongue punch my fart box we had that one before kids come back that's an old one yeah look at my memory is solid I remember you then we got Ted what's up with all of the skin flutes your nan toots rough then we got Dexter Brianna agree on ox brass Lopez Ebonics Lopez then got Austin that's not squirted Smithtown Rooter Harris Drexler then we got Michelle Emerson Brown Kate Gormley Latinas give back yeah then we got Charles Gabriel then we got the boys put him in the microwave December 7th 1941 never forget yeah so because here's the deal our Pearl Harbor episode is just gonna go down in history just as much as Pearl Harbor yes I made history I mean that episode just we it's a classic [ __ ] you that if you want to see Crissy you know member whose girls gone wild yeah if there's a video called Chrissy gone wild it's that episode Pearl Harbor yeah um then we got Ryan Wiggins our Father who farts in heaven Hallowed bill thy name yeah throw him on the list I mean the originality get rewarded then we got Kyle the sauce monkey push it down the German side then we got Conor not gay but needs to get cracked open and cleaned out by Christie steel pipe then we got Tim F Lewis woods John Reese Liam Brandan Wright Rafael Montes Eno yeah then we got Sandra Gilligan Nathan Kelly then we got maritza love you Chrissy but can't risk the Rona in Tampa man Xena welcome yeah she's lettin you know she would have came to see you but no funny business bro run the list for that Yampa has been postponed yeah journalist then we got Melanie Turpin Amanda Benedict non - no fume but make no mistake I've been fully groomed by crystal okay it was just funny that's just straight-up funny then we got Alejandro Lopez then we got comedian Chrissy Dean not that ostrich FF who's about the baby titty no per Missy are Cuzzi Christ's sex man and that's it if it was a little shorter if it was shorter so it's almost a drag okay okay then we got Austin brillo pad balls bad Bernardi papa Frank's then he got patio from a Chicago patio like patio from a Chicago patio yeah then we got Spencer then we got Mario not an FF but a white Walker with a valid US passport kids legal we got through a little list for being legal yeah then we got Kyle lieutenant lollipop and Sergeant snuggles transgender Crime Dog Lipka okay he went for his a very funny attempt Carrie gent Charles Gummer Dane pass Emily Miller Hanna Whitner Emily de pluie sis Jack Robinson the Kong flu fightin emotional ninja Jessica drew Stein Dakota Hill Dr Dracula Rihanna foreheads Eric crystal Salazar then we got Zachary dr. Futterman made me touch a dead guy's prostate so now I dump bodies at Gilgo Beach shy yeah I'm a just that the redness the originality gets him on the list Yoko beaches uh it's a beach on Long Island there's a serial killer a lot of bodies been done oh yeah that's right you'll go Beach okay no but you know who they caught today who finally surrendered is the California who the guy who did a blackface joke no Kel the Golden State killer that like a guy who was like a serial killer for like thirty years they finally caught him who I'm panels Walt's late wife who passed away wrote the book on cuz you wanna do an episode of neck guys do an episode on that guys then we got Sid Singh What's Up Sid Singh we got Mario avocado that's it Sandra Dee right this is a welcome yeah then we got our Arielle Tejada then we got lovey the [ __ ] with big boobs okay Chloe the [ __ ] with big lot of girls on this list I love it I love it then we got private peach reporting for duty private private peach yeah it's funny cuz that's probably a guy yeah private peach reporting for duty also seems like he's someone who's rolling up to sergeant snuggles and telling them he's present so we're throwing him on the list cuz private peach is funny yeah just what a list yeah Christian Yanni sitting in a tree putting their peas in each other's V's yeah that goes to the list to a said he would take keeping track of this yeah yeah okay Kevin blue then we got Danny no gag all [ __ ] character piece because dad's alive DiNucci throw him on the list of this and he's in the lead up there's three bangers we got Tommy to tits throw what a list we got Diego to squeak yeah go to sweets up a list and then last but not least I'm sure we [ __ ] feel so bad I did this to you but the hundreth name is femoral stottlemyre so if I would have ended with full mana Stottlemeyer I mean a would have been I wrote a bit of banger you [ __ ] I [ __ ] it up that you were so anxious to tell me shows you how good it was and make no mistake for mari stottlemyre you could I laughed uncontrollably and I think you may still be the winner Venna Tia what are those names again yeah should we go should we keep reading just let's do 100 show hundred show okay it's not fair to what the guys who gave good ones on the hunt that's true cuz they can compete with twister this time so it's like a hundred and it's a good problem have we got a lot we're gonna slow down now because as of July 1st if if you're a ten-dollar remember you're gonna get your name read because there's just too many at this point thank you for everyone who's joined even the ones that don't make it on the drechsler list or make it love you so ppw list we love it and they're all funny and it gives us all joy and thanks for the content people come with the normal names those are the people who just strictly here for the business they put their raincoat on in the Hat down they go straight to the point section for the contest you're normal people you're the people you're the you're the you know to 300 thousand people that watch Gianni's special and just enjoyed it and did it make a comment yeah you're the normal people we have look at a video you know every video only has like a hundred thousand comments and there's three hundred thousand views that means two hundred and twenty nine thousand people just watched it yeah like most normal people just watch things they don't go right refuse or go to [ __ ] OpenTable and guess what happened I asked for a cucumber and it took seven minutes instead of six it's like shut the [ __ ] up and take your shirt off let's get back to the list I think it's from Ari Stoudemire all right - tongfu Martin the orig I'm gone from Ari Stottlemeyer congratulations strong list again but you are the ppw of the week [ __ ] here's your trophy I don't know we don't have a prize for you except feel proud for your wit you're the ppw congrats from our stottlemyre thank you guys for watching don't forget to subscribe also turn on alerts more to come health absolutely and go to a rich boys to join the matriarchy with things get really wild [Music]
Channel: History Hyenas
Views: 44,719
Rating: 4.9071207 out of 5
Keywords: Chris Distefano, chris Distefano comedy, Yannis Pappas, Chris Distefano Podcast, History Hyenas, bayridge boys, comedy, comedian, podcast, entertainment, pop culture, commentary, jokes, history, history class, homework, history homework, best history podcasts, funniest podcasts, Marquis de Sade, Marquis de Sade explained, marquis de sade philosophy, marquis de sade story, 120 days of sodom, 120 days of sodom book review, marquis de sade quotes, justine, juliette, yannis pappas stand up
Id: Jh5KBbUnJHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 27sec (4347 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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