Lies they told us about Jesse Owens

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what's up I'm Chris de Stefano aka Chris Edie aka King gay you listen to the Bay Ridge Boys history hyenas [Music] [Music] [Music] what's up everybody welcome to another episode of the history hyenas I'm Krista Stefano aka lieutenant lollipop with me as always my partner Yanis Pappas aka sergeant snuggles here's the thing we've gone through extensive sensitivity training we've taken MMA classes we are we are versed in the fact that choke holds illegal when you call lieutenant lollipop and Sergeant snuggles let me tell you something babe yeah you're gonna get cute cute law enforcement here's what's gonna happen if you call me if you call lieutenant lollipop and Sergeant snuggles to the crime scene what's gonna happen is first of all I'm gonna shoot a gun that has bubbles that you can burst second of all if anybody gets out of line what they're gonna do is you're gonna get a blow pop in their mouth I'm gonna kiss them soften the bellybutton jerk them off until they calm down disturbers we'll be right there with lieutenant Lily pop and guess what I'm handing out I'm handing out kisses on the butt that's right I'm giving you two she kisses I'm pulling down your pants and I'm doing a nice little peck peck on the left cheek yeah you're gonna you're gonna walk away not know what happened but I I'll tell you what you won't do again yeah that's commit a crime yeah the only thing and if you want to wrestle with me the only thing I'm gonna be able to get for me is my happiness that's it all you could do is take away my happiness and Bubba's do not worry about it you may hear some laughter off side of the camera and make no mistake that's vanity because we fired Mike we did not fire Mike emoji face we left because of his own creative differences in vanity you couldn't be happier not true at all you know how we do would make a joke we can edit that point out yeah Mike emoji face we upgraded to him with now we got Mike alive and the homeless pimp down binky Mike here's the thing with Mike emoji faces Mike Suarez great comic we're gonna have him on as a guest at some point he really helped our podcast he was a producer for a long time he's in San Antonio he his career is getting so good with comedy but I didn't really have the time to continue to be our producer now we got our full-time producer we've hired a homeless pimp Mike Garvin the kid make no mistake looks like he's there to fix your sink but he does know how to produce I mean in this generation with his jeans yeah he became a ffs cameraman yeah but make no me stuff he comes from a long line of [ __ ] plumbers yeah the only problem with with doing this podcast now with with homeless pip is he's got [ __ ] ocean blue eyes it's gonna be hard for me especially when I wear on my summer shorts to not show my erection on camera because make no mistake you brought out the 4k cameras and you also have 4k eyes and it's too much peeling here's the thing about Mike he's a cute kid he's got cute eyes but he does everything in his power to grow his hair out and make it look like he's been living on a deserted island for the last week yeah it's what it is I don't know what kind of fool Mara is caught in that face but it's a lot yeah cuz it's a lot it's a lot it's a lot but what can you do what's rated he's got he's got muffin shops he's got muffin shop [ __ ] beer he's got muffin shops for beer and them and then our other Mikey was overweight I mean we just traded one stinky Mike for another one what can't you do cuz with Captain sticky sticky Mike could you handle it but don't come stinky Mike and Vicky ma ya Big Mike either of my questions you want to say shout out go follow Mike's Wars might be swirling scream love what Mike did he will also be coming into other episodes of course we're just kidding with this sharing is we love Mike's Wars and what he did for the show thank you brother if you're watching your help was appreciate it and we're gonna see each other again yeah and we're hiring back Zac yes that guysss is back okay we are lieutenant lollipop and Sergeant starburst yeah here's the situation yeah well we get to the crime scene okay we got a new way of policing babe where you get kissed on the mouth you get tickled to death and also [ __ ] we kiss you on the ass cheeks and make no mistake we're gonna be training law enforcement this country over it will eliminate crime because when you get kissed on the ass cheeks yeah the last thing you're gonna want to do is see our faces again to kiss you on your ass I mean cuz tell me this when lieutenant Ollie poppet sergeant snuggles show up to the crime scene if I just start jerking everybody off tell me how the situation is going to do anything else but deescalate if I'm just jerking them off and then I start jerking off till what are you gonna [ __ ] do when I come in there and I started Eskimo kissing your belly button you're gonna put down the weapon yeah the truth is that that policing is probably gonna be more effective and policing by force yeah because guys will really be like yo man get the [ __ ] off but you're gonna be like nah kid lay right down my partner's gonna jerk you off will I kiss your ass cheeks now that's your [ __ ] punishment and he's gonna be like please stop I'm never gonna steal again yeah damn right you are because if you do [ __ ] lollipop at Starbucks are gonna come in we're gonna fondle your face that's what it is cuz you want to steal from this store one more time lieutenant live I'm just gonna come in and tickle your nutsack because would you would you blow on somebody's ear if we if we arrested a kid if lieutenant loud pop and Sergeant stories come by and this is a repeat offender we come back and we've already jerked them off and we've already kissed him on the ass cheeks yeah what are we gonna do what are we gonna do for a second time offender for a second you up the ante from [ __ ] blowing the guy for a second time offender what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna have you put him in handcuffs I'm gonna have you wrestle him down put my hair cuz make no mistake you put on about 30 pounds you jack you're an F F what the gay community calls it bear so you're gonna wrestle and I'm gonna sit in his lap and I'm gonna softly sing him verses from the 1975 until he cries and tells me he's never gonna do it again that's how you upped the ante I think the way we up the ideas I'm gonna put on I'm gonna put on some Taylor Swift some of her faster songs yeah and you're gonna give the guy lap dance getting a lap dance from you let me tell you something if cops showed up to my apartment all right and he said hello my name is lieutenant lollipop I heard there was a domestic disturbance in this apartment I said there sorry officer I just had the distance with my wife because the sauce was a little off yeah and you're gonna go okay look I would normally take it down to the station but now we're doing a different type of policing and somebody flicked on Pandora and put on Taylor Swift and you put out that you don't you you have what they call a can't scoot around you but yeah you got you're not you're a guy a guy if you're in my way I can't get around you I can't scoot by you you're gonna have to remove yourself from that geographic location so I can get by huh I got the kind of but when I sit in the movie theater I'm sitting there for the whole movie because if I get up it's scoop I'm gonna be knocking out popcorns people gonna get butt cheeks to the face of me if I gotta go a little peepee so usually I just sit there yeah and if you came over started give me a [ __ ] lap dance and then actually made full contact and sat on me and I got that [ __ ] that jelly butt on me I'd say officer I will take whatever sauce my wife makes I'll never discipline her again just please don't [ __ ] sit on me with that bubble but from now on if you are in a situation when you need to call the police do not down on one one instead just either join the patron - patron calm slash Bay Ridge Boys or send us an email at BRB top patron at and tell us what your situation is and Lieutenant Ally pop and Sergeant snuggles aka sergeant starburst will show up we will show up to the crime scene and we will fight it and if one of us does make a mistake that make no mistake vanity our police commissioner will step down or she will handle cuz she's been attea but she's also Joseph garbles - propaganda minister if you're if you're someone who just completely is living a life of crime just just just I'm talking to parents now okay or I'm talking to the Guardians or whatever or parole officers if you can't straighten a guy out call [ __ ] lieutenant lollipop and sergeants third burst and here's what we'll do if you want a long-term plan to straighten somebody else guess what we're doing we're coming over your house and we're all we're getting in your bed and we're snuggling with you all night for seven days straight yeah you telling me after seven days straight of a [ __ ] snuggle you know with lieutenant lollipop and Sergeant starburst you'll never return Caza from me I'm gonna chain you it to your bed at B and Jana you're gonna be on either side snuggling and all you're gonna be able to do is he black-and-white cookies and we're gonna be pumping Whitney Houston and the only movie playing on repeat is gonna be Anna Green Gables so you tell me if you can handle that for a week and if you want to commit more crimes cuz that's what it is what lieutenant lollipop its sergeant snot we just saw of police reform in the United States and Chrissy I just noticed some when I was sitting here what do you know almost pimp binky Mike yeah the only chance he had of being an athlete is being a catcher the kids built like a catcher he's built like a [ __ ] hundred plate he's got a catcher's body yeah he does right yeah he's got a couch his body and he's got skin like a catcher's mitt I mean the kids got thick Sid he looks like a catcher's mitt he just looks like a big old catcher's mitt with muffin chops yeah make no mistake I'm homeless pimp and vanity are wearing masks cuz they were our protests and that's just what it is they have to mask up because they were a protest yeah once vetted to you it's like I went to her stories and I just saw she was like being woken Tok but she was at the protest which salute you know we're all for the cause but you know I knew one thing about last week and that wasn't infinity it was not gonna be in studio yeah it's just what it is make no mistake Jionni is a scared kid I mean he's a scared petrified kid of a lot of things but what can you do it's really cute when young starts to get nervous because he looks like a 10 year old boy and that ten year old boy looks like Shaun King because Shaun King is white we're gonna get to later because before you get to it because today's episode is about Jesse Owens and the 1936 Berlin Olympics which are [ __ ] wild and we're gonna have some interesting observations coming at you in a little bit gonna be what you call a little bit of a tightrope walk yeah because of the times of the zeitgeist but we're [ __ ] diving headfirst into it because my name is sergeant starbursts and that's my part to look at it lollipop it's what it is so we're gonna go wild today it's gonna be all about Jesse Owens on and there's just some such interesting things because I love doing this podcast with you because not only do I get to be by my best friend sergeant snuggles but we just learn so much and so many things especially now in such a turbulent time in our history it's like you look back in history and you see like there's a lot of things are happening back then they're happening today it goes again the history is repeating itself yeah I mean you know this country has had a problem with race I think since the beginning I mean I think it's not an exaggeration to say that we got a little situation with the racism in this country we got a bit of a situation to racism by situation I don't mean weather girl I mean old school situation a real sitch and it goes yeah it goes back of course to slave times and different laws being enacted when slavery was abolished if still somewhat to still have slavery but under a different name and a different method but it was all still there and it's interesting because Jesse Owens did you know a lot about Jesse Owens before we started doing the research for this episode I mean this episode is gonna be so mind-blowing for a lot of people because the only thing that I really knew about Jesse Owens as it turns out is kind of myth myth that served our propaganda right at the time because most people what they know about Jesse Owens is the famous you know Hitler walking out cuz Hitler's disgraced bronzed Jesse Owens bucked his idea of white supremacy but that's not exactly what happen no not exactly what happened so let's take you all the way any one thing I didn't know which I just want to say up front is this was an error you got a Matt remember this was an era where Hitler and Nazi Germany was gearing up and they were preaching white supremacy and I didn't know that Germany [ __ ] mopped the floor with us in the Olympics that year yeah it might have given him the justification like you know what let's go to war we are superior because they [ __ ] beat our asses yeah Germany beat the [ __ ] out of us beat the [ __ ] out of every country in the world in 1936 Berlin Olympics besides Jesse Owens events because cuz you can't just stop Americans but Jesse Owens was born September 12th 1913 in oakville Alabama so already has a black guy being born in 1913 in Alabama as Tim Dylan would say not good oh good yeah you got what they call an uphill battle yeah you got an uphill Dallas nickname was the Buckeye bullet um so that because you know obviously was extremely fast he would go on to win four gold medals in the 1936 Berlin Olympics um I mean listen the kid moved to Cleveland it seems like a lot of the best black athletes come out of Cleveland oh I was thinking that same exact thing when I read it I mean you know he was born he was born eyes father was a sharecropper he has nine brothers and sister let me see yeah let me check the research job you know in the great migration you know blacks moved up in the great migration from the south to the north to get industrial jobs and escape doesn't make no mistake the of course the great migration of that was because you said blacks escape to North but now cuz there's a great migration to the whites getting out of the city to the suburbs the lights are getting Eddie that's the new great migration cuz the prices in the suburbs are skyrocketing because the whites are a little scared so that's the new great migration what can you do yeah it's called it's called white flight and it's happening again it's happening again cuz did you even know that the Puerto Rican Day Parade happened I don't know because I [ __ ] fled this sucker a long time ago yeah you may have led the way on the white flag all I know is that there's apple cider for sale at Orchard down the road from me yeah it's what it is so cuz I heard a chicken chicken Bocking what do you call that one a chicken box what is it I don't know cuz what does the chicken do the falls in box I don't know kind of no but it goes in the morning like the rooster what is it does what acog was called box I don't know what is it chicken dude I don't [ __ ] there I think he clocks a clock what I heard I woke up and heard her cry Khurana thank you I bet you a lot of people don't know what that's called because I thought it was box um yeah I don't know I have no idea but listen Jesse Owens so yes he honest was saying the great the great migration which happened left to segregated south for urban industrial north Jesse Owens and his family were part of that around age 20 Jesse Owens starts to really kind of show his athletic prowess he becomes the 1933 national high school champion for long jumping and sprinting so I mean the kids just nice and you got to understand one thing about 1920's 1930's Olympic athletes at that time I mean it wasn't easy for a black kid to even make the Olympic team as a matter of fact right before the 1936 Olympics if they were in the government or the United States government did not even want to allow black athletes to compete on Team USA and that's a big problem that's a big problem if you want to win golds that's the thing is if you want to win you should have the black guys on your team yeah because they're just good I mean could you imagine could you do you think the 1992 dream team if it was all just white NBA players could they even beat in Angola I don't think they would've beat anybody now yeah I don't think I don't think we would have gotten past uh-huh Doris be honest with ya yeah I don't think so look if you want to win in the Summer Olympics there's one thing you got to do and that's one thing early you got to go black yeah if you that's just what it is he's got a swimming thing you go wait where's Winter Olympics let the whites go crazy that's what it is it's like I don't know why we should just be okay to say the Summer Olympics you go black the Winter Olympics you go white and then you're just fine yeah and it's just you can't you're gonna win that way and it's just what it is it shouldn't be a horrible thing to say it's just the truth it's not demeaning anybody it's just saying the truth why people like to ski yeah and black people play basket it's what it is there was a real there was a really big reason why Nazi Germany beat the United States in the medal count in 1936 by like 30 sub medals and that reason is that we didn't have enough black he has a 1 black we did have name was Jesse Owens and he won every event by a landslide so what is that tell you every other event Germany beat us except the one that Jesse Owens was at yeah so it's just you know and so you can understand the racial problem and that's what was saying about what's going on today is the racial issues we were having today albeit different and obviously different things highlighted for different reasons but Jesse Owens was not having a good time as this champion American athlete as he should have because he was so good and such an American icon as we learned about him as we got older but during his time he wasn't celebrated and appreciated that well he was not celebrated appreciate that way and I appreciate the amount of reading you've been doing in quarantine because albeit has become one of your favorite go twos because I say I'll be in a lot I say I'll be in a lot and every time I say I'll be it I think of albacore tuna I've noticed the increase in Albie it's Jesse Owens is a fascinating fascinating story for many reasons but one of the reasons is something that we always highlight on this show and that is uncomfortable truths yes now I'm gonna jump ahead a little bit we will we will go backwards but i'ma jump ahead just to get you excited about how fascinating and and interesting the story is yes a kid was highly critical front of other black civil rights activists Wow when the next Olympics happened in Mexico City and the famous black fists went up yes from those two gentlemen yes Jesse Owens criticized that interesting Jesse Owens criticized that and he said the black fist is useless when you open it up all you have is five fingers the only way a black fist has meaning as if it's full of money Jesse Owens thought that interest where you make progress for the black community is economic strength got all the protesting and all that was just perfectly [ __ ] that wasn't gonna get you anywhere right and you've been saying perfunctory a lot because we're stupid kids that try to sound smart you've been saying perfunctory I've been saying albeit but we're still ffs so he was uh he was uh the black community was a little upset with him over that so it's very interesting because that's why I've been and go check on our feed we've been both been posting it on our instagrams um the black economic alliance is a good thing to donate to I think because it just puts money into the black community at the very foundations of it to help build up in economic prosperity but it's kind of very similar in a way in different words when Michael Jordan was criticized for saying Republicans wear Jordans - it's kind of a similar thing so you could see how there's this kind of murky waters especially being a black athlete when you're saying hey I want to help but sometimes the way to help is through economics and that might not go with what the staunch protesters are saying yeah there's no question the blacks have had a unique story here they're unlike other ethnicities in that they had to deal with slavery and segregation redlining and all that no question they are the victims they are the true victims besides Native Americans who were just wiped out mostly by disease it is what it is but when you look at the certain ethnic groups that came to this country to emigrate to this country the way that they gained power right was through no matter which way you slice it modern conservative values yes economic power economic power turns into political power once you have political power nobody really [ __ ] with you right irish started as [ __ ] workhorses do you know discriminated against they became cops then they got into the political offices through through through money money talks in this country right so part of what Jesse Owens is saying you can't deny there's some truth to it there's some truth to it and by the way with all these new things and you know things that have happened in our country people have been saying and I go with this - is it not African American anymore because there's so many different types of black you know Caribbean American all that so we just say black if we're gonna say African American you have to be from Africa so the only African American I know is Elon Musk so it's just what it is because he's from Africa yeah so so would I know Shortcake cuz he is that he's an african-american kid because his father was a really really light-skinned black guy well that's what he said here's the interesting thing that we'll get to now and you know it's 1936 Berlin Olympics of course you know there's a name you know rounding out this is Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler just become the leader the Nazi Party just taken over absolute power and it's interesting Adolf Hitler as you do the research on him which a lot I think people know but don't know it's he himself many people think was at least 25% Jewish and the Aryan race that he was touting which was blond hair blue eyes as the ubermensch the you know that the ultraman he was none of those things i mean he was a short squeak of the kid with brown hair and a little baby mustache and what many people say is micro piƱa so he was wanted he was kind of advocating for something he didn't look like so in many ways he was history's version of Shaun King cut short Kings a white kid that's advocated for black people so you know so I'm not saying I mean I know Shaun keeps trying to do good but make no mistake he is WH ite yeah I mean that is hilarious Adolf Hitler in some way was the Shaun King of his day in that clip it yeah he was he was advocating for tall blond Aryan looking kids and make no mistake that kid did anyone look more like a Bosnian accountant than Adolf Adolf Hitler yeah cuz and now there's a lot of outcry on social media about Shaun King about weirdest his money where's the money where's the money comment where's the money going that we donate you where does that money go so I'm asking where's the money to three people and three people only Shaun King where's the money mayor de Blasio's wife where's the money and my dad where's the money yeah Shaun King not about Shaun King no we just wanted to just have a joke we have a phone I just hate sir no I don't he's a complicated character he hates Mike [Laughter] Shortcake's a complicated character because the black community is kind of like it seems like they're slowly realizing that the kid is just white and they don't know what to make of it because he posts a lot of good stuff but the other thing is the kid and that's the only issue is I think what Shaun King is doing for the black community is fantastic we're raising awareness saying and helping out but the problem is if you're lying to begin with it's saying that you're you're black when you're white it's just there's there's then it opens up people to be like hey wait a second if you're lying about that where's the money going like you just have to prove more and listen it's okay just prove it and then no problems because we want you to help if anybody can help any community I'm all for it yeah and the weird thing is is that his career is inextricably linked to being black so he you know he got a black scholarship went to a black school that he's a black activist before that he was a black minister so it's like if the kid is white which he is yeah I kiss his name's Jeffrey's mom's white his brothers white and the goddess birth certificate is why what'd you do story that his mom begged out and I love how he described it as a really light-skinned black guy so by really light-skinned did you mean cuz yeah listen what can you do I mean then you're black to cuz make no mistake there dad's David Dinkins my daddy's David Dinkins my grandfather was born a slave I might be a black kid you're a black kid so okay so Jesse Owens uh he went to Ohio State v Ohio State University that's why I was called the Buckeye bullet and he was the best track and field athlete in the NCAA okay so you gotta understand I mean this kid was so much better than everybody else including his fellow black athletes I mean Jesse Owens one of the best Olympic athletes this country has ever seen at a 1935 big ten tracked me to Michigan Jesse perhaps he had the greatest set of track and field events in the history of track in the history of track in just 45 minutes of competition Jesse tied one world record in the hundred yard sprint and broke three world records into the 220 yard sprint cuz in 45 minutes the kids said three world records I mean yeah yeah I'm out of breath going up three flights of stairs yeah he was a superior athlete superior runner and he was doing this at a time where his white teammates took one elevator he took another he had to stay in different hotel and his teammates I mean was really brutal and also he was let's just say he was doing it in a sport that people only care about during the Olympics yeah if you're a swimmer yeah you run track you're famous for about two months and then you got to go back to stocking shelves at Costco it's cuz it's for the love of the game and the reason why it's you know to bring up that he said three World Records 45 minutes and how unbelievably talented this man was and probably the best athlete our country had he didn't even receive a scholarship to Ohio State yet to keep working part-time jobs because of the racism at that university they wouldn't give him a scholarship when he clear and away was the best athlete that this could mean it's actually insane that he was he was the best runner in the country and he had to pay to go to school so the kid had to work a part-time job go to class and then run like all the other white kids who were on scholarship I mean Brutes my goods I'm voting that bruits mcgoats that's brutes mcgoats because Jesse Owens you know deserve more and as you know we'll get to through the Olympics than what happened when he came home it just kind of gets worse for him on after being such an iconic athlete but that's 1933 let's take you to 1936 the Berlin Olympics so first of all you can understand going into the Olympics Germany when Hitler took over a year before you know they had all the anti-jewish laws up in Germany you know Jews couldn't of course they couldn't vote they'd have to pay high taxes for their businesses you know people had signs death to Juden and all that stuff and that was of course your huge black eye as it should be for the world looking at Germany hosting the Olympics because they were given the bid to host before Hitler was in power the Nazis hadn't taken over yet you know so so as this is happening countries like the United States and Britain are like we're boycotting the Olympics we want a boycott because we're not gonna go compete in a country that's being unfair to Jewish athletes which is ironic because in a way even though they weren't be so public about it the US was being unfair to their black athletes right so that's the irony and I always thought that I found interesting with doing this research it's like you know I understand the boycott because they're Germany is just being outward with it I mean obviously you know we're not we didn't go on to kill you know obviously they went out to kill six million Jews and it's horrible but as far as that initial not giving them equal rights as Jews the Americans were doing something very similar to blacks yes there were just being private about it yes and look a lot of people endured slavery obviously because they're there their progeny is walking around today but don't forget I mean who knows how many hundreds of thousands or millions I don't know we have to look it up just on the Middle Passage alone died on the trip here I mean the whole thing was Jenna Seidel I'm gonna slavery was Jenna Seidel yes I mean what do you want worse to be killed immediately or enslaved for Ryder generation so we were doing the same exact thing and you bring up a great point that's very uncomfortable we went over there and here's the thing Jesse Owens was treated very well right in Berlin I mean the kid was treated well he stayed in nice hotels yeah I mean the kid got the good soaps yeah he got you know he wiped his ass with the towels and they brought him new ones we talked about black kids loved washcloths yeah the kid the kid they brought him his own black kids listen black guys like washcloths white guys like loofahs it's just what it is cuz yeah white guys go loofah or white kids go bar to skin and black guys go washcloths it's just what we've ever done a sleepover at your black friends your black friend's mom is gonna hand you a washcloth the first time I got handed a washcloth at my friend jaha Johnson's house when I was in fourth or fifth grade I didn't know what to do it so I just I wiped my ass wouldn't put it in the toilet flushed it cuz I didn't know what I was supposed to do it I didn't know he's supposed to clean my body with it yeah cuz it was a foreign experience to me so Jesse Owens was given two washcloths cuz you are a black teenager cuz I still do do a washcloth make no mistake I still did do a washcloth um I usually I usually floor a washcloth or yes sometimes I have brillo pads I mean the Puerto Ricans have wild things of their showers so sometimes it depends what it depends what the situation has in there yeah I saw I would think Puerto Ricans would use those actual sponges from the sea as washcloths as wash clothes yeah no I usually use a washcloth or a loofah or I just use my hands but so in in 1936 as gals was saying Jesse Owens was given all the amenities that he should have been getting in the United States so he said the German people treated him more fair than his emit than his American countryman did because he was able he couldn't believe when he got to the Olympic barracks he was like where are our rooms because he was speaking for the black athletes he was like where our rooms and the German people like no you all stay together this is one big happy family so there's a lot of [ __ ] that goes on of course the major [ __ ] of why we having segregation in the United States supposed to be this free prosperous you know beacon of you know freedom but the Germans who were secretly obviously in a few years going to invade Poland and really show their message we're acting as if there were these great people because they weren't segregating the whites from the blacks yeah so it's very interesting you know that and that was all Joseph Goebbels which was Joseph Goebbels so we spoken about him many times if you don't know go google him he's the propaganda he was the Nazi propaganda minister and these were all his designs of having the whole world look at them in the 1936 Olympics he all of a sudden all the the hating Jews signs were taken down all the you know Jewish athletes were allowed to come back and compete you know under all these certain guises but you know so the cameras are on them and everybody thinks all the Nazis aren't that bad but of course they weren't the funny thing to Joseph's Kerbal is also a horrific looking a little kid weeks they were both squeak-squeak care advocating for the supreme yeah yeah it's very ironic hypocritical kind of record ya hear it for two weeks in the 1936 games Adolf Hitler camouflaged his anti-semitic and expansionist agenda while hosting games he in order to impress the foreign visitors in Germany for the games he authorized a brief relaxation and anti-jewish activity so it's like you know he removed the signs barring Jews from public spaces and the games were like this propaganda thing so it's just you know you watch you know there was it's interesting thing is like right now in that all the World War two history kind of stuff is like just like that the last remaining people from that uh from that era are kind of alive and only a few of them are still conscious enough to talk but I listen to one woman talk and she was just saying like if you were in Germany which she was at 12 years old in the 1936 Olympics you would think the Nazis were the good guys that's what she said she's like they were act they were the good guys yeah I mean here's the thing all countries always pull it together when they when they come under the international spotlight during the Olympics or Greece did it when they had the Olympics I mean you know it's a third world country you know economic problem dogs everywhere that killed all the stray dogs they got everything together you know they did all the construction made it look good China did the same thing everyone does that the Germans German the Nazis did that as well PR public relations propaganda that's the thing but the thing that's so fascinating to me is how strong propaganda is propaganda is so strong public relations Madison Avenue techniques is so strong that like we're saying Adolf Hitler who was a guy who looked like a Bosnian accountant yeah led a nation with the the idea with the whole mantra of we are the superior race what's that race everyone who doesn't look like me and I'm the leader yet people believed it it's just like just like when you hear history about Jesse Owens before I started researching this I thought you know Jesse Owens showed up Nazi Germany right and Hitler walked out and discussed because that's the [ __ ] tall tale we've told and that's what the American propaganda has propagated but what really happened is the kid probably just wanted to take a nap cuz he already knew that Jesse Owens won a few but they had already mopped the floor with us yes and he had his you know preconceived notions fulfilled yeah they [ __ ] kicked on Germany won like 89 medals and I think the next closest was the United States with what V like twenty fifty so he didn't walk out because he felt disgrace that's what our propaganda wanted sure to believe you know our patriotic propaganda because like Chris said [ __ ] Jesse Owens went home and FDR didn't even fight him to the White House FDR did not invite did not invite Jesse Owens to the White House after winning four gold medals and upstaging Adolf Hitler and the face of Nazi Germany after upstaging them at their own games FDR didn't even invite him to the White House because of let's be honest they were [ __ ] racist back then there was just racist and they did look at blacks as subhuman no matter what no matter what anybody tells you could just tell by their actions there's no way around that and it's just a part of history that's uncomfortable but it is the truth a lot of members of you know Congress and the higher up politicians in the United States there were two schools of thought one school of thought said let's not go to the 1936 Olympics because of all the anti-semitic stuff that's happening if we go to the Olympics then we're actually showing support in some way for the Nazis which we can't do and then the other side of it was let's let's go to the Olympics let's go there and then we'll we'll show how Dominic Larkins will beat the [ __ ] out of them and you know of course that's why Jesse Owens becomes such a huge tale for American history become such an American icon because he's the only one out of all our American athletes which we all sent over to wipe the floor of Germany which did not happen the only one who did do the floor wiping was Jesse Owens and I guarantee you FDR would have preferred that it was a white guy but that's just not how the Summer Games worked yeah it's never gonna work that way during the Summer Games so yeah if you want to sweep up like we said you go black yeah you just get the black kids out there they're gonna win you some races yeah cuz they just ya know how to win races yeah and you know what's just a little fun fact about so when they were walking out those opening ceremonies uh the Olympic ceremonies you know Hitler Germany of course Austria countries that were had already Italy were already lining themselves up with fascism would do the Heil Hitler no other country would do it the United States didn't do it you know England of course didn't do it they said no they were just gonna walk France goes and puts their hands halfway up because it meant some other symbol of like the French Revolution and then the whole country in world thought that they were hailing to Hitler so Hitler thought that he had France they thought when France in 1936 for about three or four years France genuinely thought that not that Germany was their enemy and Hitler genuinely thought that France is on their side because they gave it Hitler the Olympics ceremony that's hilarious just like just an absolute that's like a comedy that's like that you could write that it's like a Larry David up Google 1936 Olympics France walking in France opening ceremony and I mean these guys are hailing and they're like oh we didn't realize that we didn't think that that was gonna be taken out of context like what do you do an [ __ ] you're sitting there [ __ ] hamster down yelling I hate the Jews now Jesse Owens he struck up a friendship with it with it with this German kids yes Jesse this just one of the this is one of the most cool stories that I've ever remember reading about in history was sent to us by first true vanity of found the history cool kids Instagram go check that Instagram Paige out there's so many beautiful stories there Jesse Owens and a man by the name of Lutz long who was that who was actually Jesse Owens main rival because Jett Lutz long was the only one who could even come close to competing with him and they struck up this amazing friendship Jesse Owens he had faulted twice on the long jump and if he fought one more time you're disqualified and Lutz long came over in the middle in front of Adolf Hitler and said hey if you put a towel down right before the line that'll give your mind a cue and you'll be able to jump from there and then he put the towel down jumped set the record won the gold medal and the first person after he set that world record jump the first person hug him was Lutz long right in front of Hitler and the rest of the German officers eyes and he's just a special guy and then remained friends until Lutz long died which is wild which is a wild thing so Jesse Owens wins four medals becomes friends with Lutz Long's comes back home doesn't get the Welcome that he would like cuz he's a black kid he's got to go back now and try to find a job kid couldn't find a job I mean you know he he pumped gas for a little while I mean it's crazy and he's famously quoted as saying you know yeah I got four gold medals but you can't eat four gold medals there you go so yeah he got he had to make money and the kid became a smoker ironic is that I it's ironic okay thirty-two years old thirty Tuesday kissed our smoke away he ended up dying and it was 66 from lung cancer as a sprinter Ziggy's are good Ziggy's are good yeah they taste good they make the pain go away but yeah Jesse Owens was not treated fairly I mean that Kate after doing that especially at that time especially after what was gonna happen to World War two I mean it's like that kid shouldn't ever have to pay taxes again he should just be given free room and board by the US government him and his family for the rest of our lives but that's just not the way it were yeah much like Joe Lewis who kind of died porn rescuer fought for his country was a hero was kind of treated shitty right you know was treated [ __ ] shitty yeah and didn't make a lot of money and but then America tells these hero tales about them right but uses them for their own patriotic propaganda while they [ __ ] on the person while he was alive Jew and so Jesse Owens and Lutz long you know who by the way Lutz long died in combat in 1943 but all throughout this time through from 1936 to 1943 Jesse Owens and Lutz long stayed in contact they wrote letters to each other actually Jesse Owens wound up becoming Lutz long son's best man at his wedding because and it's interesting because Jesse Owens said the last time Lutz long and Jesse Owens ever saw each other was at that hug when Lutz hugged him that you can see on tape after he sets the world jump record after putting after him telling Jesse Owens to put the towel down that's the last time he ever saw him in real life and it's so it's insane but how did they stay in contact because they were write letters to each other Owen said this he said it took a lot of courage for him to per friend him in front of Hitler I would melt down all the medals and cups I have and they wouldn't be a plating on the 24 count of friendship that I felt for Lutz long at that moment and thank God Jesse Owens didn't melt those down because he had to tell him to make some money yes because the government was not gonna give him any yes he also ended up failing out of school because he had to he had to work to pay his way didn't get a scholarship yeah the kids energy was just all over the place so in Ohio you know Ohio State that he had tried to go back he couldn't he he failed out of school and Jesse Owens also said this he said Hitler didn't snub me it was our president FDR who some who snub me the president didn't even send a telegram I mean you can't even send the [ __ ] telegram to the kid I mean Luce long is writing letters to the enemy from behind Nazi lines getting him through you can't even write a telegram I mean Paulie oh [ __ ] yeah I mean history is filled with all these dirty after you are segregated black and white servants at the White House I mean cuz when is his wheelchair gonna be taken away exactly they should have took his wheelchair away as soon as he did that I mean because if I see make no mistake if I see a [ __ ] if I see a statue if after on a wheelchair I'm tipping it over tip it all because he kicked it up yeah well you know what you we just probably give justification for them to tear down whatever statue yeah clip that'd be like why did you why did you tear down FDR statues cuz he [ __ ] segregated his surrogates yeah I mean the service [ __ ] it's just I mean brutal brutal brutal you know what happened in Jesse Owens after the Olympics because he did that iconic moment and I just wish like you know if she'd be like a state named after a more city like Owen City or something I mean that's how you have to understand what was going on like jet that iconic moment to be so to beat the [ __ ] out of all those Nazi athletes in the face of fascism and to not even kind of he received somewhat of a hero's welcome there's a parade for him but to not even get a telegram from the president it's like rude yeah I mean racism was in full full-blown mode at that time but here is where history gets a little messy this is a direct quote about the two athletes who put their fists in the air what was that 1940 Mexico City famous we're gonna do an episode about that as well ah 68 68 so I was playing off don't make no mistake you are matching your shirt your shorts and your shoes to symbolize the three just you're symbolizing three articles of clothing to symbolize the three dollar bills are worth yeah I'm also doing this I'm also matching my shirt and my sneakers to celebrate black culture because nobody matches their sneakers and their shirt better than the black okay so this is what he said and I was way off by that that's hilarious that's a [ __ ] stupid I was I was like what was that 1940 no that was 68 Oh with the black yeah so the Black Panther 19 I was saying like the next Olympics that was 1940 1941 we this is the podcast that heavily relies on Wikipedia while we have it open if we don't have it open I will say anything we listen you guess is as good as ours we are the Wikipedia [ __ ] never forget yes so 1968 it was Tommie Smith and John Carlos when I famously gave the Black Power sounds like an Italian okay sounds like he works for whatever that show was the deal what was that show called the Mart Whitmore show whatever lesson four three nightly show yeah Jordan Carlos lives on this block it's what it is so no joining Carlo John Carlos and Tommie Smith they gave the power salute on 1968 in Mexico City for the 200 meter race right and Owens Jesse Owen this is how wild history is and how it's just not neat and perfect like you want it to be Jesse Owens spoke ow against them doing that and this was the direct quote that I made reference to earlier he said the black fist is a meaningless symbol when you open it you have nothing but fingers weak empty fingers the only time the black fist has significance is when there's money inside there's where the power lies right it's not wrong I'm not gonna say the black power fist is meaningless I won't go that far because I'm white and I can't yeah but I will see the kid has a point about how money is power and this probably would have been interesting I would have loved to hear him say cuz making a mistake that was after 30 plus years of smoking so he what it sounded like ant colony we just like the blackheads it's baited let's open it up it's just fake it's candy that's a bit skank of somebody or so the kid died of lung cancer and after his death became sort of a fable a myth because when you when you think about it nobody knows for sure here's the thing cuz Jesse Owens is known for that moment right but nobody knows for sure why Hitler got up right thee we don't know if okay one of the two stories me and if you tell to me I want you to tell to be dead-ass tell it to me dead ass just from off-camera and they'll well repeat from your from behind your Cobra Kai [ __ ] mask yeah yeah like I'm talking a Cobra Commander yeah right so that's kind of the official story is that he was just so just repeated cuz they could in here so what was it so it's kind of like he left to snub him because it was it was the official the first official ceremony right well yeah because cuz at the vanity was saying he was influenced by the adoring fans because Jesse Owens when he came into that stadium everybody including the German population cheered for him and the stadium shook because he was the most famous powerful athlete at those games yeah they liked him the he was a fan favorite and we just don't know why Adolf Hitler left he could have just needed to go to the bathroom yeah I mean we don't know when we made it into the story like it was this great moment where he showed up you know the fascist dictator of the Nazi Nazi Germany who we do [ __ ] like that even have higher levels as I said a couple weeks ago it's like everybody thinks that we dropped the nukes on Japan and World War two because we didn't want to invade Tokyo which is just a story that the government came up with the real reason we dropped the nukes is to show Russia that we had [ __ ] nukes baby because we knew that they were true we knew the enemy of communism was coming next so it's just all lies you're just it's lies all the time like even the reason why we went to war in Vietnam was a false flag operation that we did honor against against ourselves expect the false flag it's coming it's coming bad one it's guarantee what's coming some false flag is coming in these next few kids you sit here and we tell you we're straight kids but that's propaganda now absolutely because when we get off this we go turns to the left yes when I pull out my piece just says false flag falls freakin flag so it's all propaganda I mean the thing I didn't even know like I said I did not know that they can you imagine when's the last time Germany was number one in the Summer Olympics it probably was I don't think any time ever since 1937 I mean because they want that was its lesson Germany was we've been number one for like America has been sweeping up the Summer Olympics next would always be China or Russia but Germany took a back seat after that so this might have been the last time was that the last time they would not because the only German athletes I can even name our Detlef Schrempf Dirk Nowitzki and Katarina him the old school figure skater yeah and I love figure skating when I was a kid and Mark Martin Martina Navratilova she's German kid I think she's German no Martina now it's all over really now it's all over Jeremy's definition Steffi Graf's definitely Germans deputy Graf Jim yeah she's freaking German Jim all right I want to talk thank you for bringing that up Greta Lambert who was a Jewish German field jump of wit ago she was a pole vaulter I think right track-and-field Abbott it's what it is hey John John [ __ ] we're trying to figure out what she was I'm just kidding shut [ __ ] yes she was a real Rosie O'Donnell hwaseong she wait she choked I'm kidding it's a character piece which is kind of character piece whatever um we've just hired Zach back for 20 bucks to come look oh yeah we should do with the [ __ ] can you put way shot Janson in post I have to do them so so what she did um this what was her name again Gretel Greta Lambert she was actually setting World Records for German women at I believe it was the high jump and pole vaulting she was setting records so she absolutely should have not only qualified for the German national women female team but should have been the face of it and they wrote her a letter a month or two months before the the qualifying teams were announced that unfortunately due to her performance she wasn't able she wasn't able to make the team and it was 100% because she was a Jewish Jewish woman and then so she of course left the country she left Germany never came back and settled in the United States but that's a situation of it was taken from this poor girl just because she was Jewish and she actually would have you know even added to the German medal count because I don't think any woman in any other country was even close to as good as she was yeah so look her up as well yeah she would add it to the German medal count but any of our Jewish athletes in America would not have added to the American battle count who they they were they were not missed yeah I think I just don't need Jews to show if you want to win a Summer Olympics you don't need Jews the thing is with Americans is we're very good at sports but we're good because we have black people and and there that you're very good at that the Jews don't really contribute to the sports world for us in Israel absolutely but the Jewish American is not per se athletic they're not really that athletic I mean unless it was a sport way short [ __ ] I'm just kidding obviously I'm just kidding Mike we go with that good sport I'm just kidding yeah if it was a sport or figuring out ways to cut the line if that's a good sport the Jews would win that nobody's better at cutting the line than Jewish people we got this one out it's just always young jeans we're just kidding it's just a joke no I will say with Jewish athletes Jewish American athletes if the counting was a sport yeah that was good what you see if Jewish athletes were taught let's be honest we're talking about we're talking about two people Hank Greenberg and Sandy Koufax and that's and Danny Shea about it series yeah three Jews I can think of oh and I forgot Amar'e Stoudemire yes for yeah we're Jews so when you say American athlete who talk a week you could say them you could date you they could be your friends they could yeah there's only four of them so that's what it is so so you know and and it's just interesting the 1936 Olympics were fascinating to me because there are a lot of things that are still going on today in the Olympics actually started in 1936 out of the Nazi propaganda Olympic machine so the passing of the torch that we do now that's synonymous with the Olympic events first time was ever done 1936 black guys winning races yes still happening still happening 1936 the metal board that you see all the time with which team is winning that happened which team is leading and hating to the Jews still going strong that train is never late that's never late so that all happened because the metal board count was because Joseph garbles and Hitler wanted to show German dominance so they started broadcasting out which which country had to lead they never done that before and then the passing of the torch happened because it's supposed to be a peace and unity is what that flame is supposed to be to all the countries but how how the Nazis were swinging it were they believed that they were descendants the the Germans believed they were descendents of the Hellenic Hellenic people who were Greek ancestors so they believed that they were descendants from the air so they were spinning it as hey we are directly attached through this flame to the Greek so we really created the Olympics that's what they were basically saying I'll be it they're not I'll be they're not and then they ended up coming and murdering us when they were not see so I'll be it no yeah we don't claim the Germans and Germans you're not [ __ ] Greek in the opposite you're we hate you and what you did and put who as the Greeks would say yeah not oh not to push this not this get money push this oh this was a good [ __ ] app this is good episode we do have to do a little light but let me tell you something you you're here you're unchain I'm you're out of you're out of Plato's cave cuz you've taken the chains off and you've walked out into the sunshine it caused Krissi's free Krissi's free cosmic no mistake if you want to know about my life and what I'm dealing with when I do weapon in the morning every morning is just watch the movie twister with Bill Paxton Helen and Helen Hunt and that's my life when that when there's flying those balls up into the tornado that's what it is every day for me with WEP on the morning so there by the way is on slash Bay Ridge Boys Monday to Friday starting the mornings on for this 9:00 a.m. to 9:30 weapon Eastern Time weapon in the morning slash Bay Ridge barcode join now don't miss it it's our live Morning Show at full model a yeah and it's a good time start your day with us you don't have to wash it live you can catch it anytime thereafter on patreon and you can binge all the old ones they're up forever up forever and of course history hyenas comm for all our merch we got a lot of merch up their slash history I mean is for everything we got going on we're gonna start coming out with more Bay Ridge Boys episodes very soon so it's dope oh yes and also you could see me I'm getting back on the road I don't care I'm just getting back because I need the money July 2nd to the 4th I'll be at Zanies in Nashville July 5th stand up live Huntsville Alabama and then July 23rd to the 25th side splitters in Tampa that's what I got right now go to Christy comedy calm or historians calm for the tech games I've canceled all my dates Providence Boston whatever else and but I the only one I have in the books is February 4 side splitters so February of 2020 I may cancel that as well I'm not getting the corona for it's nothing it's what it is cuz we've got a babes on the way what can you do okay listen as always we read we liked I just want to say this - go get your t-shirts we got a lot of new ones coming yes so check in with our store history hyenas dunno what's one we have up right now then we got some new ones coming up we got a whole bunch coming today we got we got it what are we we got i mean we're gonna post it we will post little post it yeah specifically now though go go get yourself go get yourself we got realities to suggest you come in we got cracked me open and clean me out come in we got above our bubbles yeah we got our honey Bob honey bubbles coming we s look how ass I'm gettin me what it owes we're gettin binky Mike yeah and we got more but for right now go specifically before it sells out go get the baby gorgeous t-shirt go to history news calm get the t-shirt that says baby gorgeous go ahead go get it before it sells out it's gettin close okay so slash favorites words when you join up we read your name at the end of an episode which right now we're doing it for $5.00 but make no mistake it's gonna get bumped up to ten so there's a lot of grandfather's in right now but listen we would love to read your name of course we encourage a funny name we pick a P P W a pseudo penis of the week on and we just you know we if you don't want to make a funny name you don't have to but it's a thing we like to do and show our appreciation so and if you don't think of a funny name you're part of our straight to the back club meaning you just here for the content you put your hat down you walk straight to the back to the porn section it's what it is okay so here we go slash Bay Ridge boys let's welcome the newest members of the matriarchy right now okay first leading off we got ray unfortunately crashed my grandmother's car and listening to the boys then we got that's a Drexler right at the back right about yeah then we got house Hussein uh then we got cute Jill without fumes that looks like one of Chrissy's crew but make no mistake I'm still hebrew pierce your rent is due yeah can you throw on the last we're gonna action now that you're here we're doing winners can you yeah put him on yeah look she just makes it green she's just highlights just green you're better than Mike yeah I mean this trade is about to fly cuz we just went from the NTA to the [ __ ] Japanese Tokyo Express it's what it is next time we got Kelly Grindle then we got pan cross see y'all finally got the sand out of my Clinton booked a one-way flight to Wu Han Ramirez hello you're on the left hello your other list it's what you call that one's called a no-brainer Richard Costa George heard then we got hi Hina here for the content then we got Johnny from Borough Park but my sideburns are short donato throw throw eggs of Drexler almost yeah I mean the sideburns that's a Jewish a Jewish joke it's very very funny it's a strong NIT tournament Drexler it's creative it's nice yeah okay then we got a Chrissy's queen of the quarantine Karen's and make no mistake Gianni no beard looks like Tracy Morgan if he was white funny for a Drex then we got Anthony Moochie yeah I just throw the Italian kids on the list for the Drexler I mean you're just about an Italian last name you're just in your knee and I because my last name's Moochie then we got Elena nom keV cuz the BSU question would you go to an account if his last name was Moochie no chance now if I want to go to prison yo yo if your name is Buchi I want you coming over to fix up in my house and that's it and I want you as far away from my daughter a possible because I know if the [ __ ] garlic's off for the sauce she's gonna get discipline gonna get this because it make no mistake if you were my friend group I would get drunk and say you're Moochie come here and give me a smoochy okay here it is we got Elena nama keV then we got Amanda Gayle Faisal Stevie sauce monkey then we got sluice the goose Gooch fumes vamoose okay then we got Nick guy Doug Dunbar Enrique the Freak carly shay EP TV Anton Etta Collins Oh Anton Etta Collins I think she might be um she's a ESPN reporter shot on antenna Collins love your work well she's on the patreon shout out of your work Daniel burrows Quinn Jimenez justin coos tiss Andrew short then we got colleen super cute with a side queef and extra fumes then we got Hannah Heath James Bradley supe sizzle Brianna Welsh Robert Ellie Wow hey Bobby kids checking in uh we got Sonya Gonzales Martinez then we got Chad I don't have a situation with the mother but I want one with Yanni's brother that's what it is OTO it's a good solid hilarious chicken-finger Johnny's back it's a $3 bill how how these guys keep coming up with original bangers salute to the matriarchy then we got Griffin guest Charlotte North Carolina please hit me up I have a fat [ __ ] Oh it's it's funny but it's getting to Drexler just because it's an offer to Chrissie then we got a father three dollar bill touched my piece at the ATT everdew feast alone now here's Aloha is it Ted is it Ted here's the thing here's the thing yeah we've been doing this for a while let me just say this quickly here's the thing here's the thing we've been doing this while we've had some banger lists from the ones we have now on the list it's almost in my mind impossible for anyone else to come into contention that's how good these are so if you got a really good one you may just be drechsler because this could be three or four the funniest ones we've ever had yeah father three dollar bill touch my piece at the I mean three dollar bill has been there the whole time and we met nobody ever saw it he took it and and he rhymed it - yeah so the originality of it I mean it's a [ __ ] it clears the fact that's one of it then we got um Zakir let me share my semi with a slightly femi Eastern hemming named Kenny see really funny but he directs this is what happened to Clyde Drexler he was just in Michael Jordan shadows and unfortunately this list is Michael Jordan if you want to know what Drexler means it means that you belong in the list but you just there's better ones available then we got Lauren Vanderbilt Andrew : ski Nicolas Rodriguez and we got Josh the wild Texas wasp I love the Second Amendment but hate racism more so Biden 2020 okay there you go political statement then we got John Stanley Mackenzie chub wiper Mike furball then we got Keith sold my soul to fill some holes and all I got was a shovel darlin poem okay then we got poise then we got Yanis might mention me to Papas okay then we got Ren GE then we got Chrissy D stick your weenie inside me like I'm Gwen Stefani okay went for it then we got ROM potahto Stephon sparks Malory and then we got Shawn but if you think I'm volt and left because of the protest you got everything coming Wow then look at this number 55 we got father's three dollar bill wow that's interesting two people separately didn't know about each other yeah now here's my point that's exactly my point father three dollar bill would have been a strong chicken finger catapulted onto the list yeah he came after father bill three dollar bill who got touched you at the feast that's the perfect example of how just it's bad luck life Isabella bad luck it really is yeah we got um II Michael Ralia Michelle Taylor Rianne Stowell Konrad Springer Johannes Juarez Kyle Linares Michael Cappadonna Chris then we got bean man then we got Zach Irish cutie with his snake like booty Donegan then we got Dylan vanity it gave me a bump because I know you have some Jackson what Oh coke coke okay and he spelled vanity like an FF then we got Jackie Augustine then we got Andrew R Shawn then we got Danny got a situation like Chrissy big Fanny so the new half of my family is getting kicked out of chuck-e-cheese for fist fighting for the funny yeah it's gonna lose but it's a good then we got Justin then we got Brandon then we got Y honest agreed from Creed who make no mistake sniffs transgender feet it's what it is put a piece Drex tracks for though it's unfortunate yeah it's unfortunate but it's a Drexel Amy Johnson Connor the handsome brother of Patrick Mulrooney Rooney vanity is Yaya 2020 uh then we got Bobby D from Beantown wild honey then we've got gi Chrissy D and yon EP paint me green and shoved me knuckle deep Joe then we got Mike Seth ballin cross Holly honey girl munos Bret flettner then I got Donnie I'm actually an Irish Catholic which means I've had a few blackouts in all-boys schools Brasco Drexler Drexler strong then we got one word just a simple British squeak oh god fans from over the porn then we got Mason Lawrence then I got Dan I'm calling Julie we're done with you Oh John's Oh Dan I'm calling Julie we're done with Julio Jones okay then I got Erin Villa Cana Brendon Jacob Luton kinton luden Kenton yeah then we got way Jean Chrissy D and Yanis pop up hop hop us are wild kids then we got Tasos used as $5 to buy Schultz to do rad Papa's [Laughter] then we got Ryan shitty homemade smoothie but still a cutie patootie Perry Kevin Ross Mitchell bara Bobby K 49 Daniel O Rama James pulk then we got Jamie I just want to hear Chrissie try to say my last name lahul e'er then we got Kovac cuz II not a mozzie but I wear a towel on my head and vote read Trump 2020 okay it's a Drexler it's a goodie though we're through the first hundred so I know who the winner is yeah it should we do the next hundred should we just do it we should do a V right I mean it's almost unfair to the next hundred because I mean the wind you want to say but I mean it's just gonna load I mean just gonna load up we gotta do them I just just don't we're gonna do 50 more stay with us for 50 more then we got Lucas with the 2-inch piece but looks bigger thanks to my cheese fleecy moths yeah kids a dragster buddy you know this is just unfortunate then we got Alex fish Peter then we got brother Rob slobbed on my cob softly what can you do then we got a Stevie G moving monkeys like it's the early days of the space program list you got to put him on the list it's just good let's just see this is why it's interesting the omigod Tyler Anderson then we got down under JB I got dip like Jani P with a swollen left hip like Chrissy D and some mommy 2020 Aneesa ma I'm Aneesa Imani 2028 plus for effort she's a German yeah then we got shailen Crandall Meyer then we got Tommy cute kid with a sensitive hooded piece Roberts demigod come sit on me Chris Edie I'll keep you safe and then we got Chris when I was half sauce monkey but I guess the ancestors had an issue with the mother hard osku then we got Julia Kinlaw and Ramallah check then we got Brendan bidet turned me gay Yanni taste my love bombs Gerhardt yeah we got Pepin the squeak king of the Franks and beans then we got Jamey Jasta and matcom Betty Boop then we got Benny Winnie the $3.00 cause was who hopes Chrissy's donk is covered in blond fuzz fuzz then we got show a Bebe's Siddiq Jodi then we got interracial Singaporean who can do your taxes and teach you chopsticks yeah then we got Alfredo crack open by et with a half he had to fake glue for my peepee Lopez then we got 17 times six only got fuzzy mozzie cozy wozy Mick poop chute skin flute no fumes okay does the first skin flute I mean for as the skinful it's just keep coming tell me God spencey make no mistake I vape but I love a good [ __ ] in my mouth Gonzalez go with the cigarette in England sneaky and good you got yourself into a direction for your sneakiness yeah you're sick you little [ __ ] then we got natty Normal Heights arresting my ffs cop jugs on top of DeVos head I want to tuck that tiny squeaky to his racecar bed you just made a contender that's why you can't [ __ ] you got to watch this episode the whole way through the whole way I read I didn't s what you call it come back then we got 50 to 1 and oh Sean Bell humour then we got dan Bilzerian shut up and take your shirt off for Pride Month you greasy squeak Drexler funny straight funny then we got rich Nader bankie then we got our IP Yanni's squeak sperm that didn't win the race then we got James Depot head counselor of squeak away camp [Laughter] let's week away camp they only got Kristin Rose then we got Chrissy can go brutes Macoutes on my glutes if I could sniffing it tease boots we don't encourage them you don't encourage them we do appreciate them but we can't put your less and sometimes I'm sorry vanity I walk into them I can't see them coming yeah so sorry yeah apologies then we got Mary Steve James then we got farther three dollar bill again how did all three of these people come up with this there's a beautiful historical quote I can't remember who it is but nothing's more powerful than an idea whose time it is to come yeah it's father three dollar bills time to come they're the new skinnfloot it was this week where there was an awakening yeah it's just what it is then we got Andrew private popsicle give me a nickel and I'll tickle Christie's plant-based pickle Sullivan then we got a Yanni short sleeve and Chrissy peace disease I got Jay Ryan Chesney Chrissy W the femur consumer then we got Richie dinky James Jamison hind' Dave Curley then we got making a mistake I want to crack Chrissy and my big rig 10-4 good buddy then we got Jordan if I thought my altar boy days of confessional booth lap kisses and uvula abuse was over I got another thing coming Chamberland we got Abraham Petty's Bret and then last but not least ramming em cuz I got white skin and I think I'm black within look would you mean it's just I just want to say listen we we got we we know we make you laugh and that's why you guys are here but why I love this so much is because look there's tears in my eyes manatee is laughing you guys offer us a little laugh to return so thank you so let's hear it's between two we know of right okay so what what do you think vanity huh okay okay wait just just a case of people couldn't hear it let me get you a mic over there yeah well we're learning we're looking on the job here we got a new studio yeah yeah okay so so that the that what number okay so it's between number one James D Bo head counselor no not I'm sorry it's it's between natty normal height so resting my F F cup jugs on top of DeVos head I want to talk to that tiny squeak into his racecar bed Walter great that's one and then second is number 37 which is father $3.00 bill touched my piece at the 18th Avenue feast which is interesting because it would have been number one by a landslide but then because we had other three dollar bills far far the three dollar bills but I still think because of how it stopped us in our tracks yeah it might be you know I think it is the know what do you guys think it's I think I I think I mean the debo one is so good though its father three dollar bill touch my piece at the ATM fees is so good that it makes other things look hacked just like Richard Pryor was so good at comedy that when you look back at his comedy now you're like oh was he a hack and it's like no it's just because everybody emulated him and everybody's stolen he was the original that's how I feel about father $3.00 yeah well here's what we're gonna do we're history hyenas reality as a suggestion guess what they're both winners to ppw skies yeah two penises of the week couldn't decide so just you're both winners yeah it's both winners it doesn't matter a rich boys history news calm Yanis Papa's comedy calm Christie County calm Yanis and vanity ax and homeless picture both fires
Channel: History Hyenas
Views: 34,496
Rating: 4.8923397 out of 5
Keywords: Chris Distefano, chris Distefano comedy, Yannis Pappas, Chris Distefano Podcast, History Hyenas, The Bonfire, bayridge boys, fighter and the kid, bert kreischer, ladder 14, andrew schultz, comedy, comedian, podcast, entertainment, pop culture, commentary, comedy club, jokes, history, olympics, berlin, jesse owens 1936 olympics 100 meter, jesse owens race, jesse owens story, jesse owens 1936 olympics, 1936 olympics documentary, jesse owens interview, jesse owens biography
Id: _QXR2xd8SR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 15sec (4215 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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