What Happened At Tiananmen Square!

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what's up I'm Chris de Stefano aka Chrissy Dee aka King gay you listen to the Bay Ridge Boys history hyenas what's up everybody welcome to another episode of history hyenas were trying new things we built a set just for this episode we're in the same room again this feels weird cousin to a real person because we're back this is the first time that we've been together doing episodes since March um it's fantastic I feel good I'm Christie Sphinx Bubba's the world's on fire we got homeless pimp in here it's got a mask on in the back Mike and Medicare fire here's the thing here's the thing about why I love being friends with Chris is because you can enjoy your company yeah and miss you at the same time because you're here and you're not at the same time that's what it is yeah I'm so right now I'm missing you even though you're here yeah cuz you're hacking your phone you're half thinking about where you're gonna move yeah you know what else well no but the reason why I'm half misfired the truffle pig it's over yeah well so we can get sued but but but the reason why I'm looking at my photos because because the way that's set up is so this is gonna be great episode today on the history iners we're gonna talk about the Tiananmen Square massacre of 1989 and at the notes which you normally want to laughy we got computers we're off to the side on zoom you know I got no choice I got the notes on my thoughts so I'm just looking for the note this is really weird it's been a long time since I've been in person and had to like not stare at a computer or phone Russ is actually like we got a producer here who's producing this you're here I got a play to the camera play to you yeah we're gonna build our set this is our studio we built this just for one episode cuz we're [ __ ] Bob but I'll just tell you I don't like I like it when we're facing we're gonna get school chairs yeah we're gonna we're gonna build the said we got a logo come in thank you for being on the ride with us we're evolving and we're taking off because make no mistake the world's burning we run tethering our boat and we're going out to sea make no mistake the last thing the entertainment world want to see right now are two guys who are white cuz it's over no I got my glass cause you can't see me the kid I got on Yanni's glass right now I'm Yanni almost because you can't see you're a $3 bill cuz it feels good to just smell you cuz you're in that [ __ ] you have fumes yeah here's the thing about me um and I think here's the thing about me and many Americans right we haven't used deodorant in three months straight I have not gone deodorant to armpit in nine months for what I live in the country I've been wearing flip-flops cuz I've been wearing flip-flops outside and inside yeah I went to dinner the other night an Adidas flip-flop yeah cuz you're white trash then what can you do I mean Bubba's this I'm so happy to be in your apartment cuz looking for houses right now yeah I'm looking for houses cuz make no mistake I'm moving to New Hampshire yeah we're what Cameron am I looking at I don't know a matter but can you see me as Christie Sphinx here enough is yes just get as comfortable as you want you to comfy-womfy the funny thing is is like we're kind of living through historical times that when his drive look back on this they're gonna talk about how yeah people started building their own Studios and shooting their pockets in their houses and their producers had masks on and that producers were scared to go home to their neighborhoods because and Tifa was putting things online saying they were gonna blow up the supermarket and here we are we're in person for the first time in three months and our producers of mascot he's I don't know he's got some sort of Corona purifying device that he's putting on it's amazing yeah and this is the new world this we're in the new world it's almost like we're reporting a podcast from a bunker yeah cuz I'm happy to be starting this ship back up again I mean cuz the episode today on Tiananmen Square is gonna be wild make no [ __ ] mistake make no mistake what we're going to talk about today with the protests and all that that happened in Tiananmen Square in 1989 has a lot of a lot of implications on things that are happening right now which by the way vote for change yes but I think that I think that the episode today I mean cuz I didn't realize I mean there's a lot of Eastern Hemis in this world there's just a lot of Eastern heavies which is a good positive thing I'm saying it's a good thing but they got a million people and a little square a million there's a billion of them there's no no put a million people in Tiananmen Square 1989 I mean cause causes a million there's a million of them it Bayridge yeah one of them want to buy my house if you open up any of those houses that have Eastern Hemis it's just they're packed in there have you ever seen the way they pack into a subway car yeah they fit in there they fit like ten pieces yeah yeah cuz you know what's good about this you could fit seven seven European descended people in this apartment you could fit 1,300 Eastern heavies in here yeah it's what can you even changed and have me anymore are we allowed to say yeah because you're from the eastern hemisphere that's what it is I'm because listen I think we're safe as long as we stay away from African Americans yeah I have but the thing is that no mistake I will be calling them an African American from now on no less he'll I'm told what I should say well that's the thing that's the thing about about what's going on now is I know I'm not racist I know you're not racist I want to understand the injustice is and it's all horrible what's been happening and I'm all for the police reform and all that stuff but I also don't know what I'm allowed to say what questions I'm allowed to ask what I'm I don't know like I have privilege so I don't [ __ ] know so I kind of just I kind of just don't do anything I kind of I just post these videos and yell at my daughter because she's half Puerto Rican it's like my daughter's the only one I could save me cuz yeah I mean you spend your time raising your daughter you spend your time looking for house yeah it's what it is I said you know what let's just [ __ ] get back at it let's get back in the saddle it's finally good to do a podcast where I don't have to [ __ ] warrant worry about a weather storm coming in just a weapon weather storm so it's nice to just be in here and be free as a [ __ ] bird because since the last it's wild to think since the last time that we physically met in person and done a podcast it's in New World yeah I mean it's a new new world baby yeah I mean yeah it's a new world and I'm I got fumes and I'm 20 pounds overweight yeah I don't want to say anything because you look like Santa Claus here's the deal we've been doing it weapon in the morning which is our morning show which we stopped by the way we are gonna bring back go to patreon.com/scishow and then we stopped it and the Patriot has slowed I mean the patreon I think I don't know if what's going on outside is the protest against police brutality or that we stopped Webb on the morning cuz people were not happening patreon.com slash Bay Ridge boys we got a lot of content out there and we're gonna hit that we're gonna be uploading things on that every single day patreon.com slash Bay Ridge yeah guess what people weapon the morning is coming back yeah so enjoy it but all says we've been doing web by the morning we'll be doing our podcast from zoom and I you've been doing them from behind enemy lines and so it was kind of fun to watch you because I almost felt like I was a hostage negotiator yeah talking to a journalist who had been kidnapped by the Taliban yeah because you just were doing the podcast like those guys who are forced to hold up newspapers and yet and hold the date to prove where they are yeah how's your feet are at truth and atrocious cuz and I haven't deformity on my heel now a thing on my feel and it's for women who hat who wear high-heeled shoes so you see this bump that comes off I went got a looked at and they said it usually only happens with women who wear high heels because my foot is shaped like a high heel can you not put your toes down no so that toe just goes over that that's called a hammer toe yeah yeah I wouldn't put those things to save the future of this country I would not put those things in my mouth cuz cuz if Jesus Christ came down to this planet and said ok here's the deal I know how to make peace happen on earth right Johnny P has to take Chris Edie's foot Ryan plug it into his mouth like a pacifier for 10 seconds I'd say let it burn let it burn baby now bubs let me ask you this because we haven't it's just physics talk to me baby court justice because yeah it listed to me hon look 10 a lollipop I haven't seen you yeah you prepare that or kill out just chaos lollipop that's the next t-shirt lieutenant lollipop yeah listen to me guy yeah be private I mean cuz it's like one of those things where I'm like I'm like Bubba's I I mean what have you been doing I said that looks like a Jew Schultz flagrant to look Eddie Schultz the studio just looks like he's shooting in the lobby of a West Elm yeah yeah this looks just by living groups oh yeah well yeah thank us no cuz I just I like you know because you've been all the way up in New Hampshire and and this the city New York City's been on fire I mean how has it been being up being like a suburb guy now suburban guy it's been really it's been really eye-opening to we just did an episode recently on Stockholm Syndrome and yeah I have realized I'd love this city we had a good run right you start from the Clinton tech boom from about the mid 90s till 2020 right you know you can't ask more 25 years we were the safest big city in America you know P Diddy started it was back it started with P Diddy amazed why everybody went to the club Latrell Sprewell was in there when love trust BRE well he was gonna save the Knicks and then nobody ever saved the next right but we were just too happy about masters Square Garden had this is how much of a boom New York has been the Knicks have had a losing team for 25 years right and it's sold the [ __ ] out yep and it started there and here we are we're headed back we're headed back to ed Cox New York yeah where there's just gonna be no more cops someone's gonna show up there's someone's gonna show up in door and saying this is your new this is your new Community Care Bear yeah and he's here to ask is everyone okay and and what's going on and one of the reasons you committed the crime can I talk to you for a second and can I recommend you talk to my Senior Care Bear no but honestly this is like just a question you know it's a podcast to talk about it but like muffin man what I don't understand is is I understand that Minneapolis has defunded their Police Department they want to disband they're going to but what does that mean though because because I understand the reasons why I think I understand the reasons why are the police brutality and I get it but the citizens of Minneapolis like what happens if there is it's something that the community means like a dispute or somebody's being attacked who do they call cuz she shows up yeah shows up at the door yeah and that's it and that's it probably some I know I just probably gonna have to bleep that well bleep that yeah but who bleep the name but who but she's so like who so like I'm just cuz I that's the only thing I'm not even I'm just trying to figure out like if that happens in that city like how long do you test it like what if people get killed cuz I know people get killed then the you know black community will say well innocent lack people are getting killed by the police and I understand that but like I just don't I'm just trying to understand it and it's hard even there's a white guy to even start to go down it like I don't even know what I'm allowed to say I just [ __ ] love people I love every race and it's like but I don't know if I asked my question I mean what am I supposed to say he what you say what you're supposed to do is if you see a black person in the street may ask you to kneel you [ __ ] me yeah cuz Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats kneel today with dashikis on and I just want to see Nancy Pelosi get up have we know cuz she kneeled three hours ago and I just wanted oh she's gotten up you how she made it to the Senate floor do you know even black people probably watch that and we're just like dying laughing trolling it going like this is the most hilarious thing I've ever seen Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and full African dashikis kneeling down yeah I mean can you get more obsequious can you get more pandering than that I mean it's hilarious they're [ __ ] lying about it and that's the thing like for me for me I've been doing on my Instagram and it's still on there and we've talked about this I've been donating money to the black economic alliance because to me all the black people that I've spoken own as flagrant to fans yeah flagrant to fans yeah yeah doctor yeah or dr. Harvey Spencer the greatest dentist from Rocklin South Carolina so so but like putting money into the black community from an early start is what seems to get the best results where like somebody like in the Senate like Nancy Pelosi and all them it's like the democratic cities are the ones that are on fire and having the police brutality issues so for me it's like are you really helping the Demma are the Democrats really help because you nor the cities that have the big problems yeah I don't know you know it's all I know is just like I'm not a race this kid so whatever comes at me in the future I just want to make my statement now hi my name's Janice Pappas I'm a Greek kid my grandfather was slave to the Turks I'm just I'm just I'm just an innocent person yeah who respects all communities yeah same with me I have a port my name is Christopher de Stefano I am NOT a racist I have a Puerto Rican baby's mama now Puerto Rican wife um I I have I I like I said in the video before I mean I'm just as Jana stirrers called me so many times I'm Chrissy Undercovers Chrissy secret agents Chrissy flapjacks because Chrissy pancakes on both sides I mean I'm a Republican face but I got a Democratic brain you know I got a lunch I got a fat black girls ass I got an ass like a black girl you know I got a basketball scholarship I mean I'm a black kid you know I'm just like literally a black kid i case would you dress it for dinner you put on a basketball jersey yeah or a hockey jersey you're a black teenager yeah I'm blind here to fate I got ones on right now I got my warrior shirt it's like also the thing is to like being from New York City it's like I've been saying this all along it's very very hard I would I would argue especially if you're a kid taking the subway and the buses like we weren't being really like out of borough kids like Brooklyn kids it's hard to be racist because the person that you don't like you're gonna see on the train in five minutes yeah so it gets really complicated to hate somebody so that's why when I see these things happening and when I see what's going on in a country I'm like Bubba's I mean where the [ __ ] how can you hate somebody for the color of their skin I never understood it because it's a hard thing to understand when you're from New York yeah you know yeah um hey look I don't know what the world's gonna look like after this you know and to answer your question what abolish the cops means or defund the cops I think it means different things to different people in different places there's a lot of people who think hey you know what we're gonna do is just take away some of the funding and reallocate it for education and social workers and those are people I like to call naive right those are the ones who go out there and actually have common sense and stuff like that who don't know that there's the the squeaky wheel always gets the grease yeah so there's the radical crazy ones are the ones who make [ __ ] happen and those people want to abolish the cops yeah the mayor of Minnesota walked I mean Minnesota Minneapolis that was one of the funniest things it was like a scene it was like more to be seen from Game of Thrones yeah when he walked up and he was like okay all we want to know is do you want to boss the cops and he's all these people there after he said like I understand you struggle he got the police officers arrested he was a hero he was here he was he went to the protest and he said guys I love you we need to make changes structural problems we got systemic racism I mean he was hitting all the points he was hitting all those reelection points to his constituents because make no mistake he's the mayor and that's the [ __ ] reason he was there warned of votes cuz a kid who becomes mayor wants to be mayor yeah and so he hit all the points and in his head he's going I got it I got this [ __ ] liberal [ __ ] Jesus baby they love me and then they go okay we need you to get rid of the cops and he just you saw you at his mascot if he didn't have his mascot you probably would seen this he goes I know if I say this every single white person who voted for me is gonna go you're not getting our vote so he just said I can't you know he wanted to figure out a way to cuz they were going yes or no and he tried to squiggle out of it right and she said give me a guess or no answer he went no he said no he can't we can't get rid of the cops and then they said get the [ __ ] out they booed him off and he walked through like Cersei doing the walk of shame yeah they just were saying get the [ __ ] out of here I mean what are we living in a full-blown HBO show it's one of those things where it's like he was a hero week ago cuz he gave the guy out the cops arrested which rightfully showed that all those guys should be in prison for what they did to George Floyd it's horrible and and then and then you know they he says he doesn't want to defund the police because I'm he's trying to think of it as I want I don't want the city to come into I want there needs to be some people we need to get better cops is what he's probably thinking it's like retraining the police get better police but to say no police seems like a little bit of like whoa that's a major step the other way that could cause more problems and he gets booed off but I agree with you 100% what you're saying any politician now from Governor Cuomo to Trump to the mayor in Minneapolis to anybody in public office I don't believe for a [ __ ] second they want to help the people I just believe that they want to help themselves and say whatever pandering they want to say I personally now I only want to listen to the to the climate scientists about what's going on with the world and I only want to listen to activists from the certain communities that are being affected by any type of dispute they're having I want to listen to them as far as every other politician or anybody on CNN to Fox News to MSNBC I don't want to hear a [ __ ] word for you give the microphone to the professionals and that's it bubbles or you know what you could do shut up and take your shirt off yeah I mean I understand the anger I understand right now it's a very angry time right I mean Minnie Annapolis to watch that on online on Facebook whatever to watch the slow murder of a person it caused a lot of enrage so I understand people enraged I do however agree I think that abolishing the cops is a little extreme but I understand what the emotion is but in Minnesota in Minneapolis is Minneapolis in Minnesota okay good I just want to make sure because I don't care about I've never thought about many of the appellants and I don't care you could be in Chicago I don't care about you'll never ever leaving where I live now we both we both pulled the Mike's out we're so excited yeah we've pulled our own Mike's out two or three two or three times and then we're like with his Chinese but we're like hey can we say this coming upstairs I don't know what to say because the truth is it's like I'm not a racist I lead with love I don't but I don't know are you allowed to joke about [ __ ] anymore I don't [ __ ] know yeah I mean here's the deal we're gonna just continue to be us we because I gotta be honest with you there's there's dollar stores like most people go down stores but with these artifacts you go to a store called the $3.00 store because you are bar Gino get your [ __ ] gay happy Pride Month ID because during gay gay gay kids three dollars and where that comes from he knew the show is Yanis his father the late great Chris pompous who was dancing his ass off right now in the gay part of heaven with a flush chaps on he said he said in the in the Korean War they would say you're as queer as a three-dollar bill yeah so we just say gays are three dollar bills and shadow our shadow all our gay fans and and gay friends of the show Matteo Lane or joey camasta james debo it's i don't forget about all our trans fans we are the number one transportation new world it's a new world out here but we're gonna have the same approach which is we lead with love we try to be funny we love that our podcast fans are diverse and one of the silver linings for comedy in this may be that the sensitivity might have adjusted because I think white women are on the hot seat now yeah welcome to the rotisserie [ __ ] it has your turn Karen yeah so I think we may be able to get away with say a lot more [ __ ] about women and other minorities you just I think you just got to stay clear of the african-american community that's where the sensitivity is right now understandably so but make no mistake it's free game for the eastern Emmys and Sandra Dee's true there's no sensitivity of those right now yeah I mean I don't know I mean it's just one of these things where as make that was thick one of those cops was it he was and yeah I mean those cops I mean what do you think though all those cops are gonna they should all do life right I mean what are we saying I mean you need police reform you need something you can't that can't happen yeah I can't happen we've talked about it in another podcast so I don't want to beat a dead horse but it's like I think everyone's in agreement that was so hard to watch and also that happening at the same time as I'm not Aamir what was his name our Barry our Barry when they when they when they that that kind of looked like an old-school lynching that was horrible those guys know in jail to a funny one the funny one was the black bird watcher and Karen but you know that Cooper's yeah because he even forgave her in a kitchen I mean the kid is a Yale he's a Yale bird watching kids who said I will forgive her as long as she leashes up her dog okay sounds like he's some spectrum and I appreciate it I appreciate it no and it's what's what's crazy about the that Amy Cooper and Christian Cooper that the bird-watching case is that Amy Cooper gets fired so okay then the New York Post and these other news outlets start to run stories about Amy Cooper's boss who beat his wife ten years ago and then he got fired he has nothing to do with that it's a domino effect yeah cancelling canceled culture is back that means America eyes wide open for business and speaking of Domino's let's go to China today we're talking about Tiananmen Square I mean these are not the first pres protests these are not the first riots in history yeah turn the phone off who is the white I don't know who it is kiss somebody who [ __ ] it got y'all these numbers prank calling them yeah I mean who is it I don't know okay I got a pull up notes too yeah so okay so 1989 from April do you an 89 89 I was 5 years old you were 5 years old an 80 now there's five years old I was jerking off to April from Ninja to hurt now was that pre or post FB uh you know I'm talking about FB meaning father yeah no father bill father you are ballistic by a priest named Bill yeah father bill father bill came came hopping into my skull all about 1995 so this is the innocence I golden blonde hair at a mushroom haircut this is when yeah this is when I was wearing light up heads what turned you what what actually created the $3.00 that got pushed across that counter yeah was it the father bill incident or was it the mahanahan brothers I was it a combination of both that weight it got handed to you ended up being three you know this guy this guy's under a lot of book fifty plus a dollar fifty this guy's under a lot of heat right now to for some of the things he said in the past but he is he I do like his one of those most famous movies a man by the name of Mark Wahlberg and it's called the perfect storm and I think what you just described is what's the perfect storm yes is I got is the Mackenzie brothers were coming from the east and father bill is coming from the west and then they just met in my tonsils so it's just what it is the basically father Bill and the mahanahan brothers were basically the Russians and the United States against the Germans in World War two one took the eastern front one took the western front and they squeeze you into one straight freakin stone-cold three outfit I came out three dollar I came out I came out three strands three dollar bills and that's it yeah so so 1989 that throws out so Tiananmen Square things are about to pop off in Tiananmen Square it now listens as you know we're [ __ ] doing the best we can here okay this some of the names of these Chinese kids it's just hard for us to say I'm trying to do the best I can but some of these names we just don't know so listen you would have thought history teachers in America would have done what a lot of Asian kids do in America which is they have an Asian name a Chinese name a Mandarin name and then they're just in school they're called Steve yeah so it's like if we could just figure out an American name for this cat because his name was whoo ha ha his name is who you been so it sounds like my baby's mama texted me you know it sounds like it says who you bad the kids neighbors who you back yeah who knows who y'all bang but basically who ya bang died and this set off as we know Chinese their communist kids they're [ __ ] communist kids but these the protesters 1989 and four years before this they've had a real thirst for democracy the kids want a democracy and who you bang was a kid who was all about that and then he passed away and these protests start to come out and yeah who you been he was the leader of the Communist Party but he was seen by the students a lot of the workers as someone who was very moderate very liberal someone who was open to democratic reform it was worth working for the capitalism reform right right so he wanted he basically cuz because a lot of people looked at Mao Zedong cuz one that was a dunk him at the power in like the late 1940s he was looked at as this guy that's breaking China away from this imperialist he was kind of the aoc of his day he was gay Oh see we're headed there now well this is not a new story and just buckle up yeah the roller coaster is going downtown yeah so everybody so everybody when now Zedong came into power they were like oh my god we're saved we're not gonna be imperialists anymore this you know though the emperor is gone is no more oppression no more oppression and everyone goes into a program yeah and then he just said listen I have a little thing I like to call communism yeah and it's coming your way communism yeah communism is coming your way and and they dealt with that for a long time and the thing is a lot of people now they want to talk about socialism and communism and how it doesn't work okay people get put into camps real quick it's merely the finger the funny thing I think the reason why and I don't know if I've ever heard this anywhere but I think the reason why it's still appealing to young Pete it will always because it's very utopian right to each according to his needs right but I think the reason it continues to have such a peel rise because the actual communist countries are so closed like by by their very nature like that you never really know the exact number of people that were killed yeah because they're so good at covering it up yeah so it seems like it's great whereas like with with Hitler's atrocities we know we saw the bodies we saw the photographs you'll never get into North Korea and see what's going on over there no I think Kim jong-un is dead the kids and he's been dead for about two months now and we're just on like baby is babies I mean the kid is fully dead yeah I mean the things that feed al Castro did the things that Che Guevara did they were utopian kids they were saying the same thing some of these radical left or left whatever you want to see them as are saying now for the worker stop oppression for all everything for all a free education free that these are all things that they were saying that's which it was get rid of the foreign influences the hegemony all this stuff power to the people right and then on the other side they were just murdering people because it's my opinion that when you elevate society or a cause over the individual right it's just a matter of time before you look the other way when the individual gets abused and you become what you hate a hundred percent 100 percent so all these things were bubbling up even since the Mao Zedong times as time was going on the intellectuals were starting to feel a little pressed by all this things so who you bang dies and he dies on April 15 1989 and then the day after they the Chinese government has a funeral for him but they make it quick they're like you know what because they could already sense the leaders at that time they can sense there was a guy named Al J ping Dow J pop your guess is as good as mine yeah Dow Jones the kid down to club Jeremy Ling yeah yeah Dow J King who was high up in the party they could sense that this who you bang stuff was going to get bad because the students you know the liveliness of and that's what's happening now a lot of the protesters they're young kids a young they're full of life it's when you're in their 30s and 40s I don't care what side it's like the people who want reform and all that it's like we just don't have the energy to do it it's like I want to get out there and do it but it's like our boy Sergio Chacon is out there protesting every day and shout out surgical and go follow him on Instagram great friend the show but I mean the kid runs ten miles a day he's got to run ten miles a day just have the energy to protest yeah I mean I want to take a nap because I ate two slices of pizza I want change but I'm tired I take it out there yeah it's tough especially when you got a kid so there were conservative elements in the Communist Party that wanted this to go quickly because you know the Communist Party wasn't uniformed it he was more on the left side of the party I guess if you will more liberal and then there was conservative elements right so a hundred thousand pro-democracy protesters mostly students gathered at Beijing's Tiananmen Square and Tiananmen Square what it means it's it's it was on the heavenly gate and what it used to mean was that's what that's what it translates into was Mao Zedong named it that because it was like that you know China was like this Forbidden Land and he kind of abolished all that was like no the Emperor's got I'm gonna come out and speak to you I'm your leader so Tiananmen Square is like this kind of symbolic place like the people's square right the people's square that people's heavenly gate kind of thing so is this symbolic place protests happening all the time it's been actually this year because of coronavirus is the first time in a long time there's not going to be protests in Tiananmen Square right yeah they usually gather there and a lot of times on the anniversary of Tiananmen Square yeah they got it there but if you were to make Tiananmen Square if you were trying to draw an analogy with New York City it's kind of like the Union Square your day so you could probably expect to go there and see like some kids breakdancing or you know somebody has somebody the fart man running around go yeah yeah you know that guy think that partners do you think at the edges of Tiananmen Square there are people selling their DVDs for fine always a problem it's probable yeah I be yeah probably get a hot dog there and it's actually a real hot dog yeah yeah it's probably is it's just a poodle in a bun yeah no it's probably I think Chinese jokes are okay yeah our Chinese junks okay I mean cuz make the mistake of me they need to punch it back and shut down the world for a little while so let's just not lose sight of that but it's okay we're just kidding around in a crazy world cuz I mean you know as always history hyenas is proudly brought to you by manscaped manscape calm that's what it is this is the lawnmower 3.0 we have beautifully manicured Jules right now that's why we have no problems if our pieces were to touch at any moment it would be fine because we have smooth smooth smooth genitalia provided by manscape comm and the lawnmower 3.0 this thing is designed specifically to make your piece look pretty go to manscape comm put in the promo code hyenas for 20% off your order and free shipping that's hy enas and also if you want to get a little crazy like me and tucked it back the lawnmower 3.0 also works on mangina it does we want to say thank you to manscape for leading the fight against fumar a no fee owes you know we're living in such a crazy world that literally we talk about the Cold War and all that stuff and communism and all that I'm telling you that if anybody gets mad on Twitter or social media I don't trust that it's a human being at all I trusted it's a Russian bot 100% because when I went to the protest it's all been peaceful people they've been peaceful light hearted people that are trying to get change and of course they're angry but they're level-headed normal people from all spectrums of the world they're illegal level-headed flagrant to patriarchy it's whether it's a flagrant you could go to patreon.com/crashcourse we will castrate a white guy live or live on air so it's just what make a white guy a eunuch whatever you guys want but my point is is that they're very peaceful it's only when you get online does it really start to get extremely hateful and I'm telling you I believe that it's Russian BOTS I know you may be like you're [ __ ] crazy I don't happy they don't have any followers they have an egg picture it's a Russian bot no this is a known thing that is a known thing that there's tons of Russian BOTS a lot of nerve amp pages were started by foreign foreign elements Russians Chinese I mean they're out there and they're laughing at us and they're having a good time that's what they're sowing discord it's part of what they want to do yeah and then also so what happens is tenement Square you know who yell bang dies and then the next day student representatives they carried a petition to the steps of the Great Hall and they demanded to meet with premier who was like the president Li Peng the kid's name is Li Peng and the government refused meaning so that's the problem here is what oftentimes like all the government has to do is make this simple gesture even if they just took the petition and ripped it up and would wipe their answers with that as soon as I got inside if they would have taken it the things would have remained peaceful but it's like these egotistical psychopathic people in in high branches of government in whatever country constantly made the wrong choices yeah and you have to Gorbachev was in charge of Russia because the Gorbachev ever get his birthmark looked at because that looked cancerous it did I don't know yeah I mean I think the kid it was a skin tag maybe the kid was the skin did he a [ __ ] warts on his head he might have but I mean that thing was there I mean Gorbachev he eased a lot what was it called the peri a stroker we'll do an episode on him but he he was the one who started opening up markets in Russia I started so I guess the peel what was his name again Popeye uh the the premier his name was Lee panel deferred the guy who died who you bang so who you bang who ya been in a lot of ways he was I think kind of like the Gorbachev of China who is who is open to the idea of opening up some markets and some rice some democratic reform and eventually we'll get to it but Gorbachev goes and wants to meet with Premier Li Peng and and it was the first time in 40 plus years that a comm unit at a Russian leader had been in in China and the protesters [ __ ] it up and Anthony in the airport so this is we'll get to that point but that really is what kind of sparked the inevitable violence because Gorbachev they were Chinese government was embarrassed but what happens is is what the issue was it because some a lot of because I didn't I had heard of Tiananmen Square I knew Lucy what happened but I didn't know really why the students were upset why the people are upset and the reason was is they were frustrated with the limits on political freedom and ongoing economic troubles and the education system it didn't act adequate it were good oh yeah sorry it didn't it did not adequately prepare them for an economic system with elements of the free market capitalism so all the all the students wanted was basically to have a chance to go out and buy Nike shoes to have a chance to you know have a family and kind of do what you want they didn't want to be they understood that the communism thing was like they weren't gonna get they looked at what the Westerners were doing or like this capitalism thing looks pretty good to us yeah they wanted they just wanted to buy a pair of star berries I mean the kid is it he's a star in China cause I mean let me ask a question he looks like a nice turd hit me a little bit he does look like only Stern hear me a little bit let me ask you this right now China is communist I understand that they're communist but it seems like they're capitalist so are they somewhere in between they are somewhere in between what they did was they made some market reforms the thing that they do is the government kind of controls everything regulates everything like they can't see this episode in China because the government won't allow it I don't know that's a good question no they won't even with Tiananmen Square they won't let the China lot of the Chinese people don't really have never really seen the footage they don't really know much about it because the internet is you can't look it up in China that would be hilarious if we just became huge in China I mean laughter we're [ __ ] the [ __ ] in China we won't know until we take a flight there yeah it was like Matt Pavan and his buddy who I love I just his name James I'm James something yeah they did this book kids they're hilarious that song coincidence hi you kid really dogs yeah no you can really dogs he goes bump bump but that thing is now first of all it's like a tick tock phenomenon like it became like the most viral tick tock thing but before that somehow it went super viral in China and the kids went over to China and they're super stars over they were going there and people were going like wow you could really die and it was like fans of Chinese people around him taking picture them like they were Dennis Rodman and then they came back to Brooklyn and they just did it showed the grizzly bear yeah they just cut they they got off the plane of camp a there is to get in this [ __ ] dollar man just took off in China yeah so maybe there's certain parts of China that they can watch things so the Chinese government they instituted reforms in the 1980s and it established like this limited form of capitalism in the country so I guess it from the nineteen eighties and this limited form of capitalism is just now getting wider but that's the thing is what you see is if you're gonna go communist you better go pure [ __ ] communist because if you even just a little bit are the capitalism the people want it because it seems fair it's like you work hard you get things you work for your money you can have what you want I don't think that there should be billionaires I'm on that it's like you can't have multi multi billionaires and then people starving but it also can't be like because some people just don't want to work hard it's like so I got to work twice as hard now is for you to be lazy no bubs I can't do it that's a Ridgewood statement yeah that was a virtual statement but then you said there's no billion doors I I thought my coast was Ted Alexandro for a second yeah so you you are a mixed bag I'm a mixed bag that was the most like far left and far right statement all at once because only you could do that yeah in the same breath you said you need to go capitalist because it makes a lot of sense and also there should be no billionaires yeah so I don't know who I'm talking to I believe there should be billionaires but I also believe they shouldn't be able to [ __ ] hide their money in the in the and the Philippines or Cyprus and not pay taxes yeah but most of our billionaire you got a [ __ ] taxes maybe a little more taxes but to say there shouldn't be billionaires I mean what do you think the motivation is for Jeff Bezos to make Amazon so dope listening stinky pinky what I'm trying to tell you lieutenant lieutenant lollipop okay you [ __ ] sergeant starburst listen to me listen to me is attend should we make a t-shirt lieutenant lollipop yeah I mean you gotta save that for a [ __ ] Kor no Nets what you're not gonna do anymore cuz Chris don't work I'm overworked lieutenant but no we will go noona will patreon.com slash be rich we'll do some no net shows because we're never people are gonna always love us cuz you're just a lovable ball of [ __ ] f yeah I'm just a [ __ ] FF ball and yeah I I what I'm saying is is that I think of course there should be billionaires but I think like there should be something where like once a year or something their tax money I don't [ __ ] know but there can't be people at billions of dollars and then people who are dying from starvation they get happened well you can't you can't do that yeah but yeah Ted Alexandro I've had enough you're part of Facebook I would love we just got to a point we're living in such an era where I mean people just like Twitter has come to life it's like it's possessed people are now coming to life yeah because that's what Twitter's Twitter is just like everyone acting like a petulant child who attention and they're just easily offended and they attack you like if they troll you and then if you fire back they they they run away and cry like a chat you know a child punches you in the head yeah and you turn around and punch him back and he just cries to his parents yeah it's like that's what Twitter the world I think Twitter has possessed us right and now it's come to life cuz now listen when I saw this thing that had been in the myths of the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 when I found this little tidbit I said Yanni was there and he didn't tell me they made a 33-foot statue during the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests made of paper mache and metal armature and they called it the goddess of democracy and that's what I've been calling you behind your back for years it's the goddess of democracy and I said Yanni [ __ ] was there now were you there did you make the goddess of democracy I did it that's what it was called I didn't make the goddess of democracy I but I do think it's appropriate that the the Chinese protesters in China made a duplicate of the Statue of Liberty and it was a piece of [ __ ] that would fall apart in ten seconds yeah just like some of the other plastic [ __ ] that was let's be honest that goddess of democracy was made out of paper mache and cigarette butts those kids like to smoke the [ __ ] squat down and smokes does anybody have better hip flexibility than major league baseball catchers and Chinese workers I mean if you're a Chinese guy working in the back of Chinese food restaurant your hip flexibility I mean that kid's [ __ ] hovers an inch off the floor 24 hours dead cuz whatever in the Chinese guy goes on break I mean he just go I mean it's just right down I think it's just right it would have seen us and I aren't there more Chinese catch because every single time every single time I see a Chinese guy on the floor smoking a cigarette if he puts a finger down and thrown a fastball because I like the vibe of you with [ __ ] that with homeless pimp because the kid laughs it has a sense of humor yeah what fell what was that well yeah these people are just gonna have to get used to it cuz this is our new studio and we're back yeah yes so okay let me ask you the question yeah so on May 20th the government on May 22 1989 in China the government formally declared martial law in Beijing by the way 10min squares in Beijing I don't we mentioned it but they're in Beijing and troops and tanks were called in to disperse the dissidents martial law means what the army rules like when we want one de Blasio put us under curfew last week where we under martial law which by the way the Blasio who's the mayor of New York City I know you want to take a billion dollars away from the police and that's fine because I understand you're under pressure or whatever but where's the five hundred thirty eight million dollars your wife lost that's just what I really want to know cuz we could use a little bit of that money to go back to the police yeah I don't know if they have to edit that out I haven't read that article yet yeah though his wife his wife misplaced five hundred and thirty eight million dollars but whoopsie yeah we got to find that out okay martial law is when a black guy named Marshall comes out and just goes I everybody here's the deal this is a new law everybody stay inside yeah that's right thick right that's what was named after a black guy named Marshall walked out in the middle and said Marshalls a white guy named Mark a good Marshall Marshall could go fifty Marshalls like Nigel it can go 5050 like there's a lot of black Nigel's and a lot of white Nigel's there's a lot of black Marshalls and a lot of white marks but what doesn't what but what does it mean Marshall Law it just means like you have no like I don't understand everybody means the the the army comes in and declares martial law they take over they just take over so that's like over so that's what happened on May 20th you only just rolled in and the protesters they talked it's interesting because the army came in a on May 20th and the protesters were just talking to the army being like you're our country men and women we don't we're not violent we just want to have a chance at democracy here and the soldiers left the soldiers went against some of the generals orders or whatever they call them in the general they went against general sales orders and they admin general general general so so yeah Darrell so she left and I like to say that I'm just kidding I'm just kidding I lied I don't so did you get the green light I think it's green light for the eastern hemmings right now I don't know I mean these are all jokes that's what's so funny about this dumb era it's like it's just jokes but I mean you know general so I mean that's just a low hanging fruit that you had that was like when you go to a tea ball and you put it on there and you just got to put it out you just got to put it out so so they went against him and they Prout and these soldiers actually left and then the army withdrew finally on May 24th and then uh all the way to swamp what's on it the army withdrew and then well but yeah the thing is is that this protest lasted for a little while if you lasted for a little while at first it was students then the workers joined the students it grew they wanted to speak they wanted to speak to the the head guy the new guy who was more of on the Consuela's name again the new the new president new premier the new the the the new president was lee pang who's gonna be we're gonna get to in a second who's gonna be known in second as the butcher of beijing so it's kids brew all right say wanted to talk to lee pang at firstly pang said no but then eventually they do sit down in a televised kind of debate that didn't really go well they started yelling at each other and it was very contentious and it kind of made things worse and made things a lot worse but just protest just kept continue and they also started to spread to other cities yeah i know watch this documentary if you guys are really interested in this episode it's called the gate of heavenly peace it's a three-hour documentary on this tantum and square stuff and it's it's very interesting but on June 4th so June 4th is a big big day in Chinese history because what happens is is Ali pang known as the butcher of Beijing he wanted to just get Tiananmen backed get Tiananmen Square back he's just had enough Gorbachev had come in on May 15th Gorbachov 1989 had come in and they were supposed to have the meeting in Tiananmen Square the symbolic place in Beijing 400 years and they couldn't cuz the protesters would not leave so they have to do it at the airport that embarrassed the Chinese government so now they're [ __ ] pissed off and they say at 1 a.m. on June 4th Chinese soldiers and police stormed Tiananmen Square firing live rounds into the crowd that's what it started yeah that's when it started yeah the protesters actually planned it they knew Gorbachev was coming and they thought that would be a perfect time to get a lot of international attention yes because this is a communist country this is before cell phone cameras right you're not reporters aren't allowed to film anything that's right such little footage yeah from this right and that's what's so crazy to think about how much the iPhone right has changed angel or everything because and leave it by the way when they fired into the crowd even their allies like Russia being a communist allied Gorbachev condemned this military action and said what they were doing was horrible and it actually led to big problems and Tiananmen Square connects directly into some of the problems we've had today even though the media makes it looks like at times it's repaired it's really not because uh because of that Tiananmen Square massacre the United States voted to impose the economic sanctions against China and it decreased their economy and there's still problems from that today so there's some of those sanctions that we have on China are still there's certain things we were like you know we don't [ __ ] with you because of that because they we showed what they're willing to do because as Yana said the Chinese media came out and said a couple hundred people died some people think there's estimates of ten thousand protesters they fired live tank shells and ak-47 into a square that had a million protesters in it yeah and that's the interesting thing is it wasn't a united front you had this conservative part of the Communist Party and then you had this this wing that was a little more open right what happened to that wing that was a little more open-minded to these democratic reforms and a little more sympathetic to the protesters is after the massacre at immanent Square they disappeared that's what happens in China - they just those guys who were on the more open-minded wing of the Communist Party they just don't they're not yeah that's like the first duck the Chinese doctor that came out said hey I think coronavirus is a little more problem he just went bye-bye yeah they just are gone yeah they just were gone after that because that's what you can do in a communist country because it's closed so one of the most famous things about Tiananmen Square and what a lot of people the footage that a lot of people have seen this on June 5th something happened that got man called tank man they called him tank man and this kid nobody knows his name yes names take Sinatra tank Sinatra yeah tag Sinatra co foul tank Sinatra uh Heaston once he stopped giving us 500 month on patreon Winston you know Texans let me just say something to you you had the popular you had the popular Instagram page okay and then the idea was right there for you yeah ideas right there hey let me just turn this a new show called pecs good news yeah and just but you decided to do a podcast with Louis J Gomez's studio I mean if there's some more friction beads move yeah I don't know what and guess what John Krasinski pranced right in and he made a show called some good news and he walked away with about 10 mil from CBS access so I hope your house is nice and Smithtown thank you never leave yeah I'm kidding we love you George we love yet if you want to hear more tanks tanks tanks tanks podcasts what is it called to take the thinking tanker we're making tank awareness yeah just go to gas digital comm and join the paywall yeah join the pair we're easy an interview with me and tank Sinatra or you could see little snippets of what we do attack Sinatra at patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys we love you would think was it called taking the piss we're taking the piss we're kidding around so tank man he was a man that he basically stood in front of three rolling Chinese tanks and said you're gonna have to run over me I'm not gonna move and the tanks tried to go around him he would move try to go around him he would move in front of and then finally the tanks went back and it was like this kind of moment for the protesters that were like wow we beat back the military and it was good for the Chinese government side because they were saying we're showing the world we don't hurt our people so it was all that [ __ ] that communists you know [ __ ] oh they want you to see they said oh you know we wouldn't run over one of our own home but meanwhile six hours later they were gonna shoot more shells into the crowds I got actually a theory on this I got a personal theory this is an exclusive you've never heard it anywhere before yeah and this is this is a yani long days exclude cause you're white you you're entering into the yani zone this is the yani long days oh yeah I mean get ready just sit back cuz here's the deal there's virtually no other footage from the Tiananmen Square massacre because journalists were like completely purged and not allowed to be there whatever footage was there if actually some foreign press there very little footage made it out because it was all confiscated and people just kind of disappeared went bye-bye right so I have a theory because this is one of the most famous images in history right of the one guy standing in front of the tank I have a theory that what's his name again they just calm tank man no no the president again Oh Li Peng let me paint it butcher Beijing the butcher of Beijing he probably set it up where he put that guy there put that guy there and had the tank come made the tank cop for the photo Wow Johnny long days nobody's ever thought about that [ __ ] because it showed that they were they would not run him over and so they killed about 10,000 people because they fired into unarmed students just wanton BAM remember they just started firing and killing people they said it was something like officially was like 22 people died Yeah right that's not how that works that's why it wasn't a [ __ ] American shooting it was the army it wasn't some [ __ ] crazy guy who didn't get laid in Charleston it was the [ __ ] army shooting they killed more than 22 people so they did that as a PR move cause ties it what happened was is the butcher of Beijing called up Andrew Schultz and said how can I spin this yeah and he said babe I got an idea for you and bang that's what happen out because let me be crystal [ __ ] clear if you don't think that you just uncovered the communist plot and when you're driving home to your home when you're driving back to your house and we Hampshire today you're not going to careen off the road because the Chinese government's gonna send a drone at your brake pads you've got another thing coming cuz cuz you're not making it home alive cuz you just found out the truth I mean that's pretty much well that is the theory I mean how is that not what happened I mean who just goes back into the crowded nobody ever says he [ __ ] was planned and that might have been the butcher of Beijing himself yeah and I love how that happened like you know and that footage was somehow got out and this is after they butchered everyone and there's one dude stand in front of the tank yeah you know what happened to it there was about 15 other guys that tried that right and they just became roadkill so yeah officially now in the aftermath at the news conference on June 6 State Council spokesperson Yoon Moo announced that based on preliminary statistics 300 people died including soldiers survey says that's a lot that's a [ __ ] lie yeah I mean there were some protesters that pulled that pulled lines out no I will pull dumb soldiers out of their jeeps and beat them to death and of course it was kind of like you know that's what happens when you have riots and Wars means Matt you know is bad but you know once one side's armed one side the military once I'm saying it's just wild that they don't have any footage of this at all so you just just like the thing just like with the coronavirus with China you're never good enough yeah you're just not going to know so listen it's brutal but I think the reason why I was excited to do the Tiananmen Square to Tiananmen protests today is because of all the protesters going on in our country's protests do work don't do like I know that eventually they didn't get I know that they didn't get um you know full democracy but the the communism communist government did bend a little bit and they did introduce some of the things in you reason why you have kind of a pseudo communist capitalist China is I hope yeah it's because of the Tiananmen Square protests so they still got a victory yeah they also had to do it if they wanted their country to have any sort of wealth and chance to survive so they have like an interesting by all means necessary mix kind of the way you know Nazi Germany did not comparing it to other than the fact that it was a kind of a mixed economy that was you know that way the government ran some things there was some companies it's a little it's a little mix it's like it's kind of like a mix but it's really all controlled by the government at the end of the day Ozzy was he and the fact that you uncovered the tank man plot yeah that's just why we do the pot this is why I need to [ __ ] do this in person because you would have never been able to uncover that if we were over zoom because you would have uncovered it but the Wi-Fi would have sucked and it would have went choppy and then we would have missed it yeah and it was just nice you know having homeless here homeless pimp the kids just engaged in he's laughing so it felt like we were doing a live show it feels good and it feels good to see you in person to remember that you're really you're really a real person I'm a real person I'm just misshaped kid and make no mistake the kid homeless pimp he's insisting on wearing a mask because he went to a protest and he's not telling us so that's what he's doing it he so that's the reason why vanity is not here because she put her story that she was at one yeah and my wife saw and said she can't come yeah well the truth is I was out what - there was one an owl's had parked a friend I was there with the baby I mean what can you do how was it the thing is here's what it is here's what it is when cuz I have a Puerto Rican family that I love very much I love them if you want to get a good deal on fitness check out my Instagram so work out work out with the weather girl we'll call weather girl workouts if you want to know what that means patreon.com slash be rich boys that's where a lot of the fun happens but when with the things when when you have a Puerto Rican family which I do there's a lot of time spent in a park so you're doing a lot of barbecue in the park you're doing a lot of sitting down in the parks you're in the parks a lot and that's a good place for the protest so I didn't mean to be at the not that I didn't meet you because I think the protest our beautiful thing and it's it's amazing to see that change is happening in our country but we kind of just a protest kind of just came on but what's interesting about being a white guy in a Puerto Rican family now is that when the protests started coming it was 3,000 people beating drums and yelling and I wasn't sure is that a protest or just the rest of my girlfriend's family so you just don't know which is which it's like is that is that Beto coming or is that a protest which signs you don't know because when that meaning that when Pete dog pulls up in the minivan you don't know how many people are popping out but make no mistake they're all welcome in my home chrissie coop lianas is home and i took if you're looking for a wedding hall in Bay Ridge I got a hallway that we could do weddings Crissy quickly honors with our good rates if you want to get married in my howay you could do it yeah the the story of protests and civil unrest and government crackdowns and revolutions is as old as humanity the French Revolution Tiananmen Square run our country was founded by a revolt that Russia the Russian Tea Party you know it's the history hyenas what's it called again the British Tea Party what the Boston people aren't Boston Tea Party you know that was a riot I mean it just it happens all the time we took that weapon in the morning you guys gave us a digital riot people riot people just ride people [ __ ] riot Tiananmen Square it was an interesting thing what an interesting time we're getting in the studio yeah we got our logo coming we're building it it's gonna be beautiful here's the thing I just want to talk to our fans for one second I just want to let you know how much I love you guys yes you guys are the best you guys are the ones spreading the word to everyone else and you know it's a really crazy time where people are very sensitive and it's very polarized you could say one thing and somebody gets offended then everyone's just a [ __ ] now yeah you say one thing somebody disagrees with they leave one person put in the exit interview on patreon that they left because they don't like people who don't vote yeah so we made a statement saying and how neutral we are cuz we're comedians and that's what she found offensive yeah there's no way to win you can't please everybody so if you're still here and you're supporting us we love you because you we know that you're our true fans and you're all about sense of humor because we lead with with laughter first and fumé second we leave with lovely but laughter lead with fumes we're an inclusive show we love everybody we're New York City kids that just [ __ ] love everybody and every race and we embrace every culture because it's been around us our whole lives next week's episode we're gonna do this I'm going to tell the people now we're gonna do an episode about Jesse Owens the great Olympic athlete Jesse Owens and Lutz long who was a german athlete and how Lutz long was fighting for the Nazis and Jesse Owens the Americans and how they remained friends throughout it all and it's a beautiful wonderful story about two opposite sides of the spectrum of a race of ideals that but they they led with love and they stayed together as friends despite everything and it's gonna be a beautiful episode and you can see it you know here next week so stay with us and cuz now is a fun fun thing we like to do where anybody who's joined our patreon in the last month patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys we're gonna read their names out and it's gonna be a lot of fun to do this in person yeah it's gonna be a lot of fun but let me just say real quick weapon in the morning is coming back so go join patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys now you want to be a part of our channel because that daily morning show go ask other fans is it it's a head there's 211 patreon names it's what we this is a good problem to have well yeah let's try to at least to a hundred yeah let's do it okay let's get through it alright alright so as always go to patreon.com/scishow and read your name out at the end of our episodes once a week we encourage funny names we pick a ppw the pseudo penis is a week me and Yanni will pick it and it's just a lot of fun if you don't want to make a funny name you don't have to but we encourage it ready okay let's start off Timo Weber welcome welcome tutor shooter but I stay drinking ruder I mean I like it yeah he goes on the list he's on the list of the list Marv McFly hold on one sec you mind keeping track of this [ __ ] what do you I'll keep track of it okay you want to keep track of huh okay yeah I got it yeah okay you got it okay it's tutor yeah okay so how about this so I'll just give you the numbers because it's all number since you're no way for us to do it let's just enjoy the list yeah let's just enjoy the list just know that you're on the list it's nothing you're on the list okay so then we got Maher McFly then we got Chris Barney Rubble told us you'll pay off the Vig for him tonight so be outside the Bridgeview diner at 2:00 a.m. or else we'll find you obviously on the list then we got Jacob Frey Nick our James Jared Griego Sam Baker's then we got Amanda only gets cracked open by sauce monkeys who vote to the right are the less than we got Richard want you then we got Richard wants to use lubrication with the situation Addison okay I mean it's the mother of my child no but it's gotta go to list for the funny I mean that's four people this bliss is gonna be a tough long read then we got Jay smooth then we got Antonio's I'd say no fumes but you wouldn't believe me stahma tacos but once a while we've had a couple of cold lists really and this wood is cooking with grease it'll cook this is as they say cooking with fish grease this is cooking with fish grease and it's I'm happy to be back in the studio yeah then we got Anthony burrito aka Tony be aka but Rocco yeah direct so then we got Yanis Persian Kazi with less estrogen but more fumes good one then we got Robert Dempsey Scott J Taylor Crawford sure Ria's those sure Ria's Chrissy suck a D and avoid strep throat on Omaha okay thank you that's what you call swinging a mess then we got dreaming of having childbearing hips of Chrissy's please swap yours with my flat one or a pair my child Drexler never got Spencer Lundy then we got Yanni and Stefani potties make me pure I'll punch you two through with blue chooklotto Neff F just big queer I mean really good a little too wordy so you make it to the NIT tournament it's a Drexler okay then we got Antonio Rosales and not a toot but I'm a nurse so I'm washing Nana's poop chute Christ poop should automatic NIT for dementia then we got Jeff Tim then we got Leroy just left flagrant two for you to true blue toots y'all mean it's a good solid that's a good solid direction then we got latisha Chrissy's Chrissy's cumdumpster it what are the chances latisha is a white pit what it's probably point zero seven percent that that's she's not my first girlfriend I ever dated her name was latisha and she was half Jamaican half Italian Wow on the mother name - latisha plus baby that's her could be welcome back babe I love you the only guy Chrissy's cumdumpster Greg's Aris beef cannon bill then we got daddy yankee and the tortellini toe shoes then we got Jay man with the plant the Jay man with the plan to slam Cissy Chrissy in his tunic and clam then we got Benny the little red riding two twins Horst then we got filly got a piece but not a piece okay then we got Michael Murphy lunchtime goula day Muhammad then we got Middle Eastern Puerto Rican but still got problems wepa Nick Nunez then we got Cody Cody cost best friend Michelle Mayer Walter Bishop Eric Ricardo Lopez J the German who seriously doesn't like sperm okay all right then we got Stetson Josh blue Yanni peas massive cocky then we got Tim Dylan's half-eaten pokeball Brian make no mistake I missed it drops more than father Bill misses touch of little boys [ __ ] yeah catapult him on the list then we got father Bill said holy water stops fumes he lied my uvula is broken nice during a christian salinas then he got cold chris cds houston squeak daily Davis Brian Redman Shawn Lee Patti peace pipes that tobacco monkey Elizabeth shooting punts then we got Johnny pop a pervert in crack them open and blitzkrieg them out that's a good attempt I'm gonna give you a direction for the attempt there we go then we got dum dum then we got Chrissy Dion EP show me your feet so I can beat my quarantine meet ladder 14 we got your aunt Tilly Seth read Luke child errs then we got Sammy vas bigger Sammy V has a bigger peepee than Chrissy D and Yan EP okay then we got Patrick Taff jr. then we got Australian tooth that's traded to didgeridoo for a flute Dundee okay okay so skin flute yeah then we got Tommy with the not-so-great salami but it's almost good enough I'm sorry Tommy what the not-so-great salami but it's always enough for your mommy Jennings yeah that's what you call a nice simple good chicken fingers yeah then we got Jeff Carmody Matt Garcia then we got gay to the back Jake Maloney then we got you fat [ __ ] need to keep doing wepa there we go the statement you've been heard then got Daniel you just got dumped by a piece mom can you ask her to cover the lease Sprague okay then we got lipstick on my dick where was I last night dear me then we got absolute the originality of that gets you gets you a spot on the list then we got Tiffany Tucker Marjorie Ambrose as scar got Chris Edie I cut my dick so I can be your situation slit uation okay that got math yeah creativity yeah then we got Matthew J getting out the gay with Chrissy captive babe on three 1 2 3 yes vanity you show me your feet Drexler I mean I just marvel at these fans right then we got Kevin back Lisa Santoro Wepa cured my Edie then we got Mike mushy uses a water Berger wrapper to wrap his piece when he slams my chili ring Drexler then we got James Sanders Alex just banged a tooth that licked between my glutes and tasted a little poop then we got Jeff H then we got bug chasing Chrissy deutschlands dick then I got Paul I'm a honky but I should point the Bronx e and now there's a dub all my mother's chicken cutlets mouse it's a good strong Drexler then I got Sam Darnell Adelina dama oh wow Sam Darnell then we got Adelina dama qu'il kione's Reilly ha raucous Blake kipper Minh Peter Hawkins Scots lute Jose munguia then we got TJ from the MIT then we got Steve Garcia is act the former toot here for the content of Chris Edie's thumper dumper then we got Jay Jess make no mistake Chrissy adds an extra H and his pronunciation of hyenas it's what it is parks then we got James I'll stick on a strappy and slap Chris he's asking while he calls me papi and after we take turns in each other's lap when we got Trevor Johnson Jennifer Weaver Evan Abner Doosan now gilepsy Michael Squire Donald someone tell sloppy joe I got something for him to sniff Trump then we got Shawn make no mistake when Tony balls calls me gay I tucked it back and prance all day Clancy correct that's the dress they're just for the funny then we thought okay we got a few more then we got Ryan Rose ass Jessica alley Levine then we got I moved the veggies and just need the content Trump daddy 2020 then we got bene-babes Urkel baklava BB then we got kid out of Bay Ridge with an itch from the sitch it's just a little smudge on my fridge it's what it is nice yeah that's a that that's a that's a good attempt for a direction right there then we got Dawson Doran then we got Jimmy I feel pretty same way Yanni and his stocking when he squeezes good try but it didn't it didn't connect then we got maybe came in my you made a fire once or twice that goes right onto the list I mean the originality points can't be denied you know what we're at 122 should I just bang this out to 200 just paying said let me just say something if you made the drechsler on this list on any other day you might have met you might have been on the list because this this is what you call a hot list so heartless then we got Jason justice-seeking who raps is turned on with an American flag but still get calls to sandy D it's what it is Drexler then we got Kovac QD with a [ __ ] booty and my man's kind of fruity Trump 2020 Drexler good I got a boot scootin tooth from deep in the heart of Texas no fumes then we got Mike the [ __ ] about to Bob Chrissy in the uvula buddy huh then we got Anthony I gotta take a deuce because my [ __ ] is loose before I crack open and spray my juice on Chris Edie's caboose Rex there good one then we got Michael sue then we got Rosie Posie Yanni could suck my toesies it's a good simple chicken finger onto the list then I got make no mistake Cleveland Zach has smoked crack Luke sailor Thomas Barclay then we got Tim Dylan gave me the under the belt itch and sniff just here for chris Edie's tip drip script good one then we got Ben Murphy Dom Ida via Chelsea Luis Jacqueline F Jacqueline Souza Emily vatos then we got Christie take a peek at my piece even though it's a squeak line of 14 then we got Adam Mazzella Tempe McGavin uh Kevin Stransky Ostra art then we got Kyle on white but make no mistake my ass is a dump truck height then we got Rachel Alfred Aldo Jose son of on taste then we got Britney has a thing for gay guys so I want to wear Chrissy like the face masks for the glamour that's on the list for the originality yeah and the funny then we got Forbes I'm no longer an F and B swim through poop to FF Chan okay warps C yamaneika scat joined there we go then we got Jared Seidel Ryan Coleman then we got Christina and Chad the married cuties with tight booties Harlow Lee Jose Gomez quest Captain autismo then we got Josh the handyman ready - Chris a handyman then we got timeline TV Zooey see Kristin Stephen Geralt Austin Hussey Floyd Mayweather killed his baby mama come on come on you guys just don't stop being original yeah then we got Nathan then we got liberal cook from SF but make no mistake Trump 2020 don't got Cobra Commander gave my prostate a gander that's on the list that's on the list then we got Chelsea then we got Tanner and sorry it gives anything that gives you prostate a gander it's going on oh yeah then we got Tanner Starkey then we got Chris eh throw punched father bills uvula then we got Cara bomb then we got Blake tucks it back and goes pilling so I can be sting Christie's lap Williams read so we got I don't think I made that new payment deadline we what a deep down - okay TBT all right sorry it's just all one word yeah we got and then we got plant-based cucumber miracle worker then we got Colton my penis is comparable to a number-two pencil and a strong Drexler then we got Heinrich the new lean on - not Leroy African brother okay - welcome then we got waiting he is up oh yeah it's black kid a black kid welcomed me from flagrant - yeah me then we got I shot Yanis yeah directs the Texan then we got John singing up John signing up last second so I can get grandfather build in because make no mistake I've got cute tooth to pay for once then we got Dan half potato monkey half then we got Dan half potato monkey half ikea monkey make no mistake 100% glue junkie olsen ikea monkeys fire they say they're Swedish yeah that's great he's a good one and then he said 100 percent glue 100 percent glue junkie yeah I mean that's going on the list IKEA IKEA monkey monkey just for bringing that to our attention deserves to call Swedish people IKEA monkeys is great yeah then we got Ryan Bower Laura Caroline James often Bing Earth then we got schnitzel monkey FF waiting for dad to die so I can glue a guy on Celeste then we got Levi Manning to hunt good ones Javier Suarez then we got biracial make no mistake nice piece bad credit nice piece bad credit yeah that's a Drexler yeah then they got Calloway Greiner Ryan Devlin then we got make no mistake I was there when they crucified my Lord then they got Chrissie D flicked my being cracked me open and start to clean then we got Hakeem the dream I only want Chrissie DS cream Olajuwon there we got Mark one do Boylston then we got Jake the screwed in cutie with a dump truck booty then we got content Natalya Hawthorne Chrissy tease fart box is a horse glue factory we make no mistake then we got ivy clearly my parents wanted a stripper fine slipper Yas snow dreidel okay then we got them miss patty fly balls but yeah that's a goodie for a Drexler doesn't got true blue chick with a big swinging dick Owen make no mistake me and Patty fly balls have been talking on Twitter that's what it is something got Connor make no mistake I'm just here to see Chris Edie's feet in Yanni's mouth James I'm gonna happen then we got Elizabeth and James Ryan doubt Devon where Donny T don't catapult me then we got Alex broth Shawny cupcakes Shani cupcakes Shanny cupcakes Michael Ryan the truffle pig then we got Irish toot with a cute skin flute buying lakeside maple out of Christie's poop chute well that's the last one because that's all we got what a list if you're new to the game straight to the backs are the ones who just give a name we encourage you to do both ever you want we always encourage a funny name because that's what we do at the end of every episode but yeah it's great to the back that means that reminds us of the guys who used to go into the old video stores put their heads down and go straight to who do we like who do we like for the content that I'm saying I think it was lucky the vanity or Mike were here to record it because there were so many good ones I think they all went I've been always okay that was maybe the hottest list of all okay got it all you're all the people if you made the list you are a P P P P W tell your friends patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys history I heinous calm off for all our merch without a lot of stuff up there youtube.com slash history I he knows we're putting stuff up there all the time on YouTube thank you guys so much for your support and I mean we're gonna have a bangin episode next week [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: History Hyenas
Views: 47,457
Rating: 4.9116631 out of 5
Keywords: Chris Distefano, chris Distefano comedy, Yannis Pappas, Chris Distefano Podcast, History Hyenas, bayridge boys, theo von, ladder 14, andrew schulz, comedy, comedian, podcast, entertainment, pop culture, commentary, comedy club, near me, jokes, history, china, protests, tiananment square, asia, communist, tibet, taiwan, hong kong, social changes, rioters, homework, history class, lesson, protest, tank man tiananmen, tank man tiananmen photo, tiananmen tank guy, tiananmen square tank ran over
Id: SU8qK3WsahM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 14sec (4454 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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