Black Conservatives are WILD!

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Does anyone know what Chrissy D says about Karl Marx at 22:55 that got cackled?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Basketball-Dog 📅︎︎ Aug 04 2020 🗫︎ replies
nobody does history as accurately as we are let's get everybody into the gray zone follow ideas politics don't revere people what's up i'm chris destefano aka christy d aka king gay you're listening to the bay ridge boys history hyenas [Music] uh [Music] [Music] all right welcome to another episode of the history hyenas i'm christy stefano aka lieutenant lollipop i am giannis pappas aka sergeant snuggy let me just say this vanity just looked at you to turn your phone off was that my phone yeah you have you always have your phone on cuz you're 100 years old all right but that's not what i wanted i wanted a full quick catholic blast of anger from you okay turn off your phone it's not real what happened to those quick bursts of anger because they're slowly go here's what's been happening to me those are slowly going down you got corona that's why you got your maps i got the mess because make no mistake i had back-to-back vacations in lake george and montauk and i have the mask on for those reasons one but also too we're talking about thomas sowell and the black conservative movement today so i want to do this episode in black mask just to just to be in solidarity with my brothers and sisters in antifa because when you're wearing the same mask as venna antifa it's you're ready to torch some [ __ ] yeah i mean you guys just look like you came out of different exits at a mosque yeah it's what it is my mask my mask says i'm torching federal buildings my jersey says i'm torching tikis you guys look like two muslims who haven't quite figured out how to put the burqa on right yeah it's what it is i'm a reformed muzzy guys i'm wearing a white face piece because we are here like benetton as a company marketing peace and love between white and black conservatives absolutely because this episode is not going to be for the faint of heart yes we are two white pieces of [ __ ] talking about the black conservative movement and thomas sal because the truth is this is gianni and i like to read we read thomas out a great recommendation of a book by yani uh was thomas sowell's conquest and culture and we read it cover to cover yani had read it and we read a lot of these things about black conservatives and as two white guys if we kind of agree with them then we are pretty much in the clan to most people well here's the deal we are which is wild yeah if you yeah if you say anything about thomas sal your white supremacist even though he's a black conservative we're gonna talk about the history of black conservatives and then i got to take the master up because i can't breathe if you take the mask off we're all going to get corona let me just put it on let me just put it on our guy no why don't you put it on where it really needs to be put on where all the diseases are put it on your dick cause your dick should be wearing a mask at all times cause my dick is fine actually i did go to the er and get my dick checked because here's the deal i think we're always safe when we talk about any black historical topic cause a i did a sketch with donnell rawlings yes and b you dress like you shop at motels yeah so we're both black teenagers yeah i got this out of the back of an amazon truck because vettel is going to have a [ __ ] heart attack by the end of this episode what it is because it's what it is yeah and i also have a puerto rican child so any white piece of [ __ ] that wants to say anything for me i advise you to do what i've done and step into the storm baby yeah i've stepped into the storm and i've i've i've that's how [ __ ] anti-racist i am is i've literally i've literally said i'm gonna tie myself to another race for the rest of my life what have you done [ __ ] portland antifa [Laughter] not only that cause if anyone wants to step into your thunderderm you still got a slow snap and write that was taught to you by he's our sarsar chavez yeah it's just what it is what's his name what's our friend's name again oh sergio g code make no mistake make no mistake i am in a thunderstorm with thunder thighs jerking off to thunder from down under now because just what it is because of chrissy thunderstorms we just want to say first and foremost guys go to bay ridge boys to watch weapon in the morning every day we give you the daily news uh in our way the only way the hyenas do it so go to bay ridge boys sign up uh for the lowest tier you'll get to yeah you get to hear the episode yeah we're actually two comedians doing a daily show talking about american politics that are actually from america what do you [ __ ] have how about them apples how about we're two americans talking about what's going on in america okay not like trevor noah and john alvarez i don't care how [ __ ] smart you are okay why don't you i don't you say one more word about america guess what you're gonna get a [ __ ] snap of two with the foot turned over and then a left when my rib gets better because make no mistake i'm in a domestic dispute benedia is you know you look like this whole episode you look like that edward monk photo of just that what is that that worry guy you're just you're holding your face going no yeah it's gonna happen for about 60 minutes consistently because we're two white guys diving deep into the history of the black conservative yeah and i'm [ __ ] excited to do this make no mistake thomas owl the kid was born in north carolina but he was raised in harlem he's like a reverse michael jordan michael jordan was born in brooklyn but raised in north carolina but they're both doing great they both have done great things for the black uh community uh my favorite michael jordan quote is republicans by sneakers too and by republicans at least one of those republicans he was talking about was tommy sowell is it thomas sowell or tom or or tommy saul because i it's i think it's tomato tomato to be honest i call him tommy sall food yeah i don't know what you say but listen the kid the kid is a very prominent uh black conservative and what does that mean that means he's revered by the entire conservative party right white black uh asian trans whoever i mean you know we have we do have one famous trans republican caitlyn is a republican caitlyn katie james he's a republican a [ __ ] republican because wow i know that venetia did not know that she also didn't know that that we'll cut that part out yeah we'll cut that part out that's what you could do for a comic con because make no mistake thomas always fascinating if do yourself a favor and read the book conquest and culture it is not for the faint of heart but it's one of those things where he says a lot of things and kind of backs it up with a lot of literature uh and facts of things that he discovered but he is unfortunately called an uncle tom by other members of the black community because that's just the way the cookie crumbles bubbas yeah and what we were talking about before is we got interested in this because when you go i grew up greek you grew up white trash yeah so we knew um you know queen's trash absolutely so in the greek community when you go you go through the church and in the church there was always i was an altar boy in the church there was there was greek conservatives greek liberals greeks democrats greek republicans and they all hung out with each other my mom's basically a socialist human rights socialist my dad was a republican but then when you asked him what he believed in he was like whatever's good for my business yeah so it's like i it's very strange you don't see that in the black community you don't really see the diversity of thought or moreover you don't see the acceptance right of of people who are conservative or republican in the black community the term uncle tom as defined by google is a black man considered to be excessively obedient or servile to white people a person regarded as betraying their culture or social allegiance he called moderates uncle toms right there you go and that comes from the uh american classic novel by harriet beecher stowe right uncle tom's cavan which uh which i did gave it a good it's another good read right it's another good read about the history of this country absolutely yeah i gave it a read i also read calvin and hobbes you almost said uncle tom kavanagh you said i almost did say uncle tubbs cavanagh which is ten which is a ten yeah yeah it's just what it is because yeah cause i yeah yeah go ahead no what we gonna i i just yeah i'm just having slight chest pain that's coming back because when the emergency room is close by now with friendly faces your godfather is in the borough yeah so make sure i make no mistake i'd love to talk to lukash about how often you [ __ ] light up his dms yeah cuz there must be a daily occurrence going because i got a swipe i got a slight twinge in my neck what is it and he just goes it's not a mucho it's not a much cause yet between him and strippers their dms get lit up by chrissy dave yeah for every stripper idm you could see it you could expect a text from uncle lucky because and we can always tell what's going on in your home love like i think me you can tell we can tell by that we can also tell by what you say on the podcast what's going on in your home life whenever you start calling things situations or referring to strippers uh dms you're either [ __ ] in a state of uh a little bit you're a little bit freer or you're about to go home and get hit it's just what it is cause i'm chrissy chaos i've learned to accept it and just try to thrive in his best tie ten cause to make no mistake the train is inevitably going off the track yeah and we met and we had a meeting with the producers and we said you know what cause you're the dennis rodman of this podcast yes whatever is going we just got to go with the flow babe if you [ __ ] show if you come in we're naked we play we do the podcast whatever you do we do we don't ask questions we don't judge if you come in with a guy and you say this is my husband we go that's his husband today guys it's just wrong with that because the same way dennis robin was able to fix relations between north korea and the us by going to see kim jong-un i'm gonna go visit president xi jean ping pong in china and we're gonna i'm gonna [ __ ] smooth that over with us yeah because if you want what's the kid's name if you came in riding a horse and parked it outside yeah you showed up with a man and said this is my husband but only for today i would just say okay and say can we get the notes for the podcast i would accept it and just go on and expect that tomorrow would be a totally different reality and i would go with that one too yeah cause it doesn't matter i don't even know what's going to happen tomorrow i just [ __ ] go with the flizzo can we get the notes back up i want to read something about tommy sowell well let's back up before we go to tommy silence talk about the origins cuz of the black conservative movement which most people credit having its origins in sort of the i guess intellectual feud intellectual feud's a good way to put it between two prominent black intellectuals from the past at the turn of the last century w.e the boys yeah who was surprisingly not a french kid he's a black kid booker t washington to the wrestler yeah the rest of booker t watched exactly it's what it is so it was a match officiated by jim mcmahon and it went a little something like what yeah what a little something like what so booker t washington came out of the gate and said listen bubbas first of all booker t washington they both lived in like the late 1800s early 1900s well booker was born in 18 in the 1850s as a slave where w du bois was born a free kid so that i think is a key difference when we're looking back in history but basically booker t was saying hey let's just get the way we get out of this all this [ __ ] with the racism is just to put our heads down and work and it's a long-term plan where w dubois i just called it well you you learned how to say it correctly yeah w dubois yeah webb dubois said no i want my freedom and i want it now so he was one with short-term woman's long-term who do you side with well yeah be careful yeah exactly here's the thing w.e du bois was born in massachusetts so he was a boston red sox fan yeah that's the thing so he came out and said listen i want to get my car now you [ __ ] yeah i mean when he gave his [ __ ] speech he was like [ __ ] listen we need to be [ __ ] free and i don't [ __ ] care yeah i don't [ __ ] care i'm watching the fighter and i'm [ __ ] i'm i'm voting for mickey and the kid [ __ ] w dubois had a handlebar mustache because if you gotta hand the ball mustache and you don't start cutting my hair immediately i don't know what you're doing cause the kid [ __ ] ate a lot of popcorn and watched the movie did the pod cause you better give me cut my hand give me a sass for real you got a handlebar mustache because my mom dated a guy would have to with a handlebar mustache and make no mistake it was brutes i mean the kids hailed about mustache was brutes cause webb the boy was from fall river fall river it was from [ __ ] fall river fall river is a [ __ ] badass place but w dubois so he said he was from fall river of massachusetts where booker t was not from fall river massachusetts but we were having fun oh have a fight yeah he was from massachusetts but not fall river well let's just say it's from fall river why the [ __ ] not he's a kid from massachusetts from fall river w du bois was born and raised in the saudi projects in boston why the [ __ ] doctor he's matt damon he's matt damon so basically um and then and then uh booker t washington was born a slave actually in the south yeah and then he you know they he broke free so yeah so w du bois was born free in massachusetts and uh uh self it you know the way he described this he didn't face much racism until he went to fisk college which where was that exactly in the south halton fisk university colton fisk university who he went to uh he went to fisk university black college in the south my guess is going to be it's either going to be atlanta georgia or my next guest going to be fayetteville north carolina i'm going with north carolina what does he wear is fist university the answer is nashville tennessee hello nate bargetti yeah hello yeah so it was in nashville tennessee and when he went to fisk in nashville which is a black university this was during the uh segregated south era so this is the first time he experienced segregation this had a big impact on him on on booker t oh no on w.e.d sorry he went south to go to fisk and uh after living in massachusetts which there wasn't a lot of the type of racism he saw down i mean it wasn't a [ __ ] utopia up there where everyone ignored race but it's a lot different than going to the south which is like they looked at you as a property it's not a human being segregation segregation i mean it's [ __ ] total segregation so this really influenced him big time and this kind of you you could probably say that this probably is what turned him into the radical that he was going [ __ ] this we need to handle the issues with the black community and equality for the black community through politics we got to change these laws we got to pressure these politicians we need radical action now whereas booker t washington was like yo let's do this do the economy let's [ __ ] learn trades he founded the tuskegee institute and said let's learn let's let's start let's start winning economically so like to you know because i know sometimes you get heavy on history but to just make it so you can understand i would assume and correctly wrong booker t washington would be more like a thomas sowell or ben carson now where you know two prominent blacks where uh w dubois would be more like a sean king that's what it would be kind of i mean yes i mean [ __ ] these heads are gonna explode yeah i'm just i think the boy would be like short king and andrew schultz like that's just kind of just on different sides of that michael rapaport it would yeah they're kind of that's the thing is they see like booker t they you can almost see the roots of the black conservative movement more in booker t and you can see sort of the more of the liberal movement in w.e dubois but make no mistake booker t booker t washington and w dubois were [ __ ] intercontinental they have the content they were tag team champs but but they both wanted civil rights it wasn't like one was they both wanted the same thing it's just one wanted a long-term planet to get out of it by through the economy where the other one w dubois wanted it right now one of the freedom right now so it's it's tough to say which one i think they're both it's just different methods to try to get to the same thing yeah they both were into the advancement of black people and they're both kind of like the pillars they're the foundation of sort of uh equality movement for blacks i mean this is the one had booker t washington had his way of going about it he's a former slave he he he he was into you know individual hard work learning your trade you know uh not w dubois oh i said which one did i say you just said w the ball but you meant booker t booker t yeah booker t was into let let's do it let's do this economically self-reliant all these conservative values you know we'll open our own businesses we'll we'll prove our worth to white america through our economic prowess and our achievement whereas w.e du bois after going to fisk uh university was like we need that we can't do that unless we get political equality this we got a political equalization we need rights we need this um so which i'm all for the ending the segregation absolutely absolutely i mean i i i agree with w dubois on that was w dubois was he the one who was influential on affirmative action the the affirmative action came later no later but i'm saying it was it was more of w dubois for affirmative action yes which i the the only thing i have with the problem i have with affirmative action is that it's just it then it you kind of are like making then black people feel like they're only qualified for something because of this affirmative actual where they've been qualified the whole time you know what i'm trying to say it's like if i say hey you got this job because we need three black guys it's like why you're then it's already making me feel like i'm an outcast when i didn't feel that way to begin with i think it kind of makes it feel like it's like you're already putting in their head that you're an outcast and we have to do this one why is that a thing if you really want equality then we all go for the same jobs right i mean i think i'm a white piece of [ __ ] but i i feel safe i can say that because i'm in a baseball jersey and i got my jordan ones on exactly yeah so i'm safe you just look like you just walked out of modell's and you forgot your hat with the stickers on it yeah it's just what it is i told you i got a [ __ ] cop haircut in the liberal brain it's yeah i mean you the interesting thing is you see this kind of you see these two sides of the coin uh of the black struggle kind of throughout his american i will say i will say one thing about you is even though you have one eye you always do see two sides i two i see two sides with my one eye but you're one eye you see two sometimes one kid who sees both sides yeah yeah so you see these two sides of the coin of the black struggle uh come up through prominent members of the black community spokespeople for the black community leaders of black community throughout history because then again you kind of see it a little bit martin luther king and and malcolm x martin luther king you know definitely both of those uh uh both of those guys had the same motives just like w du bois and booker t washington they both wanted civil rights and equality uh martin luther king wanted to do it a little bit more conservatively peaceful protest right you know he met with the presidents uh he met uh with with with um johnson um the same way booker t washington met with teddy roosevelt um peaceful protest civil disobedience let them do it we'll work slowly and malcolm x was like he wanted to do a public enemy style yeah he put on he started listening to boogie down productions and he was like let's get the gats out yeah and let's [ __ ] let's get radical yeah he want to do it like venetia would do it he wanted to do it but his famous quote by all means necessary right so there's a little bit of the ends justify the means uh the means justify the ends what am i trying to say there's the ends justify the meaning but this problem is is like there's no real right or wrong answer here it's like just what's going to get the results and only history is going to tell us what basically got the results we're kind of just in the middle of it right now and i hope you can get to a place at least in my daughter's lifetime where these problems don't exist anymore right because she's in between black and white she's puerto rican she does yes she's actually the perfect advocate yeah in new york you had white puerto rican and black and that was that that's it and yeah so and um so let's just let me just do a quick little fun facts about thomas hall before we get into his heavy thinking first he was born in gastonia north carolina gastonia sounds like a place i'm from because i blow a lot of farts yeah so um uh his father died he was raised by a single mother um which is why he's probably so prominent because he was raised by all she was the matriarchy yeah should we take a second of silence to respect that [ __ ] queen no respect that queen and also like the patriarch he died in his house very early on which is a good thing for all children so that's why he was such a [ __ ] powerhouse in history because he was raised by mom so he was raised in north carolina but when he was nine years old he came to harlem right and he actually had never even met a white person uh he thought that blonde hair he could when he first time he came to new york and he saw someone blind here he didn't know what it was he didn't even know it was a haircut he had no idea because mostly in gastonia north carolina was he was mostly within the black community he went to stuyvesant high school which is a prominent new york city high school um excelled there and then he was forced to drop out at 17 because of financial difficulties uh and problems in his home i don't know what that means we just found out the kid had problems at home i don't know what happened his mother maybe got involved with somebody who was disciplining her we don't know we don't know we don't know we do know he dropped out of style high school which like you said it's very hard to get into you got to take a standardized test to get into it thomas owell was very very very brilliant guy dropped out uh and he was drafted into the korean war he also tried out for the brooklyn dodgers he did traffic broken down so the kid played baseball but did did he get drafted or he joined the the he was drowning it says he was drafted in the military in 1951 during the korean war cuz was your pops chris pappas potentially was thomas sal the guy that tried to cornhole him or do we have the name of the actual soldier who tried to cornhole the great lake chris pompus i don't know the name of the guy but somebody did tried to cornhole my dad in the bunk yeah and he said it happened he said it at fort benning and we said benny and we sat on weapon in the morning this morning at we're having so much fun over there we did say that giannis's uh father did push out of frozen [ __ ] in the middle of the battlefield that did open up his [ __ ] which with the scarring on the on the [ __ ] alone got him into the gay part of heaven when he went through yeah i mean it did rip his [ __ ] and uh he says it was a frozen turd but it's remained to be seen because when he did die we did find it could have been thomas gay art in late great chris pappas so the story could have been for your mother that hey the reason why my [ __ ] ripped over because i had a frozen turd but the truth is he could a little more could happen to fort penny yeah he could have hooked up with thomas sowell it's what it is because and then yeah that would make sense because cuz you look like a black kid and either your father's thomas or david dinkins it's what we don't know but it's not chris poppy it's one of the freaking two because chris yeah so and um and uh so he was drafted into the army went to korea dropped out of stuyvesant but then he came back us started at howard university which howard university is like the harvard of the black college that's right that's what they say that's what they say it's it's a black uh school in in dc black university just like fisk and uh but then he transferred to harvard the kid went down right but just yeah with the harvard right where he wrote his senior honors v put your seatbelt on this one we're going to mention the guy that turns you on theories of left-wing german political philosopher karl marx so call marx way zhong zhan because that's borderline sorry i'm just kidding in this era it was a good joke but i just don't know we got to leave it we could we got it i'm sorry we got to keep v just kidding comfortable just a joke i'm sorry about karl marx mark says now we make fun she's in antifa i'm sorry but if we gotta lose it we can absolutely lose it's just sliding off the seat part which is well that's why i said put your seatbelt down but i i did a land so then i had to i'm just sorry my cholesterol is too high for this you do you got it you got to cancel your forward membership i'm sorry yeah i've canceled my forward membership but uh uh but so so sowell himself was actually committed marxist when he left harvard yeah and he and he actually so he was all about being extreme left and the propaganda that marks cause let's tell the folks because you did a good job of explaining this what is marxism if you could break it down in yani terms marxism is basically it's basically this hey uh you making money yeah i'm making money you make a lot more to me i make less than you you're faster than me you're smarter than me i'm just we're going to get paid the same just want to be rewarded the same for the betterment of society right i mean that's basically what it is it is socialism it's it's yeah marxism is socialism now you you have like different you have communism you know basically you you can be a socialist without being a communist you can't be a communist without being a socialist got it so that's what it is think about it as like communism is like let's say communism is like mountain dew okay sperm socialism is like uh uh diet mountain dew okay so it's just like that one's a little one's a little one's a little gonna get you really jacked up to put people in programs and round them up if they disagree with you and the other ones you're kind of just going like hey man we just won 35 of your hard work and that's it that's what it is okay because we're not going to [ __ ] beat you down got it so that's what he believed in the beginning of his lifetime right after yeah he started out because most 20 year old college kids don't know [ __ ] anything as we said today on weapon in the morning and that's why they get all crazy and they do [ __ ] when it's like you don't even know what the [ __ ] you're talking about yet you're 20 years old yeah i mean but here's the deal it's all about don't throw the baby out with the bath water because marxism has its merit i mean mari you know adam smith everything we can't just go with these extremes like smack [ __ ] out of history and totally revere other things it's like we got to take bits and pieces cuz cuz we gotta treat history like a farmer's market you go to a farmer's market you don't [ __ ] knock carrots off the table because you don't like carrots right you [ __ ] pick and taste you pick a cabbage and taste it you pick a carrot and you get a little bit of everything little corn a little jam little [ __ ] uh organic cookies and you bring the whole basket home you bring them up you don't just bring cookies what's the point to be at a farmer's market if you just leave with [ __ ] cookies guys do you want to go to a farmer's market i wouldn't go to a as dancer would say farmer's market farmer's market okay so did you get the analogy do you know what i'm saying we did we got to know yani that's yani breakdown yeah um so so during the 1960s is when uh sowell started to kind of change his positions with stuff and that's when um he started to become uh you know he got he went to stanford's uh stanford university's hoover institute and when he started to kind of think a little bit outside of marxism he started to go to centrist and then he went a little to the right um i don't think he's actually that far to the right at all but if you talk to some members of uh the black community they think he's like radical right right which is wild so he he he went to harvard and then he went to like the university of chicago right where do you get his masters and stuff he's an economist i thought the kid i thought he got it from uh ucla no ucla well he ended up teaching at um at at certain schools you see yeah he went he went he went to the west coast to teach and he ultimately ended up at stanford at the hoover institute the hoover institute is like a uh i mean thomas sal if we can post this picture up of thomas house wikipedia he does look like giannis and blackface that's just what it is just because he's got glasses on i mean anybody's got glasses on to me looks like you yeah he does i mean so he ended up uh he ended up at the hoover institute which is sort of a right-leaning uh think tank at stanford university and so he's a professor economist and yeah he gradually moved to the right greatly influenced by the famous um or infamous depending on what your political [ __ ] affiliation is milton friedman okay so why don't you don't know who that is he's uh he's a little five foot foot two squeeze do you think he could be debosed squeak of the week does debo been reading up on milton friedman because the the chances of debo ever knowing who milton friedman are are zero to 0.7 yeah it's just just not gonna happen so milton freeman is the 1976 uh noble prize winning economist who um who uh who who who advocates the free market it's all about the free market baby all the free markets up all about the freedom exactly so that was a big influence on marxism it's not about the free market no marxism is not about the free market no okay but you know socialism we we live in what what is called a a a mixed economy right a keynesian mixed economy right where we have uh freedom like even when people shout out the kinsey scale yeah but yeah shout out to even when people say like look at look at the socialist countries um look at denmark look at sweden those are not look look listen to me you [ __ ] idiots they're not socialist countries they they are just like us just with more socialism but they are free market countries a socialist communist country is a little country by the name of china and they are shaving their heads and blindfolding muslims from the old girl population giving the birth control and putting them on trains and sending them to re-education camps but as long as you get your iphone for half price who gives a [ __ ] you win t for [ __ ] terrorists yeah and even even china had to open up some markets because without markets you just don't get cooking yeah you don't get human human nature wants to compete human nature wants things for themselves yeah i'm sorry i'm sorry that jeff bezos and neil degrasse tyson and all our great thinkers are doing better than you but guess what they work harder okay they read the books they've done the work they were not protesting when they were 20 years old they were in college okay you dumb [ __ ] yeah and there's just there's just one fact that remains that we haven't said and that's no matter what your mom votes to the right votes to the right and i [ __ ] need music i need entertainment to come back because i need these white antifa members to get off the street to stop burning them down and just get into a dave matthews concert i need the minute [ __ ] where they're supposed to be in the dave matthews concert yeah i mean basically the riots are happening in portland seattle because uh yeah they can't go see their [ __ ] favorite bands yeah and there's no farmer's mark yeah because they canceled the [ __ ] festival that vanity wants to get married at what's it called firefest no the other one oh what's the other one where everyone dresses dirty and what oh worship's andrew schultz what is it uh coachella coachella coachella there's another one right burning man is cancelled burning man that's basically what those riots are is that [ __ ] burning man and coachella are cancelled we can't do drugs in the desert and [ __ ] just you know wiggle around so here's where thomas gets a little controversial here's one of his beliefs is that poverty among minority groups is less a result of racial and societal discrimination than of a group's values ethics and attitudes so he basically is saying if discrimination alone were to hold the second segment of the population back then the american japanese chinese and jewish population would never have been able to accomplish what they have so that's controversial he's basically saying it has nothing to do with race it's about what you're thinking i mean listen which is wild you can't say that how would if i tweeted that if i tweeted that right now at you know shortcake or if i tweeted that would that not go well no that would not go well that would not go well that would not go well yeah at all yeah uh tom is so well i said could you what matt cuz could you imagine tom is so well i'll be published you couldn't do it so i tweeted at kamala harris right now no it just wouldn't go well yeah it would not go well not good just let me be honest with you i got myself a pair of raycon earbuds yeah i love them they're not too cumbersome they don't hang off your face i'm telling you they're half the price of other premium brands go with raycod off that alone let's just be honest for a second you know how this works by the time with these ad sponsors they want to say this once you say that if something's half price in the middle of a pandemic just buy it i mean it's half price if you go to hyenas you're going to get 15 off already a half price item so why would you just buy them they look like they're so expensive they look like aliens would wear them from future outer space go buy your wife or your boyfriend or your partner whatever you want to do go buy this for a gift for them and say i got you these really expensive beautiful headphones they're top quality they're amazing they're they're bet they're one of the best headphones i've ever put in my ears and they're half price and 15 off why not yeah go to buy hyenas order yourself a pair of raycon earbuds get cute i got a better idea how you do this why don't you do this because your wife is is six seven months pregnant why don't you put one of these raycon ear buds in her belly button and see if your baby danced a little bit to the music that's what we're gonna do you know what i love about them is you wear them in your ears yeah and they're they just look good they don't you know when you got that bluetooth they're bluetooth so yeah that doesn't have that long thing hanging out like you're doing deals yeah you just you're just nice and hidden and i can listen to my taylor swift and nobody bothers me it's amazing listen even when you're out there protesting whatever you want to do if you're a protester put these in your ears you can block out the noises of frozen bottles and bricks going out there and if you're a policeman you could just listen to whatever you know bon jovi whatever you want to do yeah it's just go good for everybody it's one year fits all the raycon does not see sex race religion creed or color it just sees earbuds and it says turn me up baby i want to pump the tunes into your ear canal so thomas so well i mean we start out with w.e du bois versus booker t washington right then we get into an era where you know uh it's thomas so well and then it's basically the only black uh thought conservatives uh my nose are just sorry the only two black conservatives leaders are basically thomas sowwell and the other guy's name is william wallace from braveheart that's for breakfast well you have larry elders thomas so before that it was just it was it was i'm i'm going to break it down we're breaking down the black conservatives george washington carver george washington covers a different era as well walter e williams okay so you had walter e williams and thomas sowell thomas sowell actually famously said there was a time in america it was just really him and walter williams and they had this joke between them that they said that they promised to never be on a plane together at the same time because if it went down the black conservative movement would be extinguished go down there's only two of them yeah so that's what it was so there was these two black conservatives were really the and they were both economists free market economists obviously against minimum wage against affirmative action free market thinkers um et cetera et cetera et cetera just less government right pro market get the government out got the government government assistance out minimum wage out and they would have all these arguments for the harm that it does to the country and specifically to the black community now here is the deal the black community does have i think one of the fastest growing middle classes in the country for sure by ethnic group definitely blacks have done a lot better but when you look at a lot of the things that these guys said back in the uh going back to this you know this early 70s 80s whatever a lot of the [ __ ] that they said would be the results of these policies these liberal polities no they kind of seem to be you're going like yeah yeah the black neighborhoods are still [ __ ] education is still [ __ ] and make no mistake these black communities have been benefiting not benefiting aside it's the wrong word have been dictated by liberal policies yes pretty much since johnson on yeah so it's like if i was black i'm saying you know what i want to go learn about what [ __ ] these guys were saying yeah so see what's good let me go find out about thomas saul and william wallace in the 1930s walter williams he says massive business failures under government-sponsored black capital programs of the 60s and 70s so you had what saul said is he suggested that ghettoizing urban blacks are like immigrants having headed north in waves from the foreign world of the rural south only in only in this century so he's meaning like listen when you say you're black you live in the ghetto it's it's all it's it's like this mind thing where you use the example of the irish he says the irish progressed rapidly without government aid so urban blacks can too so he said you come into this place and you say immediately you're on welfare because we're helping you because we feel bad and all these things you're you're just keeping them down you didn't give irish people any uh any uh welfare or anything like that and they were able to get out of it i know that there's a lot of things that happened to the irish that did not a lot of things happen to blacks that did not happen to the irish but there is something where it's like you put somebody on government assistance they get used to that he also has an example somewhere that i read where he says like you know you raising minimum wage you take and and not raising this and not you know you don't have to have a skill like you know you make a mcdonald's to flip a mcdonald's hamburgers all of a sudden a minimum wage twenty dollars that's going to make people do that job because they don't want to do the effort to get skilled in a labor that you know would actually be beneficial in society and you know it's interesting it's it feels like one of those things where even just two white guys talking about this in 2020 like we need to be in a bunker we need to be protected we can't even say what we're saying yeah well he would he said minimum wage is bad because he he took the employer's perspective he's going hey look you know he he made an example of like movie theaters in harlem he said back in the day they would have a young kid who was working there who would walk you down the aisle and find your seat once they started doing a minimum wage uh you had to pay your workers a certain amount so you couldn't afford all those jobs you would cut a lot of those positions and so you know it leads to less jobs so that's what these guys are these guys are trickled down right economic people the rich create jobs which they do but also there's the other side as well yeah as tom asal said this maybe people are poor not because they have made bad decisions but because other people have made bad decisions for them the liberals and civil rights organization have their own grand designs to impose on blacks and the government is there to see you have to see that you have no other choice if you allow the people to decide you eliminate all the middlemen the researchers consultants and economists who found themselves at the expense of the poor so he's basically saying like it's kind of like their thing that we were talking about with managers like you just people and a lot of people you don't need them and a lot of these woke activists that's who he's talking about like you're you're telling me what to think they're saying no their their job literally depends on their being a problem right like if there was no if there was no racism if there was no systematic racism there's what is sean king's job the guy's got a hard enough time making income as it is that's why he's been accused of doing all these fundraisers and stuff and keeping the money because where does he get paid for he writes articles nobody pays for articles anymore so how does sean king actually make money because i know how we make money we tell jaws how does how do the new york post and the new york times and all that how do they operate if there's no scandal how do they operate if you can't read about a person's life being burnt down if their whole life is crumbling down in front of them how does anyone click on that it's a little word and listen i know i'm going to get i'm going to say german word for a second so just i'm not turning into a german just be careful just i want to prep you with the german word if you want to muff your ears greeks it's a little word called scholdenfreud which means that you are basically getting happy and pleasure it's like reality tv you're getting pleasure off watching someone's life be destroyed and that's at the point in history that we're at where that is the only thing people care about they don't want to read about anyone getting better from the coronavirus or anybody bet or any any good happening within the racial lines they only want to read about the deaths and they only want to read about the protests and things burning down and it is a big time symptom of a society on the decline it's the same thing that happened at the end of ancient rome and we're [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] bubbas but what can you do this is a happy happy podcast my cholesterol's too high may not be here next week that was a little segment called chrissy long days snickers why wait yeah it's just what it is because it was a little segment called chrissy clippit it was a goodie and uh yeah i think thomaso would probably say that you know um if anyone who ben who's claiming to benefit the community you would say hey there's claiming to benefit the community but their job depends on saying that they need to benefit the community right so you should treat with uh be incredulous about what they're saying right because they need the community to be disenfranchised in order for you to need them and the quote that saul said that i was trying to make with the mcdonald's example thomas says when you raise the wages of unskilled labor you lead people to substitute capital for labor and that helps produce high unemployment so you know the skilled labor is out the window because you're saying i'm going to get paid this much to pretty much do nothing that breeds a problem in society well that was his movie theater example saying like yeah right you you start to go like you start to value the money over the people going like if i got to pay this guy guaranteed 20 bucks in order for me to increase my profits profits i have to eliminate all these other jobs that really were kind of quality of service jobs that i can live without and then he says this he says concerning the issue of busing children they used to black children would be bus to white neighborhoods that was all part of um was it a part civil rights uh affirmative actions schools yeah those are uh what are they called uh like the i think they're called charter schools yeah i actually montessori i didn't know about the stories college thesis on it and and and i can't what are they called a magnet school magnet school segments goes right in from to white schools from black neighbors and what saul said with that is he said the situation does not benefit black children and it makes white adults angry the us supreme court's integration decision reflects a paternalistic attitude towards blacks and implies that black children can't learn anything unless they go to school with whites so i agree with that in the sense of like why are you making black children feel like to me it all makes it why are you making them feel like outcasts right it's like a white devil thing to me it's like why are you doing that you know like why why do you i don't know i don't understand it's like if i was a black child which i know i'm not i know i haven't went through anything a normal white piece of [ __ ] i'm aware of where i'm aware but it's just like why if to me true equality would be like we're all the same from the beginning i know that there's a thousand things that happen in history i'm so aware but it's like why not like why do i have to say hey you know there's an affirmative action or you're you're coming from this neighborhood and i'm sorry you lived there but you hey you're going to school with the white kids now isn't that great no just go we could we should all be integrated yeah well i think i hate it liberals would say liberals would say to you well because of systematic racism and oppression it's not white people would say that a lot of liberal black people would say that as well but the whites would be louder with it because i feel like the liberal whites are the biggest problem i think both would say that i think extremely liberal whites liberals would say hey there's been systematic racism we didn't have we haven't been playing we haven't had an equal playing field thomas sowell had a response to that his response which is controversial is sort of when you look at the irish they immigrated here and uh their first generation kind of kind of sucked it up they were forced into conscription to the union army or whatever and they ate dirt they were discriminated against and then by the second generation they became cops got these uh jobs and then they progressed the same with the jews he's saying all of them yeah all all ethnic groups he would say you could make the comparison to blacks moving from the south to the north right where they're segregated he goes going to the north he said basically it was like going to another country it was like it was like blacks were immigrants southern blacks were immigrants to the north kind of akin to irish and all that so he would basically say ignore white privilege you'd know all that [ __ ] that [ __ ] doesn't exist and that's what booker t washington would sort of back so that's where you can see the connection between guys like thomas sawwell having their roots and booker t washington's thinking just put your head down [ __ ] work hard and prove them wrong with results forbes magazine in 1981 sal was urged for any commented puerto ricans mexican-americans and blacks don't have any higher income than they had before compared to whites in some cases they have less because of all these programs because if we looked at your dm's would you say you are the most equal opportunity dmr because i guess you're [ __ ] your dms proves how much of a lover of all races you are i'm a lover of all races you will see my dms i'm telling you it will not discriminate against color creed or religion at all as long as you got a big dick you're getting a dm i didn't see that one coming yes it's called the [ __ ] curveball yeah chrissy curveballs even though i'm making gay jokes because your dick is the biggest liberal [ __ ] of all because it accepts all genders all races all religions yeah all creeds yeah it's just what it is cuz you do not body shame you'll take whatever cuz your dick is like the statue of liberty i'm gonna call your dick ellis island give me your towel you're hungry whatever cuz it's what it is because you [ __ ] everybody i [ __ ] everybody because my haircut's a [ __ ] nazi my dick's a black panther [Laughter] because it's what it is clip it clip it so um yeah and look sal has also commented on every time you say that it sounds like you're saying sal cause you're coming [ __ ] white trash new york accent thomas soul thomas saul thomas heart and soul says that he he commented on current on the issues in like 1981 he was saying liberal media bias and judicial activism or you know any all these things are going to be a problem he defended originalism which originalism is what like not getting rid of a confederate statue because it's there no i don't know what the [ __ ] that is let's look what's original did he make up a [ __ ] word again yeah what is originalism in the context of the united states law originalism is a concept regarding the interpretation of the constitution that asserts that all statements in the constitution must be interpreted based on the original understanding of the authors oh so it means like it's basically a literal interpretation of the constitution and you're married and stuck to it and it's not changing he defended that because i would argue that i think he would be against that because it's like he'd be because you can't cause like the right to bear arms is something that like that that was needed in 1780 but it's not needed now but that's like maybe needed back again but that's a liberal position so liberals would go more and and you know what you got to say the the liberal i would think the founding fathers would side more with the liberals on this because the founding fathers created the constitution as a living breathing document there's plenty of documented writings by the founding fathers saying that it's to be amended yeah that's what amendments are this thing is supposed to constantly change with the times so but he would say let's stick to what they said right to bear arms doesn't matter blah blah blah don't amend donor men donut med we don't need a voting rights act we don't need this women shouldn't vote you know of course all those things i mean i mean let's come on thomas solo i mean they didn't even have the [ __ ] founding fathers didn't even put women in the constitution to be able to vote are we not supposed to amend that yeah i mean i'm not saying it was a good decision but i mean the [ __ ] make a lot of noise and ask for votes just what are you going to do you got to give them what they want you can't win i'm just such a [ __ ] mixed bag cause i just because i am a centrist and i just my views i don't know what to do with myself but your family votes to the right family votes to the right but it's also like you know like my daughter's puerto rican it's like her mom like when she got pregnant but you thomas would say you're automatically saying because your daughter's puerto rican she votes to the left no but she does but that's the thing it's like well not if i got something to do with it she's not um it's just like one of those things where like i gave her mother like her mother absolutely i was all for her mother on the right to choose if she wanted to have the baby but i just said when the baby's born i want to build a wall around it it's puerto rico i said would you say you gave her babies but i was i was about i thought you were gonna say credit card oh credit card yeah well you know i do i you know it's one of those things which by the way i just got i i'm doing a show august 29th at the monmouth racetrack and my agent said he doesn't know where the deal came from and i think it came from bonnie rubble cause the guy's gonna be doing comedy shows at the racetrack now but those tickets are on sale go to for tickets they're selling quick it's all outdoors socially distant guys how many people have opened credit cards in your name it's like you're a christmas tree got a lot of ornaments hanging off yeah sometimes i'll [ __ ] yeah i'll get a call sometimes from a credit card company looking for my father and i say he's dead and they'll say how could he be dead he just tried he just [ __ ] went crazy at sunoco cause thomas so well we graduate from from booker t washington to thomas sowell to today tommy t sowell he's 90. he's chris papas wow t-soul was an old kid yeah chris pappas is [ __ ] waiting for thomas so well because they're both korean war vets and they're both going to end up in the gay section they have gay structure to heaven yeah but i mean because you can't be an economist and not be a gay kid though yeah you got to be even though he's conservative he's still a gay kid because of how much reading he did and how many books he wrote only gay guy would sit there and want to write all these books um so then we graduate to uh well let me say one of the one of the main characteristics of black conservatism is its emphasis on personal joints and responsibilities above socioeconomic status and institutional racism so it's that's where i think the problem is the institutional racism is this is the sticking point to most black people where the you know they're saying that a black conservative would say we need to get out of that through you know working hard and more booker t washington type thing so it's very it's a tough thing right uh i think as the historical experts that we are you can basically say i my personal opinion is you need both but it seems like one has really been forgotten for the expense of the other it bears noticing it bears are you put in something on notice right now are you saying you're bearing notice because it's a big difference no i will [ __ ] put everyone including myself on nudist well i'm putting my cholesterol on no doubt you're [ __ ] our knit ass yeah here it does bear the black community black people uh by and large almost entirely voted republican before oh yes yes i mean until until we get to abraham lincoln was a republican folks because they voted republican i mean the the they voted republican up until if i if i'm correct is it kennedy who was the first one where they started i think it was kenny it might have been it might have been fdr too i think ftr got a big chunk no it's till fbr it started really the switch started happening at fdr right okay and so that's when the switch started and so the black started voting uh democratic there and then of course that was reinforced by kennedy and johnson and they kept voting uh to the left but before that they voted republican i mean the parties kind of shifted in certain things that they believed in to a certain extent and uh you know there's a lot of details in there but blacks didn't always vote democratic they didn't always vote democrat lincoln was a repub they were a puppy puppy but then the democrats came in with the type of or the republicans had a southern i think it switched when they tried to steal the southern vote the democrats tried to steal the southern boat well i think something happened it started to switch when democrats started to try to appeal to racist white southern voters a little bit more yeah it started yeah and now now it's kind of pinnacled i'm sorry when republicans i'm sorry when republicans start republican uh politicians started to try to appeal a little bit more to racist white southern democrats to win that vote blacks kind of switched they started voting for more uh liberal left policies but those policies were protecting their civil rights you're talking about the voting rights act you couldn't disenfranchise black people and you know so it's all based in somewhat good things you can't just say hey babe thomas so well just like everyone's in charge of their own destiny just work hard it's just not realistic but you also can't just set up a complete safety net for a whole race of people and say hey guys this is the only way you can make it so the truth like all things like our sexualities lies in the middle it lies in the middle it lies in the middle and that's the thing and that's you know young's very good way of explaining and then it kind of just like it like anything else it goes too far it's like first it starts out with what you were saying which is good things the democrats trying to get to southern vote that way but now it's pinnacled and chuck truman and nancy pelosi walking into congress like they're extras and coming to america i mean it can't happen it's what it is it just goes too far because most most importantly the black people can see through your [ __ ] [ __ ] if you're walking into congress with dashikis on they know it's not real they know it's [ __ ] they know listen nancy pelosi drinks pepsis that are flavored with aborted fetuses from hillary clinton clip it you clip that [ __ ] and catch us on our new series conspiracy cuties where we get to the bottom of [ __ ] everything also watch wepa in the morning join our second tier to be able to watch that every day or you can show our join our lowest tier to listen to it every day monday through friday 9 a.m eastern live wep on the morning and other good stuff bay ridge boys so now we go from yeah we go we go from thomas sowwell and i mean vanity has got her texts up on the nose i mean because we're like what are you doing we're looking at your text who's ramon cause you better hope your pop's not watching this yeah because we can always threaten vanity can't do anything to us because we can always just say we're going to tell you about yeah so now let's graduate to today because yeah the reason yeah let's get rid of what makes this what makes this episode so interesting the history of black conservatives is because now today the black conservative movement believe it or not is stronger than it's ever been and let me say this because a lot of people don't know this more black people voted for dem for i'm sorry more black people voted for donald trump than they did romney and uh the one the republican before him george bush george bush so i mean mccain yeah so donny t has a has a high percentage of black people voting for him because he's a republican and blacks almost exclusively vote democrat so the black conservative movement the black make america great again hat crew has grown their most prominent members is uh she's a little bit of a little bit of a piece whoa okay yeah candace owens not a bad looking person yeah candace owens biggest scene is she's married to a white man that's the problem that's her that's the thing so yeah nobody's going to listen to a word she says on the left because of that if you're bla so she gets rid of someone's has been dm'd just what it is so candace owens uh candace owens when you listen to candace owens i understand she gets radical but she does say things that are based in fact sometimes so it's hard to disagree with someone all the time when she says i have a fact to back this up i'm just gonna give them a problem yeah i'm gonna give my [ __ ] jerry springer jani long day thought of the day let's do it you gotta stop [ __ ] judging people on their person and revering or hating people based on ad hominem attacks listen to what they say cherry pick what you like create your own thing whether they be liberal or conservative and fix it baby because life is a farmer's market and you can't just leave with cookies that's what it is that's yani ad hominem yani and homo yeah so we got candace zones we also got antonia okafor she's another big no relationship to a mecca okafor maybe maybe i haven't looked at a great ball player michael not really he was a great college ball player great college ball player he kind of was a american but he was kind of a bust yeah oh yeah i guess he kind of was in the nba was a little bit of a bust condoleezza rice colin powell now this is now this is here's here's a list of like prominent current prominent black conservatives to let you know that hey it's not just candace owens out there and these people are some prominent people and they always just get made fun of him i mean it's kind of interesting herman cain is a [ __ ] ceo i mean he's a he's a he's a he's a multi-millionaire made some sticks the kids sold some [ __ ] tickets and then we got allen cause are we gonna put tickets to your birthday or your child on stomp up or not abso freaking we want to do it and we'll give patreon members a discount absolutely because yeah because we're abso freaking lutely yeah your wife better be in on it and then alan west who's ellen west again can you look alan west is real he's a former military uh guy and he's a very prominent member of the black conservative movement and he goes around gives a lot of speeches um and uh you know i i've listened to a lot of things he said and he's kind of just like he seems like a real guy like a guy based in reality um but look texas republicans uh you know don't a lot of people are like against him so i don't [ __ ] know he was he's a former it seems like he was a former congressman former congressman but he's also in the military he's definitely military yeah american politician [ __ ] retired us army lieutenant colonel so that's hundred wow he's a lieutenant lollipop he was a lieutenant lollipop and he was cur he was also colonel cuddles yeah so persian gulf war in iraq yeah so he's a war he's a war veteran and a former uh member of the house i believe and um served in the persian gulf war and uh served in the iraqi war so we have alan west let's go back to our list because our list is getting longer well our list well before thomas solo was the cute kid so was w dubois yeah but the list also if we could go back to the notes v the list in 2001 there was a list yeah if we could just go down a little bit because it's it's interesting how like you know entertainment and all these lists it's just no it was in your notes v if you just go back yeah here we go in uh ebony very prominent magazine in may of 2001 listed their 100 most influential black americans and it did not include thomas all shelby steele armstrong williams walter williams and most notably supreme court justin clarence thomas i mean clarence thomas it doesn't it didn't include them because they didn't because they were conservatives well here's the deal clarence thomas this is i i'm i'm 79 years old you're an old kid i'm a little older than you kids and i would have got away with if it wasn't for you meddling in my business yeah cause it's yeah it's gonna be good because your daughter's gonna be able to be on medicare so here's the deal it's the supreme court in america in our system is a very powerful institution that a lot of people uh criticize they criticize the founding fathers and they call it the runaway court because they basically make law of the land and so whoever's on the bench yeah is really [ __ ] important to what you believe right so clarence thomas a little guy named there was another guy named uh ruth bader ginsburg brett kavanaugh those two what they have in common is uh uh clarence thomas at the time he was accused of sexual misconduct and harassment by anita hill who said that he put a pubic hair on a coke can which is i mean that's a wild thing to do it's a wild thing but it was a very famous thing obviously much like kavanaugh the hearings happened it was a big media thing and uh he was cleared it was found that uh you know hey we're gonna we're gonna give him the job it's not crowded it's not a it's not credible enough it's a he said she said we don't have any evidence blah blah blah but it was a strong attempt to uh to get rid of clarence thomas i met clarence thomas what i met tom stone clarence i went to the american university my mentor my the the america the head of the american studies department i was a american studies history major thomas need to get the escalator or what was edward smith he my mentor was a black kid he was uh he leaned right and he was friends we were doing a class on the supreme court and we went we met clarence thomas and listen to him speak the kid is also squeezed squid he was a he wasn't somebody squeak but a little bit of his cause you also have a picture in your hymn with you and president bill clinton so what are your comments on the pedophile ring is he on the epstein list i don't know all i know is that my i i don't i all i don't know i don't even have a picture with billy clinton i do have a picture with billy clinton because my brother used to work for him your brother used to work for cousin i've been telling people that that your brother that the your brother is actually on the real inspiration of the gay character gay lawyer character from the show scandal and i've made it up but people do believe that i have convinced people that the chose scandal which has a very prominent gay lawyer in the show was actually based off giannis's three dollar bill brother yes so if you've heard that if you've heard me say that it is a lie but it is believable because make no mistake ris reality is a suggestion it is a suggestion and anything that chris said he's bringing his text back up so buckle up buckle up and also because i get yelled at if i do this on the podcast yeah just also remember anything chris says it's the chances of it being real are about five percent i would say even lower but yeah it's just you it's all he's a liar it's a liar so yeah you stopped dming me about drug counseling i've never done blowing my life it's never happened the kid is a liar he does it for entertainment purposes you got to treat him the way we treat him dennis rodman babe go with the [ __ ] flow go with the flow it doesn't matter what are we going to read now i just wanted to say that on august 12th i'm going to be doing one show that's it just one [ __ ] show you might add a second one no yeah i might have a second one but i'm only performing once and that's going to be at soul joel's summer comedy festival in royersford pennsylvania shows at 7 pm go to for tickets that's it i'm doing one [ __ ] show also janice they got to be up there all right i haven't put them up there put them up there by the time the episode comes out it will be on the and just know it's august 12th and i'll be posting the link so look for that but you go to and get tickets absolutely at the royalford's outdoors outdoors socially distance all that yes we're only doing outdoor shows and soul joel our good friend of the show we we love sojourn but he is the inspiration for franks and beans i mean yeah the kid the kid i mean he is the definition of it i mean he's fnb incorporated yeah he's the greatest guy i love sojourn when i started out sojourn gave me a lot of work so let's get back here we go and just when we were kind of you know fumbling around how the historical basis of the republican democrat black vote and we have it here from reconstruction right after the civil war period up until the new deal where pretty much america became the good guys the black population tended to vote republican during that period the republican party particularly in the southern united states was seen as more racially liberal than the democratic party primarily because of the role of the southern wing of the democratic party as the party of racial segregation and the republican party's roots in the abolition movement allah abraham lincoln black started to shift in significant numbers to the democrats with the election of fdr and continue with the election of jfk so there you have it yes so let's let's pull that list up of prominent democrat republican dem blacks again and then and also can we just read the atlanta agreement before we end the episode sure but we also got to talk we got to talk a little bit but let's let's get that list up again so we got clarence thomas uh rod page alfonso jackson i mean these are all colin powell of course condoleezza rice these were two cabinet members black very high level tim scott these are all politicians keep going i think right now actually there's 237 or something black members of the house of representative which is about 12 of the house which is on par with the population number that the blacks are the population blacks are about 12 13 percent of the overall population the in the house at least they are accurately represented right now it's historic in at this moment there's probably 200 and something i don't remember the exact number black members of the house of representatives so that's something but here's some more big [ __ ] you got you got ken blackwell you got uh you got a lot of people you got a lot of these are all politicians though right these are let's get back let's get back to the black conservatives though because a lot of people never heard these people's names i mean they've heard herman cain only thing people do is made fun of herman cain the media all they've done was made fun of her mccain and the only thing they've done is made fun of um of uh uh who's the secretary of housing uh condoleezza rice no he's uh he's a brain surgeon ben carson ben carson he's a [ __ ] brain surgeon brainstorm that kiddo [ __ ] that kid will take out your medulla oblongata and put in some sauce you'll say and look i'm just saying i'm just saying [ __ ] reverend al sharpton who is a liberal who got a [ __ ] show on cnn or whatever it is is one of the most corrupt figures in new york city local politics [ __ ] history he also had a horrific perm for most of the 70s 80s and was was [ __ ] grossly overweight but the kid would walk around with a 20 million rolex and show up at [ __ ] any race hustling event that went down go google tawanna brawley it was all made up he probably orchestrated it the kid lost the weight doing keto yeah tawanna probably was a uh was a big big story in new york but he was i mean he's a [ __ ] i mean he's got a checkered passport but they got him on video they got they got they got him on videos and undercover sting taking money taking [ __ ] bribe money and the kids on tv and nobody even [ __ ] has a good thing to say about ben carson who's a brain surgeon yeah so you got to ask yourself am i [ __ ] conditioned to think a certain way i don't know i'm a liberal kid to be honest with you yeah no we know yeah so we got a lot we got a lot we got a lot so let's just just real quick just the atlanta compromise what the atlanta compromise was booker t washington this is booker t washington it was a it was an agreement struck in 1895 between booker t washington president of the tuskegee institute at the time well he founded the team he's founded it uh and and other african leaders and southern white leaders oh but the agreement was that southern blacks would work and submit to white political rule while southern whites guaranteed that blacks would receive basic education and due process in law blacks would not focus their demands on equality integration or justice and northern rights northern whites would fund black educational charities so it's just kind of like anything else in agreement it's tough it's it's like you give a little take a little but i understand how blacks wouldn't be happy with this but i also understand how it may have been a thing that could have pushed things forward i don't know well that's the thing it's like you read that today and you're going like ah that doesn't sound good it obviously didn't sound good to w.e du bois um but at the time you got it you gotta you gotta put people in their historical context this was a kid who was born into slavery who was trying who founded the tuskegee institute who was trying to empower his people through uh economic liberty achievement trade skills so he was trying to broker a deal in the south with these [ __ ] racist southern people w.e dubois that's the catch that's the thing it was southern racist whites he was living in that world and also when you look at some of the segregated eras in the segregated times you look at some of those like we did an episode on tulsa that was during segregation right those places flourished right they were flourishing more than white areas so you can't say booker t washington was all wrong he was saying [ __ ] it you guys want to think you're better fine you want segregation fine have your [ __ ] thing just give us this so we can build our own thing because he was talking he was thinking long term booker t washington was thinking you know what we uplift ourselves and then eventually they'll see it and in the future down the road when generations go by everyone will come together that was his plan he was thinking long term w.e dubois was like [ __ ] that i'm listening to what you're saying that in in [ __ ] the context [ __ ] where we are [ __ ] those people it's not right we need to change that [ __ ] now let's do that [ __ ] now i don't give a [ __ ] about your long-term plan get long-term plan give me justice now that was the difference between the two of them they neither one of them was all bad or all good yeah we're all in the middle they're all new grade zone go to where you at in the middle go on the community board or go to history hyenas and write down tell us are you btw or web are you are you team bt or are you team dubois because i understand there's arguments to be had for both but on the on the grand scheme of things i just want to say in closing that we here at the history of this love every member of every community and we invite everybody to join and listen in we're from new york city i know that some of our members don't like when we say that but we're on new york city kids it's very hard to be racist we have a member of the black community that work for us in venetia so we are 100 all-inclusive woken dope we just like to have conversations on this podcast that we hope don't get us canceled but just inspires more conversation and that's how you get a prosperous society by canceling every single thing every time a question is brought up that you don't like by canceling them does dude it does nothing at all but keep the people down that are trying to get up it keeps them down and it's just shitty journalists and shitty [ __ ] comedians on twitter or bloggers on twitter that only do that [ __ ] because they are not talented at all and the only way they can even make a cent of money is by keeping the division alive and we here at the australians do not want to divide we want to bring it in and i want you to open up your [ __ ] and let me dock you let you get in there yeah so that's what it is we hope you enjoyed this episode on the history of the black conservatives i got a p yeah yeah go ahead you gotta pee i gotta pee so it's just uh we're gonna do the patreon names but we're gonna have to pause go ahead go pee because the chlamydia might be back history hyenas [ __ ] nobody does history as accurately as we are let's get everybody into the gray zone follow ideas politics don't revere people absolutely and you check out check all our live dates uh chris d comedy if you see venite at any protest [ __ ] dm us and we'll put her on notice put her because put us at risk for corona yes um just just quickly i just wanted to say uh august 68 stress factor new jersey is sold out thank you very much uh august 21st 22nd i'll be aired in governors sorry you can repeat that i just want to say the hyda fans [ __ ] coming out strong selling out for christy d sell out the rest of his [ __ ] shows let's go matriarchy they're coming august 21st 22nd governor's comedy club long island going on sale probably now check the link christy august 29th it's a big one monmouth racetrack ocean port new jersey two shows socially distance every show i do is outdoors but august 29th uh christy monmouth new jersey go get the tickets also at get tickets for our shows get our merch we have a reality suggestion shirt is flying off the shelves it doesn't nothing encompasses 2020 like reality is a suggestion so go cop that shirt to um and now patreon.comridgeboys i want to read off the newest members of the matriarchy we have a great time doing this we encourage the funny names and uh you get a shout out from us and if you get the funniest name you get a ppw pseudo penis of the week yeah so let me just get it up here on my feet we celebrate you either way we also have a bunch of new t-shirts that are about to go up but reality is a suggestion we have that's a fave that's a fave ladder fourth team we got our logo shirts finally up you can get the history ideas logo you can get your ways wayzone jeongjing shirts you get masks we have history hyenas masks we got tote bags and we got butt plugs coming soon we do so it's what it is true story here's the newest members of the matriarchy without further ado okay here we go my chihuahua raped my pitbull it's what it is actually i used to have a chihuahua who did that yeah there we go then we got texas texas made suck your toes and eat your holes hey mcconaughey 20 20. goody that's drexler right out the bat that's a goodie yeah fully we got a fully charged three dollar bill de blasio goody cast yeah roll out the catapult you know where to put him then we got uh chrissy and his corn nuts been nutting in dudes butts no yeah he goes over the wall into the list then we got louis martinez uh then we got ku klux kristy and the sheets steel pipe chrissy at the streets uh it's a funny but it gets in the direction because we just we can't support that can't support that uh peter welsh then we got james my weezy piece has the rona [ __ ] you uh oh that's a drexler it's at least the drexler that's catapult him onto the [ __ ] list i'm feeling i'm feeling generous today then we got uh we got nikki no dick who sold his piece in the east to help boost the trans fans 10. no no no you got to take your hat off for when a real classic comes through when you get a re-read you know it's good just nikki no dick who sold his piece to the east to help boost the transfer that's that that's the winner i mean how are you gonna beat that oh we said last time that we did this the last time and then we if we don't have a dark horse that comes out of nowhere that's the clear winner okay number 10 we got litany houston who's a reread i think we're literally used to we had them last week but maybe they changed their pledge then we got uh aj covert ruined seeing chrissy and boston so i got tickets to fly to zaneys and dl ruined that it's not meant to be babe we that was last week's two lists [ __ ] up we may have a [ __ ] up list just a couple okay here we go let's see um fernando transylvania the second eric proot gaiji the guinea goomba uh and then we got chrissy bruce my cooch because he's an eight-inch moose okay john mike glasser then we got eric started listening to the potty now i shoot glue and my navel and my ass smells like witch hazel [Laughter] on the list but he's it's definitely all these guys are getting on the list but they're drexlers kylie calamari aka major mojito we had that one last time last time yeah but some summary reads but maybe they changed their pledge that's probably what it is they re they moved up to 10. no but then no they wouldn't get a they wouldn't be on the list again i don't we'll figure it out we'll figure it out we'll figure it out robbie with a tiny knobby is on his way to crack open yanni you know what it is vanity probably just got a little distracted because she was redoing another draft of the email she's going to send once we get something yeah she's just focused on that email yeah it's just what it is then we got chubby balls chubby bulls uh sand monkey with a cut piece and cute feet um i've got no hands at no feet how much will you charge to beat my meat we had him i know then we got the rigorous frankie fettuccine rigorous frankie fettuccine gets a drexler johnny females aka krumbaum jess lindquist you got colonel cupcake cracked open cuddling [ __ ] and catching come on then we got mr ic weiner then we got non-toot new york city iron worker brute didn't wear a cover now the safety girl from my job is my baby's [ __ ] local three rupaul 2020 we had this last week these guys were yeah these are all goodies too okay um i'll just read them um jose joseph archie dj mizop scarlett villatoro keon chrissy please fill my prostate like a three dollar bill till three esprit cody ladd matt vanity his dad won't let andrew schultz come over it's what it is that's it gets on the list then we got uh call me three dollar bill buckner because i'll spread my legs for your balls by the way you're the winner for last week yeah we never put it on patreon but you're the winner yeah you're the winner caleb zeloga mike then we got i'm a factory and chrissy is a retired horse i'm going to crack them up and make some glue these are all last weeks these are last weeks then we got um uh yeah yeah let me uh i think we're having some technical difficulties on this but it's okay should we pause it and just figure out what's going on yeah emmy up to 10 bucks because i'm franks and beans [ __ ] matthew shawls then we got caleb the sperm bank hold on caleb the sperm bank night janitor who takes home extra boba ganoush okay wanna more then we got salma no fume sandra d but make no mistake christy d can crack open this middle eastern p praise allah my cousin who's a muzzy drinking smoothies with the cuties changing gender like the weather says ladder 14 go [ __ ] yourself there we go it's a goodie bluegrass monkey with nuclear fooms daddy says don't vote democrat uh keely rave kanyas jane hooker sam nimmer tyler i ate bat stew got the woof flew now my butt is leaking poo kennedy uh wait a second is that not a repeat i think it might be a repeat that's a strong on the list i'm going to get uh yeah then we got [ __ ] and tuck uh shane mccullen lucas kozinski yeah guys straight to the back then we got maddie the irish cousy to adopt lady hips and the tzatziki sauce monkey swain that's last week yeah sid batson then we got this is this and this you know this is the one that gave the bill buckner one to run for its money kareem abdul fumar yeah kareem abdulfamar you're right there but i'm giving it to bill buchner but yeah it could have went either way listen i'm going to read i'm going to read another 25. yeah here we go uh pixel pixel packet then we got father bill fed me a pill and when i came to i was coated in glue that's on the list yeah but that's that's last night but i'm throwing him again he gets a double flap face all clown feats last week frankie max wepa in the warning wepa in the evening wep at suppertime when pizza's on a bagel get the [ __ ] out of my city yeah it's on the list that's the new one that's on the left then we got lisa uh crash bandicoot uh then we got mira chrissy it's me mention my zoom classes and your stupid skits are all wep or your lunch lady yes put it on the list okay yeah then we got jared not sean alexander we have a fun time on this podcast we really do then we got zachary dalton markle then we got steve becoming a non-tude for the daily chance to get a viewer chris or yani's glute shoot or glue gun smith where the [ __ ] did glute shoot and poop flute and skin flute come from yeah dan caufield robbie bobby robbie bobby no doubt swallow rope so babies come out then we got colonel crack me open cutie reporting for duty yeah put yeah then we got yanny marquis marquishad ff [ __ ] sock poppas uh okay austin odell and austin odelin then we got hardcore fcf who's headed straight to the back because i'm just here for the content in the mesh 2020. if it gets muffin chops cooking like that i'm throwing them on the list then we got vena tifa torch my deli on flatbush and third avenue put them on the [ __ ] list [Laughter] then we got steel pipe chrissy it's what it is yeah then we got tanner my dad evaded my taxes last year so now he calls me by my prison name sweet meat missile draxler strong list then we got greek florida squeak chasing bugs like a fumigator charles mcbride dj then we got the twink trapped under tim dillon sync yeah put him on the list yeah put the [ __ ] last week though is it yeah how did i miss that was he just that much upstaged by a kareem abdul fumar i think so yeah we just had such a strong life we'll throw him on this week's if just as a [ __ ] the twink caught underneath tim dillon's sink is a goodie yeah then we got uh nate heinrich game winner bounce pass to father bill uh put them on the list yeah they're all losing to the guy but then we've got yahweh yahweh jugs um missed grandfather bill claus eslo ks todd kirkland then we got luis sasson fumes was it 10 out of 10 alvarez wait wait wait sasso fumes he's not he's a repeat too he's trying to sneak back in there yeah sasso and fumes is a classic though yeah cecil fumes is a classic yeah i'll read 20 more and that's it but he's so much a classic i remember him yeah so if we didn't read your name don't worry we'll catch up next year so we had a technical difficulty uh christy d will you marry me patty i can't catch aids twice conway then we got tommy a german kid with an irish name in a mexican situation call me california chrissy d ryan put him on the list for the creativity then we got jacob yell rex shoots enough glue to fill a shoe or two para then we got chrissy and yani for prezi 2020 with all the votes from the eastern hemis light of 14. um then we got happy birthday chopped cheese love baby bubbles uh we got aaron hunter then we got mayor of brown town with an addiction to clarida and tucking it back for lieutenant lemon drops uh david my father might have father billed me now i do open my comedy wallansky check out my youtube [Laughter] drex the strong drexler then we got christy d and johnny p wrestled me covered in chobani uh then we got detective richard thickens aka dickie dumb cumster uh then we got chuck i'm here to see the dandelion puppy and puffy nipple poppy crack each other open recigno then we got brett rex brett the fcf definitely our top pick for pseudo penis of the year regardless of what we say after this no take backs uh yeah fun one fun one then you got make no mistake i'm paying with my stimulus check hashtag trump2020. give him a direction just because the kid's taking a little food out of his own mouth to get here then we got charles 3005 dylan ballentine then we got josh pushing poo makes me shoot glue what are you gonna do uh drexler then we got uh asher i'm a judean kid and chrissy concentration camps makes me nervous sometimes rap report we don't condone that no but i mean he's a jewish kid it's a funny thing he's getting a direction for that yeah then we got andrew campisi uh then we got jerk off to your own [ __ ] from behind knuckle up donahue uh okay then we got jeffrey then we got chrissy d's pp in a little lemon tp while attending rupaul's speakeasy you know where he goes roll out the catapult and [ __ ] fling him onto the list okay then we i'll just do these five mile end at 135 v okay then we got sean rod tyler buttle the fantasy king frank thomas has low tea and beans um then we got uh kalyn atticus atkinson and then last but not least you think we got if you don't think every december 7th i put panda express in the microwave for five minutes for the board she got another thing coming wow wow yeah yeah i mean sometimes i mean because we just keep having these dark horses right that last that was the last one the last one too he goes on the list and he's given a a run for the money so it's between the last one and and and the first one favorite what was the first one again was it to help boost the transfer can't be he wins nicki no dick you're the winner nicki no yeah i i it's so good i wanna i might make a t-shirt for him and sell it back together yeah nicki no dick which you will get fifty percent of the proceeds cause makeovers take you using our platform yeah i thank you for boosting our trans fans yeah all right so there you have it like cutting off your own dick love you guys so much hope you have a nice week we really hope you enjoyed that episode whatever it was about this is just a stock thing that we're taping on to every episode so go make sure you rate review us subscribe uh turn on your notifications get jiggy with it and go to patreon.comridgeboys where things get really wild
Channel: History Hyenas
Views: 40,427
Rating: 4.9165154 out of 5
Keywords: Chris Distefano, chris Distefano comedy, Yannis Pappas, Chris Distefano Podcast, History Hyenas, bayridge boys, comedy, comedian, podcast, entertainment, pop culture, commentary, history, funniest podcasts, black conservatism, thomas sowell, thomas sowell story, booker t. washington, w.e.b. du bois, black republican, thomas sowell systemic racism, thomas sowell interview, booker t washington vs dubois, thomas sowell debate, black conservatives history, candace owens, larry elder
Id: 08QQghGAUGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 56sec (4916 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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