Skyrim: 5 Things They Never Told You About Argonians

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hey how's going guys it's Nate here and among the playable races we can choose from in Skyrim or really any of the Elder Scrolls games argonians or the sack Selah as they call themselves are probably the most unique and intelligent species of lizard folk that have inhabited Tamriel for as long as anyone can remember boasting the ability to breathe underwater scaly skin and the biological resistance to most poisons the reptilians have a reputation for making excellent sailors and explorers their homeland is the province of black marsh often called Argonia a swampy hot and toxic region of the continent that's said to be so unforgiving all attempts at human and elven colonization of the area have failed evidently only these humanoid geckos have ever been able to call it home but despite being built for the swamps the sack seal can be found existing in virtually every major city in the Empire even thriving in the cold climates of Skyrim and there's more to their species than what the games make directly obvious so today we'll be taking a look at five things you probably never knew about the argonians of the elderscrolls v skyrim starting off let's begin today's video by analysing the beginnings of the Argonian race an incredibly fascinating topic because we don't actually know much about it you see the ergo Tian's along with the Khajiit are one of only two races thought to be genuine natives of Tamriel WA humans and elves first emerged on other continents and merely migrated over here tens of thousands of years ago but argonians civilization had always existed in this land and there's some evidence to suggest that before the arrival of men and Meara they had an insanely advanced and sophisticated society that has since been lost sadly the lizard folk were never ones to write much stuff down though some of the few surviving texts written by the very first elven explorers of Tamriel mention contact with Argonian tribes as they navigated around black marsh and even southern morrowind implying then not only had these scaly men and women been here first but at one point they even existed in significant numbers beyond Argonia furthermore in the Elder Scrolls online dialogue with various characters as well as a few in-game books assert that in the earliest days of history ergo nians were united under a powerful and complex ancient society that erected massive pyramids called Xan Mirza throughout their domain this society somehow mysteriously collapsed by the beginning of the first era but many of its ruins still pepper modern-day Black Marsh it's suspected that the zen mir pyramids served some type of magical purpose but these days their true meaning is as lost as the people who created them next on our list well most of the argonians we encounter in the elder scrolls 500 by and large look pretty much the same they have the same facial structure and body type they can look radically different to the point where they resemble entirely different creatures in the murk meyer region of ESO a specific breed of argonians called the Naga can be encountered they're a little taller than most origami Enza and notably their cranial structure is far far more fish-like than what we typically see additionally the same expansion also introduced us to Argonian behemoths who are defined by their incredible size and stature these fellows seem to be considerably less intelligent and are way way more hostile it's said they in fact prey on the more normal and human-like argonians they can find not only does evidence stem from ESO but throughout the Elder Scrolls franchise the appearance of playable argonians has always deferred greatly between games ranging from the more man and elf like visual aesthetic they had in the Elder Scrolls 1 arena to the incredible crocodile inspired appearance they had in the elder school to Daggerfall it's thought that the reason behind all of these potential variations in appearance has not to do with an argonians biological parents or something but instead with an element called the hist the hist or race of sentient almost somewhat godlike trees native to black marsh that share a shockingly strong connection with the ergo knee in people when an Argonian first hatches out of an egg of course our dough nians lay eggs they don't give live birth that baby Argonian is supposed to drink some sap from a hist tree which they believe gives them their souls as the child matures and consumes more and more SAP the hist it's thought will decide on that argonians appearance and begin to make changes in their biology this is why some lizard people will end up looking like giant crocodiles by the time they reach adulthood and others will bear more well human-like biology admittedly despite this being the most common explanation were presented with in the games thanks to dialogue in various books it still has some holes for instance what happens if an Argonian hatches outside of black marsh nowhere near a hist tree does it just grow up without a soul is it just given a generic appearance were unsure so perhaps there's more going on that we're not told whatever the case I think it is safe to say that between an or child and an Argonian child health class is going to be looking very very different coming in at number three oh this one is absolutely hilarious and amazing did you know that the argonians actually invaded oblivion and for a brief while even conquered some parts of it let me explain so around 200 years prior to when Skyrim takes place Tamriel experienced a horrible event known as the Oblivion crisis when mehrunes dagon Daedric prince of chaos attempted to attack and conquer Tamriel with legions of his horrifying demonic men this of course was the whole plot behind the elder scrolls for Oblivion the way Dagon was able to move his armies from his realm of oblivion to the mortal world was thanks to a series of portals he began to open up all around Tamriel a-- called oblivion gates well tez for only took place in the province of Cyrodiil we know that Dagon was opening up many of these gates in just about every part of Tamriel hwah causing chaos in all corners of the Empire and with the imperial army too busy trying to defend the capital most provinces were left defenseless and suffered greatly but not black marsh we learn from the elder scrolls in ávila the infertile city which is set just a few decades after the crisis that in black marsh as the Daedric invasion was beginning and are going in tribe called the onyx sila quickly rallied together the various swamp clans and somehow built up a massive number of armies who then started charging into the oblivion gates as soon as they opened up and the argonians uh poured into oblivion so unprepared were the Daedra who expected to be on the offensive that they ended up panicking and simply started closing the portals themselves in order to avoid being overrun by the reptiles and thus mehrunes dagon invasion of black marsh was over before it even got started soon enough the entire crisis would end thanks to the efforts of the hero of kibosh and the last emperor in a rather complicated conclusion that involved some magic stuff but just know that during this period of time Argonia really didn't need anyone's help 4/4 ponch jari rah and his sister dija are a pair of argonians that lead their own pirate gang that they call the black blood Marauders during a visit to solitude we can be approached by the para who will offer us the opportunity to join in on one of their schemes and make some coin apparently there's a large Imperial ship bound for solitude that should be arriving in the next few hours what the argonians want you to do with is go to solitudes lighthouse and extinguish the flame this they expect will cause that vessel to crash and then allow their large gang of Marauders the opportunity to go to the wreckage and take whatever they want this is the basis for the quest lights out and it goes largely according to plan you go to the lighthouse turn off the fire the ship crashes and the Marauders take over the wreckage however when you arrive to claim your share Deeja and Jory Robb will turn on you trying to take it all for themselves you'll have to defeat them in battle and then you'll get all the spoils of war completing the quest what Skyrim doesn't tell you though is that Jarrah and Deeja actually have a third sibling meet doll Amaya he's an Argonian dock worker at solitudes East Empire company warehouse and a secret ally of rifton's thieves guild being a dock worker at solitude Dolan I is able to get his hands on some of the finest goods that ever gray sky rim Shores he then steals them and sells them to the guild for a hefty profit the man plays a critical role in the Thieves Guild quest scoundrels Foley where we must interrogate him for some information after we learn he's also selling to another third party that's not us and according to Skyrim's Creation Kit he's the brother of Jorah and DJ maybe the way the black blood Marauders found out about that rich Imperial ship coming so soon was thanks to Gollum aiyah he could be funneling his siblings some information that served the black blood Marauders very well WA or maybe someone epithets de just accidentally clicked the wrong button when setting relationship status up oh well let's move on and finally last on our list one of the most popular literary works in all of Tamriel would have to be the lusty argonian maid book series a collection of books that are meant to be Bethesda's own humorous parody of real-world erotic novels filled with hilarious and crude innuendos interestingly the lusty argonian maid books are all really plays meant to be performed by a cast of actors during the events of the elder scrolls three more wind we could in fact meet their author an imperial man named crassius curio and boy it was this guy an eccentric personality he would constantly make inappropriate jokes and requests of the player and had this weird demand that we would call him uncle while he calls us dumpling it was a personality then in yeah so we could locate a book called the Argonian made an oral tradition this book was more or less a research paper meant to explore the origins of the lusty argonian maid play and the findings of the author conclude that crassius wasn't even the original creator of the ardougne n' made tales no the inspiration behind his play came from a number of bard songs that would be sung by various travelers furthermore it's implied that every region of Tamriel has their own version of The Oregonian made in the province of Valen would people put on plays about the lusty vaz Maria in the cassini homeland of elsewhere there's a story called two moons for sugar and the Red Guards of hammerfell call it the Sandy spear of the aqil ear it's hilarious I'll admit this isn't a totally Oregonian centric fact but I did find it pretty neat I suppose the denizens of Tamriel WA much like many people in the real world also have a taste for mischievous tales no pun intended and with that we are going to wrap up five things they never told you about the argonians of the elderscrolls v skyrim thanks so much for stopping by everybody which of these facts are tiny details did you find to be the most interesting and what Skyrim fallout or any other game Easter eggs do you know of that I haven't tackled yet leave a comment down below as always like ratings are very much appreciated again thanks for watching I hope to catch you all in my next video peace out everyone
Channel: TheEpicNate315
Views: 704,484
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Keywords: Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, Skyrim Special Edition, The Elder Scrolls 5, Skyrim Top 5, Skyrim Rare Items, Skyrim Facts, Skyrim Secrets, Skyrim tiny Details, Skyrim Mysteries, Skyrim Theories, Things You Didn't Know You Could Do In Skyrim, Skyrim Top 10, Skyrim Argonians, Skyrim Black Marsh, Skyrim Lore, Elder Scrolls Lore, Skyrim Mods, Skyrim Mod, TheEpicNate315
Id: i0paylQfNHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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