The Elder Scrolls Lore: Mannimarco

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[Music] [Music] you in time the name Molag Bal will be forgotten in time all of Tamriel will bow down before me soon the god of schemes will have a new name manna Marco a quote from manna Marco himself manna Marco the king of worms was a powerful ulta merry mage turned necromancer turned lich he was the leader of the order of the black worm and the age old ark enemy of the mages guild events involving mana Marco date back to the second era but his corruption and power has been felt across history many documents telling of mana Marco not only go into great detail about him but his old colleague Venice gal Aryan who had founded the mages guild it is not known when many Marco was born he was told to be of royal Alta Mary blood however whatever this royal bloodline is remains unknown it is told that he did in fact experience the infamous and most disastrous of the Dragon breaks the dragon break of the middle dawn but took course over a thousand years in the first era during this time it is told that he learned something referred to as his mystery from the murder Katis electives the extremist cult of responsible for the dragon break mana Marco eventually took a membership within the Civic order around the second era to thirty among his colleagues mana Marco was a prodigy noted as intelligent and gifted in the arts of magic another gifted student Havana school Aryan quickly made acquaintance with mana Marco during their time as students mana Marco and his earliest days of the civic order quickly became rumoured as one of the greatest and most gifted students who ever lived only vanna's had rivaled his power however men imarco and Venice held very contrasting ambitions vanna's was told to have a heart that was light and warm while manna Margot had been noted for a heart that was dark and cold at some point mana marko began to study necromancy and was fascinated by the secrets of necromancer's although it is not sure exactly what led to this fascination he quickly became enchanted by the limitless potential with souls and the dead eventually through his infatuation he became so obsessed that he began trapping victims Souls and using them in his research necromancy in the magic regarding the use of souls is heavily frowned upon by many magical orders because of its cruelty and quick advancement into corruption and evil the civic order among many of these magical orders were heavily against these dark arts and it was punishable by expulsion after one of his spells caught the notice of Venice he confronted meta Marco under the cap Ora tower where he met Menna Marco with a caution you're wicked mysticism is no way to wield your power your studies must cease because you only bring horror to the spirit world Venice warned Meno Marco of his path to expulsion and corruption however mana Marco paid no heed to this warning and carried on with his experiments mana Marco quickly grew to despise Venice along with anything the order taught mana Marco detested peace order and life it wasn't long before the order had turned against him in full and the City Council had decidedly banished mana Marco from the order and from Artyom however Venice was angered by this as he knew many Marco would go into caused chaos in the rest of Tamriel Venice to left the order and founded his own order of mages birthing the mages guild in the second era after his banishment mana Marco on his own uh volition as Venice predicted would go on a seemingly never-ending quest in search of power and to spread his dark influence the many dark wizards and magic users who joined in his cult gifted him artifacts and even more power after he was exiled from artyom mana margosa many different matters of lost knowledge regarding the necromantic arts such as how dragon priests and brought their drugger ancient a lyric tablets detailing how to summon dead spirits and even something known as the crimson book of skulls a book that shall adorn himself is believed to have destroyed another talented ulta merry wizard who became esteemed as both mana marco and vanna's had in the Civic order was a vaster a vaster eetu became fascinated with the arts of necromancy although the difference between her and mana Marco was that mana Marco had sought the arts for power and control whereas Vasari's goals were much more obscured and esoteric her research guided her into finding a way to consult with Souls upon death and this research has proven incredibly valuable team ages to come she too left Artyom and worked briefly with mana Marco to further understand the use and potential of souls vaster he proved quite useful to mana Marco she was able to explore the depths of oblivion and retrieve soul gems that none had ever seen before tamanna Marco these soul gems proved incredibly valuable as they were able to contain nearly any soul and were highly indestructible however two of Astri she held no use for them and these gems were incredibly flawed to her vaster you believe that enchantment was the only true and safest way to liberate a soul from their suffering vastra had eventually discovered of what she desired in her research however man and Marco was in disagreements and anger to him a soul gem was rendered useless if it was not meant for power or enchantment he demanded that vaster utilized her research to suit his goals and purposes eventually Vassar II escaped to mana Marco and fled to an ancient alien ruin deep in the forests of Valen wood she lived for many decades within the ruin perfecting her study until she eventually retreated mana Marco was a public enemy to all of Tamriel however he was arguably the arch enemy of the mages guild and followers of RK the word of mana Marcos power quickly spread throughout Tamriel and many dark magic users joined in following him and became known as the order of the black worm in a poem about him he was described as being the world's first of the undying Lich's although this is not entirely true as throughout history there have been many immortal and powerful witches that have come before him mana Marco had lost his mind and his body in his own work and through his work became undead it is told that his once mortal blood turned acidic his father is associated him with the dead undead and all things repulsive once he achieved this immortality he had become known as the king of worms mana Marco took not only aspiring necromancer's under his wing in the worm cult but hundred is corrupted and insane mages outcasts witches and even reach men who practice the dark arts he collected any and all who were remotely involved in the necromantic Network this collective group of dark magic practice Jenner's became known as the order of the black worm since most of Tamriel regards necromancy as vile and punishable by a sentence or death this cult mainly operated underground and in secret mana Marco with his power was able to bribe convince and intimidate political authorities to keep quiet about their operations he was even able to convince clivia thorne the temporary head of Cyrodiil during the plane meld to lift the ban on necromancy and he became included as a legal craft in the magical arts the order of the black worm quickly became the leading group of mages to the Empire instead of the mages guild the order of the black worm despite being enthralled by chaos and evil was quite orderly in their affairs a typical member of the order was known as a worm nest they're typically under that of the worm anchorites the anchorites report directly to mana marco himself however their means of telepathic and remote communication is yet unknown other members of the order were known as necromancer adepts worm warriors and the lowest swear worm thralls many corrupted mages were attracted to the order with promises of power and great reward to those who served loyally to mana marco and the order despite mana Markos clear ill-intentions and rumors of his power he grew trusted and advised many different political heads of Tamriel for years before the plain mill arrived in full mana Marco throughout the middle of much of Tamriel's history had been a puppet master for much of the political conflicts of Tamriel he held control over the empire during the interregnum Molag Bal the Daedric Prince of domination is often worshipped by necromancer's and those who follow Dark Arts mana Marco coordinated with the Daedric Lord and went under his service Molag Bal gave him the task of tricking the five companions into carrying out a ritual that would destroy the liminal barriers between nirn and oblivion unknowingly mana Marco did indeed plan to carry this endeavor out however his true intention was to utilize the amulet of Kings to imprison Mallick Balls essence within it trap Moloch ball on nirn take Coldharbour for himself and take Milan balls place as a God although to carry this out mana Marco needed the amulet of Kings in the decades leading up to the plane meld my Marco was an advisor of sorts to the soon-to-be crowned Emperor Varon Akal arias Varon did not inherit the throne by blood but he gained it by right of conquest Varon was able to achieve this with the help of mana Marco they led an insurrection against the long house emperors a group of reach men who gained control of the throne and we're incredibly barbaric in their forced leadership Varon was able to slay the last of the longhouse Emperor's Leo vaq and claimed right to the throne however Varon could not yet officially be crowned as a he did not have the blood of the Emperor's past and was unable to light the dragon fires in the temple of the one as this course was meant to be carried out as per tradition of the crowning of a new emperor Menem Marco as advisor to the future emperor convinced Varon to gather together a group of powerful and trusted warriors this included of leiris titan born a female Nordic warrior with giant blood flowing in her veins sie sehen a Red Guard noble and talented sword master Abner thorn the Grand Chancellor of the elder council and a man of Marco the powerful Alta Mary wizard these Warriors were gathered together to locate the amulet of kings step 1 in the equation they had searched all of Tamriel until they had finally discovered its location right under their noses at the ruins of sangra tour in Serie Dell upon arrival to the imperial city with the amulet of Kings mana Marco was told to play upon Barons and securities and was able to persuade him that he could convince akatosh to gift him the necessary dragon blood for the coronation it was after this coronation had been attempted that the rest of the companions had discovered mana Marco's true intentions mana Marco through his power was able to corrupt the amulet of Kings with the amulet of Kings he was able to ignite a catastrophic event known as the soul burst this event tore a massive hole through the membrane of mundus allowing Molag Bal to infiltrate into an urn Moloch Balls goal was to merge nirn with his plane of oblivion Coldharbour upon the soul burst Varon had been consumed in its power and the blame of his death fell on sie sehen and Liris titan born for his wrongly death the suspicions of them became inflated even more once sie sehen fled with the amulet of Kings and returned it to the ruins of sacra tour protected and hidden under an aid record of stunned are consider a dear reader Tamriel is a ripe apple dangling precariously from the flowering branches of a great tree for eons that is hung far above well out of reach of the hungry teeth the Daedra who would feast upon it but the rending of the cosmic veil caused by the soul burst mana Markos tainted coronation ritual cracked the branch upon which are afer mentioned Apple grows a quote from Abner thorn as written in The Chronicles of the five companions vol 8 mana marco being the new puppeteer for what remained of power in the empire cast a mage is killed out of Cyrodiil mana Marco believed that necromancy held dominance over all other forms of magic any others who sided with the mages guild or were remaining members of it were arrested by mana Marco as enemies of the state Abner thorn to avoid being placed on the long list of those who were to be executed or arrested was forced to pledge loyalty to mana Marco however he held no true loyalty to him Abner thorns daughter clivia had taken a temporary leadership of the throne as Empress regent mana marco and li pact made with the thorn family raise the undead to fight for the side of the Imperials of the Alliance war even with clivia Thorin as the titular Empress mana Marcos still remained as the true power behind the throne eventually Abner thorn betrayed mana Marco although he appeared to willingly service him he had no intention of doing so in full despite the belief of Aaron being consumed and the skilled in the soul burst Varon miraculously survived this event and was trapped in cold harbour for a time although he eventually escaped and in a weakened form blinded and now out early carried on his life as an anonymous man going by the Prophet the Prophet had spread word of mana Marco's betrayal and power however mana Marco eventually had him arrested for spreading rumors and treason the Prophet with his wisdom predicted the catastrophe of the plane meld and soon after did this prediction come true the Imperial City had become engulfed in Daedric fire and the first of the dark anchors had fallen upon the city systematically Moloch balls large and magical dark anchors routed themselves across nirn dispelling his Daedra to open up further sections of Mundus in the end mana Marco had expected li betrayed Abner once he was finished utilizing him even clivia had turned against her own father under a promise from mana Marco and that he would take her under his wing and teach her his dark arts a hero going by the title of the vestige along with many other lives was sacrificed to Moloch ball however they were able to escape Cold Harbor and manifest it back on Tamriel without a soul and became popularly known as the soulless one after this escape they were able to continually ruin mana Markos plans of trying to obtain the amulet of Kings eventually they were successfully able to destroy mana Marco however his death was not enough to stop mana Marco as his soul still remained mana Marco told the vestige that his death hindered nothing and that he would continue his chaos by this time Molag Bal manifested revealing that he knew mana Marcos true intentions all along and dragged mana Marco into the pits of Coldharbour to torture his soul for his betrayal the vestige and the other companions had made their way into cold Harbor to cause an end to mo logs invasion in which they discovered mana Marco it is unknown at the vestige freed him or not however mana Marco somehow escaped Coldharbour and made his return to Tamriel once again eventually Venice had departed the mages guild he had grown tiresome and bothered by the inner political discrepancies that were occurring in the guild although his fight against mana Marco had not ceased when mana Marco made his return to Tamriel vanna's had met him with an army of mages and lap Knights despite vanna's dispelling himself from the mages guild he utilized the collective force of the mages guild to face mana marco in one grand battle before the battle commenced vanna's gave him a chance at surrender stating worm king surrender your artifacts and their power to me and you shall live as befits the dead in which man amarka replied with a laugh and you die first this battle was told to consists of waves of fire and frost and lightning arcing forth mana Marco had taken on a form of a powerful undead lich during this battle supposin 1000 men lost their lives in this battle including Venice and with his defeat mana Marco too was supposedly killed although some believe that mana Marco did in fact survive this brutal clash and had gone into hiding for a lengthy amount of time before his eventual return mana Marcos power was not heard about for centuries to come after his supposed death that is until the years preceding the O'War bin the west stories appeared of mana Marcos returned and his growing strength around the iliac Bey he still played an invisible role in the political landscape of Tamriel the slowed necromancer Nagata was even given his own domain by mana Marco on the island of Stroh's Makai amid the sod the seconds rain the slopes of brass are known for their incredible skill in the arts of necromancy and while they are typically conceited and individualistic they admired mana marco for his undoubted aptitude in the arts of necromancy and many slow to even worshipped him many throughout Tamriel acknowledged his power and some Tamriel ik Nobles even sought out his assistance in gaining power such as more Gaia the daughter of Baron Ziya along with the king of first hold in these Summerset Isles before the warp in the West in the third era 4:05 mana marco was known to possess a vast amount of knowledge after centuries of hiding and being dedicated to his research the hero of Daggerfall even saw him out in search of quests and often carried out many tasks for him he's suspected to somehow have been involved in the cataclysm of the warp in the West but it isn't known exactly how the warp in the West caused mass confusion and inexplicable results after it occurred in full one story tells if there being more than one man imarco some even say that the mana marco that existed during this time was simply an aspiring and powerful necromancer who took on his name or a mage that was somehow possessed or utilized by the real mana marco in some way many believe that during the chaos in the dragon break mana marco finally reached his long-sought dream of godhood after in one timeline of the dragon break he got a hold of the Mantella and the totem of Tiber Septim gaining control of the new medium and turning himself into the necromancers moon also known as the revenant this mysterious moon had only appeared after the warp in the West this one appears in the trajectory of the celestial body of the divine RK despite our case teachings against that of necromancy when this moon eclipses our K it allows the souls of those protected by our K to be trapped by soul gems regardless some believe this moon is the personification and proof of his achievement of godhood of some kind not long into the course of the Dragon break akatosh regained control over time and this caused the iliac bayed to repair itself a scholar named gnuhata explains the jill's of akatosh have mended this new addition man amarka remains as he was the high priest of maggots some believe this may lead to many Marco achieving godhood but was cast down to nirn once more however the mysterious necromancer's moon remains and is still worshipped by necromancer's of modern times this also may be considered true as not long later mana Marco once again returned during the Oblivion crisis some scholars believe that when mana Marco achieved his supposed godhood he broke into with his mortal and physical counterpart being cast back down to nirn and the metaphysical self of him remaining as the infamous necromancer's moon this moon became key in the creation and manifestation of creating black soul gems for many necromancer's in the late years of the 3rd era despite the stories of mana marco finally achieving some sort of godhood an all tamara necromancer going by the name of mana marco reappeared once again and created a final installment of the infamous worm cult mana marco had taken refuge and asylum in echo cave in serie del mana marco is told during this time that he never needed to eat nor sleep to remain alive during his reborn power surge amid the Oblivion crisis he is even told to have discovered the long-lost van escolares corpse and utilized it as a dead thrall man imarco had planned a full assault against the mages guild once more some say he chose this time to attack due to the Oblivion crisis dealing a heavy blow to all of Tamriel and during this time was we need grown a second large following due to the arc mage of the mages guild Hannibal Traven outlying necromancy from the guild despite Venice and many future guild leaders of the mages guild being against necromancy many mages within the guild desired practice of it leading to many expelling the mages guild and taking up places in isolation to study these practices under mana Marco they found power and fortitude the countif sking rad a vampire who was well knowledge about the practice of Dark Arts in Serie Dell had informed the hero of kvetch about the return of mana Marco they brought this news to Hannibal Traven the Ark mage of the mages guild at the time Traven tasks the hero to create a magnificent colossal black soul gem mana Marco had planned to use this soul gem to capture the soul of Traven himself Traven knew of mana Marcos power in a drastic decision he decided to trap his own soul within this colossal black soul gem this would prevent mana Marco from casting a thrall spell upon the hero of batch as Traven predicted upon the meeting between the hear of kvetch and mana marco he did indeed cast a spell upon the hero to make them his thrall although mana Marco did not notice the spell failed and took him making his last spoken words to the hero power my dear friend I seek power and so I acquire and study those who have some degree of it we are after the same things your guild and I yet you worry about good and evil and do not accept that they are manifestations of the same thing so you branded me a villain and make vain attempts to destroy me I watch and I wait and I collect you when you come for me mana Margo took great surprise when the hero was cognizant and able to fight back against him even with mana Marcos power the hero was still able to destroy him in a fight alone putting a final end to the name of mana Marco even for an altmer mana Marco lived incredibly long if indeed the mana Marco present during the third era is the same mana Marco present during the second despite his long life only few artifacts exists that coincide with him the bloodworm helm is a skull helmet that empowers the magic of conjuration to whosoever wears it this helm also holds the ability to turn the undead drain the life force of enemies and is even able to conjure a skeletal minion from the soul Charon this helm was supposedly left behind as a reminder of mana Markos power after he finally disappeared in the third era for 27 this helm was in the possession of an insane Nord necromancer named crazy Pato he holed up in a layer within a deep ancestral tomb in the Malaga me region of Vardhan fell the nerve Irene had killed Bhutto and the helm is believed to have eventually made its way to - Raza a rum in her Museum of artifacts however a few years later this helm made its way to the mages guild at the Arcadia University in Serie Dell when mana Margo and leashed his fury once again against the mages guild within that year Master wizard ear LOF Jerell retreated with the helm to the Blackwood region of Cyrodiil - fort telamon with a group of mages to research the artifact they attempted to study this artifact to find a way in which mana Marko could be stopped art mage Traven advise against doing this as he feared for the safety of the mages as Traven predicted the mages were confronted by mysterious Daedra who were summoned upon research of the artifact the leader of these mages himself was murdered by a summoned Remora the order of the black worm then attacked fort telemon to retrieve this artifact for mana Marco however the Daedra were even hostile to them and they were held back by the Daedric forces with Trayvon's worried he deployed the hero of Cyrodiil to retrieve the helm and they had come head to head with both the Daedra and the cult members they successfully retrieved the helm and returned it to the security of the arcane University one of the most powerful and evil artifacts of Madame Marco is the necromancers amulet created by him himself this amulet is incredibly intricate in design usually with a skull appearing on the face of it this amulet is incredibly powerful in the sense that it acts as armor it grants a magical protection equal to that of full plated armor this amulet can also regenerate health and mundane and ordinary weapons don't deal as much damage against those who don it the power of this artifact comes at a price however as the wearer's life force and strength are often depleted upon its where many necromancer's mages and thieves seek this amulet a curse is told to exist on this artifact it is observed to fade in and out of existence and will disappear for large amounts of time before returning at an incredible distance away from where it was last seen during the Imperial simulacrum the eternal champion had uncovered this amulet but where exactly they recovered it is debated some documents state it was high rock while others state these summers at Isles this amulet eventually reappeared just before the warp in the West an ancient lit shad uncovered this amulet but eventually this amulet made its way into the hands of the under King the under king promised this amulet as a reward to anyone who would bring him the totem of Tiber Septim since the events of the warp in the West caused mass chaos and confusion the exact results of who the amulet was given to is not known although many believe it was in the possession of the hero of Daggerfall later in the third era the amulet made its way into the hands of Ark maids trebonius artorias of the Varden fel branch of the mages guild the nerve Irene had eventually got ahold of this relic although exactly how it left the ark mages possession is not known at some point in time these two artifacts were put in the possession of the mages guild however due to the nature of artifacts on Tamriel they are likely missing from their possession and especially likely due to the mages guilds disbandment after this amulet made its home at the arcane university a mage from the Council of the mages intended to give it to mana Marko as he made his return although upon an encounter with the hero of kvetch she was killed for her treachery and the amulet was once again returned to the arcane University although after the Oblivion crisis it is not known exactly how it ended up in Skyrim and the fourth era to a-1 as this artifact like many disappears and reappears in the most unlikely of places a man named Calixto corium who lived in the city of Windhelm was driven mad upon his sister Lucilla's death he wished to bring her back to life after he discovered this powerful artifact Calixto became fascinated in the arts of necromancy and attempted to use the artifact in his neck romantic experiments this amulet had been discovered by the last dragon born after they were investigating a series of vicious murders that were taking place in the city in the end Calixto had been responsible for the murders of multiple women and was brought to justice the third and final artifact of manna Marco is the very staff he wielded known as the staff of worms this staff will reanimate any corpse for 30 seconds as most reanimated corpses the undead follower holds no intelligence or cognition but will follow any order and will defend the user for staff at all costs mana Marco used this stuff for most of his spells and practices most notably in tearing open the membrane of Mundus during the soul burst along with his battle against Abdur thorn it is also told that mana Marcos own robes after his death were often sought out by collectors and mages alike Madame Markos story from sigmaij to necromancer to Ilych to a supposed God to revert back to mortal form to be killed once again is a tale for many scholars to ponder whether mana Margot truly achieved some kind of divinity caused by the chaos during the dragon break is debated and whether the last seen mana Margot of the Oblivion crisis is yet the same mana Marco that rose to great power during the plane meld is also heavily contested but what is known is that mana Marcos power was truly a blight to Tamriel and how his existence has led to the deaths of thousands throughout history and whether he could return again to Tamriel once again as he has many times before by means unexplained is unknown you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Lady of Scrolls
Views: 103,726
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Keywords: mannimarco, elder scrolls lore mannimarco, elder scrolls lore, mannimarco lore, ladyofscrolls, lady of scrolls elder scrolls lore, ladyofscrolls lore, lady of scrolls mannimarco, ladyofscrolls mannimarco
Id: twwOHyJnG9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 12sec (2472 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 19 2020
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