The Elder Scrolls Lore: Vampires

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"Vampires are a race of immortal, blood sucking, undead created by the Daedric Prince Molag Bal. Vampires are especially feared because of their highly contagious disease they are all equipped with in combat. Vampires are high functioning, and compared to other undead, they are leagues ahead in terms of organized power. This video discusses the origins of Vampires, how Vampirism could be cured, the hundreds of organized clans throughout Tamriel, and the specific powers that all Vampires possess. Here are the sources of Information for this Video."

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Hapokas112 📅︎︎ Nov 07 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] the vampire is someone who was once mortal someone who was once alive but are now Undead vampires are beings who survive of the blood of mortals who burn in sunlight and are consider evil by most societies on Tamriel vampires can also choose to feed on other blooded beings such as animals but prefer the blood of mortals as it seems to give them the most needed satisfaction of thirsts as opposed to animals vampires are often mistaken for a reanimated corpse however similar but are a solitary species by many differing aspects vampires are misunderstood by much of Tamriel and are usually hunted hated or in most civilized settings even being a vampire could put an individual in bars or put to death some vampires are high-functioning and are near impossible to tell apart from a mortal counterpart but others are much more Farrell and recognizably vampires to some vampirism is a blessing immortality and many different powers are gifted to vampires however vampirism has its curses as it has its blessings weakness to light and fire along with an insatiable desire for blood curing vampirism is not impossible nor unheard of but incredibly difficult and hard to come by very few professionals exist whose expertise is in vampirism let alone curing it much knowledge and how to cure vampirism has even been hidden in many societies as many believe it could tempt people into becoming a vampire if they knew there was an easy way out with a cure vampires out of many different classifications of undead are some of the most feared because of their power while many fear vampires because of their undaunted proficiencies in magic speed and strength undoubtedly most mortals to fear vampires because of the risk of also getting infected with it's highly contagious disease that all vampires are equipped with in battle becoming infected with vampirism is told to be a pain greater than death should the knowledge of just one vampire be loosed among the populace of a village it can cause immense disorder and chaos and the fear of one's own neighbor there are three vampiric diseases that which infect mortals poor Fi Rakim Ophelia sanguinary vampiress and NOx affiliates and wave Oriya each disease is the direct infection of vampirism but are contracted in different ways and have their own severity of ill effects vampires are also feared because unlike most undead vampires are still attuned to immortal understanding and intelligence and possibly even more so than the average mortal there are hundreds of different organized clans and different variants of vampires across Tamriel those who are turned into vampires their first victims tend to be friends family or other close acquaintances because some do not realize they are infected or wait too long during the incubation window of the disease to permanently and effectively alter them [Music] vampires to the trained eye can be differentiated between an unfettered mortal and a vampire vampires are typically an unusually pale their canines are much sharper and pointed and some strains of vampires have glowing red eyes until their thirst for blood is sated vampires are immune to age and disease vampires may be immortal in terms of age but are not immune to death and can only typically be killed with the meeting of a violent end some of the oldest vampires are known as ancients ranging from hundreds to thousands of years old upon contact with the Sun and flame a vampire's skin burns when vampires meet their end the dust that is gathered from their corpses can be used for a variety of all chemical purposes such as turning oneself invisible it is also told that vampires upon entering a place of holy divine worship can feel inexplicable pain a vampire's specific abilities it is capable of is determined by the strain of vampirism they are infected with most vampires are nocturnal and sleep during the day because of the ill effects that the Sun typically has on them each clan varies and the victims they target the way in which they feed or harvest blood and many other differentiations between clans many vampires feed on those who are asleep Charmed or a spell that essentially makes mortals their thralls pure blood vampires are vampires who have received their ailment directly from the Daedric Prince Molag Bal himself Molag Bal is often referred to as the kin father of vampires and vampires can even be considered his children these pure Bloods also go by the name daughters of Coldharbour if they are female the term daughters of Coldharbour derives from Molag Bal's plane of oblivion known as Coldharbour daughters of Coldharbour are also innately able to turn into vampire Lords as well pure Bloods are typically of higher social status within the vampiric societies pure Bloods are likely responsible for the many different half-breeds and strains that exist across Tamriel although one clan the volca clan were all infected with the same strain pure Bloods may also possess different abilities from that of other vampires although typically looked quite similar in appearance to vampires of lesser status the children of pure Bloods may also possess similar abilities to their parents or grandparents but as the progeny continues it lessens vampires get their nutrition and sustenance from blood rather than food as mortals would this thirst unlike a normal hunger paying to immortal is ravenous and may even cause physical or mental pain to them a study conducted by Tamra Alec scholars in which they infected plants with a vampirism yielded that they produced a similar desire and thirst for blood instead of water a particularly strong vampire can go ages without drinking blood however they will become weak and quite feral but other vampires may even become stronger without drinking blood some vampires can fall into a deep coma without blood after a given time some bloodlines are known to make their appearance more immortal looking after consuming blood or apply regenerative and healing properties if a vampire doesn't kill their victim the chance of leaving the victim with vampirism is quite high but doesn't always spread the victim a hundred percent of the time blood may not be necessary to keep vampires alive or healthy some construe that vampires drain a victim's life force to replenish their own life force vampires can technically classify as parasites and if they only have one source of food they prefer to keep it alive and only kill their victims if there's plenty to go around or if it means that there could be one less witness there are two known bloodlines of vampires who are able to completely restrain themselves from killing their victims upon drinking from them although this is more out of pride and disdain and those who are essentially thralls or cattle to vampires are told to suffer a fate worse than death itself by being used as livestock despite popular belief vampires can consume normal and natural mortal food but gain nothing of nutrition from it as a normal mortal would the book titled the apud school aslam a both immense and morty speaks of where the origins of vampirism first began with the Daedric Prince Molag Bal it begins with Molag Bal holding a severe hatred for RK the god of cycles such as the seasons life and death Moloch ball out of his hatred for the cycles that RK had placed on the world manifested an urn which was still in its early eras and newly formed at the time and discovered an edik woman named LeMay bill Fogg Molag Bal viciously raped this poor woman and departed back to oblivion LeMay was discovered by a nomadic tribe they had nursed and cared for her to try to alleviate her health and stress after this horrific event eventually she had mysteriously died in the nomads care the nomads decided to cremate her however before they could carry this out LeMay arose from death and in her madness had horrendously murdered the group of nomads LeMay was known as the first daughter of Coldharbour and she decided to share her gift of vampirism with others vampirism quickly spread across Tamriel in the end scorning arcade cycles of life and death to vampires Lemmy is known as a blood matron LeMay l'm a ball and simply the blood matron unknown to the nomads who had cared for her l'm a did not actually die but she was actually strangely and rapidly healing from all wounds she had suffered this had scared the need ik tribes and out of fear of whatever disease she possessed they decided to cremate her to prevent it from spreading once LeMay had ended her vicious onslaught on the tribe she had no sooner realized what she had done and at what she had become LeMay turned to RK for forgiveness in her atrocities but was given no answer in her anger and insanity that is when she decided to infect every in all she came across and especially targeted arcade's worshippers since this many mortals have prayed to Moloch ball and made pacts with him to gift them this disease creating the many different bloodlines and variants that is known today since the time of LeMay many coats dedicated to molag bal conduct sacrifices to him many of these sacrifices offer females to molag bal on the 20th of evenings star the summoning day of Molag Bal few women survived this brutal ritual and those who do survive surface as pure blooded vampires or rather daughters of Coldharbour those who were selected as sacrifices to mullah Bal upon rejection or refusal to participate were met with brutal punishment in the first era one of the few remaining snow elves named Merthyr spoke of a prophecy called the blood of cold harbors daughter will blind the eye of the dragon this prophecy also went by the name the tyranny of the Sun this ancient prophecy predicts the eternal darkening of the Sun casting a shadow across nirn for eternity this prophecy was taken to extreme by Lord harken of the volca heart clan in northeastern Skyrim he planned on sacrificing the blood of his daughter sir in order to carry out the beads of the prophecy villarica Harkins wife was against his evil principles and fled to the soul Charon along with sealing her daughter for hundreds of years with an ancient Nordic ruin this significantly hindered Harkins plan of domination of the Sun in other cultures such as the done marry tribunal temple doctrine vampirism has another version of origin this version tells of Molag Bal creating the first vampire after he had defeated a powerful foe in combat and had aroused the vampire from its corpse the foe that which Molag Bal slew is debated some tales say it was a powerful Daedra Lord while others say it was a temple saint or powerful beast however these tales only exist in morrowind and are not taught outside of the province many stories have different truth to them such as the Volk er clan who were given their vampirism directly from Moloch Bal himself as well across all cultures vampirism is known to correlate with Moloch bow even as displayed in his artifact of the mace of Molag Bal that is also sometimes called the vampires mace this mace absorbs the enemy's Magica similarly to how a vampire would absorb the power from immortal even phenomenon that isn't particularly related to vampires that have absorbing effects are sometimes named after vampires because of their consuming nature such as the vampiric cloud spell the ebony blade which is also sometimes called the vampire and the vampiric ring any wound that is inflicted from a vampire has a chance of becoming infected with vampirism however not many documented cases of how vampirism is contracted have survived as many who encounter vampires do not live to tell the tale and so the exact process of an action is not fully understood for the first 72 hours of infection is when those who are infected display symptoms symptoms range from a variety of ill effects especially visible signs of restlessness and it is in this time that it is the best time to take action against it to seek a cure such as disease healing potions or praying at an aedra Coulter after this window of time it is when the disease is said to be impossible or near impossible to cure this is when the disease essentially kills the victim and yet lets them live as they are now Undead although this is when a vampire has truly taken form it is possible to cure it but incredibly difficult to come by some who have been infected with vampirism have told that upon becoming Undead they awaken in a tomb others such as LeMay Ball actually take on a strange and rapid healing process instead of a slowly dying process though there is a source that states she did in fact die before her transition to a fully bloody vampire although vampirism is typically a blood transmitted disease vampirism is contracted in multiple ways and can also be transmitted through a reproduction the journal of lord leviticus tells of how he as an imperial vampire impregnated an orc female resulting in a half-orc child however it is not quite known if the orc child had received the disease or any other powers associated with vampirism vampire spread their disease through bites scratches or their vampiric drain spells although depending on the bloodline this varies llama bio Foggs bloodline requires that the vampire gives them their blood after draining the victim of there's many done Mary scholars believe that vampirism is impossible to cure although a mare named Goliath Ari had come forth that he had been cured in his writings he states that during his days of being a vampire Mulla ball had come to him with a quest and only after the completion of this quest would Molag Bal reward him with a cure although eventually due to social pressure from the tribunal temple he did come for stating that this tale was not true there is another tale telling of how an individual had managed to get cured through malabo but through a loop actually managed to get cure from vaermina instead this tale also suggests that vampirism may have a connection to vaermina but since her sphere of dreams and nightmares governs all that the immortal mind can imagine it is not far from belief one way vampirism is told to be able to be cured is to kill the vampire who had began the bloodline to begin with known as the blood father however discovering the identity and location of the blood father is no easy task and upon commencement of this could possibly cure the entire clan an individual who stems from that bloodline and some even immediately die because of their incredibly old age they had only successfully reached because of their vampirism some former vampires throughout history have told of themselves becoming cured but never stated exactly how one method that came forth was to bathe in water that was soaked entirely with an alchemical agent known as purge blood salts witches who operated in the iliac bay region were targeted by the mages guild because they had developed a cure for the disease the cure they had developed was a potion that was concocted from six cloves of garlic two shoots of blood grass five leaves of nightshade the blood of Nar go nyan and the ashes collected from a powerful vampire these ingredients had also been collected to cure the count of skin grads wife of vampirism as she was in a coma although upon curing her she immediately died one clever method that was developed to combat spreading vampirism to begin with was a potion that essentially turned the user's blood to a kind of poison that made it undrinkable to vampire and would even kill the vampire who attempted a drink from said mortal throughout history there have been numerous accounts of strange rituals concoctions and cures that have been developed throughout history some seem to work and others with fatal penalties in the fourth era a powerful and esteemed Red Guard wizard named Fallon had developed a cure for vampirism this ceremony involved the use of a field the black soul gem and calling upon the forces of oblivion however phalion is quite secretive involving his studies and not much else is known about the ritual other than that another way to technically cure of vampirism is through contracting a different overriding disease like kin through P although this is often the least desirable option as it comes with its own curse since Molag Bal is the origins of vampirism many vampires worship Him although Molag Bal is not the only deja Prince in the line of worship for vampires the vampiric clans of Cyrodiil tend to worship clavicus vile as it was clavicus who gifted them the ability to blend in so well with mortals the bloodline of Lumme is told to think hircine for their ability to withstand the powerful rays of the Sun though this is debated among many scholars of Tamriel the many vampiric clans that which dot Tamriel are usually sectioned by their bloodline and established territories the bloodline is determined by who it was who gave them the vampiric diseased clans typically conclude of entirely one bloodline or vampires who sharecrop some major complexes of vampiric clans have their own cattle for all system prisoners and other mortals they can use at their disposal lhomme being the first vampire was able to create a bloodline of her own as well vampires within her bloodline share the strain of vampirism known as Knox a felix and with Lauria rather than the other two strains this particular strain allows for vampires to not burn or become weak in sunlight and once night falls they simply become even more powerful than their daytime counterparts one way to get this particular strain of vampirism is through something known as the right of the sky and in which the victim in the equations blood is replaced with Lum ease these kinds of vampires are known as skeins and are some of the most powerful kind of vampires across Tamriel despite being vampires this bloodline despises both RK and Malabo given llama is equal suffering caused by both deities other than her own LeMay had created multiple bloodlines that branched off into further sections and cleanse this ability to create multiple branching bloodlines appears unique to her specifically as no other members of bloodlines have been able to create the kind of branching clans as she has been able to while Knox a Philips sandrov aureus seems to be specific to the vampires contracted by Lumme the other two vampiric strains are known as purifier ik hemophilia and sanguine are a vampiress sanguine Aria vampiress is less common than the other two strains and specifically seems to be more exclusive to Skyrim whereas porphyria Kimo philia is the strain seen in most provinces and works mostly similarly to sanguinary vampiress in black marsh there exists a clan known as the what Fang clan they are observed to capture mortals alive slip them into a coma using powerful magic and allows these vampires to get the blood they need without unnecessary struggle from the victim the vampiric clan within cyrodiil admire the wit fang clan for their intelligence claiming they are more intelligent than other barbaric tribes the Seri Dilek clan however does consider the what fan clan a possible threat to their dominance the clan of Cyrodiil is exclusive to one bloodline although their original name is forgotten in time these vampires are considered some of the most powerful in all of Tamriel specifically noted with their ability to blend in with mortals so well this clan is considered to be more civilized and sophisticated than other vampiric clans across Tamriel the way they typically feed is when their victims are asleep as they are especially gifted in the arts of stealth one name this clan goes by is simply the order many within the order worship Molag Bal as most vampires would but it is also split between worshippers of clavicus vile those who are within the order are sworn to never betray their clan or reveal their true identities the iliac bay is home to many different bloodlines and clams and each of these clans and bloodlines operate differently and each hold separate abilities some of the most popular and largest of these clams are the an todas garlicy harvin ooh-whoo Lari lorenzi Monteleone Solano Rafi and brosef many of these clans are bitter and sworn enemies of another given the density of the territories some vampires participated in a war of undead that dominated over the barony of Duende 250 30-year of the third era lemay bill Fogg is responsible for many of these bloodlines within the area namely the Lai resi Cellino and Brasa bloodlines the clan known as the mon talion of the mouth of the bull s'eye river negotiate new members into their clan by letter and are told to have the power of teleportation and are proficient at curing paralysis this clan is prominent and way rest Boreum Givaudan set a column lanlan and mormon they are very accepting and welcoming to new vampires clem the rasa flan are gifted with agility and dexterity they dominate the regions of Daggerfall Bettany glen point Cambria Tulum and Glen Umbra the froth a bloodline are able to cure their damaged tissue and wounds more so than other clans they control the regions of Dania de winnin eke alone and ereve as' the garlicy clan are gifted in their abilities with magic specifically reflecting damage and they dominate the regions of North Moore and freakiest the lie rezzie clan are especially gifted in the arts of invisibility and can quickly and efficiently silence their enemies magic they control the regions of al-khair Coe area many via or sinem the Roth garyun mountains and ball Fiera the heart of a new clan are especially dominant in the magical arts of destruction magic and govern the regions of anta clear a lesson hills and shalt goroh vampires within the glen merle coven reside in multiple cities stretch across high rock although little information about their culture and society is known one thing that is known about this clan is that they too are a possible rival clan to the order of Cyrodiil as they possess considerable intelligence in the way they operate and it can be suggested that they too possess the immeasurable capability to blend in well with mortal society during the plane meld there existed a group of powerful vampires and the riven spire region of high rock this clan was skilled in the art of letting their victims live as taught to them by the Alta Mary vampire named count Raven watch counter even watch believed that vampires and mortals could live together in peace and harmony although even he had received his vampirism directly from olive ball as well it is unknown of Count Raven watch's bloodline has survived the events following the plane meld or the Alliance war another group of vampires had resided in riven spire in the second era who were under the leadership of a Breton nobleman named Baron Montclair from house Montclair the Baron's wife had fallen gravely ill and to save his wife Montclair utilized an ancient alien artifact known as the lightless remnant this artifact was unstable and instead of healing Baroness Montclair it instead turned his entire family into vampires and the Baroness turned into a blood fiend one of the most feral forms of vampires this similar to house Raven watch's ideals the Montclair clan believed that vampires were far superior to mortals and wished to gain complete control over riven spire the vestige had intervened with these events and with the help of shorn ham nobles and count ray from watch they were able to obliterate house montclair and ding Baron Montclair is insanity and takeover since a lot of bloodlines within the illiac bay region seemingly alder I from Lemmy if she were to be destroyed a lot of these bloodlines would be cured of their vampirism however not all bloodlines seem affected by this as evident when Lord Harkin of the volca clan did not affect any of the other vampires of his bloodline upon his death in hammerfell there exists the Cellino clan this clan is completely resistant to elemental attacks and govern the region of Abib Angora aya sophia path ago Sibbi Oddie's sentinel Cairo and Mikasa another clan known as the N foetus are incredibly intelligent and known for their intellect they govern the regions of the al'akir desert and the Philo's Bergama doctrine and tygo nas lastly the kalari clan of Hammerfell are quite gifted in the arts of paralyzing their victims they govern the regions of santockki to Tom new Kazan set a thesis and the dragon tail mountains more wind is strict on the laws involving necromancy and vampires are quite rare the tribunal temple is told to control knowledge involving vampires and what is available to the public regarding them the ordinator z' and buoyant armatures were responsible for vampire hunting and were quite successful in this endeavor as there is very little information regarding the existing bloodlines of moorland there are three known bloodlines that exists in morrowind the croire the burn and the on day cleanse and these bloodlines differ greatly from each other the Quora are quite ravenous and aggressive in nature the Byrne clan are more stealthy and clever in their nature and the on day consists mostly of mages using their magic prowess to ensnare their victims each of these clans have their own headquarters but are also sprawled out over different Daedric shrines along with to a merry and done merry ruins alike strangely these clans all have a shared hatred for those who are new and fresh vampires and consider them abominations to their clans within the Red Mountain the ash vampires were greatly used by de Gotha earth and were immortal and incredibly magic beings of immense power these vampires however were unrelated to normal vampires and technically do not classify even as Undead the numbers of vampires have been shown to increase and multiple hunting parties are now told to exist in order to hunt them down it is unknown of the growing numbers of vampires and more wind have increased because of migrant activity of other vampiric clans outside of morrowind or if long dormant clans have suddenly become more active or awakened in some way however after the events of Red Mountain and the Oblivion crisis it is unknown what the current status of these clans are the volca har clan of eastern skyrim are thought to reside under frozen lakes and only leave their territory to feed these vampires are known to have the powers of ice at their arsenal with icy breaths that can freeze an individual's solid these vampires do share abilities that other vampires are equipped with as well such as invisibility seduction and night vision some in this clan are much more monstrous in appearance than others such as having ridged brows slits upon their lips and almost bat like noses these vampires do not burn in direct sunlight but are severely weakened by it death hounds are common guardians for the Volk er vampire clan some of the more ancient and powerful of the volca are vampires such as those who reside in Castle Volk er are those of pure Bloods and can even transform into vampire Lords large winget creatures that are gifted by Molag Bal himself they are much more powerful in vampire Lord form and can levitate and possess many other abilities they can even summon gargoyles another group station in Skyrim is Millar's coven led by a vampire who was once a vampire hunter the ancient vampire move earth between potema the wolf queen was told to rely on vampiric generals during the war of the red diamond Valen wood is also home to multiple clans of vampires the bansemer vampires are told to be near indistinguishable from mortals unless viewed by candlelight the kirov clan can transform into a vampiric mist of sorts the yakov are told consumed mortals hole and the Talib of Clan seems to specifically prey on children the tale baths are also able to disguise themselves as a child after they have taken them and after which murder the rest of the members of the family there are vampiric clans and blood lines that exist within elsewhere endless Summerset Isles however little to nothing is known about them because of their secretiveness the CAC are commonly believed to be vampiric as well as in many texts they mention them as vampiric serpent folk this race are from the continent of akavir to the far east of Tamriel many tales mention how the COC had consumed or have seemingly eaten the race of humans who had resided on the continent as well all of this is not known if in a literal sense or in a more metaphorical sense another connection of vampirism is that the sassy are told to be immortal never dying of old age or disease to swords of Saia scene origin or the dawn Fang and dusk Fang and they swords share similar vampiric features as their creators do [Music] you
Channel: Lady of Scrolls
Views: 344,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elder scrolls lore, elder scrolls, lore, elder scrolls lore vampires, vampires, serana, elder scrolls lore dawnguard, elder scrolls lore serana, ladyofscrolls, lady of scrolls, vampires lore, elder scrolls vampires lore
Id: sWnPkbR6DPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 47sec (2147 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 29 2019
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