The Elder Scrolls Lore: The Bosmer | Wood Elves

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[Music] the boughs merry peoples are the elves that which dwell in Velen wood a province located in the southwest of Tamriel - most of Tamriel they are known as the wood elves however these elven people often refer to themselves as bosmer Bouchet or tree sap myrrh the name tree sap myrrh alludes to the wild and youthful vigor that they would elves display in comparison to their more surly elven cousins the ultimate dunmer and orzammar in the Aldmeri language vos translates to forests as murder translates to people collectively making the boss burger the forest people bosmer dismissed the more civilized and high culture of their aldo mary cousins and prefer to live their lives in a way that highly embraces nature and harmony Bosma had rejected the pampered lifestyles other races were aiming for and decided to enjoy the harsh and working life in the forest and wilderness living off the animals of the environment Bosma are a race known to be quite agile stealthy and quick-witted comparatively to their more high elven cousins the altmer often looked down upon the bosmer believing them unruly and sophisticated however many bosmer pursue a career in scholarly fields or trading Baz Marr typically lived two or three times longer lifespans than that of humans a 200 year old bosmer is seen as old whereas a 300 or more year old bosmer is seen as very very old it is told that anyone older than 300 is likely prolonging their lifespan through the use of powerful magic or immaculate health compared to their high elven cousins Bosma reproduce much more frequently and they outnumber all other mer races on Tamriel because of this the Bosma are one of the shortest races in Tamriel while males being slightly shorter than females they typically have skin colors ranging to light brown - are more paler shade - even a light green the bosmer are incredibly well known for their skills involving archery and are told to have been the inventors of the bosmer come with many in born abilities such as commanding simple-minded animals and have a grand ability to blend in with their surroundings notably in forested areas most bosmer who reside in Velen would follow the green pact a strict law which forbids damage to all foliage and plant matter meaning they are strictly carnivorous and in some cases even cannibalistic however this does not restrain them from using wooden or plant-based materials made by other races the bosmer availa would have ever been ready to defend themselves against hostility their knowledge of the forests made them exceptionally skilled guerrilla fighters one of their most well known pieces of poetry the metal alien translates to the 1,000 benefits of hiding despite this the bosmer Valen would are typically more pacifist compared to many other nations of Tamriel resulting in many other nations holding the stereotype of them as weak or cowardly however the bosmer could be held responsible for escalating many different engagements and conflicts the green packs cannibalistic inclination has led to many distrusting the bosmer and it makes it quite difficult for bosmer who come from Valen wood to establish a living in other provinces sometimes get the bosmer value good relations as trade is incredibly important to them with the other provinces as they require many imported lumber textiles or other plant-based goods from other nations in return the Bosma can trade many different animal based products such as hides pearls and exotic charms made from the finger bones of dead Boz marry wizards when there are contentions within the borders or with other races they are told to resort to piracy or banditry to get the supplies they need some more primitive and rudimentary tribal bosmer still practice the cannibalistic tendencies as upheld in the green pact and some bosmer even file and sharpen their teeth into points bosmer also like to adorn their heads with animal bones antlers for decoration however some bosmer though are rare and magical occurrence are born with antlers on their heads the bosmer are quite welcoming to other races to live in their province as they value diversity bosmer are told to be quite thankful for life's many resources as displayed in an old proverb one man's miracle is another man's accident most foreigners who flocked a Velen would typically stick to the larger cities foreigners and travelers are also told to be careful with paws merry beverages that are imbued with fermented milk as it can cause rather detrimental effects to their digestive tracts which the bosmer are immune to despite the fact that the Bosma had first united under the kamorin dynasty this governing rule has been defined as a loose hegemony as Valen wood is home to many rulers who have different powers of jurisdiction tree Thames are one such example and these smaller governed territories are often referred to as the Valen wood nations the bosmer a villain would have acclimated to life in the forests and many creative ways for example with the hot temperatures and humidity levels in Velen wood a commonly used Alta Mary ink will not dry however it is still a sought out commodity as it can be used as a type of temporary paint like material which can be used to make messages on porous rocks found throughout Velen would the bosmer have invented their own ink for writing permanent works which is told to remain dry even if fully dipped into water this ink also glows in the dark making it perfect for writing on surfaces in the shadowy Glen's of the forests bosmer have also become quite skilled at deterring and killing off horrible infestations the bosmer do not smoke plants but enjoy smoking book parts from pipes made from bone rather than using fire which could wreak havoc on the landscape with one minor accident they use a naturally generated luminous lichen and moss is along with fungi that grow at the base of many trees and the branches of the trees flowers which bloom at night draw in torch bugs to light up the branches and surrounding areas other races who dwell in Velen woods such as the eighth beast race the Inga and a type of orzammar called the wood orcs as well as creatures such as centaurs also make their home in different regions of Valen would the Bosma are typically quite welcoming to refugees whether it was human slaves who were fleeing the aliens or the aliens who were fleeing the human forces in serie dill and the bosmer did not play favorites welcoming anyone regardless of the political or racial standpoint during the Alliance war they also welcomed many argonians who left the Black Marsh in opposition to the ebonheart pact most foreigners seek out the travelling city known as fallen SC however the city had mysteriously rooted itself as of the latest news cultural differences still have a lasting impact on Valen wood however such as with the black SAP sand the Camorra pnes as well as the divide in those who follow the green pact and those who are known as salad eaters who do not follow the green pact most of the human settlements built in Velen wood during the reign of the Second Empire remained abandoned during the interregnum but instead have been claimed by the other races who dwelled in Velen wood by now humans are wary of traveling to Villawood at one time the trade was strong between southern cyrodiil and colombia now under the Otto Mary dominions rule most imported goods come from these Summerset Isles as for the pantheon of worship to the bosmer they worship a multitude of varied deities they worship what they call the forest gods and even some ancestral worship most bosmer within Valen would typically don't accept the Imperial pantheon of the Divine's and many claim direct lineage to Oriel himself however affray is likely their most important deity of worship Arielle is known as the god of time to the bosmer as well as most of Tamriel however for the bosmer the phrase known as the spirit of the now as many bosmer along with argonians live life entirely in the present and often do not worry much for the past or the future with the exception of things like stories and ancient folk tales this belief system is referred to as the orbic now as told in many boss Mary religious folktales the bosmer had witnessed the death of the Frey the first of the NFA to perish and you phrase death the spiritual currents created what is known as an earth bone a law of nature to establish the limits and natural phenomenon of the world the phrase earth bone in particular had limited the powers of beings to alter their physical embodiment as before they were able to alter it at will however having witnessed this death of yo fray they learned how to manipulate this power other deities the bosmer worship are Xerxes arc a stunned are and Mara who they believed to be Orioles wife the god of toil Zhen is likely the Baz merry version of Zenith R and is their God who represents payment and kind as well as trade Zen's origin aren't currently known to the baz mary folklore as well as the cosmic structure of this god both the Bosma and Khajiit worship the trickster god of thieves and beggars band r as well as the twin moons Joan and Joad many Boz Mary Colts often focus their attention to her scene and similarly to the ancient Nordic pantheon herma Mora or the forest men however the boss Medina acknowledged this beauty as the same as the Daedric prince hermaeus mora an exclusive to villain wa DD known as the wilderkin is also a deity of worship to many bosmer and vin wood and as typical with all Tamriel ignitions they too know the divine trickster known as Lorcan the green pact also going by the title of Treaty of frond and leaf is a stern and enforced regulation which prohibits and he damaged under the plant life of Valen wood and is faithfully upheld by most of the bosmer who reside in Velen wood it is an established set of tenets that have been a part of their code of conduct since their earliest moments in Baz meri history the tenets of the green pact are quite clear do not harm the plant life of Valen wood do not consume anything made of plant life only consume animal products when enemies are killed feast on their bodies and leave nothing to rot do not kill in a wasteful manner and the last tenet is to not take on the form of beasts those who meticulously follow the green pact are till to attack or confront anyone who breaks the rules or harms the forest in any way shape or form bosmer refer to the forests they live in simply as the green however they do not mind other races cutting down trees with some exceptions mostly with the wood orcs and Lee vine desk Rangers and many citizens of Valen would often purchase wood from them the more controversial tenets of the green pact the tenant specifically mentioning the cannibalistic rule is often frowned upon by the other races many modern-day Bosma respect the green pact in full however typically it is only the more primitive and tribal bosmer who live in the most remote areas of Valen woody who still upkeep that tenant in the case of a clash between warriors the winning warriors family will help them with their meal bosmer who religiously follow this tenets are told to fast for a long time before a large battle the bosmer have supposedly made the green pact with you fray and return for your phrase protection and loyalty bosmer will follow the green pact to the greatest extent using animal products in full such as meat bones hides insect parts and organs rather than consuming liquor made of fermented berries or fruit they typically enjoy drinking a beverage known as jaga made of fermented pigs milk they also consume something known as rot meth which is fermented meat seasoned with torch bug innards this drink takes many years to brew and is treated as a ritualistic beverage that embodies the muscle of the boar the power of the forest and the strength of the bosmer people the strength is also quite popular and holds important significance for weddings affray is told as the one who granted the bosmer their form however the bosmer can carry out a sacred ritual that grants him the ability to transform into a constantly shape-shifting wild beast of sorts naturally the green pact forbids this and this ritual is only carried out in the most dire of emergencies when in a beast form they destruct anything and everything in their path making it quite easy to take out their enemies the green pact makes the destruction of plant life and the forests of Valen wood by whomever whether they are foreigner or native of Valen would a crime and misconduct against the baz merry culture and religion most cities in Velen wood are not actually constructed or built by bosmer they are grown using sacred rituals to growing and molding the forest to their needs it can create shelter to accommodate a village of people the exact ritual itself is not known but it is known that this ritual consists of slow rhythms dancing and chanting for days on end until the village is fully crafted from the entwining roots and branches of the forest in similar fashion to the meet mandate fasting is usually involved for this process bosmer hood belief that it is affray who granted them this ability to mold and shape the forest to their needs and specifications since they are not allowed to harm the trees to make wood to construct houses for themselves the green pact has led to many conflicts and tension with the other provinces and peoples who have disagreed or disrespected their beliefs in many occasions the Bosma have even gone to war in order to protect their forests while most modern Bosma don't adheres religiously to the green pact as their ancestors or the more primitive Bosma in Velen would they still uphold the overall message of the green pact this meticulous and religious following of the green pact is so immense that even a sickly bosmer whose cure could be a flower mixed in an alchemical potion just outside their house will not be picked as to upkeep the green pact and will likely die without it however the bosmer are not savages as stereotyped as they are and are known to be an incredibly smart inquisitive and realistic race with deep-seated cultural and traditional customs pertaining to the forests and their spiritual guides the spinners of you fray the spinners of you fray are told to be the actual rulers of Valen wood as they hold a grand influence and significance to the Bosma of Valen wood their religious lectures and proverbs are told to be incredibly touching and meaningful to the people of Valen wood annually every spring those who follow the green pact collect at the den of the eldest for a grand festival for songs dancing drinking stories and a celebration and tribute to the eldest an ancient and incredibly old strangler those who follow the green pact are told to make the fiercest of warriors but are understood to display a loving generosity to those who respect their beliefs bosmer folktales speak of the ooze a state of limbo for the BAS burn known as apostates or otherwise known as bosmer who defile the green pact the silver nor is the voice for the bosmer and is meant to represent the Bosma in always politically legally metaphorically emotionally and in a physical manner the seminar is to reflect the dignity of all bosmer including his wealth his mind and even his gender the Sylvan r is believed to be magically connected to his people and he is ever aware of their thoughts and concerns bosmer also believed that the Sylvan r looks after their souls when they pass as well as their bodies as the face of the people the Sylvan R holds much authority over veiling would only miss Sylvan are can conduct foreign affairs with building contracts as any foreign government who wishes to construct or build in van wood or in any way do business with the people of Valen wood must get permission and counsel with the Sylvan our first the Sylvan R is also required to have a wife otherwise known as the green lady the earliest known Sylvan are and green lady were told to have been settlers they had never had children but instead cared for the eldest like it was their own child the Sylvan are and green lady are magically and metaphysically connected similarly to the Baz merry people except in much more depth the Sylvan R represents the modern and up front face of the Baz marry people however the green lady represents the more primitive and tribal nature of bosmer culture if the Sylvan R is to die the green lady unleashes ABC o Lake form and wrecks havoc on any who was involved in the killing of the Sylvan R until she is slain a new Sylvan R is chosen and accepts this title at a grand wedding known as the hand fasting this wedding is quite a crucial event to the bosmer as it only occurs once per generation even before this wedding the new Sylvan R feels this magical power take over him as he gains the metaphysical connection to all bosmer the Sylvan R feels the will of his people as do his people feel the will of their Sylvan R the Wild Hunt is an ability that all bosmer carry it has begun with a unified ceremony or ritual performed by a large group of bosmer the exact way this ritual is carried out can only be known to the shaman of Valen wood this ritual causes their bodies to take the form of beasts until their death these be steel forms devour and destroy all in their path ever changing their form until there are no targets left once there are no enemies left they turn on each other in one mass orgy of cannibalism and devouring this transformatory power is a residual and magical effect left over from the dawn era when they could not stay in one form and were ever-changing beasts after you Frey had established the green pact with the bosmer they retrained how to escape this chaos and insanity of their ever-changing forms but they were also taught how to return back to this chaotic form in dire emergency becoming known as the Wild Hunt they are told to take on a gaseous form which is impossible to control without the use of powerful magic there is also evidence that they can transform into water like forms as well the Wild Hunt is told to be a ritualistic affair they also carry out at the end of each era the intention of each Wild Hunt is different than the other typically out of retaliation or form or military use however the Bosma are rather not proud of this ability and are uncomfortable to discuss this topic one story suggests every monster in the world that has ever been comes from a previous hunt because of this allegation the Bosma refrained from using the hunt unless as a last resort those beasts who are told to get molded from a wild hunt and survive being a former Bosma individual are told to be incredibly merciless and unstable as well as being able to live quite long there are two individuals who are known under this category Willie the bitten and King dead wolf deer who in the end of the fourth century of the first era were created from the wild hunt and lived up until the beginning of the third era they also caused destruction in the Sylvan our Grove and limpar March the form that those take in the wild hunt can never be reversed and is essentially a suicide mission because of the limitations of the green pact there aren't many forges or Smither ease in Velen wood and metal weapons are not a common choice for bosmer typical melee weapons of bosmer are clubs made of bone axes and Spears made with stone blades and tips as well as obsidian their bows made of bone and horn are told to be the most powerful and finely crafted in Tamriel along the coasts imported metals and swords are much more commonplace and much ulta Mary influence along the coast can be responsible for this however altmer who are trained in a specific way of swordplay known as proper conflict refused to teach this technique to Bosma or other outsiders and many youthful Bosma typically do not find interests in the lessons and prefer to use the bow when Bosma turned the age of 14 that is when they are told to be able to handle themselves on their own with use of a bow and typically journey out to join hunting parties those who are skilled with incredibly long shots are known as Jack Spurs Bosma have a peculiar style of archery snatching and releasing in one continuous motion as it is told and has given the bosmer the unique and incredible talent in this field Baz Mary bows are typically made from bone and tendons and tied together up in the feathers of multiple bird species it is told that depending on the kind of bone used it can determine the granted effect of the arrow arrows made of mammoth bone are told to be incredibly powerful enough to send an enemy flying arrows crafted of bird bones fly incredibly fast with immense accuracy arrow is made from the bones of San Shi Tigers dil an immense amount of more damage than a normal arrow would it is told that Imperial bowmen attempted to replicate these effects but were not fruitful in their efforts and Bosma are quite amused by this the green pact also influences much of Bosma artistry the walls and homes are usually decorated with skulls and bones it requires close attention a detail in their craftsmanship and take great care for their art making their work much more inventive and beautiful in the process inside of residences animal hides are strewn about and stretched over objects and frames and used to make partitions traditional wooden homes are discovered along large rivers and beaches where imported wood and other materials are much more easily accessible as well as cheap large cities will often have structures made of wood and other commonplace materials found in other provinces as well but mostly to cater to their foreign residents other than these exceptions typical Baz merry homes are crafted from the trees and roots of the forests in a magical and natural way most Bosma in Velen would enjoy life among the branches of the colossal trees that are centuries upon centuries old these trees over time have created natural pathways with the roots along the forest floor as well as in the canopies of the trees this process does not harm the trees so it does not violate the green pact thick and sturdy vines can be used as natural pulleys and lifts to hoist supplies and people up to its higher levels bosmer use animal by-products such as bone resin and tendons and creative and inventive ways notably for constructions such as bridge design whatever animal by-products they do not utilize in construction gets left below and is used for a variety of other things nearly all of an entire animal can be used from its meat organs bone and hide whatever does not get used for whatever reason is simply left as a fertilizer of sorts to help aiding in the growth of the trees those who are in charge of building and up keeping the city are known as green speakers who use the powers and ceremonial chants song-and-dance to grow and shape the environment to their will in just a few days at that this magic can also be used to craft wooden items but somehow without violating the green pact underground hot SAP from deep within the earth flows into the roots of the trees keeping the elven homes warm during the colder seasons similarly to nords bosmer often symbolized a lot of interlocking and complex motives in their architecture artwork and clothing however as per the ancient Nordic pantheon the Nords typically make motives for evolving around the worship of the animal gods whereas with bosmer they prefer to paint and craft images and motives of plants such as flowers and leaves Bosma believe that a species physical form is a blessing and personal touch by affray and because of this they tend to include a variety of floral designs in their work they try to keep the drawings down to each minut detail an artistry that Everts from this is looked down upon for a majority of the tribal talons that are outside the large cities in Velen wood they still practice the custom known as the morning wore when a member of their tribe is killed they are symbolically substituted by taking a hostage from a neighboring tribe if the member who was killed was particularly powerful or esteemed they will likely take more than one hostage at a time the hostage or hostages undergo a duration of immense torture apparently to test their integrity and once they are deemed worthy enough they are then welcomed by the clan as a replacement of the previous member they are supposedly filling in for this new replacement is given the material possessions position and family of the previous member however since more modern times this entire process is frowned upon Wars are an ancient custom and are likely dated back to the first era though when and why they actually began is unknown the right of theft is another celebrated Baz marry tradition but quite exclusive to the bosmer of Valen wood as other races outside of Valen wood are quite critical towards it this custom involves bosmer stealing possessions from one another and when the item is returned they essentially have a blood price and are demanded payment equal to whatever it is they stole is worth long ago a Bosma thief named venereum had become infamous for requesting over 200 payments after commencing the right and more current times the bosmer who live in the green shaded region no Valen would carry out this custom in full and are especially infamous for their larceny outsiders who wish to partake in the right of theft may use it to their own accord 3 Altamura called the heroes of the sanctuary once used the right of theft to solidify a safe port for all temehri ships they'd stolen from multiple tree things without losing any of their own treasure and had eventually earned the right to construct their own village known as seaside sanctuary on Valen Woods coast [Music] bosmer likely descend from the altmer settlers who arrived in Velen wood long before the beginning of the first era there are told to be some of the first old mare to have left old alma fay these all to marry settlers upon discovery of the dense and dark forests of Valen Wood found much of it to be near impossible to populate as the ravenous beasts and jungle that spread the landscape was so immense they could not hope to tame it this resulted in them requiring to adapt to this harsh landscape and develop predatory traits and instead of becoming prey to it this adaptation to the environment and life in Velen wood is what is believed to have shifted them from the altmer to the bosmer some Kijiji folklore may also give an explanation to the Boz MERS origin of sorts and the book titled the words of clan mother uneasy it is stated but you fer heard the first secret and snuck in behind Azura an effort could not appreciate secrets and he told Nerney of Asura's trick so Nerney made the deserts hot and the sands biting and Narni made the forests wet and filled with poisons an Ernie thank you f er and let him change the forest people also an effort did not have Asura's subtle wisdom so you ever made the forest people elves always and never beasts and never named them bosmer and from that moment they were no longer in the same litter as the Khajiit [Music] the boy che elves were of the earth bones who most hearken to you Frey and his green songs they did not build a tower they grew it a great gray oak whose roots sprang from a perchance ACORN and this was their stone and because the Acorn might perchance have been elsewhere thus was green SAP manifold and several and each could walk a quote from the Orbach enigma for the Elden tree [Music] most of the earliest recorded times of the Bosma are lost in history however many mentions something known as the ooze a shapeless and ever-changing material in which he frey commanded and utilized to shape the bosmer creating the green pact in this process some more obscure tales tell of some bosmer who did not accept the green pact some wish to remain as is to preserve their abilities of shape-shifting however these bosmer were overthrown by the other bosmer and as punishment these earth breakers were buried in the u.s. there is also some mentions in the early bosmer history that some intermarried and possibly interbred with humans [Music] another tale from the earliest years of bosmer was that they grew the tower of green sap the great gray oak firmly planted in the crock wood region of southeastern Velen wood in the ancient times this tree was told to have appeared in many varied forms each one telling its own stories of the dream the forest home of the boy shea become bosmer however with schemes of the ayleid sorcerer a numeral during the Alessia slave rebellion in the first era 243 the doors equivocal which were crafted by the nature of the green sap were then closed and green sapped was diminished to a solitary and defined form the Elden tree of Eldon root the Elliott sorcerer a numeral was one of the many ayleid refugees who had fled to Valen wood during the Alesi and rebellion this mass flux of aliens was called the ayleid diaspora however even before alessia's uprising many aliens had already been migrating to Valen wood and their newfound territory they were required to abide by the green pact in which most did so with a grand exception of a numeral in the mid muriatic era many aliens who had constructed the white gold tower in serie dill brought their carpentry and construction techniques to the Bosma in vain along with much trade cities such as wood hearth Haven and Sylvan are greatly flourished during this time the ancient alien city of hecta Haman van wood is understood to contain what is known as the heart of Valen wood a grand tree holding immense power which stands as a physical symbol for all of Valen wood however when aliens first migrated to Valen Wood a necromancer had corrupted the power of the heart and had raised an army of undead the other aliens had to seal hecta him off to prevent the hordes of undead from breaching into the rest of Valen wood aliens and Bosma had lived together in relative peace and oftentimes would unite together to fight against the several attacks that would ensue on Valen wood shores by the Maui Muir of pion Donia though it was quite peaceful for the aliens in Valen would the aliens who had migrated there seemed to strangely disappear from history the how and why of which is still a controversy to many scholars of Tamriel and they unfortunately left little impact on Baz merry culture we know today other than that of some stonework and masonry techniques that were signature to the aliens the aliens in Bosma are also likely interbred this likely boosted their seeming disappearance and has also likely changed the genetics and biology of current day Bosma as well ultimately the Basler people were led by the authority of King Lear who founded what is much of Valen wood in the kamorin dynasty at the dawn of the first era they established a formal trade alliance with the Alessia Empire in the first era 340 the unification of the bosmer can be considered an important military accomplishment as well as a player managed to unify a group of territories who were all at odds with one another but unfortunately only lasted mere decades before ending infrequent border altercations among the collodion border for much of the first era the most primitive and earliest-known Wild Hunt had taken place in the first era 369 ending with the death of the high king of Skyrim at the time High King Boris the assassination of High King Boris is often seen as an act of self-defence though with definite aggression as Boris had traveled to Syria dill to rally troops to wage a war against the Valen Buda another wild hunt did not take place until many years later in the third era but it is not known if it was one or more wild hunts that occurred during this time after the thrash and plague had swept its path across Feynman wood in the first era 24:17 they were then put under the control of the Second Empire the Empire had split valley wood into multiple precincts to make sure they would not unite together to fight against imperial rule the Second Empire recognized Valen wood as a near wasteland the bosmer had allowed the Empire to build a few roads but the bosmer did not care to maintain these roads as they typically don't utilize roads to navigate but rather the canopies and long winding routes these roads would be completely engulfed by the landscape however since the newest merging of the old Ameri dominion the high elven thalmor have repaired and widened and maintained these roads for easy passage to their embassies and the coast in the last year of the first era 29:20 on the 19th of sons dawn Molag Bal had unleashed his wrath on the town of guilford ale in eastern Valen wood this drew in sotha sil a living god to the dumber to consult with many Daedric princes to prevent further acts of destruction however the details of this negotiation are lost to history in the second era 406 a rather obscene scandal had taken place in Velen would a secluded trading post called core amount of grout wood was possibly a dwelling for many possible heirs to the throne of the Kimura dynasty as multiple kamorin rulers had travelled to this remote village to engage in extramarital relations core mounts population had grown doubly in a week weddings were almost daily for months as many bosmer thought it desirable to have progeny of a noble heritage even many bosmer who lived outside of veiling would sought home here because of this reason many of these bosmer had come from serie dill and did not grow up with the laws and rules of the green pact which had caused major tension in Velen wood for many years eventually in the second era 420 a village that was home to these migrant bosmer was burned to the ground for exact reasons unknown this incident had stimulated the establishment of the black sap movement and near 70 years later the black sap movement hoped to embolden the boss mary understanding of the green pact in Velen would and prevent any further mishaps when the Empire had fallen in the second era 430 there was much civil conflict throughout failing would the kamorin dynasty tried to merge Valen would once again under one banner however there was a large cultural split and a civil war of sorts had erupted the Khajiit had gotten involved as well as the collodion Imperials to the north the malamar saw an advantage and were able to utilize the coast of Valen wood to act as a base for battling the altameyer only Summerset Isles during the time of the Alliance war in the second era 582 the bosmer of Valen would merged with the Aldo Merida minion along with the altmer of Somerset aisle and the khajiit of elsweyr and at the time were considered the most stable Empire most Bosman perceived the joining of the Aldmeri Dominion as their only way to survive this ongoing war however many more traditional bosmer despised the Aldmeri Dominion thinking it was polluting veiling would in a way this hatred for the Alliance may have also stemmed from the massacre at core mount where all the Merida million soldiers had ravaged a Bozz Mary City with a special environment warfare the Alliance was rather unstable however the Thalmor of the first Dominion helped upkeep relations with Valen wood by welcoming the Bosma as cultural differences the capital of the older married Dominion was planted in Valen wood at Eldon root and this drew in many different cultures and migrants from across the Aldmeri Dominion and Tamriel and even a gladiatorial arena had been built in the city as well hundreds of years later in the second era 830 the altmer had invaded Valen wood in order to re-establish the oh the merry Dominion once again these series of wars and events are largely controversial to scholars across Tamriel nevertheless the Thalmor was formed once again and had brought relative peace to Valen wood that is until the all the merry Dominion was devastated by the forces of Tiber Septim after he gained control of Valen wood Tiber Septim decided to leave the bosmer with their own governmental authority as who not cause conflict local chiefs and the kamorin rulers still held their rule amid the war Rahad in the second era 862 30 years later the Columbian armies had made use of the Baz Mary archers however they were more undisciplined and inclined to desertion the bosmer are told to have been involved in the war of the red diamond along with the nations of hammerfell Summerset Isles elsewhere black marsh and Skyrim it isn't clear which side they fought for but it is likely that they went to the support of Emperor Sephora septum the first however in good news the war did not affect Valen wood or its landscape the kamorin dynasty had managed to linger with power in Velen wood and were once again made the rulers of Valen wood and had established a long 250 years of peace however later in the third era 249 an imposter to the kamorin throne also known as Haman kamorin Hart King and kamorin Hart King or otherwise known as the kamorin usurper had gathered an army of undead in mercenaries which brought carnage across the Valen wood after two years had passed he managed to lock down the entire province of Valen wood with his power he had began marching north bound and managed to take over a large portion of western Tamriel as a whole until he was slain at the Battle of fire waves by Baron oath rock of dueña Ninh the third era 267 since this event the Bosma have become quite confined isolationists and towards more traditional belief systems they had distrusted their central government and this lack of trust accumulated and resulted in consequential loss of territory from the 3rd era 395 to the 3rd era 399 a clash that became known as the five year war had occurred and was an incredibly violent and severe series of wars between the khajiit of elsweyr and the bosmer of Valen would what instigated this war was the slaughtering that occurred at the kojiki city of Torvill however after the five years of battle the khajiit of elsweyr had dominated and were the victors of this violent war at the end of the third era around the third era 432 a series of events had written for some major historic changes to Valen wood the Wild Hunt took place after 500 years once again fallen St otherwise known as The Walking City had mysteriously rooted itself for the first time as this had never happened before during this time as well a Boz Mary prophet Rose the power known as the precursor he exhorted that you Frey would return bringing new gifts for the bosmer whether these events are merely coincidences or some sort of omen or blessing that will befall failing wood is not known at least yet things for Valen wood did manage to take a turn however once the fourth era had begun the now third ordinary Dominion had greatly rose in power and managed to overthrow these Summerset Isles renaming a Talon or it wasn't long before the third Alda mary dominion had expanded their influence in Velen wood and elsewhere especially after the disappearance and the return of the twin moons elsewhere had been divided into two city-states an economy lateen after taking over these provinces they third all the merry Dominion desired to expand their power and influence more into the rest of Tamriel it didn't take long for contentions to rise between the Meade Empire and the old Ameri Dominion resulting in what is known as the Great War this was a long and violent series of battles and events that took place between the Empire and the Aldmeri Dominion which eventually came to a close with the signing of the white go to Concord at this gave a power and prestige to the old Ameri Dominion that they had not seen since the second Aldmeri Dominion since the septum dynasty was no longer in power the older married iminium is quite confident and secure over their influence of the Empire currently the Thalmor and Aldmeri Dominion hold significant power over a large section of Tamriel including Eleanor Valen wood elsewhere and a small section in southern Hammerfell however in Velen wood it known that the old Amer Dominion regularly carries out what is known as purges against the bosmer in Velen wood as they still view their elven cousins as a racially inferior it isn't known what the bosmer and Valen would think of the ordinary Dominion it can be assumed that it is quite split though as in Skyrim a bosmer labor to the Thalmor named mal born despises the FAL more because they needlessly murdered his family [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Lady of Scrolls
Views: 169,457
Rating: 4.9474611 out of 5
Keywords: bosmer, elder scrolls lore bosmer, elder scrolls bosmer, elder scrolls, elder scrolls lore, elder scrolls lore woodelves, elder scrolls lore wood elves, ladyofscrolls, lady of scrolls elder scrolls lore, lady of scrolls, wood elves, woodelves, lady of scrolls elder scrolls lore bosmer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 19sec (2719 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 16 2019
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