The Elder Scrolls Lore: Nocturnal

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[Applause] I strove to understand her labyrinthine philosophy the source of her mysterious pain everything about her was dark and shrouded even the way she spoke in the Acts she required of me it took years for me to understand the simple fact that I could never understand nocturnal her misery was as essential to her as savagery was to be Thea or treachery was to molag bal to understand nocturnal is to negate her to pull back the curtains cloaking her realm of darkness as much as I loved her I recognised the futility of unraveling her enigmas a quote from Sevilla parrot [Music] nocturnal the night mistress Lady Luck unknown as knocked rrah to the gate among other names is Magic Prince whose fear is night shadows and darkness she is often worshipped by those who value the shadows such as thieves and likely vampires she's usually accompanied by two pitch-black sentient Ravens who rests on her shoulders or wrists members of the Thieves Guild often phrase shadow hide you to one another which is a phrase that also appears in Daedric script on the gray cowl of nocturnal a Daedric artifact of hers which truly represents her mystery and darkness Nocturnals day of summoning is on the 3rd of heart-fire Asura has been referenced to be a nocturnal sister although it is not known if this is in the literal sense or in the metaphorical sense depictions of nocturnal are usually mysterious and nondescript woman accompanied by darkness and shadow usually wearing a dark cloak of sorts arms spread with to sentient Ravens who rests on her shoulders and or wrists nocturnal States she is a facet of the void of oblivion itself and often holds names such as mother of the night or night mistress she has a peculiar and mysterious nature such that mortals cannot understand fully as she is the embodiment of mystery shadow and the night her worshippers are usually those who value darkness and stealth such as assassins thieves vampires and spies despite being a Daedric Prince nocturnal does not present her darkness and mystery in the form of evil rather an impartial and unaligned nature which is why assassins while they value shadow and/or stealth and may be inclined to worship nocturnal typically worship the more violent deities such as Molag Bal mephala and citta SIF they are aligned with the Dark Brotherhood fees if they are partnered with the Thieves Guild are typically prohibited from utilizing violence to their advantage and utilize stealth and the shadow to their advantage instead making nocturnal a much more likely deity of worship Carl aya a Nightingale quotes nocturnal as being a scolding mother who pushes her child to do better meaning nocturnal likely cares about mortals and her worshipers unlike many of the other day jet princes alone nocturnal has a fairly large following in terms of the Daedric princes she doesn't have any kind of organized priesthood there are some who refer to being a priest of nocturnal although nocturnal does not pay much favor or attention to them she seems to have no real interest in worship a temple of nocturnal does exist called the twilight sepulchre located in skyrim though this was built around the portal known as the eben mir the portal to Nocturnals plane of oblivion known as the ever gloom supposedly nocturnal is the source of a thief's luck which flows from the epping mir and plays a heavy role in the lives of any who used the shadows to do their work though no one knows what the exact price is that is paid in return even without an organised priesthood there are a group of dedicated mortal servants known as the nightingales the nightingales are otherwise known as the nightingale Trinity are a trio of incredibly skilled thieves they serve nocturnal candidly nocturnal gives them the powers of shadow subterfuge and strife and trade of their services once a Nightingale enters service for nocturnal they are bound for life and even in death to bring their service through this Daedric Prince their duty is to guide the toilet supple Kerr and her realm until nocturnal dismisses them from her service in the sense that they have fulfilled their duty nightingales are typically chosen from the highest ranking members of the Thieves Guild although the Thieves Guild doesn't put their primary focus on nocturnal nor does each member worshipper and most guild members are unaware of the nightingales existence or even know much about nocturnal herself the nightingales however can greatly influence the way the guild operates or their success nightingales are also told to have first coined the phrase shadow hide you a common saying amongst the members of the Thieves Guild those who become a Nightingale must swear under the oath the skeleton key must remain at the twilight's al-bakr the temple of nocturnal which must be protected from all threats even in death until nocturnal accepts the spirits of a nightingale under the ever gloom her plane of oblivion in return of this oath nightingales are given many abilities from nocturnal herself and they can use these abilities however they please and how they see fit for and life this oath is a Daedric exchange of sorts except unlike most ageing Prince's this transaction is purely from a business standpoint and not in an incredibly ill-mannered way or disadvantages way to the mortal involved this exchange benefits each participant some nightingales who take the oath are not required to worship nocturnal but still respect her as the matron of Thieves the origins of the nightingales and their organization is not known the most infamous Nightingale in history was that AVI agar thorn and first appeared as a Nightingale around the third era 383 although nightingales of modern times deny him as a member of the nightingales claiming that the true member was a gun renamed Raven inderal who was indeed hired by Thoren to steal the staff of Kaos the truth was torn ascii who has to avoid political discrepancies there was also a supposed child who was born of draven inderal and a baron Ziya who also birth the child who would also go on to become a nightingale herself the nightingales are based in the Engel Hall one of the most recent embodiments of the nightingales was mercer Frey Carl aya and galas dusted Aeneas the Thieves Guild master at the time it is commonly believed that a nightingales do not exist and were a concept developed as a fear tactic in order to get footpads and new members into doing what they are commanded to do from the guild in the fourth era to a-1 the last Dragonborn was also told to have joined the nightingales according to the book titled Nightingale's fact or fiction a corpse had been discovered sometime in the third era barring peculiar black armor with an insignia on it that displayed a bird supporting a moon on its wings since this discovery it has been circulated that the nightingales did in fact exist among the general populace very little is known of the nightingales prior to the return of Alduin in the fourth era although a dunmer named laura 'this was also suspected of being a nightingale and was also executed for committing homicide agents are specific powers gifted personally from nocturnal to her nightingales there are three known agents each possess a grand power that can only be used once in a day to change to a different agent one must Traverse to the toilet sub Locker and again can only do this once a day the agent of stealth grants the user the power of expert infiltration they can use the darkness to their will to camouflage themselves to the greatest extent they are gifted a power called shadow cloak of nocturnal which turns the user invisible whilst they are sneaking unfortunately this effect will dissipate upon any kind of interaction the agent of subterfuge uses the power of darkness to blur others thoughts and awareness causing any targets within range to become suddenly hostile and attack anything in sight nightingales commuters effect greatly to take advantage of chaos and disappear out of sight lastly the agent of strife creates a magical rope-like effect to the nightingales enemies allowing them to absorb health from this magical link and gives the user the drained health other primary worshipers of nocturnal are typically female magic using worshipers known as witches a coven known as purloined shadows is told to be one of Nocturnals primary sect of worshippers other than nightingales or members of the Thieves Guild even though nocturnal is typically indifferent towards her worshipers or other forms of worship nocturnal is said to smile upon this cult as they praise and sing of her grandma see various other minions or worshipers of nocturnal are those such as the whispering shadows cult and many different beings known as shadow creatures remarkably the shadow of sotha sil who had covertly annexed the actual sotha sil within the COG eadamson trollies nocturnal had made her appearance after the shadow had been slain she manifests it is a large aura of purple darkness before she was therefore exiled by sotha sil Nocturnals most infamous artifact is that of the gray cowl of nocturnal this head where is able to completely and efficiently mask the wearer's identity from mortal consciousness this even includes means of scrying magic and professional types of identification of any kind the power of this artifact is so immense the individuals who have witnessed the bearer put on this cowl would not be able to remember anything about its user let alone their name and even once the cowl is removed they will still be clueless as to this individuals identity those who interact with the cowls bearer have an incredibly difficult time remembering them or even ever interacting with them even removing this cowl in public view bears no effect on their notoriety or prior reputation this cowl is made of some sort of dark leather and completely obscures the face of whosoever wears it many thieves throughout history believe it is a great feat of sorts to be able to steal from the matron of thieves herself nocturnal and so many have attempted throughout the eras to steal things from her notably the cloak she wears and the Great Hall many stories have arisen surrounding these supposed and attempted thefts of Nocturnals possessions there is a story that exists in which her cloak was supposedly stolen although it is most likely a tall tale and nothing but fiction there are multiple tales alluding to the cowl getting stolen however and unlike the cloak the cowl is known to have been stolen at some point in time nocturnal had placed a curse on the artifact however whosoever wears it shall be lost in the show his true nature shall be unknown to all who meet him his identity shall be struck from all records and histories memory will hide in the shadows refusing to record the name of the owner to any who meet him he shall be known by the cowl and only by the cowl even though this curse was very powerful and placed on it by the will of a Daedric prince with use of an outer scroll this curse was broken as history was rewritten the cowl was supposedly robbed during the third era by the master of the Thieves Guild at the time and the first master of the Thieves Guild at that M heir Daryl off this robbery of the Greek isle was the one that sparked the curse that was laid on it beginning the infamous figure known as the gray fox the cowl had also become famous for a ballad called song of Premier Inn the song nocturnal was deceived by four Emir in an attempt to rescue his companion dar Fang nocturnal had traded the soul of dar Fang for the servitude of for mere Haram their servitude was to assist her followers in dividing the kingdom of alphand or however in the end it was her followers that ended up divided rather than the kingdom and this time the gray cowl was pilfered by her Emir nocturnal was compelled to release from her soul because of this and in the end gained nothing from this the gray cowl has a series of letters in Daedric script on it and says shadow hide you however the Daedric letter yakima in the word you is not displayed in the phrase so it actually says this although it is not known why the day joke letter Yocum has been omitted this phrase shadow hide you has become a favorite phrase and coat of sorts among thieves some use this phrase as a nod to nocturnal and others may use it in a way of wishful thieving the nightingales have stated that the phrase is in reference to their service after death as their souls traverse the plains to the ever gloom and serve her in her plane of oblivion the office of the unseen eye which is a branching sect of the cult of the ancestor moth greatly desired to acquire the Rakhal to see if the curse on it did indeed exist and wish to research it on how to remove it since Mao Dara lost theft of the gray cowl it was passed down from guild master to guild master in the cyrillic branch of the thieves guild the guild masters had utilized the power of the gray cowl to mask their true identity and use it to their advantage they had lost their true identities and only became known as the bearer of the cowl tales and stories had a rows of the mysterious user of the gray Cal stories telling of how they are an immortal being and hero to the beggars and poorer of Cyrodiil although this figure was despised among the Imperial watch and upper class the curse on the cowl was shattered in the third era 433 when the former count Corvus umber Knox the current gray fox of the time had organized a master plan for the theft of an elder scroll from the Imperial Palace with a success of this heist Umbra Knox had utilized the elder scroll to rewrite history and remove the curse on the cowl that was placed on it by nocturnal with the curse removed the guild masters were able to work openly and the Thieves Guild had prospered because of this Amber Knox had regained his position as count of anvil with his reclaimed identity the cowl was passed on to a new guild master which is believed to have been the champion of Cyrodiil even without the curse the cowl did remain to hold the power to mask the identity of its bearer without erasing their name from history the cowl also remained as a figurehead to the infamous gray fox even into the fourth era the gray fox still remains a legendary character among thieves the skeleton key another artifact of nocturnal is a key or sometimes a lockpick that has the ability to penetrate any lock no matter how difficult or complex the lock is in key form it can open any door or lock the guard las' of whether the skeleton key fits or not and lockpick form it can pick any lock without ever having the risk of breaking the first person known to have ever been in possession of the skeleton key was a mysterious thief only known as aravane many years later the eternal champion had discovered a map locating the skeleton key however it is not known if this was in Velen wood or in the summerset isles as reports vary either way utilizing this map the eternal champion had found the skeleton key sometime in the third era 397 the hero of Asura's crossing had discovered the key in a chest in the citadel of broken wing the skeleton key like many Daedric artifacts never stays in an individual's hands too long let alone one place this artifact is known to travel many different locations and have been in the hands of many different individuals and is a prized possession to be had by thieves after the key mysteriously teleports it hides itself an incredibly difficult or inaccessible places our van had made a long list of various and likely hidden places in which the key you might transport to the skeleton key may very well be one of the most powerful Daedric artifacts known as it holds the ability to overcome any barrier or obstacle regardless of its complexity or difficulty as displayed as it bears no trouble opening a simple portal to oblivion which otherwise could only be accessible with powerful magic or know-how it is unknown what other possibilities the skeleton key has access of unlocking in the middle of the second era the skeleton key had been in the possession of sotha sil sotha sil kept the key in his clockwork City after nocturnal had utilized the key to take over clockwork City so the seal had gifted the key to debate fear to keep the artifact safe before the cataclysmic events of the warp in the West an agent of the blades was requested by nocturnal to kill a mage in doing so the agent was gifted the skeleton key by one of Nocturnals worshippers the key had also come into possession of gentleman Jim Stacey who was the leader of the thieves guild in Vardhan fell the key made its way to the hands of the NER Vereen in the third era for 27 although it is not exactly known how the key had gotten into the possession of the NER Vereen some tell of the NER Vereen using brute force while others say it was gifted to the NER Vereen by Jim after they had killed the master of the vivec city's fighters guild in the third era for 33 a relic known as the I of nocturnal had been robbed from the shrine of nocturnal and sir Adele nocturnal had requested the champion of sir Adele to recover this artifact the ones responsible for stealing the artifact were an Argonian couple who had hid the artifact in a flooded cave the champion of Cyrodiil discovered this and returned the eye of nocturnal to her shrine and in return was gifted the skeleton key in the fourth era to a-1 the Thieves Guild of Rifton was known to have been in possession of this artifact specifically its guild master mercer fray after a Mercer who had happened to be a nightingale at the time although corrupted had stolen the skeleton key from the ebon mare sometime before the fourth era 201 Mercer had utilized this key for personal gain and after a long-term vacancy of the skeleton key from the ebon mirror since the skeleton key is required to be at the toilet so pokers portal to the ever gloom in which nocturnal suppose a thief's luck magic bleeds out of the look of the Thieves Guild had run dry during this time it is discovered that the skeleton key doesn't only just unlock any door or lock it also holds the ability to unlock metaphysical things such as hidden mortal potential under the great statue of our King fend Mercer had been confronted by the nightingales and was killed the skeleton key was returned to the portal restoring the Thieves Guild to its former glory the skeleton keys ultimate purpose is to hold open the portal called the ebon mirror the portal in the Twilight sub occur in skyrim that leads to a Nocturnals plane of oblivion the ever gloom the night wheels are meant to act as guardians of a key the twilights al-bakr as well as her plane of oblivion however it is known that nocturnal allows for the key to go missing or reside in mortal hands but it is not known what motives nocturnal has behind this there is yet another lesser-known artifact of Nocturnals that also exists known as the bow of Shadows totally before to buy nocturnal herself this bow had come into the possession of an archer named ray Ellis Kyle ray Ellis was gifted the bow from nocturnal after a secret mission that had gone awry rare lists had used the bow to take down many of his foes however the bow had eventually gone missing the bow of Shadows holds the power to turn its user invisible and increase their movement speed many sightings of the bow have been reported throughout history a Dunmurry assassin named drum in the second era is told to have been in possession of this bow it can be assumed that drum had utilized this bow during the Battle of hunting Bay in which he pierced prints at or with a poisoned arrow killing the Prince it is also known that drum had utilized the bow during the rebellion that occurred in Stroh's Makai organized by the Restless league drama had used this bow in the clash between him and Cyrus the red guard near the closure of the third era a necromancer named Goris the maggot king had also come into possession of this bow and the third era 427 the narrow Vereen had slain Goris and his assistant in the venom ancestral tune which pooris had used as his lair of sorts the NER Vereen had claimed this bow during this time later that year it is also believed that the bow had eventually come into the possession of Taurus Aram who put the bow in display in her Museum of artifacts in worn hold it is not known where the bow resides currently Nocturnals plane of oblivion is known as the ever gloom her realm is mysterious and forested plane it holds perpetual Twilight and darkness known as the cradle of shadow the ever gloom is a large plane holds many different pocket realms within the larger plane two examples of pocket realms are shade perilous and crows would these pocket realms are believed to be in constant orbit and movement and are distinguished differently by each mortal who encounters this plane the ebon mirror is the portal to Nocturnals plane that acts as her conduit on Tamriel the Twilight supple curve was constructed around this portal in Skyrim and this portal is held open simply by the skeleton key but across history this key has been displaced and in the hands of many throughout Tamriel since Metin gales act as the guardian of the ebon mirror and the twilight's up occur when a nightingale dies their soul fuses with the shadows as long as the portal to the ever Gloam is open the souls of deceased nightingales can walk with the shadows and bring luck to thieves across Tamriel nightingales blessed by nocturnal are told to drink from the ebon mirror and gain powers from her the shade perilous is a pocket realm in the ever gloom and this pocket realm is highly desired by many Daedric clans because of the intensity of what is known as dark Lane mana present in this realm during the Imperial simulacrum the armies of mehrunes dagon had invaded the battle spire and had taken this pocket realm for themselves mehrunes dagon apprentices Phaedra char die and civil i'm of' had become impertinent and instead of taking passage to the realm by diplomacy they took it by force the dark seducers that had resided in the realm had turned against the lieutenant of nocturnal JCL morgan along with the second-in-command Deyanira Catrice and had claimed this realm for Dagon the shade perilous had become a plane for flame and frost a truenox to roam although the two clans had still fought over rulership eventually an apprentice battle mage from the battle spire had assisted in the liberation of shade perilous but is not known if the original owners had regained control over it or not it is possible that Dagon's forces had forgone their hold over the plane after a Daedra lord named imago storm had gained control after Dagon had been banished another known pocket realm of nocturnal is the eerie realm known as the crows wood this plane is large and consists of a dark and bizarre forested landscape although it is considered a poor misrepresentation of Tamriel's forests this ROM is populated by an ancient court of sentient crows named the black feather court the black feather court views themselves as the Lords of the realm others who inhabit this realm are wolves ghosts spiders with mothers giant bats bears wisps and soul race at one point in time this realm was presided over by a powerful soul Wraith named ghyslain although they were banished for unknown reasons after this a hacker even known only as the crow mother now acts as the figurehead of black feather court sometime during the second era a done Mary mage named Rulon Tyrell Orin who was a member of the mages guild had happened himself upon the crows wood after doing research for forgotten and ancient spells real enteral had crafted a chest that opened a portal to this realm he took this Ches away in a cave near the city of David's watch located in morrowind real Ontario desired to gain respect from the crow mother by telling her of his love for her the crow mother did not comply with this love and locked him away in her tower relent Ariel's son tell Burrell had entered this plain in search of his father some time later in the second era 582 other adventurers who held interests in the chest also had ventured forth into the crows would tell burl sought out aid to help find his missing father however it is unknown if the crow mother Orville enteral survived the oncoming events of the search Ghislaine had made the return by being summoned back to this realm but was destroyed after an encounter with the adventures utilizing the enchanted chest that real enteral made the order of the eye of the mages guild had dispatched mages into the realm to recover an obscure relic known as the night light which was in fact an artefact that belonged to sheogorath which had strangely manifested in the crows wood from the unforeseen effects of the plain melt during this time nocturnal had become a member of something known as the triad along with the Daedric Prince's clavicus vile and mephala the triad are the group of Daedric princes who did not endorse the Coldharbour compact as they did not wish to start a Daedric war of sorts sometime in the early years of the second era clavicus vile mephala and nocturnal devised a plot to abduct the heart of transparents law the object that acts as the stone to the crystal tower in the summerset isles they had made a pact with a cease load named cateura with the use of powerful possessive mind magic to make you Jesus the leader of the Civic order at the time pilfer the heart of transparent law i acheives was able to outsmart scheme and was able to seal the heart within his very being by the 580 third year of the second era nocturnal mephala and clavicus vile learned of this and managed to kill aya jesus later nocturnal had turned against mephala and clavicus vile by taking the heart for herself this is when she tackled to overtake the crystal tower solely but with the help of the soulless one and the citric order along with clavicus vile and mephala who were betrayed by nocturnal and a champion sent by meridia the divine and holy power of the dawn breaker was enough to dispel nocturnal and restored the heart of transparent law to the crystal tower [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Lady of Scrolls
Views: 41,788
Rating: 4.9849434 out of 5
Keywords: nocturnal, elder scrolls lore nocturnal, elder scrolls lore, elder scrolls, lore, nocturnal lore, skyrim nocturnal lore, elder scrolls skyrim nocturnal lore, daedric prince nocturnal lore, ladyofscrolls, ladyofscrolls elder scrolls lore, ladyofscrolls nocturnal
Id: rh3SoPKDK9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 35sec (1835 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 10 2019
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