The Elder Scrolls Lore: Meridia

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[Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] meridia merit ninda lady of infinite energies the false spirit of greed the orphaned glimmer and is also known as the glister which is a Daedric prince whose true principles are not quite known she governs these spheres of light and the living meridia has an extensive and monumental hatred and hostility towards the undead including ghosts zombies draugar vampires and so on and so forth despite her specific and targeted hatred she is not considered to be wholly evil unlike many other Daedric princes although in some tales she is considered evil such as in the illiac bay many folk tales tell of her being known as the Daedra lady of greed and possesses a strange and devoted collection of human specimens Meridius day of summoning is the thirteenth of morningstar meridia is associated with energies whether it is light or the energy of life meridia is told to be able to be summoned at her shrines if one offers a fragment of a corpse at her statue maria almost always manifests as a woman typically with blonde hair a blue dress or white cloak and feathered wings outstretched with her hatred of all things undead meridia takes pleasure when mortals destroy her enemies such as the undead or those who affiliate such as necromancer's revered his primary servants in her plane of oblivion are Aurora's and even some golden Saints by the debtor dhis of the profane I am brought forth and by your offering you have made the profane your interests mortal the undead are foul unnatural things some of my rivals take pleasure in these abominations not meridia I wish these creatures destroyed a quote from meridia herself meridia is believed to have once been known as merit Nunda a member of the magna key the magna key were the divine beings who were disciples and followers of Magnus and need an era in cagey details Magnus is her father or rather mag races known to the Khajiit in kijiji folk tales Madras did not create his children of the star orphans with a mate of sorts he did so out of forging them out of pure magic ax from a serious however in some tales it is told that married none des was different than her fellow children she was born without love and only light in some cozy details they even blame her for the death of lore Kosh or Lorcan they fled to Aetherius creating the many stars that are seen in the sky as their celestial bodies tore through the very membrane of Mundus and Oblivion they Magna G and Magnus fled once they discovered Lorcan his true intentions married Nanda along with her fellow star orphans retreated to a serious to prevent themselves from becoming trapped in the immortal plane however after safely arriving in a furious upon discovery of Merit Nanda supposed consorts with illicit spectra presumably Daedra she was cast out of a serious and got caught in the very webbing and void of oblivion the other day Jack princes were particularly bothered by a Meriden in distress pass as they claimed all existing spheres of oblivion as their own in kijiji folklore is told that when Mara Nanda was discovered in the passage between Mundus to oblivion and beyond known as the gates of the crossing Asura struck her and dragged her to avoid in Oblivion and surrounded and trapped her there with mirrors although Merritt Nanda escaped although it isn't exactly known how the earliest tales surrounding meridia or rather merit Nunda are some of the strangest and least understood of narns earliest histories an ancient and fragmented manuscript from the first era is all that remains that details her life and story as a Magna key only one copy of this manuscript exists and it is told to exist at the arcane University however since they disbandment of the mages guild it is not known what has become of this manuscript or the library itself the difficulty of understanding this manuscript is that it is observed to be a part of a much larger text or saga of sorts the only existing bit of it is believed to take place somewhere in the middle of it leaving out necessary and crucial information about Merida Nunda this ancient document was written in a very cryptic vernacular and speech style observed to be a lyric in a needed structure of writing translating this manuscript is no easy feat and it involves many words that have not survived into modern language and have unknown origins as well as no direct or clear translation the Magna gear were a nuoc or entities one of the most famous McGhee is likely that of nimona the blue star associated with untime events whose tear in the membrane of oblivion or star was even able to be viewed during daytime during a dragon break one phrase from this ancient writing that eludes scholars is thus does Merritt noon de ride across the Rainbow Road from end to end at one end stretching the dragon at the other end compressing him this dragon that it refers to is believed to be in reference to akatosh the dragon god of time the Rainbow Road is believed to be a prismatic refraction of light bent by meridia herself as she carved out her own plane of oblivion is believed by scholars that this suggests that meridia can somehow change the speed of which time moves although many scholars deny this theory to make amends with being trapped in Oblivion she bent the very beams of light of the stars and the Sun forging and carving her own plane of oblivion into the very environment Meridius plane of oblivion is known as the coloured rooms meridia or married moon de unknown to the aliens was a part of the Ailee attic Pantheon the aliens worshipped a mixture of Adric and Daedric divinities although meridia was among their most favored and praised as the magic governing these stars and light played an important role in the lives of the aliens meridia embodied the fourth element of light despite this meridia was responsible for the destruction of the alien city of abba garlis after the leader of epic Arliss King a numeral ordered for the largest shrine dedicated to Molag Bal to be constructed at epic Arles meridia had informed her worshippers of the neighbouring city of de lado that mainly worshiped her after a long series of events and clashes between the two alien cities Meridian destroyed epic Arles and a blast of divine lightning meridia is known for having granted immortality to umaril the unfeathered a powerful ayleid king who was the ark enemy of Pella no white streak in the first era Pelin all had destroyed Amuro with the cost of his own life and many centuries later during the Oblivion crisis umaril returned with aurora --nz as his servants to seek retribution from the Divine's boomer all the unfeathered give up his own will to achieve immortality as meridia possesses this powerful ability those who take up this deal are known as the purified the purified or also known as lustrous our mortals who have been purified by meridia herself this involves stripping the immortal of their own free will granting them immortality and having them be in service to her for eternity those who are purified have been observed to have radiant and glowing bodies typically those who become list runs are willing although meridia has even given this purification to those who are unwilling and they serve her regardless of their own thought in some texts the term lustrous are typically used by Jerome aura to describe these individuals but it has been coined as a term used by many other than immorality unfeathered one notable individual who became purified was another Elliott King King narramore narramore safeguarded an ancient artifact known as the raft stone deep within the alien kingdom of garlis militar for 3,000 a crusade of Imperials had ventured into this ruin and upon discovery of this relic they were all forcibly turned to less trans in the second era 583 a treasure hunter named terraria assisted by a faction of dungeon dwellers known as the undaunted delved into this vast complex of ruins discovering the ancient horrors that took place in the ruins eventually they were able to fight past the lush turns and even narrow more himself through their efforts they were able to retrieve the right half of the wrath stone and safely made it out of the ruins not only humanoid mortals are able to become the purified just about any creature can become one and these beasts who become purified are known as elevated Sabre cats have been observed to become a part of this purified Sabre cats are told to reside in the colored rooms in a type of exhibit even Daedra are not exempt from being purified one notable example is when nocturnal had invaded Meridius realm releasing dade rats into the realm this invasion was unsuccessful however and each day drought was collected purified by meridia and cast sun turn earned to carry out their lives as lustrous Daedra who served Moloch Baal hold a collected and intense hatred for servants of meridia from her mortal subjects to her Daedric servants there is even a special place in Cold Harbor for these individuals who find themselves in Moloch Balls plane known as the lightless oubliette the lightless oubliette appears to be a strange and dark replica of the white gold tower specifically meant as a prison for Meridius minions [Music] mortals call it Dawnbreaker for it was forged in a holy light that breaks upon my foes burning away corruption and false life a quote from meridia meridia has two known artifacts one as purely hers and one has a strange shared possession of hers and my phallus these artifacts have been in the hands of many throughout the eras the dome breaker is arguably Meridius most powerful artifact forged by meridia herself in a Holy Light that breaks upon her enemies the dawn breaker appears to be a long sword of golden ebony with a bright and beaming crystal known as the dawn star gem at the center of its cross guard this sword was created by meridia to burn away corruption and false life this sword can be used as a normal sword although deals an extra magical or fire damage taking them from the ground even although against Undead this sword is catastrophic and disastrous dealing an especially extra damage against them this extra damage has also been observed to affect not only undead but Daedra and those who are werewolves occasionally this sword upon defeat of an undead foe will cause an explosion of light and blue fire to the environment destroying any other Undead within range and those undead who are not destroyed flee in terror if the wielder of this blade is Undead such as a vampire this fiery explosion will also cause harm to them although this sword can be used against any enemy if needed it holds the most use against undead enemies and some warriors have been proven to deal more damage against living foes by using more mundane weapons dawn breaker appears to hold a unique enchantment known as Meridius retribution on a more technical level and ironically this enchantment works similarly to a soul trap enchantment and that it affects the target for ten whole seconds during the plane meld in the second era to combat the dark anchors planted on Tamriel by Molag Bal the fighters guild was dispatched often to destroy the anchors the highest ranking of these fighters guild members were even able to summon the Dawnbreaker during battle to help them in their battles against the undead and Daedra a Breton man named Darien gory air during the plane meld was known as Meridius champion and her vessel Darion had died but was resurrected within the colored rooms upon his return he utilized the dawn breaker in his battle in the summerset isles against the court of bedlam a powerful and dangerous cult that followed the triad of clavicus vile mephala and nocturnal eventually the dome breaker was lost from his possession and the heart of transparent law the very source of power for the crystal tower was stolen by nocturnal nocturnal changed and revised the very power of dawn breaker to gift it to her champion erlton dilwynn this new sword became known as duskbringer tyndall when utilized the springer during the clash that occurred within a crystal tower however with the vestiges help Darien was able to defeat her as Meridius only hope and champion he took his own life as sacrifice in order to remove the curse placed on the sword by a nocturnal and restore it from the corrupted duskbringer to the once again holy sword of Don break ER the vestige aided against Nocturnals forces by taking the now restored sword climbing the rest of the tower to stab the sword within the heart of transparent law this caused the holy power of the sword to cleanse and purify the heart removing the corruption placed upon it by nocturnal saving the summerset isles from the Triad the sword of dawn breaker hadn't been seen again for many centuries after the events of the second era that is until after the great war of the fourth era in the one hundred and eightieth year a hero known as the warrior who was once a member of the blades had discovered the dawn breaker on their journey the method of how they discovered it isn't quite known some say it was found in a mysterious plane of oblivion known as the abyss while other sources state it was possibly looted from a chest at a different undisclosed location later in the fourth era around 20 years later the sword had eventually taken its place within the temple of meridia in skyrim at mount kill creep a breton necromancer named the mountain had profaned the temple within with undead using the bodies of fallen warriors of the civil war to trap their souls and uses his minions the Dawnbreaker filled his magic infuriating meridia meridia in order to stop this allowed the last dragon born to discover her beacon a tool that she used as a means to communicate with the last dragon born they took this beacon to her temple in which she contacted them through a beam of Holy Light the last dragon born was given the task of cleansing her temple with her light and in the end defeating Malcolm and taking the dawn breaker as a reward for their efforts another artifact of meridia that also shares possession with mephala strangely is the ring of kgt or sometimes simply known as Ring of Khajiit this ring allows the user to become invisible stealthy and speedy the origins of this ring date back to the second era this ring is highly sought after by thieves and can be useful to those who need to escape a sour situation in a stealthy manner mephala is told to be the original possessor of this ring although a powerful Khajiit named Rajan stole it from her very hand Rajan eventually became a god to the Khajiit after using the power of the ring to carry out grand larceny undetected with the power of the Ring Rajan became the most acclaimed thief and elsewhere in history Rajan was somehow even able to steal a tattoo from the negev and press Cantera as she slumbered however Rajan became too powerful to even wield the ring any longer and it is told that the ring abandoned Rajan in the book titled Tamriel ik lore it is suggested that this ring abandons those who overuse its immense power it had grown tiresome of its constant use and abuse and disappeared from Rajan's possession leaving him crumbled exposed weakened and helpless to those who were his enemies and searching for him this tale also suggests that the ring is somehow sentient although it is not known what way were there related to Meridiist power or my phallus although many Daedric artifacts behaved in this way as well as a drew Kwan's because of this this tale is more than likely true it is not known how this ring became a shared artifact to meridia however but by the third era 405 she had offered it as a reward to the agent after they defeated a sorcerer who betrayed her however around 20 years later this artifact had gone back into the possession of mephala who offered it as a reward to the Navarino after they defeated a member of the morick Tom who had gone rogue and began killing individuals who were not on designated writs once again six years later the ring had returned to Meridius possession and was given as a reward to the champion of Cyrodiil after they purified a cave of necromancer's for meridia it is not known what the current status of the ring is whether is in Meridius possession or my phallus or anyone elses is unknown Meridius plane of oblivion is known as the colored rooms shaped and constructed by meridia as she had gotten trapped in oblivion as a magna key not much is known about her plane but it has been described as a vast realm of coral reefs floating stones and colorful waters decorated with colorful streams of dust and clouds the colorful and bright water that makes up the terrain of her plane appears as phosphorescent water but is a surface that is sturdy enough to walk on Aurora pnes reside in this realm mounted upon their war horses the Aurora uns are told to be comprised of pure light of meridia and their true skin tones can come in just about any color golden saints are also told to make their home in this realm [Music] during Alessi's rebellion in the first era the aliens communed with meridia and with a pact created between her and her minions of Aurora ng's they were able to fight back with forests against the humans however even with Daedric powers such as this their forces were still outmatched by the power of the human rebels Morehouse and Pella no whitestrake boomer all the unfeathered the king of the aliens found his very life force to the color to Rooms upon his death in Mundus his soul returned to the colored rooms marinating in the waters of oblivion there in Goudy air had spent thousands of years being reborn within the colored arune's before he could make his eventual return to mundus he had been relocated to the colored rooms after a confrontation with Moloch ball and me plan our vortex meridia had transferred him in a magical beam of light shone upon him the vestige had defeated Moloch ball in his plane of oblivion in Cold Harbor and Moloch ball had admitted defeat and the plane meld was over in the second era 582 the next year in the second era 583 Darion reappeared in Mundus known as Meridius called a knight eventually mephala abducted him and the triad of clavicus vile nocturnal and mephala had invaded into the plane of meridia be colored rooms meridia manifested in Cold Harbor as the grounds keeper she spoke to the vestige about aiding them to reappear soul meridia was able to dismantle and destroy the last dark anger during the plane meld it to an end she shielded the vestige and their allies from Malaga ball as they were preparing her Holy Light to be released in some tales meridia is hinted as being deceptive and manipulative an imperial settlement that was once devoted to meridia was even discarded by her herself into the plain of Molag Bal's although this was in an act to weaken mullah ball and many of those who resided there were killed or kidnapped after this according to her own champion Darian she promised him freedom but used him as a tool to dispose of her enemies Darion lost himself in the void and darkness deep within the ruins of an alien city on the Gold Coast of Cyrodiil meridia had enslaved a number of humans transforming them into lists trans after she lost Darian as her champion out of pure rage she killed an innocent Khajiit named desaad who was in a trance caused by her despite meridia usually being considered benevolent or non evil compared to many other deja Prince's her worshippers are few and far between while she was a part of the pantheon of the aliens and some of her biggest adores were the alien Kings umaril Dinah and Meryl more a once high-ranking member of the fighters guild sees all colors worshipped her occasion a disciple named Mossad ro and even an elderly and insane soldier and man named cerca de well as well as her very champion Darion courier many High Elves who resided in these Summerset Isles were also told to worship her although they were completely wiped out by worshippers of the triad the court of bedlam [Music] the vestige also had a brief encounter with meridia at her statue in a town near grotto in these Summerset Isles she requested the vestige to save her champion Darion using the dawn star gem from the dawn breaker to locate him mephala had abducted him and to rescue him the vestige had to travel to mephala surround in order to save him however nocturnal interrupted this communion and the statue of meridia was observed to weep purple blood after the victory against Moloch ball the vestige had teleported to the colored rooms in which Maria bestowed them their once lost soul along with a fallen companion soul being imbued into their own Mallick ball had materialized in a weakened and defeated form he spoke of the vestiges power and prowess and admitted defeat however he warned the vestige of attracting the attention of the other deject princes and that the inner machination Xand politics of oblivion were not for immortals comprehension or interference meridia dispelled malach ball from her realm and after one last smear he was banished other than Omer all the unfeathered one of Meridius most devoted and cherished worshipers was the alien king narramore he dedicated his very life and city to the worship of her at the very peak of his reign meridia considered him a favorite of hers alongside that of umaril one of the biggest examples of evidence to this is a suppose it immense beacon of light that was seen from the city of garlis Mallett are filled by meridia this light became known as the guiding light and while the white gold tower out scaled this beacon it is told that it's light was even able to be seen from yo kuda the alien city of garlis militar was a prosperous city in its time an important trading hub and port city for the aliens unlike many ayleid cities this city in particular was welcoming to those from neighboring cities as long as they obeyed Meridian law to deviate from or break meridian law was horrendously punished the most infamous example of punishment was narramore executing the ruler of a neighboring city who didn't pay significant enough omage to meridia when he visited the city despite his strictness governing meridian law those who were under his rule viewed him as a righteous and honorable ruler one thing of observation in the popular book titled on oblivion a book detailing the Daedric princes and oblivion itself meridia is not mentioned however a former Daedric Prince J Kellogg is despite her being untrustworthy in some tales meridia is observed to hold more annuit qualities that are observed in Adria and other adata more so than Daedric meridia is not observed to hold any hostility to mortals or nirn and is often capable of assisting mortals when the time is needed especially when it's facing those who wish to profane or corrupt the living or the dead Imperials who greatly worship the imperial Divine's acknowledged meridia for her being able to speak fairly to mortals without direct hostility or with obvious ill intentions however many Imperials know meridia as the leader of their ancient enemy the aliens and do not wish to acknowledge her as a worthy deity of worship along with the rest of the Dasia princes no matter how innocent or benevolent they may seem a large stone fortress in eastern Skyrim known as dire frost keep was home to an ancient Nordic bloodline who with a powerful flame were able to contact long-lost loved ones who resided in sovngarde the dire Foss flame as it can be called was protected by this ancient family of Nords and this flame if it went out had to be real it's by the next patriarch of the clan utilizing a torch known as the torch of heirs some legends regarding this connection between sovngarde and the immortal plane specifically mentioned meridia using it to distress enemy day drew however more tales allude to shore using this as a beacon of communication after his death between sovngarde and the Nords of nirn although the dire Frost clan has never expressed communicating with neither Shore Norma Rydia through these means Meridius primary Daedric servants are that of our Warren's Aurora pnes are typically clad in pure gold and armor decorated with horns and feathery motifs these Daedra are told to be Meridius spawn and their bodies are made of pure light although Aurora pnes typically manifests as golden knights they can change the color of their armor and tone at will and can spawn as virtually any hue this magic can also be used to bend light to their will or to assist them in battle they typically utilize shock based spells alongside their formidable weapons in battle they hold a resistance against magic as well their weapons are often infused with lightning they often attack in a phalanx battle formation in order to channel the magic of light and lightning to combat their enemies along Daedra Aurora's are observed to be conceded and pretentious although they do not have an organized hierarchy although Aurora pnes can control light to their will they can seemingly on the utilize light from the shades of yellow and white but blue light or even open flames are of no use to them Aurora ins are similar to another Daedra in service to meridia orioles also commonly known as golden saints these two races of Daedra despite both being in service to meridia are known to have a severe hatred for each other during his time with in the colored rooms Darien go-to year was accompanied by golden Saints Aurora inside with no other Daedra unless they specifically are in service to meridia Darion although mortal shared similarities with that of Aurora pne's in that he was forged from Meridius light when Aurora pnes are within the vicinity of a dark orb strange Orbach relics found within the depths of mallet are meridia uses these orbs as a source of power to the Aurora pnes healing them resurrecting them and even preventing their banishment back to oblivion dark orbs emanating different spectrums of light can give the respective colored or orange certain powers those who greatly worship meridia often fashioned themselves in golden armor that of Aurora pnes this golden armor can be crafted utilizing dust collected from Aurora pnes during the allison rebellion the netic rebels referred to the Aurora pnes as thunder knocks as the a leaps greatly used the Aurora's against the Medes umaril the unfeathered when he became purified took on that of a much larger and more powerful Aurora of sorts when the excavation occurred led by Ferrara at the eleatic ruins of garlis militar they had to fight a variety of powerful Aurora n--'s king narrow moors mortal body perished although when his pact he made with meridia he was resurrected as an incredibly powerful Aurora known as a symphony of blades during the third era nĂºmero returned once again his legal roarin slaughtered citizens of various a jerk chapels across cyrodiil in garlis mallet are once the dark orbs were shattered the Aurora's frozen time and died without the energy given to them from the dark orbs scintillating Aurora's are a type of a roarin that comes in a purplish hue these specific ones were especially noted in the depths of mallet are powered by the dark orbs these are Warren's supplied the symphony of blades with power radiant Aurora's appear to be a normal Aurora n-- but are sometimes much more brighter and ethereal in appearance than a normal Lauren in mallet are these were the first to be called upon in battle these Aurora pnes are noted for their ability to quickly regenerate their health phosphorescent horns are an Aurora of blue hues their powers are quite similar to that of radiant horns and that they regenerate their health rather quickly although they have been observed to be able to summon a pillar of ice blazing Aurora's are a fierce type of a warren with a red hue they also hold the power of speedy health regeneration these multicolored Aurora's while in the depths of mallet are were specifically summoned to aid narramore in battle although these kinds of rewards haven't been encountered outside of this event in history and it isn't quite known how common these specific hues are in the colored rooms Aurora pnes while they typically manifests as a knight have also been known to manifest as powerful mages Aurora pnes of all d-- Daedra have been noted to be rare and typically only appear when it involves that of meridia similarly to meridia Aurora's can control light and color specifically to themselves however Aurora in Twilight war horses are pitch black as a knight this is because these war mounts are typically utilized at dark by the air Oren's Aurora --nz have been observed to be able to summon these as mounts even when on the mortal plane however if the Aurora parishes and is sent back to the covered rooms to reform the warhorse mysteriously remains I need to tell you something about meridia she's a deceiver she promised that if I served her faithfully I to earn my freedom she never told me that freedom was just another word for the void don't trust her don't trust any of the Daedric princes not ever I found peace though Maria gave me a chance to see the world and those I care about one last time to save those I loved I'm grateful for that at least a quote from Darien go-to year Meridius champion Meridius primary goal as a Daedric prince isn't quite known while she governs that of light and the energies of living things her goals are usually one thing and one thing only the total destruction of all things undead Weimar Vidya holds such a specific animosity for all things undead is not fully understood while many mortals also consider undead abominations Maria is by far the dominant advocate of this ideology as much as her origins are clouded so too are Meridius intentions and whether she is an ally or truly righteous static Prince to the mortals of nirn is unclear you [Music] [Music]
Channel: Lady of Scrolls
Views: 71,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elder Scrolls Lore, Meridia, Meridia elder scrolls lore, skyrim lore meridia, meridia lore, elder scrolls meridia lore, skyrim meridia lore, merid nunda lore, ladyofscrolls meridia, ladyofscrolls, ladyofscrolls meridia lore, lady of scrolls
Id: 41Lip4fDGKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 51sec (2571 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 19 2019
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