Argonians are DAEDRIC?! - An Elder Scrolls Lore Theory about the Dubious Origins of the Hist

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[Music] before the hist nothing existed the hist meant everything and provided all every argonian knew this instinctively from hatching why then wouldn't the hiss speak to them didn't the old story say the hiss talk to its people jar elite was an inquisitive argonian and he pondered these questions every day he was no alchemist but he was determined and was heartened by the hist and his unspoken connection with them he concocted formula after formula he distilled various icons combining each one in varying amounts with his sap tasting them all making adjustments he felt the hissed urge him on demanding he break through its silence finally jar elite drank his master decoction he savoured the thick sweet syrup coating his tongue standing quietly beneath the hist's outstretched bowels his eyes glittered with comprehension i am your child and servant he whispered and the hist showed him all things there was a first era scholar named brendan the persistent who said the argonian people have throughout tamrielic history been perhaps the most misunderstood vilified and reviled of all the sentient races yet those who have taken the time to experience argonian culture have gained a greater appreciation for this noble and beautiful people brendan the persistent earned his epithet as he vanished during his research of black marsh he delved deep into the inner swamps of the province and was never seen again but that only lends salience to his claims one does not need to wade through claggy mires and tides of flesh flies to know that there is something unique about the argonians they are not the only intelligent beast race on tamriel yet their relationship with their sapient neighbors cannot be explained it is possible the khajiit share common ancestry with the elves as well as a reverence for many of the same deities worshiped both in elsewhere and elsewhere on the continent the argonians however they do not acknowledge the aedra and whatever role they played in the formation of the mortal realm nor do they even recognize the familia daedra lords their religion is integrated with every aspect of their culture it's a theocratic hive mind in which the histories are responsible for all the only other deity with any significance to the argonians is the void itself siphis who has a mysterious relationship with the his trees the argonians do have a creation myth that parallels the common story of anu and padmai the primordial forces of stasis and change which explains how deities like akatosh lorkhan and ifa came to be but this serves more as a metaphor for the creation of the universe as opposed to the basis for a religion we can get a better idea of who the argonians worship from one of the two most well-known creation texts not the monomyth but the annotated anuad to summarize this interpretation tells of anu and padmai entering the void and time beginning as a result the interplay of light and darkness created the beautiful goddess ner nur and anu fell in love and nur gave birth to the twelve worlds of creation padamay was scorned and envious he struck nur and anu cast him outside of time as punishment in the process of giving birth to the twelve worlds nur died from the labor when padme returned he looked upon the twelve freshly flourishing worlds and hated them so he destroyed them anu fought to stop him and eventually emerged victorious but the damage to creation was already done and anu was forced to create one world of creation from the survivors of the twelve this world was known and the survivors were the elnerfey the ancestors to the races of men and myrrh and the hist the wandering el nephew ward with the old el nafee and the great schism between human and health was set but the hist were only bystanders to this conflict much like the twelve worlds during a new and patternized battle the hist were not spared from collateral damage in this elnepha war most of their realm was destroyed as the war passed over it causing enormous chunks of it to sink beneath the sea but a small corner of it survived to become black marsh we may never know the nature of these lost worlds and their extinct inhabitants but one thing's a certainty according to the annual the hist and the el nafee are not related even though they co-exist on nirn when applied to the story of lorcan and the aedra the el nafee are all the gods who took part in creating the realm so elnepha encompasses the magna gee and the earth bones but if the hist are nothing like the aedra then it makes sense that the argonians would not venerate the same gods as men and myrrh the book titled myths and legends of the hist mentions that mortal scholars have noticed something otherworldly about the hist as well these scholars hypothesize that the trees are a perceptive with a deep knowledge of unfathomable secrets from the times before all the races of man and myrrh there's plenty more evidence to discuss but one thing i'll say at this point is that if we follow the meanings of the words aedra and daedra in the illnefx language our ancestors and not our ancestors then the history technically by definition daedra and the same rule would apply to their argonian creations but there's a lot more to this theory than just a definition the creation of the argonian race is another hint to the potential daedric nature of the hist according to daivey fear among other sources we must keep in mind that the daedra are incapable of creation they can only imitate manipulate and exaggerate this is a controversial statement considering the wide variety of creatures that appear to be native to certain plains of oblivion but these creatures can be considered imitations of existing foreign or unknown either way daivey fear is a reliable source and if we believe his claim then that draws an interesting connection between the daedric princes and the hiss trees the predominant theory regarding the creation of the argonians is that the hist perceived the humans and elves the descendants of the elna and admired their walking legs and clever hands inspired by these mortals the hist then molded and remolded the swamps useful lizards until they found they'd made the argonians the specific lizard is believed to be the hellstrom ancestor lizard and there is a supporting story of an argonian named mere glim the protagonist of the lord of souls book who received a vision of his origins he dreamed the experience of a mindless lizard that drank his sap which transformed his body and mind this perfectly aligns with daivey fear's research the hist saw the descendants of their neighbours the elna faye and the history mimicked manipulated and exaggerated elements of their biology when creating the argonians this is why the lizard folk are so unlike all the other tamrielic races even the khajiit whose language derives from the on effects and if you're wondering how the hist exaggerated human and elven features when creating the argonians you need only look at the argonian behemoths deep in the swamps of murkmeyer there are colossal lizard berserkers and there are countless other variations to argonian biology in black marsh during his adventures in the heart of the marsh the imperial clerk decima scotty encountered some of these argonian forms the agasseffs were one of the many argonian tribes that lived in the interior of the province near the hist finding little in the outside world worth seeing he was fortunate to have been found by them the nagas the toad like partru and the winged sarpa would have killed him on the spot the agasseffs have long thin faces like lance's and scales hued with every color under the sun the nagas are described as being seven to eight feet tall possessing huge mouths filled with dripping needle-like fangs their scales are dark and iridescent and their eyes are red how much the partru resemble toads isn't well documented beyond that description and the same applies to the winged sarpa these are a few of many variants and the hist only know how many others exist in the marsh there's also the fact that argonians go through life phases and by licking his sap can change their physiology myths and legends of the hist states that when a sax leal emerges from juvenescence it finds a nearby history to lick sap from its bowl the elements in the sap quicken the hormonal glands which sprout appropriate organs from which the argonian's gender can be determined this is supported by the existence of transformation ceremonies where fully grown argonians may change their gender with the hist's aid it's pretty easy to draw a strong link from the relationship between hist and argonian and between daedric prince and lesser daedra powerful daedra can imitate mortal life creating their own derivative races these races of lesser daedra come in many forms and all of these are subject to change like the clear physical distinction between dramora in service to one lord and another even the method by which these changes occur is analogous when a daedra dies they do not truly die their vestige simply returns to the void and awaits rebir from a source of chaotic creation chaotic creation is liquid chaos energy that pulls in all the realms of oblivion so when a daedric vestige is ready to return from the void it spawns in its physical vessel from chaotic creature in molag bal's realm of cold harbor chaotic creation takes the form of azuroplasm in sheogorov's shivering isles the orioles and maskin emerge from their respective wellsprings of chaotic creature and what's even more interesting is that the histories produce a substance that is strikingly similar to chaotic creation a substance called ambiplasm according to a tree minder named narcash ambiplasm is like the chaotic creature of oblivion leaking into mundus through the hist like blood from a wound the creation is a thing of chaos the call to syphilis is in its nature if properly manipulated the ambiplasm can grant a worthy saxonyl great speed and strength if this tree minder is correct then the daedric nature of the hist is undeniable and the plasm like a zooplasm is just an altered form of creation that can allow a lesser daedra to form and reform according to the whim of the ruling daedra lord the call to syphilis she describes is also fitting as this liquid chaos would be innately associated with the void it's no secret that the argonians venerate siphis even the hist acknowledge him despite being a race that keep to themselves argonians born under the sign of the shadow become shadow scales they worship syphilis and serve him by enlisting in the dark brotherhood the argonians are of course not alone in their reverence for siphis but their relationship with the void is certainly unique they worship the primordial shadow chaos that existed before the gods were born but unlike most citizens of tamriel they do not regard siphis as evil being born under the sign of the shadow was considered a blessing and a privilege these argonians fulfilled an integral part of society the last topic to discuss is the relationship between the hist and their corner of tamriel their realm black marsh has long perplexed and forted outlanders who have never been able to fully understand the region nor ever hoped to conquer it but when compared to a plane of oblivion elements of argonia seem to make a lot more sense one researcher named junior sivera travelled to blackmarsh to study the hist in their homeland all of her discoveries were documented in a letter to her teacher they are merely trees say some skeptical people trees grown by the lizard folk of black marsh so they can drink of the sap they all remember topple's description of a fetid and evil place and they naturally draw wary conclusions legions came back speaking of venomous plants poisonous bogs and strange defenders that attack with fury one day and ignore invaders the next and when even the more civilized lizard folk cannot seem to provide answers that assuage their fears well it is no surprise these so-called learned scholars have come to fear argonians and their strange trees the hist are sentient and they are not simply trees it is true that the trees are impressive and demand a certain respect when you stand beneath them but i've always found the roots most fascinating beneath the swamp the roots grow deep and spread so wide it is impossible to know which tree they originated from in a way i believe the roots are the marsh the roots hold it all together and they determine when it changes i've seen skilled trackers foiled by this land on a whim i cannot say i've ever seen it move but i have picked up a good enough sense of navigation in my time to know when i'm being led in circles and that is without going into the more questionable theories of relative space i believe like the sax little change to accommodate their environment the roots change black marsh in a way that it sees most fit the province of black marsh has never once been close to conquered the borders can barely even be considered argonia the maps cannot be correct the roots grow too deep and too wide for us to know the true argonia in this rather lengthy description we can learn a lot unfavorable terrain may be abundant in black marsh but it is not exclusive to this corner of tamriel there is something else at play foiling invaders from the moment they cross the marsh's nebulous borders what if the histories whose roots form an intricate web beneath the province can change the topography of the land at their own discretion if their roots are all connected and all the swamps and fens sit on top of them what's stopping these sentient trees with their all-encompassing network from adapting and morphing to suit whatever need or quash whatever foreign threat and even the deadline hordes of dagon were wrong-footed upon arrival in the manifold plains of oblivion each realm is subject to the whims of the ruling prince the planes are extensions of the daedra lord's own unknowable mind if the histories are an intertwined hive mind and their control over the land and its natives is total then how are they any different to a daedric prince when combined with the points we've raised about the origins of the argonians their genetic flexibility the reverence for syphilis and the significance of histsapp and amberplasm the parallels become hard to dismiss as mere coincidences i'll finish this point about the terrain of the province by once again turning to the tail of the imperial clerk dessama scotty when he nearly drowned in the oncopra river and was roused somewhere in the heart of blackmarsh by a strange-looking agassef argonian scottie discovered he was on the muddy bank of the still sludgy river surrounded by a group of argonians with similarly needle-like faces and a whole rainbow of scales bright greens and gem-like purples blues and oranges can you tell me am i near well anywhere the ruby-colored argonian laughed no you're in the middle of everywhere and near nowhere the imperial clerk might as well have washed up on the coast of the shivering isles or the parchment shores of apocrypha's undulating seas of ink because he was in a place no less capricious surrounded by a race of inhabitants no less alien we may not be given indisputable confirmation that the histories and their argonian creations are daedric but there are a lot of persuasive reasons to consider it i hope you enjoyed the video guys thanks so much for watching i've been drew this has been fudge muppet and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: FudgeMuppet
Views: 132,791
Rating: 4.9632254 out of 5
Keywords: elder scrolls lore, skyrim, skyrim lore, argonians daedric, daedra, argonians
Id: gsudQwJDmio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 35sec (995 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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