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uh that's a case closed solid nine pin what's up guys Bruns next's back and it's time for comparison I've been wanting to do this one for a long time I finally found the right ball to do it on so I'm going to compare 13 lb Hammer effect versus my 15 lb Hammer effect now this is going to be a battle of the Huntsman core versus the generic a symmetric core that we use in lightweight 12 and 13 lb the numbers are a little bit different the cover stocks are exactly the same so we're going to see if there's any difference between 13 and 15 lbs and the overall grand scheme of things for me on the lanes with specto running before we get to all that please subscribe to my channel if you haven't already now let's see 13 lb versus 15 lb Hammer effect all right we're talking about 15 and 13 I get a lot of questions hey I throw a lightweight ball at 1213 is that going to affect the performance you know guys don't use the same core but as I talked in lightweight core video which I'll put up in the links in the description is that the lightweight cores are actually engineered the best possible way for 12 and 13 PBS they get the most out of a lightweight core without sacrificing performance so we're going to talk about it I got my 13 pounder I got my 15 pounder this is myth so I'll call them out before I throw them we'll throw a blocks of shots just to show differences we're going to look at the specto data along the way but just to show what the 15 lb can do one of my favorite balls so far I'm calling it The Ball of the Year 2024 I don't think there's going to be competition for this one but we'll see I don't know so that's a what we saw in the last video the original video a lot of that skid flip cutting through the pins hitting hard now for those that are interested in getting a hammer effect but maybe throw 12 13 lbs and say hey well I'm not getting that Huntsman core is it even worth it and the answer is absolutely yes just on a cover stock basis with the hk22 cohesion Pearl so it's a new additive and we put that stuff on everything right so I'm going to throw some shots with 13 lbs now and we're just going to talk about it I'm going to talk about the feel I'm going to talk about the reaction and what we want to see is the difference in specto is the ball going to be subpar as far as performance cuz when you look at the core numbers you're looking at a core that's now gone from 2.47 050 with an 07 intermediate to 2.59 with 041 and 014 intermediate so it's a small drop off in overall performance but in a lighter weight ball does that really matter we're going to find out I'm going to switch over to the 13 pounder and we're going to throw some shots I already threw some shots before with filming just to get warmed up and to kind of equalize the cover stock a little bit and get it the same as the other one both are at a box haven't touched them but yeah 13 lb it's definitely light let's see what kind of performance we get the main things we kind of look at here is how it's going to respond on the back and how it goes through the pins sent that out really far wide and uh the ball went through the pins great lot of back in on that obviously I missed out right quite a bit that's kind of my miss when I switch to lighter weight bowling balls from going to heavy to light my Miss is always out to the right until I can get used to the weight and feel it at the bottom that's been my Miss so first shot kind of told us that entry angle is kind of everything isn't it you get that ball coming off that spot hard and I don't know we'll look at the entry angle and all that but I figure I'd throw about five six shots with the 13 pounder then throw five or six with the 15 and then we'll average out the numbers we'll look at the graphs and we'll see what we got but just standing on the Big Dot right now just kind of a little swing that's out wide again just based on the two shots you're worried about the ball not performing that's not going to happen cuz the ball has plenty of hook plenty of flare we'll look at that right now but the cover Stock's still the same the strength of the cover stock is still the same we don't change that for any weight and does the ball flare and it does here to about here so about 4 to 5 in of flare looks like it's even going out past here so we'll look at the 15 pounder and compare it is it going to be much of a difference between the two you're talking undrilled nine points 0.009 a differential intermediate couple points three points not a whole lot of change there all right let's try to get this more in the oil that'll be my try at least little bit okay got that little bit more in like I wanted didn't swing it out and a four pin so the back end is there so check check goes to the pins check check and it comes off the spot hard that one should have more oil on it Separation on this is probably 3/16 of an inch as far as you know the big wide separation like you would see with like black Black Widow where the differential is 058 and you get the wide flare 6 to 7 in this one has a little bit lower differential even in the 15 pounder it's 050 as opposed to 058 uh that's a case closed solid nine pin so it can happen solid D pin with a 13 lb ball does a 13 lb hit there's your answer Stone n that's probably one of the meanest nine pins I've left on the channel I think for those of you that were on the fence oh I don't know I throw 123 is that ball going to be worth it without the Huntsman core I think you pretty much stopped the video right now and you can go ahead and order the ball that's my suggestion the ball strikes ball hooks a lot on the back still has that great flip good shot I mean I tell you what I said it in the last video throwing 14 versus 15 when the time comes to have to drop weight and have to go down from 15 to say 14 and then eventually 13 and maybe lower is I'm going to do it when I feel like I can't handle 15 lbs anymore I'm going to go ahead and do it let's throw a couple more shots with 13 so far 13 lb has been fantastic this has been a lot of fun to throw now that I've kind of gotten used to the weight I uh I'm starting to throw really good shots with it like that that's hooking though oh and it trips fors too yeah I might just switch to 13 lbs anyway I like that elliptical core you know we call it gen core cuz we use it across the board in a lot of different brands but that's like the old uh classic Zone core that was elliptical stretch to give it the asymmetry and it's basically a really good mushroom type shaped core so let's throw one more with 13 look at the 15 pounder right after this we already know what the 15 lb does it's a little wide grabby yeah all right you're still tuning in we're going to switch to the 15 pounder now to compare but you know we already know what the 15 lb is going to do and it's it's going to be put to shame I think I don't know if I'm going to be able to top that all right so we're switching to the 15 pounder now going to take me a couple shots we'll throw like five six seven shots with it get back used to this thing again stand in the same spot throw some shots oh man so my misses with a heavier ball when I switch to it is left and a lighter ball when I switch to it from a heavier ball goes right so it's just feeling the weight difference I mean 2 lbs normally what I'm doing comparisons it's one lb so I'm either doing 15 14 16 15 so I did a 146 but it's a big drop off and it's a lot of weight at the bottom so that's why I'm going to block off these shots a little bit and show once I get comfortable with it again oh get that kick a lot of things people ask about is like rev rate you know when you go to a lighter weight ball can you get more on it and I think the answer is yes because you're able to manipulate your wrist a little bit more I can probably get under it a little bit and apply more rotation on it cuz there's less Mass to have to do yeah I got to say that the the flare is actually pretty identical and I might do a follow-up video and get these things on a RG swing and see if the ending differentials of a drilled 15 and a drilled 13 ball are identical all right that's two shots here let's uh let's get some rotation on the ball that's better that crunch I mean comparing a 15 to a 13 hitting power in this video at least if I showed two shots going down the lane and didn't tell you which ones where they were do you think you and kind of decipher which ones they were Maybe by sound I think there might be just a little bit of a pitch difference between a 13 and a 15 but in a blind not blind you got to look at it but in the way that gets through the pins I mean both are pretty devastating couple more shots here with 15 good shot oh hooking that just runs over absolutely demolishes pins I'm saying it right now I mean best ball 2024 people say hey runs Nick how do you say that already it's only March how could you possibly call the best ball well cuz I'm Nix stradamus of bowling I just know things that's how yeah just on the eyeball test they don't look like they flare a whole lot different I don't see the total flare being different you know it goes just past the label and uh the other ball the 13 pounder did just about the same thing all right one more shot with the 15 that's wide oh it's hooking Dam I don't know about you guys 13 PB 15 if you're on the fence and this goes for not just Hammer balls this goes for any balls in the brunic brand if you're worried that because the core shape is different I would fear not fear no more because the cores that we design in lightweight cores are going to give you the maximum performance that you can possibly get out of a 1213 lb ball just because the shape difference it doesn't matter what matters is what the ball does in comparison to the hover your ball and I think we're seeing that right now I'm going to throw a couple more shots with 13 and we're going to wrap this video up but I hope you guys have seen a little bit we looked at specto data along the way hope we saw some differences in numbers I think maybe the 13 lb might actually be more angular that might come to do with just a little bit more rev rate I don't know I don't think ball speed was much different you know but the 15lb ball obviously that's what I'm going to use that's the weight I'm going to use because that's what's comfortable for me right now as I get older I might switch and I'm not going to worry about if I have to go to 13 lbs in the future future worrying about that core because the cover stock is the same and the strength is the same all right let's see if I can throw the first one good not have to worry about it flying off my hand that flew off my hand and I can leave eight pins with a 13lb ball because I am the eight pin king I left one with a 15 lb ball I left one with a 13B ball I'm going to end the video right there I don't think you can get any better than that 13 lb versus 15 lb generic core versus the Huntsman core what do you guys think do you think there's any difference in the 13 lb versus 15 did you see any performance difference in this video please drop me a line I read them all until next time please subscribe talk to you guys soon
Channel: BrunsNick
Views: 36,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: neim9AVhVgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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