PBA Legacy Cup: Legends & Rising Stars | PBA on FOX

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and the format is incredibly simple two semi-finals so it'll be Walter race team versus pach Team to start it'll be Parker versus norm and then the winners meet to decide the Legacy cup await we're not finished afterwards because then we go right to the battle of the ages a strike competition Legends and All Stars only strikes count when the youngsters take on the veterans now let's meet our teams here's Mike Jay let's meet team PDW Nate purchas EJ tacket USBC and PBA Hall of Famer Pete Weber team ww Cortez shank Kyle tro USBC and PBA Hall of Famer Walter Ray Williams Jr you know the great thing about this sport is that all generations can do it and they can do this together and I love this now Cortez you are the west region player of the year so you're used to you know bowling with some of these guys but what is this opportunity like the fact that you get to bowl with the legend himself Walter Ray oh that's awesome you know I grew up watching Walter with my dad on TV when I was younger and man it's just an honor to bowl with him today it's just really a fun experience and I can't wait to uh hopefully strike a lot with them it's it's going to be pretty cool to watch and Nate we saw you on the PBA jior show and you actually got to teammate with Kyle troop over here but did you ever think that you would be on a team with the man himself Pete Weber uh never in a million years I mean you grow up watching these guys on TV and it's just so surreal to be bowling with one of the Legends one of the most iconic lines ever in Bowling just to be bowling with him is just a dream come true iconic is definitely a word that comes to mind when you think of Pete Weber Pete what do you think when you hear uh different Bowlers and generations talk about you like that it actually Kimberly is very humbling the that Nate thinks that I'm a great Legend and I'm not done bowling yet and yet I'm still a legend so it's an honor to be bowling with him too many years ahead for you but before we go I got to ask last time we saw Nate on TV he introduced the world to the Nate shimmy are we going to see that again tonight uh if I strike enough yeah you will we all look forward to it guys back to you in the booth what are we bowling on today Randy thank you Kimberly by the way it's the 43 foot LBC oil pattern league bowling Championship pattern players are going to play in and the farest point right on the left lane is probably about the fifth board and about seven on the right lane the right lane a little bit tighter but there's uh there's plenty of friction to the right if you get lined up properly and plenty of boil in and let's take a look at what Walter Ray Williams Jr's team is going to B this Trio will start with Kyle troop then Walter A Williams Jr and he'll go with the youngster Cortez shank to go the third Sixth and Ninth in this Baker format the lead off is the key man here because he's going to be bowling that 10th Frame Baker's normally five here of course we have only three so some extra responsibility on the shoulders of somebody who can handle it your reigning US Open Champion Kyle troo one side a great look in warm-ups and it continues Kyle being Kyle really and PDW not surprisingly is tapping EJ attack it to both start and finish yeah good choice yep Nate per yes you think that was a difficult one Nate Peres will be the man in the middle and Pete will go three six and nine get it oh yes get it indeed EJ who's on TV so much he may have to join sag after we've had one show this season with where EJ wasn't on it uh that's all right it's pretty good it's one of those philosophical questions if EJ is not in a show do the show actually happen yeah think about that yeah I am somebody else had a good looking practice too Walter is going to go straighter from out and just rips the rack there and it's a double for Walter Ray Kyle troop and Cortez shank check this out five pin into the seven not quite the messengers or the the rip the rack shots that we see in today's modern game but hey 10 is 10 exactly right N purches Out of [Music] Massachusetts Shimmy Shimmy it's early it's early sh easy now first shot break out the shimmy T Pete don't don't yeah Pete Weber telling someone to take it easy I can't believe Pete didn't look at Nate and say who Do You Think You Are I Am no we can't do that that's his personal property here's the reigning PBA Rookie of the Year oh my yeah Sweet Roll there wow that was gorgeous I'm going to go get I'm going to go get CZ some coffee to go with that sweet roll wow that was pretty all right see if Pete can keep this even with a strike here you still have my all-time favorite bit of analysis and bowling talk about how Pete feathers the ball down the lane I love that oh good shot six wraps around the 10 you know there's one thing missing have you picked up on it yet where's the sunglasses I threw it pretty good it's been a while since the sunglasses have been on really having seen him on the 50 tour uh where he got back in the winter Circle last year at the budmore PBA Players Championship the sunglasses have I think been retired H put him in the Smithsonian look out hang on of course I miss it of course I miss it right it take it off come on so back to EJ Tacker to the fourth and we go back to the top of the order for Walter Ray Williams Jr's team following this we will have Parker bow thei third's Team and the return of Norm Duke which has a lot of people happy around here including us yep be good it is good boy there's there are no survivors oops this guy really I got you on the next one well speaking of somebody who has uh been known to punish some pins two-time PBA Player of the Year oh hook hook oh he did that was a Slaughter of 10 and a hook don't worry well it'll hook if you throw it don't worry yeah it's me I don't know if it's going to hook or not the average guy is not going to get that kind of response yeah no e EJ EJ's got plenty of res and power and Walter Ray continuing to win at Regional levels he won a PBA 60 event in Columbus Ohio at Wayne web's place in 2023 oh hook a lot got a hook hook a lot yeah missed it off his hand and missed it right cut over as you can see the numbers give run here oh that was not a good shot so one the great spare Shooters of all time faces a tricky one and you got to love the spare ball that Walter Ray is using it's a black diamond from the 60s come on wow I would have bet a lot of money on him making that yeah shocker him making that yeah no messing around with this right at it you don't become the winningest player of all time without being able to make a Spare the well let's go back to 2021 the PBA Junior national championships at Bolero Jupiter in Jupiter Florida the Pro Junior doubles final Kyle troop and Nate per just defeated Clara Guerrero and Jillian Martin and won the Pro Junior doubles final now they're going against each other let's go big boy you you got this you see Nate the 2023 midw West pardon me Regional Player of the Year got to go leaves at 36 excuse me leaves it 24 check out the two-handed style of Nate a lot of similarities when you watch the two-handers that bent elbow CED wrists the only way you can hold on to it when your thumb's not in it but it creates a tremendous amount of [Music] power he's good and corz his second time around he's struck he has two frames left a sixth in the ninth [Music] well he is at two absolutely gorgeous gorgeous powerful strikes shank right here in Phoenix pins will you another Regional superstar in addition to being the Rookie of the Year [Music] maybe no whoa I thought maybe at least the four pin would crash the nine out of there that's unfortunate little unlucky there for Pete yeah looked pretty funny didn't it pocket 79 yeah yeah this is kind of odd Randy you see a pocket 79 the ball just missing the N pin bounce so a little bit of a rough start for PDW in this semi-final still to come will be Norm Duke's team versus Parker bone the third's team and by the way we should also mention that the players were voted on by the fans yep these are the fans selections for the PBA Pros some really smart choices yeah high level high level stuff for CH this season he is in a groove right now one more good one also it looks like he may be trying out for the Savannah bananas with the pants one more good one the baseball team never heard of him oh gosh you got to look into that [Music] wow unbelievable Misfortune for EJ there with a ringer seen that a time or two this season from EJ tack EJ little right good shot not a bad shot at all you said a little right it was a board right hey welcome to being Pete Weber's partners that was better than the last one won Le the worst break ever possible are you going to getner think positive Pete all right he's got it by the way even the one of these great Legends will be eliminated from the Legacy cup but we're not finished with those guys yeah no no we're going to see not four but five all right of the greatest legends of the game warming up of the bullpen Mike Alby will be joining the other Legends to take on five PBA Pros in a strike [Music] competition oh god really again yeah again exactly again bring out the Black Diamond you get it you get it all right so do you bet on him making this one thank you yes okay I'm not going double or nothing yeah actually you know what double or nothing he's going to make it again you're going double or nothing I'm going all in got it nothing to it great cover great cover nothing to it and we all win the legend I think it's important to mention after we take another look at Walter covering the 12410 again you want to know how I all them that our rising stars are getting ready to come up and and the way they got here and that's by basically dominating the regional program their regions there's so much talent at the regional level Tim Foy Jr was just on recently is one of those Regional stars made the national stage there's a lot of Top Flight Talent at the regional level I know make it should I make it make it get the Black Diamond it works you keep hey Mike always you always got be wary of The Quiet Ones Randy got be theet sry hope never you get to see Mike con action soon yeah I was watching him practice I was like man how much bowling have you been doing he goes none looks great maybe oh no lot of hook there so things looking quite good zero the for team ww to DP Weber's partner worst breaks ever I don't know about that being a bad break Pete I mean 24810 you go light only when you B me that's hey s and and W well if you haven't seen Cortez shank before he's put on a pretty strong accounting of himself so far I can't and they are moving on team W W goes into the Legacy Cup Championship match against either team pb3 or team Duke you know Cortez was picked up by the kingpins yeah that's right the replacement for there was an opportunity for PBA League teams and cdb and Dell Balor jumped right in and grabbed him with Kyle Sherman a little beat up I believe and so yes Cortez shank joins PBA League yeah Kyle going through some injuries right now they all pulling for Kyle to get back ASAP Kyle Sherman battling some hip injuries and some other stuff going on but Kyle hey man get better soon get back out here there you go no wait got see one time one time one time Dad was looking down he said you're going to mark one time you're going to Mark once hey you're good listener you know that and speaking of people who have given a strong accounting of themselves today three for three for Kyle all right he's excused I just wanted to drop it like it's hot so bad I can not do it oh man oh I get to use my new spare ball all right a little bit slow with the speed that's all that was Kyle's like yeah all right five through the middle new spare [Applause] [Music] ball well they could have tagged in Walter just to see if he could come up with another one if Walter would have shot that well done there's no evidence to the contrary I can't dispute that do not walk over there open open better hook that's a bizarre leave yeah I tried to be the opposite I tried to be the opposite of Kyle it scared me got that right lane slick when you get it too far to the right never gets back from that spot talk to EJ prior to the start of this match he said the same thing right lane right Lane's a little slick down Lane left lane hooks more G for it oh my ah man that was that was satisfying that was Snicker satisfying that is our Snicker SA Ying moment of the day because nothing satisfies like a Snickers this is insane because everybody makes the 4810 that was great and there you go that's more like the EJ tet we know and love but team Walter A Williams Jr has advanced to the finals taking on either Parker bone the third and Norm Dukes teams they're coming up at a few [Music] [Applause] moments and now team Duke Anthony Neuer Hill O'Neal USBC and PBA Hall of Famer North [Applause] D well Norm you are one of the great Legends of this Sport and I'm sure you've seen some impressive bowling throw your years well what's it like being part of this event seeing such high level at all these different Generations yeah the generation thing is great uh the kids we love the kids I was there my first tournament ever I bowled uh my television it was Earl Anthony 17 years old right yeah well 18 and then my last one was against Anthony Simonson they were born 57 years apart so I'm right at home in this format I'm sure that you are good luck to you guys today and Parker you were also one of the great Legends of this Sport and you've been you have inspired so many throughout your career but what's it like how have you seen the game and these athletes evolve throughout your career the way that the game has changed the technology how smart the players come a lot of them go through college now but the way that they've Advanced obviously the enhancement of the bowling balls they can do things with a bowling ball that none of the bowlers in my generation ever thought of all right well good luck to you and the team today thank you yeah Parker making a great great point about college bowling and how that's become a massive stepping stone for some of the current Stars y all right let's see who Norm Duke has put together he's going to have Bill O'Neal as both the start bowler and the anchor bowler Norm will be 25 and eight and Anthony will be 36 and N okay can I get my towel is that right okay and Anthony of course the Lefty of the group and some serious power and of course Anthony actually very close to the great bone Parker bone theii all right Billy let's see what Billy's got for us now it's not going to go oh how dare you yeah that was pretty rare down pretty nasty what a great season for Bill O'Neal this far in 202 for red hot start winning the first tournament of the season a major four telecasts already he did scary but he got it I didn't know if I was going to slip or stick I I fall down I didn't know what I was about to do and now Tom will lead off Tom voted in by the fans de G Bernard and Parker will round out the lineup Brooklyn little little wide for that yeah it's not getting back from that break point right now if you hit that one in the front first it could probably be a better outcome don't don't go right to that second eror okay ER some great advice catch the one in front first it was more convincing than [Applause] his all right and now Norm Duke this by the way we regret to tell you was a temporary return but we're so happy to see him [Music] still got it yeah baby still got it practice don't matter nor no practice doesn't matter putting bowling walls in storage doesn't matter Norm Duke is what matters still looks the same yeah I don't see anything different ball rolls a little bit different got a little more spin to it that's typically what you see when the players get older you see it you've seen it with Pete Weber Walter Ray kind of thing a little more spin than roll now do and 10 in the P like team left wor going yours look like they had more of AOL than mine did you notri got some South paaws in this match the ginger assassin ah yes here's a little heat oh Baby that one came from Scottdale that was good or bad what that r i mean I was trying to like three four not two but all right Billy o hey Billy o were you nervous at all when you saw that shot come out of the ginger assassin's hand it was a little little left yeah I actually didn't know where he was lining up on that shot there and I thought it might have went in the gutter uh and it struck so uh actually that's good news for us I got to I got to capitalize on [Applause] that a pretty sweet stroke from Parker bow the third who has to really fight to stay on top in his family the tal I mean he's got some talented children wow they are so good and so is he my foot slipped a little bit I didn't know I had enough on it that's what I'm talking about my man a boy good job well you should have your foot slip more often then Bo taking that down here here is a driven [Applause] snow no messenger's going to stop short I'd rather shoot the one two yeah yeah yeah I shouldn't have said anything haven't thrown this ball in a couple hours this should be good SC I'll get over confidence confidence oh yeah I'm I got no problem here 95% of the time is a tour average on the pin who and for more information you want to be a better bow more strikes make more spares head on over to Lan talk.com and don't forget to download the free app just behind the line it's good A little Dusty up there it's good by the way you know everyone always talks about how great Parker is as an ambassador for the sport which he is yeah he's also one of the Premier trash talkers of the sport in my opinion he's a sneaky saky hated it hey there it's still a strike hat it if you want hey man I I hear that's the new game that's it that's what we're doing nowadays hey Tom why don't you tell Parker to give some the norm after that Brooklyn um Parker's Parker's he's mad at me right now but they're saying they're saying Parker's a pretty good trash talker now I know he doesn't have anything on new Jones and Barnes but he's been talking a pretty good game th far well after he thrs his next strike so get us back in match I'll make sure he does it diver Doo strikes the first was Mark Roth which was the very first ever and then John Ma at just stook and now Anthony no oh nice triple six by the way did you know Anthony's father and who I used to compete against is a PBA Champion there no wonder Parker stri that was our just Bear Just Right strike and no I did not know that the just right strike brought to you by just bear the mindful choice for high quality protein with no antibiotics ever just right just bear Tom what do you got go what do you got cooking down there with Parker and Parker told me if he strikes here Norm's going to regret that here we go that's right Norm dude real strikes man and that Brooklyn stuff hey I think that was you've been away for a long time and I know you jumped on board break that a great shot I hit the same side you [Laughter] did this man come on Billy the first of three of Bill's Majors got to hook got to hook oh we did that's what talking about right there I wasn't sure I wasn't sure got hook yeah but I I bill are you just going to let them do all the trash talking are you not going to just jump in at some point stick up for your teammate what the team that that's losing right listen I don't know I my job here is to hit the pocket strikes I'm going let I'm going to let the other guys on my team get all get all the I got to keep my I got to keep my composure before this cut frame got another one Tom dhy is currently trash talking himself there's a lot going on down [Music] there that one slower I don't know that one better come on three shots he took me three get out of here we're going to give standing over [Applause] I think the players are really happy that Norm is back hey Billy what type of advice or what kind of advice did you give Norm Duke I know he's he hasn't made a whole lot of Television before yeah I mean his heart rate was getting a little high you know I think just the the inexperience on TV you know I had to try set him down a little bit tell him a breathe a little bit like riding a bike that's a six bagger by the way for team Duke and Norm can strike on either side of the headpin tell you what this young man here Dio he's he's been pretty Rock Solid I wonder what he's thinking with all this activity all this trash talk all these Legends out here and here's a a young man who is certainly making his way deeper into the PBA tour and he got yes sir wow well it's a win for fans and a win for football as the usfl and XFL merger is official the United Football League will begin play March 30th with the usfl champion Birmingham stallions taking on the XFL Champion Arlington Renegades the United Football League this spring on ABC ESPN Fox nfs1 spring just got stronger oh no trip six this time [Applause] all right well that changes the course of the game a little bit Yeah you see that Max score change I did yeah yeah just got very interesting didn't it nope all right one's Fair huh somebody was ruin all over that shot all right hey Tom uh Parker can step up here and give your team a chance after that shot by nyer uh any more trash talking coming down the pipeline from Parker if he strikes here no he uh he's into it he just he he he knows how bad he wants this one so he's he's focused on the shot I expect a great one well that hit Softly very surprising not going to talk much trash actually not right now it's got to be one side are you sure or the other I missed that one worry enough experience well you saw the max score change again and Parker who had thrown strike strike in his first two appearances victory that right quick well I I tell you what I was on board with what dhy was saying I thought Parker was going to ace it he got slow he got it in and then he paid the price sorry guys hold on let me go high five Parker hey did you like that still should be high fiveing him yeah only Duke could get away with [Applause] that just hit something that's something yeah and that is it it will be team Duke versus Team ww for the Legacy cup title my highest game in two and a half [Applause] years Norm is retirement has not started retirement not started yet sorry about that got wor about need I a't seen no 250 you could get five on this if you tried you do it I'll go Brooklyn I'll try to get five do yeah I hear it close I can still do it I can still do it do it so I got to go Brooklyn no I don't know if I can go Brooklyn but I'm going to try he said I couldn't go 51 I oh trying to go Brooklyn I think he did the spot's not good for war he was giving O'Neal the business from the US Open saying hey I bet you can't go 51 remember he did that backto back shots on the left lane at the US Open yeah he almost replicated that leave now is he going to get the headpin only he was trying he did try to do that great game there man good luck so man good job yeah we'll see you in uh I don't know later on so the championship is set Walter A Williams and his side take on Norm Duke and his team so team Walter A Williams Jr defeated team PDW to get to this match and it was team Norm Duke taking down Parker bow in the third Squad 258 to 222 were ready for two of the winningest Bowlers of all time and their team very strong teams to that they are standing by with Kimberly thanks Dave so Walter you made some great spare conversions uh in your match against Pete but uh how you going to turn those into strikes this time I need to throw better shots I keep throwing it to the oil and that's not working out very well so I just need to throw the ball better and uh hopefully to make any spares all right well good luck to you and Norm your team didn't have issues with strikes but you guys were on the left lane now you're going to be on the right lane what adjustments do you need to make a lot um I'm moving for the right Bill's going to go left and he's going to hit it harder our left hand is going going to stay Pat so we're hoping it it works but yeah we're a little bit concerned this Lane is is tougher than left lane definitely all right well good luck to you I will see how it all translates to experts in Lane breakdowns and i' say Kyle troop and Bill O'Neal kind of figure out their way around the oil pattern themselves and Cortez shank and Anthony nyer also even despite their youth pretty experienced I like winning Kyle has been very sharp yeah and they're back up on that left lane where they beat Weber's crew well when you have the most titles you get lame Choice yes sir he's rolling The Rock isn't he was absolutely perfect great job great job that is not a repeat from earlier this afternoon you know I can remember when Walter Ray and I were talking about the two-handed bowlers and the two-handed style and he said there's this young man that's getting ready to come out on tour guppy troop's son and he is really good Walter was really right that's got to go that was really right also tried to hook it not that much though too much too much hook Kyle said it hooked up the freeboard earlier but it didn't all right spare one spare they must nobody hurt and that part of the lane is is slicker than an otter's pocket getting back from there you Circle that 2.5 what would be the ideal break point board you think that five okay no farther than five that was closer than it should have been I think we're going to see nor D thr really straight up up the right side on that lane cuz it's so tight to the right now Walter Ray who spare shooting two times he converted the 12410 little better forgotten art really well that's you know he built a home of spares you can strike all you want but if you don't make spares you don't win ball change oh yeah and he was he was about a board from leaving another wash outow so if that was two point or 2.6 that would have been another watch out but this time he keeps it online a little bit better with the new [Applause] ball all right watch how straight Norm's going to go on this right [Music] lane yeah unfortunate it looked like a really good shot get there same spot all right no trouble good was it was a very good pitch well the reviews are in first things first is a mix of analysis tremendous chemistry and total Ridiculousness Nick Wright Chris brousard and Kevin Wild serve up a fresh daily dose of unscripted and unfiltered Sports Talk weekdays at 3 p.m. Eastern on FS1 watch this game it's beautiful he's got a bright future this young man hang on oh out of trouble all right come on got away with it yep out of trouble is right but you can see right there break point 10.6 slip and a little yank little slip little yank Kyle is spot on so a doable opport here for shank the reigning PBA Rookie of the Year PDW keeping an eye on the proceedings and by the way he's not finished with his bowling responsibilities after this game smothered chunked and covered I'm sorry what smothered chunked and covered I like that yeah it's good it's a Waffle House order sounds like a spot ship deal coming down the pipeline thanks Dave the ginger assassin this kid's got a lot of power [Music] oh oh little different sound in today's game then back when Norman I and Walter were young the emotion Picture Association may have to slap a rating sticker on that Strike wow yeah I'd call that PG-13 man that is just vicious uhoh oh no I thought that seven pin was going to take one for the team but it did not little roll out quit on that shot pretty good at the arrows but a little bit farther right down lane and then it causes it to stop and not enough oom to get that over into the seven I'm assuming that's a wig that that man has how do you know I don't you don't know that all right yeah little slippage too yeah I thought we could get away with it yeah you get that little right almost got almost got my carry out of it yeah I was like a way Kyle is that that gentleman is that his real hair is he wearing a wig I know the answer to that beauty Bilo that's a beautiful shot yes it was that's a great shot right there great shot Kyle are you going to tell us uh I was saying that's some pretty sweet hair I think it's his real hair no way may have to go take that out's going to go K that guy's hair out I see a pH we got to get that on yeah I see a photo op oh no yep okay trouble averted Walter Norm dick both going pretty straight there's that here Kyle get on over there and pick that [Applause] out and then the Black Diamond spare ball that rubber ball right there when you had that thing drilled it stunk so bad because of the core wow and now they make bowling balls with fragrances yeah thank you [Music] [Applause] one all right let's see what Norm has have to think he's going to stick with that same line oh yeah right up the gut got a hook f it ah caught some movement down there we have put both your fingers in get them both in there I caught movement down there and it freaked me out hey Bill did did normally have two fingers instead of three in that shot I'm not sure he had any I think he just hit it tried to put his thumb in there and he was uh you know watching last night's trick shot and tried to do one there and it didn't work out there's a little lesson on how to shoot that that's fair in case you needed one and we're all even through five here's Cortez shank for team wter Williams this match even through five all right that is re boys and girls that was no shank that was a strike and a beauty at that smooth let's do it Cortez's mother right there rooting him on he's from the Phoenix area now the ginger assassin talk about spinning it okay trouble broken up and just a single pin to shoot at that overhook Me Maybe Just A Pinch slow on that shot for Anthony nyer but just the seven pin kicks the six out okay what got there in a hurry didn't it I mean I never his hands look like they're almost too big for the ball like the the holes aren't big enough you know when he puts his hand in it just looks it doesn't look right those are strong looking hands they're big big strong hands big guy trial troop has just been Splendid in this Legacy cup continues just piping it and again as he always does job feeds off the crowd yeah really good shot there to double up for team Walter Reay Williams Jr future of Famer right here folks no doubt about it and at age 42 he's thrown it as good as he's ever thrown it he almost got that magical Brooklyn strike that lane that Lane's not good it it's hard and Bill's trying to do what bill is really good at and that's moved way in and go around it problem is if he gets it a little too far right it hangs like we saw and then if he gets it up the lane just a hair it goes high or Brooklyn like this shot and that's why Duke's playing it really really straight thing is O'Neal could do that as well I was about to ask you why doesn't he maybe the wrong guess could be all right work on it but he can definitely play where Norm's playing take his hand out of it kind of roll up the back and keep it more online well he'll have another chance in the 10th Frame all right yeah not as much chatter right now right it's starting to get a little serious well something about winning that's driving all six of these competitors hey like the late great Dick Weber used to say winning never gets old neither does that great J way to B way to be goat way to be I'll pass it along for you man owns 47 of PBA tour titles number one all time the great one and he'll be in the strike competition that's coming after that we take a look at the titles three in the 40 range Then Pete there 37 Parker 35 look out too much up the lane it's kind of Trapped full yany on that shot right is stuffing out you heard him exactly you heard him the class of noruk he says stuffing and not the other word if I get on the other side and another lesson of the Norman Duke's par shooting two of the best parach shooters ever Norman Walter and that the moment of T I know remember Norm literally came out of retirement for this event I moved about 4 and tried to get my speed up but it did i f it and we've been so impressed with Cortez Shane game Big Shot here to set up the 10 oh yeah great trip on the seven [Applause] [Laughter] mine all right here's the power of Cortez shank saw a flag on that play tripping on the seven another tripping call made right there that was a horse caller that was up high lot of well KY trip going into the 10th off that spot 36 pin Advantage yeah nine pins to shut him out not afraid of a little [Applause] [Music] noise [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the Legacy cup belongs to team Walter Ray Williams Jr they defeat team Duke and the PBA Legacy cup Trio winners Walter re Williams Jr Cortez shank and Kyle troop just another win for Kyle and for Walter [Applause] [Music] somebody in the crowd was yelling more more Kyle easily delivers what Fair we should goow another game switch lanes and do like combin and Kyle's going to get one more just to fatten up the score a little bit here [Applause] bowling at a high level here in 2024 sir just to remind everybody it really isn't that easy it it's isn't it like any other sport though when your best athletes are performing at that extreme high level that they make it look easy 100% in any sport whatever sport you can think of from archery to Cricket to baseball whatever when you're that good you're just that good we [Applause] a this SL stinks it's not fair we had a bowl this SL not fair it cheated yeah you see you know you had more [Applause] no good two different two different patterns I don't know I enjoyed it man I enjoyed it oh look Kyle troop grabbing a trophy again this year and Walter Cortez shank in on the fun he was really sweet to watch these guys earn this Kimberly standing by with a winning team a very happy team right here Cortez let's talk to you real quick um what has this experience been like my goodness the winningest player ever and then this guy's going to be a Hall of Famer at some point how cool was this event for you oh this was awesome you know I just didn't want to embarrass myself more than anything both these two guys you know I see Kyle on the tour and you know he's just someone I look up to he's just Class Act and a great bowler and Walter is obviously one of the great so just super awesome experience here and I'm really happy to to have won this with them and and Walter Ray let's talk to you for a second here because you said you needed to just Bowl better and you did that you got some strikes congratulations on that what adjust what adjustments did you make so that you guys uh held that trophy tonight well I went with a little different ball the zigzag gave me a little bit more hook and I tried not to throw it dead right well it worked for you and Kyle let's talk to you now because um you were clutch when you needed to be how how were you able to be that clutch on that left lane uh I mean you know I feel like I'm seeing the lane well we communicated as a team uh we had a good game plan going in and uh you know we're all able to keep each other present uh we're having fun we love the fans of NASCAR and uh so we had to make sure to put a show on for him and bring the cup home you guys are the first ever PBA Legacy Cup winners describe this moment I love it uh uh sorry I was celebrating This Moment's great you know to share it with uh with Walter and Cortez and everybody here at NASCAR and Phoenix you know I've been here before uh I love the NASCAR I love the bowling uh you know just excited time to be on the lanes and Walter how much fun was this for you what a lot of fun to be bowling on TV anytime you're bowling on TV it's always fun and I mean Kyle's got the best attitude out here and Cortez rookie of the year last year awesome it it's it's fun it's a fun fun event and just a lot of fun bowling and and it's even better winning even better winning congratulations guys all right it's the B mle of the age of shootout look at those five Legends Norm Duke Mike Obi has strapped on the shoes Parker B the third PDW and Walter Williams Jr but a formidable group of current Pros Kyle troop Bill O'Neal Shawn rash EJ tacket and Tommy Jones that's the lineup that's the order in which they will Bowl in this Baker style but Randy there's a little catchier we're not going to see any of that spare shooting yeah no more showing off Bing these wash outs and splits it's strike or nothing and Kimberly standing by the man is joining the frey Mike Alby and he's joining a very legendary team but would you say that it is the greatest team ever assembled I don't know if I'd say that but I feel like I'm in a fantasy camp how's that well it's been a little bit since you've competed would we say 20 years 20 years so how badly do you want to beat these Young Guns over here well I think I would be happy to do that for sure we'll we'll go out there and give it our best I mean I am bowling with the best so uh I've been seated in a perfect spot so we'll see how it goes good luck to you and Team all right so here are the rules yes we actually have some rules but only strikes matter in this 10 frame battle team of the most strikes after two times through the lineup this is Baker style wins but Randy the endless 10 frame adds a little spice it really does when if either team strikes in the 10th Frame they will then have the endless 10th Frame so no matter how many strikes you're down you can make it up with that endless 10th Frame can keep striking until you don't simple as that the Legends will be on the left lane nor the PB will be on the right [Applause] lane which has been the tougher of the two so far hey Norm how confident is your squad going in I'd be more confident if I get some air right here he said it's going to cut on as soon as I throw it well oh boy uh we are very confident at least we're on Lane one and uh we got a great great team let's just hope they can summons their greatness hey hey Norman let's be honest they don't have a chance on that right lane do they yeah they got plenty of chance bro all right you ever seen this you ever seen these guys both yeah I have I I I have once or twice here we go Randy anything other than a strike goes right to the dumpster that's got a hold hold yeah that's so that's a zero zip Norman no spare needed strike or nothing yeah here's somebody who threw a lot of strikes in the Legacy cup he sure did all on the left lane by the way true but when you're good you're good yeah and he's good uhoh when you're good you're good I mean he shapes it so good 10 or 20 yes that is a one Z lead for the allstars this is just gorgeous 20 out to about six 10 back well speaking of gorgeous how about Mike Alby being back on the lanes how good does his game look oh my goodness seriously Mike Alby Mike Alby wow 20 years since his retirement look at this guy how good does this look I mean that looks like what our last show when we showed him and oio when he b 300 in Witchita yeah that was just beautiful little hip hop and that will count really O'Neal really wow know Tom I don't know where my balls going that hit the head P that's a bonus get out of my ear leave me alone hey Tommy Tommy what's up with the trip to what I mean I was just told that knocking him down was the only thing we call Hall of Fame carry I know all those other guys on Hall of Fame but I get to bll bottom on a a pretty good squad here and uh the way things are this day and age I'll take my team against your team and Parker just buries 10 alive to even the match at two tell them what they can do with it tell them what they do I got tell going kid anything are you kidding me Parker Parker why don't you have you have something to tell them tell them what they can do with it what what do you mean Parker yeah yeah I'm just going to take my High flush shot the way you're supposed to strike and move right along and oh a tumbling messenger so that's uh we're tied 2 two after three hey Norm Norm that's some kind of break after a trip too huh hey hey they tripped it to and then act like that's the worst thing that's ever happened in the history of mankind I can't believe till they get my Brooklyn all on this stage of that hit what do you mean I'm just going to instigate the entire match you're doing it you know what there's nobody better did P get that thing around cor he knew it he started walking on you guys who do you guys think you are I still have it I still have it that's not the quot Vintage PDW coming right through your living room right there don't throw like a girl what's wrong with that that is that like the Spider-Man right at the end with the fingers I have been known to do that when good things happen in my life so I'm all for it oh my oh put that in a blender things are starting to look up we can only be down one 3 three well looks like they right the right lane they're just the right-handers are going and moved left they found something Sean was right SE went a little bit straighter but Kyle moved left Kyle hooked it Bill tried to trip the two haven't seen Jones yet we're about to right after this oh oh did that ever hold the OG just throw at 10 all right Tommy you're up one for you and it's all tied halfway through the good news is Rand we can only be down one at the end of this is he joking or is there a no no he's serious a grain of truth I know he's serious I mean if he doesn't strike they're only down one but well that's true yeah but I think he's going to strike it I don't think that's going to strike you're right I told you Rand I had the like I was going to make sure I didn't hit the head pin we had to hit the head pin somebody tell him shot was Tommy Tommy you barely hit the head pin well Grant like I don't know if those guys can see so I wanted to know that I wanted them to know they were walled up so I if I get it flush they're in trouble [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hates it oh yes he loves it he loves it I called it I called it nor Duke you called itook I told him I said wait till you get to my Brooklyn I mean this is what a best Brooklyn I've ever seen he throws the six into the fivey when was the last time he done that how many Messengers five six have been broken up by a messenger I'm not even sure I've ever done that only a norm dude can do that and there you go you wanted it there she is baby hey Bill O'Neal billand now that 10 pin does go down after what Duke did what's the team's reaction Randy I thought that was going to miss the head hit the head was the bonus and uh that's what Kyle does he gets he gets those he's he's he's always been lucky Kyle all right that doesn't count there's your gift B there's your gift Bill he's on your team well you know was chance to tie right here for Bill in the seventh frame huh I'm going to do it again watch he said he's going to trip the two again all right a strike here we're all tied up through seven oh that looks good that's because it is that is that all right technically he did trip the two I don't know if you guys know this yeah you guys saw it you saw it but we're still in a lot of trouble a lot trouble yeah we're going need to be up three going I actually need you right here you do me all right oh uhoh goodness ding dong I'm the only guy good one no I'm not you pretty good shot there Parker pretty good shot there to keep your team in it man how'd you like this one I actually really like that one it's clean off my hand right through the TG well nothing but 10 back for the tie oh my goodness sea rash a pretty shot from Sean okay there's good news and bad news sorry Tommy good news and bad news which one is it good news is it's this one over here we can't mathematically be eliminated at this point bad news is matically eliminate this point trying to pull a towel trick comp Pete I don't [Music] know maybe maybe no the limp 10 that right off his hand hey nice try B if you get this one he has we can't no spares it strikes only I had the pocket hey no I had to pocket you five Hall of Famers on the left lane one Hall of Famer and four future Hall of Famers on the right lane what a great match and hydrop plane no sir we stay tied I respect you got to ride the I did look at the ref on that ball I didn't think you just never finds any traction or enough to get flush to the pocket now Walter Ray 10th Frame the endless 10th Frame will it be for them no it won't it won't be and now they're in Jeopardy of losing man I like that strike will do it right here oh boy now if he doesn't make this one ball roll off it has to they put him in this position for a reason or the win and that ain't the reason we're going to one ball roll off let's now what are we do well you roll it off Tommy one ball back to the top of the order and Norm Duke will start it off for the Legends all right Norm ju Norm just when it looked like you guys were dead New Life top of the order oh I don't think it ever looked like we were dead why why is that because why because Tommy got up in the 10th yeah he was he wasn't lined up much right so uh I thought it was like 50/50 we get continuation but you know what we're in it now Randy god dog here we go W he likes it no sir overhook so the door is open for the all stars to get the W and look who's up oh man the hottest player on tour you got to fear the frow don't you you know what it doesn't matter what Lane he's B no not a bit all right your current US I got it got I'll let B if you get it right current US Open champion the man love you guys go hey uh thanks for letting me not have to throw another shot I did not either Kyle troop and the one ball roll off puts the PBA Allstar on top and the battle of the ages 7 to6 well Kyle tr's been doing this all 224 and he just Aces another shot for the win he kind of had that feeling he was going to do that too what regardless of whatever Norm did that Kyle was going to come through with a strike sure they finally do a good one for you nice what a thrill it was to see the Legends and these Allstars going at it to see Mike Alby make a return to see Norm Duke make a return bowling royalty out there yeah look at that group right there being able to see those guys again and 188 titles than those five and we're going to get uh I think we're going to get a yearbook picture here for for everybody here but Kimberly is going to step in and talk to the man who won the competition Kyle troop well I got the whole team here but Kyle let's start with you because again I feel like I've said this to you several times already but you were clutch when you need to be talk about that last strike that won this for your team uh well you know I had to make sure to go High flush to just you know make these seniors a little bit happier with all these young kid carry but uh you know I got a great team behind me you know they told me about 15 times don't mess this up uh so you know they they believed in me and uh it's just it's a lot of fun bowling out here with all these guys you know I never thought I'd join the lanes with these non gentlemen so this has been a blast well Bill let's talk to you real quick because how cool was it to be out here I know you guys walk away the Victor but how cool was it to go up against such a legendary team uh you know when I was first coming out here on tour this are the guys I competed against these are the guys that I wanted to be in in in my career so to get out here and Bowl against them uh and then also bowl with you know these guys who uh you know beat my butt every week out on tour is uh is pretty cool Parker you think there's going to be a rematch in the future well I I don't know hopefully we're all still standing in a future that we can come back out here again but right now it's really cool to be back on this floor you know uh we've kind of paved that way there were forefathers before us that did it and these guys are continuing the challenge and I'm going to tell you right now they've raised it to a whole another level that thank God we got a chance to watch it well it was a lot of fun watching you guys congratulations to the allstar for walking away with this trophy tonight cimberly thank you very much and thank you to all 10 of those magnificent bers and all who competed the youngsters the current players and the allstar Legends coverage of PBA Allstar Weekend concludes tomorrow on Fox at one Easter with the PBA nastar Invitational here at Phoenix Raceway
Channel: FOX Sports
Views: 153,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fox, fox sports, fs1, fox sports 1, sports, news, sports fox, fox sports highlights, highlights, sports podcast, podcast, fs1 podcast
Id: IEVztsTSq-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 43sec (4243 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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