A LOT Of Bowlers Changing To 14lbs From 15 & Here’s Why!
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Luis Napoles
Views: 82,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: darren, lui, Luis, Luis napoles, Luis Napoles bowling, bowling, luis, louis, Louis napoles, Louis Napoles bowling, bowling ball, roto grip, oil pattern, storm, storm bowling, !q tour solid, ball change, pin up, pba, challenge, top five, expensive, !Q tour solid, goat, ladies, can you beat luis, trash talker, top 5, must have, !Q Tour Ruby, IQ Tour Ruby, !Q, IQ, DNA, new bowling ball, storm dna, Reality, usbc, usbc masters, popular, master, weight comparison, bowling ball weight, 14, 15
Id: oM_YUeeV61Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 56sec (1136 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2023
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