A LOT Of Bowlers Changing To 14lbs From 15 & Here’s Why!

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what's going on guys welcome back to the channel on today's video we're going to be going over a topic that is pretty popular right now and something that I've been wanting to do for quite some time in front of me here I have two 900 Global eternities one of them is a 14 pound bowling ball the other one is a 15 pound bowling ball so on today's video we're going to try to figure out what the differences are so make sure to hit that like button subscribe hit that notification Bell if you like the Jersey I'm wearing in this video or in any of my videos coolwig.com use my promo code Napolis 10 that'll get you 10 off your entire order and then in the description as always there's gonna be links where you can order our 900 Global eternity or anything bowling related it's a great way to help support the Channel all right so as you guys are seeing on screen now the The Eternity that has the black grips is the 15 pounder and the one with the white grips is the 14 pounder and I went ahead and got the 15 one undrilled with 15 pounds 2 ounces and the 14 one 14 pound one is 14 pounds two ounces so that they're going to be a 16 ounce difference an exact one pound difference between the two so there's been a lot of talk recently in the PBA but a lot of Pros going from 15 down to 14. and you know we don't have any specto here or anything like that so we're going to really be taking a look at three things that I want to see if it's at least obvious to the eye I want to see if the carry percentage is going to be any different between a 14 pound ball and a 15 pound ball that one's going to be the tough one because if I throw the 14 pound one bad versus the 15 pound one good or vice versa so that one's going to be a little tough I am going to write down my speed on every single shot that I throw in 15 and 14 so that at the end of the video we can see an average of What the speed difference was if there is any between the 15 and the 14 and then I want to see if the Rev rate goes up a little bit with the 14 pound ball versus the 15 pound ball now the core numbers are going to be a little bit different going from 14 to 15 and that's something that we're going to talk about here the 15 pound eternity has an RG of 2.49 a maxed differential 0.050 and a PSA of 0.014 then when we turn it over to the 14 pound eternity it has an rgf 2.51 so it's a difference of 0.02 a Max differential of 0.044 so it's going to be lower by .006 in the differential and then a PSA of 0.011 so again a little different than the 15 pound balls so the core numbers are going to be a little bit different but that's really not what we're discussing in this video what I really want to see like I said is there an obvious carry difference between 14 and 15 is my speed going up or down and is my rev rate going up or down between the two let me know Down Below in the comments if you guys throw 15 or if you throw 14 which one is your favorite why and what you think the differences are going to be between these two balls we'll see you guys here on Sam's Town on Lane one on a fresh typical house shot all right first shot of the video here we're going to start in the 15 pound eternity we're going to keep track of everything here so that last shot I missed in and when you miss into the oil that speed is going to creep up let's make a good shot here and we'll do one more here with the 15 pounder and then we will make our way into the 14 pounder pretty good shot there all right so this is going to be the first shot here on camera with the 14 pound eternity and you guys will notice the white grips in this ball [Music] I do feel like with the lower diff on the 14 pound ball it's making a little bit quicker downline oh that's a dirty seven piece yeah seven pin was dirty but hey so far no flat tens obviously this video isn't like super sciency or anything like that but I think we have some really good stuff here to share with you guys again let's just keep making quality shots here foreign missed that one right wow that clip shouldn't even be added into everything here but we show every shot no matter what all right back into the 14 pound ball that's amazing that last shot was interesting was actually one of my slower shots of the day on on a really good shot with the 14 pound ball so those last two shots are really interesting because they don't feel like I'm throwing them slower they feel like really really good shots and they've been sub 15. all right so this is some pretty interesting stuff that we've gathered it's only been 12 shots six with each so I'm gonna really wait till the end of the video to show you guys the full speed differences I'm keeping notes Here shot to shot keeping track of my speed keeping track if it was a good shot or a bad shot what the result was and so far it is pretty interesting and I want you guys to pause the video here for a second and write a comment down below and let me know if you were expecting the results that you're seeing so far or were you thinking that they were going to be completely different so we're going to get back on the lanes and like I said um this is not a ball review we're not reviewing the eternity we already know that the eternity is a really good ball this is more so just seeing what the differences are between that 14 pound and the 15 pound ball and so far I think that my execution has been really good except for that one shot that I leaked right um and so that one's gonna maybe throw off the numbers a little bit but we're going to show you every single shot as always so let's get back on the lanes here all right second group of shots here back into the 15 pound eternity missed right again on that one I mean so far I've thrown more bat shots with 15 than I have with 14. see if that finishes that way one more straw here with 15 and we'll get back into the 14 pounder oh it threw that pretty bad all right now back into that 14 pound eternity I do think that this 14 pound one hooks a little more down Lane a little longer a little bit more pop down like that last shot there I moved one left with my feet I forgot to tell you guys so this is going to be still that one board move left all right back in the 15 pounder we're gonna go to that same spot that we just blow our nine pinned with the 14 pound ball foreign oh that see that's interesting all right so I'm going to move back right with the 15-pounder that was a very interesting little flat 10 there all right so I am noticing that the 15 pound eternity is allowing me to stay straighter longer all right back into the 14 pound eternity let's just continue to make good shots here you guys will see the results here at the end but I'm I'm pretty impressed honestly kind of shook by the results I'm seeing so far thank you the lanes are definitely starting to tell me to move so on the next group of shots we'll Chase both of these balls in a little bit foreign all right so last break here and I kind of want to stop for a second and talk about ball motion When comparing this 14 pound ball to the 15 pound ball specifically about the eternity because it's the only 14 15 pound ball combo that I have the 14 pound Eternity for sure feels like it's a little bit cleaner through the fronts a little bit more responsive down Lane when compared to that 15 pound eternity now it's not always going to be the case there are some balls and you guys are just gonna have to do your own research on this but there are some balls where the differences between 14 and 15 are bigger than this eternity but there are also some that are more similar like the numbers don't change much from 14 to 15. balls like that exotic German I think is another one that I was looking at to maybe I was decided between the Exotic gem or The Eternity and the Exotic gem I think the numbers in 14 and 15 were much closer than the eternity so just keep that in mind that going from ball to ball and across all companies it's not just a storm thing across all companies the numbers are going to change even if the core is the same from 16 to 12 the numbers are going to be different when you go from ball to ball to ball so the core shape doesn't matter just the numbers are what actually matter so let's get back on the lanes and I'm going to chase both of these the 14 and the 15 pound I'm going to chase them both left a little bit especially that 14 pound one because I think it's telling me to start creeping in and creating that shape all right this is the 15 pound eternity we're just going to take a arbitrary move left here this will be about 10 left of both of them just to see how they look from a little bit further in pretty good so these shots from here with both of these balls are going to be a little slower because we're doing our little slow hook trick that we like to do nice kick of the 10. all right then one more here with the 15 pound maternity this is my favorite trick by the way just slow hooking it yeah this is going to be really interesting because I feel like it's easy to slow hook the heavier ball but we're gonna see this is the same spot with the 14 pound eternity yeah I definitely feel like it's harder to slow hook this lighter weight ball I mean just after one shot let's try it again one more from here with the 14 pounder see it all right back to the same spot with the 15 pound ball I missed in a little bit there blower knife I definitely don't want to miss in like that let's make sure we get it going to the friction a little bit oh and then I shove it right wow all right last shot of the video with the 15 pound ball let's get in between those two shots there [Music] foreign there we go all right last shot of the video or the last three shots of the video all going to be in the 14 pound eternity oh I was hoping to say that I didn't 10 pin a single time but I did here towards the end let's make a better shot here good shot all right last shot of the video here after here I'm going to do some quick math figure out some averages and we'll get to the desk foreign so now we're all done kind of comparing the 14 pound versus 15 pound is it going to be a higher rev Ray lower rev Ray higher speed lower speed carry percentage all that stuff so my testing is only today's only day one I threw 18 shots with 14 pounds and I threw 18 shots with 15 pounds nothing got cut all the good shots all the bad shots because that's what bowling is and I'm gonna tell you guys here I got it on my my notes here I'll screenshot it for you guys right now put it on screen my speed my average speed with 14 pounds was 14.75 okay and the speed definitely dropped when I moved in and did my little slow hook if not it would have been a little bit higher closer to 15. but 14.75 was my average ball speed with 14 then when I went to 15 my average ball speed plummeted to 14.66 that's a difference of 0.09 so less than one tenth of a mile per hour so when we talk about ball speed I was very surprised that that difference was only one tenth of a mile per hour and right from my first couple shots it did not feel like I was throwing the ball any slower or any faster with the 14 pound ball it felt like that was just my normal speed I went got into my swing and came down and I feel like with the 15 pound ball it actually helped a little bit with ball speed because there's more weight coming down and that kind of tells me that my backswing is pretty free because with the 14 pound ball it was less weight coming through so I can see why the 14 went a little bit higher I'm just very surprised that it wasn't a larger difference now one thing that everyone always talks about is the carry percentage everyone thinks that you're going to carry more with 14 or with 15 versus 14 higher weight yada yada and I've always been on the camp that that's not true because if higher weight yielded higher carry percentage then all the pros would throw 16 and that's just not happening so carry percentage 14 pounds I went I struck 14 out of 18 for a 77 percent and I didn't flat 10 once I I 10 pinned once and it was a it wasn't a well I guess it was a Shaker 10. a seven pin twice which could have very easily been strikes then when we turn it over to 15 I struck 13 out of 18 and I flat 10 twice so if we're talking about a carry percentage difference it went from 77 with 14 to 72 percent with 15 but I think it's the numbers actually higher with 14 because I didn't flat 10 once and I think if you flat 10 that carry percentage number should be lower than if you lower seven pin if that makes any kind of logical sense in my brain it kind of makes logical sense and I hope you guys are seeing that rev rate I don't have a way to gauge my rev right here so you're just going to have to trust me on my feel on my intuition what I felt when I was bowling and it did feel like my rev rate was a little bit higher with the 14 pounder versus the 15 pounder now look I'm gonna stay throwing 15 pounds because all my equipment is 15 pounds but if you guys would like me to do some Ball Reviews with 14 pound equipment from time to time please let me know in the comments because I can definitely try to make that happen a couple notes here um like I said my right rate felt higher with 14 pounds I felt like I had a little bit more control with 14 versus 15. I did feel however that because of the lighter weight I felt like I manipulated the ball a little bit more in my backswing more than I would like I think that with the 15 pound it definitely helped keeping that more in control so guys I know this has been a long ramble and I hope you guys are still listening into what I'm saying because this is very good information thank you guys for joining me in today's video let me know what you thought if you'd like for me to increase my testing over more and more shots I can definitely try to make that happen click right here to watch on one of my videos click right here to subscribe until next time
Channel: Luis Napoles
Views: 82,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: darren, lui, Luis, Luis napoles, Luis Napoles bowling, bowling, luis, louis, Louis napoles, Louis Napoles bowling, bowling ball, roto grip, oil pattern, storm, storm bowling, !q tour solid, ball change, pin up, pba, challenge, top five, expensive, !Q tour solid, goat, ladies, can you beat luis, trash talker, top 5, must have, !Q Tour Ruby, IQ Tour Ruby, !Q, IQ, DNA, new bowling ball, storm dna, Reality, usbc, usbc masters, popular, master, weight comparison, bowling ball weight, 14, 15
Id: oM_YUeeV61Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 56sec (1136 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2023
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