THE DAWN OF A NEW ERA! | Brunswick Beyond Infinity

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that thing ran over the eight pin absolutely ran it over what's up guys brunni back and this is the Beyond Infiniti now the beyond Infinity follows up the original Infiniti with the same core but updated cover with hk22 now I can't wait to see what this one does on the lanes for me with specto running of course but before we get to all that please subscribe to my channel if you haven't already now let's see what beyond Infinity does for me all right we're talking about beyond Infinity this has an updated cover compared to the original so same additive package but this has hk22 base resin and now it's Pearl so the activator extreme hook now the core numbers on this are unchanged rg's 2.52 differential 051 intermediate 010 now we're going to see if the the cover stock makes all the world a difference with the shape and the motion and let's check out the colors on this ball fantastic looking bowling ball very unique looking with that mint Pearl in there mixed in with the purples and the blues so I'm excited to see what this one does we got specto running of course I'm going to start it out I'm going to move it in we're going to see what Beyond infinti does we're bowling on Crown Jewel pattern my typical house shot 43 ft a lot of oil in the middle a lot of dry to the outside so we're going to see what we can do with this beyond Infinity we're going to start it out here left foot on 15 we're going to play a little straighter shot and give this thing a go all right not a bad first shot pretty straight up the boards picked up pretty nice in the back you know whenever I play straighter my ball speed is usually a little bit higher rev rates a a little bit lower try not to hit the ball so hard I don't want that ball to go sideways per se but look pretty good surface on this ball is compound so 500 1,500 compound finish and it's pretty shiny wants to bring out the colors on this ball certainly ball you can hit with surface if you really wanted to don't know why you would since this ball looks so good but hey you do you a little wider Here Comes oh man got that a pinch wider than the last shot did it see it did it see that friction oh yeah it did so plain in the oil a lot smoother went down the lane hit the dry that ball picked up pretty hard so that's a good indicator now the last Infinity was very smooth controllable the intermediate 010 is almost not even asymmetric so we're really relying on this ball to be different in the fact that it has a pearl cover and now it has hk22 so we're seeing that so far first shot off that spot out the dry went off really hard that's good that's going to be important when we move in and try to hook it cuz we need to hit that spot yeah yeah I think it passes the test out there playing straight ball comes off really hard pretty angular I think this is going to be an exciting review when we start moving in hooking it and that's exactly what we're going to do right here we're going to move it five give it a little swing now colors on this thing this mint Pearl the blue the purple really unique looking bowling ball you're not going to mistake this one going on the lane all right so now we're standing on 20 we're GNA give it a little swing and see what happens once we open the angle up just a little bit that's out cutter oh wow nothing I thought that was going to carry I threw that out probably the two board I did not expect that ball to hook back and recover obviously it slowed down it saw that friction and it kind of stopped skidding got back left obviously used a lot of of its energy didn't have enough to get that seven pin out but that was kind of a bad shot my bad and uh we'll try it again I always try to Target around five board right on my break point wherever that might be but five board once it starts to coming off that spot a little better get in oh man always a great sign when you leave a nine pin it's always though I always like to leave eight pins I haven't done that in a little while I think once I started getting the merch for eight pin king the eight pin's kind of been non-existent it hasn't popped up as much as it usually does but as always the merch is on inside bowling check out the links in the description all right seven pin scent out wide Stone 9 pin almost carried but didn't got to strike at least once from here right can't go over that's rude that should strike all right bad rack not the crest car there I'm going to throw one more shot in there I think I probably let off a little bit on the revs just cuz I didn't want it to n pin again obviously in these tests I'm not going to move my feet like a board at a time or make small adjustments I'm just going to try to make it work from each Zone that I'm in all right looks like a little better rack here man I am sharp today I probably missed that three boards four boards left play it a lot straighter at that angle but through the oil picked up nice didn't over skid actually came off that spot really hard cut through the pins like hot knife through butter so let's move it in more I'm going to be 10 left of where we begin flare wise very hard to see on this ball it's there but it's very hard to show those colors all blend together nice and as a result I can't really see the flutterings but if I remember right the Infinity uh it was a medium amount of flare didn't like over flare or do anything crazy not wide okay yeah I missed right now is missing out wide that b still recovers obviously used all of its energy getting back to the pins I'm going to try a couple shots now where I don't try to send it out so wide that one had to have been like three or four board I'm going to try to keep it like like 5 to seven somewhere in there inside of the Tracer I'm sorry not the Tracer but just around the right side of that outside Tracer just want to be around seven board eight board maybe six somewhere in there yeah all right that was a little too far in I always get to ask that question like why do you throw it out so far wide why do you throw it out the five board why don't you make your target at like 15 board 10 board it's because I like to strike my rev rate and the way I play the lanes in order to create the amount of Entry angle I need to strike consistently having your break point at 15 or 10 board just doesn't create enough angle all right this is going to be the best shot ever nice ball is so strong off the spot just one of those bulling balls that complete different from the original I can't stress that enough original was so smooth and control this one is so responsive off the back it's quite impressive so let's move it five more we're going to be 15 left let's really open up the angles we'll probably bring the speed down just a little bit go around the side of it and see what this one can do now now we're really opening up the angles break Point's going to be about the same but the ball speed will come down I would think at this point with a shiny ball that thing ran over the eight pin absolutely ran it over this is going to be one of those bowling balls you go to that once the friction has developed just a little bit not a lot this one's you can cheat it a little bit I think with this ball it's got enough cover stock string that once they start to break down and you want to move in and hook it these are the kind of bowling balls you go to let's throw another one in there that was definitely a uh Monster Strike again yep dang that continuation is very impressive it's it's exactly what you expect you know you're getting this kind of performance you get that core you get that cover you get that hk22 very very impressive bow should we keep staying right there third times a charm why not I'm going to try that same thing see if I can repeat that same thing three times in a row I don't see why not this has been the best spot yep yep man what a terrific ball you just kind of as send it Bend It Strike crazy right all right I'm going to move five more we're going to be 20 left this will be the end of the road for the beyond Infinity so I think it's only going to shine and do crazy things from inside here just like it did in the last Zone all right let's make this move 20 left real wide angles so send it Bend at time what do you say oh okay maybe a little bit too far left that had infinite length if you know what I mean the length was infinity and beyond so here might be a little bit of issue because the lane hasn't broken down obviously I Bull on Fresh pattern you know there's not really a lot of traffic other than what I create to the right to start with but I thought that was okay maybe I just need to get it there just a little sooner like that yeah I had a feeling yeah last Z really really good this one the shiny surface is starting starting to create a little bit too much length that one comes in very behind the head pin even when I bring that speed down or at least I felt like I did got it to the Zone maybe a little bit sooner just kind of struggled a little bit last Zone didn't have a problem this one now we're seeing it over skid a little bit so I'm going to really try to get around the side of it to get that ball the tip work the inside a little bit more that's all it takes obviously I really have to manipulate it there but it gets the job done but I'm just too far left I mean the point of these reviews is to really test out the ball all different angles and see where the weaknesses are see what I encounter and that's kind of it so I'm going to move it back five boards cuz that was the zone that was most impressive to me and I'm going to throw one more shot wrap this video up and see if I can do four in a row from this zone so once again this is 15 left I just moved back five from where I was and see what happens going to hook it's like clockwork I can literally stand there and strike all day with that kind of performance going through the pins there's not going to be a time where I don't strike really at that angle and the way it took through the pins pins have no chance so that's all for my review of the beyond Infinity completely different bowling ball than the original a lot more backend a lot more shelf appeal this ball is dynamic on the back end so be sure to check out the merch inside bow links in the description talk to you guys soon if you guys have any questions put them below i' read them all talk to you guys soon please subscribe
Channel: BrunsNick
Views: 18,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ljx4BY-MAsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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