Spare Shooting in Bowling

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ask the experts the quickest way to improve your average and the answer is always the same spare shooting a timely pickup can turn catastrophe really high in the big four into Triumph he moves in off of that and if he gets a pinch fast it goes light look out who you are you kidding me Walter Ray Williams J incredible shot and on the other end of the spectrum sometimes the simplest of tasks can become the biggest mistakes he's got to make it he's a good spare shooter but he's got to convert the 10 pin right here single pin spare misses it he missed it and Duke has won the US Open everyone wants to throw more strikes and that includes me but the quickest way to improve your average is to be a better spare Shooter Johnny patagia once told me that being a great spare shooter wouldn't make me a champion but not being one would never give me a chance here's our staff and they'll show you some different ways to shoot spares getting lined up on your house pattern and throwing strikes is a great thing just like a meat tree is doing but one of the important things to bowling is spare shooting something my dad always told me make your spares strikes will come spares are going to add pins not only to the game you are bowling but also to your average at the end of the season those extra pins and making spares is going to improve your game overall we're going to teach you about an easy sparing system that you can incorporate into your game no matter what level bowler you are it's the 369 system now the key factor on the 369 system is you already need to be lined up and have your strike Target amria is lined up she has her left foot as a right-handed bowler placed on the 18 board and her strike Target is the second arrow for the two pin she is going to move three boards to the right that is now going to place her feet on the 15 board and she is still going to use the second Arrow as her Target to make the two [Music] pin ametria is now ready to shoot at the four pin to shoot the two pin she was on the 15 board she will now move three more boards to the right which will place her feet on 12 but she is still going to use her strike Target of the second Arrow or the 10 board to make the four [Music] pin we are now going to shoot at the seven pin same system IM is now going to move three more boards to the right she will now be lined up on the nine board and still use the second Arrow or the 10 board to make the seven [Music] pin the 369 sparing system is also used for spares on the right hand side of the lane amria is lined up for a strike on the 18 board she's now going to shoot at the three pin she will move her feet three boards to the left which now puts her on 21 board and she will use the second Arrow to shoot at the three [Music] pin to shoot at the six pin ametria will now move another three boards to the left putting her feet on the 24 board still using the second Arrow as her [Music] Target [Music] another sparing option is using a plastic bowl or a bowl that doesn't hook this is what our elite players use most of the time because it doesn't hook it takes the lane condition out of place so it doesn't matter what you're bowling on and once you find your sparing syst system with a plastic Bowl you can use that sparing system no matter where you go Teresa one of our Elite women Bowlers always uses a plastic Bowl to shoot at all of her single pin spares she's going to shoot at a 10 pin her starting area is 35 board and she uses the 17 board as her [Music] Target Teresa is now going to shoot at the six pin she's still going to use the 369 system for her feet and use the 17 board as her Target because the ball does not hook she's going to move three boards to the right now she will be on 32 board and still use [Music] 17 [Music] we are now going to shoot at the three pin Teresa will move another three boards which is six boards to the right off of her 10 pin position so she will now be on the 29 board still using 17 as her [Music] Target [Music] for spares on the left side of the lane using a plastic hole get lined up making the seven pin then it's easy from there continue to move depending on what pin you leave on the lane three boards six boards or nine boards still using the same Target on the lane we've explained two sparing systems for you the one using your strike Target and your strike ball with the 369 system this is a great sparing system when you bowl on a house shot same shot every week things usually don't change you also probably have a little bit of margin for error meaning you don't always have to hit your target cuz the bowl always hooks to your spare that's okay using the plastic Bowl though is definitely the option I would suggest for tournament competition sometimes those Lan conditions to be a little difficult using the spare bll takes the lane condition and the lane out of play and allows you to use the same foot Target and Target on the lane to make the spares good luck if you're having a good night and throwing the ball well you might be lucky enough to only leave a few Corner pins of course that might not be so good if you dread shooting them here's some tips on how to make those resy 7 and 10 pins because well USBC makes it against the rules to shoot it this way a great practice drill to help you with your spare shooting especially that dreaded s and 10 pin that gives every bowler problems is low ball we have Jean Mark and Terry here competing against each other in a lowball competition in lowball what you want to do is knock down the least amount of pins every time you shoot at the rack so this is a perfect perfect time to practice that seven or that 10 pin now if you use a plastic balll it's probably a little bit easier because the balll doesn't hook easier to make those corner pin but you know what change it up a little bit use your strike ball try flattening it out a little bit this gives you another option if you don't want to use your spare bow you have the option to use your strike ball it's a game it's practice and practice makes [Music] perfect we all know that the 710 and the big four can be virtually impossible to make but a wash out can be made a majority of the time if you approach it the right way I see most players approach it in completely the wrong way if you can leave the headpin after throwing your strike ball you probably don't have any business shooting a wash out by trying to hook it by changing your strategy just a little bit you can significantly increase your odds of making this spare like it's my job a very common leave Bowlers leave nowadays is a wash out and most Boulders try to tempt it using their strike ball and their strike line and try to go over the opposite side and they rarely have success maybe 10% the reason Bowlers don't have very much success using their strike ball at the wash out is the angle of attack or the angle that you have to hit that headpin to get over the t pin is very small think about it like if you're shooting pool and if you had a pool ball or a ball sitting on the center dot of a pool table and you're trying to shoot it or cut it into to the Corner Pocket on that pool table over on the right hand side would you put your Q ball behind the line on the right side or the left side to try to make that shot of course you would put it on the left side it gives you a better angle so that's what we recommend for you to do at the wash out is throw your spare ball and shoot it from the left it gives you a better angle of attack and probably and most likely more success at picking up that wash out when you're attacking your spares think of different angles that you want to attack them to give you the best options to be able to pick that spare sometimes shoot from the left will be more advantageous than shooting from the right
Channel: Norris Riggs
Views: 8,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6d0cnd52TaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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