Can This 10 Pound Ball Strike Like a 15 Pound Ball?

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what's going on guys welcome back to the channel and today I have a very uh interesting and exciting video for you guys as you've seen before I've thrown the 14 versus 15 lb now I'm taking it a step further I have a 15 lb against a 10 [Music] lounder all right so here I have two Duos and the reason why I chose the duo is it's the only per performance ball we have that comes in a 10 lb ball and why that is unique is because what you get with the duo is the micr TR Pearl cover stock which is the strongest cover stock that we have in a pearl form so here I have my 15 pounder that I would typically use in a tournament uh the layout is 5X two so it's a slightly stronger than usual for me uh the two buffer gets it coming around the corner pretty quick and with my 10 pounder CS proof it is 10 lb it's very light um no no jokes aside it's 10 lb didn't even give it the time of day to put a switch grip in or anything so 5x2 as well as you can see um small core the CG's up there so uh 5x2 layout my slightly stronger skid flip layout 15 pounder 10 pounder uh the numbers are I guess the most interesting part of this video 10 pounder 277 RG and 15 differential so um I expect a larger larger difference between these two balls compared to the 14 to 15 lb uh video so without further Ado let's get into it we're going to do it the strike challenge style we're going to go five with the 15 pounder five with a 10 pounder five with a 15 pounder five with a 10 pounder I expect the 15 pounder to win by a good margin but it's bowling you never know but let's get onto the lanes and see what we can do all right righty ladies and gentlemen there we go 15 pounder first 15 Pounders got the black grips and I don't have pins I've thrown two shots of warm-up and they both struck so here we go that's one and that hurt all right one for one that's left of left get that seven out of there so I know what you might be thinking the 15 pounder stronger core should hook more if you think about the lane front to back it certainly does but as far as lateral motion this 10 Pounders got it going on one for two we're going to try and throw it marginally better if you've ever seen a TV Bowling Supply video here at Holiday Lanes you know that the lanes they hook a lot today is no exception there has certainly been someone who has bowled on this pair for quite a long time the D probably not the ball of choice considering the cover so strong here we go one for three I'm going to try and move a little left be a little nicer to it there we go two for four no ball has yet done the uh Perfect 10 for 10 I forgot to mention the strike challenge rules if you haven't seen one we use the endless 10th Frame so on the 10th shot if either ball strikes on that 10th shot I get to keep going until it doesn't strike simple as that so any ball has a chance Up Until the End two for four last one with this ball before I go to the 10 pounder I suck all right here we go all 10 pounder purple grips purple grips no switch grip I didn't even vacue these fingers that's how not committed I was this no vacuum not even a slug I think I'll have to move a bit left for this one there we go that's that's 10 lb ladies and gentlemen it's 10 lb and again the reason why it looks so good other than the fact that the Rev rate's probably about 100 higher than it is 15 it's got no diff it's got more RG and with the lanes being as dry as they are as long as this ball hits pocket not half pocket it's going to look pretty good half pocket we might eight pin 810 actually I think I was standing here don't know for certain oh see there it was those of you that are doubting that's 10 lb there you go half Pockets no good so that's one for two I'll tell you I have more fun throwing these off we bowling balls than I do with regular Bing balls but the reason this ball comes in 10 lb is because proceeds from the sale of these balls go to the big brothers and big sisters foundation so they're making this ball a little more inclusive 10 lb one for two see if we can get the weak 810 out it was such a good start I will say the ball reaction is much better for 59 and 3/4 ft the 10 pounder is absolutely the better ball right now it just lacks a little bit of static mass and I don't know how to get to strike more one left two left hit it harder two left and hit it harder one for three it's 10 lb I'm telling you [Music] guys that first one was so good what happened ball one for three hit it harder is not the answer maybe more rotation too much dang it it's just going to be tough one ball is too early in the front part of the lane the other ball just isn't heavy enough more rotation we'll move back to the left I'm now standing left of the Border that's uh Four pocket shots one strike two 5 sevs and an almost 810 you actually think I threw too many shots did I strike 10 pin I did throw too many shots I'm just going to go all 10 with this ball all right so we're one for one for six we're one for six there we go I don't know what I did but I did it two for seven oh it's terrible you would have never guessed it but I threw the 10 pounder a little too hard all right two for eight need the endless 10th Frame all the pins are leaving the deck before the ball gets to the end it's going so slow through the pin deck it's cool when it strikes very not cool when it doesn't three for nine here comes the 10th endless 10th Frame opportunity need it desperately it's three for 10 that might be no I'm pretty sure it is the worst score I've had so far in the strike challenge this thing feels like it feels like something very heavy by the way for the month of December TV Bowling Supply is running a bowling ball raffle $5 per ticket get in as many times as you want excuse me the more we sell the more balls we give away historically we've given away about two balls every time let's try and give away like five so if you buy more tickets we give more balls perhaps you win a ball for $5 so tell your friends tell your mom tell your dad tell your grandma tell your Grandpa tell your brother tell your sister and tell your best friend get in the blind ball raffle as long as you are in the continental United States of America ah we'll let Hawaii and Alaska in as well you can just send us a message on Instagram we'll get you taken care of oh god well felt like it was 100 lb that's three for six I might have just pulled a muscle I'm going to have to go get that Deadwood too anybody want to hire me as a porter rate my effort on a scale of 1 to 10 in the comments here we go back to the really heavy ball not looking forward to throwing this four more times you're telling me I did this for a living throwing a 15lb ball Jesus this thing's heavy as 3 for seven I'm ready to be done all right we're going to move a little left ah hook it did hook I catch my breath four forame eight 4 for eight 15 pounder officially wins but of course we need a final tally we need a final tallying and I forgot where I stood ow 5 for 10 5 for nine do I actually get this strike I don't really want to think I'm retiring 15 lb going to 10 I already don't strike a lot with this there we go 10 shot no no all right guys that's 5 for 10 with the 15 pounder what do we get to like three 3 for 10 with the 10 pounder um I don't know if you learned anything in this video probably not just did for entertainment 10 pounder um definitely hard to strike with I'm going to see how fast I can throw this shot I don't think these speed readings are accurate and I'm also hoping I don't throw this through the masing unit excuse me was it fast did it look fast anyways guys that is the video 15 lb Duo versus the 10 pounder if this video gets 00 likes why not I'll sign this ball and I'll ship it right to one lucky person down in the comments so be sure to comment down below what you thought of the 10 lb Duo if this video gets to 1,500 likes sign it could be yours I'm going to throw another heater see you in the next one
Channel: TV Bowling Supply
Views: 50,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Michael Tang, Chris Via, Storm, Storm Bowling, Bowling, Roto Grip, 900 Global, TV Bowling Supply, PBA, How To Bowl Like A Pro, Pro Bowling Release, Chris Via Bowling Release, Michael Tang Bowling Release, Professional Bowlers Association, roto grip duo, duo, 10 pound ball
Id: ISEpEs3QEkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2023
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