LaYoUtS DoN't MaTtEr | Swapping The Pin & Mass Bias!

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what's up guys Bruns Nicks back and do layouts matter of course they matter this isn't going to be that kind of video what we're going to find out in this video is what happens when I drill a ball completely wrong what do I mean by wrong is I'm going to use the mass bias as my pin and my pin as my mass bias I did the layout the exact same 60x 5 by 20 but I flipped it around I based it off of the mass bias so we're going to see how this rolls we're going to have specto running I have my original effect here which I love so much so we'll be able to have a baseline before we see how this ball actually rolls please subscribe to my channel if you haven't already now let's see what the upside down effect does on the lanes all right this is going to be a very fun video I think it's going to be fun I like testing this kind of stuff out I'm happy that I get to be in a position to do such things but with all this layout jargon going on I wanted to see hey layouts don't matter what would happen if I flip-flop the pin and the mass bias that's what we're going to do I have my Baseline effect my normal layout so I'm going to test it out to get a baseline to show you the track flare I'm going to show you how it rolls we're going to get some numbers and we're going to go back and forth a little bit so let's throw a couple shots let's get right into it it's 2024 April now is this ball still the best ever it's uh it's up there pretty high look at that I mean with hits like that there's a reason why this Ball's been on back order and so sought after in proops leagues all that stuff this ball just freaking works so first shot bam all right so we can kind of see hopefully we can see the track flare on this one very very similar to what I'm seeing normally lot of separation between them so that's going to be the big thing the big question that we answer today is by putting the pin in a weird spot putting the mass bias in a weird spot what is it going to do to the ball is it going to make me Track full roller is it going to make me thump all all over the finger holes a lot of questions we're going to answer them here soon let's throw another shot right in the same Zone here see if we can't uh get this one dead flush that could be dead flush yeah yeah we got some crispy fresh racks going today and an adjustment no more bad racks hopefully no more eight pins I'm done with eight pins retiring them forever all right it's time to throw it it's time to throw the other ball the specs are the same only thing we did different I mean there it is mass bias up there pin where I normally put the mass bias what's it going to do we're about to find out is it going to thump is it going to hook no idea let's still the same shot no clue what this ball is going to do none never drilled a ball like this ever in my life and I'll probably never drill another ball like it in my life th yeah you heard it did it flare off of it it sounded like it but for the first I don't know 30 ft of the lane let's see what this track's doing yeah so by putting the pin in that location it brought my track a lot closer so instead of being outside of the fingers and thumb I'm now starting left of it it's hitting it and then flaring off of it I threw it the same the results were not the same and we're also going to look at specto data along the way and see exactly what kind of numbers we're getting I would imagine on a ball like this with the layout what it's doing is inry angle is going to go really really low CU it's going to miss the break point more often than not let's clean this ball up this thump arama let's do it again I'm going to try to keep throwing it the same I'm not going to try to do anything different or modify release because the the core is going to do what it's going to do it's pulling the track where it wants that's so funny it's like it tracks full roller and then it thumps and then it hits some friction on the outside so I guess this could be a really good dry Lane ball for the absolute burn when you need a little bit more length cuz when it's dumping it might be getting off the lane a little bit and if the ball's in the air can't hook that's two shots with it and sure enough yeah it's tracking full roller and then starting to flare over the thumb and at the very end it's starting to catch a few oil rings towards the outside so it looks like it's bow tiing right in this zone right here normally my bow tie is more up in this area here so it doesn't hit the fingers or thumb it might catch a thumb on the way back but if that's a ball that fluts a lot that's the only time I'll ever hear that but for right now if I try to spin it a little bit more I don't know I don't think there's any way I'm going to be able to get this track off of the fingers and thumb to start cuz that's just what it's going to do it just doesn't have that continuation I'm going to go back to the normal drilled ball the ball that's really good the ball that's drilled with the pin and not the mass bias as the pin but it's not really a true full roller layout okay because it's still flaring outward if you're a true full roller your first flare ring is going to be here and then it's going to flare this way to stay off the fingers and thumb that's not the case with me I'm not a full roller all right here's a couple of shots with the effect pin up crap 10 kind of missed that thumping sound I got to be honest here I know I know where the ball's migrating to if it gets off that thumb I know when it's hitting the true fre of the ball Night and Day difference if we can kind of see where that's at I'm going to throw another shot here and then we're going to start moving it in and really see the difference once we get over some oil so right now we're playing relatively straight we're not trying to swing it very far just you're my typical shot really yeah so we got a good Bas sign of what it does from straighter angles we now know how this weird ball is going to track so the next thing we got to do start moving it in so we'll start with five boards and we'll work it in so we'll throw normal first and we'll go to the other one next so this is five left and we'll see [Music] there yeah all right so that's what we see with my normal effect so now we're going to switch it over we're going to throw it in the same spot we're going to throw that weird one and see if by thumping over the thumb with that weird layout it's going to cause more length or just cause it to miss the spot we'll take a look at specto and we'll see if I missed or if I threw it good all right same spot might have been a little outside I'm going to check the numbers let's see what we got yeah just what I thought a little outside the mark started in the same spot but I flat out got it a little bit out side the ball got back hit pretty flat let's try it again come on get this ball in a little bit more oh didn't matter that was pretty spoton I mean when a ball is thumping halfway down the lane it's not creating the friction and grab it's not flaring obviously it rolls pretty bad so let's throw another shot we're going to move five left though and we're going to see five more I think this is going to be even more pronounced here hey I don't know I didn't hear as much thumping that time this could be a winner but I mean I'm going to switch to the other ball we're going to have the normal layout we're going to see the difference I I think it's going to be night and day especially when you start open up angles a ball like that I just don't think how how it could compete there's no way all right let's try to throw the same shot see the difference hopefully it's night and day it should be night and day that last one was pretty good obviously it didn't continue as great but struck okay so that was a lot closer than I thought it was going to be now the difference there obviously impact angle how much the b b ball is still hooking at the end and the ball with the weird layout kind of lacks a little bit they both struck so what argument do I really have right what the ball struck what's the matter with it huh I don't know I guess we'll just keep moving in we'll find out if there is an issue otherwise people are going to be asking for the thumping layout which I invented Phil didn't invent that Thumper lay out that's what I'm going to call five left oh man that was with the good layout I don't know how the other one's going to perform compared to that that was that probably the best shot I've ever thrown but in the interest of science we're going to have to try got to wipe it in a different area too since it tracks all funky all right weird layout Time same spot is it going to get it done or not is it going to be able to get back from this angle I don't know that thing went down the lane a little longer like I said still struck big difference though right we're going to look at the numbers so we're seeing the difference now in the video where they said layouts don't matter they said the ball is exactly the same for like the first 40 45 of lane and then it starts to separate well that's the whole point bowling balls can't really hook in oil so even with a drastic layout like this he's correct for the first 40 or so feet the ball's not really going to be much difference but what it does at the very last part of the lane and through the pins is all the difference in the world so that's where layouts matter and that's where the difference between a ball going High flush splitting the 89 and leaving a 10 pin or leaving a flat hit that's where layouts come into play there is a big difference with impact angle and continuation pin deck exit board all that good stuff let's throw one more shot with each going to move five more and we're really going to open up these Lanes I got the weird one first and we're going to see I'm just going to try to hit the pocket all right definitely had to throw it softer I wasn't sure if that was going to hook back kind of labor labor labor finally got enough now say roll pretty forward kick the 10 out which is kind of cool so let's switch it over switch it over to the normal and we're going to see do we kick out of 10 do we hit in the same spot do I go dead flush we're about to find out all right I think we've proved what we want to prove we wanted to see what we wanted to see so that's all for new layouts matter yeah of course they matter using the mass bias as a pin and the pin as a mass bias terrible idea I don't recommend it what I do recommend is checking out all the brand new merch on inside bowling if you learn anything from this video please subscribe let me know in the comments talk to you guys soon
Channel: BrunsNick
Views: 17,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YI8r53UgAEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 14sec (854 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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