Never Miss Another Spare Again! (maybe) 🤷

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never miss another spare again maybe maybe yes what's up guys Bruns Nick's back and I found this little gem on the internet and this is supposed to dial your spare into fruition leave a spare you dial this little thing it tells you where to stand where to aim how to pick up your spare I'm going to put this thing to the test to see if it holds water but before we get to all that please subscribe to my channel if you haven't already now let's see what the Brunswick Rangefinder does in the year 2023 all right everyone knows I love this old quirky stuff that's supposed to help you out this was printed back in 1962 this is the Brunswick Rangefinder guide and please excuse my voice just getting over but this is a fast way to better scores approved by the Brunswick advisory staff of bowling champions so fingertip directions for getting strikes and picking up spares 1962 this cost 49s in 20203 cost me a lot more than that so it the way it works is you're supposed to get lined up for your strike shot okay I think we're all done with this so we'll put that down and then if you leave a certain spare it's got the dial right around the side here if we can see that and zoom in but if you leave a certain spare you dial it down around here to the spot where you left or something similar it gives you some ideas of what's similar and then it'll tell you where to aim and where to change your direction so we're going to give it a shot we're going to get right into it I'm going to try to line up with a strike shot and then we're going to use the brunsick rangef finder guide to adjust for my spare and I should never miss another spare so the checkpoints on this thing number one individual Lane conditions may vary therefore adjust your starting position accordingly for example if your strike ball hits the head pin flush move to the left if not enough headpin move to the right retain the same Target Dart they call them darts not arrows starting position is important once having established your proper position for a particular shot never change never change number number three keep your eyes on your target Dart from stance through delivery number four make a smooth rhythmical and straight approach with full follow-through for maximum accuracy number five if failing to achieve satisfactory scoring consistency don't become discouraged do seek a qualified instructor for advice so this is uh we're going to give it a shot so first thing is I need a line up for a strike so obviously I don't really throw a straight ball anymore I'm going to throw urethane I think that's the closest we got to it so by all it counts here to line up for a strike looks like my left foot should be on the third arrow and I'm going to aim at the 1 three pocket so let's see how it goes uh-huh I'm just going to try to right at the headpin I guess as straight as I can back back in 1962 all right so I'd say we are pretty well lined up so with the help of my shot I'm going to dial in all the spares that it gives me and we're going to start with the 124 so it says look at the onew pocket from where I'm standing and then adjust my eyes accordingly to throw a straight shot through that Mark so that's what we're going to try we got the 124 I'm going to wipe my ball off we're going to stand in the same exact spot now instead of looking at the 1 three I'm looking at the one two and that adjusts my eyes roughly about about the third arrow and the idea here is we want to hit the left side of the head pin so let's try it I'm looking at the third Arrow one for one all right so the next one we got here we're going to dial it over is the 6910 we're going to adjust our feet to third fourth fifth sixth Arrow so we're going to stand on the sixth arrow with my left foot and we're going to try to aim for the six pin flush so we're going to look at the six pin we're going to move our eyes back towards the arrows and that's going to be the target obviously still throwing a straight shot all right so the whole idea here now it wants you to move from the third Arrow all the way to six four five six here we are so now if I want to hit that six pin flush if I draw a line imaginary line all the way back I want to hit that flush that's going to make me look around the fourth Arrow right at the center so now we're going Cross Lane at it let's give it a shot all right three for three this thing's baby this thing's paying for itself I think we should reprint this and hand them out to everybody on tour I think it's going to help out all right next one 245 we want to aim right of the two pin okay and it has us standing right over the center so we're going to straddle the center dot the Big Dot and we're going to pick a line that brings us back straight straight right at it straddling the center and this is going to want to get me to just left of the middle Arrow to throw it straight right at it there we go straight shot right at it no problem you know for beginners this is actually a pretty easy system right it kind of helps you just say hey where do I stand this will tell you exactly where to stand where to aim so this is actually kind of a handy tool it'll fit in most bags and you know back in the day when you had the single zipper bag and the shoes underneath this is meant to just kind of lay on the on the bottom there all right next one 3610 another spare that's pretty tough so your target is right of the three pin left foot on the sixth Arrow okay so kind of the same idea as the 6910 we're going Cross Lane we're going straight it's essentially the same shot but we'll see what happens when we Target and what it looks like here all right so we're on Sixth arrow and we want to aim right of that three pin so that's going to put me just inside of the fourth Arrow probably around the 22 board 21 board somewhere in there that was a little bit L that's all right picked it up so that was probably more like 23 24 but once again picked it up I just let my eyes do it you know I'm not also accounting for drift my feet drift to the left when I bowl anyway so next one is 139 man if you're a right hander and you're leaving the 139 you're in for some trouble let me tell you that so let's get the 139 setup standing in the same spot as your strike shot no different than your strike shot I'm going to be standing with my left foot on the third Arrow third Dot and we're going to be aiming at the 1 three pocket so this should be the same as the first shot so obviously if you left the 139 you did not execute your first shot you pulled that one quite far left so we need to get this one to the 13 pocket here I'm just looking between the second and third arrows next one we got 247 I can probably count on one hand how many times I've ever left a 247 and one finger I think I've left that once in my life but it's on the card so we're going to put it up here so starting position for the 247 is exactly the same as your strike shot now your target is going to be left of the two pin so you want to hit the ball on the left side of the two pin and the ball is going to take out the four and over to the seven ideally so we're going to I are going to Target left to the two pin and we're going to throw a straight shot over there and see what happens see where this makes me Target all right left foot there um left of the two pin that puts me between the third and fourth Arrow here easy peasy so so far this guide is actually pretty accurate it's pretty good when I shoot these spares typically going straight not always but hey back in the day hook balls back in 62 nobody was really throwing a big hook all right so now we got the 59 again if you're a right-hander and you're leaving a 59 you're having a bad day so let's set it up let's see what it takes to pick it up so for the 59 we're going to be standing with our feet on the sixth Arrow my left foot on the sixth Dot and we're going to be targeting right of the five pin so let's see where that brings my eyes for this shot so the whole idea here where they start your left to right is so that you have less of a chance to chop it so I see what they're doing so back on the sixth dot here and uh this kind of puts me right around 24 maybe maybe right on the fifth Arrow here there we go not bad they're getting tougher now so the next one is the 510 split so once again if you leave a 510 you're having a bad time so we're going to try to set it up and see what it takes to pick it up it has us adjusting our feet now to left foot on the fourth dot so right on the Big Dot right in the center and we're going to be targeting left of the five pin so the idea is to hit left of it slide the five pin into the 10 let's see how many takes this is going to take this won't be an easy one but but the trust Rangefinder all things are possible so it wants my left foot now on the Big Dot and aiming left of the five pin so that puts me I think right around 1819 oh Jesus that was a 5'7 would have been perfect all right obviously with wh let's try that again so I think the key for me here is just to kind of walk a little straighter Don't Drift because that'll adjust my eyes and I'll actually open my angle there so let's try that again that's the nice thing about my shot here is it'll continually just give me the same setup no matter what I want get over there ah almost all right on the right track I walked a little straighter felt like so normally with my shot I just keep it on full rack so that's why you see you don't see me shoot spares usually because it's constantly giving me first cycle beautiful system part of the sink scoring unit all right third times a charm let's get my eyes left going put them right on the center dot here maybe ah all right getting there so obviously I'm in the right area spare percentage on something like this will probably be maybe 20% I think that's my guess what am i 0 for three I don't know let's try it again I'm going to keep my eyes same spot I'm going to remember just to walk straight maybe a little right that's got a chance yes man so close I'm going to get there I'm going to get there let's see how many takes it takes I don't know I thought that was money come on oh jeez did it oh yeah all right we're in the money I only took like I don't know six tries somewhere in there so I got the 510 out of the way now it wants us to pick up the 410 it's getting even harder now so let's get this thing set up let's see how many tries this takes us so our starting position is the same as our strike position feet on the third Arrow third dot we're going to be aiming left of the four pin and we're going to slide that four pin over that's the idea let's see if we can't get this done that's going to give me a Target somewhere just left of fourth Arrow [Music] here oh that was close so close yeah I think we're going to get this one this might be easier I might get it done earlier than the 5 S well I don't know idea is just to get it over there you're trying to aim pretty much at the seven pin and then knock that four pin over this is almost like a split challenge video now so let's give it a shot what's the refresher there yeah start on the strike shot looking left to the fourth Arrow I'm going to adjust my eyes just a little bit more that way ah nope missed I wonder if it counts if I bounce it out would you guys give me that one if I do I think fair is fair I mean if I hit over there and it bounces out that's fair right I don't I'll try to do it traditional way but if it bounces out I'm taking it just letting you guys know all right come on ball walk straight no ah might as well Buckle in might be here a while the hardest thing for me is not walking towards my target almost almost got there I'm try not to throw it too hard I just got to get it there I think those are the two things is don't walk towards my target my target is pretty far left of me and uh don't try to overthrow it I have a tendency to overthrow it and a tendency to Mis right when I do that always got to know your Tendencies all right come on maybe maybe yes yes got it all right that's the 410 by the look of it I think that's going to be the hardest one on here we got two more to go so now we go to the 45 that's going to have me standing on where my strike shot was and aiming between the four five so basically am at the two pin so let's get it set up and let's do it it's almost like picking up the 510 kind of the same so strike shot aim in between kind of puts me right around the uh fourth Arrow again no missed right all right fourth Arrow walk right oh I walked a little too right so close I'm dialed in you know this range finder actually helps quite a bit you know if you kind of forget or just just kind of know that it's all about angles this thing is All About Angles shooting spares there is a higher percentage way to shoot spares in a lower percentage way so this is going to get your feet in the right spot get your eyes in the right spot no ooh just enough got it there all right we've come full circle no pun intended but now we got the 57 split so it has us standing in the same spot as our strike and now we're adjusting our eyes and our eyes only now traditional thinking would say if you're throwing a hook you want to move about three boards left and throw your same shot but this is back in 62 so we're going to go by the rules I'm going to try it the way they want it so I'm going to aim right at the five pin with my feet on the same strike shot then I'm going to try another one where I just move my feet left of my off my strike shot and throw the same strike all right let's try it maybe the first try oh man so close and we're talking like a fraction of an inch that we're missing that by I could have easily just kind of did it and I could have been done with this video already but no rude all right let's try it again I really think that hooking at this one is a little bit better play oh man we are so close throwing it straight I mean that's what the rang finder wants you to do I mean technically your strike shot was straight back then so you know this is going back in time we're going back in time over 60 years when this thing was published come on think I just got to get my eyes just a little bit more left just a pinch yeah yeah okay third time's a charm all right so to finish out this video we're going to do the 57 one more time but instead of standing in the same spot as my strike shot I'm going to move three boards left and I'm want to throw a hook a little bit so I was pretty lined up at the beginning with the strike shot let's move three left with my feet throw a little hook at it kind of targeting the same let's throw it hook oh man all right that was pretty good maybe only need to go two boards you know we're playing in the middle oil there obviously I've thrown a lot of urethane so a lot of traffic's gone down through the middle just make sure to wipe it off real good so only going two boards now throwing the same shot hopefully throwing the same shot there we go so personally I'm hooking at that one but hey what do you know the Brunswick Rangefinder something that came out 60 plus years ago it's actually still pretty relevant so really cool find you know I hope you guys enjoyed this video a little bit of spare shooting demonstration some split challenge looks like in there too so you haven't already please subscribe you have any questions or comments please put them down below and as always talk to you guys soon
Channel: BrunsNick
Views: 58,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xmU5yuroYOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2023
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