Why "GENERIC" Light Weight Cores Are BETTER For Your Game!

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what's up guys Bruns Nicks back and I have a 12 pound Puma now there's a lot of talk that goes around about what cores do they use in 12 and 13 and lightweight balls some companies claim to use the same core in every ball no matter what weight and we say we use generic cores now what is a generic core we're going to talk about that in this video but I'm going to see if it's still possible to strike and have success with a 12 or 13 lb ball before we get to all that please subscribe to my channel if you haven't already now let's see what 12 lb does for me now we're talking about lightweight balls 12 13 lbs in particular so at Brunswick across the brands we use what we call a generic core it's basically a light bulb shape 040 differential 259 RG you'll see that across the board pretty much every single ball that goes 12 13 lb with few exceptions on the entry level but this is the only we had in the factory actually in our warehouse right now so I grabb this I know it's a little bit older but the concept Remains the Same so original Puma had a differential of around 036 with a much lower RG this one has a higher RG but a little bit more diff with a 040 so I'm going to throw 12 lbs in this video you know this is very light we're going to see if I can strike consistently so I don't know what I'm bowling on the board says Crown Jewel but that was as of yesterday they've been bowled on so be the perfect test can I strike with 12 lbs uh we're going to find out I haven't thrown a single shot I haven't thrown any warm-ups I figured throwing a 12b ball is kind of like a warm up anyway so we're going to try it all different angles like we always like to do and see what 12 lbs can do for me oh my goodness I could even feel it in my arm swing that's going to take some getting used to but that's that's why we're here so you know as you get older you know it's almost inevitable you're probably going to have to drop weight I throw 15 lb so going to a 12 pounder I haven't thrown 12 lb since I was like 11 years old so the main things we're looking for here with uh a ball like an entry-level ball 12 lb is is it going to flare and as of that first shot yes the separation is about a 316 quarter inch roughly in there but plenty of flare on this thing so that's the one thing you got to look for if you're chopping lighter weight bowling balls and you you know you like the whatever ball always pay attention to the numbers even if you're looking at a competitor ball pay attention to the numbers and what if they're using the same shaped core the only way they could do that is with a much lighter density okay and that's going to bring the differentials down to a level that's not even close all right let's try that again but um first shot I'm going to keep it a lot slower than that black so it's going to take a little bit of effort to be able to get a 12 pounder through the pins like I would a 15 pounder so I'm going to have to use a little bit more friction this is going to be a fun video this is going to be a little bit of an effort for me to try to manipulate the ball to be able to do what I need the ball flares definitely flares there's plenty of flare on that you know this is a very shiny ball Crown Jewel does have a puddle in the middle so let's try to throw it outside a little bit and then we'll start moving in if we need to here oh man oh that's hooking yes totally possible I knew it was only a matter of time but if you can create ENT angle you can strike with any weight ball on the off hits lighter weights that's where you're going to suffer but going back to talking about these cores okay so why does brunck use generic cores instead of using the same cuz one thing we've developed lightweight cores for both symmetrical and asymmetrical they're both light bulb shaped the lighter weight asymmetrical ball core is going to be elliptical it's going to be stretched it's going to be like the old Zone classic core if you guys remember that one basically a light bulb that's elongated and give it some asymmetry so always pay attention to the numbers you know the most differential you're going to get out of a 12 or 13 lb ball is going to be about 0 40ish you can't really push the limits too much on that just because there's not a lot of density there to work with so let's throw a couple more shots I'm going to move in a little bit I'm going to move five left let's open the angles up a little bit that's a good sign wasn't really a flat 10 it kind of wrapped 10 there so you know there's still good hitting power you know if I was suffering from like an injury or say temporarily you try to you know you had an injury in your hand or whatever and you need to work back into the weight that you're throwing you know you got to work on you know flexibility or whatever it's good to start with a lightweight ball and bring it back up so you can get back in the game without hurting yourself so use 15 you can make do with a lighter ball absolutely can obviously it takes a little bit of uh thinking to get the timing right yikes cuz you know the trigger mechanism is a little bit different I don't have the extra 3 lbs at the bottom but what I do have is the ability to manipulate the ball roll a lot better I can do this and this with the ball no problem cuz look like I can't do this with a 15lb ball but I can probably easily do this with a 12 there's no way I'm doing that with 15 so I can get a a lot more on it I can probably rev the snot out of this ball but I'm trying not to that's the whole thing like you can drop down in weight and still have success and your rev rate probably goes up a little bit see grab it at the bottom not a great shot so obviously I could throw this a lot harder it takes more effort for me to throw it slower but it's just going to be dialing and timing for me at least to be able to just roll it off my hand like I normally would but I'm just not feeling the weight so that's the main thing I see but not not the question is is the performance there yes it's a shiny ball it flares quite a bit it actually is more performance in 12 and 13 look at that almost left a nine pin with a 12lb ball are you kidding me right now so when you see the these bowling balls that are offered in the 030 035 which are a lot of them now all different brands if you're throwing 12 or 13 lb ball it's actually a Little Bit Stronger corewise that's it so you're going to get a little extra performance not a lot it's in the same range you're going to see 040 no matter what so granted if you're 050 say you know you're looking at stealth which is in the 50s you know you're looking at those higher end symmetrics you know you're going to be giving up a little bit of performance in differential but if you go with the same shaped core and just change the density your numbers are going to drop off significantly you're going to be into the nothing so pay attention to the lightweight numbers it's the most important part obviously the cover stock is what you're buying the cover stock stays the same no matter what weight so the core is going to be the change there all right let's try that again I'm going to actually move in a little bit more five more let's try it again it's really [Laughter] soft how many times I don't think I'd ever seen that kind of carry nine pin falls into the 10 pin now if that was a 15lb ball it would have hooked right past the N pin and never touched it but I think the ball actually deflected enough to touch the nine pin as it was going through and splitting the 89 fell right into the 10 so that's that's hilarious let's check out the flare on this one cuz that was check that out all the performance you could want I'm having fun with this I'm going to move another five I'm going to keep moving until I can't get the ball back through the pins here so far so good obviously speed needs to come down that could be really good maybe I could throw a messenger how stweet would that be I think I could do it so yeah I mean that's the whole thing you know I see that argument often you know competitors like to beat on their chest oh we got the same core and every ball no you don't absolutely do not stop lying it's not possible some of those cores weigh so much you can't put it into a 12lb ball got to hook a lot here comes look at that thing deflect at the end it came off the spot but boy it went sideways twice on the back end and through the pins all right let's move it another five left we'll be up against the ball return now this has been a whole lot of fun I'm showing that it's absolutely possible to strike with 12 lbs let's end this on a good note h a ton oh yeah you know what this video has proved anything to me is that I have no fears of getting older and having to drop weight the performance if even about to go 14 lb 13 lb the day is going to come for all of us so lightweight balls pick a ball with the performance that's most like the original so obviously some balls are just not going to get the 50s you're not going to find that in a 12 or 13 040 is what you get that's plenty of flare you're still going to get the cover stock let me know what you thought have you dropped down to 12 or 13 lbs what do you find the most success with let me know in the comments Please Subscribe talk to you guys later
Channel: BrunsNick
Views: 42,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fLm6ViaiW-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2023
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