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what do you say it says X what's up guys Bruns Nick back it's time to chill yet again with the chill Pearl from deviate now this ball gets an update with hk22 Insider Max flip cover Pearl version last year super smooth with the original chill this one should be a lot more skid flip so I can't wait to see what this one does on the lanes for me with specto running of course but before we get to all that please subscribe to my channel if you haven't already now let's see what this chill Pearl does out on the lanes all right time to talk about chill Pearl it's got that Diva 2.0 core same as the original 2.49 RG 051 differential Factory compound finish hk22 in cider Max flip so I have crown jewel pattern out there 43 ft whole lot the middle not a lot to the outside so we're going to try this ball at all different angles the last ball very Benchmark reaction I'm expecting a lot more good flip out of this so we're going to try it out we got specto running we're going to look at the data along the way so let's get to it so we always start with our left foot on 15 good looking bowling ball turquoise silver nice looking so let's try it out let's see what we got here with this chill Pearl uh-oh oh yeah first shot you never know where you're going to get and what we got was kind of a grab and spinny deal so didn't quite get out of my hand that well wrap 10 that's what's going to happen throw it bad expect bad results so let's try it again let's try maybe uh you know now that I'm warmed up let's try throwing it just a little bit better than that but Bing balls looking good turquoise I don't see too many turquoise bowling balls all right how about let's just uh let's just roll the ball try not to do too much here that's better wow that hit the pins quite hard so the difference between a good shot and a bad shot exhibit a exhibit B any questions no so throw it good and expect good things to happen that tells me the ball's got a little bit of flip to it I kind of got it off my hand well and the ball responded quite well at the back end there went through the pins and hit really hard let's try one more shot from here cuz as these kind of bowling balls go they're going to be good from straighter angles to start H but you can open up the lanes with that 050 diff uh-oh that's in the oil yeah missed in that's okay so right right now it's kind of hinting at the fact that it has a little bit of aggressiveness to it it wants to read that lane earlier pick up and change direction hard so as opposed to some of the other reviews I've done where the balls are maybe in the 03s 04s not a lot of diff this one although it might be hard to see with this color combo is you're going to get a little bit more flare and more hook potential out of it so let's get left let's start moving I'm going to start it by moving five as always check out the merch hk22 we put that stuff on everything all right so we be 20 now left foot on 20 little bit of a swing I think we're going to be right at home home sweet home right here okay A little bit of a weak hit there that's okay we'll take a little SC ior carry that little love tap on there as you always know I got the great shirt senior carry that's up on my inside bowling page all right so that one actually was a little bit lazy I'm going to um you know I'm going to pump it up I'm going to get a little bit more revs on this next one that's going to be my adjustment is not be as easy with it at the bottom plain straighter that last shot before the last Zone you can do that little harder off the hand all right yeah missed wide that's okay ball recovered got back but with the factory compound finish it's meant for length in cider Max flip meant for length symmetrical core with 50s kind of mid low RG so now I'm going to play that same Zone one more time I'm going to keep the hand strong but I'm going to try not to miss it out I don't know where that one went three board it was out there we're just going to try to keep it around six five six that's what happens that's close that was close enough for me so might have been like 4.7 4.6 just guessing on the specto numbers I won't see him until after the fact but so far this ball is strong do the right things it comes off the spot hard so let's move another five there'll be 10 left now this will be the test zone right now if this ball really has the strength with the cover and the core that Diva Diva 2.0 core was a fan favorite slight modification to it for the new cover stock technology we have what do you say it says what does it say it says X so ball looks fantastic right there this might be the best spot I've been in so far I feel like I'm going to have some room to the right and I'm have some more hold to the left cuz my launch angle and my starting position is a little further left I'm playing through more oil now let's do it again got to make sure wasn't a fluke let's do it so left foot's on 25 now for those keeping score home that's coming up that spot go a little lazy okay all right probably got to about four board four and a half somewhere in there so a common theme on these balls is length skid flip and that comes with a double-edged sword you know when you're bowling on a fresh pattern if you get too far left too soon you might leave some ugly stuff the ball might not hit very hard you might think oh it's really lazy it doesn't hook well it's trying it's just not slowing down enough in order to hook and strike now the more it goes past the headpin like that once to come around behind it the more I know I can bring the speed down a little bit because the ball's not going to jump on me so that's what I'll try just ease the speed up a little bit like that we got good results you got to always pay attention to what your ball is doing make the adjustments because the lane is not static ever it's always changing the oil is picking up it's moving it's taking off the lane it's drying up so pay attention to your moves pay attention to what your ball's doing especially through the pins that's so important all right let's move again five more left we'll be 15 left now my feet standing on 30 and we're going to do a lot more of the same I'm going to try to throw it kind of at the same speed same revs see what happens it's in oh it's all right missed it in rode more of the oil the ball picked up went through the pins fine so throw another shot we'll try to get it out a little bit further right and see what happens now is is the ball going to labor or because with my speed coming down and my Axis rotation getting around the side of it more to create a little bit more back end is that going to propel the ball left and create entry angle that's what we want we want entry [Applause] angle all right good shots let's go that's definitely wider come on yeah it's just not not meant to be out there that's been kind of the theme is if I swing it out too far outside of that no-go Zone kind of doesn't slow down comes behind the headpin been hitting the pocket or just kind of weak so we don't want to do that let's move another five so we're going to be 20 left the end of the road we're going to see what happens now when we bring this speed down cuz we're going to have to the ball was not going to come back from out there and now that we're moving another five a whole Zone we're going to see so now left foot's on 35 and uh wish me luck come on yeah kind of more of the same you get it out to that outside five board spot all just want want a hang out there so we going try another shot we're going to bring the eyes in try to lower that launch angle and get that ball more around like six board just a bit in to get that ball to respond harder it's just going pushing past the end of the pattern and just not slowing down in time coming behind the headpin I was lucky there I didn't leave a split all right come on better ah the adjustment I would make for this ball right now is I would actually hit it with surface I don't tend to shoot a lot of shiny bowling balls down the lane I don't like them I don't typically see enough friction to be able to knead it you know I'm more speed dominant I'm more comfortable playing straight so that's what we're going to do we're going to move it back right I'm going to be let's see I'm going to go back to let's go 10 left so on 25 board with a little swing I feel like I had hold and hook there and that was a spot where I got my speed down just a little bit I think I had the world with it so 25 with my foot in this spot right here yeah you got to know your zones you got to recognize it and play those spot until the lanes change and you have to chase it in the point of these reviews is to see what the ball can do on a fresh pattern playing all different zones before they break down so that's what we saw hope you guys got some information about the new chill Pearl check out the merch on inside bowling questions comments put them below I read them all sometimes I reply to most of them so please subscribe talk to you guys soon
Channel: BrunsNick
Views: 6,417
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mny2GeF57Hc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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