Stockfish vs. Leela: 3600 ELO BATTLE

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ladies and gentlemen you should know that the highest ever chess rating achieved by a human being was in april of 2014 and it was 2889.2 in the middle of a tournament by magnus carlson now engines have ratings way beyond that three thousand two hundred thirty four hundred thirty five hundred and the two strongest engines in the world stockfish fourteen and lila chess zero at over thirty six hundred like thirty six thirty nine thirty six twenty three and these two engines played in the most recent t sec super final t-sec stands for top engine chess championship and it's an event that's constantly ongoing their website is constantly featuring games so today i am going to show you some of the games of the battle in the super final between leela chess zero and slackfish 14. i do have a video on this channel called how alpha zero completely crushed stockfish stockfish believers and die hard fans weren't didn't take too kindly to that um so i want to feature this match i'm gonna take you through five games time stamps on the video player here we go um the way this match works they play a cut like two games in the same opening so anywhere from eight to twelve moves usually of book theory then they go off on their own 120 120 minutes per side with a 10 second bonus now this is game number two they drew their first game stockfish begins with e4 and we have what's known as an open sicilian now the big question uh will they go for a night off they played so many night offs they played so many sicilians classical dragon setup we have knight c6 which is a classical sicilian and bishop g5 known as the richter rouser variation uh here we have e6 queen d2 and really in the structure black usually puts the bishops like this like little slingshots and white castles this way plays f3 g4 h4 and creates some sort of attack um by the way the game before this was very similar so a6 now long castles bishop d7 f3 everything that i promised uh black sometimes we'll even leave the king in the center because you know that white is about to attack you on this side of the board uh and so you just kind of feel like you're a little bit safer down the middle h6 kicks out this bishop and now b5 all very standard stuff everything is promised but now the first potentially strange move uh which doesn't look quite normal because you know you're looking at rook b8 b4 maybe some queen move knight to e5 this move is played because you don't want to trade anymore and you can't really play f4 because g4 hangs and you don't really want to play h3 because it's kind of a loss of time and gives black some some time to consolidate like this knight can always jump to c4 and now all of a sudden it's black who is attacking white every move matters here so leela in this position gives up the b-pawn straight away just gives it up like looks like a guess the elo blunder like oh my god i forgot the a pawn was there right it's funny because when stockfish had this position with black stockfish played queen b8 before playing b4 now queen beat's never been played okay like according to theory rook b8 has been played in this position queen c7 has been playing these positions but these these bots are 3600 so we should probably listen to them um so b4 and queen b8 now remember i told you that this knight and this knight fight for the g4 pawn and that's why you can't play f4 right away you need to play h4 h4 is exactly what happened when leela had white in this position like i said they play a couple games they switch the colors but when stockfish had white in this position stockfish just said what the hell do you mean i can't play f4 watch me what are you gonna do about it and that's why i love about these engines so step one like a little concept number one of this video these engines launch massive attacks but stop them they never get a knockout blow because they're so good at defending what they do is they isolate pieces throughout the game and and lock them down and remove them from existence so for example knight takes g4 just bishop g1 in the middle of this game you can give up two pawns you can give up g4 and b4 you should down a pawn clean pawn and then you just use chill just play another backwards move blocking the queen from attacking you on the b2 square i mean e4 is up for grabs but you really can't take this um because after knight takes e4 queen takes e4 well it's tragedy right so there's always some sort of tactical justification for why certain things can't happen um and now uh we have h5 a position is really complicated so what leela's trying to do is leela's just trying to rescue the knight because otherwise it was going to get trapped um there was other ways to play here for example there was this move rook c8 and if you just play h3 looking to trap this i just i just completely give it up uh because now there is no bishop g2 since you've moved your queen off this line but we're not gonna get into the ultra complex variations of 3600s i'd honestly rather relay to you what's going on so bishop d4 what the heck is bishop d4 i don't understand stockfish backed up now is coming forward and is evaluating this position as borderline winning for white why because black is not going to have time to consolidate you scattered black's pieces to such an extent this knight is completely locked out of the game how is black ever going to do anything here if the bishop ever comes out i'm going to maul you down the g file right so there should be seven rook g1 and lila just says you can take on g7 i'm completely fine giving you this pawn because i have no way to defend it but if i take on g7 how are any of these pieces getting involved in the game i mean that's potentially 11 points of material right so a4 leela's just all in on this side of the board now we have a beautiful move knight b5 huh this hangs this almost looks like it hangs the queens see each other you actually have to take the queen now i get my knight out of danger right and you really can't play bishop takes b5 here because what happens after something like king f8 i just back up now by the way um material balance of pawns has been restored but i have dominant bishops your a pawn will fall and like i said all these engines will pause the attack and transform the position into some winning end game so a3b takes leela decides to part ways with the a pawn so that white has split c and a pawns right now we have king f8 rook back to g5 everything is promised d5 trying to play in the center and stockfish finds a way here to just freeze everything knight c7 allowing a capture with a check completely unafraid rook comes to a4 leela saw rook a4 and leela liked it check unafraid so what if you take a pawn because every piece move that you make that overextends you now have to spend the whole turn coming back to the position right so king b1 now you have to back up now i'm coming forward i'm coming forward this position is evaluated again as completely winning for white even though material is balanced pieces are scattered you leave this position with two intermediates they'll both find a way to lose it somehow right bishop c6 guards the c pawn and now as the game progresses stockfish brings its knight back consolidates in the center consolidation is a massive part of these engines games look at this because just everything is coordinated all the bishops stand triumphantly on the middle isolating a weakness this pawn could be a difference maker but how is stockfish actually going to break in okay let's watch it let's watch how stock there's okay it starts bringing its king there's bringing its king okay bishop eight rookie five there we go doubling up okay bishop moves out of the way rook back what's going on here knight jumps into the middle did that have to happen actually yes because there is no way to protect this knight because again this night has been complete this knight has been totally isolated and actually the light squared bishop has been totally isolated as well so now to defend itself it has to give away a pawn leela does and back up but now leela's down a pawn which means that there is a pass c pawn and now stockfish will try to simplify temporarily offering the pawn right back but that would lose to bishop c5 check and see now you would have to either lose this or this so knight to f5 bishop f6 oh engines love this stuff they love this just gluing the position shut and now the engines actually do play until like mate in some cases because they you know just out of respect for the game i suppose look at this it just gives up it's night it's just it's done it it completely parts ways with both of these things because there's check and now this and this and it just evaluates that this end game is winning like stockfish would never simplify out to rook into like this versus rook and one unless it completely knew it was winning and it's winning for a couple of reasons your king is much closer to your pawn your rook controls all of this and um yeah that's it that's really it the black king is just simply too far you just walk your king and you walk your pawn the rook can't guard both it can't guard the king walking and the pawn and look at that not even the king but you're looking to block the rook and black's king is just too far black's king is just too far and king b5 rook c4 look at that simplifying at the right moment because you are in the square to stop this pawn and promote your own and that's exactly how the game concludes you push you push you push you push and uh boom now we have to play a few more moves the play they play until checkmate so you are not too different than 3600 level engines let's go to the second game uh in the second game um we are now at game 25 okay this is game 25 of this match uh stockfish has a two-game lead so four wins for stockfish two wins for leela uh now leela's got the white pieces and we have a french defense okay we have a terrace variation of a french defense and book was played for a while here but b5 is like some weird stuff um i i've never seen the move b5 in my life the point is that if you play bishop takes b5 in this position black can very quickly line up some attack on you and the center and uh maybe not so great so b5 is interesting i i'll i'll admit i have i've never seen b5 in my life i've only seen knight c6 no after this i'm gonna go take a look at what that's all about queen b6 so now leela castles obviously and begins a very typical operation against the french defense so for example if you can play like this white is almost already just completely winning because the queen side is frozen and you have such an overwhelming structural advantage and space advantage over here even if the king stays in the middle you're just gonna smash on f5 right so what does black do black takes on d4 and just has to take a pawn for good measure and get out of there so stockfish grabs the d-pawn backs up to b6 pawn advantages is one thing but remember folks when you leave engines unattended what are they gonna do what like what's what's the only way that white can possibly improve their position now of course i mean of course h4 and of course h5 just h4h5 middle of the game h4h5 and now what is black gonna do i mean if black stays in the middle that's fine black is getting suffocated i might play h6 and try to break in on the dark squares so starfish decides no no i'm not gonna push my h-pawn but a few moves later it's like all right maybe i have to do what i have to do now you'll notice the double bishop setup stockfish had that last game the double bishop center center setup so for the cost of a pawn black is choking to death by virtue of their own structure right this normally is a pawn and equal material but even with the bishop the only play that stockfish has is getting this knight to c4 right so queen e3 is i just said that right so now rook c8 and the only way to activate the pieces rook c4 it sacrifices an exchange that's actually a very human concept you give up the exchange to open up the bishop and actually black might be chilling if that gets opened up because now you've activated a full piece to control the whole side of the board so of course what do we do knight to g4 and by the way that's another benefit of moving your h-pawn you always have this knight h2 knight g4 same side castling attacking idea but what did i tell you about these engines they use the faint of the attack like in mixed martial arts to cause a reaction from their opponent to just go super passive right bishop f8 queen g5 and what they're gonna do is find a way to transform the position f4 queen h5 go ahead take a second pawn stockfish take a second pawn knight look at this this is hanging this is hanging this is hanging if you play queen takes e2 which is what's played in the game i grab myself a rook material balance has been restored but you still have this bishop on b7 the french bishop right and now f5 i told you that attack was gonna come through rookie won and now we tr what we trade yes because we have this we have the one pawn breakthrough we leave our knight there at the back right because it still hits everything horses in the back perfect example fe rookie six and black is just too scattered black just doesn't have enough space to consolidate everything but this is stock fish so it finds a way king g8 now we trade hello i hid everything in here and now i have to win this end game so first i'm gonna block your kingside pawns then i'm gonna start bringing my king in the middle of the fight i gotta bring my king but stockfish is bringing its pieces too sacrificing this pawn to create a passer to distract white's pieces king e7 bishop c5 oh now my light squad bishop's gonna get active you can go ahead and take on a6 with check i am not afraid you could take this with check two i am not afraid i need to activate my bishop i need to activate all my pieces no trade i'm good no trade no trade oh you got my rook yeah you might you might actually get yeah yep that's a problem and um look at this just leaves the pawn here it doesn't even care it's that pawn's not going through bishop back to g1 and who's gonna go for the fight the king and i told you these engines are so good at finding a way through in these positions rook to e3 blocking your own bishop because your king now saves the pawn a4 using the two on one on that side now activates the rook look at this i'm gonna go for the g6 pawn oh you think you could protect it that's adorable cause now you have no moves you're gonna have to give me g2 you are so passive you're gonna have to give me one of these pawns i'm there we go that's pawn number one i'm going why did stockfish do that you might ask well the question is what would stockfish do period okay let's say like rookie four like king d7 or something i'm gonna walk my king like now that you have no g-pawn it's not really scary so instead of that stockfish gives away material to try to find a fortress it's looking for a fortress consolidating all its pieces leela just walks the king into the position the king is on the way to pick up the rent money and of course the rook is gonna be the difference maker because it's the most powerful piece and finally it's time to use the rook and slowly but surely the king walks in the pawn walks in look at that look at that break on the other side of the board too um and like i said they play until checkmate or until a completely decisive advantage and leela gets this one so lila sacrifices a couple of pawns transforms the middle game advantageously to a rook and minor piece end game uses the final pawn breakthrough to get in hunts down the only weakness or the only liability of the position which is the g2 pawn by bringing the king in a loop back around making the blight squared bishop go all the way passive winning the pawn and then walking the king back out i mean it's absolutely fascinating stuff okay let's take a look at game uh the third game that i'd like to show you which is game i have like my little guide here because i wanted to get all the facts right i put in a lot of work for these videos by the way i hope i hope you're enjoying yourself 15 minutes into it this is game number 43 they played a 100 game match did i say that at the beginning i don't know but they played a 100 game match this is game number 43 at this point stockfish has six wins leela has three so the margin is expanding but not so drastically it's like three games um six wins three draws uh sorry six wins three wins uh and this is game number 43. uh leela begins with d4 this time and we have something known as the slav defense so like i said they just play a lot of openings some dubious some not um this is a normal slav and here rather than taking on c4 we have shabanango we have a6 love now a6 is an interesting one you kind of want to take and then play b5 a4 is the line here there's a lot of lines uh there really are a lot of lines and white plays c5 c5 is the way that normally white will justify advancing because normally this can become a weakness with b6 but black has already played a6 so this doesn't make much sense because now you just create dark squared weaknesses so that's why you would play c5 and then black is going to trade off the light squared bishop because the light square bishop sucks we've seen the light square bishop become a problem in many of these positions so obviously knight to e5 now this has actually all been seen before as dumb as this looks this is the way black justifies defending this pawn with this rook and later on you'll trade off this knight then you will actually play b6 hopefully and this rope might even swing over but the tricky thing for black is how the hell do you develop your pieces right so g6 bishop g7 is the way stockfish chooses to play this position when leela had this position with black leela immediately traded on d7 and stockfish castled short to try to get its advantage going why do i say that because in this game leela decides to play f3 and then go like this castling long so leela's down for a for a fist fight all right leela's mad leela's down six four six three leela's gotta fight so castle's castles which means that obviously now that you have castled on opposite sides you've got to play the move h for it nope you need to play against your opponent's play so we're not going to let that b6 break happen there is another break and that break is e5 but actually this is not bad normally you want to close center when you're about to create an attack but lilo thinks you know what i'm just gonna go g4 this is a nice piece i'm playing against the light squared bishop remember the light squared bishop throughout this game i keep telling you these engines find ways to shut down the position on three sides for the other and isolate one piece okay so keep this bishop bishop g7 h2 what yeah cause actually leela has no ideas yet to just storm right you could play h4 that's the human move here h4h5 but leela's like you know what i feel like if black plays bishop c8 knight d7 maybe goes for b6 maybe goes knight e5 i'm not so sure i'm convinced of my attack i'm gonna play h3 and trade the dark squared bishop i'm going to trade the dark souls we're going full positional here stockfish brings the queen to e7 now now and only now am i going to create this attack because i've gotten rid of the dark squared bishop knight d7 everything that's coming right and here's a fascinating move uh h6 it's not as fascinating for the purpose of queen g7 mate i don't think that stockfish is going to blunder that but it's more fascinating for the fact that lilo understands that in all end games now you've created really bad weaknesses for black if either of those two pawns gets captured the game is over in the end game because even if you sacrifice on that square you're just gonna promote so e4 breaking in the middle and opening the position for your opponent like de4 what did leela have in mind here either to take or maybe to play rook e1 and open up this which would result in potentially just winning the game right the king is on the same line so uh stockfish decides not to open the center so leela's like well i'm gonna do it now i'm gonna slide my king to b1 so here's the thing the more pieces we trade the more weaknesses you're now left with d5 is a weakness a5 is a weakness b7 is weakness my weakness is here but i'm going to spend my position defending it and now look at this bishop b5 because normally you want to kick me out you can't you've already committed your pawn to a5 i'm going to trade this bishop for something if i can i'm going to trade this bishop for something if i can i told you to try to keep in mind this bishop now what stockfish did here is to try to create a little path to g6 here's the problem for stockfish i'm just gonna move my king out of the way i'm not really afraid of you now if you play bishop to f7 you gotta you've got a problem piece here you got a problem piece f6 is gonna be weak i'm gonna take f6 this doesn't come with a check anymore on my king so you're not winning my queen so king a1 understanding that that's coming now rookie eight rook h1 and there's just no time if you play bishop to f7 i'm going to try to break apart your pawns so instead we put the queen here and the bishop here now rook d4 i told you this whole game is gonna be played against that bishop but not just against that bishop all right because look at this look at night c4 what a beautiful way to bring the knight back into the game you can't take so the rook has to move now rook d2 and we bring the knight back like this we didn't like where this knight was we're gonna bring this knight back slowly and why is my watch vibrating okay got it i gotta stand up i'll stand up but i'll stand up after the video it's cool watch knight f1 knight f1 knight g3 the knight's gone from b6 to f1 to g3 right and now at some point it's probably gonna go somewhere too where's it going oh oh to d4 so as stockfish boosters all of its pawns desperately looking for counter play leela's now given up the h pawn completely to open up the h file and take on a4 let's not forget that queenside pawn is there and now folks we have the perfect end game we're just completely suffocating black we threatened the attack we traded off the dark squared bishop black had to create some counter play with pawn breaks like this one right looking for something nope just now h6 h7 king h8 and uh the rest of this game is borderline torture so i'm going to keep clicking the forward button no rook trade by the way kind of interesting white needs enough pieces on the board to still create checkmating attacks so how's white going to win okay we have a queen side infiltration look at look at this both sides ran to the queen side now oh whoa whoa whoa why are we trading well we're trading cause uh we have the winning advantage here they say well why didn't you just trade the rooks then why didn't you just do this it's a there's a difference there's a difference maybe the queens by themselves aren't as guaranteed of a victory maybe leela trades the queens because rooks are not good defensively against the pawn avalanche you get what i'm saying if queens were on the board this wouldn't be so possible but now you just use your remaining pawns how simple is this how simple is this i mean you you can you can win this against stockton look what is white doing anything crazy just brings the king all the way look at this now we trade rogues because now the pawns are too far and now stockfish wants to trade on its own terms but it doesn't really matter because you're yeah just and then now the king comes back you bring your uh uh oh and now i'm gonna go back and get that pawn right we saw that last game too and look at this that's just disrespectful and if bishop takes c6 a5 and three on one is gonna win because you sack oh my that's just so brutal b7 and the game is over so uh a little flashy stuff there and the game ends with by look at this the game ends with not even b8 queen but c7 queen uh c7 c8 i mean it's a little bad manners there it's it's it's sacrificed look at this it was a stalemate trap if you take this it's a draw the computers have a sense of humor so that was how lilo won a couple of games i want to show you um the last uh the last two games of this video oh sorry this was um this was the game that i already showed you let's uh let's let's click this one we're fast forwarding to game number 66. so the score lines thus far have been just one draw that was game one four-two for stockfish six three for stockfish and now it's 10-5 for stockfish in game number 66. this is in the middle of a four-game uh winning streak for stockfish uh and stockfish did this several times actually leela never won two games in a row the entire match but we'll talk about that at the end stockfish won many games in a row multiple times so it has a five-game lead 10-5 with many draws d4 and a couple of times they would play the king's indian defense now the king's indian nowadays at engine play refuted i'm not kidding the king's indian defense in engine play is refuted it's borderline refuted at the super gm level like many times white will just get a totally winning position um because the king's indian the the allure of it used to be that just devastating kingside attack imbalance doesn't matter what the engine says and yeah but now engines just find different ways to refute the attack so stockfish goes for the same-ish variation with bishop g5 normally bishop to e3 is played bishop g5 is the second main line you you kind of bait the move h6 so then you can then go back and create a weakness you're not going to take on f6 that's not what you're doing so knight knight c6 is a move it's not the most popular move um this has all been seen before and here bishop d7 is just extremely rare uh it's far more common that black plays a6 with rook b8 and b5 but i think the engines were programmed with bishop d7 right because they were programmed with certain variation h4 h5 long castle and knight a5 this is black's entire point like i'm gonna play b5 create counter play over here uh white plays knight f4 because you gotta you gotta bring the you know you gotta bring the cavalry now the knight goes back the knight goes back because the knight has stopped guarding the center so now you have this potentially and sometimes you might even repeat uh and they do actually the players do repeat and then stockfish is like i'm not going to repeat moves because i'm a computer so i'm going to play a move that doesn't make any sense i'm going to play g4 so i'm going to sacrifice a pawn that it's not a move that i can make but i'm going to make it because i'm stockfish 14 mofos takes takes leela has a choice now between taking this with the bishop or the knight and it chooses it chooses neither it's like holy sh that's too scary i'm not going to take on g4 i'm going to go back to h7 so you can't play h5 because i'm going to take your bishop which you've left here you're stupid you're overextended i'm going to take on d4 that's very funny because i'm just going to play knight d5 so now again you cannot take on this square because knight to e7 you cannot play e6 because i take your queen so what are you gonna do eight okay now you are threatening to take you could have it you could have this bishop h6 e5 so now with with this move we have a few activations this is under pressure uh the oh sorry the queen is now open the rook is a little bit more open maybe if i take the rook is really going to be open so we have takes takes and remember what i told you about these engines they're so good at in the middle of an attack going you know what as a matter of fact i'm not going to play h5hg because maybe you'll create a fortress bring your knight back as a matter of fact i'm not gonna i'm gonna take your soul i'm not gonna checkmate you i'm going to take your soul good luck ever making a move after i play g5 where's this knight ever going what you go to f86 the second you bend in your king then i'm gonna play h5 so first i'm gonna play g5 oh you want some counter play that's adorable that's adorable that you want some counter play rook f1 i'm still constantly creating an illusion that there is going to be some attack maybe h5 oh queen side counter play right because you're desperate you understand that at any moment i could throw a knockout punch so you're gonna try to come in here right b4 what do we know about these engines they're so deceiving this is about to become the biggest possible endgame liability because at in a moment's notice i'm going to change the whole course of this game so rook g1 i'm still angling for an h5 at some moment if you if you're not careful right so a4 h5 there it is oh bishop h3 uh-huh rook f2 king g8 rook h2 like i'm on the verge it's about to be a knockout and yet i just come back i just come back to make sure that g5 is protected so your knight never makes it back into the game because if you try to activate this knight uh at some moment i will take and then i'll swarm you on the h file you're not you're never gonna get out so bishop b6 rook h1 king g7 knight f2 still bringing my pieces aha that's all i needed now you're frozen on the queen side so the b pawn is a huge weakness if you play c5 going yeah i have connect four now d5 is a big weakness and you'll never break in the center and once i know that you'll never break in the center it's time to attack you and now knight f5 check what g takes g6 and then the queen comes in rook comes in at a moment's notice everything can fall apart for black's king so since since that is always there black still needs to defend and what black does here is try to call the bluff take some g5 stockfish is like you sure you sure about this okay takes takes takes takes i don't have a mate but let's play knight d3 trade okay rook g8 but what about your b-pawn now if you don't play rg8 i go knight f5 and i probably mate you in a few moves or i go e5 i open up my bishop i probably like for example knight to e5 blocking out all my pieces kaboom queen h6 is basically a mate threat there's a little zigzag checkmate with the rook cutting you off it's game over so black needs to go here and lose the b-pawn lose the b-pawn but still this is under this is defended and this is under attack so what do we do eat what egg huh huh check king f8 queen b8 if king to e7 then check you cannot take uh-huh check and it's made very soon that's the difference between humans and computers a human plays e5 and is like bro i don't need to guard this what are you stupid now king f8 now this is potentially the most gangster move of the entire game right here from stockfish 14 of the match maybe try to find it you want to find it [Music] why why king c2 well rook g1 is never a check now and if you play still queen takes e3 i have the same thing king e7 what takes takes right uh-huh check uh-huh here here you see if the king was on b1 check king c2 rook c1 is a mate but because the king is here you don't have a tempo winning move you can't go rook g1 that's the whole point of king c2 it's insanity it's completely insane rook g3 takes the knight is still hanging rookie three check check and now once you think you've settled everything no boom boom boom uh oh bishop b4 we still gonna get an end game the computer's not satisfied winning this with the rook it's like hey i like how the computers bm you know they lit they literally do it's crazy look at this move look at bishop to f5 to try to go d7 you can't take because there's no way to stop it that's crazy just d7 and now king c3 and b4 and you're just going to win all the you don't even go for the a-bond you just push your c-pawn i'm telling you the computers here have a sense of humor it's wild stuff and uh and stockfish ends up winning and um like i said stockfish built up a massive lead i mean we're talking you know it was four two six three ten five stockfish took a um like a seven point lead it was thirteen six and uh actually the last game that i'm showing you uh is uh is stockfish already up 46-39 it already has one of its biggest leads of the entire match um and lilo with the white pieces plays in english and they were playing the symmetrical at this point not the most interesting of openings but with an early a3 to try to play b4 this is a pretty well known system um here after e6 there is some variation where white sacrifices um on b4 and by the way it's not with the c pawn it's this move knight takes b4 this is pretty crazy this is kind of well known uh i don't exactly remember what the theory is here but there's like some line where for humans it's very tricky you can just lose this and by the way that's exactly what lila does uh but uh it might be something like this this and bish no not bishop a3 but like takes in bishop a3 and basically you know you just say i have this very powerful dark square bishop and this very powerful light square bishop but engines engines aren't afraid of this stuff by the way like knight f3 look at this move so just developing and now check and here now this could be very unpleasant for a human being stockfish now needs to defend this position it's not so simple to do it unless you're rated 3639 so stockfish just pushes its pawns it doesn't just it doesn't care about development okay let's get rid of your night okay um if you take take maybe a little bit unpleasant here suffocating so okay i'm just gonna bring my king and just keep pushing my bones this game is very wild g4 f6 knight back to d2 maybe go to c4 maybe protect the pawns maybe e4 f4 just it's all the pawns by the way i'm not kidding by the way i'm not kidding leela just literally launched everybody forward with the king here everybody now again as a human this actually kind of looks pretty scary with black engines really take the mystery out of some of these positions because the truth is if you don't push these pawns the right way and you're not going to get them through you might lose you might lose because when i open up the center you're going to have one two three four five six if this ever makes it to the center it's a very angry crowd of pieces right um so rook h7 bishop goes back and queen goes to b1 cause we're ready like i see these weaknesses i'm about to open things up right d5 so what does what does stockfish do in the face of danger bush is a pawn this whole game is like bull and matador i got so excited i spit hopefully you didn't see that but i just brought attention to it so h5 whole game is like bullet master rook g7 this doesn't even care let's go you wanna fight come on let's go come on okay g5 oh my god that's so scary leela takes the kitchen sink all humans would collapse here with black i mean it's just too much to calculate blackfish is like okay we're k5 rookie what you could take this this this this and you play rook to a5 this what rook to a5 and now leela's like i'm going to take this bishop deflect the queen boom that's it i've made it through sorry just like and what's next he was like oh i got you king to h1 because now i'm going to try to break in on the on on the uh on the g file and talk which is like all right it's time to show you why i played rook a5 i'm gonna give you my rook you have to take it you can't let my rook activate itself now i have three pawns e4 c4 e5 c3 now that your bishop is closed off the next thing to do is to get your queen out of there or just win your bishop completely now again it's still a little bit of a scary position with queen g6 you know again if you push the wrong pawn you really could get yourself into some trouble here on the g file or something but this is stockfish we're talking about so it goes here f5 we're like just there but here comes the counter play queen c4 d3 and pawn takes f5 and potentially the most gangster move of the entire game rook takes pawn and stockfish is like look leela it's adorable that you thought you ever could attack me take my rook it's over bishop d4 king cheese i only need three pieces look do you realize how many pawn stockfish is up stockfish is up one two three four five six six pawns it has a six pawn advantage six pawn advantage for a rook so it's actually up material rook f3 bishop e5 and stockfish ends this game in style with b2 queen h4 queen e1 and another queen promotion and the craziest thing is if you take this queen check here check leads to a mate that's actually exactly what happens and uh all the pieces fall the queen falls and several moves later black checkmates white and let it be known that this was the only game of the entire hundred game match that black won black won one game i think white won 24 games or something uh black won one game this was the game and after this leela also lost four games with black it just lost with white lee lost four games with black to lose the match uh by a final margin of 12 games stockfish won 19 games and lila won seven so 56 44 was the final score these games were absolutely nuts but the defining factor of a lot of these games first of all some of these openings just don't work the french defense just doesn't work some of these slop defense variations where you're suffocating from the opening really don't work you desperately have to hang on for a draw and the truth is that with optimal play it seems like uh chess is either a draw which they had many of or white gets a lot of winning advantages now the good thing is it doesn't matter because i don't understand any of this stuff and trust me if you are a triple digit or a rare double-digit elo player you don't have to worry about any of this you just watch like in a museum like wow okay i'm gonna go back to my normal life that's the way this works anyway i hope you enjoyed i know you all like engine games if you made it this far in the video thank you so much for the support of nearly 40 minutes peace out get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 1,141,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alphazero, alphazero agadmator, alphazero vs stockfish, alphazero stockfish, alpha zero, alpha zero chess, alphazero chess, alpha zero vs stockfish, alphazero vs magnus carlsen, magnus carlsen alphazero, alphazero magnus carlsen, alphazero vs human, alphazero vs stockfish 12, leela chess, leela chess zero, stockfish, stockfish 13, stockfish 12, stockfish vs alphazero, stockfish vs magnus carlsen, stockfish vs leela, leela, lc0 stockfish, stockfish lc0, tcec, tcec chess
Id: E64uJvxiGpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 5sec (2285 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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